Re: [Hardhats-members] CPRS GUI setup / Zeno Davatz

2005-08-15 Thread Zeno Davatz
On 8/4/05, K.S. Bhaskar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Zeno --
 Let's try to get your CPRS GUI working so that you can then help others.
 Nancy, please jump into the discussion as appropriate.
 Directory layout - please confirm that you have the following
 /usr/local/gtm_V5.0-000 - GT.M installation files.
 /usr/local/gtm - symbolic link to /usr/local/gtm_V5.0-000.
 /usr/local/FOIAVistA - from distribution of OpenVistA SemivivA FOIA Gold
 from May, 2005 with three sub-directories, r/, o/ and g/.  r/ and o/
 should each have 23,100 routines.  g/ should have 2 files, mumps.gld and
 /usr/local/OpenVistA - symbolic link to /usr/local/FOIAVistA.  The
 symbolic links are not that important, but they help to establish that
 the installation went correctly.  None of the files under /usr/local
 should have been modified by you after installation of OpenVistA
 /home/vista - for an instance of VistA, with three sub-directories, r/,
 o/ and g/.  g/ should have a file mumps.dat, which is the database file.
 r/ would have a file XWBTCPM.m, which is a copy
 of /usr/local/FOIAVistA/r/XWBTCPM.m modified as noted by Nancy
 Anthracite on Wednesday, and repeated below.
 I won't go into your xinetd configuration, because it looked as if you
 had that working.  However, in response to a connection request at port
 9200 (or wherever), the following script is executed by a bash shell
 (you can put a #!/bin//bash as the first line of the script):
 source /usr/local/gtm/gtmprofile
 export vista_source=/usr/local/OpenVistA
 export vista_home=/home/vista
 export gtmroutines=$vista_home/o($vista_home/r)
 $vista_source/o($vista_source/r) $gtm_dist
 export gtmgbldir=$vista_home/g/mumps.gld
 $gtm_dist/mumps -run GTMLNX^XWBTCPM
 Note that in the above, the first line starts with source, the last
 line starts with $gtm_dist and 4 lines in between start with export.
 Also, the line export vista_source=/usr/local/OpenVistA can also read
 export vista_source=/usr/local/FOIAVistA.

Ok, above all seems to work fine.
 /home/vista/r/XWBTCPM.m should differ
 from /usr/local/FOIAVistA/r/XWBTCPM.m in that the lines starting with
 the label GTMLNX and ending with G CONNTYPE should be replaced with:
 GTMLNX  ;From Linux xinetd script
 ;GTM specific code
 S XWBTDEV=$P X U XWBTDEV:(nowrap:nodelimiter)
I did change these lines in my code.

 Just to eliminate (expected) compile time errors, pre-compile the module
 as follows (as user vista, or whichever user will run the RPC broker,
 not as user root):
 cd /home/vista/o
 source /usr/local/gtm/gtmprofile
 mumps ../r/XWBTCPM.m
This gives me:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/o $ mumps ../r/XWBTCPM.m
%GTM-E-FILENOTFND, File ../r/XWBTCPM.m not found

my /home/vista/o directory is empty as you can see.

 This will generate some errors, but create the
 file /home/vista/o/XWBTCP.o.
 Now try connecting with the CPRS GUI client and tell us what happens.

Thanks for your Feedback.

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Re: [Hardhats-members] xinetd configuration

2005-08-15 Thread Zeno Davatz
On 8/9/05, Pkale Robinson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I think I followed the entire correspondences,,, but it appears that
 we never came up with a resolution?

My xinetd connection does work now. What are you questions?

What does not yet work on my side is the Connection between the
windows GUI and the Linux-OpenVistaServer on my Laptop.


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[Hardhats-members] Re: Command abbreviations/Re: mpsEdit - IDE for MUMPS GT.M programmers.

2005-08-15 Thread Kevin Toppenberg
The only way to prove which is better would be to do some sort of
controlled study of persons new to M and asking which way is easier to

But as a newcomer myself, I think that making M as similar to other
languages as possible is desirable.  And I don't know of any other
modern language that uses single letters for its commands.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder... :-)


On 8/15/05, Gregory Woodhouse [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I suspect that one problem is that since MUMPS is not highly regarded  
 in some circles, we MUMPS programmers have a tendency to be overly  
 defensive at times, and respond negatively to suggestions that would  
 tend to dilute what e perceive as MUMPS' distinctiveness. This is  
 unfortunate for a number of reasons. One, of course, is that it  
 doesn't play well outside the community. But a more serious issue  
 is that it stands in the way of properly appreciating what MUMPS has  
 to offer and, to be honest, it has a tendency to lead us to  
 (unintentionally, of course) undersell ourselves.
 If I were teaching programming, would I use MUMPS? No. But are there  
 features of the language that I think could make it  valuable both  
 pedagogically and as a research tool? Yes, absolutely. There are  
 simply concepts that are both difficult to teach and difficult to use  
 in languages such as C. I like C very much, and it is a language I  
 would encourage everyone to learn, but MUMPS includes facilities not  
 present in languages like C that can be extremely valuable. It is no  
 accident that dynamic languages like Perl and Python have remained so  
 popular -- they include language features that have proven to be  
 extremely valuable in some situations, and the same is true of MUMPS.
 Gregory Woodhouse
 A practical man is a man who practices the errors of his  
 forefathers. -- Benjamin Disraeli
 SF.Net email is Sponsored by the Better Software Conference  EXPO
 September 19-22, 2005 * San Francisco, CA * Development Lifecycle Practices
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Re: [Hardhats-members] Design Patterns Aren't - slides

2005-08-15 Thread Gregory Woodhouse
He didn't make it explicit, but I believe the the "compression" that the author of these slides had in mind was related to Kolmogorov complexity. ===Gregory Woodhouse[EMAIL PROTECTED]"The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is at all comprehensible." --Albert Einstein (1879-1955) On Aug 15, 2005, at 6:28 AM, Aylesworth Marc A Ctr AFRL/IFSE wrote:Design patterns are not intended to reduce complexity but to make maintenance of code easier by designing to interfaces instead of implementations. A pattern is a common way to solve problems. It puts most of the work up front so that follow on work is easier. Thanks,Marc Aylesworth 

[Hardhats-members] Re: Command abbreviations/Re: mpsEdit - IDE for MUMPS GT.M programmers.

