Re: Please move...

2009-05-15 Thread Marc Syp

Looks like the move is inevitable, so I'm gonna talk straight about
the new site... no pulling punches because I know you guys can take
it.  :-)

. The text is FAR too big on my browser (Firefox 3.0.10).   A whole
lot of scrolling just to get to the 5th message.  I have to drop down
a text size just to get the menu items to fit on one line.  Likewise,
the news items on the side just stack up on top of each other because
they don't have enough room to breathe.  It seems that the column
sizes are exceptionally narrow (it's only using a 1/3rd of my
screen)... a combination of widening the text area and dropping down
the text size on the headings would make the whole page a lot cleaner
and easier to read.  An auto-sizing page would be ideal.

. Is there a way to migrate the files en masse to the new site?  It
would be a shame to lose a bunch of the useful ones just because
someone wasn't around to help out with the move.  Of course, the list
could also use a bit of pruning...

. Now that I mention it, it would be helpful to add a Grasshopper
Challenge section where people who are looking for help can post
their broken files.  We don't want a whole bunch of how do I loft 3
shapes together files clogging up the examples section.  :-)

. Check out -  there's not a lot of material, but they
have good ideas about sample files and the layout is pretty clean...
It would be helpful to have 1) an option to upload a JPG that can be
used as the patch's thumbnail, and 2) a field where the uploader can
add which version the patch was created in, especially because future
releases have the potential to cause incompatibilities with older

Anyway, I know you've guys have got your hands full making the actual
program better every day, but these improvements would go a long way
to creating a rich user forum experience.


On May 15, 6:32 pm, Bob McNeel wrote:
 The new site is up and

 Please move any files you would like to keep over to the new site.

 We try to shut this forum down in the next few days.


  - Bob

Re: No Multithreading?? :(

2009-05-14 Thread Marc Syp
. We are using OpenMP in
   Rhino 5, but my guess is that in most cases where OpenMP helps Rhino
   is already so fast you won't be able to tell the difference very

   To get your head deep into the topic, pick up a copy of Using OpenMP
   from MIT Press.

   On May 13, 8:48 pm, damien_alomar wrote:

I'm not sure what you're hopes were based on, but AFAIK there are no
multithreading additions for v5 or Grasshopper.  Doesn't really matter
what kind of system you have as its something that requires the
attention of the Rhino developers and David.  Last I asked (many
months ago), David said that he attempted to try out some
multithreading with GH, but had a lot of problems managing threads and
a number of issues with some SDK functions not being thread safe.
Unfortunately the response from McNeel on multithreading has been
practically non-existent with the only official word being that
none of the functions in Rhino lend themselves to
multithreading (loose quote there).  I personally don't buy that, but
I'm just a lay person and that's really a discussion for another


On May 13, 5:17 pm, Marc Syp wrote:

 So I installed Rhino 5 today in the hopes that it would allow my GH to
 multithread, but alas my dual-core still maxes out at 50%... I'm
 running 32-bit.  Is that the problem??  We have 64-bit machines at
 work but I don't want to go through the lengthy and politically
 dangerous process of commandeering one of them if I will have the same

 Will I find a multi-threading solution soon?  I find that I am limited
 in GH only by access to more processing power, and it makes me very
 sad...  :(

 Marc- Hide quoted text -

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Re: Create set of branches from list

2009-05-13 Thread Marc Syp

You can also do it without scripting using Number Series, Interval/
Data at List Index, and the List Subset components based on your UV


On May 13, 12:39 pm, David Rutten wrote:
 Hi Farley,

 you're not overlooking the obvious. We are still lacking many
 components that allow you to modify and create tree structures. Until
 these components have been added 0.5 will remain the official public

 What you want can be done using a VB component. See this 

 The code inside the VB component is:

   Sub RunScript(ByVal x As List(Of Object), ByVal N As Integer)
     Dim tree As New DataTree(Of Object)

     Dim count  As Int32 = -1
     Dim branch As Int32 = 0

     For i As Int32 = 0 To x.Count - 1
       count += 1
       If (count = N) Then
         count = 0
         branch += 1
       End If

       Dim path As New EH_Path(branch)

       tree.Add(x(i), path)

     A = tree
   End Sub

 David Rutten
 Robert McNeel  Associates

Re: Making a diagonal grid out of a rectangular grid

2009-05-13 Thread Marc Syp

By the way, I solved this problem by creating the set of interpolated
curves (with offending segments), exploding them, using a function to
compare the length of each segment against the length of the smallest
segment, and then culling the offending segments (which are always
much longer than the proper point to point connections).  Processor
intensive, me thinks, but it works.  FYI.


On May 3, 1:31 pm, Marc Syp wrote:

 I am using a point grid from a surface for a part of a larger project,
 and I need to reorder this grid of points to also get all of the lines
 that connect on a diagonal.  I have tried a handful of different
 sorting algorithms using List shifting, number series, etc.  Anyway,
 this is the closest I can get.  Unfortunately, I get the diagonal
 points in groups of 30 (or sometimes 29) but they need to be broken up
 further so I can separate the cross bars from each other.  As of now I
 have to bake, explode, delete offending segments, rejoin, and then go
 from there.  I would like to be able to separate into proper paths and
 use Interpolate Points Crv on this without baking and adjusting
 first.  I started mapping the values to see if I could get a number
 series Subset logic going, but this one has got me stumped because
 some paths need to be broken into 2 pieces and others into 3.

 Please take a look.  Any ideas?  Maybe this is completely the wrong
 approach?  I tried a couple other approaches but didn't even get this
 far.  I feel like I'm missing something simple.


