            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight at 7 p ET, 11 p ET & 4 am ET and out west at 4 pm PT, 8 pm PT & 
1 am PT

Stewart jury returns guilty verdict on all counts...Former stockbrocker guilty on most 
counts http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4429271/

Text of statement issued by Martha Stewart following guilty verdict:

Dear Friends:

I am obviously distressed by the jury's verdict but I continue to take comfort in 
knowing that I have the confidence and enduring support of my family and friends. 

I will appeal the verdict and continue to fight to clear my name. I believe in the 
fairness of the judicial system and remain confident that I will ultimately prevail.

I can't tell you how much I appreciate all the words of encouragement I have received 
from thousands of supporters. It is your continued support that will keep me going 
until I am completely exonerated. 


Martha Stewart

Complete Indictment http://news.findlaw.com/hdocs/docs/mstewart/usmspb10504sind.html

Clearly we're going hard on the Martha verdict but we'll hit from the bigger picture, 
political, "what's it all mean?" kinda angle...This ain't Court TV as you know and 
Chris ain't Dan Abrams, but we'll talk to Dan who'll break it down for us plus NBC 
reporter Anne Thompson who was in the courtroom when the Martha verdict went down....

Also, Former Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Harvey Pitt and Martha 
Biographer Christopher Byron...

And get this, more insight and analysis from Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell...

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Briefing from Washington, DC

Here's a convenient AP timeline for Martha's case

A timeline of events in the Martha Stewart stock trading 
   --Oct. 31, 2001: ImClone Systems asks the government to review 
Erbitux, its new cancer drug. 
   --Dec. 26, 2001: ImClone founder Sam Waksal is tipped that the 
government will deny the company's Erbitux application, then tips 
his daughter to sell her ImClone stock and tries to sell his own. 
   --Dec. 27, 2001: Stewart sells all 3,928 shares of her ImClone 
stock. The government later contends she was tipped that Waksal was 
trying to sell his shares. 
   --Dec. 28, 2001: The FDA makes its decision public. On Dec. 31, 
the first trading day after the news, ImClone drops 18 percent. 
   --Jan. 7, 2002: Stewart's broker, Peter Bacanovic, tells 
Securities and Exchange Commission attorneys that he and Stewart 
had agreed on Dec. 20, 2001, to sell ImClone if it fell below $60. 
   --Feb. 4, 2002: Stewart tells the SEC, federal prosecutors and 
the FBI the same story. 
   --June 12, 2002: Waksal is arrested and charged with insider 
trading. Stewart issues a statement repeating her assertion that 
she had a $60 stop-loss order. 
   --June 18, 2002: Stewart insists she is "fully" cooperating 
with authorities. 
   --Oct. 2, 2002: Former Merrill Lynch & Co. assistant Douglas 
Faneuil pleads guilty to taking a payoff to keep quiet about the 
Stewart stock trade. 
   --Oct. 15, 2002: Waksal admits tipping his daughter to sell 
ImClone ahead of the government decision and trying to sell his own 
   --June 4, 2003: Stewart and Bacanovic are indicted. Stewart 
resigns as chairwoman and CEO of her company but remains chief 
creative officer and a board member. 
   --June 5, 2003: Stewart unveils a personal Web site in which she 
proclaims her innocence and insists she will fight to clear her 
   --June 10, 2003: Waksal is sentenced to more than seven years in 
   --Nov. 7, 2003: Stewart tells ABC she is scared of prison but "I 
don't think I will be going to prison." 
   --Jan. 6, 2004: Potential jurors fill out a questionnaire that 
reportedly asks whether they have visited Stewart's Web site or 
cooked with her recipes. 
   --Jan. 26: Jury of eight women and four men is selected. 
   --Jan. 27: Prosecutor claims in opening statements that Stewart 
sold ImClone stock based on a "secret tip," then lied to cover it 
up. Stewart's attorney compares case with the Big Brother novel 
   --Feb. 3-4: Faneuil testifies that Bacanovic ordered him to tell 
Stewart that Waksal was selling stock. Faneuil claims Bacanovic 
pressured him to cover it up. 
   --Feb. 10: Stewart assistant Ann Armstrong testifies Stewart 
personally altered log of a message Bacanovic left on day she sold 
ImClone. But Armstrong says Stewart ordered the message changed 
   --Feb. 19: Forensic expert testifies ink Bacanovic used on 
worksheet of Stewart's portfolio to make an "(at)60" notation 
next to ImClone is different from other ink on the document. 
Stewart friend Mariana Pasternak says Stewart told her days after 
ImClone sale that she knew about Waksal selling and says Stewart 
added: "Isn't it nice to have brokers who tell you those things?" 
   --Feb. 20: Under cross-examination, Pasternak backtracks on 
"Isn't it nice" remark, saying it could have been something she 
herself thought. Government rests its case. 
   --Feb. 23: Heidi DeLuca, a Stewart business manager, says she has 
a memory of Bacanovic discussing plans to sell Stewart's ImClone 
shares at $60. 
   --Feb. 25: Stewart lawyers call just one witness -- a lawyer whose 
notes raise question about what questions Stewart was asked in 
interviews with the government. Government plays tape of Bacanovic 
saying he never discussed $60 plan with DeLuca. 
   --Feb. 27: U.S. District Judge Miriam Goldman Cedarbaum throws 
out securities fraud count against Stewart. 
   --March 3: Jury begins its deliberations. 
   --March 5: Stewart is convicted on all charges; Bacanovic is 
found guilty on charges including conspiracy, obstruction and 
   (Copyright 2004 by The Associated Press.  All Rights Reserved.) 
   APTV-03-05-04 1513EST