2005-08-15 Thread Kevin Toppenberg
I don't know much about perl, but I think that the GT.M website had a
link that showed how to call GT.M functions from perl.  If this is
what you want, either look at the Intersystems website, or wait until
Bhaskar gets back.  He could probably give you the link.


On 8/15/05, Mike Lieman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 8/15/05, Chris Richardson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  one record at a time.  Perhaps the question should be, how can we get
  data structures into these other languages and make them more
  allocate-at-runtime friendly??  They would be stronger for it.
 Or Where's the perl DBI::MUMPS driver?
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 September 19-22, 2005 * San Francisco, CA * Development Lifecycle Practices
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Re: [Hardhats-members] Re: Command abbreviations/Re: mpsEdit - IDE for MUMPS GT.M programmers.

2005-08-15 Thread Chris Richardson

   I said that typing was contextually derived which you have demonstrated.
Strings are polymorphic as to contextual type, but they are always strings,
the one data type in MUMPS.

  But this is part of my point.  The language allows the programmer to get
started early into solving the problem without forcing him to apply
artificial constraints (such as how big do I make this array and what
granularity does each cell represent).  For example, lets do a class grade
distribution.  We want to find out the frequency of students grades on a
test.  Fine, so we write a little program and allocate an array of 101
elements (0 to 100 as grade range).  OK, so the grades get loaded into the
program.  Every grade causes the corresponding element (a bucket) in the
array to get incrimented by one when a grade hits it.  Everything goes along
fine until someone gets a 87.5, and then another gets a grade of 105 with
extra credit.  Well then you have to have rules as to the handling of these
exceptions.  When all of the grades are done, you have a lotof empty buckets
(elements) and a few with something in them, and a number of exceptions to

  In MUMPS, you start off with no buckets.  As you get a grade, you check
for there already being a bucket there and if not, then you create the
bucket and put a pebble in it.  The bucket doesn't mind if it has 100 or
1000 on it.  It doesn't care that the name of the bucket is 87.5 or
97.6.  The buckets don't even care if they are labeled Apple, Pear.
or Peach.   So any simple distribution can be created by this model and
the only representative elements committed are the ones with something in
them.  The neat thing about this type of distribution is that it is already
sorted when you get done.

  Once all of the items are loaded, the array can be walked easilty to
demonstrate the distribution. without having to deal with actual large dense
arrays.  This is why MUMPS is more likely to support simplex types of

  The $ORDER and the $QUERY are both ways of walking these structures in a
skip-search or sequential manor.  But Greg, I am preaching to the choir

  Now lets add a twist.  Say we want to keep the identity of each student
who was responsible for a specific grade.  This is easily done by adding an
additional subscript to the array, say the number of the entry of the value
into the model, 5th reading, a 89 was scored by Little Betty, so we would
have if she was the first 89 in the set;

   BUCKET(89,5)=Little Betty

   Now if we wanted to check to see if someone took the test more than once,
we could probably find that person pretty easily and which readings their
tests were.  Using the count of the reaings insures that we do not have a
collision when we are done.

   Enough for now.

- Original Message -
From: Gregory Woodhouse [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 15, 2005 8:55 AM
Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] Re: Command abbreviations/Re: mpsEdit - IDE
for MUMPS GT.M programmers.

 Actually, Chris, it is an error to say that MUMPS is an untyped
 language. Types are undeclared, and the type associated with a value
 is context dependent. In




 the issue is not one of X having no type, but that the type (and
 associated value) is determined (at least in principle) at runtime.
 Gregory Woodhouse

 The whole of science is nothing more than a refinement
   of everyday thinking.  -- Albert Einstein

 On Aug 15, 2005, at 8:01 AM, Chris Richardson wrote:

It isn't a question of which is better.  These languages are
  tools and you
  use the right tool for the right job.  Which is better, a hammer or
  a screw
  driver?  They both can tack things together with a third item, a
  screw or a
  nail.   Can you drive a screw with a hammer, sure, but the results
  may not
  be those desired.
Kevin, if you like to see the code all spelled out, there are
  tools which
  do a wonderful job of doing exactly that, expand MUMPS code to the
  spelling.  XINDEX will even structure the code for you.
I think what you are objecting to is that MUMPS doesn't force the
  programmer into one way or the other the way of programming.  If
  you think
  that MUMPS is bad in this reguard, try APL.  Now that language uses
  Greek character set for their commands and functions, but boy, is it
  productive in the hands of someone who has mastered the language.
  MUMPS is
  a litterary masterpiece in comparison.  Again, though, APL is just
  a tool.
Actually teaching MUMPS is very easy for people who have not
  written code
  before, because there is little to no time in between the
  submission of an
  action and the feedback of results (no compile an link phase).  Now
  modern compilers, they have speeded up the process quite a bit and

[Hardhats-members] == Database View? ==

2005-08-15 Thread Alberto Odor
I'm afraid that my question might be a sacrilege for M/Cache/GT.M
programmers, but:

Is there a way to have a view of database records or tables or something
similar from the Caché or GT.M implementations of VistA?

Something like the SQL Enterprise Manager in MS SQL Server.

At least for me, without such a view, the database is something ethereal and
hard to grasp.

Alberto Odor, MD
Mexico City

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[Hardhats-members] Re: == Database View? ==

2005-08-15 Thread Kevin Toppenberg
I use Fileman Inquire option.

I lets you examine the contents of a given record for a given file.

Let me know if you need more info.