No Multithreading?? :(

2009-05-13 Thread Marc Syp

So I installed Rhino 5 today in the hopes that it would allow my GH to
multithread, but alas my dual-core still maxes out at 50%... I'm
running 32-bit.  Is that the problem??  We have 64-bit machines at
work but I don't want to go through the lengthy and politically
dangerous process of commandeering one of them if I will have the same

Will I find a multi-threading solution soon?  I find that I am limited
in GH only by access to more processing power, and it makes me very
sad...  :(


Re: GH + Rhino 5

2009-05-08 Thread Marc Syp

Wow.  Nice machine.

Too bad about the 2 cores issue.  I had big dreams of running huge GH
definitions with realtime updates...  anyone know why there is a 2-
core limitation and whether this will be addressed sometime soon in
the era of multicore processing?  It seems like there are so many
multicore machines being produced now but only a handful of apps that
utilize them properly.

That reminds me, I have a general question about multicore
processing... Is it possible in any way to exclude a core from a
certain program's processes?  I'm thinking specifically of vray, to
exclude one or two cores (depending on how many you have) so that it's
possible to do other tasks safely while rendering...


On May 8, 1:18 am, autarchy wrote:
 From what I gather, most CAD apps only work on 2 cores (except for
 render processing).  I ran a few heavy definitions + VB scripts in GH
 with only 2 cores out of 8 bumped.  Same goes for Rhinoscript even
 though they were both maxing out at times :XP x64 SP2 / 2 x X5472 @
 3.00GHz / 16GB FB-DIMM / Quadro 4500 FX

Re: shift branch (basic tree question)

2009-05-08 Thread Marc Syp

Visose, FrankS -

I've found that sometimes if my path structure changes the resulting
data no longer matches properly with data carried over from other
parts of the definition.  I think this is perhaps the problem that
FrankS is experiencing.  In those cases I have found that doing the
same operation on the other set of data works to match their paths up
again.  For instance, if you've shifted your data and need to
reconnect it to the original data, you can put in a dummy shift for
the original data.  That is, use the actual shift method given by
visose above, and then use it again on the same data but with an index
of 0, so that the data order stays the same but receives an addition
level of path structure.  Your new shifted data will now match the
original data, and you should be able to do whatever operation you
intended on the matched set.

I have to admit that this is a bit of a cobbled up workaround, and I'm
having a hard time understanding how path components should work so
that this kind of thing wouldn't be necessary.  But for now it works.


On May 8, 12:45 pm, visose wrote:
 what are you trying to do that you need them to be the same? maybe
 there's another way around it.

 On May 8, 11:49 am, frankS wrote:

  ok, i am stuck again.
  visose, taking a closer look at your suggestion i found out that i end
  up with a sligthly different structure.

  (0;0;1) will be converted to (0;0;0;1) and so on.
  accordingly, shifting this way will add on level of tree hierarchy.
  anyway to avoid this?


  On May 6, 12:36 pm, frankS wrote:

   wow, thanks visose for so much fast replies!
   i didn't figure the param viewer was useful for anything more than
   it makes path structure accessible/manageable. great!
   maybe it should change its name a bit to give a better hint.
   first suggestion: param viewer/handler
   would this make sense?

   On May 6, 12:18 pm, visose wrote:

No need to flatten, besides that method will only work if you have one
item per branch. You can use the param viewer and tree branch
components to achieve 

On May 6, 11:59 am, frankS wrote:

 i am trying to shift branch structure, since there this no such
 component, i try it the following way:
 flatten the structure,
 shift the list,
 graft a new stucture from the shifted list...

 starting with a structure containing 3 paths

 after grafting it ends up with


 any idea how to rearrange this creating the same structure again?
 simplifiy doesn't seam to help...
 any advise much appreciated.
 frank- Hide quoted text -

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Re: interpolaing between two points with tangency

2009-05-08 Thread Marc Syp

I can tell you all that GH 0.6 is a different world and you should
install it immediately.  I was waiting at first to see if it would be
stable enough (because I use GH for my job job and need it to be
reliable), but I can tell you that it's more than stable and the
benefits of 0.6 over 0.5 are incredible...


On May 8, 2:55 pm, boctom wrote:

 This could be really usafull
 I just can't find this BiArc
 Think it's a new component in GH 6
 I'm going to install it right now
 Let me know if I'm wrong

Image Color Approximation in VB.NET

2009-05-08 Thread Marc Syp

Hey guys... I am trying to find a way to take a JPG image and reduce
it to an approximation made by a specific number of colors.  I found
the following text which seems to be in the right direction.  Is this
something I can do in VB.NET with a Custom Import?  I would like to
use the dithering option.  How would I go about constructing this in


Bug report: Canvas update when deleting in manual update mode

2009-05-08 Thread Marc Syp

David -

Just to let you know about a quirky problem I've been having...
perhaps others are having it as well but haven't reported it because
it doesn't really hinder performance.

Anyway, when I am working on a fairly large definition and I have
Grasshopper causes automatic updates OFF, I find that when I delete
something from the canvas, it doesn't actually disappear until I take
some GUI action like zooming or panning the canvas.  Like I said, it's
not a real functional problem, it's more of a quirk.  Anyway, perhaps
someone can confirm this?

It happens on my dual-core laptop with Nvidia 256M graphics card.


Most common workarounds that need components

2009-05-05 Thread Marc Syp

Hi all.  How about a survey.

We all must do certain tasks over and over again that require in some
cases extensive workarounds because a component doesn't exist.  What
workaround do you use most often?

