Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Top Level -

2008-09-02 Thread Adrian Hey

Ganesh Sittampalam wrote:
You see this as a requirement that can be discharged by adding the ACIO 
concept; I see it as a requirement that should be communicated in the type.

Another way of looking at it is that Data.Unique has associated with it 
some context in which Unique values are safely comparable. You want that 
context to always be the top-level/RTS scope, I would like the defining 
that context to be part of the API.

But why pick on Data.Unique as special? Because I just happened to have
pointed out it uses a global variable? If you didn't know this I
suspect this issue just wouldn't be an issue at all. Why haven't you
raised a ticket complaining about it's API having the wrong type
sigs? :-)

There's shed loads of information and semantic subtleties about pretty
much any operation you care to think of in the IO monad that isn't
communicated by it's type. All you know for sure is that it's weird,
because if it wasn't it wouldn't be in the IO monad.

So I think you're applying double standards.

We have to have something concrete to discuss and this is the simplest.
Like I said there are a dozen or so other examples in the base package
last time I counted

Would you mind listing them? It might help provide some clarity to the 

Here's what you can't find in the libs distributed with ghc. Note this
does not include all uses of unsafePerformIO. It only includes uses
to make a global variable.

Control.Concurrent   1
Control.OldException 1
Data.HashTable   1
Data.Unique  1
GHC.Conc 8
GHC.Handle   3
Language.Haskell.Syntax  1
System.Posix.Signals 2
System.Win32.Types   1
Network.BSD  1
Total:  23

In the ghc source you can find 16 uses of the GLOBAL_VAR macro (can't
imagine what that does :-).

I didn't even attempt to figure out how global variables might be the
rts source. Anyone care to hazard a guess?

You can find a few more in the extra libs..
Graphics.UI.GLUT.Callbacks.Registration  3
Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GLU.ErrorsInternal 1
Total:   5

A few more:
wxHaskell 6
c2hs  1
SDL   0 !!

However, I happen to know that SDL suffers from the initialisation
issue and IIRC it needs at least 1 global to stop user using an unsafe
(possibly segfault inducing) calling sequence.

Anyway, that's all from me because I'm bored with this thread now.

Adrian hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Top Level -

2008-09-02 Thread Adrian Hey

Sittampalam, Ganesh wrote:

Can't you write two recursive modules with - that depend on
each other, so that there's no valid initialisation order?

Contrived example follows:

module Module1 where

glob1 :: IORef Int
glob1 - mod2 = newIORef 

mod1 :: IO Int
mod1 = readIORef glob1

module Module2 where

glob2 :: IORef Int
glob2 - mod1 = newIORef 

mod2 :: IO Int
mod2 = readIORef glob2

Immediatly breaking my promise to shut up..

This is illegal because you're only allowed to use ACIO in top level -
bindings and readIORef isn't (and clearly could not be) ACIO.

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Top Level -

2008-09-01 Thread Adrian Hey

Ganesh Sittampalam wrote:
On Sun, 31 Aug 2008, Adrian Hey wrote: 

Eh? Please illustrate your point with Data.Unique. What requirements
does it place on it's context? (whatever that might mean :-)

It requires that its context initialises it precisely once.

It's context being main? If so this is true, but I don't see why this
is  a problem. It's a happy accident with the unsafePerformIO hack
as it is, and part of the defined semantics for *all* hypothetical
top level - bindings. Though to be more precise, the requirement
is that it may be initialised at any time prior to first use, but
never again (there's no requirement to initialise it at all if
it isn't used). Also ACIO monad properties guarantee that it's
always initialised to the same value regardless of when this occurs.
So I don't see the problem.

Data.Unique is actually a poor example, as it is actually fine to 
initialise it multiple times as long as the resulting Unique values 
aren't treated as coming from the same datatype.

I just don't see what you're getting at. There's no problem here
and Data.Unique is not special. We don't even have to consider
whether or not it's OK to reinitialise these things unless the
programmer explicitly allows this in the API (which Data.Unique
doesn't). This is true for all top level - bindings.

myCount :: MVar Int
myCount - newMVar 0

In a hypothetical second initialisation, do you mean..
1 - myCount somehow gets rebound to a different/new MVar
2 - The binding stays the same but MVar gets reset to 0 without
this being explicitly done in the code.

I assume you mean the latter (2). But either case seems like an
absurdity to me. No top level bindings randomly change halfway
through a program and MVars (I hope) are not prone to random
corruption (no need to suppose things are any different if they
occur at the top level).

But equally it can be 
implemented with IORefs,

Actually it couldn't as IORefs are not an Ord instance.

so it's not a good advert for the need for 
global variables.

Oh please!

We have to have something concrete to discuss and this is the simplest.
Like I said there are a dozen or so other examples in the base package
last time I counted and plenty of people have found that other libs/ffi
bindings need them for safety reasons. Or at least they need something
that has global main/process scope and so far the unsafePerformIO hack
is the only known way to get that and still keep APIs stable,sane and

Also, AFAICS going the way that seems to be suggested of having all this
stuff reflected in the arguments/types of API is going to make it
practically impossible to have platform independent APIs if all platform
specific implementation detail has to be accounted for in this way.

The real irony of your remark is that making APIs this robust is
practically impossible *without* using global variables, and you're
now saying that because they've done this work to eliminate these
constraints they now have to be held to account for this with
an absurd API.

I think there are two cases to consider here.

A Data.Unique style library, which requires genuinely *internal* state, 
and which is agnostic to having multiple copies of itself loaded 
simultaneously. In that case, there is no requirement for a 
process-level scope for -, just that each instance of the library is 
only initialised once - the RTS can do this, as can any dynamic loader.

The other is some library that really cannot be safely loaded multiple 
times, because it depends on some lower-level shared resource. Such a 
library simply cannot be made safe without cooperation from the thing 
that controls that shared resource, because you cannot prevent a second 
copy of it being loaded by something you have no control over.

If the - proposal were only about supporting the first of these 
applications, I would have far fewer objections to it. But it would have 
nothing to do with process-level scope, then.

The - proposal introduces no new problems that aren't already with us.
It solves 1 problem in that at least there's no room for the compiler to
get it wrong or for people do use dangerous things when using the
unsafePerformIO hack. I think that is really the only problem that can
be solved at the level of Haskell language definition.

I also think we need to be careful about the use of the term process.

IMO when we say the process defined by main, we are talking about an
abstract process that is essentially defined by Haskell and may have
nothing in common with a process as defined by various OS's (assuming
there's an OS involved at all). Perhaps we should try be more clear and
say Haskell process or OS process as appropriate. In particular
when we say an MVar or IORef has global process scope (whether or
not it occurs at top level) we are talking about a Haskell process,
not an OS process.

The issues you raise seem to me to be more to do with correct
implementaton on various platforms using various tools

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Top Level -

2008-09-01 Thread Adrian Hey

Adrian Hey wrote:

We have to have something concrete to discuss and this is the simplest.
Like I said there are a dozen or so other examples in the base package
last time I counted and plenty of people have found that other libs/ffi
bindings need them for safety reasons. Or at least they need something
that has global main/process scope and so far the unsafePerformIO hack
is the only known way to get that and still keep APIs stable,sane and

Actually all this use of the tainted and derogatory term global
variable is causing me to be imprecise. All MVars/IORefs have global 
main/process scope whether or not they're bound to something at the

top level.

The purpose of the top level static binding is to prevent accidental
or malicious state spoofing if it's important that the *same*
IORef/MVar is always used for some purpose.

Adrian Hey
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Top Level -

2008-08-31 Thread Adrian Hey

Dan Doel wrote:

Here's a first pass:

-- snip --

{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}

module Unique where

import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Trans

import Control.Concurrent.MVar

-- Give Uniques a phantom region parameter, so that you can't accidentally
-- compare Uniques from two different uniqueness sources.
newtype Unique r = Unique Integer deriving Eq

newtype U r a = U { unU :: ReaderT (MVar Integer) IO a }
  deriving (Functor, Monad, MonadIO)

-- Higher rank type for region consistency
runU :: (forall r. U r a) - IO a
runU m = newMVar 0 = runReaderT (unU m)

newUnique :: U r (Unique r)
newUnique = U (do source - ask
  val - lift $ takeMVar source
  let next = val + 1
  lift $ putMVar source next
  return $ Unique next)

-- hashUnique omitted

-- snip --

It's possible that multiple unique sources can exist in a program with this 
implementation, but because of the region parameter, the fact that a Unique 
may not be globally unique shouldn't be a problem. If your whole program 
needs arbitrary access to unique values, then I suppose something like:

main = runU realMain

realMain :: U r ()
realMain = ...

is in order.

Insert standard complaints about this implementation requiring liftIO all over 
the place if you actually want to do other I/O stuff inside the U monad.

Well that wouldn't be my main complaint :-)

Thanks for taking the time to do this Dan. I think the safety
requirement has been met, but I think it fails on the improved API.
The main complaint would be what I see as loss of modularity, in that
somehow what should be a small irrelevant detail of the implementation
of some obscure module somewhere has propogated it's way all the way
upto main.

This is something it seems to have in common with all other attempts
I've seen to solve the global variable problem without actually using know what :-) It doesn't matter whether it's explicit state
handle args, withWhateverDo wrappers, novel monads or what. They
all have this effect.

To me this seems completely at odds with what I thought was generally
accepted wisdom of how to write good maintainable, modular software.
Namely hiding as much implemention detail possible and keeping APIs
as simple and stable as they can be. I don't know if I'm alone in
that view nowadays.

I'm also not sure I understand why so many people seem to feel that
stateful effects must be accounted for somehow in the args and/or
types of the effecting function. Like if I had..

getThing :: IO Thing an FFI binding, nobody would give it a moments thought. They'd
see it from it's type that it had some mysterious world state
dependent/effecting behaviour, but would be quite happy to just
accept that the didn't really need to worry about all that magic...
instead they'd accept that it just works.

Why then, if I want to implement precisely the same thing in Haskell
(using a global variable) does it suddenly become so important for
this stateful magic to be accounted for? Like the presence of that
global variable must be made so very painfully apparent in main
(and everywhere else on the dependency path too I guess).

In short, I just don't get it :-)

Purists aren't going to like it, but I think folk *will* be using real
global variables in I/O libs for the forseeable future. Seems a shame
that they'll have to do this with unsafePerformIO hack though :-(

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Top Level -

2008-08-31 Thread Adrian Hey

Ganesh Sittampalam wrote:

On Sun, 31 Aug 2008, Adrian Hey wrote:

Thanks for taking the time to do this Dan. I think the safety 
requirement has been met, but I think it fails on the improved API. 
The main complaint would be what I see as loss of modularity, in that 
somehow what should be a small irrelevant detail of the implementation 
of some obscure module somewhere has propogated it's way all the way 
upto main.

That's the key point, as I see it - they aren't irrelevant details of 
the implementation, they are requirements the implementation places on 
its context in order for that implementation to be correct. So they 
should be communicated appropriately.

Eh? Please illustrate your point with Data.Unique. What requirements
does it place on it's context? (whatever that might mean :-)

It just does what it says on the tin AFAICS. There are no requirements
it places on clients (to use an OO term), as should any halfway
decent API IMO.

To me this seems completely at odds with what I thought was generally
accepted wisdom of how to write good maintainable, modular software.
Namely hiding as much implemention detail possible and keeping APIs
as simple and stable as they can be. I don't know if I'm alone in
that view nowadays.

It's no problem to hide implementation detail, but I don't think you 
should hide the *requirement* of the implementation that it has 
constraints on how it is called, namely that it requires once-only 
initialisation or whatever.

No decent API should require this. Data.Unique certainly doesn't.
In fact is debatable whether any API should requre an initalisation
call at all before other stuff should be called (the other stuff
check initialisation has occured and do it itself if necessary).

The real irony of your remark is that making APIs this robust is
practically impossible *without* using global variables, and you're
now saying that because they've done this work to eliminate these
constraints they now have to be held to account for this with
an absurd API.

Seems like a clear case of no good deed going unpunished :-)

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Top Level -

2008-08-30 Thread Adrian Hey

Ganesh Sittampalam wrote:
How do the implementers of Data.Unique know that they musn't let them be 

Because if you could take a String and convert it to a Unique there
would be no guarantee that result was *unique*.

What stops the same rule from applying to Data.Random?

Well the only data type defined by this is StdGen, which is a Read/Show
instance. I guess there's no semantic problem with that (can't think of
one off hand myself).

Also what if I want a thread-local variable?

Well actually I would say that threads are bad concurrency model so
I'm not keen on thread local state at all. Mainly because I'd like to
get rid of threads, but also a few other doubts even if we keep

Even if you don't like them, people still use them.

AFAICS this is irrelvant for the present discussions as Haskell doesn't
support thread local variable thingies. If it ever does being precise
about that is someone elses problem.

The fact that your proposal isn't general enough to handle them is a 
mark against it; standardised language features should be widely 
applicable, and as orthogonal as possible to other considerations.

I think the whole thread local state thing is a complete red herring.

I've never seen a convincing use case for it and I suspect the only
reason these to issues have become linked is that some folk are so
convinced that global variables are evil, they mistakenly think
thread local variables must be less evil (because they are less

Anyway, if you understand the reasons why all the real world libraries
that do currently use global variables do this, it's not hard to see
why they don't want this to be thread local (it would break all the
safety properties they're trying to ensure). So whatever problem thread
local variables might solve, it isn't this one.

For the time being the scope of IORefs/MVars/Chans is (and should 
remain) whatever process is described by main (whether or not they 
appear at top level).

And if main isn't the entry point? This comes back to my questions about 
dynamic loading.

Well you're talking about some non-standard Haskell, so with this and
other non standard stuff (like plugins etc) I guess the answer is
it's up to whoever's doing this to make sure they do it right. I
can't comment further as I don't know what it is they're trying
to do, but AFAICS it's not a language design issue at present.

If plugins breaks is down to plugins to fix itself, at least until such
time as a suitable formal theory of plugins has been developed so
it can become standard Haskell :-)

(I.E. Just making existing practice *safe*, at least in the sense 
that the compiler ain't gonna fcuk it up with INLINING or CSE and 
every one understands what is and isn't safe in ACIO)

Creating new language features means defining their semantics rather 
more clearly than just no inlining or cse, IMO.

I wouldn't even know how to go about that to the satisfaction of
purists. But global variables *are* being used whether or not the top
level - bindings are implemented. They're in the standard libraries!

So if this stuff matters someone had better figure it out :-)

It's a hack that isn't robust in many situations. We should find better 
ways to do it, not standardise it.

Nobody's talking about standardising the current hack. This the whole
point of the top level - proposal, which JM seems to think is sound
enough for incorporation into JHC (correctly IMO). Nobody's found
fault with it, other than the usual global variables are evil mantra

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Top Level -

2008-08-30 Thread Adrian Hey

Ganesh Sittampalam wrote:

On Sat, 30 Aug 2008, Adrian Hey wrote:

Because if you could take a String and convert it to a Unique there
would be no guarantee that result was *unique*.

Well, yes, but if I implemented a library in standard Haskell it would 
always be safely serialisable/deserialisable (I think). So the global 
variables hack somehow destroys that property - how do I work out why it 
does in some cases but not others?

This has nothing to do with the use of global variables. If you have
a set of values that are guaranteed to be distinct (unique) and you
add another random/arbitrary value to that set you have no way of
knowing that it is different from any current member (other than
searching the entire set, assuming it's available).

Well, I've never seen a convincing use case for global variables :-)

Well apart from all the libs that couldn't be implemented with them...

reason these to issues have become linked is that some folk are so
convinced that global variables are evil, they mistakenly think
thread local variables must be less evil (because they are less

I don't think they're less evil, just that you might want them for the 
same sorts of reasons you might want global variables.

Global variables are needed to ensure important safety properties,
but the only reasons I've seen people give for thread local variables
is that explicit state threading is just so tiresome and ugly. Well
that may be (wouldn't disagree), but I'm not aware of any library
that simply couldn't be implemented without them.

If plugins breaks is down to plugins to fix itself, at least until 
such time as a suitable formal theory of plugins has been developed so 
it can become standard Haskell :-)

Dynamic loading and plugins work fine with standard Haskell now, because 
nothing in standard Haskell breaks them. The - proposal might well 
break them, which is a significant downside for it.

I don't see how, but if so - bindings are not the cause of the
brokeness. They'd still be broken using the unsafePerformIO hack.

In general, the 
smaller the world that the Haskell standard lives in, the less it can 
interfere with other concerns. - massively increases that world, by 
introducing the concept of a process scope.

