[Harbour] SF tracker#2871130: 5 AdsOpenTable and Free Tables with DD (patch)

2009-10-01 Thread Chen Kedem
The following patch was submitted to our bug tracker:

Anonymous wrote:

In ads1.c (adsOpen function call), when a DD is used, there are instances
where free table access might still be desired. This fix solves the problem
by introducing a second call to AdsOpenTable after the inital call fails to
find the free table in the DD. This procedure was commented on by Alex Wong
in the Advantage.xHarbour newsgroup with his approval. See comment with my
name Andy Ross in the source to locate the change.

Please review and apply if it is the correct solution.

Harbour mailing list

Re: [Harbour] Compile Error Using BCC 6.20

2009-10-01 Thread Viktor Szakáts

Hi Mario,

I don't have this compiler. You'll have to find out
which bcc system lib holds this symbol.

grep WSAIoctl *.lib


On 2009 Oct 1, at 01:15, Mario H. Sabado wrote:

Hi Viktor,

I have the following error when compiling Harbour under Windows XP  
using BCC 6.20.

ilink32.exe -q -Gn -C -aa -Tpd -Gi -x  c0d32.obj @__dyn__.tmp
Error: Unresolved external 'WSAIoctl' referenced from D:\HARBOUR 

Error: Unable to perform link
mingw32-make.exe[3]: *** [harbour-20-bcc.dll] Error 2
mingw32-make.exe[2]: *** [descend] Error 2
mingw32-make.exe[1]: *** [dynlib.inst] Error 2
mingw32-make.exe: *** [source.inst] Error 2

Thank you for any help.


Harbour mailing list

Harbour mailing list

[Harbour] Forced ANSI Windows API calls

2009-10-01 Thread Viktor Szakáts

Hi Przemek (and All),

When you find some spare time, could you help in
converting these ANSI Windows API calls to native

  source/common/hbver.c:264:  if( GetVersionExA( osVer ) )
  source/common/hbver.c:306:  if( GetVersionExA 
( ( OSVERSIONINFOA * ) osVerEx ) )
  source/common/hbgete.c:75:  DWORD size =  
GetEnvironmentVariableA( szName, NULL, 0 );
  source/common/hbgete.c:80: GetEnvironmentVariableA 
( szName, pszBuffer, size );
  source/common/hbgete.c:114:   bRetVal = GetEnvironmentVariableA 
( szName, szBuffer, nSize ) != 0;
  source/common/hbgete.c:157:   return SetEnvironmentVariableA 
( szName, szValue ) != 0;
  source/rtl/filesys.c:2687:   fResult = GetCurrentDirectoryA 
( ulSize, pszBuffer );

  source/rtl/filesys.c:2876:  type = GetDriveTypeA( buffer );
  source/rtl/fstemp.c:153: if( ! GetTempPathA( ( DWORD )  
( HB_PATH_MAX - 1 ), pszName ) )
  source/rtl/fstemp.c:270: if( ! GetTempPathA( ( DWORD )  
HB_PATH_MAX, szTempDir ) )
  source/rtl/fstemp.c:278:  fResult = GetTempFileNameA 
( szTempDir, pszPrefix ? pszPrefix : hb, 0, pszBuffer );

  source/rtl/net.c:157:   GetComputerNameA( pszValue, ulLen );
  source/rtl/net.c:186:   GetUserNameA( pszValue, ulLen );
  contrib/hbwin/win_prn2.c:169:  DWORD dwSize =  
GetProfileStringA( windows, device, , pPrinterName,  
*pdwBufferSize );

  + plus a few dynamically called ones, but I'm not exactly sure
how to handle them properly.

I could start doing it, but I fear that I'd do it either
in not very optimal way, and/or would break something along
the way :(

If you'd just modify the typical cases, I could apply the
logic to the rest of occurrences.

This move would be important to untie Unicode Harbour versions
from Windows's internal ANSI-Unicode conversion and be able to
take it in our hands. It's also simply good practice to use
non-ANSI versions in Unicode programs.


Harbour mailing list

[Harbour] Re: Harbour under OS/2 - 12624

2009-10-01 Thread David Arturo Macias Corona



did create a potential problem if users are mixing
gcc3 and gcc4.

One of them is not a specific need, it's simply
to INCOMPATIBLE groups of gcc compilers: = 3.3 and = 3.4.

Hence gcc3 and gcc4 seems like a logical choice here.

In hbmk2 compiler choice is managed by -compiler= option.
And for consistency I'd like to keep it this way.

[...] so still gcc3/gcc4 compiler names are better here.

