
   We have some talented folks lined up to attend this technical meeting in
Salt Lake City, (24th of February thru the 27th of February, 2005).  We will
have as our goals;

  1) The current state of GUI interfaces with VistA,
  2) Identify future GUI interfaces, and
  3) Development of new user interface strategies, and
  4) Plan migration strategies for existing VistA functionaility to enhanced
user interfaces.

   Any who have not contacted me already who want to be involved with this
effort, please contact me and we will see about getting you the hotel
information.  The number of attendees is limited for this meeting.  We will
make as much progress as we can in the four days of this meeting.  If you
can't be there in person, we will have email and chat capability as well as
some demos to try remotely.

   If there are ideas that you have for the teams, please submit them to
this list and we will collect them for discussion at the meeting.  There
will be some external sites that we will try to put up dmonstrations for
folks to try.  If you want to help test, also talk to me about it.

    Best wishes all;  Chris

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