            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs at 7pm, 11pm & 2 am....That's 4, 8 & 11 pm on the West Coast...

Chris is back from vacation and is hot to trot on the Recall...A new poll out suggests 
this is gonna be a horse race folks with Dem Lt. Gov. Bustamante at 25% & Arnold at 
22%...Plus, the sniping has already begun on the Dem side with Bustamante accusing 
Davis "minions" of sabotaging his campaign...Also, is Arnold a conservative?  His top 
economic advisor Warren Buffet said on Friday that property taxes in Calfiornia were 
too low and Arnold's camp has since been distancing themselves from the comment...And 
some Republicans are urging the other two GOPers, McClintock & Simon to bow out of the 
race and back Arnold...Plus, the ACLU is going to court today to try and delay the 
election...Lots of action all over the Golden State....We'll slice and dice it with a 
panel of political pros including David Dreier, Gergen and Fineman....

In the D block we'll do the political blame game over last week's energy blackout....

In the Buzz we've got Norah and Conason on the Recall, energy politics and Joe's new 
book: "Big Lies: The Right Wing propaganda machine and how it distorts the 
truth"...Wow, sounds like the Left Wing equivalent of a Coulter book...

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Briefing from Washington, DC...

Bustamante Snipes At Guv...Bustamante accuses Gray Davis of sabotaging efforts to keep 
state in Democratic hands. (SF Chronicle) 

California's high-stakes recall election is producing fresh cracks in party unity, 
with the state's second-leading Democrat accusing Gov. Gray Davis of personal 
disloyalty and two leading Republicans bickering about which one hates taxes more. 
(AP) http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2003-08-18-candidates-recall_x.htm

Poll Places Bustamante In Lead to Succeed Davis...Schwarzenegger Tops the Other Calif. 
Hopefuls (The Washington Post) 

Suddenly, the Terminator looks vulnerable....Arnold Schwarzenegger, who just last week 
seemed likely to flatten the opposition in the gubernatorial recall election, has come 
under fire, and his once formidable lead in the polls has disappeared. (USA Today) 

Davis turns on a charm offensive...Calif. governor reintroducing himself to key voters 
(The Washington Post) http://msnbc.com/news/953808.asp?0cv=CB10

Mortman's new stuff: Schwarzenegger's fantastic world...On the campaign trail, Arnold 
is positively positive http://www.msnbc.com/news/953920.asp

The nation's worst blackout is putting energy - especially upgrading high-voltage 
transmission lines - back on Congress' radar. But resolving the problem could be 
difficult and expensive. (AP) 

The Army acknowledged Monday that it had killed a television journalist after soldiers 
mistook his camera for a rocket-propelled grenade launcher. Press advocacy groups 
called for an investigation.  (AP) 

Israeli pits U.S. politics against 'road map' plan...Israeli tourism minister Benyamin 
Elon has embarked on a "Bible Belt tour" to exploit evangelical Christian enthusiasm 
for Israel, to lure Christian tourists back to Israel and to derail President Bush's 
"road map" to Middle East peace. (The Washington Times) 

Joe Lieberman is on the presidential campaign trail, embracing his inner centrist. 
Wherever he goes, he calls himself "an independent-minded Democrat." His rivals, he 
says, are big spenders, weak on defense - or both. (USA Today) 

'How to be Gay' course draws fire at Michigan...A course called "How to be Gay: Male 
Homosexuality and Initiation," scheduled this fall, has reignited a culture war at the 
University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. (The Washington Times) 

Rep. Bill Janklow says he feels "anguish" over the death of a motorcyclist who 
collided with a car he was driving. Authorities said the intersection had a stop sign 
only for Janklow and an investigation was continuing. (AP) 


Vulnerable in the dark?...Could a terrorist cause a blackout on the scale of the one 
that hit parts of the United States and Canada? Doubtful, writes Slate's Fred Kaplan. 

Barnicle: Arnold's a nice guy who can't make it worse 

Katrina's editor's cut: A Form of Looting
Nobel Laureate condemns "the worst government the US has ever had." 

Pat: "Is it a rebellion?" asked Louis XVI of the count who informed him of the fall of 
the Bastille. "No, sire," came the reply. "It is a revolution." That same question may 
be asked of the recall election of Gov. Gray Davis 

Doonesbury http://www.ucomics.com/doonesbury/

Mallard http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/fun/mallard.asp

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