I was thinking this matter had been completely clarified: we do not need
gcc3/gcc4 separation

Along these messages I have seen how misunderstandings come again and
again even after they have been explained
You confused much of the explanations and your review of the information
provided has been on surface. Perhaps you ever did a check of diff
output content
Recalling again explanations may lead to new or older confutions.

I have made the work and know exactly what it need and where, it has
been explained many times in many ways

A lot of time and efforts has been lost on an issue that is so simple to
understand and as exposed, very easy to implement

Yes I know you do not want any new value in Harbour build scheme, but we
need only one to inform Harbour that we are building with alternative
library format in OS/2 platform
Does not need any specification of gcc3 or gcc4 as you think

David Macias

Harbour mailing list

Re: [Harbour] SF tracker#2871130: 5 AdsOpenTable and Free Tables with DD (patch)

2009-10-01 Thread Przemyslaw Czerpak
On Thu, 01 Oct 2009, Chen Kedem wrote:


 The following patch was submitted to our bug tracker:
 Anonymous wrote:
 In ads1.c (adsOpen function call), when a DD is used, there are instances
 where free table access might still be desired. This fix solves the problem
 by introducing a second call to AdsOpenTable after the inital call fails to
 find the free table in the DD. This procedure was commented on by Alex Wong
 in the Advantage.xHarbour newsgroup with his approval. See comment with my
 name Andy Ross in the source to locate the change.
 Please review and apply if it is the correct solution.

1. it's for old code with bugs which were fixed
2. if 1-st call to AdsOpenTable() success then uninitialized fRetry
   is used as loop stop condition so the behavior is random and depends
   on C stack context - potentialy it's infinit loop.
   Classic example why clear indenting is necessary - due to dropped
   indenting very serious bug cannot be seen immediately.
3. for non ADS_DATABASE_CONNECTION it repeates exactly the same call
   which fail before so the next one will also fail
4. fixing above problems is trivial but still the final modification
   can be source of very serious problems when free tables with the
   same names as the ones in DD exists. If for some reasons DD tables
   cannot be accessed, i.e. they are open in exclusive mode by other
   clients then silently the free tables are open instead without
   any information for user what may cause that important data will
   be stored in temporary tables which will be removed later or some
   other similar bad things. In such context the argument that free
   tables are usable sometimes we have to revert to free tables are
   very danger and we will havew to fix above fix.
5. it still does not allow to control by programmer table location
   and DD has higher priority hiding free tables with the same name.

if ADS users really need such functionality then current
code allows to access free tables using different connections and
connection can be passed as dbUseArea() parameter.
Anyhow if it's still not enough for and users wants to use the
same connection then we can add option to force free table access
by some function or using new ADS* RDD which will inherit from
ADS. The second version allows to use COPY TO / APPEND FROM
between free tables and DD using the same table names.

best regards,
Harbour mailing list

[Harbour] SF.net SVN: harbour-project:[12630] trunk/harbour

2009-10-01 Thread macdavid
Revision: 12630
Author:   macdavid
Date: 2009-10-01 09:41:25 + (Thu, 01 Oct 2009)

Log Message:
2009-10-01 4:25 UTC-0500 David Arturo Macias Corona (dmacias/at/mail.udg.mx)
  * harbour/config/os2/gcc.mk
  * harbour/utils/hbmk2/hbmk2.prg
+ Added support of OMF library format
  To select alternative OMF library format, use:
set HB_OS2_OMF=yes
+ Added note for OMF library format

Modified Paths:

This was sent by the SourceForge.net collaborative development platform, the 
world's largest Open Source development site.
Harbour mailing list

Re: [Harbour] Re: Harbour under OS/2 - 12624

2009-10-01 Thread Alex Strickland

Viktor Szakáts wrote:

Yes I know you do not want any new value in Harbour build scheme, but we
need only one to inform Harbour that we are building with alternative
library format in OS/2 platform
Does not need any specification of gcc3 or gcc4 as you think

No new value? Perhaps you missed the few thousand commits
which went into make systems and hbmk2. (much of it went to
OS/2 port, which essentially 3 ppl uses from the whole
userbase, perhaps you should say 'thanks' instead of telling

I think he means new environment value, no insult intended.


Harbour mailing list

[Harbour] SF.net SVN: harbour-project:[12631] trunk/harbour

2009-10-01 Thread vszakats
Revision: 12631
Author:   vszakats
Date: 2009-10-01 09:58:44 + (Thu, 01 Oct 2009)

Log Message:
2009-10-01 11:53 UTC+0200 Viktor Szakats (harbour.01 syenar.hu)
  * config/global.mk
  * utils/hbmk2/hbmk2.prg
+ Added autodetection for win/msvcia64 compiler.

+ Tweaks to links.

