            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

"Soft-landing scenario"...That's the buzz phrase I'm picking up today to explain what 
GOP senators in Washington are hoping for in the Lott situation...This soft landing 
scenario would "encourage Lott to step down under face-saving conditions, which could 
include another prestigious Senate office." 

I'll remember that when I have to dismiss my first underling: "Buddy, don't think of 
it as a getting fired, think of it as a soft landing scenario"...Geez, you gotta love 
the obfuscation of language...

Here's a hot little development you need to be aware of....Just how involved behind 
the scenes The White House is on the Lott situation is a big angle to track 
today....Ari's on the hot seat in his briefing now over the matter...

"The signal is being sent from the White House: 'Get us a new guy,'" said a top GOP 
congressional source....A Bush source said the President has indicated his choice for 
a replacement would be the moderate Frist. (NY Daily News) 

Lott Reax....

"There seems to be some things that are seeping out that have not been helpful," Lott 
told reporters after a speech to the Chamber of Commerce in Biloxi, Miss. "I 
understand how that happens because you've got a lot of people who work there that 
have different points of view," 

"I'm telling you here this morning, I'm hanging in there," Lott told the Biloxi 
Chamber of Commerce. "I'm going to find a way for myself, my family, my friends, you 
the people of Mississippi and America to benefit from this experience." 


The other angle is the jockeying for a post-Lott regime...

Top Four Contenders for Lott's Leadership Post

Tennessee Senator and The White House's pick, Bill Frist http://frist.senate.gov/

Oklahoma Whip Don Nickles (Lott's #2 and the first GOP Senator to publicly call for 
Lott's ouster) http://nickles.senate.gov/

Pennsylvania's Rick Santorum (GOP Conference Chairman and 3rd in command...Said last 
night he supports Lott) http://santorum.senate.gov/

Incoming Majority Whip and the "Darth Vader" of Campaign Finance...Kentucky's Mitch 
McConnell (Lott backer) http://mcconnell.senate.gov/

Pat just hand delivered this to me...He's back in the game: Trent Lott: Victim of a 
hate crime http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=30051

Meanwhile: Rhode Island Sen. Lincoln Chafee said Wednesday that Mississippi Sen. Trent 
Lott should not continue as Senate Republican leader. "It's time for a change." (AP) 

Chafee's office disputes the story...developing hot....

Btw, tonight we'll air an encore presentation of the College Tour at the Air Force 
Academy http://www.msnbc.com/news/831599.asp?0cb=-e1i105844  And yes guys, Norah will 
be there too...

A housekeeping note...Are you an Iraq junkie?  Want the latest news on Iraq delivered 
to your mailbox??  Dig our new newsletter...
Learn more about the Showdown with Saddam: sign up for the Countdown: Iraq newsletter, 
premiering today... your on-air and online guide to the unfolding conflict. 

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Briefing from Washington, DC...

Food item: Brownies for Everyone...No gift is more universally appreciated than this 
fudgy, moist, dark treat. (Wash Post) 

The official media swooning has begun over Frist: Frist Suggested for Leadership 
Post....The stock of Sen. Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) soared in his party after he helped 
engineer last month's midterm victories as chairman of the Senate Republicans' 
campaign committee. Now some Republicans think he should replace Trent Lott (R-Miss.) 
as Senate Republican leader (The Washington Post) 

Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, brother of President Bush and a Republican who has actively 
campaigned for black votes, said Tuesday that the uproar over Sen. Trent Lott's 
remarks supporting a 1948 presidential candidacy based on a segregationist platform is 
politically damaging the GOP. (Miami Herald) 

Grove: Oklahoma Sen. Don Nickles -- a longtime Trent Lott rival who has called on 
fellow Republicans to consider ousting the embattled Mississippian as the Senate's GOP 
leader -- might have some explaining of his own to do about his membership in the 
men-only Burning Tree Club. 

Lott vows to fight for leadership job...Senator says he has the votes; MSNBC finds 
video where Lott praises Thurmond's presidential bid 
Santorum 'confident' Lott will survive...A key member of the Senate leadership 
insisted yesterday that incoming Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott will keep his job. 
(The Washington Times) http://washingtontimes.com/national/20021218-32792676.htm

MA Dem Senator John Kerry on Iraq: ``The Iraqi army is in such bad shape, even the 
Italians could kick their butts.''

