[Haskell-cafe] functional languages and the financial industry

2007-11-29 Thread Galchin Vasili

 I have a job search agent/bot filtering for Haskell in particular ...
it is interesting that a number are in the financial realm ... Check out
ORIXnot to mention Jane Street  ...

Kind regards, Vasya
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Hit a wall with the type system

2007-11-29 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Wed, 28 Nov 2007, Chris Smith wrote:

  data AD a = AD a a deriving Eq
  instance Show a = Show (AD a) where
  show (AD x e) = show x ++  +  ++ show e ++  eps
  instance Num a = Num (AD a) where
  (AD x e) + (AD y f)   = AD (x + y) (e + f)
  (AD x e) - (AD y f)   = AD (x - y) (e - f)
  (AD x e) * (AD y f)   = AD (x * y) (e * y + x * f)
  negate (AD x e)   = AD (negate x)  (negate e)
  abs (AD 0 _)  = error not differentiable: |0|
  abs (AD x e)  = AD (abs x) (e * signum x)
  signum (AD 0 e)   = error not differentiable: signum(0)
  signum (AD x e)   = AD (signum x)  0
  fromInteger i = AD (fromInteger i) 0
  instance Fractional a = Fractional (AD a) where
  (AD x e) / (AD y f)   = AD (x / y) ((e * y - x * f) / (y * y))
  recip (AD x e)= AD (1 / x) ((-e) / (x * x))
  fromRational x= AD (fromRational x) 0
  instance Floating a = Floating (AD a) where
  pi= AD pi0
  exp (AD x e)  = AD (exp x)   (e * exp x)
  sqrt (AD x e) = AD (sqrt x)  (e / (2 * sqrt x))
  log (AD x e)  = AD (log x)   (e / x)
  (AD x e) ** (AD y f)  = AD (x ** y)  (e * y * (x ** (y-1)) +
f * (x ** y) * log x)
  sin (AD x e)  = AD (sin x)   (e * cos x)
  cos (AD x e)  = AD (cos x)   (-e * sin x)
  asin (AD x e) = AD (asin x)  (e / sqrt (1 - x ** 2))
  acos (AD x e) = AD (acos x)  (-e / sqrt (1 - x ** 2))
  atan (AD x e) = AD (atan x)  (e / (1 + x ** 2))
  sinh (AD x e) = AD (sinh x)  (e * cosh x)
  cosh (AD x e) = AD (cosh x)  (e * sinh x)
  asinh (AD x e)= AD (asinh x) (e / sqrt (x^2 + 1))
  acosh (AD x e)= AD (acosh x) (e / sqrt (x^2 - 1))
  atanh (AD x e)= AD (atanh x) (e / (1 - x^2))
  diffNum:: Num b= (forall a. Num a= a - a) - b 
  - b
  diffFractional :: Fractional b = (forall a. Fractional a = a - a) - b 
  - b
  diffFloating   :: Floating b   = (forall a. Floating a   = a - a) - b 
  - b
  diffNum f x= let AD y dy = f (AD x 1) in dy
  diffFractional f x = let AD y dy = f (AD x 1) in dy
  diffFloating f x   = let AD y dy = f (AD x 1) in dy

Why do the functions have different number types after differentiation?
I thought, that just 'diff'

diff :: (AD a - AD a) - (a - a)
diff f x   = let AD y dy = f (AD x 1) in dy

must work. What you do, looks like numbers with errors, but I suspect you
are right that 'automatic differentiation' is the term used for those
kinds of computations.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Hit a wall with the type system

2007-11-29 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Thu, 29 Nov 2007, Henning Thielemann wrote:

 On Wed, 28 Nov 2007, Chris Smith wrote:

   diffNum:: Num b= (forall a. Num a= a - a) - b 
   - b
   diffFractional :: Fractional b = (forall a. Fractional a = a - a) - b 
   - b
   diffFloating   :: Floating b   = (forall a. Floating a   = a - a) - b 
   - b
   diffNum f x= let AD y dy = f (AD x 1) in dy
   diffFractional f x = let AD y dy = f (AD x 1) in dy
   diffFloating f x   = let AD y dy = f (AD x 1) in dy

 Why do the functions have different number types after differentiation?
 I thought, that just 'diff'

 diff :: (AD a - AD a) - (a - a)
 diff f x   = let AD y dy = f (AD x 1) in dy

 must work. What you do, looks like numbers with errors, but I suspect you
 are right that 'automatic differentiation' is the term used for those
 kinds of computations.

