Re: I welcome J2SE 6's faster-splash.... re: Java speed-up

2006-02-17 Thread Tor-Einar Jarnbjo

Stefano Mazzocchi schrieb:

It's called quicktime for java and has been there for years :-)

Sure, Quicktime for Java is not that bad, but unfortunately using 
heavyweight native GUI widgets, which are difficult to integrate without 
side effects in a Swing application. If platform dependency is accepted, 
there are also a lot of e.g. ActiveX-bridges allowing ActiveX-enabled 
media components (also GUI or video widgets) to be integrated in a Java 


Re: I welcome J2SE 6's faster-splash.... re: Java speed-up

2006-02-17 Thread Tor-Einar Jarnbjo

Fernando Cassia schrieb:

Which defeats the whole purpose of cross-platform java in the first place.
So why not do it win32 / linux /Gtk then?

Because Java as a programming language has other advantages than 
platform independence.


Re: I welcome J2SE 6's faster-splash.... re: Java speed-up

2006-02-16 Thread Tor-Einar Jarnbjo

Fernando Cassia wrote:

I'm still scratching my bald head thinking why hasn't Google embraced
java yet. Google Talk would be a killer app written in Swing / 100% Pure

It's never stupid to stay realistic. There is no JavaSound 
implementation giving you enough control of e.g. the sound card latency 
to allow a usable telephone application to be implemented.

H*ck, there's even a pure-java mpeg4 implementation

Which doesn't work for me. A few still frames are being shown and 
updated every few seconds and then the player hangs. Apart from that, 
due to other problems with JavaSound is it not possible to implement 
reasonable quality video players in Java. The JavaSound API has 
functions to read the current position of the audio playback, to sync 
the video accordingly, but the accuracy and correctness of this function 
makes it unusable.


Re: CLA issues Was: java.sql.*

2006-02-13 Thread Tor-Einar Jarnbjo

Leo Simons wrote:

I'll also request everyone tries to ensure that you do not try and
represent anything as legal fact unless its been thoroughly verified that
it is indeed rather certain that what is being said is undisputable. Also,
always try and provide as much references as possible.

The problem root lies back in the times when the first laws where 
written to protect intellectual property. In UK, copyright laws were 
written, which originally only regulated reproduction and publishing 
rights, while in France the laws were centered around the droite 
d'auteur or author's right. Later, copyright laws were only adopted in 
the countries most strongly influenced by the UK, e.g. USA and probably 
Canada, while most other countries adopted the French idea of generally 
protecting the author as a static owner of his intellecutal property. 
In Germany, the author's rights are so strong, that they even to some 
extend apply for works produced by an employee or as part of a paid 

The issues I'm pointing out are regulated like this in the German 
Gesetz über Urheberrecht und verwandte Schutzrechte (Law on author's 
rights and related protective rights):

§29(1):  Das Urheberrecht ist nicht übertragbar, es sei denn, es wird in 
Erfüllung einer Verfügung von Todes wegen oder an Miterben im Wege der 
Erbauseinandersetzung übertragen.

The author's right is not transferable, unless it is transfered to an 
inheritor in connection with the author's death.

§§ 41 and 42 are regulating the author's Rückrufsrecht or revokation 
right. §41 is regulating the case, in which an exclusive usage right is 
not being practised, while §42 is regulating the author's right to 
revoke a usage right, in case of gewandelter Überzeugung, however that 
is to be translated properly to English. Modified/changed belief or 
conviction is a brave attempt. §42(2) regulates that the author's right 
to exercise his revokation right can not be excepted.

§34 regulates the transfer of usage rights and sublicensing 
(Übertragung von Nutzungsrechten). Any such transfer must be agreed 
upon by the author, although it is restricted in which cases he may deny 
such transfer to take place. At least the way I interpret these 
regulations, it is not possible for the author to agree to a blanket 
sublicensing grant, as his rights depends on the exact conditions around 
the license transfer.

Regulations on derivative works are spread across several paragraphs 
(§§14, 23, 39, etc). As in the issue with §42, derivative works may not 
be produced or published if they are against the author's belief (which 
may change with time).


Re: NDA issues and acceptable use of sun source

2006-02-13 Thread Tor-Einar Jarnbjo

Geir Magnusson Jr schrieb:

I'm not so sure - the fact that there's been that exposure under NDA 
means there can be no contribution in that area until the NDA 
problem is resolved.

Which means? Do I have to solve it or are you willing to solve it?

Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:

Are you kidding?

