            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

There's so many fun and interesting things in Hardball land I don't know where to 
start...Everyone's on fire today...Did you see/hear Chris on Imus this morning?  En 
Feugo on the intell flap...Plus, they replayed the Buzz bite from last night when 
Chris "got stupid" (That's old school slang for going crazy in a positive way) on 
Kucinich...If you missed it tune in tonight...We're going to replay it and have 
Congressman Chris Smith respond...He's the guy Kucinich accused of wanting to 
criminalize abortion...And that's just a small part of tonight's show!

We got G. Gordon Liddy who's riding in on his motorcycle to do the hit...One of our 
producers wants to get some B-Roll of him on the bike outside of the studio...Not sure 
if we'll get it though...Kerry's in the Bronx blasting Bush and we'll probably cut 
some sound to play for The G Man and get his reax..

Plus, There's going to be some grilling on the Hill today and CIA chief George Tenet 
is tops on the menu....He's going to give a closed door testimony to the Intelligence 
Committee on Iraq's nuclear program and we'll lead the show with one of the 
Committee's top Republicans, Trent Lott...Washington "Wiseman" David Gergen will be in 
the B block with some reax and thoughtful, gravitas laden analysis...

And your favorite roaming Hardball producer Howard Mortman checks in with another 
edition of "Extreme Mortman" from last night's Frank Luntz Baseball All-Star Game 

"Oh, the sprawling Frank Luntz resort and palatial home deep in monied, desirable 
McLean, Virginia -- home to half the Republican establishment and Saudi kingdom.   As 
always, Frank's Baseball All-Star game party was equal parts frolic and bucolic.  
Every year we enjoy strolling the grounds without official escort, admiring the 
pictures of Frank Luntz, the name tags featuring Frank Luntz, and various signs with 
Frank's name on it, as well as the oily love grotto  (ooops, that's Hef's place).  
Spotters identified political and media celebs such as Katherine Harris, Cliff May, 
Harry Reid, Malcolm Hoenlein, Jonathon Karl, Matt Cooper, Barbara Comstock, Pat 
Harrison, and Governor-in-waiting Darrell Issa, who balanced his plate like he was 
balancing a $38 billion deficit.  We also got a fleeting glimpse of Frank Luntz 
himself.  Which leads us to wonder, if Frank Luntz was in McLean -- WHO THE HELL WAS 
ON TV?!?  Frank's All-Star game party has grown deep roots in Washington social lore, 
ever since he snatched the franchise away from Extreme Mortman many years ago in a 
still-unresolved and mysterious manuever.  Be that as it may, we still appreciate the 
invitation and opportunity to observe and interact with all the Frank Luntz political 
paraphernalia he's captured for his home.  We still maintain that Frank's house 
features the greatest collection of Frank Luntz memorabilia ever assembled in one 
place.  Trust us -- we've been to museums."

That was Extreme Mortman reporting ....

And on a different yet important note, is Abercrombie and Fitch discriminating against 
minorities?  We'll debate in the D block....

Oh and I almost forget...The following piece is being put in The Briefing sine qua non 
"must read" file...Pincus is on his game on this one...Bush faced dwindling nuclear 
data...Much was undercut, disproved by U.N. inspectors in Iraq (The Washington Post)  

Just asking...Is famed Roll Call Scoopster Ed Henry in line to succeed Lloyd as the 
new Reliable Source??

Our man at Human Events, Terry Jeffrey, checks in with his latest piece and would like 
you to pay particular attention to his exchange with Rep. Porter Goss (Chairman, House 
Intell Committee) on how the blame for the flap must be laid at Clinton's doorstep: 
Our man in Niger http://www.townhall.com/columnists/terencejeffrey/tj20030716.shtml

Katrina is hopping mad along with Chris on the Intell stuff...Read her editor's cut 

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Briefing from Washington, DC 

Wednesday's Wash Post recipe...Definitely a "clip and save": Basil and 
Garlic-Slathered Chicken Breasts 

CIA Director George Tenet was expected to testify behind closed doors Wednesday about 
President Bush's claim in his State of the Union address that Iraq was trying to buy 
uranium in Africa to restart its nuclear weapons program. (AP) 

