[ha-Safran] New book: Kosher ADHD: Surviving and Thriving in The Torah-Observant World

2023-12-08 Thread Stuart Schnee via Hasafran
This new book will be of interest to some:

Kosher ADHD: Surviving and Thriving in The Torah-Observant World

Kosher ADHD offers a practical yet creative approach how to transform the
chaos of ADHD into a fulfilling Torah-observant lifestyle. Synthesizing
Jewish insight and sensitivities with contemporary psychological theories
and research, Drs. Chesner and Markowitz provide all who struggle with ADHD
- parents, teachers, children, adults, and therapists - with structured
guidelines to empower the ADHD individual to thrive personally, and within
the family, school, and community. It includes detailed strategies for how
someone with ADHD can overcome difficulties with prayer, Shabbat, Torah
study, and other central aspects of Judaism. This book is a revolution in
guidance for Jewish families living a Torah-based life and struggling with
the challenges of ADHD. 

About the Authors
Dr. Simcha Chesner founded and directed the Bnei Chayil Yeshivot in Israel
for adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity and associated
disorders. He published three books in Hebrew for children and adults with
ADHD and he directed clinical services for the Idud National Program for
ADHD of the Brookdale Institute and JDC.  He currently lectures and
supervises MA students in special education and psychology at Orot Teachers
College and is the Executive Director of the Israel Academy of Social and
Emotional Learning.  Dr. Chesner received his Ph.D. in clinical psychology
from Case Western Reserve University where he was awarded the David Hudson
Fellowship for excellence in scholarship and citizenship. He received his
undergraduate degree from Yeshiva University.  In 1991, Dr. Chesner made
Aliyah with his wife, Dr. Rachel Chesner.  For the past three decades, they
have lived in Israel with their children and grandchildren.

Dr. Sara Markowitz,Ph.D. has achieved an incredible amount, in large part
due to her personal "ADHD" superpowers.  In addition to obtaining a Ph.D. in
clinical psychology from Farleigh Dickinson University, Dr. Markowitz is is
the founding director of an Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) for Jewish
Women at Achieve Behavioral Health, the largest behavioral health center
serving the greater Jewish community. Dr. Markowitz continues to develop
curriculum and measure clinical outcome research for ADHD parenting groups
and integration of ADHD individuals within the Jewish community.  She has
developed curricula, currently utilized in schools and families focusing on
overcoming challenges of multiple origins.
In addition to her formal professional activities, Dr. Markowitz is a mother
to five awesome children and is the Rebbetzin of Congregation Shomrei Torah
in Fairlawn, New Jersey.

Kosher ADHD: Surviving and Thriving in The Torah-Observant World Publisher:
Kodesh Press, November 15, 2023, 309 pgs. Price: USD: $19.95, ISBN:
979-8-88894-019-8   Publisher link:  

Stuart Schnee
Book Shepherd/Publicist

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[ha-Safran] New Book Series on Basics of Jewish Belief and Faith

2021-10-31 Thread Stuart Schnee via Hasafran
I think some here will find this of interest: 



New Book Series on Basics of Jewish Belief and Faith

Three volumes reinforce belief, increase passion and deepen commitment.

The Unbroken Chain

In this fascinating book, master-educator and author Rabbi David Sapirman
  illustrates that the Oral Torah we
have today is the original, authentic one that was given to Moshe on Mount
Sinai. This unique and essential book explains many perplexing issues, and
will undoubtedly bring considerable clarity to understanding and belief in
the Oral Torah.

The Unbroken Chain offers everyone, young or old, the opportunity to
comprehend the system of the Oral Torah and answer its related questions
with ease. Considering its subject, depth, and comprehensive explanation,
this unique work is sure to be classic.


The Torah has been transmitted to us with extreme care and precision. The
Rambam believed in it and passed it on. The Vilna Gaon believed in it and
passed it on. Our grandparents believed in it and passed it on. While
receiving a tradition handed down from generation to generation can be
enough for us to trust and live by, substantiating faith with one's own
thinking and intellect offers huge advantages.  It provides excitement - a
passion and an enthusiasm that make the Torah alive and vibrant. It helps
tailor our Torah lives to our individual minds and souls. It helps make
Judaism real.

No magical "leap of faith" is necessary in order to believe. All we need is
clear thinking - as demonstrated in this incredible book. In this 'refresher
course' to emunah, we will rediscover why we believe, and will be able to
pray and learn with ever-increasing levels of emunah and connection to

Tranquility and Travail

Common sense seems to dictate that the world should be run simply and
clearly: good people should be rewarded and bad people should be punished.

However, that's just not the way things are. Naturally, we wonder why. Why
did that wonderful person go through such pain? Why do innocent children
die? And why do evil people sometimes seem to succeed?

This question is as ancient as the world itself. King
  David addressed it in chapter 73 of
Tehillim, saying that this question often knocks people off their feet and
drives them off the path of Hashem. Shlomo Hamelech writes repeatedly in
Koheles that this is one of the main reasons why people sin, since the
difference between good and bad is not apparent to them in this life. And
this was one of Moshe's main questions to Hashem.

