            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7, 11 & 4 am et and 4, 8, & 1 am pt

My short term memory is not what it used to be so I've been quite remiss in plugging 
Chris' big JFK anniversary special next Monday...Perhaps you've seen some of the 
commercials associated with it...As you know being a Chris Matthews fan, he wrote the 
book "Kennedy & Nixon" and grew up in the shadow of those two men's politics...Chris' 
worldview is very much shaped by the Kennedy/Nixon era which makes his hosting of this 
documentary rather appropriate...

And this special is interactive as well...MSNBC is fortunate to have Sam Go, one of 
television's premiere interactive online cross platform synergistic strategists.  
She's made it possible for you to share your thoughts with Chris of that fateful day 
by simply following the link below...You can also read the thoughts of others...

Monday, Nov. 17: JFK - The day that changed America...Learn more about an upcoming 
one-hour documentary that commemorates the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Hosted by 
Chris Matthews, the show includes interviews with Sen. Hillary Clinton, Gerald Ford, 
Jay Leno, Gore Vidal, William F. Buckley, Jr., among other pop culture icons and 
politicians. Airs Monday, Nov. 17, 9 p.m. ET http://www.msnbc.com/news/987494.asp

"It's the first time that everyone sat at their television set and watched a 
real-life, real-time tragedy play out," says Tamara Haddad, executive producer of 
Matthews' special. 

Now enough of the shameless Chris Matthews promotion and on to promoting Hardball...

We lead with Arnot's exclusive interview with L. Paul "Jerry" Bremer, America's top 
governor in Iraq...You know the name, you know the face but do you know his "Real 
Story"?  Arnot will bring you that Real Story...Transferring the power to Iraqis 
("Iraqification"), stepped up attacks (read Operation Iron Hammer) and what the 
Administration's view is from the top guy in Baghdad...Bob will ask him all the 
questions you'd want asked from the comfort of you living room on a Friday night after 
a long, hard slog of a week...

Our notorious B block is a bit up in the air pending some booking calls and other 
assorted editorial loose ends...

I'll be putting together the back half panel of Hitchens, Raghida, Todd Purdham (New 
York Times guy/Dee Dee's husband/author of the new book "A Time of Our Choosing")and 
our MSNBC producer Noah Oppenheim, the guy I promised you earlier in the 
week...Arnot's got a package on what the media isn't telling you in Iraq (present 
MSNBC company excepted of course), the good news, the day to day stuff...We'll lead 
with that and then move on the big picture issues...Should be a lively, informative 
and engaging discussion...

As always, Hardball provides an excellent intellectual platform to launch your weekend 
social activies...In my estimation, beginning a conversation with "Well I heard on 
Hardball tonight...." is a great icebreaker and will bring you instant credibility and 

Pls Join us...

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing from Washington, DC

Four Decades Later, Majority of Likely Voters Believes Two or More Gunmen killed JFK; 
One in Five Believe Government's Theory of Lone Gunman 

Rumsfeld: No Iraq pullout planned...As the United States pledged to hand power to 
Iraqis faster, the Pentagon said that did not mean pulling out troops before they 
crushed guerrillas who fight on, seven months after the fall of Saddam Hussein. 

WashPost: New urgency, risks in 'Iraqification'...At least four factors forced the 
administration to overhaul its military and political strategy in Iraq, despite the 
danger that a new approach might actually diminish U.S. control over the country's 
future. http://www.msnbc.com/modules/exports/ct_infobeat.asp?/news/993411.asp

U.N. says Iraq plans still uncertain...Return of full staff remains delayed due to 
security fears (Reuters) http://msnbc.com/news/993494.asp?0cv=CA01

Ex-security chiefs blast Israeli policy...Four former heads of Israel's security 
service launched a joint attack on government policy toward the Palestinians in an 
interview on Friday in which they called for withdrawal from occupied land. 

Israeli warns of terrorist training...Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz said 
yesterday in an interview with editors and reporters of The Washington Times that 
terrorist bases in Lebanon are training some of the foreign fighters who are moving 
into Iraq to kill American troops. (The Washington Times) 

Cleland Rips Bush Iraq Policy...At Forum, Ex-Senator Compares Situation to Vietnam 
(The Washington Post) 

The economy trumps Iraq and health care as the most important issue among likely Iowa 
Democratic caucus participants (Des Moines Register) 

John F. Kerry called three former aides yesterday to apologize for saying his campaign 
for the Democratic presidential nomination will be "better off" without them. The 
Massachusetts senator made the calls hours after he said in an interview that the 
firing of campaign manager Jim Jordan on Sunday proved his ability to make tough 
decisions. (The Boston Globe) 

Not Quite Bubba vs. Bubba...Louisiana Governor's Contest Defies Stereotypes (The 
Washington Post) http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A38378-2003Nov13.html 

Candidates gear up for final day of campaign: Blanco, Jindal swing through state 
seeking support (New Orleans Times-Picayune) 

Gov. Jeb Bush is angry with White House political operatives for expecting to "take 
over" Florida's U.S. Senate race by trying to clear the decks for a run by HUD 
Secretary Mel Martinez, sources in Washington and Florida say. (Palm Beach Post) 

Will Gov. Schwarzenegger be green? California's new GOP leader could clash with 
president (MSNBC) http://msnbc.com/news/991555.asp?0dm=N17NN

An attempt to revive accusations that California Gov.-elect Arnold Schwarzenegger 
groped several women during his days as an actor seems to have fizzled on the eve of 
his inauguration. (The Washington Times) 

A roadblock for Gore TV...Diller's veto power is holding up cable-news deal (TV Guide) 

Officials say rumors about Moore running for governor, Senate untrue (The Crimson 
White) http://www.cw.ua.edu/vnews/display.v/ART/2003/11/14/3fb47c0906952


Andrew Sullivan's Weekly Dish 

Kinsley: The limits of Bush's eloquence...Did Bush mean a word of his speech about 
democracy? By Michael Kinsley.

Ilana: Who's the boss - Israel or U.S.? 

Slate: The Curse of Shrum John Kerry's worst enemy. 

Doonesbury http://www.ucomics.com/doonesbury/

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