A few that I would love to see turned into components:

1) Map values to user-defined domain.  Begone foul functions!
2) Filter/Weave component: ability to accept multiple gate values and
filter by index value. I have two streams of identical length.  I want
to filter this into one stream of the same original length but by
picking values in a binary fashion by index number.  That is give a
list of 0,1,0,1,1,1,etc values that determine the piece of data chosen
for index positions 0,1,2,3,4,5, respectively.  As of now I have to
generate cull patterns to eliminate unwanted data and then use the
Weave component.  It seems to me that the Filter stream component
should accept multiple gate indices and use this one value per index
3) Shift branch - A component that works like the Shift List component
but works on entire branches.   I find myself using a workaround for
this all the time... which involves a lot of flattening, number
series, subsets, and regrouping and/or path extraction and list
4) Split data into paths - You want to divide the flat list of 15
values into 5 sets of 3.  No problem, but it involves creating two
number series, a list of intervals, and subsets.  I would love a
component where you just plug in the list and the group size list as a
repeating mask.  In this case, 3.  The component takes the first 3
values and makes it a path, the next three values and makes it a path,
etc, until the list runs out.  Alternatively, you could provide a
series of numbers that work as a repeating set.  3,4,5 would create
paths with N=3, N=4, N=5, N=3, N=4, N=5, N=3, etc, until the list runs
out.  Good, no?
5) Lists within lists.  I think you know what I'm talking about.
Breaking down lists into flattening, making subsets, doing an
operation, and then rebuilding the original path structure based on
list length components farther back in the tree.  Lists of lists would
make this so much dreamier.

Other little wishes:

1) Duplicate data: option to generate new paths for each duplicated
data set
2) Override icon preview: really helpful for Parameter, and VBScript
nodes, especially. I love icon view but hate that I have to live with
the icons for parameters and script buttons without differentiation.

There are a few others that I'm forgetting, but perhaps someone can
add some to this thread as well.


GH + Rhino 5

2009-05-05 Thread Marc Syp

Anyone using GH with Rhino 5 beta?
How is the performance?
Is it truly multithreaded?
Any appreciable diffferences between 32- and 64-bit?


Re: Most common workarounds that need components

2009-05-05 Thread Marc Syp

I agree with this completely.


On May 5, 7:38 pm, Andrew Heumann wrote:
 I would love a sort of copy data tree structure component that
 accepted two lists and placed the data from the first into a data tree
 structure exactly the same as that of the second. Anything to make
 assigning custom data structures to existing sets of data easier would
 be an enormous help.


 On May 5, 9:54 am, Marc Syp wrote:

  Hi all.  How about a survey.

  We all must do certain tasks over and over again that require in some
  cases extensive workarounds because a component doesn't exist.  What
  workaround do you use most often?

  A few that I would love to see turned into components:

  1) Map values to user-defined domain.  Begone foul functions!
  2) Filter/Weave component: ability to accept multiple gate values and
  filter by index value. I have two streams of identical length.  I want
  to filter this into one stream of the same original length but by
  picking values in a binary fashion by index number.  That is give a
  list of 0,1,0,1,1,1,etc values that determine the piece of data chosen
  for index positions 0,1,2,3,4,5, respectively.  As of now I have to
  generate cull patterns to eliminate unwanted data and then use the
  Weave component.  It seems to me that the Filter stream component
  should accept multiple gate indices and use this one value per index
  3) Shift branch - A component that works like the Shift List component
  but works on entire branches.   I find myself using a workaround for
  this all the time... which involves a lot of flattening, number
  series, subsets, and regrouping and/or path extraction and list
  4) Split data into paths - You want to divide the flat list of 15
  values into 5 sets of 3.  No problem, but it involves creating two
  number series, a list of intervals, and subsets.  I would love a
  component where you just plug in the list and the group size list as a
  repeating mask.  In this case, 3.  The component takes the first 3
  values and makes it a path, the next three values and makes it a path,
  etc, until the list runs out.  Alternatively, you could provide a
  series of numbers that work as a repeating set.  3,4,5 would create
  paths with N=3, N=4, N=5, N=3, N=4, N=5, N=3, etc, until the list runs
  out.  Good, no?
  5) Lists within lists.  I think you know what I'm talking about.
  Breaking down lists into flattening, making subsets, doing an
  operation, and then rebuilding the original path structure based on
  list length components farther back in the tree.  Lists of lists would
  make this so much dreamier.

  Other little wishes:

  1) Duplicate data: option to generate new paths for each duplicated
  data set
  2) Override icon preview: really helpful for Parameter, and VBScript
  nodes, especially. I love icon view but hate that I have to live with
  the icons for parameters and script buttons without differentiation.

  There are a few others that I'm forgetting, but perhaps someone can
  add some to this thread as well.


Re: Most common workarounds that need components

2009-05-05 Thread Marc Syp

No need for all that.  In Scalar components, there is a Min-Max node.
Hook it up to your list and then extract the interval and voila, you
have both min and max values to play with.


On May 5, 7:42 pm, Andrew Heumann wrote:

 I get around this without scripting by:

 1. sorting the list, and taking the item at index=0 for the min
 2. reversing the sorted list and taking the item at index=0 for the

 On May 5, 12:37 pm, frankS wrote:

  1.1.) find min/max of all list values.

  i don't know if there is a smart way to find the lowest or highest
  value in a list.
  i use a vb-component (called list mapper) friendly shared by someone
  on this forum.


Making a diagonal grid out of a rectangular grid

2009-05-03 Thread Marc Syp

I am using a point grid from a surface for a part of a larger project,
and I need to reorder this grid of points to also get all of the lines
that connect on a diagonal.  I have tried a handful of different
sorting algorithms using List shifting, number series, etc.  Anyway,
this is the closest I can get.  Unfortunately, I get the diagonal
points in groups of 30 (or sometimes 29) but they need to be broken up
further so I can separate the cross bars from each other.  As of now I
have to bake, explode, delete offending segments, rejoin, and then go
from there.  I would like to be able to separate into proper paths and
use Interpolate Points Crv on this without baking and adjusting
first.  I started mapping the values to see if I could get a number
series Subset logic going, but this one has got me stumped because
some paths need to be broken into 2 pieces and others into 3.

Please take a look.  Any ideas?  Maybe this is completely the wrong
approach?  I tried a couple other approaches but didn't even get this
far.  I feel like I'm missing something simple.


Re: merge component nullifying inputs bug

2009-05-03 Thread Marc Syp

Yep, this bug is still there.  Another somewhat cleaner workaround is
to connect both streams to a parameter object (of the appropriate
type).  This is nice for when you need to connect that stream to a
large number of inputs...


