            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

We talked to Chris this morning and he's still resting comfortably at home and is 
expected back by Monday...He's well aware of your concern and is very appreciative of 
your well wishes....I don't want to bug him too much...Too many calls at home when you 
are recovering from illness can be irritating (trust me I've been there)...We expect 
him to return with great fanfare on Monday to an all star lineup of guests...

By the way, if like our "Real Deal" segment you gotta see what our techie types do 
with it online http://ChrisMatthews.MSNBC.com   
In fact, If you're a Hardball junkie like me, I'd bookmark the page and check it 

On to tonight's show...We're going to do the kidnapping story Bo Dietl and Clint Van 
Zandt...A man kidnapped two teenage girls at gunpoint early Thursday from a lovers' 
lane in a remote area, authorities said. Tamera Brooks, 16, and Jaqueline Marris, 17, 
were sitting in separate cars with male friends when the gunman approached them 
shortly after 1 a.m., authorities said. http://www.msnbc.com/news/788577.asp

In the B block we'll go more in depth into that bombing yesterday at the Hebrew 
University...Were Americans deliberately targeted?  We'll talk to Alon Pinkas and a 
congressman who represents some of the victims..

In the debate block, we'll do Saudi Arabia: Friend or Foe? Rep. Eliot Engel and James 
Zogby will get into it...

Thursday is a Howard day so he'll be here to discuss Bush & Cheney's Cayman Island 
business stuff when they were CEO's and maybe some other things too...Plus, we're 
looking at an F block Buzz with Katrina and a conservative tba...I haven't figured out 
the topics yet but it will be fun as usual...How about Terry hammering Donna last 
night on the Gore stuff?  That's my kinda TV...

You won't believe the latest in the Traficant saga either!  We'll do that in the "Real 
Deal" segment along with some other cool stuff...I've got a lot of tasy morsels in the 
Briefing today so be sure and read all the way 'til the end...

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited this bad boy in Washington, DC...If you 
still haven't complained to me about not getting America's NewsChannel and you're 
furious with your local cable provider, hit "reply" and fire away...Cheers! or send a 
message to mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Congratulations to our NBC colleague David Gregory: We're pleased to report that 
Gregory's wife, Beth Wilkinson, delivered a 6-pound, 12-ounce boy Tuesday evening. The 
6-foot-5 inch Gregory's first child is named Maxwell, and yesterday White House Press 
Secretary Ari Fleischer dubbed him "Mini-Stretch." 

For my people in Tennessee, here's a backgrounder on today's primary: Strong early 
voting, lively contests indicate high interest in primary (Nashville Tennessean) 

Archerd: Democrats seeking Hollywood money 

A bomb detonated by a cell phone that blew apart a Jerusalem university cafeteria 
claimed victims from around the world, five of them American citizens, in what a 
violent Islamic group called revenge for an Israeli attack. (Jerusalem Post) 

5 Americans among 7 killed in Israel blast...An explosion rocked a crowded cafeteria 
at Hebrew University in Jerusalem at lunchtime Wednesday, killing seven people, 
including five Americans, and wounding more than 80 others.

Thousands of demonstrators marched in Gaza, in a display of celebration over the 
suicide attack at the Hebrew University earlier Wednesday, which claimed the lives of 
seven and wounded thirty-nine, Itim news agency reported. (Jerusalem Post) 

President Bush mourned the deaths of five Americans in a Jerusalem bombing as he met 
Thursday with King Abdullah of Jordan on how to move the Mideast peace process 
forward. "I am just as angry as Israel is. I am furious," he said. (AP) 

Experts see growing threat from Iraq...A panel of Iraq experts told the Senate Foreign 
Relations Committee Wednesday that Saddam Hussein will have nuclear weapons by 2005, 
if he does not already possess them.

U.S. will have to go it alone against Iraq...The drumbeat is growing louder in the 
United States for a war against Iraq, but it hasn't drowned out the grumbling of 
allies around the world, including the king of Jordan who meets Thursday with 
President Bush.