On 8/15/05, Alberto Odor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm afraid that my question might be a sacrilege for M/Cache/GT.M
 programmers, but:
 Is there a way to have a view of database records or tables or
 similar from the Caché or GT.M implementations of VistA?
 Something like the SQL Enterprise Manager in MS SQL Server.
 At least for me, without such a view, the database is something ethereal
 hard to grasp.
 Alberto Odor, MD
 Mexico City
 SF.Net email is Sponsored by the Better Software Conference  EXPO
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Hardhats-members mailing list

RE: [Hardhats-members] == Database View? ==

2005-08-15 Thread Walton, Edward NMN(WSH)
In Caché there is the SQL Manager where you can view the tables and write


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Alberto
Sent: Monday, August 15, 2005 11:30 AM
Subject: [Hardhats-members] == Database View? ==

I'm afraid that my question might be a sacrilege for M/Cache/GT.M
programmers, but:

Is there a way to have a view of database records or tables or something
similar from the Caché or GT.M implementations of VistA?

Something like the SQL Enterprise Manager in MS SQL Server.

At least for me, without such a view, the database is something ethereal and
hard to grasp.

Alberto Odor, MD
Mexico City

SF.Net email is Sponsored by the Better Software Conference  EXPO September
19-22, 2005 * San Francisco, CA * Development Lifecycle Practices Agile 
Plan-Driven Development * Managing Projects  Teams * Testing  QA Security
* Process Improvement  Measurement *
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[Hardhats-members] Cache Wont Start (this one)

2005-08-15 Thread Mark Goudie
Cache Telnet Error:
ctelnetd startup error: bind(sock) failed

Anyone know how to fix this?
- Mark Goudie

SF.Net email is Sponsored by the Better Software Conference  EXPO
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Re: [Hardhats-members] Re: Command abbreviations/Re: mpsEdit - IDE for MUMPS GT.M programmers.

2005-08-15 Thread James Gray
I really think that for anyone new to Mumps that having the commands spelled 
out would be easier.  I doubt we need the study for that.  I think the only 
question is whether somebody who is fairly good at Mumps programming can 
actually read and understand the logic of unfamiliar code faster if the 
commands are spelled out or abbreviated.  Perhaps it is just what we are 
used to.

Jim Gray

- Original Message - 
From: Kevin Toppenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Monday, August 15, 2005 7:59 AM
Subject: [Hardhats-members] Re: Command abbreviations/Re: mpsEdit - IDE for 
MUMPS GT.M programmers.

The only way to prove which is better would be to do some sort of
controlled study of persons new to M and asking which way is easier to

But as a newcomer myself, I think that making M as similar to other
languages as possible is desirable.  And I don't know of any other
modern language that uses single letters for its commands.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder... :-)


On 8/15/05, Gregory Woodhouse [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I suspect that one problem is that since MUMPS is not highly regarded
in some circles, we MUMPS programmers have a tendency to be overly
defensive at times, and respond negatively to suggestions that would
tend to dilute what e perceive as MUMPS' distinctiveness. This is
unfortunate for a number of reasons. One, of course, is that it
doesn't play well outside the community. But a more serious issue
is that it stands in the way of properly appreciating what MUMPS has
to offer and, to be honest, it has a tendency to lead us to
(unintentionally, of course) undersell ourselves.

If I were teaching programming, would I use MUMPS? No. But are there
features of the language that I think could make it  valuable both
pedagogically and as a research tool? Yes, absolutely. There are
simply concepts that are both difficult to teach and difficult to use
in languages such as C. I like C very much, and it is a language I
would encourage everyone to learn, but MUMPS includes facilities not
present in languages like C that can be extremely valuable. It is no
accident that dynamic languages like Perl and Python have remained so
popular -- they include language features that have proven to be
extremely valuable in some situations, and the same is true of MUMPS.
Gregory Woodhouse

A practical man is a man who practices the errors of his
forefathers. -- Benjamin Disraeli

SF.Net email is Sponsored by the Better Software Conference  EXPO
September 19-22, 2005 * San Francisco, CA * Development Lifecycle 

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Hardhats-members mailing list

RE: [Hardhats-members] Cache Wont Start (this one)

2005-08-15 Thread Palmer, Mike
Sounds like you already have a telnet (or service running on the same

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mark
Sent: Monday, August 15, 2005 1:09 PM
Subject: [Hardhats-members] Cache Wont Start (this one)

Cache Telnet Error:
ctelnetd startup error: bind(sock) failed

Anyone know how to fix this?
- Mark Goudie

SF.Net email is Sponsored by the Better Software Conference  EXPO
September 19-22, 2005 * San Francisco, CA * Development Lifecycle
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Hardhats-members mailing list

[Hardhats-members] Re: Command abbreviations/Re: mpsEdit - IDE for MUMPS GT.M programmers.

2005-08-15 Thread Kevin Toppenberg
Why doesn't someone start a GT.M-perl thread.  If anyone tries to find
this in the future, it will be hard because it is in a non descriptive


On 8/15/05, James Gray [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Would you mind explaining this to someone who does not know anything about 
 Jim Gray
 - Original Message - 
 From: Gregory Woodhouse [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, August 15, 2005 10:03 AM
 Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] Re: Command abbreviations/Re: mpsEdit - IDE
 for MUMPS GT.M programmers.
  Good one.
  Syntactically, in Perl (at least as of 5.8), I don't think you can  have 
  array references like A(X,Y,Z). Actually, you can, but the  resulting 
  value will be a list! Of course, you can use the arrow  operator (-), but
  I suspect most MUMPS programmers would find it ugly.
  That being said, a DBI::MUMPS driver is an interesting idea.
  Gregory Woodhouse
  Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but  when
  there is nothing left to take away.
  -- Antoine de Saint-Exupery
  On Aug 15, 2005, at 8:37 AM, Mike Lieman wrote:
  On 8/15/05, Chris Richardson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  one record at a time.  Perhaps the question should be, how can we  get 
  data structures into these other languages and make them more
  allocate-at-runtime friendly??  They would be stronger for it.
  Or Where's the perl DBI::MUMPS driver?
  SF.Net email is Sponsored by the Better Software Conference  EXPO
  September 19-22, 2005 * San Francisco, CA * Development Lifecycle 
  Agile  Plan-Driven Development * Managing Projects  Teams * Testing 
  Security * Process Improvement  Measurement *
  Hardhats-members mailing list 
 SF.Net email is Sponsored by the Better Software Conference  EXPO
 September 19-22, 2005 * San Francisco, CA * Development Lifecycle Practices
 Agile  Plan-Driven Development * Managing Projects  Teams * Testing  QA
 Security * Process Improvement  Measurement *
 Hardhats-members mailing list

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Hardhats-members mailing list

RE: [Hardhats-members] Re: Warning about Zone Alarm

2005-08-15 Thread Aylesworth Marc A Ctr AFRL/IFSE
The windows firewall is not intended to be a stand alone solution. It only
blocks ports, firewalls now map ports to applications and only allow that
port to be used by that application. I use kerio personal firewall which is
a free download.