Of course I am not kidding. I am willing to offer a contribution, you 
say that an issue has to be resolved to allow that and I ask who is 
going to do that. Do you expect from your contributors to pay for legal 
advice to be allowed to do non-profit work for you?


Re: CLA issues Was: java.sql.*

2006-02-13 Thread Tor-Einar Jarnbjo

Geir Magnusson Jr schrieb:

I would further argue that if the author must retain right to revoke 
the license or have control over derivative works, then open source is 
impossible in Germany.

Obiously it is not, as long as the software users accept the potenial 
risk of having to replace the software with something else. The 
revokation right is not my interpretation, but very clearly stated in 
the law.

Given that there is plenty of open-source activity in Germany - and 
serious efforts - I think that we're misunderstanding something 
fundamental about German copyright law.

It is unfortunately not very uncommon that German companies have a 
policy not to use OS software at all, partly because of the unclear 
legal status and potential problems, which may arise with a legal 
dispute, partly because of other issues, e.g. not having anyone to sue 
if something goes wrong. As I was working for Siemens 5-6 years ago, 
this limitiation was so strict, that we were not even allowed to use 
open source text editors (e.g. vi or Emacs) to write code, but were 
forced to use a very poor and annoying product, as there were not really 
many options when you have to find a commercial text editor for HP-UX.


Re: CLA issues Was: java.sql.*

2006-02-13 Thread Tor-Einar Jarnbjo

Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:

It's not OSS if the author can do that arbitrarily.  Think about it - 
you could wait until something is really popular, and then go shake 
down every user using it...

Not necessarily the users directly, but at least the enity, which is 
managing the reproduction and distribution rights. The point is to 
guarantee the author an adequate commision if e.g. more copies of his 
work are published than the author was able to expect when he granted 
the original publishing license. The idea does not match very well with 
free as in free beer, but this is indeed the legal situation in most 

Double heh.

Yes, heh.


Re: CLA issues Was: java.sql.*

2006-02-12 Thread Tor-Einar Jarnbjo

Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:

I thought I better split this, to prevent the discussion from getting 
too confusing. One thing I already pointed out with the Apache CLA is 
that it is very biased towards US copyright law.

Well, the ASF is a US Corporation (non-profit) so those are the laws 
under which we operate.

Yes, but US laws are not the laws under which probably most of the 
contributors are operating and not the laws applicable in most locations 
where Apache software is being used. Copyright is a legal area where US 
and British law deviate quite a lot from most other countries and 
assuming or expecting that US law is relevant if it comes to a legal 
dispute between e.g. a non-US contributor and a non-US software user or 
a non-US owner of related intelletual rights, is IMHO rather naive.

 License. First problem is, that I can't grant you anything I 
currently don't have, a copyright on my work. The German 
counterpart, my Urheberrecht is not transferable and any license I 
give to use, redistribute, modify etc. the work may under some 
conditions be revoked. Any contract diverging from these principles 
is in Germany legally void.

We aren't asking for a copyright transfer.  You still retain any and 
all copyright on the work.  What you are doing is granting a license 
to the work under the Apache License.

Well, you skip the most important part, that some statements in the 
paragraph are legally void in Germany, and probably most countries, not 
having an Anglo-Saxon style copyright law. Most problematic are probably 
the claims for an perpetual, irrevocable license and the claim for 
sublicensing rights and rights to produce derivative works. I really 
don't like to bother with legal regulations, but wether you or I like 
it, this agreement won't hold if proven in a German court and a German 
court will be responsible, if a German contributor for some reason 
should decide to take legal actions against some other German entity, 
which e.g. is producing, distributing or using a derivate work of the 
contributor's original work. The word German in the last sentence may 
be replaced with many other nationalities, without invalidating the 
content :-/


Re: NDA issues and acceptable use of sun source

2006-02-12 Thread Tor-Einar Jarnbjo

Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:

I'm not so sure - the fact that there's been that exposure under NDA 
means there can be no contribution in that area until the NDA problem 
is resolved.

Which means? Do I have to solve it or are you willing to solve it? It is 
of course silly of me not to keep legal agreements I have signed, but as 
Leo pointed out, is Sun not anymore requiring an NDA for other people to 
get access to the JDK source code.

If what you were exposed to under the NDA has no tie to what you are 
offering, then the NDA is irrelevant for this.  For other things, you 
still have a problem, but if you've never seen Sun code in and around 
the sound API, then you are fine. 

I do of course not remember anything of any source code I had in my 
hands ten years ago. I even quite often forget in the afternoon what I 
did before lunch. I am not sure however, if Sun's lawyers believe that 
and I rather don't want to find out.