  * ChangeLog
! Fixed wrong entry header in my prev commit.

  * utils/hbmk2/hbmk2.prg
  * config/os2/gcc.mk
! Reverted rogue patch. I'd like to kindly ask David, 
  to commit when doubts are cleared, otherwise I will 
  have to revoke R/W rights to avoid extra cleanup work.
  This solution is wrong, for specific concerns see dev list.

Modified Paths:

This was sent by the SourceForge.net collaborative development platform, the 
world's largest Open Source development site.
Harbour mailing list

[Harbour] Re: Harbour under OS/2 - 12624

2009-10-01 Thread David Arturo Macias Corona


No new value? Perhaps you missed the few thousand commits
which went into make systems and hbmk2. (much of it went to
OS/2 port, which essentially 3 ppl uses from the whole
userbase, perhaps you should say 'thanks' instead of telling

Case closed from my side.

You misread again
Just to clarify it, along time on some of your responses you tend to 
suggest that I am against your work and that is not true. How easily 
jumped in when seeing a different POV

Only avoid these suggestions, somebody may believe it is true and I do 
not have that style. For me every Harbour developer/contributor/user are 

David Macias

Harbour mailing list

Re: [Harbour] Re: Harbour under OS/2 - 12624

2009-10-01 Thread Viktor Szakáts

Case closed from my side.

You misread again
Just to clarify it, along time on some of your responses you tend to  
suggest that I am against your work and that is not true. How easily  
jumped in when seeing a different POV

Only avoid these suggestions, somebody may believe it is true and I  
do not have that style. For me every Harbour developer/contributor/ 
user are valuable

I guess you'll have to write more precisely.
You wrote no new value in Harbour build scheme.

If you meant no new control setting, or no new environment
value (as Alex suggested), you're absolutely right. Since
I'm working to REDUCE number of control knobs, I don't want
to add new ones for no good reason. I'm sorry if you
can't grasp the benefits of this direction. See below a
little explanation:

Every such knob needs to be documented, maintained, kept
working. Besides each of these knobs will have to be
understood by users, and we as developers will have to
support them in this. Each of these knobs will have different
branches inside the make system also to _test_. Each of these
extra knobs adds to the complexity of the design, which
means each of these simple and easy solutions will turn
out to cause much more trouble on the long run, than you're
saving on the design side. That is why creating a simple
design is in fact much complicated than a messy one. [ Plus
one: This specific extra know will have to be carefully
synced by user to the gcc environment he uses. This is not
obvious from the knob's name HB_OS2_OMF, which suggest
this is a general option to choose object format, but this
is just one little issue with such design. ]

So, I don't like them. We still have such knob for MSVC
which sets some internal details depending on MSVC version.
I don't like it either, and I certainly wouldn't like to
duplicate such bad solution.

Please comment on the concerns and maybe we can find a
good solution, like gcc4, which you can't tell why you
don't like, or autodetection of non-OMF vs. OMF environment.
Although this again goes best with gcc4 solution to keep
internal logic clean. Notice there are solutions to avoid
.mk logic duplication even in this case (just change
HB_OS2_OMF=yes checks to HB_COMPILER=gcc4 checks). Granted,
it needs a little more work to complete, since gcc4 needs
to be introduced to a few places.

[ As for the wlink hack (two extra knobs), it's so marginal
that IMO we should just drop it. And every word spent on
discussing it just time wasted. If you want to experiment
with it locally, just create a new compiler .mk file ]

Plus we stil have the cmdline problem, which isn't solved
yet properly, so that gcc4 becomes ready for SVN. Maybe
it's not the easy way, but in Harbour we value the
_proper_ way, instead of the easy one.


Harbour mailing list

[Harbour] Re: Compile Error Using BCC 6.20

2009-10-01 Thread Mario H. Sabado

Hi Viktor,


Message: 4
Date: Thu, 1 Oct 2009 08:41:43 +0200
From: Viktor Szak?ts harbour...@syenar.hu
Subject: Re: [Harbour] Compile Error Using BCC 6.20
To: Harbour Project Main Developer List.
Message-ID: a840ee34-0ff8-4efc-aa02-901757d07...@syenar.hu
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed; delsp=yes

Hi Mario,

I don't have this compiler. You'll have to find out
which bcc system lib holds this symbol.

grep WSAIoctl *.lib


I have the following results:

Binary file import32.lib matches
Binary file intraweb_100_140.lib matches
Binary file ws2_32.lib matches

How can I include these libs to build Harbour?


