Re: HBase performance

2007-10-12 Thread Jeff Hammerbacher
hmm, i'm going to have to disagree strongly with jim here on several points:

1) the paper you reference has nothing to do with column-store performance:
it's all about a new, in-memory oltp system being worked on in stonebraker's
lab/vertica.  it's mainly about removing disk access via replication (rather
than maintaining a redo log) and being smart about partitioning your data to
maximize one-site transactions.
2) column store technology has been around for a while; sybase iq would rule
the world if column-oriented data stores were a one-size-fits-all solution
to every database problem.
3) you totally ignore the impact of having an in-memory write-optimized
store to amortize the cost of writes to the on-disk read-optimized store
(memtable and sstable in bigtable parlance--dunno what they're called in
hbase).  otherwise, write and bulk load performance for a column-oriented
data store is generally atrocious.
4) your section on adding capacity has NOTHING at all to do with
organizing your data on disk in a column-oriented fashion; it's a property
of any reasonably well-designed horizontally partitioned data store.

there's a ton of hot air around this space in general, so refraining from
making claims like column oriented databases ... can outperform traditional
RDBMS systems ... by an order of magnitude or more for almost every kind of
work load will prevent my head from exploding.

On 10/11/07, Jim Kellerman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Performance always depends on the work load. However, having said
 that, you should read Michael Stonebraker's paper The End of an
 Architectural Era (It's Time for a Complete Rewrite) which was
 presented at the Very Large Database Conference. You can find a
 PDF copy of the paper here:

 In this paper he presents compelling evidence that column oriented
 databases (HBase is a column oriented database) can outperform
 traditional RDBMS systems (MySql) by an order of magnitude or more
 for almost every kind of work load. Here's a brief summary of why
 this is so:

 - writes: a row oriented database writes the whole row regardless
   of whether or not values are supplied for every field or not.
   Space is reserved for null fields, so the number of bytes
   written is the same for every row. In a column oriented
   database, only the columns for which values are supplied are
   written. Nulls are free. Also row oriented databases must write
   a row descriptor so that when the row is read, the column values
   can be found.

 - reads: Unless every column is being returned on a read, a column
   oriented database is faster because it only reads the columns
   requested. The row oriented database must read the entire row,
   figure out where the requested columns are and only return that
   portion of the data read.

 - compression: works better on a column oriented database because
   the data is similar, and stored together, which is not the case
   in a row oriented database.

 - scans: suppose you have a 600GB database with 200 columns of
   equal length (the TPC-H OLTP benchmark has 212 columns) but
   while you are scanning the table you only want to return 5
   of the columns. Each column takes up 3GB of the 600GB. A row
   oriented database will have to read the entire 600GB to extract
   the 20GB of data desired. Think about how long it takes to read
   600GB vs 20GB. Furthermore, in a column oriented database, each
   column can be read in parallel, and the inner loop only executes
   once per column rather than once per row as in the row oriented

 - bulk loads: column oriented databases have to construct their
   indexes as the load progresses, so even of the load goes from
   low value to high, btrees must be split and reorganized. For
   column oriented databases, this is not true.

 - adding capacity: in a row oriented database, you generally have
   to dump the database, create a new partitioning scheme and then
   load the dumped data into a new database. With HBase, storage
   is only limited by the DFS. Need more storage? Add another data

 We have done almost no tuning for HBase, but I'd be willing to bet
 that it would handily beat MySql in a drag race.

 Jim Kellerman, Senior Engineer; Powerset

  -Original Message-
  From: Rafael Turk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2007 3:36 PM
  Subject: HBase performance
  Hi All,
   Does any one have comments about how Hbase will perform in a
  4 node cluster compared to an equivalent MySQL configuration?