Re: Using Cairo for Harmony graphic stuff? [was Re: Using APR for Harmony's native link to the OS?]

2006-02-12 Thread Tor-Einar Jarnbjo

Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

Another think that I wonder, for the windowing stuff, why don't we use 

Isn't Cairo just a rendering library? AFAIK, it does not offer any kind 
of e.g. portable widget access, which is probably the most tricky thing 
to implement for AWT. Swing can be implemented in pure Java, based on 
some simple native support by AWT (open window and supply a Graphics 
object into which the content can be rendered). I don't see where Cairo 
can offer much help in that area?


Re: java.sql.*

2006-02-10 Thread Tor-Einar Jarnbjo

Jeremy Huiskamp schrieb:

Would I be correct in assuming that the majority of java.sql would be  
trivial to implement by reading the javadocs (everything except  
DriverManager)?  I can take a whack at the low hanging fruit this  

The java.sql package mostly contains interfaces, so it shouldn't be too 
much work, but what's so difficult about the DriverManager. It only has 
to manage a list of registered Driver implementations and the 
getConnection methods should only iterate through the available drivers, 
check if the URL is supported and if yes, delegate the call to 


Re: java.sql.*

2006-02-10 Thread Tor-Einar Jarnbjo

Jeremy Huiskamp wrote:

Didn't say it was difficult, just that it's not trivial ;-) As in,  
the javadocs don't tell me everything I could possibly need to know  
to implement it.  I'd love to take a crack at it, but I figured I'd  
start with the really easy stuff.  If you beat me to it then so much  
the better :) 

I already thought about contributing some other stuff, but I am unsure 
if I fulfil the requirements for contributing (especially regarding 
exposure to Sun's source code). I sent a mail to Geir Magnusson about 
JavaSound implementation a few weeks ago, but didn't get any reaction. 
Perhaps it's better to discuss this here on the mailing list.


Re: java.sql.*

2006-02-10 Thread Tor-Einar Jarnbjo

Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:

Yes, this would be the place.  Sorry about that - I am in the middle 
of a machine change, and email switch, so I've been an email blackhole 
at times... 

So, I sent you a partial implementation of JavaSound and a Vorbis SPI, 
any interest? One problem is of course, that I more than once have taken 
a look at Sun's source code for different reasons and even signed an NDA 
some ten years ago to get access to the source code for JDK 1.1. Your 
requirements in the contributor license agreement and questionnaire are 
IMHO rather vague.


JavaSound Was: java.sql.*

2006-02-10 Thread Tor-Einar Jarnbjo

Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:

Lets discuss that here. :)  I didn't mean to ignore you - but two mail 
machines were hard to follow.  I'm ready to join them into one, and 
hopefully I'll stop dropping the ball :)

Ok, here are a snippet from the mail I sent you:

(Win32 partial implementation of JavaSound):

Installation is quite simple, just copy the following files to 
jre\lib\ext: dist/sound.jar, dist/vorbis-spi.jar
and the following files to some directory in the dll path (e.g. 
jre\bin\default): dist/sound.dll

The ant build file will build the HJavaSound Java source code and the C 
source using Borland's CBuilderX. I know it's not pretty, using hard 
coded paths etc., but it was just a quick hack to simplify the build 
process. The source code for the SPI and player are included in the 
vorbis-spi and spiplayer directories, for which no build files are 
included. Hope you don't mind that I already chose to put implementation 
specific classes in the org.apache.harmony.sound.sampled package.

Ogg/Vorbis files should now play with java -jar dist/spiplayer.jar 

The Vorbis SPI for JavaSound and the SpiPlayer itself are actually parts 
of my project J-Ogg (, which is already released under an 
Apache-style license 

Another issue with this is of course that the current VMs working with 
Harmony are not able to use Java 5 class files and implementing 
JavaSound for 1.4 and later extending it for Java 5 would be at least 
some unnecessary work. Are there any current plans for extending the VMs 
for Java 5 code?

Which code, and what were the terms of the NDA?  The CLA is fairly 

Good questions, I honestly don't know. Working as a Java developer, I 
now and then need to trace into the original source code or take a look 
or two at the API implementation to realize why something is not working 
as I expect. As far as I can remember, I have not done this with Sun's 
JavaSound implementation. I don't have the NDA anymore, or am at least 
not able to find it, having moved around several times the last ten 
years. For working on a JavaSound implementation, it is probably 
irrelevant anyway, as JavaSound was not introduced until Java 1.3 and 
ought not to be covered by any agreement in Sun's NDA.


