            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Special timing tonight...Pls take note...3:30-4 pm et pre-debate preview...4-6 pm et 
Dem Des Moines Debate...6-8 pm et Post-Debate Super Sized Hardball...

Democratic Debate Specs

You know when you go through the drive through at McDonald's or Burger King and you 
order the # 1 and they ask you if you want it super-sized with cheese?  You want to 
say yes even though it's bad for you...Tonight's Hardball is like that meal except 
it's good for you..

If you have a TV at the office I urge you to commandeer the remote from those dweebs 
who want to watch the Soaps all day and switch it over to MSNBC at 3:30 pm et 
today...Chris and his superstar panel (Peggy, Howard, Stephen Hayes & Jesse Jackson) 
will be all over this debate from top to bottom, soup to nuts...

We'll talk to Brokaw before the event to preview his moderating strategy and what 
issues he'll be hitting on...We'll also talk to RNC Chairman Ed Gillespie about the 
new ad he's running touting the President's doctrine of pre-emption and his War on 
Terror performance...Needless to say a number of Dems are crying foul over the ad and 
a couple of them (Kerry & Dean) are going to run counter ads in Iowa...We'll even talk 
to Des Moines Register political reporter Thomas Beaumont for the "on the ground" 

>From 4 to 6 pm et Brokaw takes over and moderates the debate from Des Moines...Kerry 
>& Edwards will participate via satellite from our MSNBC Washington bureau due to the 
>emergency Senate vote on the Medicare bill...Lieberman won't be in the debate, don't 
>ask...Long story..

>From 6-8 pm et Hardball is back on the case with the aformentioned panel and a cast 
>of Dem contenders with post-debate reax...We'll also throw in a Luntz focus group 
>from DC...Lots of other surprises so pls tune in...The "CW" (conventional wisdom) is 
>that Iowa is a Dean-Gephardt battle...We'll have a post-debate debate with Steve 
>Murphy from the Gephardt camp and Steve McMahon from the Dean to discuss their 
>campaign's death match in the Heartland...

David Shuster's "What to watch for tonight":  Dean-Gephardt, Gephardt-Dean.  Iowa is a 
 two man race... and the battle between these two over the last week has been 
downright nasty.  Clark will be trying to raise his own stature... Kerry will be 
portraying his appearance by satellite as a reminder of his experience in fighting 
republicans on the front line... same with Edwards.  Finally, there are still some 
democrats in this state who think the best candidate would be Hillary Clinton.  Given 
Hillary's show stealing performance last week at the J&J dinner, the most important 
group to watch tonight will may be those Iowa 'undecideds,'" who may be as much as 25% 
of the electorate."

More Shuster tales from the road: "My flight from NY to Chicago took off really 
late... so late, in fact, that I missed the last connection last night  from Chicago 
to Des Moines.  3 abc producers/embeds were on my flight...so we rented a car at 
midnight and drove the 5 hours to Des Moines.  Got in at 5am.. slept for 3 hours... 
but the adrenaline rush of this event has me totally wired."

You gotta see this folks...We'll put the "Zoom" in the "Zoom-Zoom"

Btw, in case you can't see the debate live, we'll re-air it at 9 pm et on MSNBC...

Dominic Bellone wrote, edited and compiled The Briefing from Washington, DC

Curry: Dems battle before Iowa debate...Gephardt blasts Dean positions on fiscal 
matters http://msnbc.com/news/997195.asp?0sl=-13

Nearly a year of solid campaigning by Democrats running for the 2004 presidential 
nomination has failed to produce a solid favorite in the race for the Iowa caucuses. 
(Des Moines Register) http://desmoinesregister.com/news/stories/c4789004/22842271.html

Democratic presidential candidate Dick Gephardt says Howard Dean, as governor of 
Vermont, was prone to targeting services for the poor and disabled when his state's 
budget had to be cut. (Des Moines Register) 

Two Democratic presidential candidates will participate in Monday's Iowa debate by 
satellite, allowing the senators to continue fighting against a GOP-backed Medicare 
bill in Washington. One rival cried foul because he was excluded from the special 
arrangement. (AP) 

Sen. John F. Kerry is facing a backyard beating at the hands of presidential primary 
nemesis Howard Dean, losing his own state by a staggering 9 points in a new Boston 
Herald poll. http://www2.bostonherald.com/news/local_regional/kerr11242003.htm