Marc Aylesworth

C3I Associates 


Joint Battlespace Infosphere Team

525 Brooks Rd

Rome, NY 13441-4505




-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kevin
Sent: Monday, August 15, 2005 4:03 PM
Subject: [Hardhats-members] Re: Warning about Zone Alarm

With windows XP built in firewall, I wonder if Zone Alarm is as needed
now as it was in the past.


On 8/15/05, James Gray [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Saturday my Zone Alarm software gave me a notice that an upgrade was
 available that I was entitled to since I had paid for a one year license. 
 So I did the upgrade, much to my regret.  It broke Cache.  Cache would not
 start at all and it did not leave an error in the cconsole.log.  I have
 spent countless hours since Saturday with a lot of help today from
 Intersystems support trying to resolve this problem.  Thanks to Rath and
 Rich at Intersystems, Cache is now working again on my Windows XP
 I sent a message to Zone Labs and have received no reply from them.  I
 should add that this the second time that Zone Alarm has broken Cache for
 me.  The first time was an easy fix.  This time it was a mess.  I do not
 know what Zone Alarm was doing to cause the problem.  I will also add that
 Zone Alarm also caused Photoshop to crash the first time I tried to start
 it.  However, Photoshop seemed to work fine after starting it a second
  I presume that for both Cache and Photoshop that Zone Alarm's attempts to
 block certain software behavior until you train it was the problem.  With
 Photoshop there was only one or two of the warnings that popped up.  With
 Cache there must have been 20 or more.  I will probably try to live with
 Zone Alarm until my license expires, but I will not upgrade it again.  I
 would strongly recommend against using Zone Alarm on a system that is
 running Cache.
 Jim Gray

SF.Net email is Sponsored by the Better Software Conference  EXPO
September 19-22, 2005 * San Francisco, CA * Development Lifecycle Practices
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Hardhats-members mailing list

SF.Net email is Sponsored by the Better Software Conference  EXPO
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Hardhats-members mailing list

RE: [Hardhats-members] Re: Command abbreviations/Re: mpsEdit - ID E for MUMPS GT.M programmers.

2005-08-15 Thread Aylesworth Marc A Ctr AFRL/IFSE
Perl has a datatype that is a hash and can be accessed by the bucket name
but it does not require distinct keys so that anything on the node would be
returned as a list or Vector like datatype.


Marc Aylesworth

C3I Associates 


Joint Battlespace Infosphere Team

525 Brooks Rd

Rome, NY 13441-4505




-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kevin
Sent: Monday, August 15, 2005 4:20 PM
Subject: [Hardhats-members] Re: Command abbreviations/Re: mpsEdit - IDE for
MUMPS GT.M programmers.

Why doesn't someone start a GT.M-perl thread.  If anyone tries to find
this in the future, it will be hard because it is in a non descriptive


On 8/15/05, James Gray [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Would you mind explaining this to someone who does not know anything about

 Jim Gray
 - Original Message - 
 From: Gregory Woodhouse [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, August 15, 2005 10:03 AM
 Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] Re: Command abbreviations/Re: mpsEdit -
 for MUMPS GT.M programmers.
  Good one.
  Syntactically, in Perl (at least as of 5.8), I don't think you can  have

  array references like A(X,Y,Z). Actually, you can, but the  resulting 
  value will be a list! Of course, you can use the arrow  operator (-),
  I suspect most MUMPS programmers would find it ugly.
  That being said, a DBI::MUMPS driver is an interesting idea.
  Gregory Woodhouse
  Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but
  there is nothing left to take away.
  -- Antoine de Saint-Exupery
  On Aug 15, 2005, at 8:37 AM, Mike Lieman wrote:
  On 8/15/05, Chris Richardson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  one record at a time.  Perhaps the question should be, how can we  get

  data structures into these other languages and make them more
  allocate-at-runtime friendly??  They would be stronger for it.
  Or Where's the perl DBI::MUMPS driver?
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[Hardhats-members] Re: Warning about Zone Alarm

2005-08-15 Thread Kevin Toppenberg
Does linux firewall (iptables) do that per-application type of
blocking?  For incoming traffic, it seems to be able to map packets to
a given service.  But I don't know about outgoing packets.


On 8/15/05, Aylesworth Marc A Ctr AFRL/IFSE [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The windows firewall is not intended to be a stand alone solution. It only
 blocks ports, firewalls now map ports to applications and only allow that
 port to be used by that application. I use kerio personal firewall which is
 a free download.
 Marc Aylesworth
 C3I Associates 
 Joint Battlespace Infosphere Team
 525 Brooks Rd
 Rome, NY 13441-4505
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kevin
 Sent: Monday, August 15, 2005 4:03 PM
 Subject: [Hardhats-members] Re: Warning about Zone Alarm
 With windows XP built in firewall, I wonder if Zone Alarm is as needed
 now as it was in the past.
 On 8/15/05, James Gray [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Saturday my Zone Alarm software gave me a notice that an upgrade was
  available that I was entitled to since I had paid for a one year license.
  So I did the upgrade, much to my regret.  It broke Cache.  Cache would
  start at all and it did not leave an error in the cconsole.log.  I have
  spent countless hours since Saturday with a lot of help today from
  Intersystems support trying to resolve this problem.  Thanks to Rath and
  Rich at Intersystems, Cache is now working again on my Windows XP
  I sent a message to Zone Labs and have received no reply from them.  I
  should add that this the second time that Zone Alarm has broken Cache for
  me.  The first time was an easy fix.  This time it was a mess.  I do not
  know what Zone Alarm was doing to cause the problem.  I will also add
  Zone Alarm also caused Photoshop to crash the first time I tried to start
  it.  However, Photoshop seemed to work fine after starting it a second
   I presume that for both Cache and Photoshop that Zone Alarm's attempts
  block certain software behavior until you train it was the problem.  With
  Photoshop there was only one or two of the warnings that popped up.  With
  Cache there must have been 20 or more.  I will probably try to live with
  Zone Alarm until my license expires, but I will not upgrade it again.  I
  would strongly recommend against using Zone Alarm on a system that is
  running Cache.
  Jim Gray
 SF.Net email is Sponsored by the Better Software Conference  EXPO
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RE: [Hardhats-members] == Database View? ==

