Re: [Google Maps API For Flash] Re: multiple map engine

2012-01-10 Thread Daniel
Have you looked at mvc 3. This is far superior to anything. You have
complete encapsulation of everything.

The huge benifit of c# is it is used in programming a desktop app or web
app or silverlight.

It isn't a one compiler compiles all its a one language fits all compliers.
Plus you can use free media servers because it is built in to iis7.

Using flash sounds cool but really you look yourself into a corner. The
base of web apps is HTML and mvc specifically uses html5 if you

With flash you have no abstraction between the display method. If you need
to switch from flash your done.

Mvc uses HTML for display so if you want to switch to PHP you keep your
markup and redo logic.

Once you get started in MVC you are going to think why did I waste my time.
Go to my site and submit a form with your email and ill give you a few
tutorials to get started on mvc and Bing maps. Anyone who wants help with
any of them can do the same. It will take me a little to add a new page but
it will be
 On Jan 10, 2012 10:35 AM, artisan wrote:

  You sound like a smart programmer.

 Heh - lambda calculus chewed me up and spat me out :). I guess that's
 what I get for using imperative languages for eons.

  I would just get rid of the flash Google
  map and build a interface to use a JavaScript interface to controlled the

 That's one possibility I've thought about. The other is going with
 OpenScales. Or just ditching it all and doing a rewrite in ASP and C#.
 I'm really loathe to give up itemrenderers however - there is no other
 language that I know of that supports this idiom directly.

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Re: [Google Maps API For Flash] Re: multiple map engine

2012-01-08 Thread Jonathan Wagner
I am in a similar boat with some clients that utilizing the flash API, I 
was fortunate enough to tell them they would need to switch to javascript 
in the future. While it would take some work, I could move to another flash 
based API within the application. If the client is blaming you for 
something Google did, I am pretty sure you don't want that client anyways.

Also comparing a back-end server language is not the same as a connected 
online API. If you read through bing's map TOS it reads almost identically 
to the Google TOS. They can cancel services, they are not liable etc.. 
etc.. Also in scale of course would have higher quality support 
then the flash maps api, in the same way the google javascript API has 
better support, it's about resources. I am pretty sure if you're using a 
microsoft product that very few people use, you're not going to get the 
same quality of support as you would with

I haven't done any form of bench marking yet, but V3 seems fast. Also here 
is a link to the article

It sucks you lost a client, however I would be hesitant of judging Google 
based just on the flash maps API depreciation. It's a big company, not 
everyone at it decided they wanted to depreciate the flash maps API.

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Re: [Google Maps API For Flash] Re: multiple map engine

2012-01-08 Thread Daniel
I didn't lose any clients. I'm just explaining how the method that they
used to depreciate the map was horrific and I am sure it will affect many
relationships with clients. You can't blame a client that paid $10,000 to
get an application built that only works for a few years before it needs to
be redone. After 1 year they should be working on version 2 not starting on
a new version 1 again. Or all the people that built Android apps with
Google Maps using the Flash API because Google said they were expanding
support. Now devolpers have a real expensive text file with AS3 code
sitting on their computer.

Yes Bing can kill the map at anytime but they are a company that strives on
developers. They aren't going to kill something unless it is absolutely
useless. IE6 lasted forever and XP is still supported for security updates.

I wasn't referring to ASP.NET the framework I was talking about the website that provides help for ASP.NET and other things like Jquery. But
that is my point, Microsoft's business is to create tools for developers.
They sell them to both the server company and the programmer. Google wants
you to make enough stuff that they can use so the can make money off of it.
Microsoft is way more likely to kill something slowly and fairly then
Google is.

Your point about Bing the search engine still doesn't show Microsoft is a
sinking ship. They are spending millions to attract new advertisers and
build a search engine. They are expanding their business and it costs
money. But again that is my point they are a company that favors developers
not a marketing company that uses developers.

On Jan 8, 2012 9:10 AM, Jonathan Wagner wrote:

 I am in a similar boat with some clients that utilizing the flash API, I
 was fortunate enough to tell them they would need to switch to javascript
 in the future. While it would take some work, I could move to another flash
 based API within the application. If the client is blaming you for
 something Google did, I am pretty sure you don't want that client anyways.

