            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Tonight we lead with "Stormin' Norman" Schwarzkopf who'll get into the whole Iraq 
question from soup to nuts...Plus, National Security Advisor Condi Rice took some 
shots at Saddam...Hot stuff from her recent BBC interview...Also, Bush 41 National 
Security Advisor Brent Scowcroft comes out in the Wall Street Journal today against 
war with Iraq...Plus, Clinton SecDef William Cohen will be here with reax to all of 
the above...Talk about some major league gravitas!

And speaking of soldiers, dig the Quote of the week....

Our boss and MSNBC prime time chief Phil Griffin on the competition: "We're not 
worried...If [Fox News chief] Roger Ailes judged O'Reilly after four weeks, O'Reilly 
would be selling hot dogs in Times Square." (NY Daily News/Wash Times)

Hardball ain't just a TV show around here folks...It's a way of life...

Are you worried about the airline industry? Longer lines, delayed flights, lost 
luggage, security concerns, economic turmoil...What the heck is going on?  We'll check 
in with Mary Schiavo on this vexing issue...

And the Hardball debate: Should minors be required to notify their parents before they 
get birth control?  Gloria Feldt from Planned Parenthood and Wendy Wright from 
Concerned Women of America will join the debate...

Mortman/Jensen topics in the ether tonight include Jesse Jackson from MSNBC this 
morning, Fred Thompson's new Hollywood gig, Hillary disses Al, and Leno's joke about 
Chris' malaria...Peter Beinart and Terry Jeffrey will do the Buzz tonight on 
Scowcroft/Iraq, Bush's economic cheerleading tour and that Jesse quote...He slammed 
McAuliffe and other national Dems this morning for ignoring Cynthia McKinney's 
campaign in Georgia...BTW, dig this conversation with me and Jesse...

Me: "I loved the line: 'Stay out the Bushes'...Classic"

Jesse: "You didn't heed me, now you need me"

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Briefing from deep inside the 

A special welcome to our new viewers in the Mankato, MN area who can now watch us on 
Channel 37 (Charter Communications)...Welcome aboard...Hey, wait a second, why don't I 
get Hardball??  Have you dropped us a complaint? mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

This item comes in late to the Briefing from my buddy Doug: P. Diddy Gets Into Polling 
Business (AP) 

"I wanted to tantalize you with this" Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack discussing "a walking 
pork chop," a unique cut with the meat removed from a portion of bone so that it 
resembles pork on a stick at yesterday's Iowa state fair... 

I forgot to add the stuff from the Post Food section yesterday...Here's a good one: 
The Right Flank...The Steak That Soaks Up Flavor (The Washington Post) 

Cohen slams Coulter: Blaming of the Shrew 

Condi on Saddam: "We certainly do not have the luxury of doing nothing...We believe 
the case for regime change is very powerful." (Reuters) 

Scowcroft knocks it out of the park on this one: Don't Attack Saddam...It would 
undermine our antiterror efforts http://www.opinionjournal.com/editorial/feature.html

United Airlines said yesterday it would file for bankruptcy protection in the fall 
unless it succeeds with "urgent, significant and immediate" cost-cutting measures. 
Yesterday, American Airlines said it would restructure its operations. (The Washington 
Times) http://www.washingtontimes.com/business/20020815-68272207.htm

U.S. passenger rail operator Amtrak suspended Acela Express trains from service in the 
Northeast for the second time in a week on Thursday, citing previously undetected 
cracks in their suspension systems. (Reuters) 

President Bush, using Mount Rushmore as a patriotic stage set, is insisting the 
Democratic-controlled Senate approve a Homeland Security Department with no 
bureaucratic strings attached. (AP) 

Yepsen: Nothing personal, Al, but your nomination isnt a sure thing 

Gephardt Tries to Put House in Order Before a 2004 Run....As speaker, the Missouri 
Democrat may receive spark needed for another presidential bid. (LA Times) 

Iowa Hosts Dueling Politicians...On a lazy summer day, Iowa became the epicenter of 
American politics, testament to the critical role it may play in November in 
determining the shape of the new House and Senate, and to its position as the state 
that will begin the presidential nominating process in 2004. (The Washington Post) 