CLA issues Was: java.sql.*

2006-02-10 Thread Tor-Einar Jarnbjo

Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:

Which code, and what were the terms of the NDA?  The CLA is fairly 
What questions do you have for both? 

I thought I better split this, to prevent the discussion from getting 
too confusing. One thing I already pointed out with the Apache CLA is 
that it is very biased towards US copyright law. I am not a lawyer and I 
really have no clue if US copyright law, German Urheberrecht or both 
applies if I, living in Germany, am signing a contract with a US entity. 
The most serious legal crash is probably section 2: Grant of Copyright 
License. First problem is, that I can't grant you anything I currently 
don't have, a copyright on my work. The German counterpart, my 
Urheberrecht is not transferable and any license I give to use, 
redistribute, modify etc. the work may under some conditions be revoked. 
Any contract diverging from these principles is in Germany legally void.

Another specific issue related to my proposed Vorbis SPI for JavaSound 
donation, is if you regard third party source code to be classified as 
format documentation . To be more exact, the Vorbis format specification 
from the Xiph Foundation proved to contain several errors and their 
attitude when me pointing it out was, that the reference decoder is the 
only thing to be considered as a formal specification. This means of 
course, that at least when it comes to some estimated 20-40 lines of 
code, my Vorbis decoder implementation is at least based on the 
reference decoder from Xiph, which is AFAIK released under a BSD license.

Patent issues are also unclear to me. At this point the CLA is really 
vague (§5), only demaning me to represent that my contribution is free 
of any patents that I am personally aware of. I have absolutely no 
ability to judge on that, which of course fulfils, that I am not 
personally aware of any claims, but depending on the contributors 
knowledge on patent and license law, this paragraph lies somewhere 
between meaningsless and very dependent on which country's patents and 
licenses are to be considered.


Re: ntwin32.mak dependency

2006-01-24 Thread Tor-Einar Jarnbjo

Geir Magnusson Jr schrieb:

Please, feel free to take a whack at it.  Just don't break us that are 
using the non-free toolchain.

I was just curious if I was doing something wrong and generally the 
opinion, that it would make sense to not require a rather expensive 
compiler suite to build the Harmony VM. I am not sure however if I can 
be of much help fixing the issue. I haven't been writing much C for 
several years and honestly have no clue what is necessary to tweek the 
source to be buildable by other compilers.


ntwin32.mak dependency

2006-01-23 Thread Tor-Einar Jarnbjo


when building Harmony on Windows, the makefile in 
native-src\win.IA32\makefile includes ntwin32.mak. Could it be that this 
utility file is only included with the commercial versions of Visual 
C++/Studio? If so, and if this is the only dependency on the commercial 
version, would it be easily feasible for someone to replace the file 
with someone else, making it possible to compile Harmony with the freely 
available MS C++ compiler and nmake? Or is it just something here, that 
I haven't understood?


Re: [Legal] Requirements for Committers

2005-06-07 Thread Tor-Einar Jarnbjo

Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:

8) Employment Limitations

   Are you employed as a programmer, systems analyst, or other
   IT professional?  If so, you may be an commiter
   only if your employer either:

   a) signs a Corporate Contribution License Agreement with Apache
  and lists you as a designated employee or

   b) submits a written authorization for your participation in this
  project and disclaims any copyright or confidentiality interest
  in your current or future contributions to this project.

IANAL, but this is a really tricky part, as different laws apply 
depending on where the contributor lives. Most countries have a 
different approach on this subject than the anglo-american copyright, 
namely the author's right.

For my part, living in Germany, there is no way for my employer (even 
though I'm employed as a software developer) to claim any rights on work 
I'm doing in my spare time and there is no legal way for me to disclaim 
or overdraw my author's right on any work I've done. Even the author's 
right on the work I'm doing for my employer stays with me, all they can 
claim is an exclusive right to _use_ the code.

I have been working on a few smaller projects lately, which may be of 
interest to the Harmony project, and I would find it a pity, if your 
legal requirements makes it difficult for me to contribute.


Re: [Legal] Requirements for Committers

2005-06-07 Thread Tor-Einar Jarnbjo

Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:

What are you working on?

It's a framework to ease JNI programming, or more precisely to make it 
possible to call native, e.g. OS functions without writing wrapper code 
in C to do type conversions etc.