Harbour mailing list

Re: [Harbour] Re: Compile Error Using BCC 6.20

2009-10-01 Thread Viktor Szakáts

Hi Mario,

I don't have this compiler. You'll have to find out
which bcc system lib holds this symbol.

grep WSAIoctl *.lib


I have the following results:

Binary file import32.lib matches
Binary file intraweb_100_140.lib matches
Binary file ws2_32.lib matches

How can I include these libs to build Harbour?

Thanks. ws2_32 is already on the liblist, so the problem
may lie elsewhere


Harbour mailing list

Harbour mailing list

[Harbour] SF.net SVN: harbour-project:[12632] trunk/harbour

2009-10-01 Thread druzus
Revision: 12632
Author:   druzus
Date: 2009-10-01 11:22:17 + (Thu, 01 Oct 2009)

Log Message:
2009-10-01 13:22 UTC+0200 Przemyslaw Czerpak (druzus/at/priv.onet.pl)
  * harbour/include/hbrdddbf.h
  * harbour/source/rdd/dbf1.c
! resolve pending relations before clearing WA filter

Modified Paths:

This was sent by the SourceForge.net collaborative development platform, the 
world's largest Open Source development site.
Harbour mailing list

[Harbour] Google wave invitation

2009-10-01 Thread Massimo Belgrano
I search a google wave invitation for massimo.belgrano atgmail.comThanks

Massimo Belgrano
Harbour mailing list

[Harbour] SF.net SVN: harbour-project:[12633] trunk/harbour

2009-10-01 Thread druzus
Revision: 12633
Author:   druzus
Date: 2009-10-01 12:12:14 + (Thu, 01 Oct 2009)

Log Message:
2009-10-01 14:12 UTC+0200 Przemyslaw Czerpak (druzus/at/priv.onet.pl)
  * harbour/source/rdd/dbfcdx/dbfcdx1.c
  * harbour/source/rdd/dbf1.c
  * harbour/contrib/rddads/ads1.c
! resolve pending relations before clearing or setting WA filter
  directly or indirectly by SUPER method call

Modified Paths:

This was sent by the SourceForge.net collaborative development platform, the 
world's largest Open Source development site.
Harbour mailing list

[Harbour] Re: Harbour under OS/2 - 12624

2009-10-01 Thread David Arturo Macias Corona


You reverted my first commit in Harbour SVN age  :-)
I hope this was an temporary action because content of code changes are 

I was based in doc\howtosvn.txt and this does not work in my case
 6) svn commit --editor-cmd notepad.exe --username sfuser
 ( svn report missing log after using EPM OS/2 editor )
so I used Ryszard alternative
svn commit -F file_with_saved_ChangeLog_changes --username sfuser

Now back to your response, included entirely below to avoid quoting parts

As you know I am in Harbour since February 1999 and seen the Harbour 
History near allmost
So I know that one of your better personality characteristics is the 
cooperative work and help to reach goals even if them are not yours
The hard part sometimes is that you reject until you understand it 
entirely. Not allways is possible

So this is the spirit of your phrase:
Please comment on the concerns and maybe we can find a
good solution,
I as allways appreciate it and want to reach goals as you have seen

but this part tell me you are still confused  :-) :
 like gcc4

As this subject of OMF felt into a long chain of David/Viktor/Maurilio 
unuseful messages, I moved from words to productive actions, as commit 
to SVN

I am not an expert in OS/2 and/or os2gcc, but I am not a fool
Every message I posted is based in carefully checked/tested info

I started to test OMF/gcc335/gcc4xx since Oct 2008, and reported to 
Harbour group in August 16 2009 Harbour under OS/2 - eCS gcc, first as 
long messages containing a lot of info, then summaries, then diff output 
and last as SVN commit

But I do not want to get tired to anyone with this long list of messages 
and explanations  :-)

Based in all these works, I do not have doubts about we need to do and I 
posted in summary. It imply os2gcc internals related to these works

I understand clearly that you do not know os2gcc internals, and of 
course you do not need to know every detail
I understand clearly that Maurilio do not know ALL os2gcc internals, but 
can catch quickly what they mean. For sure is our OS/2 expert  :-)

So when at first time a presented my work I was prepared to take care of 
each of the questions/doubts that may arise by your part and/or 
Maurilio, so them have answer in each message directly or indirectly 
included in info presented

I supposed any doubts were solved  :-)
but as ghosts some of them return many times and they avoid to add 
benefits to Harbour capabilities

Since first message I added a lot of relationed info, enough to clarify 
any doubts. One of them was reference and part of

(entire page is included below)

which start explaining:
GCC on OS/2 supports several extra options. Most start with -Z. With 
the exception of -Zomf (others?) they are affecting the linking.