I like to add that I have written some code for working with Taylor
expansions of functions, that is, with all derivatives of a function. You
can get the derivatives of composed functions by composing the Taylor
series of the elementary functions:


*PowerSeries.Taylor take 10 $ exp `compose` sin (pi/2) :: [Double]

Computes the (truncated) Taylor series for (exp . sin) at pi/2.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: New slogan for haskell.org

2007-11-29 Thread apfelmus

Laurent Deniau wrote:

apfelmus wrote:

Back then, I was given the task to calculate some sequence
of numbers which I did in one page of C code.

import Data.Set

xs = let f x m = x: let y = x `div` 2
in f (if member y m then 3*x else y) (insert x m)
 in f 1 (singleton 0)

As said, it's two lines if the terminal is too small :)

I can't see how it could be one page of C unless the page is 10 lines 
long ;-) The following code is the direct translation of your Haskell 
code (except that it prints the result instead of building a list).

a+, ld.

#include stdio.h
#include intset.h

void f(int x, intset s) {
  printf(%d, , x);
  f (intset_elem(s, x/2) ? 3*x : x/2, intset_put(s, x));

int main(void) {
  f (1, intset_put(intset_new(), 0));

Well, I only remember that it took _me_ a page of C code :D Basically 
due to a hand-coded intset and user interaction (no REPL for C, after all).


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] fast Array operations: foldl, drop

2007-11-29 Thread Henning Thielemann

I thought operations like foldl' and drop must be very fast on arrays
(especially UArray) with appropriate pointer tricks, I mean pointer
incrementing instead of indexing for foldl' and a pointer into the array
for drop. Is it planned to add such functions? Ok, if foldl f x .
elems and listArray (i,sufficientlyBig) . drop n . elems are fused to
high speed code, then these functions do not need to materialize in the
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell and DB : giving up

2007-11-29 Thread Ketil Malde
Don Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 And it reminds me to release the galois sqlite3 bindings, which do
 happily work with 6.8. Surely one of the other 15 haskell db bindings
 would also work.

I think this is the problem, not the solution.  There is a lot of DB
libraries, just like there are a multitude of XML libraries, several
collections, etc.  Too many libraries are written as research projects
or by grad students, and left to rot after release.  The fragmentation
also means that few libraries see any extensive testing - I was a bit
surprised that apparently none of the XML libraries can handle files
larger than a few megabytes, for instance.

You're probably right that one of them would work, but especially new
users will have no way of knowing which one.  Only after the user 
has given up do people post similar experiences.

This is getting better, of course - hackage will grow usage
and activity statistics and perhaps ratings, the wiki will be extended
with recommendations, more people will get involved in development.
But at the moment, this is a problem.

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell and DB : giving up

2007-11-29 Thread manu

On Nov 29, 2007, at 10:49 AM, Ketil Malde wrote:

I think this is the problem, not the solution.  There is a lot of DB
libraries, just like there are a multitude of XML libraries, several
collections, etc.  Too many libraries are written as research projects
or by grad students, and left to rot after release.  The fragmentation
also means that few libraries see any extensive testing - I was a bit
surprised that apparently none of the XML libraries can handle files
larger than a few megabytes, for instance.


My post wasn't intended as raging criticism, I can guess that  
developping these libraries takes a lot of (unpaid) work.
And I am grateful for these libraries no matter what. However, if  
what is needed to install and use MySQL (or another popular DB) from  
Haskell could be drastically made shorter and easier, more people  
might use Haskell in domains where it still is largely marginal (like  
say... websites).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Strings and utf-8

2007-11-29 Thread Reinier Lamers

Bulat Ziganshin wrote:

Hello Andrew,

Thursday, November 29, 2007, 1:11:38 AM, you wrote:


IMHO, someone should make a full proposal by implementing an alternative
System.IO library that deals with all these encoding issues and
implements H98 IO in terms of that.


