The Hardball Briefing for August 13, 2003

2003-08-14 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs at 7p, 11p  2a in the East and 4p, 8p  11p in the West...You've got no 
excuse for not watching...

Tonight's big story is the arrest of those 3 dudes in the surface to air weapons 
sting...What went down and what does it mean for the war on terror?  We'll talk to 
terrorism analysts Larry Johnson and Steve Emerson plus Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld, author 
of the book Funding Evil

3 arrested in missile-smuggling plot...A British citizen was arrested in New Jersey 
and accused of trying to smuggle surface-to-air missiles into the United States, 
authorities said Tuesday. Two others were also arrested.

In the B block we bring you fmr. CA Gov/Senator and San Diego mayor Pete Wilson who is 
now a top spokesman for Arnold's campaignWe'll ask him when Arnold's gonna get 
specific on the issues and lay out some platforms and such...

Few Details From Schwarzenegger...California Voters Waiting for Candidate's Platform 
(The Washington Post)

In the D block we'll do the Libya payoff story and what it portends for other 
terrorist deals...Libya, the United States and Britain have signed off on a deal under 
which Tripoli would accept responsibility for the 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 
over Lockerbie, Scotland, diplomats said Tuesday.

We'll talk to Allan Gerson, Author of The Price of Terror: How the families of the 
victims of Pan Am 103 brought Libya to justice

Tony  B-1 will be in the Buzz with a Dem strategist TBD...We'll do the NYT story on 
Clinton advising Davis, The new Wash Post Poll and maybe some Dem primary story...

Tony: Wishing California well

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Briefing from Washington, DC

Major Philly gaffe by Kerry yesterday!! Steak Raises Stakes for Kerry in Philly...If 
Sen. John F. Kerry's presidential aspirations melt like a dollop of Cheez Whiz in the 
sun, the trouble may well be traced to an incident in South Philadelphia on Monday. 
(The Washington Post)

More follow up on Arianna gratuitous publicity grab on the back of Arnold On 
Saturday, the day Schwarzenegger filed the paperwork for his gubernatorial run, 
bystanders noticed rival candidate Arianna Huffington waiting in her car for hours 
outside the Los Angeles County registrar's office. She sat there and camped out, and 
as soon as Arnold's caravan pulled up, she hopped out of the car and got into the 
melee, says our spy. Huffington was able to get her picture taken and share the 
limelight, but while her rep admits that was the intention, he claims she only waited 
15 minutes. Meanwhile, although Gov. Gray Davis criticized Schwarzenegger for 
announcing his candidacy on Jay Leno's Tonight Show, insiders tell us Davis secretly 
called Leno and asked to appear on the program himself. The governor was turned down 
- and he is not happy about it, says our source. Leno's reps did not return calls. 
(Page Six)

Bush Ratings Stabilize Despite Economic Ills...Post poll shows war, budget fueling 
partisan division, foreshadowing contentious reelection campaign. (The Washington 

Fun Clinton News...

Even with Barry Bonds in the ballpark, President Bill Clinton was the biggest hit at 
Shea Stadium on Tuesday night. (AP)

California's Embattled Governor Gains a New Adviser: Bill Clinton (NY Times)

Americans troops face fresh attacks...Two U.S. soldiers were killed and three wounded 
in bomb attacks on their military convoys in Iraq over the last 24 hours, the military 
said Wednesday.

Former Gov. Pete Wilson is quickly becoming the political face for Arnold 
Schwarzenegger, moving everything from his political team to his policy positions into 
the actor's camp. (SF Chronicle)

Calif. contenders whittled down...The number of Californians who had filed to 
challenge Gov. Gray Davis rose to nearly 250 Tuesday as election officials went 
through applications submitted by Saturday.

Dilemma over Schwarzenegger films...California broadcasters will be unlikely to show 
Arnold Schwarzenegger movies or TV shows with Gary Coleman in them for fear of other 
gubernatorial candidates requesting equal 

Jesse Ventura on Hardball Tonight!

