            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Need I even remind you that Hardball airs at 7p, 11 & 4 a ET and 4p, 8 & 1a PT 
exclusively on MSNBC?

America's raging Culture Wars have come into sharp relief this week with the release 
of Mel Gibson's major fuss film, "The Passion of The Christ", gay marriage/Rosie's 
marriage/constitutional amendment, congressional decency hearings, Stern getting 
yanked from Clear Channel stations and so on and so forth...And you thought the whole 
debate over Janet & Justin's half time show was over!

We've got a helluva panel for much of the hour planned to hash it all out...Peggy 
(great pre-interview from her), Hitchens (If you caught his piece in Vanity Fair or 
his appearance on Charlie Rose the other night you know homey's castin' some serious 
dozens on the film), Bill Donahue of the Catholic League (he's a real firecracker 
too), Hollywood producer guy Mike Medavoy & San Fran's KGO radio talk show host Ron 
Owens...His new book is called "Voice of Reason"...Perhaps he can bring some of that 
to the table tonight

We close the show with the disturbing report on sexual abuse by Catholic priests 
conducted by the National Review Board on behalf of the U.S. Conference of Catholic 
Bishops...We'll talk to Bob Bennett (Brother of Bill and fmr. Clinton sex scandal 
lawyer), a member of the Board...See quote below

With all these hot topics afoot, the cocktail/dinner party circuit chatter promises to 
be particularly intense...You'll not want to go without your Hardball prep...

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing from Washington, DC

Catholic reports count sexual abuse allegations...10,667 claims were filed against 
4,392 clergy in U.S (MSNBC) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4389928/

The abuse of children was a national health problem, said Robert Bennett of the U.S. 
Conference of Catholic Bishops National Review Board. "It's always bad when a child 
gets abused but when the abuser wears a collar, it's worse," said Bennett, who 
described the scandals involving the Catholic church as a crisis of trust and faith. 
(Reuters) http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=topNews&storyID=4456465

Read the full report here http://www.catholicreviewboard.com/

Edwards, Kerry debate in Calif....Sens. John Kerry and John Edwards struggled to 
define their differences at the outset of a debate five days before "Super Tuesday" - 
seen by many political observers as the likely end of the 2004 Democratic presidential 

Curry Analysis: Edwards too mild in challenging Kerry...No dramatic confrontation in 
pre-primary debate http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4394199/

Crawford's "White House Trail Mix" Bush Still Not Done Confronting Confederate Flag 

Democratic hopeful John Edwards said in a debate last night that he opposes the 
Defense of Marriage Act, which allows the federal government and other states to 
ignore homosexual "marriages" granted by states. (The Washington Times) 

President Bush's ratings have fallen among Michigan voters in the past two months, as 
worries about the economy and the war in Iraq raise doubts about his role as the 
country's leader. (AP) http://www.freep.com/news/statewire/sw93598_20040226.htm

Josh Green: The Southern Cross...Georgians want the Confederate emblem back on their 
state flag, and are frustrated that a referendum this month won't give them that 
option. What they don't know is that if the emblem's creator were alive, he'd vote to 
bury it http://www.theatlantic.com/issues/2004/03/green-flag.htm

Shock jock Howard Stern, whose radio show was yanked in six cities across the country, 
will continue to be aired on about 40 stations owned by his syndicator, Infinity 
Broadcasting, company executives said yesterday. (The Washington Post) 

Lawmakers on Thursday acknowledged recent steps by broadcasters to clean up their 
programming, but vowed to pursue legislation beefing up fines for indecent material.  

Bush Highlights Social Issues...Culture Joins Terrorism, Economy in New Campaign 
Speech (The Washington Post) 

John F. Kerry, who once served as an altar boy and later felt a calling by God that 
led him to consider the priesthood, said yesterday that he was interested in seeing 
the new film "The Passion of the Christ" but has yet to decide if he will, and 
expressed concern about news reports that the movie may convey an "anti-Semitism 
message." (The Boston Globe) 

U.S. may send troops off Haiti...President Bush on Friday is set to review possible 
options regarding Haiti, including one to send 2,000 Marines to the Caribbean should 
an emergency evacuation be required, U.S. officials tell NBC News.

Sen. Tom Harkin called Thursday for U.S. peacekeeping forces to be dispatched to 
Haiti, saying Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide was elected with stronger voter 
support than President Bush. "He's got more support there than Bush got in this 
country," said the Iowa Democrat in a conference call with Iowa reporters. "He's a 
legitimate, democratically elected president." (Des Moines Register) 

Vice President Dick Cheney will visit Sioux Falls on March 8 to help former Republican 
Rep. John Thune raise money for his campaign against Sen. Tom Daschle. (Sioux Falls 
Argus Leader) http://www.argusleader.com/news/Fridayarticle3.shtml

WP: Kerry donors include some he criticizes...Sen. John Kerry calls companies and 
chief  executives "Benedict Arnolds" if they move jobs and operations overseas. But 
Kerry has accepted money and fund-raising help from executives at firms fitting that 

On the Campaign Trail Edwards Presses On Despite Disadvantage..Democrat Struggling as 
Super Tuesday Nears  (The Washington Post) 

Dean, ex-manager battle for constituency (The Boston Globe) 

Former U.S. Sen. Robert Torricelli was found guilty yesterday of leaving the scene of 
an accident last summer in the parking lot of a Lambertville grocery store, despite 
testimony from his ex-wife that she was driving when the fender- bender occurred. (NJ 
Star Ledger) 

Early detractors of Mel Gibson's hit film, "The Passion of the Christ," are backing 
away from their critical remarks after the movie grossed a record-setting $26.6 
million on its opening day. (The Washington Times) 

In the land where the events dramatized in "The Passion of the Christ" were played out 
2 millennia ago, it is unlikely that the controversial film will attract mass 
audiences of Israelis, local film observers say. (The Washington Times) 


Slate: Jesus H. Christ...The Passion, Mel Gibson's bloody mess. 

Prothero: All That Blood...How Mel Gibson's depiction of Christ differs from others. 

Wonkette's snarky take on Rosie's wedding: Rosie to World: I'm Still Somewhat Relevant 

Slate: Crying Wolf...Naomi Wolf sets back the fight against sexual harassment. 

Doonesbury http://www.ucomics.com/doonesbury/

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