All IORefs,MVars,Chans scope across the entire process defined by main.
Or at least they *should*, if they don't then something is already
badly wrong somewhere. This has nothing to do with whether or not they
appear at top level. This is what an IORef/MVar whatever is defined to

It's a hack that isn't robust in many situations. We should find 
better ways to do it, not standardise it.

Nobody's talking about standardising the current hack. This the whole
point of the top level - proposal,

It just amounts to giving the current hack some nicer syntax and stating 
some rules under which it can be used.

No, the unsafePerformIO hack is a hack because it's *unsound*. The
compiler doesn't know how to translate this into code that does
what the programmer intended. Fortunately ghc at least does have
a couple of flags that give the intended result (we hope).

The new binding syntax is nicer, but it's real purpose is to leave the
compiler no wriggle room when interpreting the programmers intent.

But then again, I'm sure that some that will be adamant that any way
of making global variables is a hack. But they'll still be happy
to go on using file IO, sockets etc regardless, blissfully unaware
of the hacks they are dependent on :-)

Those rules aren't actually 
strong enough to provide a guarantee of process level scope.

The rules for - bindings shouldn't have to guarantee this.
This should be guaranteed by newMVar returning a new *MVar*, wherever
it's used (for example).

which JM seems to think is sound enough for incorporation into JHC 
(correctly IMO). Nobody's found fault with it, other than the usual 
global variables are evil mantra :-)

Several people have found faults with it, you've just ignored or 
dismissed them. No doubt from your perspective the faults are irrelevant 
or untrue, but that's not my perspective.

I mean semantic faults, as in the proposal just doesn't do what it
promises for some subtle reason. If you consider not giving you thread
local variables a fault I guess you're entitled to that view, but this
was never the intent of the proposal in the first place (that's not
what people are trying to do when they use the unsafePerformIO hack).

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Top Level -

2008-08-30 Thread Adrian Hey

Adrian Hey wrote:

Global variables are needed to ensure important safety properties,
but the only reasons I've seen people give for thread local variables
is that explicit state threading is just so tiresome and ugly. Well
that may be (wouldn't disagree), but I'm not aware of any library
that simply couldn't be implemented without them.

I thought I ought to say a bit more about my unkind and hasty
words re. thread local variables. This is discussed from time to
time and there's a wiki page here sumarising proposals...

One thing that worries me is that nobody seems to know what problem
thread local storage is solving, hence diversity of proposals. I'm
also a struggling to see why we need it, but I don't have any passionate
objections to it either.

Unfortunately for those of us that want a solution to the global
variables problem the two issues seem have been linked as being the
part of same problem, so while there's all this uncertainty about what
thread local variables are actually going to be used for and what they
should look like the (IMO) much simpler global variables
problem/solution is in limbo. This has been going on 4 or 5 years now

But the global variables problem is really much simpler. All we
want is something that does exactly what the unsafePerformIO hack
currently does (assuming flag/pragma hackery does the trick), but
does it reliably. (IMO, YMMV..)

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Top Level -

2008-08-29 Thread Adrian Hey

Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:

On 2008 Aug 28, at 20:45, Adrian Hey wrote:

Lennart Augustsson wrote:

If Haskell had always taken the pragmatic path of adding what seems
easiest and most in line with imperative practice it would not be the
language it is today.  It would be Perl, ML, or Java.
The Haskell philosophy has always been to stick it out until someone
comes up with the right solution to a problem rather than picking some
easy way out.

BTW, unsafePerformIO seems quite pragmatic and easy to me, so let's
not get too snobby about this. (Sorry, I couldn't resist.)

It's anything but easy; there are specific rules you need to follow, 
including use of certain compiler pragmas, to insure it works properly.

Yes, of course. The worst thing about all this is that the single most
common use case AFAICS (the one under discussion) isn't even a safe
use. Just pointing out that this pseudo function is certainly not
something one would expect from an organisation as dedicated to the
persuit of perfection as Lennart would have us believe. It's an
expedient hack. Not that I wish to seem ungrateful or anything :-)

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Top Level -

2008-08-29 Thread Adrian Hey

Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:

On 2008 Aug 29, at 4:22, Adrian Hey wrote:

Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:

On 2008 Aug 28, at 20:45, Adrian Hey wrote:

Lennart Augustsson wrote:

If Haskell had always taken the pragmatic path of adding what seems
easiest and most in line with imperative practice it would not be the
language it is today.  It would be Perl, ML, or Java.
The Haskell philosophy has always been to stick it out until someone
comes up with the right solution to a problem rather than picking some
easy way out.

BTW, unsafePerformIO seems quite pragmatic and easy to me, so let's
not get too snobby about this. (Sorry, I couldn't resist.)
It's anything but easy; there are specific rules you need to follow, 
including use of certain compiler pragmas, to insure it works properly.

Yes, of course. The worst thing about all this is that the single most
common use case AFAICS (the one under discussion) isn't even a safe
use. Just pointing out that this pseudo function is certainly not
something one would expect from an organisation as dedicated to the
persuit of perfection as Lennart would have us believe. It's an
expedient hack. Not that I wish to seem ungrateful or anything :-)

...but, as he noted, we *do* that until we find the right way to do it.

So what's the problem with doing it *safely*, that is at least until
someone has found the mythic right way to do it.

Not that anybody has ever been able to offer any rational explanation
of what's *wrong* with the current proposed solution AFAICS.

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Top Level -

2008-08-29 Thread Adrian Hey

Ganesh Sittampalam wrote:
Will Data.Unique still work properly if a value is sent across a RPC 

A value of type Unique you mean? This isn't possible. Data.Unique has
been designed so cannot be Shown/Read or otherwise
serialised/deserialised (for obvious reasons I guess).

Also what if I want a thread-local variable?

Well actually I would say that threads are bad concurrency model so
I'm not keen on thread local state at all. Mainly because I'd like to
get rid of threads, but also a few other doubts even if we keep

Even if you don't like them, people still use them.

AFAICS this is irrelvant for the present discussions as Haskell doesn't
support thread local variable thingies. If it ever does being precise
about that is someone elses problem. For the time being the scope
of IORefs/MVars/Chans is (and should remain) whatever process is
described by main (whether or not they appear at top level).

(I.E. Just making existing practice *safe*, at least in the sense that 
the compiler ain't gonna fcuk it up with INLINING or CSE and every one 
understands what is and isn't safe in ACIO)

Creating new language features means defining their semantics rather 
more clearly than just no inlining or cse, IMO.

I wouldn't even know how to go about that to the satisfaction of
purists. But global variables *are* being used whether or not the top
level - bindings are implemented. They're in the standard libraries!

So if this stuff matters someone had better figure it out :-)

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Top Level -

2008-08-29 Thread Adrian Hey

Bryan O'Sullivan wrote:

I haven't seen a coherent description of
what the semantics of top-level - should be, but avoidance of
widespread swearing would be at the top of my list of requirements.

Don't the ACIO monad properties satisfy you?

Anyway, as I pointed out in my last post, if this is a problem
with top level - ACIO monad bindings it's still going to be
a problem (probably much worse) with unsafePerformIO hack IO
monad bindings.

This problem isn't just going to go away, no matter how long
it's ignored :-)

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Top Level -

2008-08-28 Thread Adrian Hey

Jonathan Cast wrote:

On Wed, 2008-08-27 at 11:53 +0100, Adrian Hey wrote:

John Meacham wrote:

As with all design decisions, it is sometimes the right thing and
sometimes the wrong one. And sometimes the most expedient. (which,
occasionally, is a perfectly valid driving force behind a certain bit of
coding). However, I am fully convinced it is necessary. You don't even
have to look further than Haskell 98 to find a use in the Random module,
and Data.Unique _depends_ on the state being global for correctness.

..and of course there's stdin, stdout. That takes some explaining.

Not really.  If you don't have buffered IO, then you just say

stdin = 0
stdout = 1
stderr = 2

nonStdout = 42?

I'm afraid I have no idea what your point is :-(

I tried it anyway and doesn't seem to work, but that ain't so surprising
as Handles aren't Nums.

What needs explaining IMO is that we appear to have global Handles
exported at the top level from System.IO, but no way for users to write
their own modules that do the same for nonStdout, or even to implement
getNonStdout. I think that's pretty weird and inconsistent.

But perhaps you could show me how to do it with some real Haskell :-)

If you need buffered IO, you just change your IO monad* to look like:

newtype NewIO alpha = NewIO (ReaderT (Map Fd Buffer) OldIO alpha)

Of course, if you do this, you can't go mixing IO with unique values
with RNG with mutable state with everything else under the sun anymore.
You might actually have to declare exactly what effects you need when
you give your function's type, now.  Clearly, a horror we must avoid at
all costs.

Indeed. If anyone thinks that's the way to go maybe Clean would be of
some interest. IMHO Cleans treatment of IO and concurrency is just about
the worst thing in an otherwise pretty decent language :-(

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Top Level -

2008-08-28 Thread Adrian Hey

Lennart Augustsson wrote:
 I don't don't think global variables should be banned, I just think
 they should be severly discouraged.

If you're saying a language should not provide a sound way to do
this (as I believe you are), then AFAICT for all practical purposes
you *are* saying you think global variables should be banned.

Where are we going to be if the unsafePerformIO hack ever becomes
*really* unsafe?


I'm certain you can write a kernel in Haskell where the only use of
global variables is those that hardware interfacing forces you to use.

But what you haven't explained is why this is even desirable? I don't
doubt it's true in an academic sense if you don't mind sacrificing
safety and modularity. Why wasn't this done in the (presumably) much
simpler case of the Haskell base libs? No hardware constraints there.

There are plenty situations where it makes no semantic sense to allow
2 or more or some thing. A list of all active processes for example.

Why would I ever want 2 or more lists of all active processes? I think
I'd just be setting myself up for trouble and heartache by even allowing
such a possibility.

Now I could get the safety I need by wrapping all this stuff up in my
own custom augmented IO monad right at the start of main. But this
solution still lacks modularity. The top level - bindings are just
a modular and extensible way to achieve the same thing AFAICS
(augmenting real world state with my own custom state).

Adrian Hey
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Top Level -

2008-08-28 Thread Adrian Hey

Johannes Waldmann wrote:

Adrian Hey wrote:

There are plenty situations where it makes no semantic sense to allow
2 or more or some thing. A list of all active processes for example.

all referring to what scope? perhaps there occurs a situation
with several process (thread) pools, severals cores etc.

Seeing as we're talking about an OS kernel I guess the scope would
be all processes active on the (possibly virtual) machine being
managed by the OS.

But it really doesn't matter what the scope is. All is the key
word here.

See also singleton considered harmful, there are similar arguments:

Following the arguments made against the singleton pattern over the
years leads me to conclude there are 2 distinct camps.

Applications programmers who consider it bad because it's way of
making global variables and we all know how bad they are, right?
Typically these folk appear to have no clue about how the underlying
IO library, framework and OS infrastructure they are dependent on
*actually works*.

System programmers who recognise the need for singletons but regard
being forced to use the singleton pattern hack as language design

The situation seems similar with us. The unsafePerformIO hack is
just terrible (especially for a language like Haskell), but why
is it being used so often? Is it incompetance of library writers
or a language design defect?

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Top Level -

2008-08-28 Thread Adrian Hey

Jonathan Cast wrote:

On Thu, 2008-08-28 at 10:00 +0100, Adrian Hey wrote:

Lennart Augustsson wrote:
  I don't don't think global variables should be banned, I just think
  they should be severly discouraged.

If you're saying a language should not provide a sound way to do
this (as I believe you are), then AFAICT for all practical purposes
you *are* saying you think global variables should be banned.

Where are we going to be if the unsafePerformIO hack ever becomes
*really* unsafe?


I'm certain you can write a kernel in Haskell where the only use of
global variables is those that hardware interfacing forces you to use.

But what you haven't explained is why this is even desirable? I don't
doubt it's true in an academic sense if you don't mind sacrificing

What `safety' is being sacrificed?

and modularity.

What modularity?

As I've pointed out several times already you can find simple examples
in the standard haskell libs. So far nobody has accepted my challenge to
re-implement any of these competantly (I.E. avoiding the use of global

Why don't you try it with Data.Unique and find out :-)

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Top Level -

2008-08-28 Thread Adrian Hey

Lennart Augustsson wrote:

I don't think anyone has claimed that any interface can be implemented
without globals.
Of course some can't (just pick an interface that is the specification
of a global variable).

I said in the original challenge even I'd let you (anyone) change the
interface if you could provide a sensible explanation of why the
new interface was better, safer, more convenient or whatever.

What I (and others) claims is that such interfaces are bad.  Using a
global variable makes an assumption that there's only ever going to be
one of something,

It's not an assumption, any more than I always want 1*N to yield N is
an assumption.

It's a fundamental property I absolutely want to guarantee. By far the
simplest way to do this is simply not to expose a newWhatever
constructor in my API. If I expose anything it should be Whatever itself
or getWatever, neither of which is possible if Whatever contains MVars,
Chans and the like.

What's more, there seems to be no good *semantic* reason why this should
not be possible. The only objections seem dogmatic to me.

and that's just an inflexible assumption to make.

You think global variables are essential, I think they are a sign of
bad design.  So we have different opinions and neither one of us is
going to convince the other.

You might stand some chance of convincing me by showing a better
design :-)

Dan seems to have had a reasonable go at 1 of them. I'm not sure
passes the improved interface test but I'll think about it. But
there are quite a few left.

There's the Hughes paper too of course, using implicit parameters
(a highly dubious language feature IMO).

But even if someone does produce an entirely unsafePerformIO hack
free set of standard libs, I have to ask why jump through all these
hoops? There's no semantic difficulty with the proposed language
extension, and it should be very simple to implement (John seems
to have done it already).

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Top Level -

2008-08-28 Thread Adrian Hey

Ganesh Sittampalam wrote:

On Thu, 28 Aug 2008, Adrian Hey wrote:

implicit parameters (a highly dubious language feature IMO).

How can you say that with a straight face at the same time as advocating 
global variables? :-)

Quite easily, what's the problem? IORefs, Chans etc are perfectly
ordinary values. Why should they not exist at the top level?

The global variable lives in the world, not the IORef. The
IORef is just a reference, no different from filepaths in principle
(and if having them at the top level is also evil then making this
so easy and not screaming about it seems a little inconsistent to me).

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Top Level -

2008-08-28 Thread Adrian Hey

Jonathan Cast wrote:

This has been answered repeatedly, at least implicitly.  Unless you
insist that getWhatever should live in the IO monad and have no
functional arguments (why?), there is no reason why this should be

What's more, there seems to be no good *semantic* reason why this should
not be possible. The only objections seem dogmatic to me.

I haven't seen you give a non-dogmatic reason for wanting global
variables yet, either.

You consider real examples from real *standard* libs that we're all 
using (and presumably not written by clueless hackers such as myself)

to be dogmatic? I would call that pragmatic myself. These are the
standard libs after all. Shouldn't we expect them to be the perfect
examples of how to do things rite?

But even if someone does produce an entirely unsafePerformIO hack
free set of standard libs, I have to ask why jump through all these

To improve the APIs available?

There's nothing wrong with the APIs as they are as far as I am
concerned. It's their implemenation that's the problem.

 You're advocating an extension to a
*purely functional programming language*.

So? What's being proposed doesn't compromise referential transparency
(at least no more that the IO monad already does, as some might argue).

There's no semantic difficulty with the proposed language

Although I've noticed it's grossly under-powered compared to what's
needed to implement stdin the way you want to.

Can't recall expressing any opinion about how stdin should be
implemented so I don't know what your on about here.

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Top Level -

2008-08-28 Thread Adrian Hey

Ganesh Sittampalam wrote:

On Thu, 28 Aug 2008, Adrian Hey wrote:

There's no semantic difficulty with the proposed language extension,

How does it behave in the presence of dynamic loading?

To answer this you need to be precise about the semantics of what
is being dynamically loaded. But this is too complex an issue
for me to get in to right now. Actually as far as things like
hs-plugins are concerned I'd alway meant one day what exactly
a plugin is, semantically. But as I've never had cause to use
them so never got round to it. Like is it a value, or does it
have state and identity or what?

What about remote procedure calls?

Dunno, what problem do you anticipate?

Also what if I want a thread-local variable?