 Also comparing a back-end server language is not the same as a connected
 online API. If you read through bing's map TOS it reads almost identically
 to the Google TOS. They can cancel services, they are not liable etc..
 etc.. Also in scale of course would have higher quality support
 then the flash maps api, in the same way the google javascript API has
 better support, it's about resources. I am pretty sure if you're using a
 microsoft product that very few people use, you're not going to get the
 same quality of support as you would with

 I haven't done any form of bench marking yet, but V3 seems fast. Also here
 is a link to the article

 It sucks you lost a client, however I would be hesitant of judging Google
 based just on the flash maps API depreciation. It's a big company, not
 everyone at it decided they wanted to depreciate the flash maps API.

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Re: [Google Maps API For Flash] Re: multiple map engine

2012-01-08 Thread artisan
That's where I'm headed. Hopefully I can repurpose the code to take 
advantage of some of the hard-won functionality I've built - such as an 
empirical function that maps a scale derived from the screen coordinates of 
an arbitrary bounding box to a Google map scale. Or the Gudermannian 
function that maps a y-axis screen coordinate to the appropriate latitude.

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Re: [Google Maps API For Flash] Re: multiple map engine

2012-01-08 Thread Daniel
It uses c# but asp.nets mvc3 is pretty useful. It maybe a good option if
your not in a huge hurry. It would take about a week to get a hang of it
but it offers more than using flash.

You can access your data no matter what type it is(sql xml collections)
using the exact same code with the entity framework and it will never go
On Jan 8, 2012 12:46 PM, artisan wrote:

 Uh, not if I switch APIs, which is probably where I'm headed.

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Re: [Google Maps API For Flash] Re: multiple map engine

2012-01-07 Thread Daniel
Considering that the Google API is done I would scrap all of the Google
code even if it did work.
On Jan 7, 2012 11:07 AM, Richard wrote:

 Legality aside, how could the Map API know if you are tiling


 On Jan 5, 7:52 am, artisan wrote:
  I've developed a dynamic multiple mapping engine using an advanced
  datagrid and a custom item renderer as the key technology components (see
  the attachment). My problem is that if I try to dynamically add / remove
  maps from the datagrid, the gc doesn't keep up and the memory usage grows
  until the browser hangs. My solution - create a single (invisible) google
  map instance and swap in overlay images appropriate to each cell in the
  datagrid and then copy the resultant image into each cell with a call to
  bitmapdata. To my chagrin, I've discovered that doing something this
  innocent probably violates the TOS - which, in turn, is probably why I
  an empty datagrid when I run this app on the 'net. I need help here,
  otherwise I'm going to have to scrape every last byte of Google
  out of my code and go with... OpenScales?

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Re: [Google Maps API For Flash] Re: multiple map engine

2012-01-07 Thread Jonathan Wagner
I understand you are angry about them depreciating the flash api, but 2 
years is a long time in technology. I am sure you can find some angry 
cobalt developers. Also I don't know where this illusion about microsoft 
comes from, they have dumped tons of projects, want to talk about a sinking 
ship, their online division is currently bleeding a billion dollars a 
quarter. In reference to their apis, the google Javascript API has always 
been under development and predates the flash API significantly.

Yes Pamela Fox was exceptional, and she was very unique, but when I talked 
with her at Google IO even she said, no one uses the flash API when I asked 
why the flash API wasn't getting styled maps at the same time. This is 
technology dude, if you think microsoft is any different you're 
really delusional. You might not be aware of this but Google's flash API 
was actually acquired from the same guys which gave bing it's first flash 
support (umapper).

Two years is more then enough time for a depreciation period, and who knows 
there might be a good reason for them to pull it out of depreciation. 
Whenever you use third party anything there is always the chance that this 
could happen. I will admit, that I do think the depreciation was brought on 
about 1-2 years too early, ces't la vie. All my future projects are using 
the Google Javascript API, I am not really concerned about depreciation of 
that API, and so far it looks like their quotas will actually be cheaper 
then bing's.

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