We need two seperate interfaces. One for text-mode I/O, one for raw
binary I/O.


When doing text-mode I/O, the programmer needs to be able to explicitly
specify exactly which character encoding is required. (Presumably 
default to the current 8-bit truncation encoding?)

http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/Library/Streams already exists

Which would mean that we have streams to do character I/O, ByteString to 
do binary I/O, and System.IO to do, eh, something in between.

That seems rather unfortunate to me. While the truncate to 8 bits 
semantics may be nice to keep old code working, it really isn't all that 
intuitive. When I do 'putStr u\776', I want a u with an umlaut to 
appear, not to get it printed as if it were u\8.

The strange thing is that Hugs at the moment _does_ print a u-umlaut, 
while ghci prints u\8, which is a u followed by a backspace, so I see 


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: New slogan for haskell.org

2007-11-29 Thread Mirko Rahn

The following code is the direct translation of your Haskell code

void f(int x, intset s) {
  printf(%d, , x);
  f (intset_elem(s, x/2) ? 3*x : x/2, intset_put(s, x));

No, not that easy. The Haskell code works with arbitrary precision 
Integer, the C code with a fixed size int. On a 32 bit machine, try to 
calculate a_{1805133}, which equals to 19591041024. Or a_{8392780} = 
26665583616. Or a_{850} = 10804333. These values are calculated with 
the Haskell program in 370s and ~1GB memory usage.

Fair enough, on the same machine a C program (*two* pages long) was able 
to calculate a_{23448481} = 594261577728 and a_{2500} = 192365946 in 
50s and ~1GB memory usage.

/BR, Mirko Rahn

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] fast Array operations: foldl, drop

2007-11-29 Thread Jules Bean

Henning Thielemann wrote:

I thought operations like foldl' and drop must be very fast on arrays
(especially UArray) with appropriate pointer tricks, I mean pointer
incrementing instead of indexing for foldl' and a pointer into the array
for drop. Is it planned to add such functions? Ok, if foldl f x .
elems and listArray (i,sufficientlyBig) . drop n . elems are fused to
high speed code, then these functions do not need to materialize in the
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

As far as I'm aware, our arrays don't support any kind of zero-copy 
slicing, which is what your 'drop' trick amounts to.

Zero-copy slicing would seem like an obviously nice thing to have for 
IArrays, though, I agree. For various different kinds of slices 
including projections.

ByteString supports zero-copy substring, but it's based on ForeignPtr 
not UArray.

On the fusing point I believe that the stream fusers believe they can 
make things like foldl . elems fuse but I'm not sure.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: New slogan for haskell.org

2007-11-29 Thread jerzy . karczmarczuk
Simon Marlow writes: 


Type Inference: deduces types automatically, so you don't have to clutter 
up your code with type declarations.  You can still write type 
declarations for documentation purposes, and these will be automatically 
checked by the compiler.

Perhaps it won't harm adding that manual signatures are useful semantically
as well, for the disambiguation. 

What I'd *really* like to see is a bunch of links on the front page 
leading to pages that describe the main differences between Haskell and 
some other language (C, Python, Java, C#, F#, ...).

... and, perhaps, playing not only with the pedagogy by contrast, but
also by similarities, to mention Clean. 

Jerzy Karczmarczuk 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: cabal-install

2007-11-29 Thread Duncan Coutts
On Wed, 2007-11-28 at 21:00 +0100, Thomas Schilling wrote:
 On Wed, 2007-11-28 at 20:46 +0100, Ben Franksen wrote:

  [EMAIL PROTECTED]: .../software/haskell  cd cabal
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]: .../haskell/cabal  runhaskell Setup.lhs configure
  Distribution/Simple/NHC.hs:77:1: lexical error at character 'i'
  Ben (feels like a real beta-tester now ;-)
 Well, Cabal cannot automatically compile itself with itself.