Well actually I would say that threads are bad concurrency model so
I'm not keen on thread local state at all. Mainly because I'd like to
get rid of threads, but also a few other doubts even if we keep

Yes, I'm no big fan of the IO monad (or any other monad in fact) and
IORefs and all that (all smacks of putting a purely function veneer on
good ol fashioned procedural programming to me). But we are where we are
and this isn't going to change any time soon. Just trying to fix what
seem like obvious problems with Haskells current IO without doing
anything too radical and unproven. (I.E. Just making existing practice
*safe*, at least in the sense that the compiler ain't gonna fcuk it up
with INLINING or CSE and every one understands what is and isn't safe
in ACIO)

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Top Level -

2008-08-28 Thread Adrian Hey

Lennart Augustsson wrote:

The Haskell philosophy has always been to stick it out until someone
comes up with the right solution to a problem rather than picking some
easy way out.

I understood from your previous remarks that you regarded this as a
non-problem even in C. There's no justification for using them, at
least if you have clean slate priveleges (no legacy issues).

That kind of implies to me that we (or at least you) already have the
right solution. What is it and why can't we use it right now in Haskell?
(Again assuming we have clean slate and no legacy issues). Or can we..

So I'd rather keep global variables being eye sores (as
they are now) to remind us to keep looking for a nice way.

Are you looking? I can't even figure out from your posts if you're even
prepared to admit that there *is* a problem, other than there being so
many people in the world who can't write proper code, in Haskell or C

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Top Level -

2008-08-28 Thread Adrian Hey

Lennart Augustsson wrote:

If Haskell had always taken the pragmatic path of adding what seems
easiest and most in line with imperative practice it would not be the
language it is today.  It would be Perl, ML, or Java.
The Haskell philosophy has always been to stick it out until someone
comes up with the right solution to a problem rather than picking some
easy way out.

BTW, unsafePerformIO seems quite pragmatic and easy to me, so let's
not get too snobby about this. (Sorry, I couldn't resist.)

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Top Level -

2008-08-27 Thread Adrian Hey

Lennart Augustsson wrote:

BTW, I'm not contradicting that the use of global variables can be
necessary when interfacing with legacy code, I just don't think it's
the right design when doing something new.

AFAICS the use of top level mutable state in the base libs has nothing
at all to do with interfacing with legacy code, it's a semantic
necessity and there's no legacy code involved.

If you want to dispute that then please show some real Haskell code that
does as good or better job without it (or point me too the relevant
legacy code that makes it necessary).

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Top Level -

2008-08-27 Thread Adrian Hey

Lennart Augustsson wrote:

I told you where to look at code.  It's C code, mind you, but written
in a decent way.
No well written device driver ever accesses memory or IO ports
directly, doing so would seriously hamper portability.

Well something must be accessing both. Dunno what you mean by directly
I take it you must mean that the driver does not make use of global
variables or baked in port addresses in it's source code.

Instead you use an abstraction layer to access to hardware, and the
driver gets passed a bus (whatever that might be) access token (akin
to a capability).

I know you're not going to be convinced, so I won't even try. :)

I have actually spent the last 20 years or so writing both non-hosted
and hosted device drivers for a few OS's. I'm perfectly convinced about
the truth of what you say, but not at all convinced about the relevance.

It's a red herring IMO as you've introduced a very complex and
mysterious black box that itself cannot be implemented without making
use of global variables. You can find them easily enough in the Linux
kernel source. I'm sure they'll be there in NetBSD too (never looked

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Top Level -

2008-08-27 Thread Adrian Hey

Lennart Augustsson wrote:

I've also written quite a few hosted and non-hosted device drivers (in C).
None of them have any global variables.

The point is to be able to properly model, understand and if necessary
implement *entire systems* without using global variables (allegedly).

You can always define sub-system boundaries in such a way that you can
claim that this/that or the other sub-system, device driver or whatever
does not use global variables if you put the global variables
somewhere else and pass a reference to the sub-system concerned.
We could play that game with Data.Unique, for example.

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Top Level -

2008-08-27 Thread Adrian Hey

John Meacham wrote:

As with all design decisions, it is sometimes the right thing and
sometimes the wrong one. And sometimes the most expedient. (which,
occasionally, is a perfectly valid driving force behind a certain bit of
coding). However, I am fully convinced it is necessary. You don't even
have to look further than Haskell 98 to find a use in the Random module,
and Data.Unique _depends_ on the state being global for correctness.

..and of course there's stdin, stdout. That takes some explaining. Even
with the proposed ACIO and top level - bindings I still couldn't
implement a lib that exported a top level nonStdout handle. It'd have to
be a getNonStdout IO action.

Regarding the necessity of global variables, despite what I've been
saying it is of course possible to implement entire systems
(programs/processes or whatever main corresponds to) without them if
you don't mind explicitly creating all those micro states immediately
on entry to main and passing the references around.

But this is a highly unmodular, inconvenient, unsafe (because you must
expose and allow potentially uncontrained use of newWhateverMicroState
constuctors) and a general maintainance nightmare. Definitely not the
way to go IMO.

So it would be more accurate to say that IMO it's impossible to
implement many sane and inherently safe IO lib APIs without using
global variables. But people who prefer insane and inherently unsafe
APIs could live without them quite happily I guess :-)

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Top Level -

2008-08-27 Thread Adrian Hey

Ashley Yakeley wrote:

Adrian Hey wrote:

Maybe it would be safest to just say anything with a finaliser can't be
created at the top level.

Do you have an example of something that is correctly ACIO to create, 
but has a problematic finaliser?

Sorry for the delay in getting my attention. I've been looking at
my old ACIO code (which I've largely forgotten the details
of) and dug up the following snippet.

 -- * Weak pointers
 -- | All these functions require that finalisers (if any) are in the
 -- ACIO Monad.
 -- I'm not sure what such a finaliser can usefully do, but it can't be
 -- in the IO Monad and preserve ACIO Monad properties AFAICS.

I must admit I can't remember much about any of this, I just worked
my way through the IO libs trying to figure out which actions might
plausibly (if not usefully :-) be regarded as ACIO. There seemed to be
quite a lot at the end of the day.

I also added a few forkIO variants which force the forked thread
to block on certain things (empty MVar,Chan, QSem..) waiting for
some IO monad action to kick them into life.

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Top Level -

2008-08-27 Thread Adrian Hey

Judah Jacobson wrote:

I've been wondering: is there any benefit to having top-level ACIO'd
- instead of just using runOnce (or perhaps oneshot) as the
primitive for everything?  For example:

oneshot uniqueRef :: IO (MVar Integer)
uniqueRef = newMVar 0

I've been wondering about something like this too (in some way just have
a oneShot or runOnce and the *only* thing in ACIO as a magic primitive).

runOnce :: IO a - ACIO (IO a)

It would certainly simplify the ACIO monad :-), but I'm not sure it's
really as flexible. Provided newMVar can be ACIO then this can be
implemented directly (doesn't need to be a primitive). But we can't
go the other way round (use runOnce to create genuine top level MVars
or channels say).

Does that matter? Probably not for monadic IO code. It's not a huge
inconvenience to write..

 do ...
thing - getThing
foo thing

 do ...
foo thing -- thing is at top level

But for top level non monadic code/expressions/data structures I can
see a certain convenience in having thing as top level identifier
if possible, which it often won't be anyway I guess for other
reasons (like it's creation and initialisation requires real IO).

So I don't have any particularly strong opinion either way. In
practice if thing (or getThing) is to be exported then it
would probably be prudent to assume creation and initialisation
might require real IO at some point in the future even if they
don't right now, so you'd export getThing (= return thing) anyway,
rather then have an exported thing dissappear from the API at some

My 2p..

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Top Level -

2008-08-27 Thread Adrian Hey

Lennart Augustssom wrote:
Since at some point you have to interface with the hardware you are 
forced to obey whatever convention is used for interrupts etc. At that 
point you may very well have to use global variables. But you can 
quickly abstract away from that in stay in the safe land without globals.

BTW, did you notice that the non-hosted driver API example I put on the
wiki page doesn't use globals either :-) The two device handles are
at the top level (are globals as you would say), but the driver
code takes these as an argument so doesn't care if they're top
level or not.

If I don't have the device handles at the top level or some means to get
them from the top level then I have no alternative but to export
createDeviceHandle either directly to the user level API (really bad!)
or to some other bit of higher level system code that can be trusted not
to create 2 or more handles for the same device (and no handles for
non-existant devices). Let's assume it's that latter.

In the simple case where it is known at compile time that there are
exactly 2 devices in the system at known base addresses, can you explain
how the higher level bit of the system guarantees that user level
application code will only ever have access to 2 different device
handles in total (one for each device), no matter what?

How does it solve this problem in the more complex complex case where
hardware must be probed somehow to discover how many devices there
are and where they are?

All without using any global variables please. Also, assuming you
succeed, please explain what advantages or extra safety your solution
provides over a solution which does use global variables.

The obvious solution seems to be to have this code present this function
to the user level API..

getAvailableDeviceHandles :: IO [DeviceHandle]

Which shouldn't be hard to implement in either case, except for the fact
IO state getters can't be implemented at all without top level mutable
state or runOnce primitives or something like that (AFAICS).

newAvailableDeviceHandles perhaps? I guess that could come in handy
if the user code decides it doesn't like the old ones for some
reason :-)

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Top Level -

2008-08-26 Thread Adrian Hey

John Meacham wrote:

I forgot who came up with the original ACIO idea, but I'd give them
props in the manual if they wish.

I think this is based on Ian Starks message..

Yeah, this sounds like a great idea. there were a whole lot of issues
dealing with finalizers and concurrency, and restricting them in some
way similar to ACIO might be good... however, you want something a
little weaker than ACIO I think. it must satisfy the ACIO conditions,
but _may_ assume its argument (the item being collected) is never
referenced again. hence something like 'free' is okay which wouldn't be
if other references to the object exist. do you think that is 'formal'
enough of a description? seems clear enough if ACIO is well defined which I
think it is.

Yes, now I cast my mind back that was something that was troubling me.
Clearly the one thing you're most likely to want to do in a finaliser
is free some external resource, which certainly wouldn't be ACIO
ordinarily. But as you say, giving sane semantics and type safety
to finalisers is very tricky indeed.

I can't help thinking that semantically finaliser execution should be
treated like some kind of external event handling, like an interrupt.
Not sure what that should be properly, but I think finalisers should
be the same.

But from a top level aThing - someACIO point of view, if we're going to
say that it doesn't matter if someACIO is executed before main is
entered (possibly even at compile time) or on demand, then we clearly
don't want to observe any difference between the latter case and the
former (if aThing becomes garbage without ever being demanded).

Maybe it would be safest to just say anything with a finaliser can't be
created at the top level. We can always define an appropriate top level
get IO action using runOnce or whatever.

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Top Level -

2008-08-26 Thread Adrian Hey

I have a feeling this is going to be a very long thread so I'm trying
to go to Haskell cafe again (without mucking it up again).

Derek Elkins wrote:

Haskell should be moving -toward- a capability-like model, not away from

Could you show how to implement Data.Random or Data.Unique using such a
model, or any (preferably all) of the use cases identified can be
implemented? Like what about implementing the socket API starting with
nothing but primitives to peek/poke ethernet mac and dma controller

Why should Haskell should be moving -toward- a capability-like model and
why does top level - declarations take us away from it?

Adrian Hey
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Top Level -

2008-08-26 Thread Adrian Hey

Lennart Augustsson wrote:

Making a network stack from peek and poke is easy in a well structured OS.
The boot loader (or whatever) hands you the capability (call it
something else if you want) to do raw hardware access, and you build
from there.  If you look at well structured OSs like NetBSD, this is
pretty much how they work.  No hardware drivers use global variables.

So? We all know this is possible outside Haskell. But I don't want to
rely on mysterious black box OS's to hand me the capability any
more than I want to rely on mysterious extant but unimplementable libs
like Data.Unique. Most real world computing infrastructure uses no OS at
all. How could I use Haskell to implement such systems?

Also (to mis-quote Linus Torvalds) could you or anyone else who agrees
with you please SHOW ME THE CODE in *Haskell*! If scripture is all
that's on offer I'm just not going to take any of you seriously.

Frankly I'm tired of the patronising lectures that always acompany these
threads. It'd be good if someone who knows global variables are evil
could put their code where their mouth is for a change. Fixing up
the base libs to eliminate the dozen or so uses of the unsafePerformIO
hack might be a good place to start. I'll even let you change the API
of these libs if you must, provided you can give a sensible explanation
why the revised API is better, safer, more convenient or whatever.

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Top Level -

2008-08-25 Thread Adrian Hey

(Moving to Haskell cafe)

Edward Kmett wrote:

On Sun, Aug 24, 2008 at 7:12 PM, Ashley Yakeley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is there any interest in implementing a top level - to run monadic code?

This is actually implemented in jhc. See the 'top level actions' section of

Gosh! I was always quite impressed by Johns determination to write a
Haskell compiler and by his self discipline in resisting the temptation
to fix everything that was wrong with Haskell and keep to standards :-)

I implemented my own ACIO monad a while ago (which is of course quite
useless without top level - bindings) and it turned out that there
was quite a lot that could go in here.

The only problem seemed to be that some things that seemed perfectly
reasonable to create via ACIO had *IO* finalisers associated with them,
which didn't feel right to me. But if you think about how finalisers
get run I'm inclined to think we should insist that they are ACIO too.

Adrian Hey

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Top Level -

2008-08-25 Thread Adrian Hey

(Moving to Haskell cafe)

Edward Kmett wrote:

On Sun, Aug 24, 2008 at 7:12 PM, Ashley Yakeley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is there any interest in implementing a top level - to run monadic code?

This is actually implemented in jhc. See the 'top level actions' section of

Gosh! I was always quite impressed by Johns determination to write a
Haskell compiler and by his self discipline in resisting the temptation
to fix everything that was wrong with Haskell and keep to standards :-)

I implemented my own ACIO monad a while ago (which is of course quite
useless without top level - bindings) and it turned out that there
was quite a lot that could go in here.

The only problem seemed to be that some things that seemed perfectly
reasonable to create via ACIO had *IO* finalisers associated with them,
which didn't feel right to me. But if you think about how finalisers
get run I'm inclined to think we should insist that they are ACIO too.

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: poll: how can we help you contribute to darcs?

2008-08-06 Thread Adrian Hey

Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:

(Hm, I feel a blog rant coming on.)

I take it you mean as the perfect example of how to kill off interest in
your own project :-) I can't help thinking this was so obviously going
to happen that it must have been Davids intent at the time he wrote
that announcement. The only doubt I have is whether he was just in a
grumpy mood at the time and now regrets this, or whether he still feels
this way.

To answer the OP's question, when I first looked at darcs I was quite
enthusastic about it and did indeed consider hacking on it. But a few
hours browsing the source code made me realise I would never be able to
do this easily because of the lack of decent documentation of source. It
was literate haskell (which I dislike anyway) and the literate
commentation that I could see told me practically nothing about the code
I was actually looking at. Instead it was just the markup that would
eventually become the user guide (presumably). So as well as having no
useful documentation (for a would be contributor) I had make the extra
mental effort deliberately avoiding reading the distacting and utterly
irrelevant literate commentation clutter. It would have been easier if
there was no comments at all.

The net result was that I couldn't even figure out what the various
functions I was looking at were trying to do (and hence whether of not
they might be the source of the bug or performance bottleneck or
whatever). Put simply, (as someone else observed earlier) it seemed to
me like it was written and organised so as to be unmaintainable by
anyone other than David himself. That said, I think by normal the
standards of OS projects darcs *user* documentation is very good,
but for would be hackers this is not enough (decent source
documentation is needed too IMO).

I also think Neils idea of breaking darcs up from 1 monolithic prog
to a darcs lib suite is a good idea. This would give decent haddock
documentation for most of the code base and an easy way to have
multiple user interfaces (gui/web/command line based).

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Haskell on ARM (was Re: ANN: Topkata)

2008-06-28 Thread Adrian Hey

Hello Jeremy,

Jeremy Apthorp wrote:

Next year I'll be working on a project for my undergraduate computing
course at UNSW that will involve getting GHC to target the Nintendo
DS. It'll require cross-compilation, because the DS isn't powerful
enough to actually run GHC (4M main ram and a 66MHz processor). It'll
also require that I significantly strip down the runtime system, as
the current RTS won't fit in 4M and leave any left over for the main

Maybe one of these would help (running Linux) ..

It'd be good too have a native code generator support for ARM (not via
C). Many years ago I tinkered with implementing a lazy FPL on ARM (on my
Acorn Risc PC). I never even started the compiler but got a basic single
threaded RTS and mark-sweep-compact garbage collector up and running
(written in ARM assembler).