Much of the senior uniformed military, with the notable exception of some top Air 
Force and Marine generals, opposes going to war anytime soon, a stance that is 
provoking frustration among civilian officials in the Pentagon and in the White House. 
 (The Washington Post) 

Republicans will tie ANWR to Iraq...Top Republican lawmakers this month will wage a 
last-ditch effort to link opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for oil 
exploration to the increasing threat of war with Iraq. (The Washington Times) 

This week's gathering of the Democratic Leadership Council exposed divisions in a 
party that is still searching for an agenda with legs and whose leaders cannot agree 
on several core issues like taxes and trade. (The Washington Times) 

Bush Faces Questions on Offshore Affiliates (The Washington Post) 

"I think we ought to look at people who are trying to avoid U.S. taxes as a problem," 
the president said. "I think American companies ought to pay taxes and be good 
citizens." (AP) 

N.J. Voters Unfazed by Torricelli's Troubles...In State Used to Scandal, Ethics 
Rebuke's Main Effect May Be Nastier Senate Race (The Washington Post) 

Ethics Won't Release Files...The Senate Ethics Committee is declining to release any 
files or transcripts from its investigation of Sen. Robert Torricelli (D-N.J.) beyond 
the three-page letter that "severely admonished" the Senator for a nearly five-year 
relationship with imprisoned businessman David Chang. (Roll Call) 

Release: Latest Statewide Survey Confirms Tight Senate Race...More Bad News For Torch: 
Majority of Poll Respondents Say Torricelli "Not Being Completely Honest" 

Torricelli challenger describes senator as unfit for re-election...The Republican 
challenger in New Jersey's Senate race said yesterday that Democratic Sen. Robert G. 
Torricelli is "unfit for office." (The Washington Times) 

The U.S. Justice Department has opened a criminal investigation into the accounting 
practices of AOL Time Warner Inc., focusing on the business deals of its Dulles-based 
online division, officials familiar with the matter said. (The Washington Post) 

Two former top executives of bankrupt telecommunications firm WorldCom Inc. were 
arrested and charged with securities fraud on Thursday for their role in the $3.85 
billion accounting scandal that has rocked confidence in corporate America. (Reuters) 

A man who allegedly sold fake IDs to two of the Sept. 11 hijackers apparently fled the 
country for Egypt just before authorities came to arrest him in a raid on his home and 
businesses Wednesday, investigators said. (Chicago Sun Times) 

Deer disease feared in human deaths...Wisconsin looking for wildlife link in deaths of 
3 outdoorsmen (AP) http://www.msnbc.com/news/788180.asp

U.N. report: No evidence backs claim of large massacre in Jenin (USA Today) 

Rudy Giuliani dropped by the White House yesterday for a "social" chat with President 
Bush and a speech to administration staffers - but said he's not seeking a job, such 
as homeland-security chief. (NY Post) http://www.nypost.com/news/nationalnews/53857.htm

Bush won't be all play and no work White House: Time in Texas is not all vacation...A 
USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll taken last weekend found that most Americans have no problem 
with the length of Bush's break.  (USA Today) 

The Minnesota Family Council considers it providence. Gov. Jesse Ventura's office says 
it was a mistake. Whatever the case, Minnesota's staunchly secular governor has 
proclaimed Oct. 13-19 Christian Heritage Week. (AP) 

Rush & Molloy: After Charlie Rangel grumbled publicly last week that Sen. Hillary 
should follow her colleague Chuck Schumer's lead and endorse Carl McCall for governor, 
the former President let Rangel know he was not all that pleased with his comments. 
Fun Traficant stuff: Ex-congressman had to remove toupee when booked into jail (Beacon 
News) http://www.ohio.com/mld/beaconjournal/news/state/3778270.htm

The battle between radio operators Spanish Broadcasting System and Clear Channel 
Communications is getting downright ugly. (NY Post) 


The Bergen Record: Torricelli should step down 

The Washington Times: Torricelli, Daschle and Senate ethics...The Senate Ethics 
Committee's ruling constitutes a scathing rebuke of New Jersey Sen. Robert 
Torricelli's misconduct, in particular his receipt of cash and gifts from David Chang, 
a campaign supporter and onetime friend of the senator. 

The Washington Post: Mr. O'Neill's Gaffes 

Must Read Berger: Building Blocks To Iraq 

A snitch in time...The government's proposed TIPS program, which asked everyday 
workers to report suspicious activity, was a good idea that was poorly presented, 
writes Dahlia Lithwick in Slate.

Coulter: Working for the Poor from Malibu to East Hampton with Citizen Gore 

Novak: O'Neill's hands-off approach is troubling 

Ridge: Department of Hollow Security? Congress must give new department managerial 
flex http://www.washtimes.com/op-ed/20020801-79203560.htm

Fund's Diary: Red Scare...Will Germany's communists make a comeback? 

Medved: Why should members of the entertainment elite feel embarrassed by marriage and 
motherhood? Why would a popular TV show insist on glamorizing a dysfunctional 
lifestyle considerably less wholesome than the more conventional arrangements its sexy 
stars have chosen for themselves in real life? 

Chicago Sun Times: This shouldn't be happening in U.S. 

Mallard Fillmore http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/fun/mallard.asp

Doonesbury http://www.ucomics.com/doonesbury/

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