            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Wanted to let you guys know up front what's going on with Chris...He's been 
hospitalized with malaria and is resting comfortably at this hour (Actually he's been 
busy this afternoon dictating his latest book to his researchers)...He's expected to 
make a full recovery and return home by week's end...As you know Chris has traveled 
extensively throughout the Middle East, Africa and Southeast Asia...Just got off the 
phone with him and he's "betting on Zimbabwe" as to the origin of his 
illness...Nonetheless, it hasn't dampened his spirits or feistiness, however...Watch 
this space for updates..

Tonight Barnicle will talk to Jesse...Check below for two big Wash Times pieces on him

We'll do the economy story with Robert Reich, Ben Stein, and Warren Rudman...The 
debate will be over the "sexualization" of kids..We got Donna Rice Hughes and Richard 
Walters (UCLA Film Prof)....

Jesse will be in B

The orders came from on high in Secaucus this morning to kick it up a notch...This 
will be a good one, trust me...Rios v. vanden Heuvel on the Priscilla Owen Judiciary 
fight among other topics...

The Hardball Briefing is written, compiled and edited by Dominic Bellone in 
Washington, DC

Housekeeping: Thanks for all your wonderful e-mails about the new layout, the new 
lineup and MSNBC access...Just because some of you don't get MSNBC anymore, doesn't 
mean you can't get value from the Briefing...So pls folks, don't unsubcribe...I've 
been there for you, now please be there for me...Besides, it will give you hope as the 
crack team here works to get you access..

Where's my MSNBC?? http://msnbc.com/tools/newstools/n/msnbc_tv.asp

There's a lot of buzz today up in the Big Apple over one of our former All Star Friday 
panelists...Al "The Rev" Sharpton 

The Rev. Al Sharpton discusses a major coke deal with an undercover federal agent on a 
19-year-old video that will be aired tonight. (NY Post) 

"I can get pure coke ... for about 35,000 a kilo," says Victor Quintana, the FBI 
agent, as Sharpton nods during the sting operation. "But I gotta get, you know, more 
than one." "Right," Sharpton replies. (NY Daily News) 

"This is nothing but some dirty tricks from some law enforcement officials," the civil 
rights activist said from Cleveland on Monday night.  (AP) 

President and Dog: 

Teens Before Their Time...With budding breasts and pubic hair, girls are developing 
earlier than ever. What's causing it? And what are the psychological effects? (Time) 

A decade ago, more than half of high school teens had sexual intercourse while they 
were in high school...Now, according to new federal data, it appears that the tables 
have turned, and virginal teens outnumber the sexually active ones. (The Washington 
Times) http://www.washtimes.com/national/20020722-76660856.htm
SEC considers rule on analysts' picks...Influence of investment banking colleagues 
under scrutiny (The Wall Street Journal) http://www.msnbc.com/news/784136.asp

Senior credit officers of Citigroup misrepresented the full nature of a 1999 
transaction with Enron in the records of the deal so that the energy company could 
ignore accounting requirements and hide its true financial condition, according to 
internal bank documents and government investigators. (The New York Times) 

President Bush came to the southwest suburbs Monday to cheer on local scientists and 
trumpet his homeland security plans, but he found himself giving a pep talk on the 
economy as the stock market zigged and zagged like a football player who lost his 
playbook. (Chicago Sun Times) http://www.suntimes.com/output/news/cst-nws-bush23.html

Bush's task: Turn back the bears...President presses for Congress to finish 
corporate-reform package by Friday, as White House takes heat on economy (Christian 
Science Monitor) http://www.csmonitor.com/2002/0723/p01s01-uspo.html

Lobbyists Lose Clout...Business Groups Find Their Influence On Audit Reform 
Legislation Shrinking (The Washington Post) 

As millions of Americans watched in horror as their nest eggs shrank with the stock 
market's big nose dive last week, U.S. Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill was noticeably 
missing from the scene (AP) 

Corporate wrongdoing and economic jitters have soured the national mood noticeably in 
recent weeks, according to prominent Republican pollsters who warn of "GOP turnout 
problems" in midterm elections if the trend persists. (AP) 

Jackson plans peace talks with Arafat...Jesse Jackson pointedly criticized President 
Bush's handling of the Middle East and said he will seek to meet with Palestinian 
leader Yasser Arafat on a peace mission "soon." (The Washington Times) 

Jesse Jackson yesterday equated police officers accused of brutality with terrorists, 
referring to police as the "militia." There is a pattern of African Americans being 
beaten by the militia and killed by the militia," Mr. Jackson said in an interview 
with the Washington Times. 

Senate ethics panel staff questions Torricelli...Sen. Robert G. Torricelli was 
questioned yesterday by staff of the Senate Select Committee on Ethics about 
accusations that he accepted cash in exchange for official favors. (The Washington 
Times) http://www.washingtontimes.com/national/20020723-7069774.htm

Israeli strike kills Hamas leader, 14 others...Israeli warplanes launched a missile 
attack in Gaza early Tuesday, killing the military leader of Hamas and at least 14 
other Palestinians, including several children.