On May 3, 3:06 pm, quantx wrote:
 yes, i have experienced the same problem. for example curves to be
 lofted coming from different flows. when merging through merge
 component some data gets nulled and respectively when this is passed
 to the loft it is not working as expected. when directly linking all
 individual flows to the loft component by pressing the shift key
 there is no problem.

Re: Can I change the background of gh to dark gray?

2009-05-03 Thread Marc Syp

What did you think of the Nadal-Djokovic final???

I guess I'm not the only one alternating between Grasshopper and the
BNL Masters.  I'm actually in Rome and tried to get tickets but I
didn't have enough time to track one down during the week... :P


On May 2, 4:27 pm, visose wrote:
  those 4 numbers represent alpha, red, green and blue (in that order).

 oops again. I actually changed the 4 values to 50. This reminds me not
 reply to this forum and try to watch a tennis match at the same time.

Re: second closest point

2009-05-03 Thread Marc Syp

Very cool.  Nice to see you guys using it in ways I didn't expect.


On May 1, 6:40 am, autarchy wrote:
 try this VB script that sorts and clusters nearest neighbours.

Re: color baking

2009-05-03 Thread Marc Syp

Hey guys...

I'm not able to get either of these scripts to work by modifying the
original.  It's definitely my VB.NET ignorance, I'm still a beginner.
Can someone post a .ghx of this VB component?


On Apr 15, 2:25 pm, fraguada wrote:
 Damien, Visose...great stuff.. to do both:

     If blnBake Then

       'Bake Object
       Dim mObj As New MRhinoBrepObject
       mObj = doc.AddBrepObject(obj)

       'Set Material
       Dim att As New MRhinoObjectAttributes(mObj.Attributes())
       att.m_material_index = doc.m_material_table.AddMaterial

       'Modify the attributes
       Dim objref As New MRhinoObjRef(mObj.Attributes.m_uuid)
       doc.ModifyObjectAttributes(objref, att)

       Dim att2 As New MRhinoObjectAttributes(mObj.Attributes())
       att2.SetColorSource(1)               'setcolorsource to From
       Dim rColor As New OnColor (color)   'make OnColor
       att2.m_color = rColor                'Set ObjectColor

       doc.ModifyObjectAttributes(objref, att2)

     End If

 -This works with my tossed together knowledge of sdk (is
 there a cleaner way?...  Tocolorcurves would it work by changing the
 MRhinoBrepObject to its curve correspondent?  I have not tried, just
 wondering coneptually...


 On Apr 13, 8:36 pm, Pablo Morales wrote:

  and i can't open the file with grasshopper can you upload a image of the
  grasshopper view please

  Thanks, Pablo Morales

  On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 8:11 PM, Pablo Morales wrote:
   hi, my version of  grasshopper is 0.5.0099

   On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 7:41 PM, visose wrote:

   I modified the above script to actually bake the material for
   rendering purposes. You need to add an input called 'material' and
   connect it to the shader.

      If blnBake Then

        'Bake Object
        Dim mObj As New MRhinoBrepObject
        mObj = doc.AddBrepObject(obj)

        'Set Material
        Dim att As New MRhinoObjectAttributes(mObj.Attributes())
        att.m_material_index = doc.m_material_table.AddMaterial

        'Modify the attributes
        Dim objref As New MRhinoObjRef(mObj.Attributes.m_uuid)
        doc.ModifyObjectAttributes(objref, att)

      End If

  Damien, in relation to my problem about baking vertex colors. At least
   i can render something using this method and lots sub-surfaces (one
   per texel). It will be ridiculously inefficient though :P

   On Apr 13, 4:01 pm, damien_alomar wrote:
Some one asked this a little while ago, so I cooked up a custom
definition for it.


On Apr 12, 11:07 am, Pablo Morales wrote:

 Is posible to conserve the colour of grasshopper when i bake? I mean
 posible to render the colours of grasshopper in Rhino?


Re: color baking

2009-05-03 Thread Marc Syp

Visose -

Thanks for that.

Unfortunately I can get the component to bake and I see the materials
when I render in Rhino Render and Flamingo, but if I try Vray for
Rhino or 3dsMax, I get nothing but grey.  Any ideas?


On May 3, 9:33 pm, visose wrote:
 Here you go:

 On May 3, 9:07 pm, Marc Syp wrote:

  Hey guys...

  I'm not able to get either of these scripts to work by modifying the
  original.  It's definitely my VB.NET ignorance, I'm still a beginner.
  Can someone post a .ghx of this VB component?


  On Apr 15, 2:25 pm, fraguada wrote:

   Damien, Visose...great stuff.. to do both:

       If blnBake Then

         'Bake Object
         Dim mObj As New MRhinoBrepObject
         mObj = doc.AddBrepObject(obj)

         'Set Material
         Dim att As New MRhinoObjectAttributes(mObj.Attributes())
         att.m_material_index = doc.m_material_table.AddMaterial

         'Modify the attributes
         Dim objref As New MRhinoObjRef(mObj.Attributes.m_uuid)
         doc.ModifyObjectAttributes(objref, att)

         Dim att2 As New MRhinoObjectAttributes(mObj.Attributes())
         att2.SetColorSource(1)               'setcolorsource to From
         Dim rColor As New OnColor (color)   'make OnColor
         att2.m_color = rColor                'Set ObjectColor

         doc.ModifyObjectAttributes(objref, att2)

       End If

   -This works with my tossed together knowledge of sdk (is
   there a cleaner way?...  Tocolorcurves would it work by changing the
   MRhinoBrepObject to its curve correspondent?  I have not tried, just
   wondering coneptually...