   Stops planned so far on John Kerry's 20-city fund-raising tour, 
aimed at raising $15 million to $20 million: 
   March 29-30: San Francisco, San Diego, Los Angeles, Sacramento 
   April 7: Washington, D.C. 
   April 8: Chicago 
   April 13: Providence, R.I., and Boston 
   April 14: New York City 
   April 15: New Jersey, city to be determined 
   April 16: Pittsburgh, Philadelphia 
   April 19: Atlanta 
   April 20: Miami 
   April 21: New Orleans 
   April 22: Houston 
   Events also planned in St. Louis, Detroit, Cleveland and 
Cincinnati; dates to be announced. 
-Associated Press

Kerry circumspect on VP selection after 2000 snub...During the summer of 2000, Senator 
John F. Kerry shipped off cartons of speeches and personal financial information to Al 
Gore, then the Democratic presidential nominee. Kerry, one of Gore's potential choices 
for vice president, also sat for interviews with a group of campaign attorneys, led by 
Charles F. C. Ruff, who had defended President Clinton during his 1999 impeachment 
trial. (The Boston Globe) 

Jobs growth remains weak...America's unemployment rate remained stuck at 5.6 percent 
in February as the economy added a paltry 21,000 position. The figures dramatized the 
relative scarcity of new jobs in a week in which President Bush shoved his re-election 
campaign into high gear.

"When he says he's going to hire two more, that's really good news," Bush said. "A lot 
of people are feeling confident and optimistic about our future so they can say, 'I'm 
going to hire two more.' They can sit here and tell the president in front of all the 
cameras, 'I'm going to hire two more people.' That's confidence!" (The Washington 
Post) http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A31587-2004Mar4.html

John Kerry and President Bush are starting the general election campaign tied, 
according to an Associated Press poll, while independent Ralph Nader is drawing enough 
support to make Democrats squirm. (AP) 

GOP aides blamed in snooping...Report: Thousands of files were accessed (The Wasington 
Post) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4452278/

Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry, on a Southern campaign swing to tout his 
jobs agenda, criticized the Bush administration's efforts to put people to work after 
figures released Friday showed no movement in the unemployment rate of 5.6 percent. 
(AP) http://www.thestate.com/mld/thestate/news/politics/8107972.htm

Fineman: Why 2004 election will defy history...Patterns of past wouldn't allow Bush or 
Kerry to win 

Into the Fray...Now that the Democrats have their nominee, George W. Bush can hold 
back no more. But while the president will  try to define John Kerry as a tax-raising 
liberal, and the senator will  categorize Bush as a heartless and reckless braggart, 
both men really need to define themselves (Newsweek) 

Bush camp tries to outflank Kerry in Louisiana...Campaign machines girding for battle 
(New Orleans Times Picayune) 

Iraq constitution to be signed...Five Shiite members of Iraq's Governing Council on 
Friday refused to  sign the new interim constitution, complaining about concessions 
made to Kurds and the makeup of the presidency, a representative of one of the parties 

Ashcroft in intensive care...Attorney General John Ashcroft was hospitalized Friday 
with what his spokesman said had been diagnosed as a severe case of gallstone 
pancreatitis. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4456560/

The "Sex and the City" girls are done, and now Sunday night belongs, again, to the 
boys. Specifically Tony Soprano and his lovable crew down at the Bada-Bing, right? 
Maybe. Maybe not. (The Washington Times) 


Candidates battle it out with music...Popular music has been used by candidates for 
generations as a way to bond with the electorate and inspire the beleaguered campaign 
worker. Songs at rallies in the 2004 Democratic campaign are no exception. 

BW: Kerry's veepstakes strategy...He has the Presidential nomination locked up. Now 
John Kerry faces his next big task: picking a running mate. Potential Vice-Presidents 
have been quietly auditioning for months: Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack has boosted his 
profile in Washington, while New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson got plenty of TV time 
during his state's primary. Then there's John Edwards, whose surprise rise to become 
Kerry's chief challenger makes him a strong contender for the No. 2 slot. Still, for 
all the jockeying, at this point, potential Veeps can't do much to improve their 

Shapiro: Ads tame compared with what's probably coming 

Doonesbury http://www.ucomics.com/doonesbury/

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