It wasn't really useable for real programs though as I had to write my
function definitions as comments and actually implement the graph
reduction code by hand in assembler :-)

But I remember the ARM instruction set had some really useful features
that made things like checking for stack-heap collision cheap and if you
got the register allocation right (which is not hard on the ARM) you
could construct the overwhelming majority of heap records using a single
STMIA instruction. Almost seemed like it's instruction set was
designed for efficient FPL implementation :-)

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Implementing ParseChart with Data.Map

2008-06-03 Thread Adrian Hey

Hello Krasimir,

Krasimir Angelov wrote:


I have to write ParseChart implementation with Data.Map/Set. The chart
is type like this:

type Chart k v = Map k (Set v)

now I need operation like:

insert :: k - v - Chart k v - Maybe (Chart k v)

where the result is (Just _) if the (k,v) is actually added to the
chart or Nothing if it was already there and nothing have to be done.
The straight forward implementation is:

case Map.lookup k chart of
  Nothing - Just (Map.insert k (Set.singleton v) chart)
  Just set | Set.member v set - Nothing
   | otherwise- Just (Map.insert k
(Set.insert v set) chart)

You can do this quite easily with the AVL library, something like this
(untested code)

import Data.Cordering
import Data.Tree.AVL

type Chart k v = AVL (k, AVL v)

insert :: (Ord k, Ord v) = k - v - Chart k v - Maybe (Chart k v)
insert k v tk =
  case genOpenPathWith cmpk tk of
  EmptyBP pthk- Just $! insertPath pthk (k, singleton v) tk
  FullBP  pthk tv -
   case genOpenPath (compare v) tv of
   EmptyBP pthv - let tv' = insertPath pthv v tv
   in tv' `seq` (Just $! writePath pthk (k, tv') tk)
   FullBP  _ _  - Nothing
 where cmpk (k',tv) = case compare k k' of
  LT - Lt
  EQ - Eq tv
  GT - Gt

..or something like that (maybe you don't want all that strictness)

The insertPath  writePath functions do involve a second traversal
but do not repeat all the comparisons. Also, provided not too much
has happened in between, they should be very fast as the nodes on
the path are probably still in cache. The important thing is that
in the case where Nothing is returned you'll have burned very little

Adrian Hey
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Trouble compiling collections-0.3 (from Hackage)

2008-04-28 Thread Adrian Hey

ccing Haskell Cafe in case anyone else is interested in my answer..

Bryan O'Sullivan wrote:

Adrian Hey wrote:

I don't think anyone is interested in working on this or maintaining
it, so it's probably best not to use it for new stuff.

If nobody has stepped up yet, I'll take it over.  It would be a shame to
see it bitrot.

I think the main problem is that the collections package contained a
number of different sub-projects that should really be separated out
(and indeed have been to some extent), as they were progressing at
rather different rates and it was never clear when would be a good time
to do a new release of collections as a whole, so it was never done.

There's the abstract collections class API's which were really what
Jean-Philippe Bernardy was working on. I'm not sure if he's still
interested in that so you'd better ask him. I think he's more interested
in Yi these days :-)

Then there's the AVL tree lib which has been put in hackage as a
separate package already. I kinda washed my hands of this too, but I
guess I'd better change my mind about that as if I don't maintain it
I don't think any one else will.

Then there's the relatively trivial AVL based Data.Set/Map clones which
aren't in hackage yet but I guess could be put there without too much

Then there's all the generalised trie stuff which has stalled for the
time being, at least until type families are available. You'll probably
see some more action on this in the summer as it's the subject of Jamie
Brandons GSoC project.

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] lookup tables style guidelines

2008-04-27 Thread Adrian Hey

Jan-Willem Maessen wrote:
Just to clarify: divide and conquer splits one tree on the root value of 
the other (possibly avoiding enforcing the balance metric until after 
joining trees, though not obvious how / if that's useful)?  The 
definition of divide and conquer on trees without a fixed structure is 
rather unclear, which is why the question comes up in the first place.

The Divide and conquer algorithm presented in the Adams paper treats
the two trees differently, depending on size. The algorithm used in
AVL lib doesn't do this, it treats them both the same. You split each
tree by the root of the other tree, then do the sub-unions on the
three resulting ranges, then join these using the 2 orignal roots as
bridging elements.

This seems to give better results, and also aesthetically (an important
consideration) seems more natural.

With AVL I don't think there's really anything to be gained by not
balancing intermediate trees as balancing costs practically nothing
and has obvious advantages.

Still it's not perfect. If the two trees are about the same size this
still seemed to cost about 20% more comparisons than a noddy list
merge union would. It's a big win over lists if there's a substantial
difference in tree sizes though (and a big win over Hedge in all
cases I think).

It would be nice if someone could do a good theoretical analysis of
the performance of these algorithms. I didn't because my maths wasn't
good enough. I just chose algorithms empirically to minimise
comparison counts (not execution times), which is the right thing to
do for polymorphic implementations.

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Trouble compiling collections-0.3 (from Hackage)

2008-04-27 Thread Adrian Hey

David F. Place wrote:
Thanks for the tip.  I edited the collections.cabal file to add 
bytestring to the Build-depends.  It also needed containers and 
array!  The build gave streams of warnings and finally failed, so I 
guess this library is not ready for use.

I don't think anyone is interested in working on this or maintaining
it, so it's probably best not to use it for new stuff.

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] lookup tables style guidelines

2008-04-26 Thread Adrian Hey

Jan-Willem Maessen wrote:

On Apr 24, 2008, at 11:33 AM, Adrian Hey wrote:

Also, if you're likely to be using union/intersection a lot you should
know that Data.Map/Set are very slow for this because they use the
not efficient hedge algorithm :-)

OK, I'm going to bite here: What's the efficient algorithm for union on 
balanced trees, given that hedge union was chosen as being more 
efficient than naive alternatives (split and merge, repeated 
insertion)?  My going hypothesis has been hedge union is an inefficient 
algorithm, except that it's better than all those other inefficient 

Divide and conquer seems to be the most efficient, though not the
algorithm presented in the Adams paper. Hedge algorithm performs many
more comparisons than are needed, which is obviously bad if you don't
know how expensive those comparisons are going to be. IIRC it was
something like 4..5 times as many of 2 sets of a million or so random

But even in favourable circumstances (tree elements are boxed Ints)
divide and conquer on AVL trees seemed much faster than Hedge on
Data.Set. Of course ideally we would want implementations of Hedge
for AVL and divide and conquer for Data.Set too, but I didn't feel
inclined to write them.

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] lookup tables style guidelines

2008-04-24 Thread Adrian Hey

Ketil Malde wrote:

Don Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   1) what is the most performant lookup table/hashtable/dictionary solution
   for Haskell?

Data.IntMap is awfully good.

Is it benchmarked anywhere?  Compared to the Judy bindings, or Adrian
Hey's AVL trees, or Data.Hashtable?  

I must get around to putting the AVL clones of Data.Map/Set in Hackage
sometime. Meanwhile anyone wanting to roll their own maps with an API
of their chosing could do a lot worse than the raw AVL lib..

Also, if you're likely to be using union/intersection a lot you should
know that Data.Map/Set are very slow for this because they use the
not efficient hedge algorithm :-)

There's a really cool demo I found from wikipedia that shows why it is
that AVL trees perform so well in the pathological situation of sorted

If you try it you can see that after 2^n-1 sorted insertions you always
get a perfectly balanced tree. This explains these benchmark results..

DData is what became Data.Map/Set and it would appear to be the worst
performing of the four tree types tested there :-(

Don is right about Data.IntMap/IntSet. For Ints it will be much faster
than Data.Map/Set or even (polymorphic) AVL tree. But an AVL tree of
unboxed Ints gives faster lookup than IntMap/Set and about the same
insert/delete times..

Union and Intersection times for AVL aren't so great, but I think
I know what to do about that (especially intersection).

But the real way ahead has to be Tries for non-trivial keys and (I
suspect) AVL trees of unboxed Ints for simple keys (serialisable
as 1 machine word). This is what that GSoC project is all about.
At the moment we have the exact opposite, Tries for Ints and balanced
trees for non-trivial keys. Oh well..

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] ANNOUNCE: Generic Haskell 1.80 (Emerald)

2008-04-23 Thread Adrian Hey

Thomas van Noort wrote:
As you already noticed, there is no Windows binary available for the 
Emerald release. However, there is one for the Coral release, available 

Although this is an old release of Generic Haskell, this release already 
supports generic types, which is what you need for your project 
probably. In the user's guide, there is a small example available which 
defines a generic type to represent tries.

Thanks, but this won't register itself as a package with current ghc,
and even I fixed that problem I guess it probably still wouldn't
work :-(

It's entirely up to you folks of course. I don't know if anyone at GHHQ
cares enought to do anything about the buildability problem. But if not
I'm afraid I can't see this being used or accepted as part of standard
Haskell infrastructure. It'll just be something people look at, admire
the coolness, maybe even tinker with for a while, but never really use
for anything serious.

Meanwhile I think the GSoC project I mentioned will have to make other
arrangements :-)

To be honest though, I'm not sure we'd use it anyway as I understand
it generates essentially pure H98 and there are ghc extensions we'd
probably want to use for performance reasons (like unboxed Ints and
unboxed tuples).

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell] ANNOUNCE: Generic Haskell 1.80 (Emerald)

2008-04-21 Thread Adrian Hey

Thomas van Noort wrote:

   Pleasant programming,


This looks like good stuff. But having done all this work it seems
a pity not to go the extra mm and cabalise this and make it buildable
on all platforms (at least ghc supported platforms).

The reason I'm interested is this may be useful for the GSoC project
I'm mentoring..

But as things are, I'd be unlikely to consider introducing a dependency
on this. Even if it built out of the box with cygwin (which it
doesn't BTW) I don't really think many windows users will be keen to
install cygwin and learn how to use it just so they can build GH.

Adrian Hey
Haskell mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Libraries need a new owner

2008-03-27 Thread Adrian Hey

Don Stewart wrote:

That said, I know that type families are provisionally available, so
maybe doing something with generalised tries might be possible.
I don't mind mentoring anyone who wants to do something with any of

Great! Would you like to revise the Soc ticket, with this information?

Getting some usable generalised tries available would be a great

Hello Don,

I created a new Generalised Tries specific ticket..

Do I need to do more? (not really sure how the whole process works).
Who decides if proposals are good/ok/bad? Not me I assume :-)

Adrian Hey
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Libraries need a new owner

2008-03-25 Thread Adrian Hey

Don Stewart wrote:


Hello Folks,

As some of you will be aware, I have been working on various Map
implementations that currently live here..

The libs in question being Data.Tree.AVL, Data.Trie.General and a few
other bits like Data.COrdering and the AVL based Data.Map/Set clones.

Well, I have decided to stop work on these. So they need a new owner if
they're going to go anywhere. If anyone is interested in the job then I
suggest they contact myself or Jean-Philippe Bernardy.

Of course I will be happy to provide any help or advise anyone who takes
over these libs may feel they need from me. I might even contribute a
few patches from time to time myself :-)


How about we propose this work be done for Summer of Code.

I've created a ticket here:

Add comments, or if you can mentor, add that information too!

Let's get a new faster Data.Map and other containers ready to go by the
end of the northern summer?

Hello Don,

I'm not sure what you're proposing as the SOC project, but I don't think
getting AVL based Data.Map/Set clones in Hackage is particularly
suitable or challenging. This work is 99% done and also quite boring.
It could be finished by the end of today if I set my mind to it :-)

There are 3 significant things that really need doing IMO.
1- Try to reconcile the apparent differences between the collections
   package and Edison class APIs. I don't really understand either
   myself, but having multiple classes for the same things makes
   both implementors and test suite writers lives harder.
   The generalised trie class GT should still be kept separate as
   it needs some weird class methods in order to make new instances
   from old and can't really be finalised until this type families
   stuff is available anyway.

2- Write a polymorphic test and benchmarking suite for sets, maps,
   sequences etc. This would be really useful and is something that
   could reasonably be done as SOC project. But it may also be little
   boring :-(
   This could be based on classes defined as a result of 1 (above),
   or failing that the author would have to define yet another set
   of class APIs for test/benchmarking only. This may be the simpler
   approach as it doesn't assume anything about Edison or collections
   abstractions (it's just a way of testing concrete data structure

3- Produce some way of automatically deriving (efficient) generalised
   trie (GT) instances for user defined types. The API is huge and
   complex (and likely to get bigger still), so hand writing instances
   really isn't realistic in the long run.
   But this may be a bit premature for SOC as the GT class API itself
   is not yet complete or stable, and probably won't be until type
   families are available (and tested and documented and someone
   takes the trouble to finish it).
   So maybe this is something for next years SOC?

That said, I know that type families are provisionally available, so
maybe doing something with generalised tries might be possible.
I don't mind mentoring anyone who wants to do something with any of

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-14 Thread Adrian Hey

Dan Weston wrote:

6.3.2 (The Ord Class):

The Ord class is used for totally ordered datatypes.

This *requires* that it be absolutely impossible in valid code to 
distinguish equivalent (in the EQ sense, not the == sense) things via 
the functions of Ord. The intended interpretation of these functions is 
clear and can be taken as normative:

  forall f . (compare x y == EQ and (f x or f y is defined))
 == f x == f y)

Thanks Dan. I didn't grasp the significance of this at first, but
I believe you are correct. But maybe it should be = not ==
in the last line?

  forall f . (compare x y == EQ and (f x or f y is defined))
 == f x = f y)

So assuming your (and my) logic is correct, the existing report text
does indeed settle the original dispute that sparked this thread.
Essentially you can't have 2 distinct values that compare equal,
so if they do then they must be indistinguishable? Is that right?

So there is no need for the sort on a list of elements whose type
is an instance of Ord to be stable as the difference between
the results of a stable and unstable sort cannot be observable
for any (correct) Ord instance (assuming the the instances compare
method was used to perform the sort).

So if we have a compare method on this type we can establish the
== method:
 x == y = case compare x y of
  EQ - True
  _  - False

and from this it follows that (x == y) = True implies x and y are

So I believe for types that are instances of both Eq and Ord, this
settles the question of what (x == y) = True implies.

So now I'm wondering what about types that are instances of Eq
but not of Ord? Well from para. 6.3.1

The Eq class provides equality (==) and inequality (/=) methods.

Well I guess assuming that saying two values are equal is another
way of saying they are indistinguishable then I think it's pretty
clear what the report is saying. This interpretation also ensures
consistency between Eq/Ord instances and Eq only instances.

Assuming this is all correct, I think I can sleep easier now I can
forget about all this things being equal and not equal at the same
time craziness, at least for Eq/Ord instances that are compliant
with the standard (which are the only ones I care about).

I think anyone wanting standard classes with different mathematical
properties should define them, stick them in Hackage and propose
them for Haskell-prime (if that's still happening?)

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Some clarity please! (was Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort)

2008-03-13 Thread Adrian Hey
 wouldn't dispute that the default definition is reasonable, but it's
certainly not clear to me from the report that it's something that I
can safely assume for all Ord instances. In fact AFAICS the report
quite clearly telling me *not* to assume this. But I have to assume
*something* for maximum to make sense, so I guess that must be:
 (x==y) = True implies x=y
IOW I have no idea if it's the first or last maximum that is returned,
but who cares?

Again, the report doesn't make it clear that the (==) law above
holds (at least not on page 82). But I think in the absence of any
explicit statement to the contary I think most programmers would
assume that it does apply. I think this is quite reasonable and I have
no intention of changing my programming habits to cope with weird
instances for which:
 (x == y) = True does not imply x=y
 max x y is not safely interchangeble with max y x.

I'm not saying some people are not right to want classes with more
mathematically inspired laws, but I see nothing in the report to
indicate to me that Eq/Ord are those classes and consequently that
the naive programmers interpretation of (==) is incorrect. Rather
the contrary in fact.

Adrian Hey

Aaron Denney wrote:

On 2008-03-12, Adrian Hey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Aaron Denney wrote:

On 2008-03-11, Adrian Hey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Having tried this approach myself too (with the clone) I can confirm
that *this way lies madness*, so in future I will not be making
any effort to define or respect sane, unambiguous and stable behaviour
for insane Eq/Ord instances for any lib I produce or hack on. Instead
I will be aiming for correctness and optimal efficiency on the
assumption that Eq and Ord instances are sensible.

Good.  But sensible only means that the Eq and Ord instances agree, not that
x == y = f x == f y.

So can I assume that max x y = max y x?

No.  You can, however, assume that max x y == max y x.  (Okay, this
fails on Doubles, because of NaN.  I'll agree that the Eq and Ord
instances for Double are not sane.)

If not, how can I tell if I've made the correct choice of argument

When calling, or when defining max?

It depends on what types you're using, and which equivalence and
ordering relations are being used.

When calling, and when it might matter which representative of an
equivalence class comes back out (such as in sorts) you have no choice
but to look at the documentation or implementation of max.