2005-08-15 Thread Walton, Edward NMN(WSH)
You may not have the mapping. If you have a Namespace called PPVISTA then
you have the mapping. The naming of the namespace maybe different now. I do
not know if this mapping is standard in the VA. I got a disk from Bob Witkop
that had the Provider Portal which has the mapping. Bob or someone else may
know someplace online where you can download it.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Alberto
Sent: Monday, August 15, 2005 1:02 PM
Subject: RE: [Hardhats-members] == Database View? ==

If I open the VISTA namespace in Caché SQL Manager nothing appears, other
namespaces like the Samples do show all elements.


-Mensaje original-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] En nombre de Walton,
Edward NMN(WSH) Enviado el: Lunes, 15 de Agosto de 2005 12:46 p.m.
Para: ''
Asunto: RE: [Hardhats-members] == Database View? ==

In Caché there is the SQL Manager where you can view the tables and write


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Alberto
Sent: Monday, August 15, 2005 11:30 AM
Subject: [Hardhats-members] == Database View? ==

I'm afraid that my question might be a sacrilege for M/Cache/GT.M
programmers, but:

Is there a way to have a view of database records or tables or something
similar from the Caché or GT.M implementations of VistA?

Something like the SQL Enterprise Manager in MS SQL Server.

At least for me, without such a view, the database is something ethereal and
hard to grasp.

Alberto Odor, MD
Mexico City

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19-22, 2005 * San Francisco, CA * Development Lifecycle Practices Agile 
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* Process Improvement  Measurement *
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* Process Improvement  Measurement *
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Re: [Hardhats-members] Command abbreviations for MUMPS...

2005-08-15 Thread Jim Self
Gregory Woodhouse wrote:
I disagree with you that the issue here is one of what is easier
to read. Most MUMPS programmers are simply *accustomed* to
abbreviated commands. The abbreviated commands are not inherently
easier to read, only more familiar.

Nonsense. Although non-MUMPS programmers would obviously be unfamiliar with 
both the
syntax and the intrinsics of the language (standard commands, functions, and 
any programmer that prefers to read the standard elements of MUMPS in the long 
form can
write them that way and read them that way (independently) if they so choose. 
everyone I have ever known who has spent enough time with it to master the 
chooses the short form almost all of the time. Additionally, anyone who reads 
MUMPS code
written in whatever style by other programmers can easily view it in whatever 
style they
prefer with a utility such as the routine viewer that I provide in M2Web.

When I started with MUMPS about 24 years ago, I started out by reading existing 
extensively, including CoSTAR, Fileman, and many other public domain sources 
that were
available at the time. The language certainly looked strange and unfamiliar to 
me at
first, but there was a utility for pretty-printing MUMPS code that was included 
in the
%INDEX* utilities (precursor to XINDEX*, written by Bob Lushene if I remember 
Not only did it expand all the commands and intrinsic functions and variables, 
it also
broke up the code so that only one command and one argument was displayed per 

I thought it was a wonderful learning aid and used it for viewing everything 
for a while,
but after a few weeks I couldn't stand the unnecessary verbosity, so I modified 
it to only
expand one line of code at a time as needed. As I became more familiar with the 
I used even that less and less often.

The problem was that a routine that could be viewed on a single page would be 
expanded to
10 pages and it would be much less readable because the extra space would make 
it more
difficult to grasp the overall logic of it - losing the view of the forest for 
the trees.

Now, of course, we have much better facilities for viewing source code. Using 
characteristics such as bold and italics and varying background and foreground 
colors to
differentiate syntactic features such as quotes and comments and providing 
active links
from subroutine and extrinsic function calls greatly improves the ease and 
speed with
which you can read and confidently understand large amounts of unfamiliar code.

Jim Self
Systems Architect, Lead Developer
VMTH Computer Services, UC Davis

SF.Net email is Sponsored by the Better Software Conference  EXPO
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Hardhats-members mailing list

Re: [Hardhats-members] Re: Warning about Zone Alarm

2005-08-15 Thread Mike Lieman
On 8/15/05, Kevin Toppenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does linux firewall (iptables) do that per-application type of
 blocking?  For incoming traffic, it seems to be able to map packets to
 a given service.  But I don't know about outgoing packets.

iptables, (netfilter) doesn't do that, as far as I know.  But I'm not
sure it's needed.

First step in linux deployment for me, is to shutdown unused services.
 That's IMPOSSIBLE with Windows, for practical purposes, so you need
to keep the Bad Guys away from the interesting, open ports.

I'm NOT a big fan of Windows Firewalls.  I just don't trust them.  I
use linux as my NAT/Gateway server for the whole subnet.

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Hardhats-members mailing list

[Hardhats-members] Re: Warning about Zone Alarm

2005-08-15 Thread Kevin Toppenberg
I think Windows has a way to control services.  Its in the Control
Panel-Administrative tools-services

It lists all services and allows editing of whether the service is
running, and whether to start up automatically.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a big Windows fan.  