U.S. soldier killed near Baghdad...Three attacks Wednesday on U.S. troops in and 
around Baghdad killed one soldier and an Iraqi child, and wounded at least seven 
troops. (MSNBC) http://www.msnbc.com/modules/exports/ct_infobeat.asp?/news/870749.asp

The pro-American mayor of the western city of Hadithah was shot and killed driving 
through the town Wednesday in escalating violence in Iraq that also took the lives of 
a U.S. soldier in a supply convoy and an 8-year-old Iraqi in an attack on U.S. forces 
guarding a Baghdad bank (AP) 

Democratic presidential contender John Kerry said on Wednesday President Bush suffers 
from a "dangerous gap in credibility" on national security and questioned if the 
United States was safer since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. (Reuters) 

Democrats sharpening Bush attacks...Assault focuses on instability, intelligence 
justifying war (The Washington Post) http://msnbc.com/news/939591.asp?0cv=CA01

DeLay: ``They think if they just get a little bit angrier and a little bit meaner and 
a little bit louder the American people will start hating the president as much as 
they do'' http://www2.bostonherald.com/news/national/kenn07162003.htm

Senate Republicans braced for a continued faceoff with Democrats trying to use a 
multibillion-dollar Pentagon (news - web sites) funding bill to criticize President 
Bush's handling of Iraq and the war on terrorism. The White House said it smelled 
politics in escalating Democratic attacks. (AP) 

Bush raises more than all 9 rivals...Dean surges, but Gephardt struggles on money 
front (The Washington Post) http://msnbc.com/news/938965.asp?0sl=-10

Fed up with being in Iraq and demoralized by their role as peacekeepers in a risky 
place, a group of U.S. soldiers aired their plight on U.S. television on Wednesday and 
said they had lost faith in the Army. (Reuters) 

"I realize many of you are upset. I am too," Anita Blount, wife of Maj. Gen. Buford 
Blount, wrote in an anguished E-mail to the wives of soldiers under her husband's 
command. (NY Daily News) 

U.S. Presses New Iraqi Council To Begin Tackling Major Issues...Bremer Links Length of 
Occupation to Panel's Progress (The Washington Post) 

3 Support Same-Sex Marriage...Democrats Appear At Rights Forum (The Washington Post) 

First day on the job, Scott McClellan showed he'll be a cautious White House press 
secretary, eager to establish rapport with reporters but careful not to let secrets 
slip from his lips. (AP) 

NAACP hit for policy on Cuba...Cuban dissidents yesterday accused the NAACP of a 
double standard in its promotion of human rights, defending those of blacks in South 
Africa while embracing - rather than condemning - the treatment of blacks in Cuba. 
(The Washington Times) http://www.washtimes.com/national/20030715-114858-9348r.htm

Give 'Terminator' a shot at White House?...Hatch is pushing amendment to lift Oval 
Office limit (Deseret News) http://deseretnews.com/dn/view/0,1249,510039949,00.html

A secret Pentagon report states that once-promising leads in the hunt for Capt. 
Michael Scott Speicher in Iraq have turned up no evidence of his whereabouts, 
contradicting public official comments that the search was producing positive results. 
(The Washington Times) http://www.washtimes.com/national/20030715-114916-4526r.htm

Lewinsky hopes to be a loser...While Hillary Clinton is out and about promoting her 
best-selling memoir, Bill Clinton's "other woman" has reportedly checked into a fat 
farm. Jeannette Walls Delivers the Scoop.


Saletan: The Buck Stops There...Bush shifts the blame for his Iraq whopper. 

Kinsley: Who Is Buried in Bush's Speech? The truth has been shot! Round up some 
unusual suspects. http://slate.msn.com/default.aspx?id=2085612

Ilana takes a shot at Howard in her latest piece: Bush's 16 words miss the Big Picture 

Joe's Real Deal: The Democrats smell blood. The gauntlet has been thrown down, and one 
presidential candidate is talking about the impeachment of Pres. George W. Bush. 

Goldberg: Can YOU say 'Senator Springer'?

Doonesbury http://www.ucomics.com/doonesbury/

Mallard http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/fun/mallard.asp

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