            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Big news day today folks...The House is scheduled to vote on the Iraq war resolution 
and the Senate debate is humming along....It now appears that Nebraska Republican 
Senator Chuck Hagel and Massachusetts Democrat (and Hardball College Tour guest) John 
Kerry will now vote "Aye" on the resolution...This is significant because both were 
holdouts and both are Vietnam combat vets...Plus, Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle 
(D-SD) announced this morning that he's on board as well...Of course Byrd went on 
another tirade this morning...We'll play the sound...

We'll also talk to some "electeds" about the House vote and continuing Senate 
debate....Look for Texas Republican/'88 Libertarian presidential candidate Ron Paul 
who opposes the resolution and someone who supports it...Plus, Rhode Island Republican 
Senator Lincoln Chafee who also opposes the resolution...

I know what you're thinking: "Stop having all the anti-war folks on!"  Don't worry, 
we're gonna have some Hawks on too...Part of the deal with news is that you gotta look 
for the "man bites dog" story...Everyone's for the war, that's the "dog bites man" 
story...Anyway, we'll bring you highlights from the debate, the "hot sots" (sound on 
tape) if you will...

I love Lester's phrase: "The lowdown on the showdown"

Plus, There's a great piece in the Post this morning about the Democrats problem 
politically with supporting this war while at the same time trying to differentiate 
themselves on other issues from Bush...

Hardball guest Donna Brazile: "Our liberal base wants us to stand up and challenge 
Bush on the war"

We'll talk to Donna and Hardball favorite Pat Caddell about the state of the Democrat 
party and how they can win this November despite rolling over on Iraq...

And in the Buzz block, we'll serve up some lighter fare with Washington Post 
television critic Tom Shales...He just co-authored a book entitled "Live from New 
York"...It's an oral history of the popular NBC hit comedy show, Saturday Night Live..

Al Qaeda/Bin Laden specialist British dude Peter Bergen will give us the latest on 
those clowns and their evil work...

Plus, we'll also do the Hardball Hot Seat as well... 

Lots of fun to be had tonight folks...Do kick it with us...

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled, and edited The Briefing deep inside the Beltway...

Focus on War Talk Trips Democrats...The prospect of war with Iraq is pushing their 
best issues into the background, while also damaging fundraising and voting enthusiasm 
among key constituencies upset over the party's failure to challenge war plans (Wash 
Post) http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A3631-2002Oct9.html

Boxing promoter Don King to President Bush: "I did tell George, the president, 'You're 
a great fighter, but you need a promoter. I'd like to be your promoter.' And he said, 
'I don't know if I can afford you.' And I told him, 'I'll do it pro bono -- for a 
great nation called America!' " (Grove, "Reliable Source") 

Sadly there was another shooting in the DC area last night and while not conclusive, 
it appears to be the same M.O. of previous shootings...You know about the death Tarot 
card left at the scene of Monday's shooting but here's something of interest buried in 
today's Washington Post...

Police sources who have seen the card said that in addition to scrawling an apparent 
taunt on the card - "Mister Policeman, I am God" - the sniper also asked that his 
message not be revealed to the news media. Sources said some detectives had hoped that 
if they honored the request, the sniper might communicate with investigators again.  
"This was a personal message to us, and the intention of the [shooter] was to develop 
a relationship with us," said one detective, who spoke yesterday on the condition of 
anonymity. The detective said some investigators believed that the sniper "was 
attempting to build a rapport with us."

Fun Clinton News...Denise Rich, Malcolm Forbes, Nelson Mandela and other friends and 
supporters of the Clintons showered the couple with roughly $1 million in previously 
unreported gifts during the Clinton presidency, according to documents released by 
Republican congressional investigators. (New York Times) 

Poor Al Gore. Republicans are giving him the ultimate diss - they don't think he's 
worth using in TV attack ads while anti-Hillary ads keep popping up all over the 
country. (Orin) http://www.nypost.com/commentary/59399.htm

More from Sneed: U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton , who received an $8 million advance for 
her upcoming book, joked last week that the title for her tome should be called 
Headbands and Headaches . How about adding "Hairdos" to the title? 

Harry Belafonte: "Colin Powell's committed to come into the house of the master...When 
Colin Powell dares to suggest something other than what the master wants to hear, he 
will be turned back out to pasture." 

Colin Powell: "If Harry had wanted to attack my politics, that was fine. If he wanted 
to attack a particular position I hold, that was fine...But to use a slave reference, 
I think, is ... a throwback to another time and another place that I wish Harry had 
thought twice about using." 

Btw, Sources close to the secretary said Powell, whose parents are Jamaican 
immigrants, is a fan of the calypso singer Mighty Sparrow and not of Belafonte 

Democrats are wondering whatever happened to Al Gore, who had led an attack on 
President Bush's plans to disarm Iraq but now seems to be absent from the war debate 
being waged in Congress and throughout the country (The Washington Times) 

House set to vote on Iraq resolution...President-endorsed language expected to defeat 
alternative (MSNBC) http://msnbc.com/news/812825.asp
Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle put aside his misgivings Thursday and announced he 
will support President Bush's request for authority to use force against Iraq. "I 
believe it is important for America to speak with one voice," Daschle declared (AP) 

Few Iraq-plan critics in tight races...Lawmakers say elections have nothing to do with 
how they'll vote on resolution (USA Today) 

Iraq invites U.S. to visit sites...Deputy PM denies Washington's allegations (MSNBC) 

Terry M. Neal: Talking Points...Democrats Seek to Recapture the Initiative...In Key 
Races, Dems Seek to Shift Focus to Social Security 

Hallow: The national campaign committees of both parties are fine-turning their 
money-spending strategies for the last four weeks of the midterm election season. 

