            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs live tonight at 7 pm ET/4 pm PT...It replays at 11 pm & 4 am ET and 8 pm 
& 1 am PT

Today voters in Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas go to the polls tonight to 
vote on the Democratic nominee...I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say John Kerry 
cleans up big tonight...The important news we're focusing on is really Florida, a 
"top, key, battleground (insert your cliche here)" state...Kerry was down there 
stoking the flames of '00 with comments such as:

"We will identify those districts where people have had trouble voting in the past, 
trouble showing up and being told, 'well, we don't have you registered' or 'you didn't 
do this or that', and we're gonna pre-check it, we're gonna have the legal team in 
place, we're gonna take injunctions where necessary ahead of time, we'll pre-challenge 
if necessary, but i guarantee you not only do we want a record level turnout to vote, 
we want a guarantee that every vote is counted, and we will do that"


"You'd think that somebody, remembering what happened here in this great state, who 
was finally put in office by the Supreme Court of the United States, would actually 
recognize the divisions in the nation and try to reach out, but oh no..."

Here's Bush in Texas yesterday: "My opponent clearly has strong beliefs - they just 
don't last very long" 

In politics we call that "energizing the base"... We've got the bites cut and 
hopefully Chris will throw to 'em....

Our political panel tonight: Norah, Howard and Pat...Our guests: Congressman Bob 
Wexler (No, he's not "too impeachment"...Those days are long gone) and Congresswoman 
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (and no, she's not "too Elian" that's Lincoln Diaz-Balart)

In the B block we'll talk to fmr. HUD Secretary/Bush Florida pick for Senate/friend of 
Elian Mel Martinez...How's the campaign going?  What's his strategy for victory?  How 
will he defeat Larry Klayman and Bob Smith?  It's quite a formidable duo...We'll ask 

We'll also talk to everyone's favorite pick from Florida for Dem veep, Senator Bob 
Graham plus Kerry's Florida chairman, Congressman Kendrick Meek, Carrie's son...Do his 
constituents want revenge for '00?

Lots of ghosts of FL '00 lurking about tonight...Pls join us...

Oh, and it's about time we gave Robert Cox over at http://thenationaldebate.com/ a 
nice shout for all the wonderful work he does...If you're a political media junkie 
like us you'll dig his site...And hey, get over there and give Chris some love in 
Robert's online poll of the best talk show host...

Did you miss Omarosa's first primetime interview last night? Everyone was fired up 
about that one! Click here http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4489787/

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing from Washington, DC

Kerry Slams some more: "If the president of the United States can find the time to go 
to a rodeo, he can find the time to do more than one hour in front of a commission 
that is investigating what happened to America's intelligence and why we are not 
stronger today," 

WP: Bush approval ratings slide...President Bush, the target of months of criticism 
during the Democratic primary season, has seen public support fall to the lowest level 
of his presidency for his performance on the economy and the situation in Iraq, a new 
Washington Post-ABC News poll has found.

Kerry visits South Florida...On the eve of today's Florida presidential primary, Sen. 
John Kerry rouses supporters with talk of avoiding another recount battle and 
protecting Social Security. He also strikes at the GOP. (Miami Herald) 

John Kerry said Monday he is ready to go to court -- even before the November election 
-- to ensure that he does not lose Florida's 27 electoral votes because of ballot 
problems (Palm Beach Post) 

Bush launches early attack on Kerry...Senator accused of trying to weaken intelligence 
services (The Washington Post) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4482814/

A Democratic-leaning group financed in part by billionaire George Soros plans to run 
$4.5 million worth of TV ads in 17 presidential battleground states, beginning 
Wednesday, that criticize President Bush's policies and priorities. (AP) 

In Florida Martinez's candidacy seen gaining strength...A poll of voters shows former 
U.S. Housing Secretary Mel Martinez gaining on former Rep. Bill McCollum -- a boost 
that comes on the heels of Katherine Harris' decision not to run. (Miami Herald) 

The White House said on Tuesday it was possible President Bush could be questioned 
longer than an hour he agreed to by a commission investigating the Sept. 11, 2001, 
attacks, an apparent concession that came after criticism from Democrat John Kerry. 
(Reuters) http://news.myway.com/top/article/id/380018|top|03-09-2004::12:08|reutershtml

Secretary of State Colin Powell rejected as "absolute nonsense" Democratic 
presidential candidate John Kerry's claim that Powell has been undercut by Bush 
administration hawks led by Vice President Dick Cheney (AP) 

And thanks to http://wonkette.com for clueing us into the following piece...Bush, 
House GOP at odds: Fissure revealed as tempers flare over Wolfowitz briefing 

Ashcroft to have gall bladder removed...Attorney general suffering from gallstone 
pancreatitis (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4480512/

CIA chief George Tenet said Tuesday he doesn't believe the Bush administration 
manipulated intelligence to justify war in Iraq but declined to say whether he tried 
to cool U.S. officials' rhetoric about the now-disputed claim Iraq possessed weapons 
of mass destruction. (AP) http://apnews.myway.com/article/20040309/D81706981.html

Haitians happy to live in Florida (The Washington Times) 

Terrorism ranks highest as 'critical threat' to U.S....Americans see international 
terrorism as the most critical threat to the United States, according to a new Gallup 
Poll that suggests that unless a candidate is seen as strong in the war on terror, 
voters will not view his campaign as credible. (The Washington Times) 

Shiites criticize Iraqi constitution...The leader of Iraq's biggest Shiite political 
party on Tuesday had a mixed message about Iraq's interim constitution.

Shister: Brokaw as Kerry's running mate? Anchor says no 


Katrina: Bush's 9/11 campaign commercials are reckless and offensive. Depicting 
firefighters carrying bodies, draped in American flags, out of the World Trade Center 
rubble, they trivialize the rescue workers' sacrifice, exploit the victims' families 
and mock the enormity of the national tragedy 

James Mann: The True Rationale? It's a Decade Old 

Barnicle: A friend of mine lost his boy on 9/11. He was a handsome young man who 
worked hard to climb fast in finance and he died with all the others who simply woke 
up and went to work that day in the World Trade Center: the cooks and clerks, 
millionaires and merchant bankers, firefighters, cops and other innocent citizens. 

Margolis: Would Kerry Really be all that different from Bush? 

Saletan: Confidence Man...The case for Bush is the case against him. 

Mallard Fillmore http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/fun/mallard.asp

Steiner Cartoon http://www.washtimes.com/national/steiner.htm

Doonesbury http://www.ucomics.com/doonesbury/


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