No actually it can, that was just a bug (which I've just fixed). Ben is
indeed being a beta tester by using Cabal HEAD. I'd recommend the 1.2


Or just darcs pull and try again.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Strings and utf-8

2007-11-29 Thread Duncan Coutts
On Wed, 2007-11-28 at 17:38 -0200, Maurí­cio wrote:
 (...)  When it's phrased as truncates to 8
   bits it sounds so simple, surely all we need
   to do is not truncate to 8 bits right?
   The problem is, what encoding should it pick?
   UTF8, 16, 32, EBDIC? (...)
   One sensible suggestion many people have made
   is that H98 file IO should use the locale
   encoding and do Unicode/String - locale
   conversion. (...)
 I'm really afraid of solutions where the behavior
 of your program changes with an environment
 variable that not everybody has configured
 properly, or even know to exist.

Be afraid of all your standard Unix utils in that case. They are all
locale dependent, not just for encoding but also for sorting order and
the language of messages.

Using the locale is standard Unix behaviour (and these days the locale
usually specifies UTF8 encoding). On OSX the default should be UTF8. On
Windows it's a bit less clear, supposedly text files should use UTF16
but nobody actually does that as far as I can see.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Strings and utf-8

2007-11-29 Thread Jules Bean

Duncan Coutts wrote:

On Wed, 2007-11-28 at 17:38 -0200, Maurí­cio wrote:

(...)  When it's phrased as truncates to 8

  bits it sounds so simple, surely all we need
  to do is not truncate to 8 bits right?
  The problem is, what encoding should it pick?
  UTF8, 16, 32, EBDIC? (...)
  One sensible suggestion many people have made
  is that H98 file IO should use the locale
  encoding and do Unicode/String - locale
  conversion. (...)

I'm really afraid of solutions where the behavior
of your program changes with an environment
variable that not everybody has configured
properly, or even know to exist.

Be afraid of all your standard Unix utils in that case. They are all
locale dependent, not just for encoding but also for sorting order and
the language of messages.

Language of messages is quite different from language of a file you read.

Suppose I am English, and I have a russian friend, Vlad.

My default locale is, say, latin-1, and his is something cyrillic.

I might well open files including my own files, and his files. The 
locale of the current user is simple no guide to the correct encoding to 
read a file in, and not a particularly reliable guide to writing a file out.

Locale makes perfect sense for messages (you are communicating with the 
user, his locale tells you what language he speaks). It makes much less 
sense for file IO.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: New slogan for haskell.org

2007-11-29 Thread Laurent Deniau

Mirko Rahn wrote:

The following code is the direct translation of your Haskell code

void f(int x, intset s) {
  printf(%d, , x);
  f (intset_elem(s, x/2) ? 3*x : x/2, intset_put(s, x));

No, not that easy. The Haskell code works with arbitrary precision 
Integer, the C code with a fixed size int. On a 32 bit machine, try to 
calculate a_{1805133}, which equals to 19591041024. Or a_{8392780} = 
26665583616. Or a_{850} = 10804333. These values are calculated with 
the Haskell program in 370s and ~1GB memory usage.

This is also a work for a library (BTW like Haskell does), you can use 
gmp or mpfr. This will just add one line to store x/2 in y and avoid its 
recomputation. You will also have to switch from intset to set. And 
there one can start to see the difference. The code refactoring will be 
longer since C doesn't support parametric polymorphism nor operator 

Fair enough, on the same machine a C program (*two* pages long) was able 
to calculate a_{23448481} = 594261577728 and a_{2500} = 192365946 in 
50s and ~1GB memory usage.


a+, ld.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Strings and utf-8

2007-11-29 Thread Duncan Coutts
On Thu, 2007-11-29 at 13:05 +, Jules Bean wrote:

 Language of messages is quite different from language of a file you read.
 Suppose I am English, and I have a russian friend, Vlad.
 My default locale is, say, latin-1, and his is something cyrillic.
 I might well open files including my own files, and his files. The 
 locale of the current user is simple no guide to the correct encoding to 
 read a file in, and not a particularly reliable guide to writing a file out.
 Locale makes perfect sense for messages (you are communicating with the 
 user, his locale tells you what language he speaks). It makes much less 
 sense for file IO.