   On Apr 13, 8:36 pm, Pablo Morales wrote:

and i can't open the file with grasshopper can you upload a image of the
grasshopper view please

Thanks, Pablo Morales

On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 8:11 PM, Pablo Morales 
 hi, my version of  grasshopper is 0.5.0099

 On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 7:41 PM, visose wrote:

 I modified the above script to actually bake the material for
 rendering purposes. You need to add an input called 'material' and
 connect it to the shader.

    If blnBake Then

      'Bake Object
      Dim mObj As New MRhinoBrepObject
      mObj = doc.AddBrepObject(obj)

      'Set Material
      Dim att As New MRhinoObjectAttributes(mObj.Attributes())
      att.m_material_index = doc.m_material_table.AddMaterial

      'Modify the attributes
      Dim objref As New MRhinoObjRef(mObj.Attributes.m_uuid)
      doc.ModifyObjectAttributes(objref, att)

    End If

Damien, in relation to my problem about baking vertex colors. At least
 i can render something using this method and lots sub-surfaces (one
 per texel). It will be ridiculously inefficient though :P

 On Apr 13, 4:01 pm, damien_alomar wrote:
  Some one asked this a little while ago, so I cooked up a custom
  definition for it.


  On Apr 12, 11:07 am, Pablo Morales wrote:

   Is posible to conserve the colour of grasshopper when i bake? I 
   posible to render the colours of grasshopper in Rhino?


Nurbs Curve component failure

2009-04-17 Thread Marc Syp

I have a problem with the Crv from control points component.

My definition works when I use IntCrv (interpolate) but returns nulls
with Curve from Control points.  Any idea why?




Working with Boolean Values and/or Data Manipulation

2009-04-16 Thread Marc Syp

Hi all...

I'm having some difficulty with what seems like a simple operation.  I
have a list of 25 surfaces that undergo an intersection test with 3
lines.  I want to separate the surfaces that get intersected from the
ones that don't.  So far, I've got the intersected surfaces with no
problems. 3 of these 25 surfaces are further subdivided and I want to
cull them OUT of the original.  I have the index numbers of the
surfaces in question.  But the Booleans are driving me crazy, and I
can't get a proper cull to work.  So a few questions.

1) How do you generate a list of booleans dynamically?  Let's say you
know you want all trues except False at index position 7, 13, and 24.
(These indices can change in value or number dynamically.)  How do you
generate that list?

2) Is there any way to replace by index?  I have a list of 25
values, I want to replace the data at index 7.  How?

3) Delete by index number.  I have a list of 25 numbers.  I want to
delete the item at index 7.  How?

Any one of these last two options would solve all of my problems and
relieve my heartache.  Any ideas appreciated.


Re: Revisit: Sweep 1 Rail???

2009-04-08 Thread Marc Syp

Yep... that's exactly what I'm talking about.  :)

Many times I can't even get the sweep1 to work at all unless I do some
gymnastics getting the start point of the section to match the start
point of the rail... but of course when you use a sweep you don't
always want to have a rail for every component of the assembly; you
should be able to sweep using a rail that has a distance from the
section curve.  Anyway, I will jump for joy when this problem is
fixed.  I am currently spending 4-6 hours a day sweeping profiles
manually.  :(


On Apr 7, 7:51 pm, Alpha222 wrote:
 hello guys,,

 the sweep 1 component in gh donot generate good enough results as we
 expect .
 is that the question you are talking about??if yes ,i think i came
 across the same question and want it solved as soon as
 possible .thanks,


Revisit: Sweep 1 Rail???

2009-04-07 Thread Marc Syp

Is the Sweep 1 component fixed in the latest release of GH?  This is
absolutely critical to me and would save me hours of tedious work...
I've been holding off on installing 0.6 at work but I would do it if I
could sweep a profile that is not touching the rail curve exactly how
GH wants it to (like in finicky 0.5)


Re: Revisit: Sweep 1 Rail???

2009-04-07 Thread Marc Syp

Any chance you might go back to it?  I'm surprised we haven't seen
more collective whining about this issue... :)  It seems like
architects mocking up structure would be wanting to use sweep every
day of the week.  I know I am. :)

As it stands, I have to use GH to orient my profiles (works great!),
bake pieces of the sweep assembly on separate layers, and then go
through and sweep 1 rail each component individually, often going
through the structural grid 3 or 4 times depending on the number of
components.  Knowing the power of GH and the possibility of doing all
this with 4 clicks drives me a bit nuts!!!  :P

Anyway, I await eagerly the good news.  :)


On Apr 7, 4:21 pm, David Rutten wrote:
 Hi Marc,

 I haven't touched Sweep code recently.

 David Rutten
 Robert McNeel  Associates

 On Apr 7, 1:31 pm, Marc Syp wrote:

  Is the Sweep 1 component fixed in the latest release of GH?  This is
  absolutely critical to me and would save me hours of tedious work...
  I've been holding off on installing 0.6 at work but I would do it if I
  could sweep a profile that is not touching the rail curve exactly how
  GH wants it to (like in finicky 0.5)

  Marc- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

Re: Grasshopper 0.6 (revision 5) available for download

2009-03-19 Thread Marc Syp

SERIOUSLY.  Can everybody stop quoting the entire release notes in
every message  Those of us reading in digest form are getting like
200 gigabyte digests because everyone is posting their own Oh my god
thank you David for GH 0.6! without taking a minute to prune the
message quote.


P.S.  Oh my god thank you David for GH 0.6!  :-)

On Mar 19, 12:29 pm, baldino wrote:
 little component wish: a Close Curve would be handy

 On Mar 19, 12:23 pm, David Rutten wrote:

Re: WARNING: *.wrm file format about to disappear.