The Haskell report guarantees that x == y = max x y = y (and hence max
y x = x), and the opposite choice for min.  This is to ensure that (min
x y, max x y) = (x,y) or (y,x).  IOW, the report notices that choice of
representatives for equivalence classes matters in some circumstances,
and makes it easy to do the right thing.  This supports the reading that
Eq a is not an absolute equality relation, but an equivalence relation.

If I can't tell then I guess I have no alternative but document
my arbitrary choice in the Haddock, and probably for the (sake of
completeness) provide 2 or more alternative definitions of the same
function which use a different argument order.

When defining max, yes, you must take care to make sure it useable for
cases when Eq is an equivalence relation, rather than equality.

If you're writing library code, then it won't generally know whether
Eq means true equality rather than equivalence.  If this would let
you optimize things, you need some other way to communicate this.

The common typeclasses are for generic, parameterizable polymorphism.
Equivalence is a more generally useful notion than equality, so that's
what I want captured by the Eq typeclass.

And no, an overloaded sort doesn't belong in Ord, either.  If the
implementation is truly dependent on the types in non-trivial,
non-susbstitutable ways (i.e. beyond a substition of what = means),
then they should be /different/ algorithms.

It would be possible to right an Equal a typeclass, which does
guarantee actual observable equality (but has no methods).  Then you can
write one equalSort (or whatever) of type
equalSort :: (Eq a, Ord a, Equal a) = [a] - [a]
that will work on any type willing to guarantee this, but rightly fail
on types that only define an equivalence relation.

A stable sort is more generally useful than an unstable one.  It's
composable for radix sorting on compound structures, etc.
Hence we want to keep this guarantee.

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-13 Thread Adrian Hey


G'day all.

Adrian Hey wrote:

This might be a reasonable thing to say about *sortBy*, but not sort
as the ordering of equal elements should not be observable (for any
correct instance of Ord). It should be impossible to implement a
function which can discriminate between [a,a],[a,b],[b,a],[b,b] if
compare a b = EQ.

Nonsense.  Consider a Schwartzian transform wrapper:

data OrdWrap k v = OrdWrap k v

instance (Ord k) = Ord (OrdWrap k v) where
compare (OrdWrap k1 v1) (OrdWrap k2 v2) = OrdWrap k1 k2

I take it you mean something like ..

instance Ord k = Ord (OrdWrap k v) where
  compare (OrdWrap k1 v1) (OrdWrap k2 v2) = compare k1 k2

Where's the Eq instance for OrdWrap? This may or may not satisfy
the law: (compare a b) = EQ implies (a == b) = True. I think
everbody agrees about that, but I can't tell from the code
you've posted if it does in this case.

What's disputed is whether or not this law should hold:
 (a == b) = True implies a = b

Again, I can't tell if it does or not in this case, but I assume the
point of your post is that it doesn't.

AFAICT the report is ambiguous about this, or at least the non-intutive
equality semantics are not at all clear to me from what I can see in
the Eq class definition (para 6.3.1). I think an the absence of any
clear and *explicit* statement to the contrary people are entitled to
assume this law is mandatory for all (correct) Eq instances.

It would be incorrect (and not sane) for sort [a,b] to return [a,a] in
this case, though a case could be made that either [a,b] or [b,a] make

Quoting Jules Bean [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Stability is a nice property. I don't understand why you are arguing
against this so aggressiviely.

Stability is an occasionally very useful property.  However, if there
is a tradeoff between stability and performance, I'd prefer it if the
library didn't choose for me.

Well I hope you or anyone else hasn't used Data.Map or with OrdWrap
keys because if so it's likely that the code has either been broken in
the past, or is broken now (not sure which). But the equality semantics
some people seem to want seem to me like a very good way to guarantee
that similar bugs and ambiguities will occur all over the place, now and

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Some clarity please! (was Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort)

2008-03-13 Thread Adrian Hey
 wouldn't dispute that the default definition is reasonable, but it's
certainly not clear to me from the report that it's something that I
can safely assume for all Ord instances. In fact AFAICS the report
quite clearly telling me *not* to assume this. But I have to assume
*something* for maximum to make sense, so I guess that must be:
 (x==y) = True implies x=y
IOW I have no idea if it's the first or last maximum that is returned,
but who cares?

Again, the report doesn't make it clear that the (==) law above
holds (at least not on page 82). But I think in the absence of any
explicit statement to the contary I think most programmers would
assume that it does apply. I think this is quite reasonable and I have
no intention of changing my programming habits to cope with weird
instances for which:
 (x == y) = True does not imply x=y
 max x y is not safely interchangeble with max y x.

I'm not saying some people are not right to want classes with more
mathematically inspired laws, but I see nothing in the report to
indicate to me that Eq/Ord are those classes and consequently that
the naive programmers interpretation of (==) is incorrect. Rather
the contrary in fact.

Adrian Hey

Aaron Denney wrote:

On 2008-03-12, Adrian Hey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Aaron Denney wrote:

On 2008-03-11, Adrian Hey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Having tried this approach myself too (with the clone) I can confirm
that *this way lies madness*, so in future I will not be making
any effort to define or respect sane, unambiguous and stable behaviour
for insane Eq/Ord instances for any lib I produce or hack on. Instead
I will be aiming for correctness and optimal efficiency on the
assumption that Eq and Ord instances are sensible.

Good.  But sensible only means that the Eq and Ord instances agree, not that
x == y = f x == f y.

So can I assume that max x y = max y x?

No.  You can, however, assume that max x y == max y x.  (Okay, this
fails on Doubles, because of NaN.  I'll agree that the Eq and Ord
instances for Double are not sane.)

If not, how can I tell if I've made the correct choice of argument

When calling, or when defining max?

It depends on what types you're using, and which equivalence and
ordering relations are being used.

When calling, and when it might matter which representative of an
equivalence class comes back out (such as in sorts) you have no choice
but to look at the documentation or implementation of max.

The Haskell report guarantees that x == y = max x y = y (and hence max
y x = x), and the opposite choice for min.  This is to ensure that (min
x y, max x y) = (x,y) or (y,x).  IOW, the report notices that choice of
representatives for equivalence classes matters in some circumstances,
and makes it easy to do the right thing.  This supports the reading that
Eq a is not an absolute equality relation, but an equivalence relation.

If I can't tell then I guess I have no alternative but document
my arbitrary choice in the Haddock, and probably for the (sake of
completeness) provide 2 or more alternative definitions of the same
function which use a different argument order.

When defining max, yes, you must take care to make sure it useable for
cases when Eq is an equivalence relation, rather than equality.

If you're writing library code, then it won't generally know whether
Eq means true equality rather than equivalence.  If this would let
you optimize things, you need some other way to communicate this.

The common typeclasses are for generic, parameterizable polymorphism.
Equivalence is a more generally useful notion than equality, so that's
what I want captured by the Eq typeclass.

And no, an overloaded sort doesn't belong in Ord, either.  If the
implementation is truly dependent on the types in non-trivial,
non-susbstitutable ways (i.e. beyond a substition of what = means),
then they should be /different/ algorithms.

It would be possible to right an Equal a typeclass, which does
guarantee actual observable equality (but has no methods).  Then you can
write one equalSort (or whatever) of type
equalSort :: (Eq a, Ord a, Equal a) = [a] - [a]
that will work on any type willing to guarantee this, but rightly fail
on types that only define an equivalence relation.

A stable sort is more generally useful than an unstable one.  It's
composable for radix sorting on compound structures, etc.
Hence we want to keep this guarantee.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-13 Thread Adrian Hey

Luke Palmer wrote:

On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 1:00 AM, Adrian Hey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 AFAICT the report is ambiguous about this, or at least the non-intutive
 equality semantics are not at all clear to me from what I can see in
 the Eq class definition (para 6.3.1). I think an the absence of any
 clear and *explicit* statement to the contrary people are entitled to
 assume this law is mandatory for all (correct) Eq instances.

In mathematics we usually *don't* assume things that aren't stated

But the trouble is the report says practically *nothing* about Eq
class or what the (==) operator means. It all seems to be assumed,
and even when it does talk about it informally it talks about
equality, not equivalence or some other word.

The report doesn't state that for all Ints, (x==y = True) implies that
x=y. There's no reason to suppose the Int instance is in any way
special, so do you really seriously consider the possibility that
this might not hold in your Int related code?

if (x==y) then f x else g x y

might not mean the same as..

if (x==y) then f y else g x y

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-13 Thread Adrian Hey

Luke Palmer wrote:

On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 3:02 AM, Adrian Hey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The report doesn't state that for all Ints, (x==y = True) implies that
 x=y. There's no reason to suppose the Int instance is in any way
 special, so do you really seriously consider the possibility that
 this might not hold in your Int related code?

 if (x==y) then f x else g x y

 might not mean the same as..

 if (x==y) then f y else g x y

Of course not :-).  However, on what grounds am I to assume that these
two will be semantically equivalent for instances other than Int?

Umm..Maybe the fact that you're using the == method from the Eq class,
not some Int specific isIntEqual function?


Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-13 Thread Adrian Hey

Aaron Denney wrote:

so do you really seriously consider the possibility that
this might not hold in your Int related code?

if (x==y) then f x else g x y

might not mean the same as..

if (x==y) then f y else g x y

In Int code, of course not, because I know the types, and I know the
behaviour of (==) on Ints.  But f is specialized to work on Ints, isn't
it, so it's reasonable to know what semantics (==) has for Ints, and
depend on them?

Why are Ints special in this way? Couldn't you use say exacly the same
about any type (just substitute type X of your choice for Int)

IMO if your going to define a type X which is intended to be an Eq
instance you should always ensure, one way or another that all
exposed primitives that operate on that type respect equality, as
defined by == for the instance method. (And hence more complex
functions built on those primitives do too).

Just MO, the report doesn't make this clear 1 way or another AFAICS.

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-13 Thread Adrian Hey


What's disputed is whether or not this law should hold:
 (a == b) = True implies a = b

Apart from possibly your good self, I don't think this is disputed.

If that's supposed it imply you think I'm in a minority of one I
don't think you've been following this thread very well. Even the
report uses the word equality in the prose. And as I pointed
out in another post, even the standard library maximum function
appears to ambiguous if the law doesn't hold.

It can be disambiguated if Aarons max law holds:
 (a == b) = True implies max x y = y

But this is only true for the *default* max implementation. One of
the few explicit things the report does say on these matters is
that the default methods should *not* be regarded as definitive.

Besides there are good pragmatic safety and performance reasons
why Haskell should provide at least one class that offers
strong guarantees regarding equality and the (==) operator. If
that class isn't Eq, then where is it?

The (==) law holds for:
1- All standard Eq instances
2- All wholly derived Eq instances
3- Most hand defined instances I suspect.

..and has almost certainly been implicitly assumed by heaven knows
what extant code (some of it in the standard libraries I suspect).

So I think that we should recognise that this was the original
intent for the Eq class and this should be made official, albeit

If there's a need for a similar class where the (==) law doesn't
hold that's fine. But please don't insist that class must be Eq.

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-12 Thread Adrian Hey

Denis Bueno wrote:

On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 4:01 AM, Adrian Hey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  and sorting is
  meant to be a permutation, so we happily have the situation where this
  has a correct answer: 2.

  Anything else is incorrect.

 Isn't 3 also a permutation? Why is it incorrect?

Because it is not stable.

The documentation for Data.List.sort says the sort is stable:

The sort function implements a stable sorting algorithm.

A stable sort respects the order of equal elements as they occur in
the input list.

This might be a reasonable thing to say about *sortBy*, but not sort
as the ordering of equal elements should not be observable (for any
correct instance of Ord). It should be impossible to implement a
function which can discriminate between [a,a],[a,b],[b,a],[b,b] if
compare a b = EQ.

So really I think the docs have this backwards. It's sortBy that
implements a stable sort (assuming a suitably sane comparison function
I guess) and apparently sort is whatever you get from (sortBy compare).
But this is unduly restrictive on possible correct sort implementations

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-12 Thread Adrian Hey

Ketil Malde wrote:

Adrian Hey [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

So really I think the docs have this backwards. It's sortBy that
implements a stable sort (assuming a suitably sane comparison function
I guess) and apparently sort is whatever you get from (sortBy compare).
But this is unduly restrictive on possible correct sort implementations

Somebody (maybe you?) suggested that 'sort' should be a function in
class Ord, giving the implementer freedom to decide exactly what is
optimal for that particular data type.

Could this also be used to solve the Data.Map issue?  I mean, could
Data.Map.insert use 'sort' instead of 'compare' to place new elements?

I don't really think so. To be consistent people would have to do this
all over the place, not just in Data.Map/Set. Anywhere where you have
code like this (for Ord instances)

if (x==y) then f x -- f y should be just as good!
  else g x y

you'd now have to have something like..

if (x==y) then f (head (sort ([x,y]))
  else g x y

Also, since the problem is with the concept of equality, in that we're
now admitting that things can be equal but also not equal at the same
time then choice should really be a method of the Eq class..

Something like..

-- Returns Nothing if args are not equal
-- Just p if args are equal, where p is the prefered equal value
chose :: Eq a = a - a - Maybe a

Like I said, this way lies madness!!

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-12 Thread Adrian Hey

Jules Bean wrote:

Adrian Hey wrote:

This might be a reasonable thing to say about *sortBy*, but not sort
as the ordering of equal elements should not be observable (for any
correct instance of Ord). It should be impossible to implement a
function which can discriminate between [a,a],[a,b],[b,a],[b,b] if
compare a b = EQ.

The fact that you can't implement a function to differentiation does not 
meant the difference is not important.

[b,a] might cause 500G of file IO which [a,b] will not cause.

I can't imagine why, unless this is some weird side effect of lazy IO
(which I thought was generally agreed to be a bad thing).

What if it's the [a,b] ordering that causes this but the [b,a]
ordering that doesn't? The choice is arbitrary (for sort), but neither
is obviously correct.

This is not observable within haskell, but is very observable to the user.

Yes, there are plenty of things like space and time behaviour that are
not observable in the semantic sense, but have real obvervable
consequenses in the practical sense of real executables running on real
machines. But constraints like this and Data.Set/Map left biasing
often mean that implementations have to be made unnecessarily time and
space *inefficient* for no good semantic reason.

Stability is a nice property. I don't understand why you are arguing 
against this so aggressiviely.

I'm not arguing against it for sortBy. I wouldn't even object to the
existance of an overloaded..
 stableSort = sortBy compare
by definition.

I am arguing against it for the default sort that is applied to all
types because for many types there will be more efficient alternatives
which are perfectly correct in the semantic sense, but don't respect
the (semantically meaningless IMO for Ord instances) stability property.
Of course the proper place for this hypothetical sort (and several
other variations) is probably as an Ord class method, not a single
overloaded function in Data.List.

I would also regard any use of stableSort (in preference to the
hypothetical unstable overloaded sort) with about the same degree of
suspicion as any use of unsafePerformIO.

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-12 Thread Adrian Hey

Remi Turk wrote:

I wouldn't bet on it either:

Prelude 0.0 == -0.0
Prelude isNegativeZero 0.0 == isNegativeZero (-0.0)

Although isNegativeZero might be considered a ``private,
internal interface that exposes implementation details.''

Interesting example.

So is the correct conclusion from this that all (polymorphic) code
that assumes (x == y) = True implies x=y is inherently broken,
or is just this particular Eq instance that's broken?

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-12 Thread Adrian Hey

Aaron Denney wrote:

On 2008-03-11, Adrian Hey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Having tried this approach myself too (with the clone) I can confirm
that *this way lies madness*, so in future I will not be making
any effort to define or respect sane, unambiguous and stable behaviour
for insane Eq/Ord instances for any lib I produce or hack on. Instead
I will be aiming for correctness and optimal efficiency on the
assumption that Eq and Ord instances are sensible.

Good.  But sensible only means that the Eq and Ord instances agree, not that
x == y = f x == f y.

So can I assume that max x y = max y x?

If not, how can I tell if I've made the correct choice of argument
order. If I can't tell then I guess I have no alternative but document
my arbitrary choice in the Haddock, and probably for the (sake of
completeness) provide 2 or more alternative definitions of the same
function which use a different argument order.

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-11 Thread Adrian Hey

Jonathan Cast wrote:

On 10 Mar 2008, at 4:00 AM, Adrian Hey wrote:

Neil Mitchell wrote:
 2) What does it do with duplicate elements in the list? I expect it 
 them. To avoid this, you'd need to use something like fromListWith, 

 track of how many duplicates there are, and expanding at the end.