2003-08-14 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball conveniently airs at 7 pm, 11 pm  2 am eastern (4, 8  11 pm pacific) 
exclusively on MSNBC

As promised, we're leading with Jesse Ventura tonight and his thoughts on Arnold and 
the Recall...Although he's a buddy of The Terminator (Arnold attended Jesse's 
gubernatorial swearing in back in the day) he's not a fan of the Recall...We'll ask 
him why and get his advice for Arnold on running as a celebrity politician...I'm not 
sure if Barnicle's gonna ask JV about the smell of the race but it sure would be nice 
to ask him about the taste...When NBC's Al Roker was competing with his team, Roker's 
Smokers at the Memphis BBQ national championship, the judge asked Al Tell me what 
I'm supposed to be tasting as he ate Al's offering...I think it's a great, dare I 
say, counterintuitive question...

We'll do more Jesse in B but throw in Dreier to play defense for Arnold...He's a big 
backer if you haven't noticed...

In the back half we're doing Whole Lotta Luntz part deux!  Back by popular 
demand...You want him, you got him...Quite Frankly, it's more Frank and his Iowa Dems 
Frankly discussing the candidates and issues effecting this Primary in a Frank focus 
group, to be quite Frank about it...This is must see TV for all you presidential 
campaign staffers...

Dornan of course continues as anchor buddy and we'll probably throw in a Dem 
strategist type for the back half...

Pls join us at the aforementioned times...Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited 
The Briefing from Washington, DC

President Bush added to his swelling re-election fund Monday, scooping up $1 million 
in a half-hour speech here...Bush hit two states that he won in 2000 but that had 
tilted to Democrat Bill Clinton at least once. It was his first trip since starting a 
monthlong break on his Texas ranch Aug. 2. (AP)

George Will: Recall and Ruin

Fund's Diary: No Cakewalk...Schwarzenegger faces obstacles en route to Sacramento.

More from that poll we featured on last night's show...Schwarzenegger seizes early 
lead...NBC News poll: Majority of Californians want Davis out

Actor Missed Elections...Schwarzenegger did not cast a ballot in 5 of last 11 CA 
elections, twice losing chance to vote for Bush. (SF Chronicle)

California Faces New Recall Burden...Election officials across California say staging 
a recall election with nearly 200 candidates is posing monumental challenges that 
include using ballots that may confuse voters and be difficult to tabulate. (The 
Washington Post)

Schwarzenegger seizes early lead...Most California voters believe Gov. Gray Davis 
should be thrown out of office, and Arnold Schwarzenegger is the favorite to replace 
him, an NBC News survey shows.

Schwarzenegger in his own words:,1,4661080.story

I love this one...Attorney General John Ashcroft will embark on a multi-city tour 
later this month to talk about the war on terrorism and the benefits of the USA 
Patriot Act, officials said Monday. (AP)

The Rev. Al Sharpton says his run for the White House has something in common with 
actor Arnold Schwarzenegger's candidacy for governor of California. (AP)

The last sighting of the Democratic presidential candidates - before they were buried 
in the news by Arnold Schwarzenegger - was last week in Chicago, when they were vying 
in vain for the AFL-CIO's endorsement and jousting over whether centrism or liberalism 
was the best path to the White House. (The Philadelphia Inquirer)

Democratic presidential candidates blasted California's recall campaign against Gov. 
Gray Davis on Monday, calling it part of a larger Republican assault on the U.S. 
electoral process. (Reuters)

The two Democrats running for president next year who are also up for re-election to 
the Senate are losing support back home because of positions they have taken on the 
national campaign trail. (The Washington Times)

Bush Tries to Boost Environment Image...Trips Intended to Fend Off Criticism (The 
Washington Post) 