US Senator John F. Kerry is facing a serious challenge from Democratic rival Howard 
Dean in Massachusetts, according to a Boston Globe/WBZ-TV survey of likely voters in 
the state's presidential primary. (The Boston Globe) 

Leading Democrats demanded Sunday that the Republican National Committee stop running 
a new television ad that defends President Bush's handling of the war in Iraq and 
charges that Bush's critics were attacking him "for attacking the terrorists." (The 
Washington Post) http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A8735-2003Nov23.html

Senate Democratic leader Tom Daschle is demanding that Republicans stop showing their 
first television ad of the 2004 presidential race, which he called "repulsive and 
outrageous." (AP) http://washingtontimes.com/national/20031124-120311-9298r.htm

More Democrats back Medicare bill...The roster of Democrats supporting a Medicare 
prescription drug bill grew Monday in advance of a showdown on the sweeping measure in 
the Republican-controlled Senate. 

WashPost: Medicare bill would enrich firms...The Medicare legislation that passed the 
House near dawn on Saturday and is moving toward a final vote in the Senate would 
steer at least $125 billion over the next decade in extra assistance to the health 
care industry and U.S. businesses.

More attacks on U.S. near Mosul...U.S. troops opened fire after an explosion near a 
military convoy Monday in Mosul, as fears grew that the anti-coalition insurgency was 
spreading north a day after two American soldiers were savagely beaten and killed in 
the same city.

Moving Targets...Terror wave: New bombings, and worries about a 'spectacular.' Al 
Qaeda is badly wounded, but far from defeated (Newsweek)  

It's been done in elections past with abortion, school prayer, gun control and other 
emotional issues. Now conservatives intent on turning gay marriage into the top social 
issue of the next election have gotten a boost from a Massachusetts court ruling that 
homosexual couples have the right to marry. (AP) 

President Bush signed a $401.3 billion defense authorization bill Monday, saying 
members of the U.S. armed forces are facing "a great and historic task" in confronting 
and defeating the forces of terrorism. (AP) http://msnbc.com/news/997431.asp?0cv=CB10

Stars the turkey may have pushed his luck by gobbling throughout a Rose Garden 
ceremony on Monday but President Bush just the same gave him a presidential pardon 
from being served for Thanksgiving dinner (Reuters) 

Biden: Gay 'marriage' inevitable...A leading Senate Democrat yesterday said nationwide 
same-sex "marriage" is inevitable, and the Republican speaker of the House conceded 
that congressional action to prevent such unions will be difficult. (The Washington 
Times) http://washingtontimes.com/national/20031124-120303-4131r.htm

Democratic presidential wannabe Gen. Wesley Clark said yesterday that Americans admire 
President Bush because of the way he overcame "alcoholism" and salvaged his marriage 
by sobering up. (NY Post) http://www.nypost.com/news/nationalnews/11659.htm

Richard Gere ambushed Wesley Clark Thursday night at a presidential campaign 
fund-raiser. The activist actor asked the retired Army general to state his stance on 
the death penalty during a Q&A at Diane von Furstenberg's West Village atelier. (NY 
Daily News) http://www.nydailynews.com/front/story/139606p-123917c.html

Jackson tells fans he's innocent...Michael Jackson, addressing his fans directly via a 
new Web site, says the child molestation allegations made against him are "predicated 
on a big lie" and he will be exonerated in court. 

P. J. O'Rourke: Man on the Street...P. J. O'Rourke on Iraq, Michael Kelly, and taking 
a country's measure by just "hanging out." (The Atlantic Monthly) 

Confessore: Meet the Press...How James Glassman reinvented journalism--as lobbying. 


Katrina's editor's cut: Alabama on My Mind...Why do people consistently vote against 
their own material interests? http://www.thenation.com/edcut/index.mhtml?bid=7

Kinsley: In defense of Vermont...Republicans have had a talent for geographical 
chauvinism since Nixon's southern strategy. Wherever a Democratic candidate happens to 
be from, that place turns out to be isolated and unrepresentative and not part of the 
real America.

Pat: Time for a new Boston Tea Party 

Jaroch's Monday Morning Monologue: http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/monday.html

Coulter: The party of ideas 

Doonesbury http://www.ucomics.com/doonesbury/

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