            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight at 7p, 11p & 4a ET....4p, 8p & 1a PT

Lots more stuff to talk about tonight RE: 9/11 Commission, Will she or won't she? 
(Condi testify under oath), The White House campaign to "correct" Richard Clarke's 
recollection of his years as counterterrorism czar and the political fallout thereof...

We're really jammin' and Mortman is out this week so I'm on "banner duty" which means 
writing those cute and informative factoids you see in the lower third of your TV 
screen during the show...

Here's our lineup...

Lee Hamilton, 9-11 Commission co-chair does the continuing brouhaha over the hearings 
and the "Condi V. Clarke" story...

Roger Cressey, Clarke's former deputy and current business partner weighs in on 
Clarke's behalf http://www.goodharbor.net/sides/aboutus-cressey.html

A group of 9/11 families are ticked off at Clarke, his testimony and his book...They 
wrote an open letter to Clarke which appeared in the NY Post yesterday....We'll talk 
to one of the signatories to the letter 

No Thanks Mr. Clarke 

In the back half we'll talk to Congressman David Dreier and Ron Suskind, author of 
"The Price of Loyalty" (you know that one about Paul O'Neill and the inside scoop on 
the Bush White House?)...Those two will debate the Condi V. Clarke story and the White 
House strategy vis-a-vis the 9/11 Commission...It gets a little heated between those 
two trust me...

Finally, Howard Fineman wraps it all for us with the White House 2004 angle, the 
latest polls and his reporters notebook on the White House's negotiations to get Condi 
to testify...

PS A special shout out and major kudos to Briefing subscriber Robert Cox over at 
http://thenationaldebate.com who was instrumental in reshaping the New York Times' 
corrections policy on the editorial page...As you know his website played Hardball 
with the Times (parodying their corrections policy) which caused some heartburn over 
at The Grey Lady...They tried to shut him down but ultimately he prevailed...His ideas 
and name appear below...


Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing from Washington, DC

Rice steadfast in refusal to publicly testify...Pressure grows for open testimony from 
national security adviser

The White House looked for a deal on Monday with the Sept. 11, 2001, commission under 
which national security adviser Condoleezza Rice would appear in private before the 
panel, but it refused to budge in the face of demands she testify in public and under 
oath.  (Reuters) 

9/11 Hearings Backgrounder http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4601064/

Bush welcomes seven new NATO nations...White House ceremony showcases new European 
defense http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4623309/

Clarke wants info declassified...Richard Clarke, the former chief counterterrorism 
adviser at the White House, told NBC's "Meet the Press" Sunday that he "would welcome" 
the attempt by Republicans to declassify his testimony before Congress.

Several hundred people stormed the small yard of President Bush's chief political 
strategist, Karl Rove, yesterday afternoon, pounding on his windows, shoving signs at 
others and challenging Rove to talk to them about a bill that deals with educational 
opportunities for immigrants. (The Washington Post) 

A Massachusetts police officer describes his Democratic senator, John Kerry, as a 
presidential candidate who likes higher taxes in a radio ad that President Bush's 
re-election campaign began airing nationwide Monday. (AP) 

Cheney: Kerry would erase Bush tax cuts...Vice president seeks to bolster president's 
standing on economy (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4623329/

Sen. John Kerry brought his presidential campaign to a St. Louis church Sunday, mixing 
preaching with politics, and Scripture with soul. (The St. Louis Post-Dispatch) 

John Kerry cited a Bible verse Sunday to criticize leaders who have "faith but has no 
deeds," prompting President Bush's spokesman to accuse Kerry of exploiting Scripture 
for a political attack. (AP) 

John Kerry lashed out at Vice President Dick Cheney on Monday, accusing Cheney of 
distorting his Senate record on taxes as the Democrat sought to shift the debate to 
President Bush's stewardship of the economy. (AP) 

Kerry in need of a blueprint...He has yet to put distinctive stamp on candidacy (The 
Washington Post) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4615655/

Hughes Rises to Bush's Defense...Trusted Adviser Launches Book Tour, Plans to Join 
Campaign (The Washington Post) 

Blow for Bush Over 9/11 Charges...Public confidence in the president's handling of 
homeland security has been damaged by the testimony of former counterterrorism chief 
Richard Clarke to the 9/11 panel this week, according to the latest Newsweek poll. 

Hamas: Bush is enemy of God...The new Hamas leader branded President Bush on Sunday 
"the enemy of God, the enemy of Islam," but stopped short of threatening to attack 
American targets in retaliation for the assassination by Israel of the Islamic 
militant group's founder.


John Fund on the Trail...Kerry's antiwar record deserves more scrutiny from the press. 

Barnicle: The burning questions...Too bad 9/11 victims couldn't confront some 
witnesses http://www.nydailynews.com/news/ideas_opinions/story/177837p-154734c.html

Novak The transformation of Richard Clarke 

Doonesbury http://www.ucomics.com/doonesbury/

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