That would be wrong. Consider:
data Foo = Foo Int Int
instance Ord Foo where
compare (Foo a _) (Foo b _) = compare a b

I would consider such an Ord instance to be hopelessly broken, and I
don't think it's the responsibility of authors of functions with Ord
constraints in their sigs (such as sort) to consider such possibilities
or specify and control the behaviour of their behaviour for such
instances. Trying to do this is what leads to horrors such as the left
biasing of Data.Map (for example).

Data.Map is implicitly using such an Ord instance behind the scenes, and 
I think it has to to maintain its own invariants.  If I take the `union' 
of two maps that take the same key to different values, I have to decide 
which value to use, even if every Ord instance supplied by my clients is 
100% Adrian-compliant.

The biasing policy for Data.Map/Set is refering to (Set) elements, or
(Map) keys, not the associated values (in a Map). So during an insertion
op, if an equal element/key is found the Set/Map the biasing policy
tells me which of the two equal elements/keys in incorporated in the
resulting Set/Map.

So there's an implied acceptance of the posibility that the choice is
significant and that the two elements/keys can be both equal and not
equal at the same time. This is crazy IMO. Implementors should not
have to offer an guarantees about this and should be perfectly free
to make their own unspecified choice regarding which of two equal
values is used in any expression (on space efficiency grounds say).

For example, the left biasing of insertion on Data.Set forces the
implementation to burn O(log n) heap space creating a new equal set,
even if the set already contains an old element that is equal to the
new element. I would argue that in this situation it should be perfectly
correct to simply return the old set instead.

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-10 Thread Adrian Hey

Neil Mitchell wrote:

 2) What does it do with duplicate elements in the list? I expect it deletes
 them. To avoid this, you'd need to use something like fromListWith, keeping
 track of how many duplicates there are, and expanding at the end.

That would be wrong. Consider:

data Foo = Foo Int Int

instance Ord Foo where
compare (Foo a _) (Foo b _) = compare a b

I would consider such an Ord instance to be hopelessly broken, and I
don't think it's the responsibility of authors of functions with Ord
constraints in their sigs (such as sort) to consider such possibilities
or specify and control the behaviour of their behaviour for such
instances. Trying to do this is what leads to horrors such as the left
biasing of Data.Map (for example).

Unfortunately the Haskell standards don't currently specify sane laws
for Eq and Ord class instances, but they should. Otherwise knowing a
type is an instance of Ord tells me nothing that I can rely on.

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-10 Thread Adrian Hey

Adrian Hey wrote:

or specify and control the behaviour of their behaviour for such

Urk, sorry for the gibberish. I guess I should get into the habit of
reading what I write before posting :-)

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-10 Thread Adrian Hey

Neil Mitchell wrote:


  instance Ord Foo where
  compare (Foo a _) (Foo b _) = compare a b

 I would consider such an Ord instance to be hopelessly broken, and I
 don't think it's the responsibility of authors of functions with Ord
 constraints in their sigs (such as sort) to consider such possibilities
 or specify and control the behaviour of their behaviour for such
 instances. Trying to do this is what leads to horrors such as the left
 biasing of Data.Map (for example).

The sort in Haskell is specified to be stable. What that means is
that the above ord relation is fine. The above ordering observes all
the necessary mathematical definitions of ordering, assuming an Eq of:

instance Eq Foo where
(==) (Foo a _) (Foo b _) = (==) a b

 Unfortunately the Haskell standards don't currently specify sane laws
 for Eq and Ord class instances, but they should. Otherwise knowing a
 type is an instance of Ord tells me nothing that I can rely on.

Please give the sane law that this ordering violates. I can't see any!

The Eq instance you've given violates the law that (x == y) = True
implies x = y. Of course the Haskell standard doesn't specify this law,
but it should.

The Haskell standard doen't even specify that compare x y = EQ implies
(x == y) = True, but again it should (what's the purpose of the Eq
constraint on Ord class otherwise).

What if I had made the definition of Foo:

data Foo = Foo Int (Int - Int)

Now, is the only possible answer that any Ord instance for Foo is wrong?

Yes, if the Foo constuctor is exported. If it's scope confined to one
module then you could maintain the invariant that the same function is
always associated with a given Int. However, if this is the case then
the issue you raise wrt sort behaviour is irrelevant.

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-10 Thread Adrian Hey

Neil Mitchell wrote:


 The Eq instance you've given violates the law that (x == y) = True
 implies x = y. Of course the Haskell standard doesn't specify this law,
 but it should.

Wrong. It shouldn't,

Should too

it doesn't,


and I don't think it even can!

Well we need to be precise about exactly what = means, but informally
I guess we're talking about observational equvalence.

But seriously, once you admit the possibility that even if x == y it
still matters which of x or y is used in expressions than all hell
breaks loose. I shudder to think just how much Haskell code there must
be out there that is (at best) ambiguious or just plain broken if
this is a serious possibility.

Again, I have to cite Data.Map as an obvious example. It's unclear
to me exactly what the proper interpretation of left biasing is
for all functions in the API. Furthermore, until quite recently some
function implementations in Data.Map we're actually broken wrt the
stated biasing policy (though few actually noticed this for obvious
reasons). Perhaps some still are? Who knows..

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-10 Thread Adrian Hey

Bulat Ziganshin wrote:

Hello Adrian,

Monday, March 10, 2008, 2:00:18 PM, you wrote:

instance Ord Foo where
compare (Foo a _) (Foo b _) = compare a b

I would consider such an Ord instance to be hopelessly broken, and I

h. for example, imagine files in file manager sorted by size or date

In such cases you should be using sortBy, not the overloaded sort
(you have several reasonable orderings for the same record type say).

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-10 Thread Adrian Hey

Ketil Malde wrote:

Adrian Hey [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

But seriously, once you admit the possibility that even if x == y it
still matters which of x or y is used in expressions than all hell
breaks loose. I shudder to think just how much Haskell code there must
be out there that is (at best) ambiguious or just plain broken if
this is a serious possibility.

Just search for copy (on ByteStrings).

One program of mine was extracting substrings from a large
file.  Since the file was pretty huge, I used lazy bytestrings for this
purpose.  Unfortunately, the short substrings I retained pulled with them
rather large chunks from the file -- since a bytestring is essentially
a pointer to a chunk, an offset, and a length.  The solution is
copy, which creates a new string, indistinguishable from within
Haskell, but with very different effects on the program.

We're talking about *semantic correctness*, not efficiency. If you
want to fine tune your code like this you shouldn't be relying
on overloaded general purpose function implementations. E.G. the
COrdering type used by AVL lib is one way to do this. This lets
a combining comparison chose which of two equal values is used
(and other things).

Indeed, one of my main objections the having things like biasing
policy as part of a functions specification in that it seriously
inhibits you when producing more refined and efficient implementations.

BTW, I noticed this when I was writing my Data.Map clone. Respecting
the stated biasing policy resulted in less efficient implementations.
It broke my heart to knowingly write code that would slow down 99%
of users code just keep the 1% who'd defined broken Ord instances
happy, so I defined biasing policy differently for the clone. On
reflection I think even that was a mistake and is something I intend
drop if I ever do a Hackage release (the lib should not specify
any biasing policy whatsoever).

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-10 Thread Adrian Hey

Denis Bueno wrote:

On Mon, Mar 10, 2008 at 10:10 AM, Adrian Hey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   The Eq instance you've given violates the law that (x == y) = True
   implies x = y. Of course the Haskell standard doesn't specify this law,
   but it should.

Unless I'm missing something obvious, the example Neil gave earlier
should make it clear how impossible this requirement is:

  What if I had made the definition of Foo:

  data Foo = Foo Int (Int - Int)

There is no way in general to decide the observational equivalence of
two values of this data type (by reduction to the halting problem).
Therefore it is impossible to write any function implementing such an
equality test.

Did you read my original response to this example?

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-10 Thread Adrian Hey

Neil Mitchell wrote:


 We're talking about *semantic correctness*, not efficiency. If you
 want to fine tune your code like this you shouldn't be relying
 on overloaded general purpose function implementations. E.G. the
 COrdering type used by AVL lib is one way to do this. This lets
 a combining comparison chose which of two equal values is used
 (and other things).

I would have thought:

sort x == sortBy compare x

was a reasonable property to have.

Certainly, but this is part of (but not the complete) specification
for sortBy, not sort. But given sane Ord/Eq instances and sortBy
implementation, then this is indeed also one of many possible
correct implementatations of sort.

But you are proposing that sort
should make assumptions on the compare function,

Not just sort, but any function with an Ord constraint is entited
to assume sane behavior wrt to compare. Without this the Ord class
just becomes quite useless, other than saving a few keystrokes for
folk who be bothered to pass any old compare function as explicit arg.
Surely type classes are supposed to be more than that?

which you can't even state in Haskell,

There are plenty of formal statements about things that can't be
written in Haskell. That doesn't mean they aren't true or should not
be respected or relied upon. It just means Haskell is an imperfect
language for expressing such things.

but sortBy should not.

sortBy should not assume anything about the function of type
x - x - Ordering. Rather, what sortBy actually does with that
function should be specified.

I also know of a data type:

data Set xs = Set [xs]

where the Set constructor is all nicely hidden. If I define Set ab
to be equal to Set ba, should the compiler burst into flames?


 If we

_require_ all Eq definitions to follow our very narrowly defined
notion of equality, then the question comes up why we permit people to
write Eq at all - why doesn't the compiler just do it for us, if there
is only one right answer.

You provided one example yourself..

data Foo = Foo Int (Int - Int)

It's perfectly possible for Foo to be an abstract type exported from
a module that preserves the invariant that the same function is always
associated with a given Int (value).

If this is the case there's no reason why Foo should not be an instance
of Ord or Eq.

If this isn't the case then Foo should certainly not be an instance or 
either class IMO.

If this was intended to be the case but in fact isn't the case, then
that's a bug.

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-10 Thread Adrian Hey

Krzysztof Skrze;tnicki wrote:
Ok, my turn now. Let's think about algorithm that takes equivalence 
relation EQ, ordering relation ORD on abstraction classes generated by 
this equivalence ( - equivalence classes ) and divides given input 
elements XS into appropriate classes and then prints them out according 
to given ordering ORD. If we pose the restriction (let's call it (*)), 
that input XS should have at most one element from every abstraction 
class, we get sorting in a way that you desire. Hovewer, if we don't 
pose that restriction the algorithm still makes perfect sense and is 
given by standard library sortBy.

I see no reason for restriction (*).

I don't understand the above paragraph. Let's consider a simple example:

(sort [a,b]) in the case we have: (compare a b = EQ)

Which of the following 4 possible results are correct/incorrect?
1- [a,a]
2- [a,b]
3- [b,a]
4- [b,b]

I would say they are all correct and equivalent for any sane Ord
instance, though from the point of view of space efficiency 1 or 4
are preferable to 2 or 3.

For efficiency reasons there could be additional class StrictEq. If the 
type is in that class then we can assume (*) and use more 
space-efficient algorithm.

Now, the problem with

treeSort = concatMap (reverse . snd) . Map.toAscList
 . Map.fromListWith (++) . map (\x - (x,[x]))

is that i can't tell any compact way of implementing treeSortBy in nice 
manner. This is because Data.Map does not allow us to provide our own 
comparison test instead of compare.

As a practical matter, for benchmarking you should also count the actual
number of comparisons needed, not just execution times for simple types
(Ints presumably).

Also, I think you'll find that the AVL lib gives better performance than
Data.Map, particularly for sorted inputs. Unfortunately you can't use
this implementation in the standard libs without making the AVL lib a
standard lib (the same happens to be true of Data.Map too, thought this
is widely perceived as being standard because of ghc library bundling

But actually I would say that if either (both) of these is faster than
the the standard sort then this is some kind of performance bug with
the current ghc release. They weren't faster last time I tested (with

I also happen to think that sort should be made an Ord class method,
so that trie based sorts are possible (which should be faster for
complex data types). We should only use sort = sortBy compare as
the default.

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Gobbler Benchmarks

2008-02-21 Thread Adrian Hey

Hello Folks,

There's been some discussions recently about the pros and cons of
various coding styles, particularly whether stack greedy or heap
greedy is best, and how (if) ghcs stack management in particular
should affect all this. In particular, the problem of implementing
an eager take function. Here's some real numbers measured with ghc
6.8.2 under windowsxp using AMD Athlon 64 1.8 GHz. The source code
can be found here..

There are 4 possible implementations that have been tested:

-- Uses O(n) stack
stackGobbler :: Int - [x] - [x]
stackGobbler 0 _  = []
stackGobbler _ [] = []
stackGobbler n (x:xs) = let xs' = stackGobbler (n-1) xs
in  xs' `seq` (x:xs')

-- Uses O(n) heap instead, O(1) stack
heapGobbler :: Int - [x] - [x]
heapGobbler = heapGobbler' []
  where heapGobbler' rxs 0 _  = reverse rxs
heapGobbler' rxs _ [] = reverse rxs
heapGobbler' rxs n (x:xs) = heapGobbler' (x:rxs) (n-1) xs

-- Neils O(n) heap version, O(1) stack
neilGobbler :: Int - [x] - [x]
neilGobbler n xs = length res `seq` res
 where res = take n xs

-- Continuation passing O(n) heap version, O(1) stack
cpGobbler :: Int - [x] - [x]
cpGobbler = f id
 where f c 0 _  = c []
   f c _ [] = c []
   f c n (x:xs) = f (\xs' - c (x:xs')) (n-1) xs

There are 16 tests for each, parameterised by p=0..15. Each test
takes 63*(2^p) elements from a test list of the same length, and
is repeated 2^(25-p) times. So in total, 63*(2^25) elements are
processed in each case (independent of p).

Here are the results in myCpuTimePrecision = 1562500 units
(the figure exported by System.CPUTime is wrong for me). To convert
these to actual time per element figures you need to multiply each
by 7.4 pS (I think :-). All tests were run with fixed stack and
heap sizes of 16 and 256 MiB respectively.

 pstack heap  neil  cp

 0 -  1793  2684  4937  2593
 1 -  1860  2673  4897  2584
 2 -  1910  2673  4825  2578
 3 -  1927  2659  4819  2575
 4 -  1946  2657  4813  2574
 5 -  1950  2656  5048  2578
 6 -  1960  2711  5036  2627
 7 -  1976  2730  5126  2643
 8 -  2072  2900  5197  2813
 9 -  2439  3044  5153  2974
10 -  2685  3275  5371  3199
11 -  2760  3384  5466  3321
12 -  2930  3487  5525  3444
13 -  3181  3648  5813  3698
14 -  3698  3973  6417  4031
15 -  4727  4987  7964  5224

So pretty much as I expected. For smallish lists, stackGobbler is
easily the fastest, heapGobbler and cpGobbler are pretty similar,
and neilGobbler is the slowest (sorry Neil:-).

The performance of all is degraded as p increases. I guess this
is not too surprising, but stackGobbler seems to degrade faster
so that at p=15 there's not much difference between it and
heapGobbler/cpGobbler. I'm not sure what it is that causes stackGobbler
to be unfairly penalised this way, but I'm reminded of this post
from John Meacham..

The other big problem with stackgobbler in practice is the risk of
stack overflow. For p=15 it would not work at all for ghc default
stack limit.

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Stack overflow

2008-02-19 Thread Adrian Hey

Philip Armstrong wrote:

On Mon, Feb 18, 2008 at 05:56:41PM +, Adrian Hey wrote:

Philip Armstrong wrote:

On Sun, Feb 17, 2008 at 10:01:14PM +, Adrian Hey wrote:
BTW, I find this especially ironic as fromDistinctAscList is the 
example what I was talking about in another thread (continuation 

madness caused by an irrational fear of stack use).

In *some* cases, continuation passing can be quite a bit faster than
other approaches IIRC. I haven't looked at this bit of code though.

Can you or anyone else give an example?

I think I was thinking of this:

but can't be entirely sure. Sorry!

Perhaps I should say can someone provide an example and explain
why they believe it is faster. That isn't to say I doubt the
measurements taken with that particular code, but I must say that
if transforming code that uses the hardware accelerated continuation
passing (by that I mean the machine stack of course) to explicit
continuations on the heap is generally faster, there must be something
very wrong in stack land. But perhaps there is?

Interestingly, if you allow sufficient stack space for Grzegorz version
(+64M) it does terminate, but it's still much slower than the version
you provided (about 30 times slower). I don't know if this slow down
is due only to the stack use, or whether both the stack use and the
slow down are just different artefacts of the problem Bertram mentioned.