On 8/15/05, Mike Lieman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 8/15/05, Kevin Toppenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Does linux firewall (iptables) do that per-application type of
  blocking?  For incoming traffic, it seems to be able to map packets to
  a given service.  But I don't know about outgoing packets.
 iptables, (netfilter) doesn't do that, as far as I know.  But I'm not
 sure it's needed.
 First step in linux deployment for me, is to shutdown unused services.
  That's IMPOSSIBLE with Windows, for practical purposes, so you need
 to keep the Bad Guys away from the interesting, open ports.
 I'm NOT a big fan of Windows Firewalls.  I just don't trust them.  I
 use linux as my NAT/Gateway server for the whole subnet.
 SF.Net email is Sponsored by the Better Software Conference  EXPO
 September 19-22, 2005 * San Francisco, CA * Development Lifecycle Practices
 Agile  Plan-Driven Development * Managing Projects  Teams * Testing  QA
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[Hardhats-members] CPRS SOURCE CODE

2005-08-15 Thread Carlos sosa sosa
ok, i have the source of my cprs version, and i try to open in delphi 2005, 
but when opening mark some erros like no declaration found, i don't know 
what happend,  and my cuestion is some one knows  what happend and what i 
need do to work on cprs source y modificate some things

cprs version


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SF.Net email is Sponsored by the Better Software Conference  EXPO
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Hardhats-members mailing list

[Hardhats-members] Hello All,

2005-08-15 Thread Doctor Bones
This is Emmanuel, 
I am back from my whirlwind tour of the states to find that my
email server has puked.
If anyone, had tried to reach me... well it should work now :) ?

Um what is the status of vista :)

Anyway, hello all!

SF.Net email is Sponsored by the Better Software Conference  EXPO
September 19-22, 2005 * San Francisco, CA * Development Lifecycle Practices
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Hardhats-members mailing list

Re: [Hardhats-members] Re: Command abbreviations/Re: mpsEdit - IDE for MUMPS GT.M programmers.

2005-08-15 Thread Gregory Woodhouse
This misses the point. I certainly have no difficulty remembering the  
MUMPS command names by either their abbreviated or full names, and I  
seriously doubt that they present any difficulty to Kevin. It is a  
mistake to think that anyone who advocates the use of full command  
names does so because they have difficulty with the traditional  
abbreviated form of MUMPS. I would not belabor the point, except that  
I find the not so subtle implication that those arguing against the  
use of abbreviated commands are beginners.

Perhaps more seriously, I think the MUMPS community does itself a  
disservice by focusing on facility *with the language*, which is a  
perhaps unintentional side effect of the rhetoric that tends to be  
used when this issue. It's relatively easy to learn to read music,  
but that doesn't make you a composer. Similarly, it is relatively  
easy to learn a language like MUMPS (or C, or Pascal, or Scheme), but  
that doesn't make you a programmer. Let's not sell ourselves short.  
There's a lot more collective knowledge on this list than familiarity  
with a language and various frameworks or libraries going by names  
like Kernel, Toolkit and Fileman.

Gregory Woodhouse

The most incomprehensible thing about
the world is that it is at all comprehensible.
 --Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

On Aug 15, 2005, at 3:58 PM, Chris Richardson wrote:


The nice thing is that it is not one or the other.  Both abreviated  
unabreviated forms work.  I find it amazing that people who have  

Linux/Unix with all of its non-sequiter commands and the zillions of
arguments would have this much trouble with MUMPS and its measily 23

SF.Net email is Sponsored by the Better Software Conference  EXPO
September 19-22, 2005 * San Francisco, CA * Development Lifecycle Practices
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Hardhats-members mailing list

RE: [Hardhats-members] Re: Command abbreviations/Re: mpsEdit - IDE for MUMPS GT.M programmers.

2005-08-15 Thread Gary Monger

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Chris
Sent: Monday, August 15, 2005 6:58 PM
Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] Re: Command abbreviations/Re: mpsEdit - IDE
for MUMPS GT.M programmers.


The nice thing is that it is not one or the other.  Both abreviated and
unabreviated forms work.  I find it amazing that people who have conquored
Linux/Unix with all of its non-sequiter commands and the zillions of
arguments would have this much trouble with MUMPS and its measily 23

- Original Message -
From: James Gray [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 15, 2005 1:05 PM
Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] Re: Command abbreviations/Re: mpsEdit - IDE
for MUMPS GT.M programmers.

 I really think that for anyone new to Mumps that having the commands
 out would be easier.  I doubt we need the study for that.  I think the
 question is whether somebody who is fairly good at Mumps programming can
 actually read and understand the logic of unfamiliar code faster if the
 commands are spelled out or abbreviated.  Perhaps it is just what we are
 used to.
 Jim Gray

 - Original Message -
 From: Kevin Toppenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, August 15, 2005 7:59 AM
 Subject: [Hardhats-members] Re: Command abbreviations/Re: mpsEdit - IDE
 MUMPS GT.M programmers.

 The only way to prove which is better would be to do some sort of
 controlled study of persons new to M and asking which way is easier to

 But as a newcomer myself, I think that making M as similar to other
 languages as possible is desirable.  And I don't know of any other
 modern language that uses single letters for its commands.

 Beauty is in the eye of the beholder... :-)


 On 8/15/05, Gregory Woodhouse [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I suspect that one problem is that since MUMPS is not highly regarded
  in some circles, we MUMPS programmers have a tendency to be overly
  defensive at times, and respond negatively to suggestions that would
  tend to dilute what e perceive as MUMPS' distinctiveness. This is
  unfortunate for a number of reasons. One, of course, is that it
  doesn't play well outside the community. But a more serious issue
  is that it stands in the way of properly appreciating what MUMPS has
  to offer and, to be honest, it has a tendency to lead us to
  (unintentionally, of course) undersell ourselves.
  If I were teaching programming, would I use MUMPS? No. But are there
  features of the language that I think could make it  valuable both
  pedagogically and as a research tool? Yes, absolutely. There are
  simply concepts that are both difficult to teach and difficult to use
  in languages such as C. I like C very much, and it is a language I
  would encourage everyone to learn, but MUMPS includes facilities not
  present in languages like C that can be extremely valuable. It is no
  accident that dynamic languages like Perl and Python have remained so
  popular -- they include language features that have proven to be
  extremely valuable in some situations, and the same is true of MUMPS.
  Gregory Woodhouse
  A practical man is a man who practices the errors of his
  forefathers. -- Benjamin Disraeli
  SF.Net email is Sponsored by the Better Software Conference  EXPO
  September 19-22, 2005 * San Francisco, CA * Development Lifecycle
  Agile  Plan-Driven Development * Managing Projects  Teams * Testing 
  Security * Process Improvement  Measurement *
  Hardhats-members mailing list

 SF.Net email is Sponsored by the Better Software Conference  EXPO
 September 19-22, 2005 * San Francisco, CA * Development Lifecycle
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 Hardhats-members mailing list

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 Hardhats-members mailing list

Re: [Hardhats-members] Hello All,

2005-08-15 Thread Nancy Anthracite
Welcome back. We will have to Skype and I will catch you up. 