U.S. Sen. Tom Harkin and U.S. Rep. Greg Ganske used their visits Wednesday to the Iowa 
State Fair to offer competing visions on whether to privatize Social Security. (Des 
Moines Register) http://desmoinesregister.com/news/stories/c4789004/18969003.html

Sen. Fred Thompson is on track to be the new chief prosecutor on Dick Wolf's 
long-running NBC drama "Law & Order," sources said. (Hollywood Reporter) 

Wash Post Analysis: On the way to the forum...Tough economic issues get little 
attention at Bush gathering http://www.msnbc.com/news/793337.asp

Bush faces test of fiscal responsibility...Resistance to drought aid may hurt S.D. 
Republican (The Washington Post) http://www.msnbc.com/news/793834.asp

Nearly two dozen Pentagon workers returned Thursday to offices rebuilt after being 
destroyed in the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. (AP) 

Iraqi Opposition Group Says It Tried to Kill Hussein's Son (Reuters) 

In Jenin, sorting out elusive truth...Devastation - but no evidence of widespread 
massacre (The Washington Post) http://www.msnbc.com/news/739336.asp

With less than a week to go before the Democratic primary, Rep. Cynthia McKinney of 
Georgia is in a fight for her seat against criticism for taking money from Muslims 
with ties to terrorism. The race is believed to be a dead heat. (The Washington Times) 

House and Senate appropriators have gone on a spending spree, adding projects not 
requested by the Pentagon to the 2003 budget, a public spending watchdog group 
alleges. Congress is using the Sept. 11 attacks to justify the excesses it wants to 
add in military construction appropriations bills, the group alleges. (CNSnews.com) 

Tres. Sec Paul O'Neill: "Honesty in business is the new patriotism" 

Hillary: Rubin, Not Gore, Was Bill's Economic Partner (Newsmax) 

It's going to be Sept. 11 all over again...Our brains already have been permanently 
scarred by the images of our national nightmare, which after 11 months has never 
completely gone away - literally or figuratively. (Pittsburgh Tribune Review) 

No easy fix for Florida child system...Problems become a key issue in the race for 
governor (Washington Post) http://msnbc.com/news/794406.asp

Bloomberg News Editor in Chief Matthew Winkler contributed a total of $750 to the 
Democratic National Committee and the Gore campaign in the 2000 election cycle. At the 
same time, Winkler and his underlings were producing hundreds of stories on the 
historic Bush vs. Gore race. (Washington City Paper) 

Manchester to host DNC conference (Union-Leader) 

Williams Campaign Fined $277,700...Record Penalty Puts Big Dent in Write-In Effort 
(The Washington Post) 

One of the "most brilliant journalists and columnists" of our time, The Post's Neal 
Travis died yesterday afternoon in his sleep. (NY Post) 

Donahue senses something sinister in Afghan war...The thrum of conspiracy buzz has 
surrounded MSNBC's Phil Donahue (The Washington Times) 


Fund's Diary: Red Storm Receding...Prague is now a normal place. Can other former 
communist lands follow suit? http://www.opinionjournal.com/diary/

Levey: A Soiled Victory...Who sold out America's black farmers? 

Dispatches from Kashmir...In his first entry in Slate about traveling to Kashmir with 
his girlfriend, Seth Stevenson describes a plane ride from Delhi that left him with a 
mortar blast headache.

The Washington Times: Terry 'Stonewall' McAuliffe...Democratic National Committee 
Chairman Terry McAuliffe was asked if he had done anything wrong when he turned an 
investment of $100,000 in Global Crossing into an $18 million windfall. 

Will: Iraqi regime change only a matter of time 

Ventura on George Will: "mealy-mouthed bispectacled puke." 

Bowyer: Outside view: Atlanticism saves the world 

Novak: Ashcroft overrun by liberals 

Doonesbury http://www.ucomics.com/doonesbury/

Mallard Fillmore http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/fun/mallard.asp

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