            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

I'd be lying if I told you I'm not a little bit giddy over Daschle's tirade on the 
Senate floor this morning...You know when you see politicians on tv saying something 
like "The American people are sick and tired of partisan politics in Washington"??

Folks, I ain't one of those people...I like my politics like my food: hot and 
spicy...And I bet if you're reading this Briefing and watch Hardball, you're like 
me...It's not really a partisan thing...I like to see Dems slam Republicans and 
Republicans slam Dems...After all, politics is a contact sport...It's not called 
Hardball for nothing...More on that below

Anyway, now that I've got that off my chest let's take a look at the show 
tonight...It's Wednesday which means its the College Tour...

Who: House Majority Leader Dick Armey and Chris Matthews

Where: George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, Center for the Arts, Concert Hall...Doors 
open at 7:30 tonight..It's of course free and open to the public

Directions to the gig http://www.gmu.edu/cfa/directions.html

College Tour website http://www.msnbc.com/modules/tvnews/Hardball_CollegeTour/

Hot Seat Site (this kid looks like a young Tommy Thompson) 

I'm even planning on kicking it there myself...I told Chris to make sure he gives a 
shout out for the Briefing tonight...He told me to sit in the front row but I'm not 
sure where I'll end up...Should be a hoot no matter what...We're trying to boost the 
Briefing's exposure and soon I'm gonna ask for your help on that...

We've got Shuster and Jamison putting together a hot package on all of Armey's 
"greatest hits"...You won't want to miss that..

Armey money sot for tonight: Two Lawmakers Assail Armey For Comments About Jewish 
Voters (The Washington Post) 

MSNBC lede at this hour: Daschle: Bush politicizing war...Senate leader accuses 
president of impugning patriotism of Democrats 

The piece that started it all...

Bush has suggested that Democrats do not care about national security, saying on 
Monday that the Democratic-controlled Senate is "not interested in the security of the 
American people." (The Washington Post) http://msnbc.com/news/812646.asp

>From "The Hardball Briefing Really Does Make You Smarter" file...

Dig this from Briefing subscriber Pam Brady (The woman who brought you "South Park" 
and "Just Shoot Me")...Congrats Pam! We'll be monitoring your success...Evans Will 
Stay in Picture at Comedy Central (Variety) 

Remember when I told you The Briefing can make you a smarter and more succesful 
person?  It can happen folks, send me your Hardball Briefing Success Story and I'll 
give you a shout out too!

Another "must read" piece from VandeHei: Louder War Talk, and Muffled Dissent...Party 
Leaders Make Opposition Difficult, Wary Democrats Say (Washington Post) 

The Briefing was written compiled and edited by Dominic Bellone inside the Beltway

Steiner delivers the fun cartoon of the day: 

This recipe really turns me on: Sweet and Sticky Glazed Chicken 

Cookie Dough: Freeze Now, Bake Later (Post Food Section) 

Gore in Sante Fe: "Are you better off now than you were two years ago?" (Sante Fe New 

Gore on Ashcroft: "He put Lady Justice in a burqa" 

Al Gore's former running mate, Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman, sharply disagreed yesterday 
with Mr. Gore's assertion that President Bush was pandering to conservative 
Republicans with his push for military action against Iraq. (The Washington Times) 

Babs update: Barbra Streisand is emerging from self-imposed retirement as an 
entertainer to help out her old pals in the Democratic Party. (Reuters) 

Fun Clinton news: Former President Bill Clinton is on a trip through Ghana, Nigeria, 
Rwanda, Mozambique and South Africa with Oscar-winning actor Kevin Spacey and Chris 
Tucker, the star of "Rush Hour" and its sequel. (Page Six) 

Hot...Hot...Hot...Page Six: Sen. John McCain going to quit the Republican Party and 
become the running mate of Sen. John Kerry in the 2004 presidential race? 

Cheney on Bin Laden: "As the president said recently: If he's alive, we'll get 
him...If he's not alive, we already got him..That's a Texas phrase" (Kansas City Star) 

Here's your AP-Pronunciation Guide 

Did you see this ad in the NYT today?? http://tompaine.com/op_ads/opad.cfm/ID/6438

U.S. alone in Iraq 'regime change'...The United States pressed hard Wednesday its case 
for "regime change" in Iraq, but some of Washington's closest allies were still 
skeptical of the hard-line U.S. policy.

GE's 3rd-quarter earnings on track...General Electric Co., whose products range from 
light bulbs to jet engines, said Wednesday its third-quarter earnings and revenue are 
"on track."

ABC News, CNN talks heat up...AOL's talks with Disney about merging CNN and ABC News 
are back on the front burner amid concerns about costs and advertising.

Argus Hamilton's political zingers! http://www.jewishworldreview.com/0902/hamilton.html

The United States probably will launch a war against Iraq's Saddam Hussein, and Osama 
bin Laden is likely dead, Pulitzer prize-winning reporter Judith Miller said Tuesday 
night. (St. Paul Pionner Press) 

Johnson: Don Hewitt, the legendary producer of CBS' 60 Minutes, has been griping to 
colleagues that he is being pushed out, amid a flurry of recent conversations between 
him and CBS brass http://www.usatoday.com/usatonline/20020925/4478677s.htm

Former first lady Nancy Reagan says in a interview to be broadcast Wednesday on CBS 
that she is no longer sure that her husband, ex-President Ronald Reagan, recognizes 
her because of the deterioration he has suffered from Alzheimer's disease (Reuters) 

The Who try to make it all right for the kids (Chicago Sun Times) 

Harper on Media: Buchanan's new magazine aims to rescue 'hijacked' right 

'Hardball' bulldog's new gig...Conservatives think he's too liberal, liberals think 
he's too conservative, and his assorted other detractors insist he's too loud, too 
curt, too abrasive, too blond, too (Bergen Record) 


Saletan: Both sides now...Bush and Gore on Iraq: a debate between the party of fear 
vs. the party of good will http://msnbc.com/news/812470.asp?0dm=C11UO

The Wall Street Journal: Gore Debates Blair...The erstwhile veep blames America first, 
while the prime minister takes a stand for freedom. 

Kelly Slams Gore: Gore-ing Iraq...Distasteful as it may be, some notice should be paid 
to the speech that the formerly important Al Gore delivered Monday at the Commonwealth 
Club in San Francisco. http://www.townhall.com/columnists/michaelkelly/mk20020925.shtml

Blankley: Buchanan's new mag

Friedman: Dead End...In the end, the only people who can effectively stop suicide 
bombers are those in the community they come from. 

Josh Green: Monumental Failure...Why we should commercialize the National Mall. 

Doonesbury http://www.ucomics.com/doonesbury/

Mallard Fillmore http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/fun/mallard.asp

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