Re: HBase performance

2007-10-12 Thread Jonathan Hendler
One of the valid points Stonebraker makes, I think, has to do with
compression (and null values).  For example - does HBase also offer
tools, or a strategy for compression? Maybe it's comparing apples to

Since Vertica is also a distributed database,  I think  it may be
interesting to the newbies like myself on the list. To keep the
conversation topical - while it's true there's a major campaign of PR
around Vertica, I'd be interested in hearing more about how HBase
compares with other column stores or hybrids. There's a lot of
discussion in Semantic Web communities about these systems, since row
databases don't scale well for arbitrary reading of apparently
randomized, unstructured directed graphs. I'm NOT speaking from VAST
experience in this, but enough to know that there might be some fire in
the hot air. To experienced DBAs it can seem like a collection of cheap
tricks - but a collection of cheap tricks is as revolutionary as things
might get until we all have quantum computers running on Mr. Fusions.

Really, Hadoop,  HDFS, Hbase, etc has such a range of potential uses
that I'm looking for the broad view of to Hadoop or not Hadoop.

Jim Kellerman wrote:
 FYI: I just heard Stonebraker talk at the High Performance Transaction 
 Systems Workshop this week. His presentation focused on column oriented 
 databases and not just in memory databases.

 His talk was quite controversial with the traditional database folks, but he 
 did make some valid points.

 I had no intention of making your head explode, but rather to get people to 
 at least rethink the conventional wisdom surrounding row oriented databases. 
 After all Stonebraker wrote databases that most modern ones are built from. 
 He should know something about the topic.

 Jim Kellerman, Senior Engineer; Powerset

 -Original Message-
 From: Jeff Hammerbacher [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, October 12, 2007 9:20 AM
 Subject: Re: HBase performance

 hmm, i'm going to have to disagree strongly with jim here on
 several points:

 1) the paper you reference has nothing to do with
 column-store performance:
 it's all about a new, in-memory oltp system being worked on
 in stonebraker's lab/vertica.  it's mainly about removing
 disk access via replication (rather than maintaining a redo
 log) and being smart about partitioning your data to maximize
 one-site transactions.
 2) column store technology has been around for a while;
 sybase iq would rule the world if column-oriented data stores
 were a one-size-fits-all solution to every database problem.
 3) you totally ignore the impact of having an in-memory
 write-optimized store to amortize the cost of writes to the
 on-disk read-optimized store
 (memtable and sstable in bigtable parlance--dunno what
 they're called in hbase).  otherwise, write and bulk load
 performance for a column-oriented data store is generally atrocious.
 4) your section on adding capacity has NOTHING at all to do
 with organizing your data on disk in a column-oriented
 fashion; it's a property of any reasonably well-designed
 horizontally partitioned data store.

 there's a ton of hot air around this space in general, so
 refraining from making claims like column oriented databases
 ... can outperform traditional RDBMS systems ... by an order
 of magnitude or more for almost every kind of work load will
 prevent my head from exploding.

 On 10/11/07, Jim Kellerman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Performance always depends on the work load. However, having said
 that, you should read Michael Stonebraker's paper The End of an
 Architectural Era (It's Time for a Complete Rewrite) which was
 presented at the Very Large Database Conference. You can find a PDF
 copy of the paper here:
 In this paper he presents compelling evidence that column oriented
 databases (HBase is a column oriented database) can outperform
 traditional RDBMS systems (MySql) by an order of magnitude
 or more for
 almost every kind of work load. Here's a brief summary of
 why this is

 - writes: a row oriented database writes the whole row regardless
   of whether or not values are supplied for every field or not.
   Space is reserved for null fields, so the number of bytes
   written is the same for every row. In a column oriented
   database, only the columns for which values are supplied are
   written. Nulls are free. Also row oriented databases must write
   a row descriptor so that when the row is read, the column values
   can be found.

 - reads: Unless every column is being returned on a read, a column
   oriented database is faster because it only reads the columns
   requested. The row oriented database must read the entire row,
   figure out where the requested

Re: HBase performance

2007-10-12 Thread Doug Cutting

Jonathan Hendler wrote:

Since Vertica is also a distributed database,  I think  it may be
interesting to the newbies like myself on the list. To keep the
conversation topical - while it's true there's a major campaign of PR
around Vertica, I'd be interested in hearing more about how HBase
compares with other column stores or hybrids.