so I explained many times with different words: we need to tell Harbour 
about an specific os2gcc feature

and repeated: we do not need gcc3/gcc4 separation

My additional function is to save you or any other to work in solutions 
which lead to unnecessary work, based in your (theirs) remaining doubts

As I said: subject is os2gcc library format types, not gcc3 vs gcc4

Perhaps changing style from long messages to short explanations (like 
FAQ) we can go faster:

- Why OMF ? Because is native to OS/2. os2-OWatcom default to OMF too
- And why we were using a.out ? Because it was only alternative when 
OS/2 support was added to Harbour
- Why a.out is default in os2gcc: Because was only way available when 
gcc was ported to OS/2. OMF support was added later with proper 
implementation and unavoidable switch

- We need to drop a.out ? No, we can use either a.out or OMF
- What need Harbour to use OMF ? Just to inform him in some way hey, 
Harbour, build you in OMF type in OS/2
- Needs for gcc ? Inform him to use OMF type (-Zomf) and optionally set 
some os2gcc values
- Needs for Harbour ? Inform him to inform gcc to use OMF type and set 
some values for Harbour

- Which values for gcc ? -Zomf and optionally EMXOMFLD_TYPE, EMXOMFLD_LINKER
- Which values for Harbour ? Specification to use OMF (somebody proposed 
HB_OS2_OMF) and corresponding values as .obj, .lib, emxomfar, ...
- What are EMXOMFLD_TYPE, EMXOMFLD_LINKER ? Optional values which inform 
os2gcc what to use to link. Defaults are VAC365 and ilink.exe

- And what are emxomfar.exe, emxomfld.exe ?
  os2gcc use for:
  + a.out type: gcc, ar and ld
  + OMF: gcc, emxomfar and emxomfld. Emxomfld use as final linker 
values specified by EMXOMFLD_TYPE, EMXOMFLD_LINKER, or defaults if are 
not set
- We are forced to use wlink ? No, is optional. User can apply other 
prefered final linker
- Which final linker is suggested ? Harbour with OMF support has been 
tested with LINK386.exe and WL.exe. First have many limitations 
explained in messages and WL.exe gave best results. WL.exe is an 
modified OpenWatcom WLINK.exe to add support of debuggers in HLL format
- Which are benefits 

Re: [Harbour] Re: Harbour under OS/2 - 12624

2009-10-01 Thread Viktor Szakáts

Sorry, but I've been asking some specific questions and now you
begin with a long tirade starting from 1999.

Let's cut it short:

Please correct me, if I'm wrong:
- There is 3.3.4 and lower, supporting COFF (or whatever else, let's  
call it non-OMF)

- There is 3.3.5, which supports both OMF and non-OMF.
- There is 4.0.0 and upper, which support both, but non-OMF is broken,  
so it doesn't work,

  so it only supports OMF.
- Should we REALLY concentrate on 3.3.5 ? Is it some sort of widely  
used version,
  we should design Harbour around? If so, change my proposition to  
gccomf.mk from gcc4.mk,

  and this problem is also solved.
- All these options are free and gratis.
- How to autodetect 3.3.4 or lower vs. 4.0.0 or upper by checking a  
presence of a file in PATH?

- GCC 4.x port is in beta status AFAIK, so linker problems which you try
  to workaround using WLINK are not proper/final solutions we should  
  in Harbour. Instead, you should report these problems to port  

  for fix. (if it's really a showstopper).

Some notes:

- You seem to be stuck at giving too many options (alternatives) for
  a too small user community (customizable linker because of WLINK,  
gcc 3.3.5,
  when gcc 4.x and gcc 3.3.4 are also free options with similar  

  Please weight these, because it's not you who will support
  them on the long run, but volunteers like me in their free time.
  To me it looks we need to add proper support for GCC 4.x with
  supplied linker and we had done a 100% coverage of the problem,
  maybe except your case.

  [ I remember how aggressively you've been fighting for  
  and bld_os2.cmd back then. After someone added it, you _never ever_  
  those files, telling you're only a tester. After that I had to  
update them

  several dozens of times. ]

- easy addition of any feature is not a virtue in Harbour. It's not  

  and argument.
  IOW, it doesn't serve Harbour or its users the best if an  
  of a feature is easy for the developer. It only serves the  
  because he could save some time for himself. This is great and all  

  but not a value for the community.

- You still didn't fix gcc4 (or gccomf) to handle
  long cmdlines. Telling that it's too complicated to one of
  my suggestions. If you're only interested in easy solutions and  
  which is complicated (but is right), then it will be very  
difficult to

  come to a Harbour-quality resolution for this matter.