2009-03-10 Thread Marc Syp

Wish I had been on a beta list for Rhino 5.  Never got a chance to
express my wish list like I have done here for GH... so all I can do
is pray that somebody made the same requests and they were honored.
Things I would love to see in Rhino 5:

1) Most importantly: vastly improved Xref functionality.  As of now,
you can't separate the layers of a linked DWG to drive geometry
creation (through manual creation, Record History, and/or
Grasshopper).  Look at 3DS Max for a model of the functionality I'm
looking for... the lines are not editable, but they are used as
proxies for functions like extrude curve, loft, etc...
2) Isolate layer functions that work like AutoCAD. (I know, something
works better in AutoCAD than in Rhino?  It's hard to believe...)
3) No control point picking hassles... (when zoomed in close the point
on the screen and the point you must click to get the control point
are different... OpenGL problem?  Dunno...)
4) Improved Area and volume calculations...  Rhino often gives bad
data for single surfaces yet includes these in totals without
warnings.  Calculating areas and volumes become a time-consuming
process of Rebuilding surfaces and checking individual surface
results to assure accurate and consistent results. Rhino should
identify calculation problems automatically (e.g., negative and absurd
results) and give warning messages at the very least, and at most
automatically rebuild surfaces (in memory) to achieve the best
approximations possible.

I've got to say that there are very few things in Rhino that drive me
absolutely crazy, but these are a few things I can think of off the
top of my head that I have been hoping for in Rhino 5... I'm sure
there are a couple other little things...


On Mar 10, 5:36 pm, David Rutten wrote:
 I send a build of GH 0.6 to some people inside McNeel yesterday, they
 found 2 serious bugs. Once I fix those I'll send it out again. We'll
 keep repeating this until we can find no more (serious) bugs.
 So, if all goes well, tomorrow... Don't count on that.

 Rhino5 is currently being held up by the installer. We ran into a few
 issues with installing 32-bit Rhino on 64-bit windows when a 64-bit
 Rhino was already installed or something similar. I'm not keeping
 close tabs on the installer guys.

 Why do you want Rhino5? I mean, what do you think it will give you
 that Rhino4 hasn't got? I'm just curious...

 David Rutten
 Robert McNeel  Associates

 On Mar 10, 4:56 pm, jd wrote:

  Thanks David.  Is there an ETA for the next release of GH?  What about
  Rhino 5?- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

Re: TOP of my wish list

2009-02-23 Thread Marc Syp

On Feb 22, 6:16 pm, David Rutten wrote:
 Hi Marc,

  1) Working, separately editable/instanceable/properly previewable
  clusters (I know, I know, it's complicated and you're working on it!!)
  2) A Send/Receive data component ...  I'm assuming
  this is a fairly simple thing to implement?  It would be a godsend.

 It would be fairly simple to implement. And I can see the huge
 organisational benefits.
 Maybe I can slip one of these in before the next version is released.
 But since I kinda-sorta promised Bob it would be next week, I'm not
 sure if I can make that.

Wow.  Would be fantastic if you can manage it.  Otherwise, I will be
waiting patiently.  :-)

  3) Previewed geometry always on top.  ... Is there an easy fix to make
  the current preview component ALWAYS show in green over the top of all
  red previews?

 I don't know. I'll have to discuss this with our main OpenGL guy, and
 then hope that it's possible in DotNET as well.
 It would incidentally be fairly easy to add Stored Preview States to
 Grasshopper. Does that sound like something you might still use if the
 other option would also be available?

I would definitely use a stored preview states function even with an
always-on-top preview.  In many cases I will be using GH for
functional diagram tools that generate different types of information
simultaneously.  The ability to save preview states would allow me to
use a single definition to generate a number of diagrams in the same
patch and switch seamlessly during presentations.  Would be fantastic.

  4) Gates and switches. Again, I use Max/MSP as a model... but having
  controllable gates allows you to set up testing scenarios and quickly
  switch between states.  Also has implications for conditional data

 There are some gates and merge components available now, but we need a
 lot more. Feel free to post some detailed descriptions of the
 functionality you're looking for.

Sorry, I should have been more specific.  Imagine a gate which has 5
inputs.  4 of this inputs are data streams, the fifth input is the
control number input.  The control number determines which data stream
gets passed through the gate.  In Max/MSP, you can set the gate
component to have N number of data stream inputs.  Also, conversely,
imagine a component that has two inputs, one is a data stream and the
other is the control input.  There are four outputs, and the control
input determines which output receives the data.  Attach an integer
slider to the input and you've got a simple switch.  Output a matching
data stream to the control input and you've got conditional data
manipulation.  Good stuff.

While we're talking specifics... another thing I've missed is an
inverse Cull Nth component.  In one recent case, I wanted to KEEP
every nth data point instead of excluding it.  Seems like it would
have been easy but I had to do a workaround with a series of numbers,
intervals, and list subsets.  Another thing I like in Max/MSP is that
most components have an additional output that gives miscellaneous
data.  Often this means boolean values about the success of the
operation or the leftovers generated by the component.  In my case,
the leftovers of the Cul Nth component would have been perfect for
this job.  Just a thought.



Re: Learning the language

2009-02-16 Thread Marc Syp

It's funny.  Did you guys ever play Robot Oddysey on the Apple II+?
My dad bought it when I was around 8, and we used to spend days
mapping out circuits for our robots.  It was a lot of fun and,
frankly, who knew it -- it was the perfect training wheels for


On Feb 14, 8:50 pm, David Rutten wrote:
 Woe those lost souls who played tetris or pacman. Forever trapped in

 David Rutten
 Robert McNeel  Associates

 On Feb 14, 4:31 pm, Juan wrote:

  Well, I have extensive experience with call of duty, guess that I
  picked up the wrong game...

  On Feb 14, 10:39 am, visose wrote:

I suspect I picked up most
of geometry-sense while playing with Lego during ages 3~8

   I personally noticed a great increase of my 3D spatial perception
   after spending a huge amounts of time playing Quake III Arena
   online. Not recommended thought... highly addictive.