Yes, it's a fundamental limitation of the unix locale system and
multi-user systems. However it's no less wrong than just picking UTF8
all the time. Obviously one needs a text file api that allows one to
specify the encoding for the cases where you happen to know it, but for
the H98 file api where there is no way of specifying an encoding, what's
better than using the unix default method? (at least on unix)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Haskell packaging on Windows cygwin ( POSIX on Windows ; ^)

2007-11-29 Thread Duncan Coutts
On Thu, 2007-11-29 at 00:21 -0600, Galchin Vasili wrote:
 The message I actually receive is: 
 runhaskell Setup.lhs build 
   Could not find module `System.Environment':
   it is a member of a package base, which is hidden 
 BTW I haven't actually checked source in via darcs due to cygwin $PATH
 problems ...

Have you tried adding:

build-depends: base

you your .cabal file?

Cabal enforces that your code may only use packages that you have
explicitly stated your code depends on.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Sillyness in the standard libs.

2007-11-29 Thread Simon Marlow

Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:

On Nov 19, 2007, at 16:06 , Arthur van Leeuwen wrote:

here is a puzzle for you: try converting a 
System.Posix.Types.EpochTime into either a
System.Time.CalendarTime or a Data.Time.Clock.UTCTime without going 

read . show or a similar detour through strings.

fromEnum and/or toEnum are helpful for this kind of thing, and I am 
occasionally tempted to bind cast = toEnum . fromEnum because I need 
it so much.

Let's ignore System.Time since it's obsoleted by Data.Time.

I just spent a little while trying to solve this puzzle, and it turns out 
there *is* a right way to do this: for t :: EpochTime,

  posixSecondsToUTCTime (fromRational (toRational t) :: POSIXTime)

You want to go via Data.Time.Clock.POSIXTime, because that's what an 
EpochTime is.   Now, EpochTime does not have an Integral instance, because 
it is the same as C's time_t type, which is not guaranteed to be an 
integral type.  You have fromEnum, but that would be a hack: there's no 
guarantee that EpochTime fits in an Int, and if EpochTime is a fractional 
value you lose information.  But you *can* convert to a Rational with 
toRational, and from there you can get to a POSIXTime with fromRational 
(also realToFrac would do).

It turns out there are good reasons for all this, it just ends up being 
quite obscure.  I'll put the above formula in the docs.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] cabal under windows (was Re: Haskell-Cafe Digest, Vol 51, Issue 180)

2007-11-29 Thread Duncan Coutts
On Thu, 2007-11-29 at 13:51 +1100, Tim Docker wrote:
  Well I'd say none of the packages I've tried, build out of the box...
 I'm not a windows developer, but
 Is it actually reasonable to expect any cabal packages that depend on
 external c libraries and headers to build out of the box on windows? How
 can cabal find out where those files are, without requiring a config
 file to be edited?

It's usually worse than that. The most likely situation is that the C
library and header files are not even installed. This is a big problem
for all packages that wrap C libs.

Sometimes the C code is sufficiently simple that one can just bundle it.
My zlib and bzlib packages on hackage do that and that's the only reason
they work on Windows. This is not a realistic solution for most other
binding packages.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell and DB : giving up

2007-11-29 Thread Duncan Coutts
On Wed, 2007-11-28 at 19:11 +0100, manu wrote:
 I've spent a few days trying to install all the packages required to  
 use HaskellDB with either MySQL or SQlite3
 (the only 2 DB the host I was thinking about is supporting)
 Well, I am giving up ! I seriously regret replacing ghc-6.6 with  
 ghc-6.8, I didn't expect that building packages would be so ...
 unsucessfull and time-wasting.

Yes, you were unlucky in that you jumped in just after ghc 6.8.1 was
released and before 90% of the packages on hackage had been updated to
work with 6.8 yet. In the mean time you would indeed be better off with

Our hackage infrastructure is still fairly immature and lacks any
mechanism for indicating which packages work on which platforms. I agree
it's frustrating. Then additionally there is the complication that many
packages that use C libs (like DB client libs) just don't build out of
the box on windows because the development files are not installed.
Probably the best eventual solution for Windows is to build
infrastructure to make binary packages for Windows. People are working
on that.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] cabal under windows (was Re: Haskell-CafeDigest, Vol 51, Issue 180)

2007-11-29 Thread Bayley, Alistair
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Duncan Coutts
 On Thu, 2007-11-29 at 13:51 +1100, Tim Docker wrote:
  Is it actually reasonable to expect any cabal packages that 
 depend on
  external c libraries and headers to build out of the box on 
 windows? How
  can cabal find out where those files are, without requiring a config
  file to be edited?
 It's usually worse than that. The most likely situation is that the C
 library and header files are not even installed. This is a big problem
 for all packages that wrap C libs.

