            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

It's the morning after the night before....Washington, DC's one night stand with 
Isabel has come and gone...Helluva night...I lucked out and kept power but millions of 
others including a couple on our staff, weren't so lucky...We won't flood the show 
with more coverage though...

Hey, did you see Ted Kennedy's comments on Iraq?  One of the most forceful critiques 
of the war to date...Dig it: "There was no imminent threat. This was made up in Texas, 
announced in January to the Republican leadership that war was going to take place and 
was going to be good politically. This whole thing was a fraud" 


We'll do a hit with Norah to discuss the growing criticism on Iraq and White House 
reax....Plus, President Bush admitted this week that there was no connection between 
Iraq & 9/11...Weldon and Rahm will debate Kennedy's remarks and the state of affairs 
over yonder...

President Bush said Wednesday there was no evidence that Saddam Hussein was involved 
in the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 - disputing an idea held by many Americans. 

Oh, and did I mention the wonderfully addictive Laura Ingraham will explain her new 
book, "Shut Up and Sing: How Elites from Hollywood, Politics, and the UN are 
Subverting America" as well?...Dig the new sassy look with the NYC T-shirt... 

Is Osama dead or alive? and why haven't we caught him?  The questions linger...The 
questions burn...We'll stoke the fires in D...

Breaking news folks...Court recall decision likely Friday...Appeals court weighing a 
re-examination of Calif. vote postponement http://www.msnbc.com/news/945950.asp?0si=-

We may have to lead with this...

We've got some special stuff for you in the Buzz block...Madeleine Albright will be 
here to discuss her new book, "Madame Secretary" and Academy Award winning 
producer/director will be here as well...Remember "Rain Man"? "The Natural"? "Good 
Morning Vietnam"? "Diner"?  That's the guy...

Dominic Bellone wrote compiled and edited The Briefing from DC

Late-Arriving Candidate Got Push From Clintons (NY Times) 

Clark 'Probably' Would Have Backed War...On First Campaign Stop, Democrat Lacks 
Specifics but Rallies Crowd (The Washington Post) 

Remarks by Clinton reignite Hillary buzz...Bill Clinton tantalized a Democratic 
audience in California Tuesday night with a suggestion that his wife, Sen. Hillary 
Rodham Clinton, who has said she won't run for president next year, might change her 
mind after all. (The Washington Times) 

The Rev. Jesse Jackson, in Southern California Thursday for the second time in a week 
to campaign with Gov. Gray Davis, called on Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger to engage 
in a head-to-head debate with the Democratic governor. (SF Chronicle) 

Schwarzenegger is under the gun...Rivals team up to assail the GOP front-runner (The 
Washington Post) http://www.msnbc.com/news/968974.asp?0sl=-11

Isabel still cutting power on its path...Still a dangerous storm with 50 mph winds, 
Isabel by Friday morning had already left a strong legacy: cutting power to some 3.5 
million people, flooding homes on the coast and along rivers and causing at least 11 
deaths. http://www.msnbc.com/modules/exports/ct_infobeat.asp?/news/961894.asp

Bush plans personal appeal on Iraq...President Bush will try to win support for a U.N. 
resolution on Iraq through face-to-face diplomacy -- including meetings with French 
President Jacques Chirac and German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder.

3 U.S. soldiers killed near Tikrit...U.S. military officials confirmed Thursday that 
three American soldiers were killed, two wounded in an attack near Tikrit on Thursday 

BBC Staffer Admits Errors, Apologizes...False Statements Not Corrected, Inquiry Told  
(The Washington Post) 

Steel Tariffs Appear to Backfire...President Bush imposed heavy tariffs on imported 
steel last year in a decision driven by his political advisers, but now key 
administration officials have concluded that the order has turned into a debacle. (The 
Washington Post) http://www.msnbc.com/news/968866.asp?0dm=N2CHN


Crucifying the messenger...Reaction to Mel Gibson's new movie, 'The Passion,' has so 
far stirred up much emotion but disappointingly little productive discussion. The 
question of whether the Jews killed Jesus isn't the right one to ask. By Steve Waldman.

Special K Street...The fantasy world of Washington meets the reality-based culture of 
Hollywood. http://slate.msn.com/id/2088408/

Doonesbury http://www.ucomics.com/doonesbury/

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