On 2009 Oct 1, at 16:07, David Arturo Macias Corona wrote:


You reverted my first commit in Harbour SVN age  :-)
I hope this was an temporary action because content of code changes  
are self-explained

I was based in doc\howtosvn.txt and this does not work in my case
6) svn commit --editor-cmd notepad.exe --username sfuser
( svn report missing log after using EPM OS/2 editor )
so I used Ryszard alternative
   svn commit -F file_with_saved_ChangeLog_changes --username sfuser

Now back to your response, included entirely below to avoid quoting  

As you know I am in Harbour since February 1999 and seen the  
Harbour History near allmost
So I know that one of your better personality characteristics is the  
cooperative work and help to reach goals even if them are not yours
The hard part sometimes is that you reject until you understand it  
entirely. Not allways is possible

So this is the spirit of your phrase:
Please comment on the concerns and maybe we can find a
good solution,
I as allways appreciate it and want to reach goals as you have seen

but this part tell me you are still confused  :-) :
like gcc4

As this subject of OMF felt into a long chain of David/Viktor/ 
Maurilio unuseful messages, I moved from words to productive  
actions, as commit to SVN

I am not an expert in OS/2 and/or os2gcc, but I am not a fool
Every message I posted is based in carefully checked/tested info

I started to test OMF/gcc335/gcc4xx since Oct 2008, and reported to  
Harbour group in August 16 2009 Harbour under OS/2 - eCS gcc,  
first as long messages containing a lot of info, then summaries,  
then diff output and last as SVN commit

But I do not want to get tired to anyone with this long list of  
messages and explanations  :-)

Based in all these works, I do not have doubts about we need to do  
and I posted in summary. It imply os2gcc internals related to these  

I understand clearly that you do not know os2gcc internals, and of  
course you do not need to know every detail
I understand clearly that Maurilio do not know ALL os2gcc internals,  
but can catch quickly what they mean. For sure is our OS/2 expert  :-)

So when at first time a presented my work I was prepared to take  
care of each of the questions/doubts that may arise by your part and/ 
or Maurilio, so them have answer in each message directly or  
indirectly included in info presented

I supposed any doubts were solved  

Re: [Harbour] Compile Error Using BCC 6.20

2009-10-01 Thread Mario H. Sabado

Hi Viktor,


Message: 6
Date: Thu, 1 Oct 2009 13:14:46 +0200
From: Viktor Szak?ts harbour...@syenar.hu
Subject: Re: [Harbour] Re: Compile Error Using BCC 6.20
To: Viktor Szak?ts harbour...@syenar.hu
Cc: Harbour Project Main Developer List.
Message-ID: 24c252bf-3552-4073-a5a7-0177b93ea...@syenar.hu
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed


Hi Mario,

I don't have this compiler. You'll have to find out
which bcc system lib holds this symbol.

grep WSAIoctl *.lib


I have the following results:

Binary file import32.lib matches
Binary file intraweb_100_140.lib matches
Binary file ws2_32.lib matches

How can I include these libs to build Harbour?

Thanks. ws2_32 is already on the liblist, so the problem
may lie elsewhere

Pressed send by mistake, well, check your BCC setup,
I'd guess it's wrong.

I can compile Harbour with BCC 5.82 successfully.  What I have noticed 
is that WSAIoctl from BCC 5.82 only exist with ws2_32.lib, while from 
BCC 6.20, it is present both with import32.lib and ws2_32.lib.  Would 
the ordering of these two libs help in resolving the issue?

Thanks and best regards,


Harbour mailing list

Re: [Harbour] Compile Error Using BCC 6.20

2009-10-01 Thread Viktor Szakáts

I don't have this compiler. You'll have to find out
which bcc system lib holds this symbol.

grep WSAIoctl *.lib


I have the following results:

Binary file import32.lib matches
Binary file intraweb_100_140.lib matches
Binary file ws2_32.lib matches

How can I include these libs to build Harbour?

Thanks. ws2_32 is already on the liblist, so the problem
may lie elsewhere

Pressed send by mistake, well, check your BCC setup,
I'd guess it's wrong.

I can compile Harbour with BCC 5.82 successfully.  What I have  
noticed is that WSAIoctl from BCC 5.82 only exist with ws2_32.lib,  
while from BCC 6.20, it is present both with import32.lib and  
ws2_32.lib.  Would the ordering of these two libs help in resolving  
the issue?

I don't think so, since import32.lib isn't used at all in this case.

Please verify your BCC 6.20 installation, .cfg files. If these are  

you can still build all other versions of BCC (which happen to be
configured right).


