Re: Pattern Match Success Changes Types

1998-05-29 Thread Fergus Henderson

On 28-May-1998, Adrian Hey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  A strong type system is supposed to prevent runtime errors.
  Thus it makes sense to disallow anything that might
  result in an attempt to access an unbound type.
 Yes, but in the cases we've been talking about we know that there will be
 no access to the unbound type since the reason the type is unbound is that
 it isn't referenced by expressions such as (Right something).

That does not imply that the type won't be used.
As shown in my example program, the type may be used for method
dispatch, even if there aren't any instances of the type (i.e.
values which have that type) around.

   as a general rule, I completely disregard Haskell's class system when ever
   possible. If this makes me a naive user, then I must plead guilty.
  You shouldn't disregard it "when ever possible";
  you should only disregard it in cases where you will
  often want to apply different methods to the same data type.
 I know using Haskell Classes will probably result in neater code a lot of
 the time. But when I write modules I like to think that they will last
 me 'forever', so I try to make them as general purpose as possible in the
 hope that they might come in handy again some day. Given the choice between
 a neat but non-general way of doing things and a messy but general way I
 am always inclined towards the latter.

Ah, but the type class method is general.
It's just a question of where you put the messiness.
With type classes, the common case is elegant, but things
get messy (you have to use newtype, etc.) if you want to
use operations other than the default for the type.
With the alternatives that you are advocating, using
different operations is elegant, but things are a little
messy (you have to pass stuff explicitly) in the common case.

   I suppose I could probably get around this problem by by making different
   types using newtype, but I this would no doubt cause other complications
  Yes, perhaps.  See Alistair Reid's proposal for newtype typecasts
  to avoid some of these complications.
 I think I've seen this. It didn't seem to go down to well if my memory
 is correct.

True, but maybe considerations such as these will sway the balance a bit! ;-)

Fergus Henderson [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  "I have always known that the pursuit
WWW:  |  of excellence is a lethal habit"
PGP: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]| -- the last words of T. S. Garp.

Re: Pattern Match Success Changes Types

1998-05-28 Thread Adrian Hey

On Thu 28 May, Fergus Henderson wrote:
 Unbound type variables can lead to runtime errors.

Its difficult to see how they can be always avoided without writing explicit
type signatures to do this.

 A strong type system is supposed to prevent runtime errors.
 Thus it makes sense to disallow anything that might
 result in an attempt to access an unbound type.

Yes, but in the cases we've been talking about we know that there will be
no access to the unbound type since the reason the type is unbound is that
it isn't referenced by expressions such as (Right something). As soon as the
(Right something) becomes an alternative result to (Left somethingelse) then
the type variable will no longer be unbound.   
   What is the ultimate purpose of type checking a program? The answer has
   to be, to avoid run-time errors. Beyond this, the type system seems to
   serve no purpose and so should not reject definitions such as that
   above, in an ideal world.
 The Haskell type system is used for much more than just avoiding run-time
 errors.  In particular, the Haskell system of type classes means that
 types are part of the semantics.

I'm begining to understand the significance of this point. I suppose
it also means that I couldn't be more wrong in my belief that Haskell is
intended as a target language for code synthesis tools in general. What
these really need is a non-type checked language, ideally (assuming
the synthesised code had somehow been proven to be type safe).

 Some people have argued against this, arguing for a system where
 types do not affect the operational semantics, only the legality.
 But this leads to a less expressive language (for example,
 you can't have a polymorphic `read').

I think I agree with these people. :-(

  as a general rule, I completely disregard Haskell's class system when ever
  possible. If this makes me a naive user, then I must plead guilty.
 You shouldn't disregard it "when ever possible";
 you should only disregard it in cases where you will
 often want to apply different methods to the same data type.

I know using Haskell Classes will probably result in neater code a lot of
the time. But when I write modules I like to think that they will last
me 'forever', so I try to make them as general purpose as possible in the
hope that they might come in handy again some day. Given the choice between
a neat but non-general way of doing things and a messy but general way I
am always inclined towards the latter. Perhaps its just my temperament
rather than logic that makes me do this :-)

 In many situations, the methods you want are usually fixed for each type,
 and in those sort of situations, it makes sense to use type classes.

Arithmetic being the obvious example. Although, even here it is conceivable
that one might want to employ different multiplication algorithms (for example)
on different occasions, even if the number representation didn't change.
But this is probably rare, I must conceed.

