            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

We're gonna come out of the box tonight with that strange case in Ft. Worth, Texas of 
the woman who hit a homeless guy in a drunken/drugged stupor in her car and he got 
stuck in the windshield...He bled to death in her garage...Is she liable for murder?  
We'll get come legal types to hash it out...

Defendant's friend describes how man died in windshield (Fort Worth Star-Telegram) 

Peggy Noonan will be here to discuss the Bush/Cheney fundraising juggernaut, the Wash 
Post poll (below) and Dean's announcement...

There's a new poll out from The Washington Post which says a majority of Americans 
want to use military force against Iran to stop its nuclear program...Other 
interesting numbers as well: 24% of Americans think Iraq actually used Weapons of Mass 
Destruction...We'll debate the wisdom of attacking Iran in our D block debate...

Poll: Majority Backs Use of Force in Iran...Survey Reflects Concern on Nuclear Effort 

In the Buzz, J.D. Hayworth and Sheila Jackson-Lee will discus J.D.'s proposal to lower 
our U.N dues, SCOTUS decision on Affirmative Action and maybe some other fun 
stuff...Maybe some stuff from the poll...

Shuster was up in Vermont yesterday for the big Dean announcement and reported to The 
Briefing on the Ben & Jerry's graveyard of flavors and the poems dedicated to their 
demise...He read the Cannoli flavor poem on my voicemail and it sounded so yummy I 
think there should be a recall movement to bring it back...In honor of Dean's 
announcement, Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream dedicated a sundae to him: The "Maple Powered 
Howard," Vanilla ice cream, maple-flavored whipped cream, maple syrup and 
walnuts....Christina Jamison 

Dig the Dean coverup...A Nader supporter held up a sign behind Dean...Click and 
scroll: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A24098-2003Jun23.html

Mortman's latest: The Clintons suck. No, really. They do suck. Seriously, that's what 
the media keep telling us. Apparently - and I'm not making this up - Bill and Hillary 
Clinton are able to suck oxygen. And they can do it right out of thin air! Their only 
props are one book and one 22nd Amendment to the Constitution. Everything else is pure 
lung. http://msnbc.com/news/927935.asp?0dm=C1FRO

Curry on the Moveon.org primary Democrats vie in Internet 'primary'...Group expects 
hundreds of thousands to cast votes http://www.msnbc.com/news/928506.asp

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing from Washington, DC

6 British soldiers killed in Iraq...8 others wounded in a separate attack near Basra 

U.S. and British forces came under fire in Iraq on Tuesday, as security around the 
country's vital oil pipelines was beefed up after several explosions blamed on 
sabotage (Reuters) 

Split decision on racial preferences...A divided U.S. Supreme Court on Monday upheld a 
university law school admissions policy that gives minorities an edge, but the 
justices overturned a second policy that relied on a point system.

Post Analysis: Court Mirrors Public Opinion...The U.S. Supreme Court can be awfully 
imposing in those black robes on that elevated bench inside that Corinthian temple, 
but sometimes, the court looks just like America. 

White House Statement: President Applauds Supreme Court for Recognizing Value of 
Diversity http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2003/06/20030623.html

Democratic White House hopefuls called yesterday's Supreme Court rulings on racial 
preferences a defeat for President Bush, and a reminder of the need for defenders of 
civil rights on the nation's highest court. (NY Post) 

Library online filter law upheld...Congress can force the nation's public libraries to 
equip computers with anti-pornography filters, a divided Supreme Court ruled Monday.

President Bush banked $4 million for his re-election campaign Monday, telling donors 
in this city scarred by Sept. 11 that "terrorists declared war on the United States of 
America, and war is what they got." (MSNBC) 

Vice President Cheney began his 2004 fundraising chores today with a 13-minute speech 
in Virginia's mecca of political money, raising about $500,000 for the White House 
reelection effort. (The Washington Post) 

Democrat Howard Dean came home to Burlington on Monday to formally announce for the 
presidency. He gave a crowd-rousing speech that gave Vermonters a glimpse of the more 
passionate, more populist politician Dean has become. (Burlington Free Press) 

Joe Lieberman's got Sister Sledge, Richard Gephardt's groovin' to Tina Turner and the 
Rev. Al Sharpton's jammin' to Bob Marley. But where, oh where, is presidential-wannabe 
John Kerry's campaign theme song??? (Boston Herald) 

A planned endorsement of the Rev. Al Sharpton's presidential campaign by nine 
prominent politicians turned embarrassing yesterday when neither Sharpton nor half the 
advertised supporters showed up. (NY Daily News) 

Maynard Jackson Jr., who was elected the first black mayor of Atlanta in 1973 and 
transformed urban politics in America by forcing the city's white business elite to 
open doors to minorities, died Monday at 65. (AP) 

Atlanta Journal Constitution Obit: 

The Left Wing group Moveon.org is sponsorsing the first in the nation Internet primary 
today http://www.moveonpac.org/moveonpac/

Some California Republicans fear recall of Gray would damage Bush (Hallow) 

Rumsfeld the Poet: http://www.washtimes.com/national/inbeltway.htm

Kurtz: Washington Times Editor's Soft Pitch for Saddam Interview 


Terry: Clear vision of civil rights http://www.washtimes.com/commentary/tjeffrey.htm

Curry on O'Connor: O'Connor wields immense power...First woman on high court often 
provides decisive votes http://www.msnbc.com/news/902084.asp

Pat: Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision that created a woman's right to an 
abortion, was the most controversial of the last century. It divides us yet. 

Andrew Sullivan's weekly dish: http://www.washtimes.com/op-ed/asullivan.htm

Joe's "Real Deal" on Affirmative Action http://www.msnbc.com/news/930600.asp

Closet centrist...Howard Dean, who officially entered the Democratic presidential race 
today, isn't quite the left-winger his supporters and critics make him out to be, 
writes Will Saletan.

Landfield: Challenging America's Claim As Defender of Freedom: Our Neglect of Liberia 

Graham: Like white on Rice http://www.jewishworldreview.com/0603/graham.html

Noah: Can Bush Be Both Ignorant and a Liar?...Yes. There's no reason for Bush-bashers 
to choose between the two. http://slate.msn.com/default.aspx?id=2084730

Doonesbury http://www.ucomics.com/doonesbury/

Mallard Fillmore http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/fun/mallard.asp

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