            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

I needn't remind you to tune in tonight for Al Gore at Lehman College in the 
Bronx...but I'll do it anyway...Chris will spend the full hour with the former Veep in 
front of the students discussing a potential run for the White House, his critique of 
the Bush administration and his run in 2000...We'll hit all these topics plus the 
impeachment of Bill Clinton and much more...

Al Gore has said repeatedly that should he run, he'll dump the pollsters and 
consultants, "let 'er rip" and let the chips fall where they may...We expect that 
tonight...9 pm et only on MSNBC...

In other news, the Trent Lott controversy is heating up since it's been revealed that 
he made similar statements about Strom in 1980...We'll see how that plays out and 
check in on the topic tomorrow night...Senator John McCain will join us as will former 
Senator Bob Kerrey...Plus, should the DoD use landmines in Iraq?  We'll debate it...

You've all been following the N. Korean ship that was clandestinely shipping scuds to 
Yemen?  Guess what?  The U.S. just released the vessel and it's cargo to Yemen... 

A particularly disturbing piece of news on the front page of the Washington Post this 
morning which I believe is worthy of everyone's attention...It concerns Bush's 
"preemptive" military doctrine and its application vis-a-vis nuclear weapons...

Dig this excerpt..."Against today's new enemies, the administration has argued, it may 
be necessary to strike preemptively and with nuclear weapons that would keep fallout 
to a minimum." 

U.S. Will Use 'All Options' To Defend Against Attack...The United States reminded Iraq 
and other countries Tuesday that it was prepared to use nuclear weapons if necessary 
to respond to an attack from weapons of mass destruction (The Washington Post) 

Mortman on the Soprano's and HUD http://www.msnbc.com/news/845423.asp

En fuego!! A new Hotline poll, due later this week and sure to generate media buzz, 
will have Kerry leading Al Gore in New Hampshire. (Boston Globe) 

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Briefing in Washington, DC...Weather 
rainy, icy, cold & gloomy

Gertz: The missile shipment was first disclosed by The Washington Times on Dec. 2 
after the vessel departed several weeks ago from the North Korean port of Nampo with 
the Scud missiles and their components and a missile fuel chemical 

Squitty: The Pentagon is preparing to use anti-personnel land mines in a war with 
Iraq, despite U.S. policy that calls for the military to stop using the mines 
everywhere in the world except Korea by 2003 

U.N. force steps up Iraq inspections...A reinforced team of U.N. arms monitors on 
Wednesday sent experts to sites across Iraq, including a newly declared site mentioned 
in Baghdad's massive weapons report and a return visit to a large complex where Iraq 
once worked on a nuclear bomb. 

Key factor: Iraqi scientists...US dampens expectations of 'smoking gun' on Iraq 
weapons and urges access to scientists (CS Monitor) 

The CIA, coordinating a rush effort by as many as eight U.S. agencies to translate and 
evaluate Iraq's 12,000-page weapons declaration, expects to deliver a preliminary 
assessment to the White House today, administration officials said. (The Washington 
Times) http://washingtontimes.com/world/20021211-16072764.htm

The United States needs a "chief executive" in charge of its various spy agencies to 
ensure they overcome a reluctance to share information, the co-chairman of a 
Congressional committee investigating intelligence failures related to Sept. 11 said 
on Wednesday. (Reuters) 

U.S. Catholic church in uproar...The Roman Catholic Church was in turmoil Tuesday 
after the New Hampshire diocese acknowledged that there was probably enough evidence 
to convict church officials of child endangerment and dozens of priests called on the 
archbishop of Boston to resign. 

White House officials spent Tuesday trying to douse political brushfires sparked by 
conservatives' concerns that President Bush is putting together a new team of economic 
advisers who are more interested in balancing the budget than seeking the new round of 
tax cuts he plans to propose.  (USA Today) 

Friedman Appointment as Bush Advisor Put Off for a 2nd Day...Conservatives rally 
against choice for senior economic aide, saying he doesn't back tax cuts (LA Times) 

Lott Remarks on Thurmond Echoed 1980 Words...Criticism Unabated Despite Apology for 
Comment on Former Dixiecrat's Presidential Bid (The Washington Post) 

At 1980 rally, senator made similar controversial remarks (Jackson Clarion-Ledger) 

Five days after Sen. Majority Leader Trent Lott made his unfortunate comments 
regarding the political heritage of the Dixiecrats, Republicans on Capitol Hill and 
conservatives in Washington and around the country are discussing how best to call for 
Lott's stepping aside as Senate leader. (American Prowler) 

Several black Democrats, scolding Sen. Trent Lott for his remarks at Sen. Strom 
Thurmond's 100th birthday party and saying his apology is insufficient to allay their 
anger, directed some of their ire yesterday at Sen. Tom Daschle for defending his 
Republican colleague. (The Washington Times) 

Members of the Congressional Black Caucus on Tuesday rejected Senate Republican leader 
Trent Lott's apology for saying that America would have been better off if Strom 
Thurmond had won the U.S. presidency in 1948, when he ran as a segregationist. 
(Reuters) http://www.thestate.com/mld/thestate/4709058.htm

Congressional Democrats are preparing an economic plan focusing on short-term boosts 
and long-term budget balance as an alternative to a package President Bush is expected 
to unveil in a few weeks (Reuters) 

Democratic national chairman Terry McAuliffe says his party's victories in statewide 
elections in a number of states that were strongholds for President Bush give him hope 
that Democrats can compete for the presidency in 2004. (AP) 

Can Daschle lead in a Senate crowded with hopefuls? The first battleground in the race 
for the Democratic presidential nomination may not be Iowa or New Hampshire, but the 
Senate floor. (Argus Leader) http://www.argusleader.com/news/Wednesdayfeature.shtml

New York City is close to winning the prize of the 2004 Republican National 
Convention, the Daily News has learned, despite White House concerns that Mayor 
Bloomberg is not enough of a team player. (NY Daily News) 

Republican Bob Beauprez was officially named the winner yesterday of the closest 
congressional race of 2002, as three suburban Denver counties completed a mandatory 
recount in Colorado's new 7th House district. Beauprez squeaked past Democrat Mike 
Feeley by 121 votes of about 164,000 cast. (The Washington Post) 

President Bush's 2000 presidential campaign should repay the government about 
$700,000, but taxpayers owe Bush's election effort some money too, federal auditors 
say. (AP) 

GOP site question tests Bush's loyalties...Jeb Bush walks a fine line between touting 
Tampa's bid to be the site and supporting whatever is best to re-elect his brother, 
the president. (St. Petersburg Times) 

Cherie Blair, wife of British Prime Minister Tony Blair, choked backed tears yesterday 
while publicly acknowledging mistakes in her involvement with an Australian con man. 
(The Washington Times) http://washingtontimes.com/world/20021211-335909.htm

Ruff: Capital Comment: Daily news notes, political rumors, and important...events that 
shape politics and public policy in Washington and the world 


Hitchens: Imperialism...Superpower dominance, malignant and benign. 

Kramer: Lott & Strom: Time for both to pack it in 

One step forward, two steps back...President Bush needs more people like William 
Donaldson and less like John Snow on his economic team. By Dan Gross. 

Kelly: Left everlasting

Gross: Snow Job...President Bush appoints yet another phony businessman, this time as 
treasury secretary. http://slate.msn.com/?id=2075270

Dupont: Power to the People...New energy for a new century. 

Mercer: Purging Paul O'Neill http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=29946

Conason: Lott Is Unfit To Run the Senate 

Doonesbury http://www.ucomics.com/doonesbury/

Mallard Fillmore http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/fun/mallard.asp

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