  I suppose I could probably get around this problem by by making different
  types using newtype, but I this would no doubt cause other complications
 Yes, perhaps.  See Alistair Reid's proposal for newtype typecasts
 to avoid some of these complications.

I think I've seen this. It didn't seem to go down to well if my memory
is correct. (I don't mean that as critisism of the Alistair Reid's proposal,
but as a reflection of the fact that there appears to be considerable
diversity of opinion on these issues.)

Adrian Hey

Re: Pattern Match Success Changes Types

1998-05-12 Thread Fergus Henderson

On 11-May-1998, Simon L Peyton Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Since GHC keeps the types right through the compiler, it
 really can't do CSE on two terms of type
   Either Int  Int
   Either Bool Int
 even if they are both applications of Right.

 Actually, GHC does finally discard type information right at the
 end, so we could do an extra bit of CSE there, but frankly I doubt
 it would buy very much.

A simpler way of doing this is for the CSE pass to just insert a call
to a compiler builtin function `$unsafe_cast' if the types don't
match.  At the very end when you finally discard type information you
can then optimize away the call to `$unsafe_cast'.  This provides the
same benefits without the need for an extra pass. 

It probably doesn't buy a lot, but IMHO it's easy enough that it's worth
doing anyway.

 Incidentally, I don't think it would be sensible to change
 the type system to allow the 
  demo1 :: (a - b) - Either a c - Either b c
  demo1 f (Left  a)   = Left (f a)
  demo1 _ r@(Right c) = r

 What type does r have?  Either a c.
 What type does the result of the fn have?  Either b c.
 Different types.

I agree, this code should be disallowed.

Note that the different types can lead to different semantics.
Consider the following code, which is similar to the code above:

foo :: (Int - Float) - Either Int Char - Either Float Char
foo f (Left  a)   = Left (f a)
foo _ r@(Right c) = classmethod r

class Demo t where
classmethod :: t - Either Float Char

instance Demo Either Int Char where
classmethod = m1

instance Demo Either Float Char where
classmethod = m2

Here `r' has type `Either Int Char', not `Either a Char',
and this determines which class method is called.
Note that writing

foo _ r@(Right c) = classmethod (Right c)

would result in compile error (or worse) due to an uninstantiated
type variable.

Fergus Henderson [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  "I have always known that the pursuit
WWW:  |  of excellence is a lethal habit"
PGP: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]| -- the last words of T. S. Garp.

Re: Pattern Match Success Changes Types

1998-05-12 Thread Adrian Hey


Thanks to everybody who replied on this thread. I'm afraid I've got
to go away for a couple of weeks, so I can't join in any more :-(

Here are my views on the most recent postings...

On Mon 11 May, Jon Mountjoy wrote:
 I would guess 'sometimes'.  In some cases of course is it, but in
 other cases you might increase the scope of an expression and thereby
 worsen the space behaviour.  Have there been any attempts to
 identify/quantify this?

My first reaction to this was to wonder how it could ever be advantageous
to reduce the same expression several times instead of just once. Then,
on reflection I thought Gosh!, I see what you mean, thats never occured
to me before. Lazyness seems so blooming complicated in practice,
perhaps I'd better revert back to ML :-)

On Mon 11 May, Olaf Chitil wrote:
 See my paper:
 Common Subexpressions are Uncommon in Lazy Functional Languages

I think I will to, looks interesting.

On Mon 11 May, Simon L Peyton Jones wrote:
 My advice would be: write clear code, and let the compiler do the

I take it you mean avoid using 'as patterns'. I don't suppose there's any
possibility of expunging them from the language in due course.
No? I thought not.

If I remember right, David Turners Miranda seemed to be able to live without
'as patterns', didn't it?. I never got to use Miranda, I only read about

 If it doesn't, complain to the compiler writers.   You have
 good reason to believe that it should.

Do you think they will take any notice of me :-)

 (I don't know what "_" is) but rather

Just for the record, I use _ as a 'wildcard' instead of a type variable
which occurs only once. Perhaps this is ambiguous wrt quantification?

 Actually, GHC does finally discard type information right at the
 end, so we could do an extra bit of CSE there, but frankly I doubt
 it would buy very much.  But I'm willing to stand corrected.