Va. slaying probed for link to sniper...A man was shot dead Wednesday night while 
pumping fuel at a gasoline station in a Virginia suburb of Washington in a slaying 
that appeared to closely resemble those of six other people whose deaths have 
terrified residents of the capital region. 

WashPost: Probe less cohesive than advertised...Interviews with leading investigators 
suggest that the massive effort to find the D.C.-area sniper are fraught with the same 
turf battles, politics, leaks and confusion that historically have characterized 
manhunts of this size. 

Tape Shows Al Qaeda Activity...An audio recording confirms that bin Laden's 
second-in-command is alive and the terrorists have reorganized. (The Washington Post) 

As Bush administration policymakers draft Iraq war plans and court support from 
Congress and the United Nations, they are having a difficult time answering a question 
that stretches beyond worries about urban warfare and weapons of mass destruction: If 
Iraqi President Saddam Hussein falls, what then? (The Washington Post) 

Iraq has been building a new 33-foot-long "supergun" capable of firing biological or 
chemical shells with equipment from German companies, prosecutors said yesterday. Two 
businessmen are accused of being the middlemen in an Iraqi operation to procure 
machine tools to drill the gun's barrel. (London Daily Telegraph) 

A letter to Congress from the director of central intelligence has brought into public 
view divisions within the administration over what intelligence shows about Iraq's 
intentions and its willingness to ally itself with Al Qaeda. (New York Times) 

Suicide blast near Tel Aviv...A suicide bomber blew himself up at a bus stop east of 
Tel Aviv on Thursday, killing himself and a woman and wounding five other people, 
authorities said.

Embattled SEC Chairman Harvey Pitt is again clashing with high-powered politicians, 
but some Washington insiders believe he will weather yet another storm. (NY Post) 

U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft brought his fight against terrorism to Chicago on 
Wednesday where he announced a seven-count indictment against the head of a suburban 
Islamic group, with new charges based on "an archive of incriminating evidence" that 
includes the text of an oath of allegiance pledged by al-Qaida members. (Chicago 
Sun-Times) http://www.suntimes.com/output/news/cst-nws-benev10.html

Simon's false accusation could prove fatal...Political experts astonished by latest 
blunder (SF Chronicle) 

In the first debate featuring all candidates for Massachusetts governor, the four 
women and one man on the November ballot sparred over taxes, wasteful spending, and 
job growth last night in a lively televised forum that sometimes seemed a meandering 
series of dinner-table arguments. (The Boston Globe) 

Milbank: Bush Linked to Harken Off-the-Books Deal...President Did Not Profit; White 
House Says Venture Can't Be Compared to Enron 

Cheney Had 'Nothing to Do' With Halliburton Shift, CEO Says...Accounting Change 
Spurred SEC Probe (The Washington Post) 

Former presidents Bill Clinton and George H. W. Bush are scheduled to drop in on the 
Massachusetts gubernatorial race today in a deja vu of their 1992 presidential 
contest. (Boston Herald) 

In a resumption of bitter Senate warfare over judicial nominations, Sen. Strom 
Thurmond (R-S.C.) took the chamber floor yesterday for a rare speech expressing 
outrage at Democrats for delaying a confirmation vote for a former aide tapped by 
President Bush for a federal appeals court judgeship. (The Washington Post) 

Pa. GOP May Wish It Could 'Pull a Torricelli' (The Washington Post) 

Kurtz: The Killer's Calling Card...News Media Criticized for Showing Police Hand 

Jacqueline Stallone, Sly's psychic mom, was alarmed when she heard about the Maryland 
sniper leaving the death tarot card. She believes that the shooter is "a light-haired 
person, in his twenties or thirties, from a good family, though he's not that close to 
them." (Walls) http://www.msnbc.com/news/819406.asp

Cindy Adams: Sen. Frank Lautenberg, who - who knows - could be future Sen. Frank 
Lautenberg. How did he feel after newly ex-Sen. Robert Torricelli caved, leaving him 
as New Jersey's could-be/should be/would be Dem replacement on November's ballot 

Slate: The Trial of Henry K....Was Kissinger a war criminal? A new movie can't prove 
the case. http://slate.msn.com/default.aspx?id=2072133


The ultimate question...The Senate debate on Iraq boils down to this: Whom do you 
trust less -- President Bush or the United Nations? By William Saletan.

John Fund's Diary: The Kill-Everything Senate...Bush needs a Trumanesque response to 
Daschle's obstructionism. http://www.opinionjournal.com/diary/?id=110002442

Novak: Dysfunctional Senate stalled on nominees 

Kemp: Time for a White House-Fed concord on tax cuts

Cohen: Ready for War http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A3737-2002Oct9.html

Coulter: New global warming threat: Hot air on Iraq 

Taranto on The Stephen Glass saga: Half Empty...A journalist's career is shattered. 

Doonesbury http://www.ucomics.com/doonesbury/

Mallard Fillmore http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/fun/mallard.asp

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