For example, invoking the Windows MessageBox function in user32.dll can 
be done like this:

EasyJni jni = EasyJni.getInstance();
NativeLibrary user32 = jni.loadNativeLibrary(user32);

long ctext = jni.createCString(Message box text, UTF-16LE);
long ctitle = jni.createCString(Message box title, UTF-16LE);

int res = (int)user32.invokeLong(
 MessageBoxW, 0, ctext, ctitle, MessageBoxConstants.MB_OKCANCEL);;;

C structs can be mapped to Java classes using annotations, as here with 
the WAVEFORMAT struct used by the Windows audio API:

@NativeStruct(endian=Endian.little, size=16)
public class WaveFormat implements Modifiable {

   @NativeField(type=FieldType.int16, offset=0)
   private int formatTag;

   @NativeField(type=FieldType.int16, offset=2)
   private int channels;
   @NativeField(type=FieldType.int32, offset=4)

   private int samplesPerSecond;

   @NativeField(type=FieldType.int32, offset=8)
   private int avgBytesPerSecond;
   @NativeField(type=FieldType.int32, offset=12)

   private int blockAlign;

   // getter and setter methods ...

I needed this for some audio functionality, which is not available 
through JavaSound. The JNI library could probably be used in several 
fields, and seeing that Classpath does not implement any parts of 
JavaSound, my Windows media API wrappers are probably a good starting 
point for a new JavaSound implementation (at least targetted for Windows).


Re: [arch] VM/Classlibrary interface

2005-05-28 Thread Tor-Einar Jarnbjo

Rodrigo Kumpera wrote:

Last time I checked, no one, nether me or you, is developing code agains the 
TCK, but to a real JVM. And as hard as we may try, sometimes we end with 
software that depends on unspecified behavior. So it's better try to be bug 
compatible too.


No, I don't agree on this either. Dalibor already mentioned several good 
reasons why Harmony should not try to be implementation compatible with 
any other VM and another good reason is that the usage of 
com.sun-classes is also version or release dependent of Sun's VM. If Sun 
decides to rename, repackage or somehow change the internal classes in a 
new VM release, e.g. 1.5.0_04, code relying on these classes will break 
as well. The implementors of such code should fix their part and no 
other VM vendor seem to find a reason to implement their VMs in such a 
fashion that broken code will run on them.


Re: [arch] VM/Classlibrary interface

2005-05-27 Thread Tor-Einar Jarnbjo

Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:

(Tomcat : I'd bet they fixed that (or will fix...))

It doesn't seem so. The SSL code has been in Tomcat versions 4.1.x to 
5.5.9 and I just saw that also the LDAP code in Tomcat 5.5.9 uses 
classes in com.sun.

Well, can't the VM just prevent non-kernel code from using them?   
Maybe overhead too high?

How do you distinguish kernel code and non-kernel code? From the VM 
point of view, the classes in the java(x).* packages do not differ from 
user code classes and it is also possible to bootstrap the VM and 
replace java(x).* classes with own implementations. Been there, done that.


Re: [arch] VM/Classlibrary interface

2005-05-27 Thread Tor-Einar Jarnbjo

Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:

I meant execution context.  Is there a clear boundary between code  
thats executing in the context of the VM and code that's executing in  
the context of the 'user' app?

Usually not, but it might be possible to emulate something similar using 
several classloaders or implement the necessary mechanisms in the 
default classloader. One similar example can be taken from Java applets. 
They are of course not allowed to load and execute native code, as the 
VM can't enforce any privilege checks on what the native code is doing, 
still though, the applet must of course be allowed to indirectly execute 
native code through the standard API, e.g. to gain allowed network 
access. In this case, the applet classes are loaded by a restricted 
classloader, which does not allow direct access to native code, while 
the standard API classes are loaded by a privileged classloader, which 
grants all privileges on kernel level and relies on the implementation 
of the classes to enforce the necessary security checks.

All this magic is however implemented using the mechanisms in the 
security manager and since an application must be allowed to use its own 
security manager, I don't see how it could be possible to prevent an 
application to break through such a protection either.


Re: [arch] The Third Way : C/C++ and Java and lets go forward

2005-05-23 Thread Tor-Einar Jarnbjo

Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:

(for the record, this isn't about not doing Java or not doing  
JikesRVM, but rather my understanding that we'll need a small C/C++  
kernel to host the modules, no matter how they are written, and this  
is a way to get that going...) 

Excuse me if I'm missing something, but wouldn't it be necessary to 
implement parts of the VM or the class library in native code anyway? 
I'm thinking about code to access e.g. resources like I/O devices, sound 
etc.? Or is this discussion C vs Java restricted to the bytecode 
executing part of the VM?