I don't think you can say this. Granted in this trivial example
we are only talking about wasting constructor record per
'demo expression'. But in other more complex examples we could be
talking several. Also the total heap space that gets wasted this way
is not an intrinsic property of the demo function. It depends on
the number of 'demo expressions' (or similar) which get reduced.
I don't think you can predict how many this will be with any generality.
In some programs it could conceivably be huge Nos. Couldn't it?.
It would be nice to re-use the existing constructors, even if the
type checker says thats illegal.

I think its reasonable to assume that this is _operationally_ safe in most
Haskell implementations, even if the Type Checker does reject it.
I imagine that there isn't a single Haskell implemention where the
representation of (Right c) is in any way dependent on the type of the
argument of the 'Left' constructor. Its difficult to see how it can be,
because the type of the 'Left' constructors argument may not be known
at compile time. Also, such dependency implies compliation of numerous
different versions of 'demo' in order to cope with the multitude
of possibilities. If I'm wrong, please correct me. (After all, I've
had nothing to do with any Haskell implementation so it is quite
possible that my assumptions are invalid.)

Also, I note that the problem Jon Mountjoy mentioned is not relevant to
this particular optimisation. This optimisation will have no effect
on the sharing of expressions which are bound to the 'terminal' pattern
variables (Is that correct terminology? Anyway, you know what I mean.)
The only issue is do existing constructor records get re-used, or are new
ones created. I think the first option has to be more efficient, in
both time  space.

 Incidentally, I don't think it would be sensible to change
 the type system to allow the 
  demo1 :: (a - b) - Either a c - Either b c
  demo1 f (Left  a)   = Left (f a)
  demo1 _ r@(Right c) = r
 What type does r have?  Either a c.

I don't think I agree, thats the whole point of my argument.
Either a c is the type of the second argument of demo1.
Things are different for 'r' because it it bound to the pattern/expression
(Right c), so we have more information, and may (subject to
certain constraints) 'take liberties' with the type assigned to 'r'.

I would say that, for all practical purposes, (r == Right c). Its seems
to me that an important feature of Haskell is that constructors are supposed
to behave like functions, are they not? So, given that Right is a (hopefully
well behaved) function, the 'value' of (Right c) is dependent only on the
'value' of c. It seems to be absurd to suggest that the type of (Right c) is,
in some way, also dependent on the type of an expression which is not
referenced at all. This smells strongly of 'side effects' to me,
type wise at least. 

 What type does the result of the fn have?  Either b c.
 Different types.  It would be 

Re: Pattern Match Success Changes Types

1998-05-12 Thread Fergus Henderson

On 12-May-1998, Frank A. Christoph [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 With regard to merging Either instances, I agree with Simon that for most
 programs this will not buy you much, but there are two common kinds of
 programs where one could expect a significant effect on performance, just
 because of sheer scale.  The first is any program which uses an
 error/exception monad on a program-wide scale.

Another common example, or perhaps an instance of your example, is parsers.
Parsers often use something similar to an error/exception monad for
propagating parse errors.

Parsing applications are very common, so it's probably worth optimizing
these cases.

Fergus Henderson [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  "I have always known that the pursuit
WWW:  |  of excellence is a lethal habit"
PGP: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]| -- the last words of T. S. Garp.

RE: Pattern Match Success Changes Types

1998-05-12 Thread Mariano Suarez Alvarez

On Tue, 12 May 1998, Koen Claessen wrote:

 Frank A. Christoph wrote:
  | With regard to merging Either instances, I agree with Simon that for most
  | programs this will not buy you much, but there are two common kinds of
  | programs where one could expect a significant effect on performance, just
  | because of sheer scale.
 It is not only Either instances who suffer from this. Consider the
 following definition of "map", which could be made by a naive user:
   map :: (a - b) - [a] - [b]
   map f (x:xs) = f x : map f xs
   map f xs = xs
 Same problem here.

Where is the CSE in theis def of map? Why is it naive? (Hugs  ghc define
map on lists exactly like that.) Maybe I'm naive...

-- m

Mariano Suarez Alvarez  The introduction of
Departamento de Matematica   numbers as coordinates
Universidad Nacional de Rosario [...] is an act of violence
Pellegrini 250  A. Weyl
2000 Rosario - Argentina

RE: Pattern Match Success Changes Types

1998-05-12 Thread Koen Claessen

On Tue, 12 May 1998, Mariano Suarez Alvarez wrote:

 | On Tue, 12 May 1998, Koen Claessen wrote:
 |map :: (a - b) - [a] - [b]
 |map f (x:xs) = f x : map f xs
 |map f xs = xs
 | Where is the CSE in theis def of map? Why is it naive? (Hugs  ghc define
 | map on lists exactly like that.) Maybe I'm naive...