It can be done, with a bit of work, luck, and a brittle cabal Setup.hs

If you assume that the user has installed the 3rd party library
correctly, and you know it's layout and an executable it uses (which is
on the PATH), then you can do something like what HSQL does (and Takusen
now, which copied HSQL's approach). That is, you ask for the location of
the known executable in the PATH, and then build your header (include)
and library paths relative to the location of the executable. That's
what we've done in Takusen for the Oracle and Sqlite installations. For
PostgreSQL there is a program you can run which will emit the installed
locations of the include and library files, so that's slightly less

Of course, if the particular libs are not on the PATH then this won't
work :-(

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Progress indications

2007-11-29 Thread Thomas Hartman
Obviously heaps better than what I initially proposed.

However, I would argue to go boldly with unsafePerformIO, which is the 
same thing Debug.Trace uses


since we are after debug.trace -like behavior.

In particular, you wouldn't be able to use the unsafeInterleaveIO version 
to do a progress indicator for the function I initially proposed

 t = foldr (+) 0 [1..1]

since your lift would wind up being lifted into IO. But you would be able 
to use the unsafePerformIO version, just like in what I initially proposed 
you could use trace.

t = foldr (+) 0 ( lessSafeMonitoryProgress f [1..1] )
  where f i | i mod 1000 == 0 = (putStrLn . show ) i
   | otherwise = return ()
Make sense?


11/28/2007 06:16 PM


Re: [Haskell-cafe] Progress indications

On Wed, Nov 28, 2007 at 05:58:07PM -0500, Thomas Hartman wrote:
 maybe Debug.Trace? like...
 import Debug.Trace
 t = foldr debugf 0 [1..1]
 f :: Int - Int - Int
 f = (+)
 -- same typesig as f
 debugf :: Int - Int - Int
 debugf x y | y `mod` 1000 == 0 = x + (trace (show y) y)
 debugf x y = x + y

Or, more flexibly:

import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafeInterleaveIO )

monitorProgress :: (Int - IO ()) - [a] - IO [a]
monitorProgress f xs = mapM f' $ zip [0..] xs
   where f' (n,x) = unsafeInterleaveIO (f n  return x)

You could, of course, make this a function

lessSafeMonitoryProgress :: (Int - IO ()) - [a] - [a]

by using unsafePerformIO instead of unsafeInterleaveIO, but that seems
slightly scary to me.

In any case, you can stick this on whichever of the lists you want to
monitor the progress of.
David Roundy
Department of Physics
Oregon State University
Haskell-Cafe mailing list


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Strings and utf-8

2007-11-29 Thread Thomas Hartman
A translation of


from perl to haskell would be a very useful piece of documentation, I

That explanation really helped me get to grips with the encoding stuff, in
a perl context.


11/29/2007 07:44 AM

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Strings and utf-8

On Wed, 2007-11-28 at 17:38 -0200, Maurí­cio wrote:
 (...)  When it's phrased as truncates to 8
   bits it sounds so simple, surely all we need
   to do is not truncate to 8 bits right?
   The problem is, what encoding should it pick?
   UTF8, 16, 32, EBDIC? (...)
   One sensible suggestion many people have made
   is that H98 file IO should use the locale
   encoding and do Unicode/String - locale
   conversion. (...)

 I'm really afraid of solutions where the behavior
 of your program changes with an environment
 variable that not everybody has configured
 properly, or even know to exist.

Be afraid of all your standard Unix utils in that case. They are all
locale dependent, not just for encoding but also for sorting order and
the language of messages.

