            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

**6:30-8 pm et**

Chris Matthews will anchor coverage tonight on MSNBC from 6:30-8 pm eastern time...I 
apologize for you West Coasters who've been writing in...Set you VCRs, it's worth 
it...You'll get the latest from our NBC correpondents around the world as well as The 
White House, The Pentagon and CentCom with Hardball's own David Shuster who is 
stationed in Doha, Qatar...

Other reasons to tune in: Pat will join us, Buchanan, not Caddell...He, of course, 
co-host's MSNBC's "Buchanan and Press" which is temporarily on hold due to our 
continuous coverage of Operation: Iraqi Freedom...We'll let you know when it comes 
back...Luntz is back from his world tour and informs us he has his finger on the pulse 
of international opinion...He'll share it with us tonight...

Senator Joe Biden will do a live hit with Chris today around 2:15 pm et on MSNBC, 
we'll replay it tonight....

Also, Howard and Gergen will do the buzz type segment with the inside skinny on the 
Rummy/Shinseki fight detailed in the New York Times below...Bush has come out today in 
defense of The Donald...We'll get the latest...Plus, The Washington Post reports our 
old buddy James Woolsey may be in line for a big job in post war Iraq but there's a 
split between The Pentagon & State over who gets to appoint whom....That story below 
as well...Also, Powell announced today that he is going to Turkey for a "kiss and make 
up" tour...Obviously my description, not Colin's....

Pls join us tonight at 6:30 pm eastern...

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Briefing from Washington, DC

The first and last issue concerning this war is the young American men and women 
fighting it....We at MSNBC salute these heroes everyday with our "America's Bravest" 
wall which you've seen many times...If you would like to honor them as well, here's a 
couple of links for you...

Looking for a way to support the troops?...Far away from home, close to our hearts  

America's Bravest http://www.msnbc.com/news/785157.asp


Kurdish officials say bombing raids in northern Iraq had increased over the past 24 
hours, a sign the U.S. military was intensifying its campaign along the northern 
front. On Tuesday afternoon, U.S. warplanes attacked targets close to the northern oil 
city of Kirkuk, a Reuters correspondent said from a hilltop vantage point in 
Kurdish-held territory nearby. (MSNBC) http://www.msnbc.com/news/886517.asp

Iran next on W's list...Nukes program will get U.S. attention after Iraq war (The NY 
Daily News) http://www.nydailynews.com/news/story/71782p-66580c.html

U.S. forces snuff out Iraqi defenders...Packing overwhelming firepower, U.S. forces 
snuffed out Iraqi fighters in several towns and cities south of Baghdad, consolidating 
their steady advance Tuesday toward the Iraqi capital

American soldiers on the road to Baghdad fought bloody street-to-street battles with 
militants loyal to Saddam Hussein while tense troops in southern Iraq shot and killed 
seven women and children when the driver of a van failed to stop at a checkpoint. (AP) 

U.S. forces resumed their northward advance toward Baghdad on Tuesday after a pause of 
several days, Reuters reporters traveling with the troops said. 

President Saddam Hussein said in a message to the Iraqi people Tuesday that jihad 
(holy war) was a religious duty and he urged them to fight invading U.S. and British 
troops wherever they found them. (Reuters) 

Pentagon, State Spar On Team to Run Iraq...Rumsfeld Rejects State Dept. Choices (The 
Washington Post) 

Long-simmering tensions between Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and Army 
commanders have erupted in a series of complaints from officers on the Iraqi 
battlefield that the Pentagon has not sent enough troops to wage the war as they want 
to fight it. (The New York Times) 

President Bush has complete faith in Donald Rumsfeld, a senior U.S. official said on 
Tuesday, dismissing new criticism of the defense secretary's handling of the Iraq war 
as second-guessing by one of "1,000 colonels" at the Pentagon. 

Two fatal shootings at U.S. roadblocks...U.S. troops shot and killed at least eight 
Iraqi civilians, including some children, in two separate incidents involving vehicles 
speeding toward checkpoints in southern Iraq.

Separating militia, civilians in Iraq...U.S. troops instructed to employ tougher 
tactics (The Washington Post) http://www.msnbc.com/news/893662.asp

Civilian shooting toll may climb...Washington Post: 10 died at Army checkpoint near 
Karbala http://www.msnbc.com/news/893527.asp

A Gruesome Scene on Highway 9...10 Dead After Vehicle Shelled at Checkpoint (The 
Washington Post) http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A61229-2003Mar31.html

U.S. scours for Saddam-al-Qaida link...U.S. special forces are scouring northeastern 
Iraq for evidence to link Saddam Hussein's regime with the al-Qaida terrorist network. 
MSNBC.com's Preston Mendenhall reports.