Indeed, throughout the millennia, this gnawing question continues to
frustrate and discourage people from serving the Creator properly. However,
while we cannot fully understand G-d's ways, Tanach and the statements of
Chazal do offer glimpses into the ways of Divine providence. There are
answers to much of the mystery. This comprehensive and easy-to-read book
shares core information and key insights from Torah sources.


About the Author
Rabbi Dovid Sapirman is a former student of the Philadelphia, Ponevezh, and
Lakewood Yeshivot. Over the course of his career in education, he has been a
teacher, author and public speaker. He is passionate about offering chizuk
in emunah to bnei Torah of all ages and backgrounds. Rabbi Sapirman's
popular audio and video lectures have enhanced the lives of tens of
thousands of people across the globe. Rabbi Sapirman has taught and lectured
in the yeshiva and kiruv world for almost 4 decades. He has developed an
expertise in presenting the fundamentals of Jewish faith - to a wide range
of listeners. He has spoken to hundreds of educators and tens of thousands
of students in schools across the spectrum all over the world. 





Stuart Schnee

Public Relations, Marketing & Sales


US Tel:   973-796-2753

Israel Tel:   +972-54-790-9120


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[ha-Safran] New Talmud Study Resources Available: Free Digital Files Offered to Schools

2020-10-28 Thread Stuart Schnee via Hasafran
New Talmud Study Resources Available: Free Digital Files Offered to Schools
& New Book Published


In just a few short years over 15,000 students from over 100 yeshivos and
day schools across the US and Canada have benefitted from the Bright
Beginnings Gemara/Talmud series  . 


Now, due to the Corona pandemic Bright Beginnings is offering these books
for the current academic year for free to schools. In addition a new
resource, the Bright Beginnings Eilu Mitziyus book 
has just been released which includes the renowned features of previous


-the well-known sugya/section of "Yiush She'lo Mida'as"

-Hachana (preparation) L'Gemara section

-dozens of images, timelines, illustrations and graphics to help students
visualize, understand and retain the Gemara.

-translation word lists arranged according to their appearance in the Gemara

-review exercises on translation, understanding and the "Shakla
V'tarya"/logical give-and-take of the Gemara

- a 'big picture' review of the "Shakla V'tarya"/logical give-and-take every
few units to enable students to follow the logical steps - so crucial to
mastering this vital section of the Talmud (Yiush She'lo Mida'as). It is
currently available on Amazon  .


Offer to Schools/Yeshivos/Day Schools


In light of the current pandemic challenges facing educators, Bright
Beginnings is pleased to offer files of all our books to educators for use
in the classroom or via distance learning during the 2020-21 academic school

Sample files can be seen here:

Eilu Mitziyus Part 2 sample:


Brachos Book #1 Part 2 sample:   


Here is a list of the digital files available to schools at no cost for use
during the 2020-21 academic school year:

 1) Hachana L'Gemara (good for introducing children to any Gemara)

 2) Hachana L'Chumash (teaches pre-chumash skills, like identifying
shorashim, and the use of prefix and suffix)

3) Gemara Eilu Mitziyus (Beginning of Perek 2 through and including all of
"Yiush She'lo Mida'as) 

4) Gemara Brachos, Perek 4, Book #1 

5) Gemara Brachos, Perek 4, Book #2 

6) Chumash Lech Lecha, Book #1 (Perakim 12 & 13)  

7) Chumash Lech Lecha, Book #2 (rest of Parshas Lech Lecha, and our adorable
"ShoreshLand" game.

If you would like to have some of these files for your school, simply send
an email to bbchum...@gmail.com, requesting the files you want for your
school, and affirming that these (copyrighted) files are only for teacher's
use for the 5781/2020-21   school year.


About The Authors

Rabbi Yakov Horowitz, Founding Dean of Monsey's Yeshiva Darchei Noam and
Director of The Center for Jewish Family Life, conducts child abuse
prevention and parenting workshops internationally. He's the author of two
books, published the landmark children's personal safety picture book "Let's
Stay Safe!" which has been adapted into Yiddish and Hebrew, and produced and
published the Bright Beginnings Chumash and Gemara Workbooks which help
children acquire Judaic Studies and language skills easily and effectively.
Rabbi Horowitz received the prestigious 2008 Covenant Award in recognition
of his contribution to Jewish education.


Rabbi Aaron Spivak has spent nearly two decades in the field of Jewish
education mostly as fifth-grade rebbe at Yeshiva Darchei Noam in Monsey, NY.
In this role, he developed a reputation for fostering caring relationships
with his students which imbued them with enthusiasm for learning and
Judaism. Rabbi Spivak is also well known for his innovative methods and
foundational approach to beginning gemara which has given his hundreds of
students the fundamental skills necessary to begin a successful life of
gemara learning. He has presented his approach at national conferences and
is the author of the Bright Beginnings Hascholas Gemara Workbook series.
Rabbi Spivak earned his MA in Mental Health Counseling from Long Island
University. He currently lives in Monsey, NY with his family where he
continues to write his revolutionary gemara workbooks, mentors and guides
young Rabbis, and serves as staff therapist at the Center for Applied


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