   On Feb 13, 10:45 am, David Rutten wrote:

Hi Juan,

I've read the Bentley book a while back at Siggraph. The graphics are
fantastic, but the explanations didn't go very deep. I'm afraid I
don't have any alternatives for you though, I suspect I picked up most
of geometry-sense while playing with Lego during ages 3~8. There must
be excellent books out there on geometry, but I think those will only
cultivate your factual knowledge, not your insight.

Learning to use Grasshopper essentially amounts to the same thing as
learning to use any programming language. The actual language-syntax
is only a small part of this process, far more important is the
ability to break apart a problem into smaller chunks and a solid grip
on how data is stored inside a system.

Sorry for being no help whatsoever,

David Rutten
Robert McNeel  Associates

On Feb 13, 1:22 am, Juan wrote:


 I am no expert by any means, but since I was introduced to
 computational design in my master studies I have had the impression
 that the software that you are using is more or less irrelevant if you
 can articulate your ideas in a clear geometrical language. I have done
 scripting in maya, tried houdini for its procedural workflow and right
 know Im very interested in grasshopper. However I really feel like my
 geometrical language is seriously lacking when I see some of the
 projects that you guys generate. With this in mind I would like to
 risk it and ask how/where can I find information that can enable me to
 start thinking in a better way? I have seen the bentley geometry for
 architects book in my ex-office, but well its a bit expensive. Maybe
 there is a internet repository of algorithms or something similar that
 can help people like me, that did not have the luck to have a good
 partner/teacher willing to share this information and instead is
 trying to learn on his own based on web tutorials and the like.

 Hope that I made sense.

 Juan- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

'hopper freezing

2009-02-13 Thread Marc Syp

Hi guys.

I've ul'ed a GHX here:

Pretty simple definition. I'm using it to adjust building footprints
and dynamically update building height based on Total Buildable Area.
Works fine for about 2 minutes and then freezes Ghopper and Rhino...
gives me the hourglass and stops responding.  Happens on both my
laptop and my work computer.  Any ideas?


Re: wishes

2009-02-11 Thread Marc Syp

Also wondering about isolating grasshopper data.  If it's not possible
to select in the viewport, perhaps the converse is possible.  Anyway
to preview a single data point from a list of data?  For instance, if
you have a list of points generated, being able to highlight one and
see which one it is in the viewport...  This would help greatly in
situations where you are trying to debug the data heirarchy of a
complex operation.  Just a thought.


On Feb 10, 8:44 pm, David Rutten wrote:
 Hi Gijs,

 #1 You mean you want the Grasshopper preview to match exactly the
 current display mode that a viewport is in?

 number 2 is completely out of the question I'm afraid. You can only
 select objects in Rhino that are part of the document. Grasshopper
 geometry doesn't actually 'exist', so Rhino is completely unaware of
 it. For this to work, I'd have to add all Grasshopper geometry for
 real, causing memory usage to explode because of the use of Attributes
 and Undo records.

 David Rutten
 Robert McNeel  Associates

 On Feb 10, 10:34 am, Gijs wrote:

  What I would like to see in GH is:

  - all display modes available that are normally available in Rhino, so
  including the ones we make ourselves
  - be able to select the geometry in the viewport, in order to see to
  which component it is connected

  Gijs- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

Re: Surface analysis normal vectors not behaving as I expect!

2009-01-30 Thread Marc Syp

Further musings:

I think I need lists within lists to solve this problem.  I need to be
able to split my point list into N streams, based on the number of
surfaces detected in the polysurface.  Then repeat the surface
selection process for each of those streams (equal to the number of
curves selected) to keep the selection data in correspondence with the
sample point.  That could mean thousands of streams.   I'm think of a
For i = 1 to N routine, outputting a corresponding list of surface
selections, which could then be fed into the geometry construction
patch.   Is this silly? I'm still not quite sure how the GH logic
works exactly, I'm used to the time-based logic of Max/MSP, where you
can strictly control the timing, heirarchy, and sequence of data



On Jan 30, 12:22 am, Marc Syp wrote:

 Thanks for the tips... also regarding the preview shortcut.  Very

 I've got it working fabulously for surfaces now.  My next challenge is
 to get it working with BReps as well.  Some of my surfaces are
 actually polysurfaces, and I'd rather not have to set my collection of
 curves separately for each surface that makes up the BRep.   Why is it
 that the BRep analysis component doesn't provide uv coordinates???

 As a workaround, I started developing a patch that explodes the BRep
 and then analyzes the distance of the sample point to each component
 surface, then selects the correct surface uv point for orientation
 purposes.  My problem now is that it works great for one curve, but as
 soon as I load the whole collection it freaks out and is only able to
 select one surface for the whole collection.  Obviously this is no
 better than exploding a BRep and feeding it through my original patch
 (also not working).   I would like it to analyze each point
 individually as if in a discrete loop, but I think I'm having a
 problem of list lengths and redundant values, or in the structure of
 the patch itself.  Any chance you can take a look and give me some
 leads on how to pursue the logic of this one?

 The patches:

 Thanks in advance.


 On Jan 28, 9:24 pm, visose wrote:

Surface CP can't handle a list of points and a list of surfaces?

2009-01-30 Thread Marc Syp

I think part of the problem I am experiencing with my current patch is
that the Surface CP component is not giving me the data I need.  It
can handle a list of surfaces with one point, it seems, but not both a
list of surfaces and a list of points.  For instance, if I feed it one
point and 5 surfaces, I get 5 point results and 5 distance results.
Perfect.  But if I feed it 5 surfaces and 212 points, it ignores four
of the surfaces and gives me 212 point results and 212 distance
results.  I would like to get the distance results for all five
surfaces for all 212 points (list length of 1060).

Is this a bug?  Am I missing something?

Re: QT: Sound component

2009-01-28 Thread Marc Syp

Yes, yes, yes, yes.  I have also advocated a link between Grasshopper
and Max/MSP.  I'm drooling at the prospect.  The possibilities are
really quite endless.  I did an architectural project in Max last year
and would love to get it talking to GH.  Wow.