Fight Taken to Najaf's Street....Army's in urban combat it hoped to avoid; militiamen 
hole up in holy site. (The Washington Post) 

Psyops unit attacks Iraqis' minds...Secrets and lies become weapons in standoff at 
Basra (The Washington Post) http://msnbc.com/news/893721.asp?0cv=CB10

"We misjudged their tenacity," a senior U.S. intelligence official says of Iraq's 
leaders. "These guys are driven by a hatred (of the United States) that we may have 
underestimated." A three-month U.S. effort to persuade Iraq's generals and Baath Party 
leaders to surrender and oust Saddam Hussein is being scaled back after it failed to 
produce any significant defections, U.S. intelligence and military officials say. (USA 
Today) http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/iraq/2003-03-30-iraq-resistance_x.htm

Reports of coalition forces killing dozens of Iraqi civilians stoked growing 
international unease already high after seven women and children were shot dead in a 
truck at a US checkpoint in Central Iraq. (AFP) 

Despite American warnings, in the last few days Damascus has expedited the passage of 
volunteers wishing to join the Iraqis in their war against the Americans. Thousands of 
volunteers, most of them Syrians, are thronging to the Mosul and Kirkuk regions in 
north Iraq. (Ha'aretz) 

Moran Analysis: In Iraq for the long haul...With a longer war looming, a look at the 
implications http://www.msnbc.com/news/893320.asp

Turkey said Tuesday a visit by Secretary of State Colin Powell could help dispel 
doubts hanging over relations between the two NATO allies, whose falling out over Iraq 
has complicated the U.S.-led war there. (Reuters) 

A Columbia University professor who wants to see U.S. troops suffer "a million 
Mogadishus" in Iraq defended his stand yesterday - and dug his hole a little deeper 
(NY Post) http://www.nypost.com/news/regionalnews/72431.htm

Government monitoring group Judicial Watch has asked for a probe into whether military 
adviser Richard Perle violated ethics guidelines when he agreed to help win U.S. 
approval for the sale of a bankrupt telecommunications company. (Reuters) 

Some European restaurants are halting sales of Coca-Cola, Marlboro cigarettes and 
other U.S. brands in boycotts spurred by anti-war sentiment. (AP) 

Israeli military intelligence suspects Saddam Hussein has hidden chemical and 
biological weapons in neighboring Syria, a top officer said yesterday. (NY Post) 

Begging, Borrowing for Security...In Philadelphia, President Bush touted his quest for 
homeland security, but mayors and governors are resorting to begging and borrowing to 
pull it off. (The Washington Post) 

U.S. Marines were sent to rescue wounded members of the 507th Maintenance Company on 
March 23, the day the Fort Bliss unit was attacked in Iraq, but nine of the Marines 
who took part in the rescue effort were killed and eight others are missing, Pentagon 
officials said Sunday. (El Paso Times) 

Buyer won't go to war after all...Congressman says Army officials thought his 
deployment would jeopardize him, others. (The Indianapolis Star) 

During his two day New Hampshire visit last week, former Colorado Sen. Gary Hart met 
privately with several supporters of past presidential bids seeking their advice on 
whether he should run a third time in 2004...Hart is finding that many of these people 
have already signed up with other candidates and are skeptical about his return to 
politics after 15 years. (Politics NH) 


A firing offense...Baghdad correspondent Peter Arnett deserved to be fired, but not 
for the reasons NBC gave, writes Slate's Jack Shafer. http://slate.msn.com/id/2080947/

The Wall Street Journal: Rumsfeld's Second Front...No war plan survives its first 
meeting with the Beltway. 

Arnett: This war is not working: I am still in shock and awe at being fired. There is 
enormous sensitivity within the US government to reports coming out from Baghdad. 

McCaffrey: A Time to Fight...Despite some setbacks, the war plan is proceeding well. 

Caputo: The Smell of War...It is said that our most evocative sense is the sense of 
smell, and after the names of the villages and the numbers and the dates have grown 
dim in your memory, the thing you can never forget about a battlefield is the smell. 

Miniter: Die Free or Leave...Why this should be Virginia's new motto 

Doonesbury http://www.ucomics.com/doonesbury/ 

Mallard Fillmore http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/fun/mallard.asp

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