            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Folks don't fail us now...We're starting up at 7 pm ET/4 pm PT and going until the 
"last dog dies" as Clinton once said back in the day...Or 2 am ET, depending on what 
time that actual dog dies

Did anyone listen to Chris on Imus this morning?  If you did you heard Imus and his 
top consigliere Charles bustin' Chris' chops over his energy level and 
enthusiasm...Charles said something like "Chris, we're gonna be watching tonight with 
a big bowl of popcorn"...Right on Charles!  Me too but we'll be working at the same 
time...All of you get to chill freestyle on the couch...Btw, according to the Imus 
e-mail Chris will be on tomorrow morning at 8:29 am ET or something like that...

The show is smoking hot tonight but you already knew that: We've got the full panel of 
the smartest folks in the biz (Howard, Dee Dee, Trippi, Pat, Ron Reagan, Brokaw, 
Russert, Trippi & De Graff)...In addition we're throwing together a cornucopia of cool 
guests you won't find anywhere else: Norah, Barnicle, Reps. Barney Frank, Marty 
Meehan, Maxine Waters & Elijah Cummings, Hoffa, Devine, Axelrod, Senator Bob Graham, 
Gov. Bob Taft and Jerry (Brown, not Springer)...As you'd expect we'll have some 
surprises along the way and all the campaign speeches and stuff...

This'll be bigger than the Oscars, trust me...

Oh yeah, Cheney's out making the interview rounds trying to steal some of the press 
attention from Kerry and spoke with our own Lester Holt...We'll talk to Lester and 
roll some clips from his Cheney interview http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4430696/

Dominic Bellone put this together from Washington, DC

Mortman's in the House: Get ready for super spin from Edwards...Perhaps Iraq's 
ex-Minister of Information can help http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4429815/

Kerry, Edwards stump down to the wire...Massachusetts senator looks to sweep 'Super 
Tuesday' states (Reuters) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4429063/

Scores killed in Iraq blasts...Scores were killed and wounded Tuesday in a series of 
coordinated blasts that struck major Shiite Muslim shrines in Karbala and in Baghdad 
as thousands of pilgrims converged for the final day of a major religious festival.

Bush on terrorism: "We are relentless," Bush said, adding that two-thirds of the key 
leaders of the al-Qaida terrorist network have been captured or killed. "We are 
strong. We refuse to yield. The rest of them hear us breathing down their neck. We're 
after them. We will not relent. We will bring these killers to justice." 

Super Tuesday voting under way...With Super Tuesday voting under way, Sen. John 
Edwards' best chance for a win appeared to be in Georgia -- where a new opinion poll 
had him narrowing the gap with Sen. John Kerry in the Democratic presidential race.

Scattered glitches as e-voting gets biggest test..Some machines fail to boot up; 
problems with encoders, security (MSNBC) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4424621/

"Iowa is supposed to be the beginning of the process, but instead it was almost the 
end of it," pollster Patrick Caddell said. "What you don't get in this process is a 
real testing," in which candidates get poked and prodded by voters, not just reporters 
and insiders, over a sustained period. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4424567/

GOP plans votes to put Democrats on the spot...Gay rights, abortion and guns to 
highlight candidates' positions (The Washington Post) 

A Democratic-leaning online group will run television commercials in 17 presidential 
battleground states starting Thursday to counter President Bush's multimillion-dollar 
advertising blitz that will begin the same day. (MSNBC) 

In the final Atlanta Journal-Constitution/WSB-TV tracking poll leading up today's 
vote, Edwards narrowed Kerry's once 20-point lead, gaining the support of 37 percent 
of voters to Kerry's 51 percent. 

Senate votes to extend assault weapons ban...Amendment is part of broader lawsuit 
immunity bill http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4429245/

In the coming days, Republicans will step up their push to register 3 million voters 
this year with the help of an election-year prop - an 18-wheeler full of computers, 
plasma TVs and multimedia equipment designed to communicate the GOP message. (NY Post) 

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who announced his bid for governor last year from Jay 
Leno's couch, returned to "The Tonight Show" with a friend - the man he defeated in 
the recall election. (AP) http://apnews.myway.com/article/20040302/D8129UDG0.html


WP: In a week, U.S. shifted on Haiti....The U.S. government returned Aristide to power 
nearly 10 years ago, and did much to manufacture the final push that drove him into 
exile. The Bush administration's refusal to send troops may have been as important as 
its message to Aristide that Haiti had no future with him in power.

WP: Should journalists carry guns?...As violence continues to plague postwar Iraq, 
American journalists there say they've never been more nervous about their safety. The 
question of personal safety has become a hot button issue. 

Bush ads target base, Hispanics...The first advertising of President Bush's 
re-election campaign begins Thursday, and the multimillion-dollar buy, the cable 
stations chosen for the spots and the type of ad provide a window on his spring 
strategy: appeal to the conservative base.

Doonesbury http://www.ucomics.com/doonesbury/

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