            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight at 7, 11 & 4 am ET & 4, 8, & 1 am PT

Tonight you'll want to tune in to the show just to see our exclusives with fmr. Dean 
campaign manager Joe Trippi and Saturday Night Live comedian Darrell Hammond (he's the 
guy who does all the Hardball spoofs!)...

Plus, we've got a political roundtable with fmr. Senator/New Zealand 
ambassador/presidential candidate/current Dean surrogate Carol Mosely Braun, USA 
Today's Walter Shapiro & Hardball Briefing subscriber/Batchelor & Alexander 
fill-in/MSNBC analyst/another unnamed competitor network political 
analyst/Congressional Quarterly columnist/Friend of Mortman/Fmr. top Hotliner/Did I 
miss anything? Craig Crawford....He's in Phoenix

Of course we'll do a hit with Shuster as well...He's down in Colubia, SC

Another big day coming on Tuesday Feb. 3rd with primaries in MO, SC, OK, AZ, NM, DE & 
ND...Dig on the new Zogby numbers below...Kerry's go the big mo!

About last night...I was combing through your e-mails and a number of you were 
clamoring for more discussion of General Wesley Clark and his performance at last 
night's debate...We wanted to get him on but his folks are opting for a local media 
strategy and bypassing us national media types...When you're e-mailing us, CC his 
campaign and encourage him to come on the show...One thing you definitely gotta give 
the Clark folks some props for is that at their New Hampshire post election party they 
were kickin'  Steely Dan's "Reelin' in the Years"...You could hear it playing in the 
background when Chris Jansing was doing a hit from there...

As always, if you have any comments or suggestions about our coverage, simply hit 
"reply" and fire away...

Might I add that this is Super Bowl weekend and you'll not want to get caught off 
guard at those parties on Sunday when the conversation turns to politics...Watch our 
show tonight and you'll be on top off all you need to know...

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing from Washington, DC

Shapiro's "Hype & Glory": Kerry picks up the rhythm just as Dean screams the blues 

Hill probers fault Iraq intelligence...Panel's early findings are similar to Kay's 
(The Washington Post) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4101806/

President Bush said Friday "I want to know the facts" about any intelligence failures 
concerning Saddam Hussein's alleged cache of forbidden weapons but he declined to 
endorse calls for an independent investigation. (AP) 

Poll: Kerry leads in key states...As the Democratic contenders struggle for victories 
in seven states that hold primaries and caucuses next Tuesday, John Kerry holds 
substantial leads in the two states which have the largest number of delegates at 
stake, according to a new MSNBC/Reuters Zogby tracking poll released Friday morning.

Democrats heard gut-wrenching stories of a son killed in Iraq and health care benefits 
denied to a dying relative, promising South Carolina voters Friday that they will 
reverse President Bush's policies if sent to the White House. (AP) 

Democrats scramble for Tuesday votes...Debate behind them, new poll shows Kerry gains, 
Dean falters http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4099821/

Bandy: S.C. no longer big prize for Democrats...Gephardt's exodus puts Missouri's 
delegates up for grabs http://www.thestate.com/mld/thestate/news/politics/7831366.htm

The Democratic candidates who debated Thursday night focused their harshest words on 
George W. Bush, repeating their now-familiar assaults on the president's conduct of 
the war in Iraq and his alleged neglect of problems at home. (St. Louis Post-Dispatch) 

Candidates feel cash crunch Dean, Lieberman cut costs; Kerry appears in best shape 
(USA Today) http://www.usatoday.com/usatonline/20040130/5884520s.htm

Democratic presidential contender Wesley Clark on Friday criticized rival John Kerry 
for failing to take responsibility for comments he said Kerry made about affirmative 
action. (AP) http://apnews.myway.com/article/20040130/D80D96NO1.html

When Rep. Richard A. Gephardt dropped his bid for the presidency, it ripped apart the 
coalition of Missouri Democrats - from the governor to local autoworkers - who had 
been solidly behind the congressman. (St. Louis Post-Dispatch) 

Kerry not unstoppable, analysts say...John Kerry will be hard to beat in Tuesday's 
elections, but other Democratic presidential hopefuls can curb his momentum if they 
play to their strengths and his weaknesses - in the right places. 

Analysis: Dean's pitches lack heat...What Howard Dean needed to do in Thursday night's 
debate on MSNBC was something best described in baseball terms: fire brush-back 
pitches at front-runner John Kerry, then finish him off with a curveball for a 

Dean staff shake-up long time coming...Changes foreseen, but manager's departure 
abrupt (The Washington Post) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4101503/

Kerry says threat of terrorism is exaggerated...Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts said 
during last night's Democratic presidential debate that the threat of terrorism has 
been exaggerated. "They are misleading all Americans in a profound way," Mr. Kerry 
said when asked whether President Bush has overstated the threat of terrorism. (The 
Washington Times) http://washingtontimes.com/national/20040129-115023-8966r.htm

Economic growth at 4 percent...The economy grew at a 4 percent annual rate in the 
final three months of 2003 - a slowdown from the red-hot performance of the prior 
quarter but still compelling evidence of a recovery in full motion at year's end.


Krauthammer: Calling Iraq's Bluff 

Dionne: Kerry and the Party Establishment 

Ilana: What WMD? http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=36851

Doonesbury http://www.ucomics.com/doonesbury/

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