VS: HAproxy reset TLS connection (Solved)

2022-05-02 Thread Henning Svane

I found out what was the problem.

Exchange server 2019 do not use HTTP/2 only 1.1. And I specified alpn h2 this 
was the problem not a certificate error.
But as the error do not says what is wrong it can be difficult to find out.
The way I found out was by using this program as a trial.
Fiddler Everywhere.
It can show the network capture like Wireshark, but also decrypt it, so you can 
see what's going on. And here I could see it was http/1.1

So the traffic was reset because the server has send 200 ok, but in http/1.1 
and not in http/2 and therefore it was not accepted.

I am still trying to get TLS to work, but with so far no luck.

Haproxy:  fc00:::##61::11
Server:  fc00:::##22::11 (Exchange server)

When I run my mini HAProxy test script, HAproxy close the connection with 
Encryption Alert or as it shows in the log file:
failed, reason: Layer7 invalid response, check duration: 10ms

I have tried to look into the traffic with Wireshark, and it is here I can see 
that it is terminated with "Encryption Alert (21)"
But why, I cannot see, and I cannot find a way to get more information out of 
Both wget and curl with the certificate work as it should and reply 200 ok.
curl https://xmail.XX.dk/ecp/healthcheck.htm --cacert crt5.pem
200 OK
Crt5.pem = public + intermediates + Root CA + Private

This is the code there produce the connection:
 backend HA_DAG_XMail_ECP
   mode http
   id 503
   log global
   balance roundrobin
   option log-health-checks
  option httpchk GET /ecp/healthcheck.htm
   http-check expect status 200
   server XMailDB01 XMail01.xx.dk:443 check maxconn 
100 ssl ca-file /etc/haproxy/crt/crt5.pem alpn h2
   server XMailDB02 XMail02.xx.dk:443 check maxconn 
100 ssl ca-file /etc/haproxy/crt/crt5.pem alpn h2
   server XMailDB03 XMail03.xx.dk:443 check maxconn 
100 ssl ca-file /etc/haproxy/crt/crt5.pem alpn h2

Here is the TLS output from Wireshark:
27  15:54:19,399602   
fc00:::##61::11   fc00:::##22::11   
TLSv1.2 324   Client 
30  15:54:19,401908   
fc00:::##22::11   fc00:::##61::11   
TLSv1.2 694   Server 
Hello, Certificate, Server Key Exchange, Server Hello Done
34  15:54:19,405761   
fc00:::##61::11   fc00:::##22::11   
TLSv1.2 232   Client 
Key Exchange, Change Cipher Spec, Encrypted Handshake Message
35  15:54:19,407486   
fc00:::##22::11   fc00:::##61::11   
TLSv1.2 125   Change 
Cipher Spec, Encrypted Handshake Message
36  15:54:19,407584   
fc00:::##22::11   fc00:::##61::11   
TLSv1.2 143   
Application Data
39  15:54:19,407936   
fc00:::##61::11   fc00:::##22::11   
TLSv1.2 159   
Application Data
43  15:54:21,410207   
fc00:::##61::11   fc00:::##22::11   
TLSv1.2 324   Client 
46  15:54:21,412491   
fc00:::##22::11   fc00:::##61::11   
TLSv1.2 694   Server 
Hello, Certificate, Server Key Exchange, Server Hello Done
50  15:54:21,416660   
fc00:::##61::11   fc00:::##22::11   
TLSv1.2 232   Client 
Key Exchange, Change Cipher Spec, Encrypted Handshake Message
51  15:54:21,418423   
fc00:::##22::11   fc00:::##61::11   
TLSv1.2 125   Change 
Cipher Spec, Encrypted Handshake Message
52  15:54:21,418561   
fc00:::##22::11   fc00:::##61::11   

HAproxy reset TLS connection

2022-05-02 Thread Henning Svane

I am still trying to get TLS to work, but with so far no luck.

Haproxy:  fc00:::##61::11
Server:  fc00:::##22::11 (Exchange server)

When I run my mini HAProxy test script, HAproxy close the connection with 
Encryption Alert or as it shows in the log file:
failed, reason: Layer7 invalid response, check duration: 10ms

I have tried to look into the traffic with Wireshark, and it is here I can see 
that it is terminated with "Encryption Alert (21)"
But why, I cannot see, and I cannot find a way to get more information out of 
Both wget and curl with the certificate work as it should and reply 200 ok.
curl https://xmail.XX.dk/ecp/healthcheck.htm --cacert crt5.pem
200 OK
Crt5.pem = public + intermediates + Root CA + Private

This is the code there produce the connection:
Backend HA_DAG_XMail_ECP
mode http
   id 503
   log global
   balance roundrobin
   option log-health-checks
   option httpchk GET /ecp/healthcheck.htm
   http-check expect status 200

Here is the TLS output from Wireshark:
27  15:54:19,399602   
fc00:::##61::11   fc00:::##22::11   
TLSv1.2 324   Client 
30  15:54:19,401908   
fc00:::##22::11   fc00:::##61::11   
TLSv1.2 694   Server 
Hello, Certificate, Server Key Exchange, Server Hello Done
34  15:54:19,405761   
fc00:::##61::11   fc00:::##22::11   
TLSv1.2 232   Client 
Key Exchange, Change Cipher Spec, Encrypted Handshake Message
35  15:54:19,407486   
fc00:::##22::11   fc00:::##61::11   
TLSv1.2 125   Change 
Cipher Spec, Encrypted Handshake Message
36  15:54:19,407584   
fc00:::##22::11   fc00:::##61::11   
TLSv1.2 143   
Application Data
39  15:54:19,407936   
fc00:::##61::11   fc00:::##22::11   
TLSv1.2 159   
Application Data
43  15:54:21,410207   
fc00:::##61::11   fc00:::##22::11   
TLSv1.2 324   Client 
46  15:54:21,412491   
fc00:::##22::11   fc00:::##61::11   
TLSv1.2 694   Server 
Hello, Certificate, Server Key Exchange, Server Hello Done
50  15:54:21,416660   
fc00:::##61::11   fc00:::##22::11   
TLSv1.2 232   Client 
Key Exchange, Change Cipher Spec, Encrypted Handshake Message
51  15:54:21,418423   
fc00:::##22::11   fc00:::##61::11   
TLSv1.2 125   Change 
Cipher Spec, Encrypted Handshake Message
52  15:54:21,418561   
fc00:::##22::11   fc00:::##61::11   
TLSv1.2 143   
Application Data
55  15:54:21,418931   
fc00:::##61::11   fc00:::##22::11   
TLSv1.2 159   
Application Data
56  15:54:21,419013   
fc00:::##61::11   fc00:::##22::11   
TLSv1.2 105   Encrypted 
61  15:54:23,421367   
fc00:::##61::11   fc00:::##22::11   
TLSv1.2 324   Client 
64  15:54:23,423533   
fc00:::##22::11   fc00:::##61::11   
TLSv1.2 694   Server 