Harbour mailing list

Re: [Harbour] Compile Error Using BCC 6.20

2009-10-01 Thread Mario H. Sabado

Hi Viktor,

Message: 3
Date: Thu, 1 Oct 2009 17:48:12 +0200
From: Viktor Szak?ts harbour...@syenar.hu
Subject: Re: [Harbour] Compile Error Using BCC 6.20
To: Harbour Project Main Developer List.
Message-ID: f2d70c1f-bb6a-4e60-8531-6d98f909b...@syenar.hu
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed; delsp=yes


 I don't have this compiler. You'll have to find out
 which bcc system lib holds this symbol.

 grep WSAIoctl *.lib


 I have the following results:

 Binary file import32.lib matches
 Binary file intraweb_100_140.lib matches
 Binary file ws2_32.lib matches

 How can I include these libs to build Harbour?


 Thanks. ws2_32 is already on the liblist, so the problem
 may lie elsewhere

 Pressed send by mistake, well, check your BCC setup,
 I'd guess it's wrong.

 I can compile Harbour with BCC 5.82 successfully.  What I have  
 noticed is that WSAIoctl from BCC 5.82 only exist with ws2_32.lib,  
 while from BCC 6.20, it is present both with import32.lib and  
 ws2_32.lib.  Would the ordering of these two libs help in resolving  
 the issue?

I don't think so, since import32.lib isn't used at all in this case.

Please verify your BCC 6.20 installation, .cfg files. If these are  

you can still build all other versions of BCC (which happen to be
configured right).
I tried to rename import32.lib from BCC 6.20 to test if it's being used 
and I got the following error:
bcc32.exe -q -tWM -w -w-sig- -Q -d -6 -O2 -OS -Ov -Oi -Oc 
-e..\..\..\..\..\bin\win\bcc\hbpp.exe hbpp.obj 
-L../../../../../lib/win/bcc   ../../../../../lib/win/bcc/hbnortl.lib 
../../../../../lib/win/bcc/hbcommon.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib 
ws2_32.lib advapi32.lib gdi32.lib

Fatal: Unable to open file 'IMPORT32.LIB'
mingw32-make.exe[3]: *** [hbpp.exe] Error 1
rm hbpp.obj
mingw32-make.exe[2]: *** [descend] Error 2
mingw32-make.exe[1]: *** [pp.inst] Error 2
mingw32-make.exe: *** [source.inst] Error 2

Anyway, I can stick BCC 5.82 at the moment which is working fine.  
Thanks again for your time.

Best regards,

Harbour mailing list

[Harbour] How to create and use DLL like HRB

2009-10-01 Thread Adam Lubszczyk


In my program, I want to allow users to add their modules.
This works very well with the modules in the HRB.
However, in modules HRB can not add blocks in C (for example, inserts the
code referring APIs ).
I found information that can be just as HRB, use DLLs.
In message: 
You write that use HB_LIBLOAD() function, and found the sample programs.
But this sample not work (may be I wrong compiling it ?).
Therefore, I looked to the sources HB_LIBLOAD() function.
This function only loads the library (API LoadLibrary() ) and attempts to
perform functions such INIT.
So, I think I have to put yourself in the library operations that add to an
array of symbols the new my functions, and do it during the loading library
using the APIs DllEntryPoint() function.

So please give examples of sources program and librarie and how they build
(options for BCC32 and ILINK32).
View this message in context: 
Sent from the Harbour - Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Harbour mailing list

[Harbour] SF.net SVN: harbour-project:[12634] trunk/harbour

2009-10-01 Thread vszakats
Revision: 12634
Author:   vszakats
Date: 2009-10-01 16:04:11 + (Thu, 01 Oct 2009)

Log Message:

2009-10-01 17:58 UTC+0200 Viktor Szakats (harbour.01 syenar.hu)
  * utils/hbmk2/hbmk2.prg
  * config/os2/gcc.mk
  + config/os2/gccomf.mk
+ Added OS/2 GCC OMF support.
  This tries to fix resource support in hbmk2 compared to David's 
  solution. hbmk2 support is completely newly done, .mk support was 
  as is, with little change in actication logic.
! Fixed to use $(ECHOQUOTE) in some $(ECHO) command parameters.
; NOTE: Until we don't add autodetection for OMF supporting GCC versions, 
it will have to be selected manually using HB_COMPILER=gccomf.
Notice that for GCC 4.x this is obligatory since COFF support is 
broken in these versions.
Additional EMX* envvar options are left as an excercise for the 
users, I intentionally didn't document these in INSTALL, as INSTALL 
servers as Harbour documentation, not 3rd party tools like GCC.

  * config/global.mk
! Minor in comment.

