            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight at 7, 11 & 4 am et and 4, 8, & 1 am pt

Gotta make this short and sweet as we're actually taping two shows today...One of them 
will air on Friday after you're recovering from your big Thanksgiving meal and eating 
the turkey & cranberry sandwiches...Mike Barnicle will interview Chris & his wife 
Kathleen (http://www.wjla.com/news/talent.hrb?i=18)... We'll do some of the news of 
the day stuff of course but we'll also go heavy on the "up close and personal with the 
Matthews family" thing as well...We were just digging through Chris' desk drawer for 
pictures of his recent family trip to Africa as well as some nice shots of his kids to 
show you...You'll feel all warm and fuzzy so mark you calender for Friday's show...

Today is the last Briefing of the week as I'm heading out for Thanksgiving...There 
will still be a show tomorrow however...Not sure who'll be on but I am sure the show 
will make an excellent companion as you prepare Thursday's dinner and it will also 
help take your mind off those annoying relatives who are staying over...

As far as tonight goes, we lead with Jacko and the latest stuff on him....We'll have 
some legal types and our man on the scene, Jerry Nachman...Mortman will have his usual 
C block "Battle for the White House"...D block will be something different...Ron 
Reagan checks in with an exclusive interview on the upcoming Reagan biopic...You know, 
the one that caused all the uproar, hoopla and general kerfuffle?

In my Buzz block we'll drop some hardcore gravitas with The New York Times foreign 
affairs columnist Thomas Friedman...His first book, "From Beirut to Jerusalem" is a 
must read for anyone interested in the Arab-Israeli conflict...Here's a sampling of 
his latest intellectual output:



We'll get his take on Iraq and where we go from here...

Have a happy and healthy Thanksgiving...

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Briefing from Washington, DC

Miss any of our slice and dice last night?  click here 

Jackson accuser didn't mention abuse...Attorney claims victim's mother said singer was 
'good to us' (AP) http://msnbc.com/news/997869.asp?0dm=C12UL

Authorities probing Michael Jackson on child-molestation charges are investigating at 
least 100 other leads on The Gloved One - and the possibility of new victims, The Post 
has learned.  (NY Post) http://www.nypost.com/news/nationalnews/11747.htm

Gephardt, Kerry take shots at Dean...Growing clash takes spotlight at Iowa debate 
(MSNBC) http://msnbc.com/news/997569.asp?0sl=-11

Curry Analysis: Kerry goes on attack in Iowa fracas...In Monday's Democratic 
presidential candidate debate, the vulnerabilities of front-runner Howard Dean and 
rivals Sen. John Kerry and Rep. Dick Gephardt were front and center. 

Bush leads challengers in Florida...Republicans say Democrats will narrow the gap (Ft. 
Myers News & Press) http://www.news-press.com/news/local_state/031125poll.html

Congress passes Medicare overhaul...GOP surmounts last-minute hurdles by Democrats 
(AP) http://msnbc.com/news/992373.asp?0cv=CA01

Despite an eleventh-hour deal with the Bush administration to let networks own more 
television stations, Congress seems unlikely to complete an end-of-session $390 
billion spending package until January. (AP) 

U.S. economy seen growing faster...The economy roared ahead at an astounding 8.2 
percent annual rate in the third quarter, the fastest pace in nearly two decades and a 
much stronger performance than previously thought. It raises hope that a long spell of 
lackluster business activity is finally over. (AP) 

Large explosions were heard after sundown Tuesday in central Baghdad but the precise 
location was unclear. (AP) http://apnews.myway.com/article/20031125/D7V1P3TO0.html

Officials see shift in Iraq attacks...Iraqi insurgents have shifted from attacking 
U.S. and other coalition forces to attacks on Iraqis who are working with the U.S.-led 
occupation. http://www.msnbc.com/modules/exports/ct_infobeat.asp?/news/870749.asp

President Bush on Tuesday was interrupting his Thanksgiving vacation at his Texas 
ranch to travel to Las Vegas, his first visit to Nevada since signing the legislation 
that ended a decade-long drive to locate the nuclear repository at Yucca Mountain. 
(AP) http://apnews.myway.com/article/20031125/D7V1HNC00.html

Jeannette Walls: Did Jackson sing song with accuser? Plus, PETA takes aim at Aiken, J. 
Lo aces out Watts http://msnbc.com/news/970631.asp?0sl=-12


Katrina's editor's cut: GOP Scare Tactics..Want to see some thuggish fear-mongering? 
Check out the GOP's first ad for 2004. http://www.thenation.com/edcut/index.mhtml?bid=7

Mondo Washington: One Unusually Scared Turkey...Give Thanks. We Can Blame Al Qaeda for 
Everything. http://www.villagevoice.com/issues/0348/mondo1.php

Doonesbury http://doonesbury.msn.com/strip/dailydose/index.html

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