Sorry, I was too brief. I meant this: the third line

  map f xs = xs

does not type check. It should be:

  map f [] = []


Koen Claessen,
Chalmers University of Technology.

RE: Pattern Match Success Changes Types

1998-05-12 Thread Adrian Hey

On Tue 12 May, Frank A. Christoph wrote:
 I'm experiencing a little bout of deja vu here, so excuse me if it turns out
 that I'm repeating myself.  (I could swear I already posted this, but it's
 not in my "Messages Sent" folder...)
 With regard to merging Either instances, I agree with Simon that for most
 programs this will not buy you much, but there are two common kinds of
 programs where one could expect a significant effect on performance, just
 because of sheer scale.  The first is any program which uses an
 error/exception monad on a program-wide scale.  The second is a program that
 uses Chalmers' fudgets library since, as I recall, the type Either plays a
 prominent role in the "messaging" system.

I just caught this one...

Precisely, I myself have written a parser in which functions similar to
'demo' appear all over the place. Either is a common data type to use to
represent Success or Failure/Exceptions.

The same problem is also apparent with the use of Maybe. In fact, just
about every algebraic type I can think of will have some constructors
that don't reference every type argument, and can therefore be regarded
as 'more polymorphic' when they appear in patterns.

Adrian Hey

Re: Pattern Match Success Changes Types

1998-05-11 Thread Simon L Peyton Jones

Yes, GHC does some CSE stuff, but not very much. I don't think it has a large
performance impact, but (as luck would have it) but I plan to work on it a bit
in the newt few months.

My advice would be: write clear code, and let the compiler do the
CSE.  If it doesn't, complain to the compiler writers.   You have
good reason to believe that it should.

The exception is the case you've been discussing.  The type of Right
is not

   Right :: b - Either _ b

(I don't know what "_" is) but rather

   Right :: forall a,b. b - Either a b

Since GHC keeps the types right through the compiler, it
really can't do CSE on two terms of type

Either Int  Int
Either Bool Int

even if they are both applications of Right.

Actually, GHC does finally discard type information right at the
end, so we could do an extra bit of CSE there, but frankly I doubt
it would buy very much.  But I'm willing to stand corrected.

Incidentally, I don't think it would be sensible to change
the type system to allow the 

 demo1 :: (a - b) - Either a c - Either b c
 demo1 f (Left  a)   = Left (f a)
 demo1 _ r@(Right c) = r

What type does r have?  Either a c.
What type does the result of the fn have?  Either b c.
Different types.  It would be hard (I believe) to specify crisply
when it was legitimate for two terms with different types to
be as'd together.


Re: Pattern Match Success Changes Types

1998-05-11 Thread Jon Mountjoy

While on this topic I would like to ask the question:

Is CSE very useful for Haskell programs?  

I would guess 'sometimes'.  In some cases of course is it, but in
other cases you might increase the scope of an expression and thereby
worsen the space behaviour.  Have there been any attempts to
identify/quantify this?