  * contrib/hbqt/Makefile
  * contrib/hbqt/hbqts/Makefile
  * contrib/gtqtc/gtqtcs/Makefile
  * contrib/gtqtc/Makefile
! Disabled QT dependent parts for msvcia64 targets.
; Fails with error:
  z:\devl\qt\4.5.2\include\qtcore\../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h(541) : 
warning C4346: 'QVectorT::iterator' : dependent name is not a type
  prefix with 'typename' to indicate a type
  z:\devl\qt\4.5.2\include\qtcore\../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h(541) : 
error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before 'QVectorT::insert'
  z:\devl\qt\4.5.2\include\qtcore\../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h(541) : 
error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support 
  z:\devl\qt\4.5.2\include\qtcore\../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h(541) : 
fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping 

  * package/winuni/HARBOUR_README_MINGWARM
* Minor raw update to document newly found --force-local tar switch.

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

This was sent by the SourceForge.net collaborative development platform, the 
world's largest Open Source development site.
Harbour mailing list

Re: [Harbour] Compile Error Using BCC 6.20

2009-10-01 Thread Viktor Szakáts

Please verify your BCC 6.20 installation, .cfg files. If these are
you can still build all other versions of BCC (which happen to be
configured right).

I tried to rename import32.lib from BCC 6.20 to test if it's being  
used and I got the following error:
bcc32.exe -q -tWM -w -w-sig- -Q -d -6 -O2 -OS -Ov -Oi -Oc -e..\..\.. 
\..\..\bin\win\bcc\hbpp.exe hbpp.obj -L../../../../../lib/win/ 
bcc   ../../../../../lib/win/bcc/hbnortl.lib ../../../../../lib/win/ 
bcc/hbcommon.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib ws2_32.lib advapi32.lib  

Fatal: Unable to open file 'IMPORT32.LIB'
mingw32-make.exe[3]: *** [hbpp.exe] Error 1
rm hbpp.obj
mingw32-make.exe[2]: *** [descend] Error 2
mingw32-make.exe[1]: *** [pp.inst] Error 2
mingw32-make.exe: *** [source.inst] Error 2

Anyway, I can stick BCC 5.82 at the moment which is working fine.   
Thanks again for your time.

So import32.lib is automatically pulled by BCC linker. We can't
really do too much about it.

Anyhow you should still try to fix your BCC .cfg files. Maybe they
point to other BCC version dir.


Harbour mailing list

[Harbour] OS/2 cmdline hack removal

2009-10-01 Thread Viktor Szakáts

Hi Maurilio, David, All,

Does anyone of you want to remove config/global/watcom.mk hacks
added to workaround recently fixed GNU Make bugs?


Harbour mailing list

[Harbour] Harbour Itanium build success

2009-10-01 Thread Viktor Szakáts

Hi All,

Harbour Windows MSVC 2008 Itanium target was just tested OK.
It needs MSVC 2008 Team Suite (I just get hold of a legal copy).
(maybe 2005 works also, I don't know)


Harbour mailing list

[Harbour] SF.net SVN: harbour-project:[12635] trunk/harbour

2009-10-01 Thread druzus
Revision: 12635
Author:   druzus
Date: 2009-10-02 00:19:28 + (Fri, 02 Oct 2009)

Log Message:
2009-10-02 02:19 UTC+0200 Przemyslaw Czerpak (druzus/at/priv.onet.pl)
  * harbour/include/hbrdddbf.h
  * harbour/include/hbrddnsx.h
  * harbour/include/hbrddcdx.h
  * harbour/include/hbrddfpt.h
  * harbour/include/hbrddntx.h
  * harbour/source/rdd/dbf1.c
  * harbour/source/rdd/dbffpt/dbffpt1.c
  * harbour/source/rdd/dbfntx/dbfntx1.c
  * harbour/source/rdd/dbfnsx/dbfnsx1.c
  * harbour/source/rdd/dbfcdx/dbfcdx1.c
  * harbour/contrib/hbbmcdx/hbbmcdx.h
* code cleanup

Modified Paths:

This was sent by the SourceForge.net collaborative development platform, the 
world's largest Open Source development site.
Harbour mailing list

[Harbour] 2.0beta3 deployment success

2009-10-01 Thread Lorenzo Fiorini
So far logs are clean and phones are quiet :)

I'd like to thank all ( in particular Przemyslaw and Viktor ) for the
great job done in the last months.

With the new standard make, clean, install build system is really
easy to import harbour as a standard Eclipse C Makefile project.

After the -fpic discussion, I've packed my full ERP into few shared
libs so that the former 1-3MB executables are now 10KB ( yes 10KB on
both linux and win )  and are made of 1 function call. The main
advantage is that now a small fix or an entire new release can be done
simply uploading a new shared lib ( and in Linux it can be done even
when users are working ).

Many thanks again to all.

best regards,
Harbour mailing list