            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 
TV http://www.msnbc.com/CableOperator.asp

We've got another action packed show for you tonight as we talk to Guy Womack, a 
lawyer for Spc. Charles Graner, one of the MPs accused of abusing Iraqi 
prisoners...Was Graner just one of a few "bad apples" or was he part of a systemic 
problem of prisoner abuse?  Were he and others engaged in isolated acts of abhorrent 
behavior or were they deliberately ordered to perform such acts?

Today the U.S. Senate is viewing more disturbing photos in a 3 hour, classified 
briefing...We'll talk to a couple of Senators and find out what's in there: California 
Democrat and former San Francisco mayor Dianne Feinstein ("DiFi" as she's called by 
some) and Oklahoma Republican Jim Inhofe who expressed "outrage" over the "outrage" 
over the pictures (Did I get that right?) 

DiFi says Rumsfeld should not quit 

We'll also talk to legendary host of the "Newshour with Jim Lehrer" about his new 
novel "Flying Crows" and also get his take on the news of the day...Bet you didn't 
know he's written 14 novels and a few plays?...The guy's got talent! I look forward to 
telling him how much I appreciate his show's theme music...It's my favorite...I always 
flip on my TV stereo surround sound and crank it up at the end when they role 
credits..."Flying Crows" Backgrounder 

We'll also chat with a Washington Post columnist from London, David Ignatius, and get 
a sense of how the story is playing across the pond...Ignatius Backgrounder 

Another reminder for you SoCal folks who want to tell Chris and the world how much you 
love us...Record your thoughts here and we might use you in one of our commercials 

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Briefing from Washington, DC

NBC closes merger with Universal...New media giant to rival Time Warner, Viacom (AP) 

Senators to view more photos....Senators are getting a look at more photos of American 
soldiers brutalizing Iraqi prisoners but won't have the authority to release the 
pictures that the Pentagon warns could deepen international fury over the abuses.

Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld defended military interrogation techniques in 
Iraq on Wednesday, rejecting complaints that they violate international rules and may 
endanger Americans taken prisoner. (AP) 

U.S.: Beheaded civilian was warned to leave Iraq...Al-Qaida-linked Web site claims 
revenge killing for prisoner abuses (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4953015/

The White House on Wednesday condemned the beheading of American Nick Berg in Iraq and 
scoffed at the reason the killers gave for the death. (Reuters) 

Lynndie England speaks! Lawyer defends soldier accused of prison abuses...Says Army 
reservist was smiling but didn't like what she was doing (AP) 

An American soldier's video diary showing her disdain for Iraqi detainees who died in 
her charge is to be broadcast by a U.S. network on Wednesday in a further escalation 
of the prisoner abuse scandal that has shaken the Bush administration and provoked 
world outrage. (Reuters) 

General says she was overruled on prisons...Karpinski says she resisted takeover by 
military intelligence (The Washington Post) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4955383/

Iraq's al-Sadr rallies followers to fight U.S....Shiite cleric vows American defeat; 
up to 25 insurgents killed (MSNBC) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4899904/

The U.S. military has opened an investigation into allegations that an Afghan police 
officer was stripped naked, beaten and photographed at a U.S. base in Afghanistan, the 
American Embassy in Kabul said Wednesday. (AP) 

The worldwide furor over the abuse of Iraqi prisoners by American soldiers imperils 
troop morale at a crucial time, say lawmakers from both parties. (AP) 

Vice President Dick Cheney suggested Tuesday that releasing additional photos of 
American soldiers abusing Iraqi prisoners might do nothing more that cater to 
journalists' appetite for "more pictures to print." (AP) 

The U.S. Army general under investigation for anti-Islamic remarks has been linked by 
U.S. officials to the Iraqi prisoner abuse scandal, which experts warned could touch 
off new outrage overseas. (Reuters) 

With ghastly images of abuse and decapitation out of Iraq, President Bush and 
Democratic challenger John Kerry welcome any opportunity to focus on bread-and-butter 
issues on the homefront. (AP) http://apnews.myway.com/article/20040512/D82H17T80.html 

9/11 panel sets sights on talking to Al Qaeda members...Commissioners trumpet good 
access and hope to finish early. (Christian Science Monitor) 

Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry said Wednesday any number of people, 
including Republican Sens. John McCain and John Warner, could replace Defense 
Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, rejecting concerns that a change in Pentagon leadership 
could hurt the war effort. (AP) http://apnews.myway.com/article/20040512/D82H3KL00.html

With Democrat John Kerry away from Capitol Hill yesterday, the Senate rejected by a 
single vote an effort to extend federal unemployment benefits. (AP) 

Former President Clinton lent his support Tuesday to two interest groups that have 
sharply criticized President Bush while raising money to help Democrat John Kerry's 
White House bid. (AP) http://apnews.myway.com/article/20040512/D82GRBTG2.html

The United States is experiencing strong business growth, jobs are being created and 
unemployment is down, but voters still give President Bush low marks on the economy - 
an issue that is likely to influence whether he is re-elected in November. (The 
Washington Times) http://www.washtimes.com/national/20040511-111733-5180r.htm

NRA endorsement of Bush is on hold...Gun-rights group watches, waits on weapons ban 
(The Hill) http://www.thehill.com/news/051204/nra.aspx

Syria, Lebanon criticize U.S. sanctions...Damascus still seeks dialogue with the Bush 
administration (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4947515/


Pete Bellone's encomium to Pat Tillman 

Pat's in the House: A Time for Truth 

Noah: Where Are Iraq's Refugees?...Everybody expected them. They haven't materialized 

Wall Street Journal: Winning in Iraq...The public puts Abu Ghraib in perspective. 

Steiner http://www.washtimes.com/national/steiner.htm

Doonesbury http://www.ucomics.com/doonesbury/

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