Kerry on Weld:  ``A guy who takes more vacations than people on welfare.''


GOP Likens Byrd's Comment to Lott's... Republicans urge censure of Democratic 
colleague for his use of an epithet last year. Liberals say there is no valid 
comparison (LA Times) 

Byrd silent over Lott comments...West Virginia senator is former KKK member (World Net 
Daily) http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=30046

While no one has openly declared his candidacy, there's a list of eager potential 
successors if Trent Lott, the most powerful Republican in the Senate, does not survive 
the fallout from endorsing a 54-year old segregationist run for the presidency. (AP) 

For Lott, Some Key Endorsements...Stevens, Santorum Among Republican Senators Who 
Offer Backing (The Washington Post) 

Black lawmaker defends Lott...A black Democratic congressman has emerged as an 
unlikely defender of embattled Sen. Trent Lott in the lawmaker's effort to remain 
Republican leader (AP) http://washingtontimes.com/national/20021218-39660244.htm

Projection on Fall Of Hussein Disputed...With war possible soon in Iraq, the chiefs of 
the two U.S. ground forces are challenging the belief of some senior Pentagon 
civilians that Iraqi President Saddam Hussein will fall almost immediately if 
attacked, Defense Department officials said. (The Washington Post) 

U.S. set to declare Iraq in violation...President Bush is likely this week to declare 
Iraq in violation of a U.N. disarmament order, but is not expected to cite the 
indictment as an immediate trigger for war, U.S. officials said early Wednesday.

The document, which one official involved in the talks called "an incredible joke," 
was required under the U.S.-backed United Nations resolution. (AP) 

WashPost: Americans support nuke retaliation...Most Americans favor using nuclear 
weapons against Iraq if Saddam Hussein attacks U.S. military forces with chemical or 
biological weapons in a war that the public believes is virtually inevitable, 
according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll. 

Missile Defense to Start in 2004...Bush Commits U.S. to Initial System (The Washington 
Post) http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A4129-2002Dec17.html?referer=email

Milbank: Bush Aides Split on Bias Case At U-Mich....Administration Weighs Taking Stand 
on Issue http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A4137-2002Dec17.html

U.S. Sen. John Edwards today will pointedly accuse the Bush administration of doing 
too little to protect the country against future terrorist attacks and outline a 
series of initiatives that he says would reduce the risk. (Raleigh News & Observer) 

Over the past few years, without much fanfare, Senator John F. Kerry has shifted his 
stance on one of the most radioactive issues in politics: the death penalty. (The 
Boston Globe) 

Nine months after coaching American to the brink of the NCAA tournament, Jeff Jones 
was rewarded with a seven-year contract extension. (The Washington Post) 

If Ventura could meet Bin Laden . . .(AP) 

Page Six: Bill Clinton took pity on his former vice president Monday night. At a 
private Christmas party at Man Ray for his White House staffers, Clinton urged the 
faithful http://pagesix.com/pagesix/27296.htm

Shocking: Clooney's a Liberal: GQ describes the star as "a liberal's liberal who 
believes Mario Cuomo should be our president, and he keeps a photo of Jimmy Carter's 
'ER' set visit on display in his bathroom." Clooney also likens Newt Gingrich to a 
"dinosaur," laughing, "The man has no arms."  (Page Six) 

Kurtz: The Thurmond Exemption...No Reason for Press to Play Along With Unspoken Pact 
to Overlook Racist Past 


Saletan: Nothing but Contrition...Trent Lott's failure to explain himself. 

Steele: Of Race and Imagination...How far will Trent Lott set back conservative 
principles? http://www.opinionjournal.com/editorial/feature.html?id=110002787

Missing in action...Where's Otto Reich, the official who once set the Bush 
administration's course in Latin America? Not only is Reich's future in limbo, so is 
Washington's foreign policy in that region. By Richard Wolffe in Newsweek.

Fresh Face John Edwards: Wrong Job For the FBI 

Ilana Mercer: Saddam's sibling rivalry...Publicly available CIA reports offer no fresh 
incriminating evidence against Iraq, but a lot of innovative variations on the Bush 
Bafflegab http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=30054

Chicago Sun Times: Clinging Lott is taking his party down 

Doonesbury http://www.ucomics.com/doonesbury/

Mallard http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/fun/mallard.asp

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