On Monday 15 August 2005 12:37 pm, Doctor Bones wrote:
 This is Emmanuel,
 I am back from my whirlwind tour of the states to find that my
 email server has puked.
 If anyone, had tried to reach me... well it should work now :) ?

 Um what is the status of vista :)

 Anyway, hello all!

 SF.Net email is Sponsored by the Better Software Conference  EXPO
 September 19-22, 2005 * San Francisco, CA * Development Lifecycle Practices
 Agile  Plan-Driven Development * Managing Projects  Teams * Testing  QA
 Security * Process Improvement  Measurement *
 Hardhats-members mailing list

Nancy Anthracite

SF.Net email is Sponsored by the Better Software Conference  EXPO
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[Hardhats-members] ^%ZOSF(UCI)

2005-08-15 Thread Nancy Anthracite
This didn't seem to make the list so I am trying again

I have been getting a Netcall  error from an OpenVistA installation that has


This comes from:
GETENV ;Get environment Return Y='UCI^VOL^NODE^BOX LOOKUP'
 N %HOST,%V S %V=^%ZOSF(PROD),%HOST=$$RETURN(hostname -s)
 S Y=$TR(%V,,,^)_^_%HOST_^_$P(%V,,,2)_:_%HOST

D ^%G

List ^%ZOSF(UCI)


So how do I find out where the first part of ^%ZOSF(PROD) coming from and
 do I just have to set it to fix this?  And what to I set it to if that is
 the fix since I don't know what the UCI is supposed to be?
Nancy Anthracite


Nancy Anthracite

SF.Net email is Sponsored by the Better Software Conference  EXPO
September 19-22, 2005 * San Francisco, CA * Development Lifecycle Practices
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Hardhats-members mailing list

Re: [Hardhats-members] ^%ZOSF(UCI)

2005-08-15 Thread Gregory Woodhouse

It's probably not running BIND and has no DNS server configured.
Gregory Woodhouse

A practical man is a man who practices the errors of his  
forefathers. -- Benjamin Disraeli

On Aug 15, 2005, at 7:58 PM, Nancy Anthracite wrote:

This didn't seem to make the list so I am trying again

I have been getting a Netcall  error from an OpenVistA installation  
that has



This comes from:
GETENV ;Get environment Return Y='UCI^VOL^NODE^BOX LOOKUP'
 N %HOST,%V S %V=^%ZOSF(PROD),%HOST=$$RETURN(hostname -s)
 S Y=$TR(%V,,,^)_^_%HOST_^_$P(%V,,,2)_:_%HOST

D ^%G

List ^%ZOSF(UCI)


So how do I find out where the first part of ^%ZOSF(PROD) coming  
from and
 do I just have to set it to fix this?  And what to I set it to if  
that is

 the fix since I don't know what the UCI is supposed to be?
Nancy Anthracite

SF.Net email is Sponsored by the Better Software Conference  EXPO
September 19-22, 2005 * San Francisco, CA * Development Lifecycle Practices
Agile  Plan-Driven Development * Managing Projects  Teams * Testing  QA
Security * Process Improvement  Measurement *
Hardhats-members mailing list

Re: [Hardhats-members] Re: Command abbreviations/Re: mpsEdit - IDE for MUMPS GT.M programmers.

2005-08-15 Thread Gregory Woodhouse
Oh, I agree. If you're going to work with VistA, you have to work  
with the existing code base, and it uses the abbreviated commands  

Gregory Woodhouse

The most profound technologies are those that disappear.
--Mark Weiser

On Aug 15, 2005, at 7:42 PM, Gary Monger wrote:

It's a matter of practical use.  Anyone taking up the language has  
to deal
with things as they are.  The single letter version of commands and  
functions is nearly universal, and the code base is not likely to  

SF.Net email is Sponsored by the Better Software Conference  EXPO
September 19-22, 2005 * San Francisco, CA * Development Lifecycle Practices
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Security * Process Improvement  Measurement *
Hardhats-members mailing list

Re: [Hardhats-members] Re: Command abbreviations/Re: mpsEdit - IDE for MUMPS GT.M programmers.

2005-08-15 Thread Kevin Toppenberg
Can you tell me about the command overloading?  I know what that means
in c++, but I can't think of an example in M.

And yes old VistA code is ugly.  I was advocating that NEW code be
more beautiful and open for others.  Doen't we want to attract others
to the language?  Why not try to bridge the gap and create code that
is as similar to other mainstream languages as possible?

Q:'Y may be more concise/clever, but  if Y=0 quit would be
understood by more newcomers and I suspect will execute just as fast. 
And yes I know that these two can't always replace each other.