Vertica is presumably based on C-Store.  C-Store seems not optimized for 
immediate query of recently updated data, but rather for delayed queries 
over mostly read-only data warehouses.  HBase (modeled after BigTable) 
is instead optimized for real-time access to read-write data.  So I 
think it depends a bit on what your application needs.

E.g., from the C-Store paper: we expect read-only queries to be run in 
historical mode. In this mode, the query selects a timestamp, T, less 
than the one of the most recently committed transactions [...]


RE: HBase performance

2007-10-12 Thread Jim Kellerman
Stonebraker has a new column oriented store called H-Store. It is also talked 
about in the paper.

And now I'll shut up. I didn't intend to create such a firestorm.

Jim Kellerman, Senior Engineer; Powerset

 -Original Message-
 From: Doug Cutting [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, October 12, 2007 11:29 AM
 Subject: Re: HBase performance

 Jonathan Hendler wrote:
  Since Vertica is also a distributed database,  I think  it may be
  interesting to the newbies like myself on the list. To keep the
  conversation topical - while it's true there's a major
 campaign of PR
  around Vertica, I'd be interested in hearing more about how HBase
  compares with other column stores or hybrids.

 Vertica is presumably based on C-Store.  C-Store seems not
 optimized for immediate query of recently updated data, but
 rather for delayed queries over mostly read-only data
 warehouses.  HBase (modeled after BigTable) is instead
 optimized for real-time access to read-write data.  So I
 think it depends a bit on what your application needs.

 E.g., from the C-Store paper: we expect read-only queries to
 be run in historical mode. In this mode, the query selects a
 timestamp, T, less than the one of the most recently
 committed transactions [...]


RE: HBase performance

2007-10-12 Thread Jim Kellerman
One more comment and then I'll really shut up, I promise. On re-reading the 
paper, you are all absolutely correct about C-Store, H-Store and Vertica.

What is not in the paper and part of what he presented this week was applying 
column oriented stores to the TPC-H benchmark.

The TPC-H OLTP telco benchmark has a schema of 212 columns, contains ~600GB 
data and each transaction accesses only 6 or 7 of the columns. In a full table 
scan, a row oriented store must read all 600GB of data. It has no choice. A 
column oriented store need only read the 6-7 columns which is approximately 
20GB. I don't think anyone will argue that you can read 20GB a whole lot faster 
than 600GB.

Jeff Hammerbacher wrote:
 4) your section on adding capacity has NOTHING at all to do
 with organizing your data on disk in a column-oriented fashion;
 it's a property of any reasonably well-designed horizontally
 partitioned data store.

Hmm, well column oriented-ness of BigTable and HBase do a pretty nice job of 
horizontal partitioning.

Jonathan Hendler wrote:
 One of the valid points ... has to do with compression (and null
 values).  For example - does HBase also offer tools, or a
 strategy for compression?

Yes, see compression is controlled on a per column 
family basis.

Jim Kellerman, Senior Engineer; Powerset

Re: HBase performance

2007-10-12 Thread Peter W.


I've had some limited experience with Oracle, SQL Server,
Informix and at least one commercial in-memory database.

More recently, I use mysql memory tables for fun speeding
up bulk read-write operations such as:

set max_heap_table_size=250*1024*1024;
create table mem_proptbl (field_one varchar(32),value_one varchar(100),
index using hash(value_one)) engine=memory;

downside is i/o time and churning when later writing to disk.

Column-oriented approaches like SPARQL remind me of
XQuery, good for specific uses but with limited adoption.

HBase looks to be a component for distributed, RAM and
log based byte-arrays that should be able to be COMPRESSED
by simply bzip2ing the logs...

It's a much needed scalability tool complementary to RDBMS
and it's columns don't affect how I store the data offline.

Thanks to it's contributors for Rocking the House.


Peter W.

Jonathan Hendler wrote:

One of the valid points ... has to do with
compression (and null values).  For example - does HBase also offer
tools, or a strategy for compression?