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Haskell maximum stack depth

2008-02-19 Thread Adrian Hey

Simon Marlow wrote:
The point is, GHC has no such thing as the overall program memory 
limit unless by that you mean the total amount of memory + swap in your 
machine.  You can set a limit with +RTS -M, but there isn't one by 
default.  So what happens when you write a program with a space leak is 
that it gobbles up all the memory, and turns on the hard disk light for 
a few minutes until the OS gives up and kills it.  Or at least, you hope 
it kills your program and not something else important you were doing at 
the time.

Well if having unbounded (by default) memory use in the form of heap
is OK with most users then I can't see why the same should not be OK
for stack. An errant program is just as likely to explode the heap
as it is the stack AFAICS.

We used to have a default heap limit, for the reason above, but I was 
persuaded to remove it because it was too much of a pain to keep having 
to say +RTS -Mwhatever when your program ran out of memory.  So we 
could do the same with the stack limit - the only concern is whether it 
will be highly inconvenient when we accidentally write programs with 
infinite loops, which in my experience seem to occur more than 
space-leaky programs.

To be honest, in all my years of Haskelling I can't think of a single
occasion where I've had a program get stuck in an infinite loop. I've
had plenty of stack overflows, and they're reported on the mailing
lists pretty regularly, but on all such occasions it's been caused
by deep but very definitely finite recursion.

We could also set the limit a lot higher than it currently is.  Or, we 
could try to figure out how much memory is in the machine and set it 
based on that.  Basically, I don't care that much, unless it means I 
have to do a lot of work to implement it :)

I don't think just keeping the implementation as it is and just changing
(or removing) the limit is really an option. Unfortunately, as things
are at present, using a lot of stack with a program compiled by ghc
really is a bug and the limit does provide users with some
protection against this. But IMO the bug is in the ghc rts, not the
users source code most of the time :-(

I think at the minimum, the stack shrinking mod you suggested should
be implemented before the limit is removed.

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Stack overflow

2008-02-18 Thread Adrian Hey

Philip Armstrong wrote:

On Sun, Feb 17, 2008 at 10:01:14PM +, Adrian Hey wrote:

BTW, I find this especially ironic as fromDistinctAscList is the perfect
example what I was talking about in another thread (continuation passing
madness caused by an irrational fear of stack use).

In *some* cases, continuation passing can be quite a bit faster than
other approaches IIRC. I haven't looked at this bit of code though.

Can you or anyone else give an example?

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Stack overflow

2008-02-17 Thread Adrian Hey

Philip Armstrong wrote:

Since no-one else has answered, I'll take a stab.
Obiously, you have a stack leak due to laziness somewhere

I wouldn't say that was obvious, though it is certainly a

I'm never exactly clear what people mean by a stack leak.
It seems some folk regard any algorithm that makes use of
O(n) or worse stack space as a stack leak.

My opinion is that using O(n) or worse working memory when
the job could be done in O(log n) or O(1) memory is certainly
bad, but using O(n) stack is no worse in principle than using
O(n) heap. But at the moment it is worse in practice with ghc,
regretably :-(

In fact, a little experimentation has revealed that this:

   [path] - getArgs
   m - liftM decode (BS.readFile path)::IO [((Int, Maybe String), Int)]
   putStrLn . show . findMax . fromAscList $ m

will work just fine. No extra evaluation needed at all! I'll leave it
to the Haskell gurus to explain what's going on...

That's very interesting. Strangely if you use fromDistinctAscList
instead (as used by the Binary instance get method) the problem
re-appears. This is despite fromAscList making use of fromDistinctAscList.

BTW, I find this especially ironic as fromDistinctAscList is the perfect
example what I was talking about in another thread (continuation passing
madness caused by an irrational fear of stack use).

As to what's really going on here, I haven't figured it out and I'm not
really inclined to try :-)

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Stack overflow

2008-02-17 Thread Adrian Hey

Bertram Felgenhauer wrote:

I'm fairly certain that the stack overflow is (indirectly) caused by
Data.Binary, not Data.Map.

Yes, I think you are right. At least it seems clear that the stack
overflow is not directly caused by fromDistinctAscList.

The result of 'decode' is a list of known length with unevaluated
elements (because the Get monad is lazy) [*], where each element depends
on the previous one (because reading is sequential, and the elements of
the list may have nonuniform size). Now when you evaluate the last
element, that will demand the last but one element, which in turn will
demand the previous element, and so on. If the list is long enough,
you'll get a stack overflow.

Using fromAscList instead of fromDistinctAscList cures the problem,
because it inspects every key in the list, starting from the beginning,
in order to eliminate duplicates. fromDistinctAscList, on the other
hand, does not inspect the keys at all.

[path] - getArgs
m - liftM decode (BS.readFile path)::IO [((Int, Maybe String), Int)]
putStrLn . show . last $ m

should also exhibit the same stack overflow.

Indeed it does. So it seems if I understand correctly, this is yet
another example what I would call the lazy applied strict thunk chain
problem (I'm sure you understand what I mean by that).

The standard party line advice in such circumstances is to prevent
their formation by evaluating eagerly as they are applied. However,
this is often not possible for users of libraries they don't own,
if the API does not provide the necessary strictness control. I would
argue that even if it possible is sometimes undesirable too (if
evaluation is expensive, saves nothing in heap use and the final
value may never be needed).

So I still think the stack management system should be designed so
that as far as is practical (given finite memory), any expression
that can be built on the heap can also be evaluated without causing
a stack overflow.

But I guess this rant is not much help to the OP :-)

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell maximum stack depth

2008-02-07 Thread Adrian Hey

Adrian Hey wrote:

AFAICT neilGobbler isn't even entirely safe as an implementation of
an eager take. There's nothing the Haskell standard to stop it being
transformed into..

neilGobbler :: Int - [x] - [x]
neilGobbler n xs = length (take n xs) `seq` take n xs

Whoops, I see stackGobbler has the same problem..
-- Strict version of take
stackGobbler :: Int - [x] - [x]
stackGobbler 0 _  = []
stackGobbler _ [] = []
stackGobbler n (x:xs) = let xs' = stackGobbler (n-1) xs
in  xs' `seq` (x:xs')

I guess this is an example of the Haskell standard needing to be
tightened up a bit, but that is another story..

Adrian Hey
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell maximum stack depth

2008-02-07 Thread Adrian Hey

Neil Mitchell wrote:


But the point is that *both* heapGobbler and neilGobbler are likely to
be slower and chew through at least twice as much heap as stackGobbler,
which would be the implementation of choice for both simplicity and
performance if it wasn't for this stack management problem.


Yes, though testing stackGobbler with a large enough data set could
be problematic for the very reason we've been discsussing.

But let's say your hypothesis was correct. If so then presumably *all*
Haskell programs could give better performance than they currently do
if we nuked the stack completely and have ghc generate CPS style code.

This too would be fine with me. The problem with the current situation
is that we have perfectly sound and correct programs that crash quite
unnecessarily (and even if they don't get quite that far, can still
cause considerable per thread memory wastage if what SPJ says is true).
Why their authors choose to use a stack greedy implementation and
whether that was by design or a mistake really *isn't* the point.

As I said before (this is the third time I think), the fact that these
programs use a lot of stack at all is just a peculiarity of *ghc*
implementation, so it really is a ghc responsibility to do a decent
job of stack management IMO. It's not a programmer responsibility to
code in such a way that minimal stack is used (with ghc).

That sounds like the thing that people can conjecture, but
benchmarks can prove. And I'd claim that neilGobbler is the simplest
function by a large margin.

AFAICT neilGobbler isn't even entirely safe as an implementation of
an eager take. There's nothing the Haskell standard to stop it being
transformed into..

neilGobbler :: Int - [x] - [x]
neilGobbler n xs = length (take n xs) `seq` take n xs

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell maximum stack depth

2008-02-07 Thread Adrian Hey

Neil Mitchell wrote:


I have already partially scanned the list looking for the first
element that satisfies some condition, using a tail recursive search.

If such an element is found I want to split the list at that point.

span/break? I really can't believe the memory overhead of span is that
terrible, you are only duplicating the (:)'s and its only one

As an aside, my version of this function would be:

neilGobbler :: Int - [x] - [x]
neilGobbler n xs = length res `seq` res
where res = take n xs

My guess is it will use O(1) stack and burn O(n) heap (in addition that
actually used by the result), so assymptotic complexity wise same as
heapGobbler, but probably higher constant factors with ghc due to lazy
building of take thunks and subsequent reduction and indirection costs.

Sure? Guessing constant factors related to strictness and laziness is
incredibly hard! My guess based on gut feeling is that the program
will take less time, and use half the memory. But given my initial
comment, that guess is not very reliable.

But the point is that *both* heapGobbler and neilGobbler are likely to
be slower and chew through at least twice as much heap as stackGobbler,
which would be the implementation of choice for both simplicity and
performance if it wasn't for this stack management problem.

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell maximum stack depth

2008-02-06 Thread Adrian Hey

Neil Mitchell wrote:


If you mean an example of coding style and choice of stack vs. heap,
I already have..

I'm at a loss as why you want a strict version of take. It's clearly
not for performance, as it performs slower. I'd say both the gobbler
programs have a bug, namely that they are not sufficiently lazy.

I have already partially scanned the list looking for the first
element that satisfies some condition, using a tail recursive search.

If such an element is found I want to split the list at that point.

If such an element is not found the entire list has been scanned without
using any extra stack or heap (other than that used by the list itself
and the condition test).

I could build the reversed list accumulator on the heap as I did the
search, but I don't because this will be completely wasted effort in the
case where such an element is not found. So instead I just use an
unboxed Int to count how far I get and have the search return this
and the unsearched suffix (in the case where a matching element is

But the lifetimes of the list prefix and suffix from this point on are
completely unrelated so I don't want the prefix thunk to be hanging on
to the unknown sized suffix. As I already know that the list has been
evaluated at least up to the point that it gets chopped off, I choose
to use a strict (eager) take.

As an aside, my version of this function would be:

neilGobbler :: Int - [x] - [x]
neilGobbler n xs = length res `seq` res
where res = take n xs

I have no idea if it takes the heap or the stack, or if it performs
faster or slower. If you still have whatever test you used on the
gobbler, perhaps you could tell us.

My guess is it will use O(1) stack and burn O(n) heap (in addition that
actually used by the result), so assymptotic complexity wise same as
heapGobbler, but probably higher constant factors with ghc due to lazy
building of take thunks and subsequent reduction and indirection costs.

If you mean an example of it biting with lazy code, this is discussed
so often you'd be spoiled for choice if you search the mailing list
archives. Here's a good one..

This example actually shows the problem twice. In one case it's solvable
by using foldl' instead of foldl.

Which reduces the memory from O(n) to O(1).

Are you sure about that? Using foldl' here eliminates one of the two
possible sources of stack overflow, but it doesn't eliminate a space
leak. It's O(n) either way. Using strict Map insertion will eliminate
a space leak (in this case) and also a possible source stack overflow.

Surely thats a good thing,

Would be if it was true :-)

and the code before had a space leak. Space leak is bad, therefore
telling people about it is good.

There are plenty of space leaks that won't cause stack overflows, and
plenty of stack overflows that aren't caused by space leaks (see above
for one example).

Again I have to say that even if true, I think this is a pretty lame
justification for the current implementation. The *default* behaviour of
any useful program should surely be to make best effort to carry on
working (and in due course deliver an answer or whatever), even if
there is unexpectedly high stack use for some reason (that may or may
not be a bug).

I think its sensible to let people set their own stack bound (which is

I have no objection to people bounding their stack if that's their
choice. I can't imagine why anybody who stopped to think about this
would actually want this feature, but it's free world.

What I object to is it being bounded by default to something other
than overall program memory limit. I know that I could probably
achieve this effect myself with +RTS options, but I also want to be
able to write libraries that other people are going to use safely
without having to add a appropriate warning in the documentation
to the effect that some parts use O(n) stack space deliberately, by

But of course this all assumes that underlying implementation is
sufficiently robust to make unbounded stacks safe (at least as safe as
any other unbounded data structure). Unfortunately it seems this isn't
the case at present if what various folk have told me is true.

but that clearly just from taking an informal poll of
respondants to this thread, the current default should indeed be the
default. You seem to be the only person clamouring for an unlimited

Yes, this is strange. Same thing happened in the global variables
debate despite it being obvious to any thinking person that I was
correct. Denial of the reality of some very simple examples of the
problem was typical of that debate too.


Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell maximum stack depth

2008-02-05 Thread Adrian Hey

Stefan O'Rear wrote:

On Mon, Feb 04, 2008 at 10:13:12PM +, Adrian Hey wrote:

remember that this behaviour never wastes more than 50% of the stack,
which is a relatively small amount.

Only if the stack is relatively small. Would you say the same about
heap, or about a stack that only needed 50% of heap space but ended
up using all of it? Or money? Using twice as much as you need of
anything is bad IMO.

Apparently you don't realize that GHC normally uses twice as much heap
as is needed, due to the decision to use a two-space copying collector
by default for the oldest generation. :)

Yikes again! It gets worse :-)

Perhaps I should have said *live* heap.

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell maximum stack depth

2008-02-05 Thread Adrian Hey

Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:

| First bad thing:
| Stack size (memory consumed) doubles each time it overflows.
| Second bad thing:
| Arbitrary limit on stack size unrelated to overall (heap) memory
| available.
| Third bad thing (the really bad thing):
| If a stack has temporarily grown (to 64M say), it will never shrink
| back down again to something more typical ( 4K say). If I understand
| correctly, it will continue to take 64M from the heap regardless.
| What I would like is to be able to set an upper limit on total memory
| useage and allow the program to freely use this memory as either stack
| or heap. At least that should be the default behaviour, but maybe
| also allow +RTS restrictions for debugging (though I don't think this
| is a very good way of investigating a programs stack use).
| I would also like stack memory allocation to increase (and decrease :-)
| in some sane sized linear increment, not double each time. With the
| current scheme, as I understand it, if 65M is needed then 128M will be
| allocated.

Would you like to create a ticket for this?


I don't know how many people it bites, and how often,

The problem is that the fact that it *might* bite often affects your
whole coding style (well mine actually :-) for some problems. It also
seems to have given rise to the POV that ghc's current behaviour is good
because stack use is bad. MHO is that it's only ghc's current behaviour
that *makes* stack use bad.

I think it bites a lot less often than it otherwise would because most
people will deliberately chose to use heap in preference to stack (at
least when writing eager code) just to avoid the problem. But it still
bites pretty often anyway with lazy code for unexpected reasons.
Arguably such situations are indeed a bug more often than not, but
I still think terminating the program unnecessarily (at 8M stack) is
bad default policy.

Yes, this is the standard solution, and it's a good one because it has a robust 
cost model (no quadratic costs).  However, it's tricky to get right; copying is 
simpler.  If a significant fraction of runtime (for some interesting 
program(s)) turned out to be consumed by copying stacks then we could consider 

Do you really need such evidence? If we agree that allowing stack to
grow to arbitrary (limited only by memory availability) size is
reasonable then surely we already know that there will be some stack
size for which quadratic copying cost is going to get stupid :-)

Of course there other possible more radical solutions that come to
mind, like not using a (C style) stack at all. But I guess we'd
be talking about a complete re-write of the pretty much all the
rts and much of the compiler to do this :-(

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell maximum stack depth

2008-02-05 Thread Adrian Hey

Bulat Ziganshin wrote:

Hello Matthew,

Monday, February 4, 2008, 11:45:51 PM, you wrote:

That would be nice. But its only beneficial if there are programs
which takes large amounts of stack at some point, but then shrink down
to very little stack and continue for a reasonable amount of time.

From the 'when I was a lad' department...

Thinking back to when Java transitioned to a garbage collector that could give
memory back to the OS, we got some unexpected benefits. Consider a machine

i would be also happy if ghc will return unused *heap* memory back to
OS - it's immediately required for my GUI program where users may open
huge files and then close them. but i personally don't have the same
need for *stack*

How do you know you don't or won't have the same need for stack?

Given that most most real programs are going to pull in library code
written by all sorts of people, don't you want your program to be robust
and memory efficient even if it makes use of libraries whose authors
chose stack gobbling in preference to heap gobbling, or who used a
(currently non-existant AFAIK) CPS based implementation for development?

I just don't get this idea that the current implementation (8M limit
IIRC in the absence of +RTS options) is good. 8M is still a pretty
big stack and (8M - 4K) per thread seems like an awful lot of memory
to waste to me. If we're all so sure that big stacks are a bug then
why bother allowing them to grow at all. Why not just limit them to 4K?