Re: Pattern Match Success Changes Types

1998-05-09 Thread Adrian Hey

On Fri 08 May, Victor M. Gulias wrote:
 I have found an example that seems to be related to this thread. The
 map function behaves like this:
map f [a1,a2,...,an] = [f a1, f a2, ..., f an]
 Suppose a function f defined as:
 f :: Maybe a - Int
 f Nothing = 1
 f _   = 0
 the following expression is type checked successfully:
sum [f Nothing, f (Just True), f (Just "hi")] 
 it counts the number of "Nothing"s appearing in the list (1). Replacing the 
 above expression folding map, that is,
 sum (map f [Nothing, Just True, Just "hi"])
 or even defining sum_nothings = sum . map f,
 sum_nothings [Nothing, Just True, Just "hi"]
 obviously does not type check. However, the expression  has the same meaning
 as the one unfolding the map. Well, suppose that you actually *type* the list
  [Nothing, Just True, Just "hi"] :: [Maybe _]
 where _ is a *who-knows* type (heterogeneous type?). Now, the expression can
 be typed because f :: Maybe a - Int does not need to know what polymorphic 
 "a"  really is ("a" is a *who-cares* type). Or supposing [True, "hi"] :: [_]
sum (map f (map Just [True, "hi"]))
 also would be ok. I can imagine some kind of typing rule somehow
 __  __
 |  |- x :: A|  |- xs :: [B]
 --- A/=B \/ A=_ \/ B=_ 
|  |- x:xs :: [_]
 does it make any sense?  is it related to other stuff like dynamic or 
 existential typing?
I'm not sure if this is related to to my original question about typing
of successful pattern matches. Expecting a type checker to allow sub-
expressions which are badly typed (even if the result of evaluating
that expression would be ok type wise) seems to be asking too much.
Couldn't allowing this sort of thing also make some possible program
transformations fail at run-time? I think I'm getting way out of my depth
here (I haven't a clue what a 'heterogeneous type' is), so I'll say no more
about your idea, other than it seems to require a pretty radical new type
system which is probably beyond my comprehension :-)

My original point (that a variable which is bound to a particular pattern
should be typed the same way as the corresponding expression when the
variable is used in expressions) seems to me to be entirely consistent
with the current Haskell type system and doesn't require any new theory
about typing. Only the type checker needs to be modified to accomodate

Adrian Hey

Re: Pattern Match Success Changes Types

1998-05-08 Thread Fergus Henderson

 Adrian Hey writes:
  Consider the following function..
  demo1 :: (a - b) - Either a c - Either b c
  demo1 f (Left  a) = Left (f a)
  demo1 _ (Right c) = Right c
  My first question is, can programmers safely assume that the
  compiler is sufficiently smart to avoid duplicating the expression
  (Right c) in the event that the second match above succeeds? 
  One might reasonably hope that the run time implementation of this
  function will simply return the functions second argument in this
 Sadly I don't think one can assume this at all, and for a fairly
 good reason.  The argument (Right c :: Either a c) and the result
 (Right c :: Either b c) need not have the same runtime

You can't be _certain_ that they will have the same runtime representations,
but I think this is likely to be true for most implementations.
Otherwise, how can the compiler generate (efficient) code for a polymorphic
function that takes an argument of type `Either t1 t2'?

In Mercury, such cases do have the same runtime representation
and the Mercury compiler will do the common subexpression elimination
in those cases.

 In a strict language like ML, for example, we might
 well have
   sizeof (Either a c) = sizeof tag + max (sizeof a, sizeof c)
   sizeof (Either b c) = sizeof tag + max (sizeof b, sizeof c)
 and there is no reason for these to be the same.

If you're not doing destructive update,
the size of the type isn't going to matter --
all you need is for the data to have the
right representation.
For example, sizeof(Either a c) might be 8, and sizeof(Either b c)
might be 12, but sizeof(Right c) would be the same in either
case (and = 8).

Indeed, if you have a discriminated union of things of different
sizes, then it is an important optimization to be able to
allocate a size smaller than the maximum for a type for data items
that don't occupy the maximum size.  No current Haskell implementations
do destructive update optimization, and I'm not aware of any plans
to add it to any of the existing implementations, but
even for implementations that do perform that kind of
optimization, I think the advantage of the space-saving optimization
mentioned above would probably outweigh any increased potential
for destructive update optization that might be enabled by
always allocating the full size even for data that doesn't
occupy the full size.  Thus I think it unlikely that an
implementation would adopt such a strategy.

Fergus Henderson [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  "I have always known that the pursuit
WWW:  |  of excellence is a lethal habit"
PGP: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]| -- the last words of T. S. Garp.

Re: Pattern Match Success Changes Types

1998-05-08 Thread Adrian Hey

On Thu 07 May, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Adrian Hey writes:
  Consider the following function..
  demo1 :: (a - b) - Either a c - Either b c
  demo1 f (Left  a) = Left (f a)
  demo1 _ (Right c) = Right c
  My first question is, can programmers safely assume that the
  compiler is sufficiently smart to avoid duplicating the expression
  (Right c) in the event that the second match above succeeds? 
  One might reasonably hope that the run time implementation of this
  function will simply return the functions second argument in this
 Sadly I don't think one can assume this at all, and for a fairly
 good reason.  The argument (Right c :: Either a c) and the result
 (Right c :: Either b c) need not have the same runtime
 representation.  In a strict language like ML, for example, we might
 well have

Yes, I suppose I should qualify my remark (about returning the second
argument) by saying that programmer can only rely on this if the
two representations are identical. However, in a lazy language it
seems to me that it is practically certain that (Right c) is always
represented by a tag field and pointer to the expression 'c', but
maybe I'm wrong.