Louis Farrakhan, the leader of the Nation of Islam, sharply criticized U.S. policy in 
the Middle East yesterday, urging the Bush administration to leave Yasser Arafat alone 
and warning that a military strike on Iraq would be an "attack against God Himself." 
(The Washington Times) http://www.washingtontimes.com/world/20020723-32514064.htm

Gertz: China recently test-fired a medium-range missile that contained numerous dummy 
warheads designed to defeat missile defenses, according to U.S. intelligence 
officials. The launch of a CSS-5 medium-range missile occurred in early July from a 
missile base in southern China, said officials familiar with the intelligence report. 

U.S. shifts policy on Iranian reform...Bush administration appeals to 'aspirations of 
Iranian people' (The Washington Post) http://www.msnbc.com/news/784207.asp

Video from the U.S. warplane that attacked villages in central Afghanistan earlier 
this month shows gunfire from the ground, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said. 
But Rumsfeld said it is difficult to tell from the nighttime video whether 
anti-aircraft guns were being fired at the Air Force AC-130 gunship. (AP) 

Liberals step up fight against nominee Owen...Liberal groups want to derail the 
nomination of Texas Supreme Court Justice Priscilla Owen, who faces a rocky reception 
from Democrats today at her confirmation hearing. (The Washington Times) 

A number of prominent Republicans, led by former White House counsel C. Boyden Gray, 
have formed a committee to pressure the Senate to approve President Bush's nominees 
for federal judgeships (The Washington Post) 

Bush holds funds on family planning...The Bush administration said yesterday that it 
will not pay the $34 million Congress has earmarked for U.N. family-planning programs 
overseas. (The Washington Times) 

Two grounded America West pilots drank nearly three gallons of beer before they 
allegedly tried to fly a jetliner earlier this month, prosecutors are charging. (NY 
Post) http://www.nypost.com/news/nationalnews/53179.htm

Hispanic Group Assails INS Enforcement Plan...La Raza Says Fla. Pact Stirs Immigrant 
Fears (The Washington Post) 

House Minority Leader Richard Gephardt told a national Hispanic rights group meeting 
in Miami Beach on Monday that he plans to introduce a bill within the next few weeks 
that would grant legal status to millions of undocumented immigrants (Miami Herald) 

"Fear Factor Sundae," "Will & Grace's Rocky Road of Romance," "Good Morning Miami 
Mint" and "Pralines 'n' American Dreams" are among the upcoming Baskin Robins flavors 
named after NBC shows (The Washington Times) 

Al Gore will be kicking off his second summer camp for young activists in Tennessee 
and raising money for a Senate candidate this week (AP) 

Actor Bruce Willis and the White House are teaming up to recruit more people to adopt 
the tens of thousands of often older, emotionally bruised children languishing in 
foster care. (AP) 

Sen. Robert Torricelli testified before an ethics panel Monday that is probing 
allegations that he accepted gifts and cash from a campaign contributor and, in 
return, helped the contributor with business dealings overseas. (AP) 

Sneed hears rumbles former President Bill Clinton is seeking help in adjusting to his 
new life as an ex-U.S. commander in chief. 

Washington Whispers: Bruce Lindsey, former President Clinton's closest confidante and 
trusted advisor, is headed back to Little Rock to rejoin the firm that bears his 
father's name-Wright, Lindsey & Jennings. 

Foundation to Honor Martha Stewart (AP) 
Earle's Lindh Song Hits Sour Note in Nashville (The Washington Post) 

Grove: ...We're not shocked to hear that over the weekend at Camp David, Bush screened 
the latest Mike Myers vehicle, "Austin Powers in Goldmember." No word yesterday on the 
presidential verdict. 

Drudge reports that Bush "loved it" http://www.drudgereport.com/gold.htm


Hollywood's bad mothers...Hollywood seems to have a fascination with bad mothers, 
writes Moira Redmond in Slate in exploring the depiction of motherhood in recent films.

Mitch Daniels: Homeland Security: Do It Right 

Altman: The Market Punishes Its Own...Congress won't fix corporate accounting. 

Mark Levin: Joe Lieberman's Cover-Up...Where is Robert Rubin? 

DeWayne Wickham: Skip Gore this time, please 

Treasury Secretary O'Neill is missing in action. He should resign. (Orlando Sentinel) 

Samuelson: The Real Price of the Slide...The market has dropped by a dizzying $7.7 
trillion since its peak. Will falling stocks cause a 'double dip' recession-or will 
the rising economy help salvage our investments? http://www.msnbc.com/news/783516.asp

Ingraham: No time for vacation

Mallard Fillmore http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/fun/mallard.asp

Doonesbury http://www.ucomics.com/doonesbury/

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