On Jan 26, 12:14 pm, frankS wrote:
 juhu, nice stuff in this thread!

 some links to graphical node-based realtime audio programming
 does it all: realtime analysis, envelope following, FFT (spectral
 analysis), MIDI, OSC, ...
 nice product, not for free... ;-( (i own a copy)
 i suggested to bridge max/msp and GH using OSC a while ago. see the
 thread in the link.
 would allow to do the analysis in realtime and stream the data to 
 is a free derivate of max/msp

 hooking up MIDI devices to GH is also cool, but limited due to the 8-
 bit character of this protocol.
 MIDI is meant to transport information on e.g. which note to play,
 not to transport the actual soundfile.

 OSC is far more advanced and could transport analysis information
 probably better.

 i will look up some stuff...


 On Jan 26, 10:02 am, klint wrote:

  Wow, PLAY Grasshopper! Need to get myself a midi-keyboard...

  On 26 Jan, 06:00, damien_alomar wrote:

   This is definitely a cool idea guys...I actually did my thesis
   connecting Music (composition) and Architecture, so this is really up
   my alley.  Although the sound as form kind of thing its definitely
   cool, I'm personally, I'm way more about the actual notes and those
   kind of musical structures and what's going on.  Anyway, I did a
   little searching on MSDN and there's a Midi module within the dotNet
   framework.  So, I think I'm gonna start looking into possibly
   connecting this through more of a composition/notes basis.  This is
   definitely gonna come up with some cool stuff and I'm really wondering
   what's going to come out of it.  Keep experimenting cause this stuff
   is already pretty darn sweet.

   dotNET midi 


   On Jan 25, 3:23 pm, visose wrote:

nice, that seems to work better than my previous mediocre attempts
posted above (i think no one replied because they didn't want to hurt
my feelings).  Wavosaur only allowed to export the raw values of the
sound wave and i had to calculate manually the amplitude inside
grasshopper. That reduced the fidelity a lot. Spectrum lab does just
what i was looking for, i have to improve my searching skills :p

On Jan 25, 8:24 pm, baldino wrote:

 getting there ... :-)

 On Jan 25, 7:10 pm, klint wrote:

  Hope you don't mind me trowing in another music-related idea.. 
  plenty enough of different midi-controllers, mixer etc, how cool
  wouldn't it be to control all sliders etc in the GH Remote Control
  Panel with real physical sliders. Something like 

  Did some search for software to translate the midi-signal from such 
  controller into values in a spreadsheet, and got quite a few 
  that worked the other way around, that is, translate data from Excel
  to a midi-synth. But maybe someday I'll find something..


  On 25 Jan, 18:24, baldino wrote:

   one thing is definitely working: to analyze a whole track and get
   values in a spreadsheet
   i found a tutorial 
   it is meant for flash, but it shows pretty well how to export 
   with some work, an animation from GH and some editing with a video
   editor may result in a nice synchronized video

   On Jan 25, 5:17 pm, visose wrote:

Thanks baldino, I'm trying it right now. You mean exporting one 
at a time so we can use it in real time? I don't think this 
would be the most convenient since every time the file is 
there is some amount of lag. In the documentation it says 
about using WM_COPYDATA messages to transfer data between active
programs, but it seems that even this method is not suitable 
for real
time since it has some milliseconds of lag. But the biggest lag 
of all
will probably be when the geometry is generated.
Still, I'm waiting for Damien Alomar to post the part 2 of 
the excel
to grasshopper realtime connection. I'd like to try to connect 

Re: Surface analysis normal vectors not behaving as I expect!

2009-01-28 Thread Marc Syp

Sorry to bump this up, but I feel like I'm missing something really
simple.   Any tips appreciated.


On Jan 28, 12:16 pm, Marc Syp wrote:

 Please take a look at the definition and rhino model I have provided.
 It is quite a simple definition but I am having some problems with the
 surface analysis.  I am trying to use the surface as a guide for
 rotating extruded geometry.  Here's the concept:

 I have a wireframe model and a surface that was used to generate the
 triangulations.  1) I make a plane perpendicular to each line at the
 start point.  2) I take the start point of every line and find the
 closest corresponding point on the surface. 3) I find the normal of
 the surface at that point and use the resulting vector to orient my
 original plane. 4) On that plane I create a rectangular section (16cm
 x 8cm), which should be oriented properly tangent to the surface.

 I can get everything to work except for the surface analysis.  When I
 create a plane perpendicular to the resulting normal vectors, I expect
 to see a plane tangent to the surface.  Instead they all appear to be
 perfectly horizontal.  Therefore my alignments do not work properly
 and I cannot get the proper structural result (i.e., the deep part of
 the steel section should be seated perpendicular to the surface at my
 sample point.  Can someone explain what I'm doing wrong?

 Marc S.

Community Components

2009-01-09 Thread Marc Syp

HI all,

I have been following this list for a while now and I am impressed
with the number of people developing elegant solutions to problems
ranging from the simple to the complex.  One thing I like about
Grasshopper is that it usings a signal-processor interface logic that
is nearly identical to Max/MSP, an audio/visual processing app that
has been around for a long time and has a dedicated following.
Indeed, I've seen that people are beginning to interface these two
programs together, which I find incredibly exciting.

I'm writing because one thing I've seen in the Max/MSP community is a
huge number of user-defined patches or components that are found in
various internet clearinghouses.  In Max, you can encapsulate an
entire patch solution into a single component, as you can do in GH.
It seems that there is an opportunity to do the same thing here.  I
know there is a file section here, but I was thinking about something
more like, where you upload an encapsulated GH
component with a description, and the user community has an
opportunity to dl it, rate it, tweak it, so that the most useful float
to the top... what's more, it could be searchable and be constructed
with a number of categories (Geometry generation, Data management,
Sorting, Math, etc)...

Is this a crazy idea? Too much work?  Already exists?