I suppose my original message basically boil down to 2 questions,
one simple, the other contentious.

Simple Question
Is there anything to be gained by using 'as patterns' (in those circumstances
where the type checker permits), or can the programmer safely assume that a
good compiler will re-use any patterns which also appear in expressions?

Contentious Question

Does an expression of form (Right c) always have the same type, regardless
of the type of any associated expressions of form (Left a)?
I think it does.

If this is so then shouldn't the type checker take account of the fact
that after a successful match and the expression is known to be of form
(Right c), then the type of the expression then becomes somewhat less
specific (more polymorphic) than it was before the match occurred. 

My argument would go something like this:
1- In Haskell the constructors of algebraic data types are supposed to
   behave like any other function when they appear in expressions.
   In particular the 'Right' constructor has type..
   Right :: b - Either _ b

2- Referential transparency demands that any expression of form (Right b)
   is dependent only on the value of b. Likewise the type of this expression
   is only dependent on the type of b..
  e = Right b
  b :: tb
  e :: Either _ tb

To say that in some circumstances an expression of form (e = Right b) might
have type..
 e :: Either Int tb (for example)
but at other times might have type..
 e :: Either Char tb
seems to me to be highly illogical, downright perverse in fact.
I would say it _always_ has type..
  e :: Either _ tb

Now, it may well be true that some implementations might use different
representations for e (= Right c) on different occasions, but if this
is so its the responsibility of the compiler implementer to deal with
this transparently. It doesn't seem reasonable (to me at least) to
introduce nasty language semantics (such as equal values having un-equal
types) for no other reason than to cater for this possibility. 

Sorry, I probably haven't expressed my opinion with the precision that
computer scientists normally expect, but I'm sure you get the gist of
my argument. 

I'd be really interested in what anybody else thinks about this, because
I'm about to try to implement a polymorphic type checker of my own.
I haven't started designing it yet though. I'm still trying to get my
head round some of the subtleties of type semantics and safe inference

Adrian Hey

Pattern Match Success Changes Types

1998-05-07 Thread Adrian Hey

Consider the following function..

demo1 :: (a - b) - Either a c - Either b c
demo1 f (Left  a) = Left (f a)
demo1 _ (Right c) = Right c

My first question is, can programmers safely assume that the compiler is
sufficiently smart to avoid duplicating the expression (Right c) in the
event that the second match above succeeds? One might reasonably hope
that the run time implementation of this function will simply return
the functions second argument in this case.

In general, is it a requirement that Haskell compilers implement an
optimisation which re-uses patterns on the left hand side which also
appear in expressions on the right hand side?

If not, shouldn't this optimisation be mandatory? The reason I suggest
that it should be is apparent when you look at my next example.
A prudent programmer might decide not to rely on this optimisation
and try to write something like this.. 

demo2 :: (a - b) - Either a c - Either b c
demo2 f   (Left  a) = Left (f a)
demo2 _ x@(Right c) = x

Unfortunately the Type Checker rejects the above 'as pattern'.
Hugs 1.3 returns the following error:
*** Expression: demo2
*** Declared type : (a - b) - Either a c - Either b c
*** Inferred type : (a - a) - Either a b - Either a b

I'm afraid I don't know what other Haskell implementations do, but I've
encountered this problem with every ML compiler I've tried.

This suggests that the Type Checkers used by most compilers are less
than ideal, in that they don't take account of the fact that a successful
match may change the type of an 'as pattern' variable or function argument.
Perhaps there is some fundamental theoretical reason why this can't be
done, but I certainly can't think of one.

So, what is recommended practice for programmers in this situation?

Should programmers use 'as patterns' (assuming the type checker will
allow them) or not?

Which Haskell compilers currently implement the optimisation I mentioned
above? All? Any? None?

'As patterns' look awfully messy and it would be nice to not to have to
use them, but will there be efficiency penalties to pay if they're not

If Haskell requires programmers to program defensively (as far as this
problem is concerned) then shouldn't the Type Checkers allow more
liberal use of 'as patterns'?

Adrian Hey