Using the locale is standard Unix behaviour (and these days the locale
usually specifies UTF8 encoding). On OSX the default should be UTF8. On
Windows it's a bit less clear, supposedly text files should use UTF16
but nobody actually does that as far as I can see.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] fast Array operations: foldl, drop

2007-11-29 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Jules,

Thursday, November 29, 2007, 2:29:08 PM, you wrote:

 I thought operations like foldl' and drop must be very fast on arrays
 (especially UArray) with appropriate pointer tricks, I mean pointer

 As far as I'm aware, our arrays don't support any kind of zero-copy 
 slicing, which is what your 'drop' trick amounts to.

of course - they don't contain first index element, so entire
ByteArray# should be used for UArray

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Strings and utf-8

2007-11-29 Thread Reinier Lamers

Thomas Hartman wrote:

A translation of


from perl to haskell would be a very useful piece of documentation, I 

Perl encodes both Unicode and binary data as the same (dynamic) data 
type. Haskell - at least in theory - has two different types for them, 
namely [Char] for characters and [Word8] or ByteString for sequences of 
bytes. I think the Haskell approach is better, because the programmer in 
most cases knows whether he wants to treat his data as characters or as 
bytes. Perl does it the Perlish We guess at what the coder means way, 
which leads to a lot of frustration when Perl guesses wrong.

The problems of the Haskeller trying to use Unicode, I think, will be 
different from those of the Perl hacker trying to use Unicode: the 
Haskeller will have to search for third-party modules to do what he 
wants, and finding those modules is the problem. The Perl hacker has all 
the Unicode support built in, but has to fight Perl occasionally to keep 
it from doing byte operations on his Unicode data.

I had a colleague here go all but insane last week trying to use 'split' 
on a Unicode string in Perl on Windows. split would break the string in 
the middle of a UTF-8 wide character, crashing UTF-8 processing later on.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] Strings and utf-8

2007-11-29 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Reinier,

Thursday, November 29, 2007, 1:13:24 PM, you wrote:

IMHO, someone should make a full proposal by implementing an alternative
System.IO library that deals with all these encoding issues and
implements H98 IO in terms of that.

http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/Library/Streams already exists

 Which would mean that we have streams to do character I/O, ByteString to
 do binary I/O, and System.IO to do, eh, something in between.

this means only that such proposal exists. i've worked on adding
bytestream support too, but don't finished the work. at least it's
possible. i hope that new i/o library will have modular design like
this so it will be easy to add new features as 3rd-party libs

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Sillyness in the standard libs.

2007-11-29 Thread Arthur van Leeuwen

On 29-nov-2007, at 14:44, Simon Marlow wrote:

Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:

On Nov 19, 2007, at 16:06 , Arthur van Leeuwen wrote:
here is a puzzle for you: try converting a  
System.Posix.Types.EpochTime into either a
System.Time.CalendarTime or a Data.Time.Clock.UTCTime without  
going through

read . show or a similar detour through strings.
fromEnum and/or toEnum are helpful for this kind of thing, and I  
am occasionally tempted to bind cast = toEnum . fromEnum because  
I need it so much.

Let's ignore System.Time since it's obsoleted by Data.Time.

Yes. That's what I wanted to do at first. :)

I just spent a little while trying to solve this puzzle, and it  
turns out there *is* a right way to do this: for t :: EpochTime,

  posixSecondsToUTCTime (fromRational (toRational t) :: POSIXTime)

Which, unfortunately, does not work with time-1.1.1 which is in GHC  

Going through Rational is the right solution, though. My hackish
detour was to use fromIntegral . toInteger . fromEnum

You want to go via Data.Time.Clock.POSIXTime, because that's what  
an EpochTime is.   Now, EpochTime does not have an Integral  
instance, because it is the same as C's time_t type, which is not  
guaranteed to be an integral type.  You have fromEnum, but that  
would be a hack: there's no guarantee that EpochTime fits in an  
Int, and if EpochTime is a fractional value you lose information.   
But you *can* convert to a Rational with toRational, and from there  
you can get to a POSIXTime with fromRational (also realToFrac would  

It turns out there are good reasons for all this, it just ends up  
being quite obscure.  I'll put the above formula in the docs.

Yes, that would be good! Note that both the docs for DiffTime and  
EpochTime state that
they contain seconds, and both are somewhat unclear as to whether  
they contain any

higher precision than whole seconds.

With kind regards, Arthur.