Gosh it's fun to flog this dead horse... :-)


On 8/15/05, Gary Monger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It's a matter of practical use.  Anyone taking up the language has to deal
 with things as they are.  The single letter version of commands and system
 functions is nearly universal, and the code base is not likely to change.
 Some tools are available, but will they translate everywhere you need it and
 in conjunction with other tools you want to use, like a Data Dictionary
 Its not a matter of which is easier or faster, both are easy enough and fast
 enough, and soon learned.  It's just not really much of a problem in
 comparison to more serious readability issues that abound, and are created
 every day.
 For folks new to MUMPS there are many other stumbling blocks.  Like the
 order of precedence of operators, dynamic typing/type coercion, overloading
 of commands, accessing the database, naked references, indirection, $TEST
 not being stacked, etc.
 MUMPS is substantially different from most languages no matter how you spell
 the commands.  And for the most part the newcomer has to look them up
 anyway.  A good place to do so:
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of James
 Sent: Monday, August 15, 2005 4:06 PM
 Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] Re: Command abbreviations/Re: mpsEdit - IDE
 for MUMPS GT.M programmers.
 I really think that for anyone new to Mumps that having the commands spelled
 out would be easier.  I doubt we need the study for that.  I think the only
 question is whether somebody who is fairly good at Mumps programming can
 actually read and understand the logic of unfamiliar code faster if the
 commands are spelled out or abbreviated.  Perhaps it is just what we are
 used to.
 Jim Gray
 - Original Message -
 From: Kevin Toppenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, August 15, 2005 7:59 AM
 Subject: [Hardhats-members] Re: Command abbreviations/Re: mpsEdit - IDE for
 MUMPS GT.M programmers.
 The only way to prove which is better would be to do some sort of
 controlled study of persons new to M and asking which way is easier to
 But as a newcomer myself, I think that making M as similar to other
 languages as possible is desirable.  And I don't know of any other
 modern language that uses single letters for its commands.
 Beauty is in the eye of the beholder... :-)
 On 8/15/05, Gregory Woodhouse [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I suspect that one problem is that since MUMPS is not highly regarded
  in some circles, we MUMPS programmers have a tendency to be overly
  defensive at times, and respond negatively to suggestions that would
  tend to dilute what e perceive as MUMPS' distinctiveness. This is
  unfortunate for a number of reasons. One, of course, is that it
  doesn't play well outside the community. But a more serious issue
  is that it stands in the way of properly appreciating what MUMPS has
  to offer and, to be honest, it has a tendency to lead us to
  (unintentionally, of course) undersell ourselves.
  If I were teaching programming, would I use MUMPS? No. But are there
  features of the language that I think could make it  valuable both
  pedagogically and as a research tool? Yes, absolutely. There are
  simply concepts that are both difficult to teach and difficult to use
  in languages such as C. I like C very much, and it is a language I
  would encourage everyone to learn, but MUMPS includes facilities not
  present in languages like C that can be extremely valuable. It is no
  accident that dynamic languages like Perl and Python have remained so
  popular -- they include language features that have proven to be
  extremely valuable in some situations, and the same is true of MUMPS.
  Gregory Woodhouse
  A practical man is a man who practices the errors of his
  forefathers. -- Benjamin Disraeli
  SF.Net email is Sponsored by the Better Software Conference  EXPO
  September 19-22, 2005 * San Francisco, CA * Development Lifecycle
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Re: [Hardhats-members] Hello All,

2005-08-15 Thread Kevin Toppenberg
Hey!  Welcome back!

VistA has been adopted for the next manned mission to mars, and the VA
has contracted to rewrite fileman in PHP.

Just kidding.  How did that course go?  Good I hope.

I recently changed to the new Google GMAIL.  If you want to start
over, that might me a good way to go.  It automatically threads your
posts for you, which is very helpful for a mailing list.


On 8/15/05, Doctor Bones [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is Emmanuel,
 I am back from my whirlwind tour of the states to find that my
 email server has puked.
 If anyone, had tried to reach me... well it should work now :) ?
 Um what is the status of vista :)
 Anyway, hello all!
 SF.Net email is Sponsored by the Better Software Conference  EXPO
 September 19-22, 2005 * San Francisco, CA * Development Lifecycle Practices
 Agile  Plan-Driven Development * Managing Projects  Teams * Testing  QA
 Security * Process Improvement  Measurement *
 Hardhats-members mailing list

SF.Net email is Sponsored by the Better Software Conference  EXPO
September 19-22, 2005 * San Francisco, CA * Development Lifecycle Practices
Agile  Plan-Driven Development * Managing Projects  Teams * Testing  QA
Security * Process Improvement  Measurement *
Hardhats-members mailing list

Re: [Hardhats-members] ^%ZOSF(UCI)

2005-08-15 Thread Kevin Toppenberg
I believe that ^%ZOSF(PROD)  is established in PROD^ZTMGRST
The user is asked for the production (signon) UCI,VOLUME SET
If the user input passes some tests, then you set
set ^%ZOSF(PROD)=X  ; (X is the user input)

In my installer script, I cleared out so that there was only one
record in the VOLUME file and only one record in the UCI ASSOCIATION
file.  And the entries had appropriate names of VOL and UCI.

Then, when I go through ZTMGRSET, I use VOL and UCI and my answers for
VOL? and UCI?

p.s. I took an ambien and am heading to bed.  Hope that made sense...

On 8/15/05, Nancy Anthracite [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This didn't seem to make the list so I am trying again
 I have been getting a Netcall  error from an OpenVistA installation that has
 This comes from:

  ;Get environment 

 new %HOST,
 new %V 
 set  %V=^%ZOSF(PROD)
 set %HOST=$$RETURN(hostname -s)
 set Y=$translate(%V,,,^)_^_%HOST_^_$P(%V,,,2)_:_%HOST
 D ^%G
 List ^%ZOSF(UCI)
 List ^%ZOSF(PROD)
 So how do I find out where the first part of ^%ZOSF(PROD) coming from and
  do I just have to set it to fix this?  And what to I set it to if that is
  the fix since I don't know what the UCI is supposed to be?
 Nancy Anthracite
 Nancy Anthracite
 SF.Net email is Sponsored by the Better Software Conference  EXPO
 September 19-22, 2005 * San Francisco, CA * Development Lifecycle Practices
 Agile  Plan-Driven Development * Managing Projects  Teams * Testing  QA
 Security * Process Improvement  Measurement *
 Hardhats-members mailing list

SF.Net email is Sponsored by the Better Software Conference  EXPO
September 19-22, 2005 * San Francisco, CA * Development Lifecycle Practices
Agile  Plan-Driven Development * Managing Projects  Teams * Testing  QA
Security * Process Improvement  Measurement *
Hardhats-members mailing list