The Hardball Briefing for August 5, 2003

2003-08-14 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

We lead Hardball with the burning question: Who's more dangerous: Osama or Saddam?  We 
whupped Iraq, but Saddam's still on loose...We whupped Afghanistan but Osama's still 
MIA...Are we any safer?  Why all the onerous terrorist threats and new terror tapes?  
How many wars will it take to get off this merry-go-round?  Have we lost focused on 
Al-Qaeda in order to get Saddam? Are our forces stretched too thin?  Sacred Rage 
author and LA Times hot shot Robin Wright opines on the matter this evening...Plus, 
Retired General Wayne Downing will let us know how the War on Terror is playing in 
Peoria...LiterallyHe's out Peoria today but I doubt he'll be doing the Luntz 
thing...Expect some serious military analysis for sure...

In the B block we're taking you out to The Windy City and the big AFL-CIO confab...As 
a matter of fact, we'll talk to one of their grand poohbahs, Richard Trumka. He'll 
size up the Dem field and maybe give us a preview as to who they'll endorse...The guy 
to watch is Gephardt...He got the Teamsters endorsement and desperately needs this one 
too...Tonight the AFL-CIO is hosting a big Presidential Forum which airs after our 
show but we'll bring you the hot sound tomorrow...

In the D block we'll do the big issue of North Korea and our diplomatic dance over 
there...They've said of our diplomat over there, John Bolten, such human scum and 
bloodsucker is not entitled to take part in the talks, in response to Bolten saying 
that living in North Korea is a hellish nightmare.  Quite an egregious obloquy 
wouldn't you say?

We've got a Hawk (Jed Babbin), who hasn't met a rogue nation he doesn't want to 
pre-emptively strike and Clyde Prestowitz, an anti-Hawk and former Reagan guy who 
wrote a book about the U.S. entitled Rogue Nation and who hates the pre-emptive 
doctrine...Watch for sparks to fly...

In the Buzz we've got a Norah, Clarence  Stephen Hayes threesomeWe'll continue 
with the Dean stuff as he was out on the Today show this morning saying he is going 
after Nader/McCain/Perot voters...Can he do it?  Plus, Gore's going to give a big 
speech on Iraq this Thursday but says he ain't running...What's his gig?  Plus, we'll 
follow up on the Colin Powell story from yesterday: who planted the retirement story 
and why?  I've also cut some Fritz Hollings sound from his presser yesterday where 
he's slamming Bush...

Pls join us...Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing from 
Washington, DC

The White House yesterday stood behind a top arms-control official's description of 
life in North Korea as a hellish nightmare and rejected Pyongyang's demand that he 
be banned from upcoming talks on the North's nuclear weapons program. (The Washington 

Pyongyang, calling a senior American official human scum for criticizing North 
Korea's leader, banned him from U.S.-proposed multilateral talks on its suspected 
development of nuclear weapons. (AP)

New Mortman content: What do Democrats really want?...Polls show schizophrenia, angst, 
fickleness guide voters

Howard Dean said Tuesday he has the best chance of beating President Bush because he 
appeals to supporters of former independent candidates John McCain, Ross Perot and 
Ralph Nader as well as to Democratic Party faithful. (AP)

Fresh Face Alert: He's a Washington outsider, a fresh face, at a time many Democrats 
may be looking for someone who hasn't been part of the Washington establishment. (Des 
Moines Register)

Fun Clinton News

Former President Clinton rallied the ground troops of the Democratic Party - organized 
labor - with a pep talk to union leaders gathered Monday to draw up a political 
strategy they hope will take back the White House in 2004. (AP)

Fun Hillary News

Hillary and Rudy - the best of friends? Asked last night by Tonight Show host Jay 
Leno if she thought Rudy Giuliani would challenge her for the Senate in 2006, an 
evasive Hillary Rodham Clinton did a political soft shoe. (NY Post)

Former Gov. Howard Dean will attend the court appearance of his teenage son today on 
charges he was one of several teens involved in a scheme to break into a country club 
and steal alcohol. (Barre Montpelier Times Argus)