Actually I think the latter option above might be good way to discover
how many bug free Haskell progs there really are out there. Precious
few I suspect :-(

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell maximum stack depth

2008-02-04 Thread Adrian Hey

Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:

| Yes, using lots of stack is clearly bad with ghc, but this is a ghc
| bug. In fact the only reason these programs do use lots of stack
| (vs. heap) is just a peculiarity of ghc rts implementation, so it
| really should be ghc that fixes the problem, or at least admits
| responsibility :-)

I don't think there's anything fundamental here. GHC allocates the stack in the heap, and 
it can grow as big as you like.  The size limit is simply to catch infinite recursion 
with a more helpful message than heap overflow.  I think.  There is one 
peculiarity though: I don't think we ever shrink the stack, so once it gets big it stays 
big.  This could be fixed, though.


Sorry, but if what you say is true then things are even worse than I
thought :-( This behaviour seems really bad to me, especially for
concurrent programs.

Also, I can't help thinking that the common justification for the
current limit (that it helps find alleged bugs) is a little lame.
It only helps find bugs if one expects ones program to use less than
8M of stack (hence if it's using more, it's a bug by ones *own*
definition). But if a program or library is deliberately designed to
make use of stack (in preference to heap) for efficiency reasons
(or even just to avoid the awkwardness of using explict CPS style),
then this is a source of bugs in otherwise perfectly correct and
reasonable programs.

If we want some way of investigating a programs stack use there must be
a better way of doing it than deliberately inducing a crash in any
program that exceeds 8M of stack.

Thanks for the answer though. I think I'll write a ticket about this :-)

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell maximum stack depth

2008-02-04 Thread Adrian Hey

Hello Simon,

Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:

| Sorry, but if what you say is true then things are even worse than I
| thought :-( This behaviour seems really bad to me, especially for
| concurrent programs.

Which behaviour precisely?  Can you say what is wrong and what behaviour you 


First bad thing:
Stack size (memory consumed) doubles each time it overflows.

Second bad thing:
Arbitrary limit on stack size unrelated to overall (heap) memory

Third bad thing (the really bad thing):
If a stack has temporarily grown (to 64M say), it will never shrink
back down again to something more typical ( 4K say). If I understand
correctly, it will continue to take 64M from the heap regardless.

What I would like is to be able to set an upper limit on total memory
useage and allow the program to freely use this memory as either stack
or heap. At least that should be the default behaviour, but maybe
also allow +RTS restrictions for debugging (though I don't think this
is a very good way of investigating a programs stack use).

I would also like stack memory allocation to increase (and decrease :-)
in some sane sized linear increment, not double each time. With the
current scheme, as I understand it, if 65M is needed then 128M will be

Stefan O'Rear suggested an alternative. I don't know how hard it would
be to implement though (don't really know anything about ghc rts).

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell maximum stack depth

2008-02-04 Thread Adrian Hey

Neil Mitchell wrote:


First bad thing:
Stack size (memory consumed) doubles each time it overflows.

Bad thing? Assume that allocating memory takes some constant amount of
time, such as invoking overflow behaviour etc. To get the size of the
stack to n bytes with doubling takes O(log n), to get it there with a
constant increase takes O(n).

But whatever the program did to get given stack size must have
been at least O(n) anyway, so overall it's still going to be O(n)
even if the stack allocation part is O(log n). We're just talking
about a very tiny increase in constant factors, at least if Stefan
O'Rears hypothesis is correct :-). I'm inclined to agree with him.

If you store the stack in a linear
block, then allocation costs O(n) and you can even risk O(n^2)
behaviour unless you double each time. I think its fairly well
understood that things like hash tables should double in size when
they overflow, rather than increasing by some small increment.

It is? Well obviously if the entire thing is copied each time this
will be bad, but that's not what we're talking about. See Stefans

remember that this behaviour never wastes more than 50% of the stack,
which is a relatively small amount.

Only if the stack is relatively small. Would you say the same about
heap, or about a stack that only needed 50% of heap space but ended
up using all of it? Or money? Using twice as much as you need of
anything is bad IMO.

Third bad thing (the really bad thing):
If a stack has temporarily grown (to 64M say), it will never shrink
back down again to something more typical ( 4K say). If I understand
correctly, it will continue to take 64M from the heap regardless.

That would be nice. But its only beneficial if there are programs
which takes large amounts of stack at some point, but then shrink down
to very little stack and continue for a reasonable amount of time.
Console programs probably don't fit this pattern (since they tend to
be batch style and exit quickly). GUI programs probably do, so perhaps
stack reduction will be more important as the GUI toolkits mature and
Haskell starts getting used for UI type things.

The nature of the app has nothing to do with it AFAICS, this problem
can affect any program that evaluates expressions.

That said, unless
there is a real user with a real problem (rather than a theoretical
concern), priority may go to other bugs.

The point is that writing a stack greedy function definition (rather
than a heap greedy alternative) is almost always the simpler option,
and would probably be more efficent too. It would also be perfectly
OK in *most* situations.

But being OK in most situations isn't good enough. You also (as far
as is possible given finite amount of total memory) want it to be
OK in pathological situations, or at least no worse than the heap
greedy version. Why should the decision to use a stack greedy definition
cause a crash at 8M whereas a heap greedy definition can happily use
much more without crashing?

I (like everyone else) tend to avoid knowingly writing stack greedy
definitions because of this. But I do this as a workaround for ghc's
currently (IMO) poor stack management, not because I consider code
that uses the stack to be inherently buggy.

Furthermore as I said earlier, using a lot of stack is purely a
ghc rts implementation detail. Other possible Haskell implementations
may not use a lot of stack for the same function (may not use a stack
at all). So you can't say a program has bugs just because it happens
to cause a stack overflow with ghc. You might reasonably argue that
it has a bug if it uses a lot of memory with any plausible Haskell
implementation (one way or another) *and* you can show that there is
an alternative implementation which uses asymptotically less memory.

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell maximum stack depth

2008-01-29 Thread Adrian Hey

Derek Elkins wrote:

While perhaps for a simple throw-away program it may be beneficial to
write code that allocates unnecessary stack, I personally consider
unnecessary stack use a bug.  A stack overflow, to me, is always
indicative of a bug.

The bug is in ghc stack management. Why is it so important that the
stack size is arbitrarily limited? It's just an intermediate data
structure, no different from any other intermediate data structure
you may build on the heap (well apart from it's efficiency). But I guess
we would be in danger of having our programs run too fast if folk were
silly enough to make use of the stack.

So perhaps the current ghc defaults are too generous. What limit do you
think should be placed on the stack size that a non buggy program can

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell maximum stack depth

2008-01-29 Thread Adrian Hey

Jonathan Cast wrote: is the traditional cite 
here, no?

Can be is not the same as is. A lot depends on exactly what you
call a stack and the relative efficiencies of stack vs. heap
implementations. Certainly my experience of library tuning tells
me that (with ghc at least), designing your code and data structures
to keep heap allocation down to an absolute minimum is very important.
So I'm very sceptical about claims that burning heap is just as
efficient. Heap allocation maybe just as cheap, but reclaiming costs

A lot also depends on compiler (and associated rts), such as whether
or not it translates to CPS, thereby in effect building a stack (in
all but name) on the heap.

So you could exactly have the same correct and *bug free* program
giving a stack overflow on ghc, but not on a CPS based compiler
(the CPS implementation just uses a shed load of heap instead).

Other implementations (Chicken Scheme?) effectively build their
heap on the stack, which never shrinks until it overflows. Is
that inherently buggy?

Surely the alleged buginess of programs should not be dependent
on choice of compiler/rst?

As nobody has provided any sensible justification for the assertion
that using lots of stack (vs. heap) inherently is bad (and that
programs which do have bugs, by definition), it seems to me this is
one of those quasi-religious beliefs, like (so called) global
variables or the cyclic module dependencies being a bug (by

Yes, using lots of stack is clearly bad with ghc, but this is a ghc
bug. In fact the only reason these programs do use lots of stack
(vs. heap) is just a peculiarity of ghc rts implementation, so it
really should be ghc that fixes the problem, or at least admits
responsibility :-)

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell maximum stack depth

2008-01-29 Thread Adrian Hey

Neil Mitchell wrote:

My claim is that any program which needs to adjust the stack size has
a laziness leak - since I've made a universally quantified claim, a
couple of real examples should blow it out of the water.

But people often deliberately introduce lazyness leaks for improved
efficency and in order to avoid space leaks.

Here there is essentially no difference between stackGobbler and
heapGobbler (they both use a stack), but in order to avoid a
stack overflow heapGobbler is tail recursive and explicitly
implements the stack as a reversed list accumulator, which then
has to be reversed at the end, so will burn twice as much heap
to get a result as stackGobbler (at least if we already know the
list has evaluated at least up to the point where it's tail get
chopped off).

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell maximum stack depth

2008-01-28 Thread Adrian Hey

Neil Mitchell wrote:

Hi Istarex,

Does Haskell have a maximum stack depth restriction like Java 
Python, or is it only limited by the maximum stack available on the
system (i.e. what would be available to a C program)?

You are probably thinking that recursive functions use up program
stack, and hence the stack depth bounds the amount of recursion. In
Haskell, that isn't the case. Haskell is lazily evaluated, and has
tail recursion, which means that you rarely run into a problem with
exceeding the stack depth. In GHC the stack is stored in the heap
area of memory, so is not limited to the C stack, but can be set at
runtime with a flag (+RTS ... something ...) - but you won't need to.

Sorry, but I think that's a very misleading answer to give to someone
(who's presumably a noob).

The answer is that no such limit is defined in the standard, for the
obvious reason that the standard does not presume anything about
runtime implementation, not even the presence of a stack.

ghc uses a pretty conventional stack AFAIK, and it is arbitrarily
limited, but you can change the limit with +RTS options.

Also, stack overflows are a pretty common cause of program failure
IME, not at all rare. At least, far more common than whatever error
message you get from heap exhaustion (can't even remember the last
time I saw one of those).

Adrian Hey
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Maps, was Re: GHC source code improvement ideas

2008-01-09 Thread Adrian Hey

Wolfgang Jeltsch wrote:

Am Sonntag, 6. Januar 2008 13:37 schrieb Adrian Hey:

It's the GT class here..

Short remark: Wouldn’t a longer, more descriptive identifier be better?

Like GeeTee maybe? or even GeneralisedTrie?

I like short names myself. But as I have stopped work on this particular
lib, it needs a new owner. Anyone who takes it on has renaming
priveleges :-)

Adrian Hey

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: Haddock version

2008-01-08 Thread Adrian Hey


I've just tried this with cabal

 runghc Setup haddock --hyperlink-source --hscolour-css=..\hscolour.css

and I get this error..

Setup: haddock --hyperlink-source requires Haddock version 0.8 or later

This looks like a bug in cabal rather than the new Haddock to me.

Can anyone think of an easy workaround?

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Maps, was Re: GHC source code improvement ideas

2008-01-06 Thread Adrian Hey

Christian Maeder wrote:

Simon Marlow wrote:

Regarding Data.Map, I'd be interested in trying out AVL trees instead,
to see if they have better performance, but then we'd have to import the
code of course.

Surely, we want the best maps possible for ghc and as public library
(and minimize maintenance).

The problem is to agree on a suitable interface. I would suggest to take
 (or only slightly change) Daan's interface (the current Data.Map) and
improve the underlying implementation possibly using (i.e. Adrian Hey's)
AVL trees.

The trouble is as far as implementations is concerned the best maps
possible is a continually moving target I suspect, not to mention
being highly dependent on key type. I certainly wouldn't say AVL tree
based Maps are best possible, though they do seem give better
performance (particularly for union, intersection etc..). The clone
also address some defects in the current Data.Map (like lack of
strictness control) and has some other useful stuff.

But if this is going to be used at all, I would say this is only
a stop gap solution, which leads me to your second point about
interfaces. The generalised trie lib I was working on was a serious
attempt to see what a real useable non-toy map API should look
like. It's the GT class here..
(Sorry for the long URL).

It's already somewhat huge and still incomplete IMO, but even in it's
current form it gives a uniform API for Ints, arbitrary Ord instances
and Lists. It's a shame it's all completely untested :-(

What really needs to happen on this is..
 1 - Finish and stabilise the GT class definition. There's still more
 that's needed but I think the promised type families magic is needed
 2 - Write a comprehensive test/benchmarking suite for GT instances.
 3 - Provide some way to automatically generate the instances for
 arbitrary user defined types.

Which is all rather a lot of work that nobody seems very interested
in :-(

Adrian Hey

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Is GHC.Base deliberately hidden?

2008-01-03 Thread Adrian Hey


Why is it that the haddock docs supplied with GHC omit this module and
its exports? Is it because we're not supposed to use them? I'm thinking
of the compareInt# function in particular, which I use quite a lot.

Adrian Hey

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] HsColour version confusion

2008-01-03 Thread Adrian Hey


I'm confused about which HsColour version I should be using with
Haddock/Cabal (on Windows).

According to this page..

..the latest version is 1.9. But the latest version in Hackage is 1.6,
the latest version in the ftp downloads dir is 1.8, unless you want a
pre-compiled windows version in which case you're stuck with 1.3 :-)

Anyone know what's going on?

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Collections library

2007-11-28 Thread Adrian Hey

Ketil Malde wrote:

Ben Franksen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

PS (completely off-topic, sorry): I've been using the collections library
throughout the project  I must say it is a lot nicer to work with

I tried to Google for this, and ended up at

The only link that seems to work is the one that is marked as
outdated.  I've replaced them with a link to Hackage, but somebody who
knows more about this might want to recheck the facts on the page.

It currently lives here as a darcs repo..

..and is in the process of being 6.8ified and split up into separate
smaller packages for hackage. I think one of the problems with it as
one package (apart from it's size) is that different bits of it were
in different states of real world readiness. Some of it quite stable
(e.g. all the AVL tree stuff and Data.Map/Set clones) and some was
still actively being worked on (the Data.Trie.General stuff) and this
kinda stopped a stable hackage package for everything.

I recently withdrew from this project and offered up the libs I'd been
working on as they are for a new owner. Didn't get any takers though
(no surprises there!). I've always found the lack of apparent interest
in all this somewhat puzzling myself. It's not as if there's no latent
demand for efficient collections. (Data.Map is probably the most
regularly whined about of all the standard libs.)

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A tale of three shootout entries

2007-11-27 Thread Adrian Hey

Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:

| Something I found with Dons version on my machine was that if I removed
| all the exclamation marks and the -fbang-patterns bit at the top it went
| about 20% faster as well as being much cleaner code, but with my very
| rudimentary understanding of Haskell I wasn't entirely sure it would
| produce the same results if I did this and didn't get round to checking.

If, after investigation (and perhaps checking with Don) you find that adding 
bangs makes your program go slower, even though the function is in fact strict 
(otherwise it might go slower because it's just doing more work!) then I'd love 
to see a test case.

I wonder if this could be related to what I observed with AVL trees and
mentioned a while back (using a strict data type is slower than using
explicit seqs to get the same strictness).

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Libraries need a new owner

2007-11-26 Thread Adrian Hey

Hello Folks,

Adrian Hey wrote:

If anyone is interested in the job then I
suggest they contact myself or Jean-Philippe Bernardy. sooner than I go and write something like that than the IEE (or
I should say IET) go and break my mail alias. So sorry if anyone did
actually try to contact me and got a their mail bounced. It should be
working again now.

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Libraries need a new owner

2007-11-25 Thread Adrian Hey

Hello Folks,

As some of you will be aware, I have been working on various Map
implementations that currently live here..

The libs in question being Data.Tree.AVL, Data.Trie.General and a few
other bits like Data.COrdering and the AVL based Data.Map/Set clones.

Well, I have decided to stop work on these. So they need a new owner if
they're going to go anywhere. If anyone is interested in the job then I
suggest they contact myself or Jean-Philippe Bernardy.

Of course I will be happy to provide any help or advise anyone who takes
over these libs may feel they need from me. I might even contribute a
few patches from time to time myself :-)

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why does GHC limit stack size?

2007-11-03 Thread Adrian Hey


 Why is there a limitation on the stack size in GHC? Like heap where we
 can limit the size by -M RTS option but the default is unlimited, why
 not let the program use as big a stack as required? If not by default,
 then by a separate option?

 Some of the functions that we write in recursive fashion will usually
 cause a stack overflow, but will work fine if there is more stack
 (suppose we are not worried about efficiency). And these functions
 generally look nicer and compact than their tail recursive versions.

 Is this is a technical hurdle, or just a checkpoint for runaway

This was discussed a while ago on the ghc users mailing list.
I think there was general agreement that this was bad, but
that doing something better meant a lot of work for someone
(who could be trusted to get it right :-)

Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

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