Re: HBase performance

2007-10-12 Thread Jason Watkins
 - writes: a row oriented database writes the whole row regardless
   of whether or not values are supplied for every field or not.
   Space is reserved for null fields, so the number of bytes
   written is the same for every row. In a column oriented
   database, only the columns for which values are supplied are
   written. Nulls are free. Also row oriented databases must write
   a row descriptor so that when the row is read, the column values
   can be found.

While I believe this is true for the basic N-Ary Storage Model as
published in the literature, I believe most practical products have
some mechanism of null compression within a page. Perhaps someone with
more experience could confirm if this is the case?

 - reads: Unless every column is being returned on a read, a column
   oriented database is faster because it only reads the columns
   requested. The row oriented database must read the entire row,
   figure out where the requested columns are and only return that
   portion of the data read.

Partly. This is ignoring that the column oriented store has to do
tuple reconstruction which also has overhead. As published in the
literature, a hybrid of rows across pages but with attributes
organized as columns within each page is better than a pure column
store in almost all workloads (reference PAX storage manager in the

All that said, I found his paper extremely interesting, particularly
the willingness to forgo disk altogether.


Re: HBase performance

2007-10-11 Thread Michael Bieniosek
MySQL and hbase are optimized for different operations.  What are you trying to 


On 10/11/07 3:35 PM, Rafael Turk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi All,

 Does any one have comments about how Hbase will perform in a 4 node cluster
compared to an equivalent MySQL configuration?



RE: HBase performance

2007-10-11 Thread Jim Kellerman

Performance always depends on the work load. However, having said
that, you should read Michael Stonebraker's paper The End of an
Architectural Era (It's Time for a Complete Rewrite) which was
presented at the Very Large Database Conference. You can find a
PDF copy of the paper here:

In this paper he presents compelling evidence that column oriented
databases (HBase is a column oriented database) can outperform
traditional RDBMS systems (MySql) by an order of magnitude or more
for almost every kind of work load. Here's a brief summary of why
this is so:

- writes: a row oriented database writes the whole row regardless
  of whether or not values are supplied for every field or not.
  Space is reserved for null fields, so the number of bytes
  written is the same for every row. In a column oriented
  database, only the columns for which values are supplied are
  written. Nulls are free. Also row oriented databases must write
  a row descriptor so that when the row is read, the column values
  can be found.

- reads: Unless every column is being returned on a read, a column
  oriented database is faster because it only reads the columns
  requested. The row oriented database must read the entire row,
  figure out where the requested columns are and only return that
  portion of the data read.

- compression: works better on a column oriented database because
  the data is similar, and stored together, which is not the case
  in a row oriented database.

- scans: suppose you have a 600GB database with 200 columns of
  equal length (the TPC-H OLTP benchmark has 212 columns) but
  while you are scanning the table you only want to return 5
  of the columns. Each column takes up 3GB of the 600GB. A row
  oriented database will have to read the entire 600GB to extract
  the 20GB of data desired. Think about how long it takes to read
  600GB vs 20GB. Furthermore, in a column oriented database, each
  column can be read in parallel, and the inner loop only executes
  once per column rather than once per row as in the row oriented

- bulk loads: column oriented databases have to construct their
  indexes as the load progresses, so even of the load goes from
  low value to high, btrees must be split and reorganized. For
  column oriented databases, this is not true.

- adding capacity: in a row oriented database, you generally have
  to dump the database, create a new partitioning scheme and then
  load the dumped data into a new database. With HBase, storage
  is only limited by the DFS. Need more storage? Add another data

We have done almost no tuning for HBase, but I'd be willing to bet
that it would handily beat MySql in a drag race.

Jim Kellerman, Senior Engineer; Powerset

 -Original Message-
 From: Rafael Turk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2007 3:36 PM
 Subject: HBase performance

 Hi All,

  Does any one have comments about how Hbase will perform in a
 4 node cluster compared to an equivalent MySQL configuration?