Powell denies departure plans...Secretary of State Colin Powell dismissed as 
nonsense and gossip a report that he and his top 

The Hardball Briefing for August 11, 2003

2003-08-14 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Housekeeping right up front: Chris is on vacation this week so we've got Barnicle in 
the chair with a twist...B-1 Bob Dornan will be co-hosting, serving as an anchor 
buddy as we call them in the Biz...A color commentator if you will...It may get a 
little crazy but you've come to expect that from our show...Barnicle will be out of 
Boston and Dornan's here in DC...No surprise we're going big on Arnold and the Recall 
tonight...We're throwing together a fun cast of characters including San Fran mayor 
Willie Brown, Congressman David Dreier, GOP Strategist Ed Rollins and others...A 
couple of polls taken over the weekend show Arnold would steal the show if the vote 
were held today...

In the back half of the show we've got a Luntz extravaganzaCall it Whole Lotta 
Luntz...All apologies to Zeppelin...He's done some serious focus grouping among Iowa 
Dems and we'll get their read on the primary, the importance of their First in the 
Nation status and the current bumper crop of folks vying for that Presidential 
nomination...Btw, Biden just released a statement this morning: He's officially out of 
consideration...Not gonna do it...

Hardball: The only show that dares to ask the tough questions like: What's this race 
gonna smell like?...Pls join us tonight at 7 pm, 11 pm  2 am eastern...

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing from Washington, DC

GI killed, 2 hurt in Iraq bomb attack...Violence ebbs in southern city of Basra, 
coalition says (MSNBC)

Running Man's in N.Y.C. today...Ah-nold brings his campaign to New York today when he 
comes to City College to visit an after-school program he helped found to help city 
kids, many of them homeless, avoid drugs, gangs and violence. (NY Daily News)

Only in CaliforniaAs Schwarzenegger tries out for governor, America's largest 
state is hosting a helluva show. But politics isn't just a circus. Behind the 
recall-and what's at stake. (Newsweek)  

A key California Democrat yesterday all but conceded the gubernatorial race to Arnold 
Schwarzenegger, while the state's senior U.S. senator focused on saving the party 
rather than Gov. Gray Davis.  (The Washington Times)

A Gallup survey released last night found 64 percent of voters favoring the recall. A 
Time magazine/CNN poll taken Friday , showed 54 percent in favor of ousting the 
governor, with 35 percent willing to keep him in office. Even among Democrats, only a 
scant 51 percent majority backed Davis.  (SF Chronicle)

All That's Missing Is the Popcorn...Come one, come all, to the greatest political show 
of the fall as Arnold Schwarzenegger vies for a chance to run California. Inside his 
stunning decision-and why it would be a mistake to write off his chances. (Time),9171,1101030818-474507,00.html

Gov. Gray Davis called the effort to recall him an insult to those who voted for him 
last year, and Bill Simon, one of the Republicans challenging him, cited his vision 
for the future Monday and promised to be the candidate of ideas. (AP)

Arnold's Finances: The movie star earned $26.1 million in 2001 and paid $7.4 million 
in state and federal taxes, and, the year before, he made $31.1 million and paid $10.8 
million in taxes. (San Jose Mercury News)

Scores file for Calif. recall...With California Gov. Gray Davis fighting for his job, 
at least 150 potential replacement candidates will angle for attention as party 
leaders search for strategies in an election with no historical precedent.

Jesse Has Advice for Arnie...Be yourself. Be Arnold. Scripts are for actors (Time),9171,1101030818-474508,00.html

As governor, Mr. Schwarzenegger would be a darker villain than any he has faced in 
his movies, said the Rev. Lou Sheldon of the Traditional Values Coalition, who has 
formed a group called Californians for Moral Government to stop the actor's march on 
Sacramento. (NY Daily News)

In a season of excess, it had to happen - a command performance every day this week 
for Democratic presidential candidates. (USA Today)

Democrats Unlikely to Retake Majority in House...Strong GOP