  /\/ |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   | Work like you don't need  
the money
/__\  /  | A friend is someone with whom | Love like you have never  
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/\/__ | you can dare to be yourself   | Dance like there's nobody  

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Progress indications

2007-11-29 Thread Thomas Hartman
However, when I actually tried this out, I couldn't get it to compile. 

So I wound up back with trace. This does compile, and I think it does 
pretty much what we want in a noninvasive way, using unsafePerformIO via 

import Debug.Trace

t = foldr (+) 0 ( monitorprogress f [1..1] ) 

monitorprogress f xs = map g $ zip [1..] xs
  where g (i,a) | f i == True = trace (show i) a
| otherwise = a 

f x | x `mod` 1000 == 0 = True
| otherwise = False

Thomas Hartman/ext/[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
11/29/2007 10:43 AM

haskell-cafe@haskell.org, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Progress indications

Obviously heaps better than what I initially proposed. 

However, I would argue to go boldly with unsafePerformIO, which is the 
same thing Debug.Trace uses 


since we are after debug.trace -like behavior. 

In particular, you wouldn't be able to use the unsafeInterleaveIO version 
to do a progress indicator for the function I initially proposed 

 t = foldr (+) 0 [1..1] 

since your lift would wind up being lifted into IO. But you would be able 
to use the unsafePerformIO version, just like in what I initially proposed 
you could use trace. 

t = foldr (+) 0 ( lessSafeMonitoryProgress f [1..1] ) 
  where f i | i mod 1000 == 0 = (putStrLn . show ) i 
   | otherwise = return () 
Make sense? 


11/28/2007 06:16 PM 


Re: [Haskell-cafe] Progress indications

On Wed, Nov 28, 2007 at 05:58:07PM -0500, Thomas Hartman wrote:
 maybe Debug.Trace? like...
 import Debug.Trace
 t = foldr debugf 0 [1..1]
 f :: Int - Int - Int
 f = (+)
 -- same typesig as f
 debugf :: Int - Int - Int
 debugf x y | y `mod` 1000 == 0 = x + (trace (show y) y)
 debugf x y = x + y

Or, more flexibly:

import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafeInterleaveIO )

monitorProgress :: (Int - IO ()) - [a] - IO [a]
monitorProgress f xs = mapM f' $ zip [0..] xs
  where f' (n,x) = unsafeInterleaveIO (f n  return x)

You could, of course, make this a function

lessSafeMonitoryProgress :: (Int - IO ()) - [a] - [a]

by using unsafePerformIO instead of unsafeInterleaveIO, but that seems
slightly scary to me.

In any case, you can stick this on whichever of the lists you want to
monitor the progress of.
David Roundy
Department of Physics
Oregon State University
Haskell-Cafe mailing list


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Haskell packaging on Windows cygwin ( POSIX on Windows ; ^)

2007-11-29 Thread Galchin Vasili
thank you everybody. my bad... a misspelling on my part ;^)


On Nov 29, 2007 7:45 AM, Duncan Coutts [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thu, 2007-11-29 at 00:21 -0600, Galchin Vasili wrote:
  The message I actually receive is:
  runhaskell Setup.lhs build 
Could not find module `System.Environment':
it is a member of a package base, which is hidden
  BTW I haven't actually checked source in via darcs due to cygwin $PATH
  problems ...

 Have you tried adding:

 build-depends: base

 you your .cabal file?

 Cabal enforces that your code may only use packages that you have
 explicitly stated your code depends on.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: New slogan for haskell.org

2007-11-29 Thread Ian Lynagh
On Thu, Nov 29, 2007 at 12:40:00PM +, Simon Marlow wrote:
 What I'd *really* like to see is a bunch of links on the front page leading 
 to pages that describe the main differences between Haskell and some other 
 language (C, Python, Java, C#, F#, ...).  The easiest way to grasp what 
 Haskell is all about is by reference to a known baseline, and programmers 
 tend to have different baselines.  e.g. the C page might start with 
 Haskell is a functional language, whereas the Python page might start 
 with Haskell is statically typed.

As well as

I am a $language programmer. linkWhy should I use Haskell?/link

perhaps also things like

I'm designing a programming course for undergraduates at a
university. linkWhy should I use Haskell?/link

I run a small company. linkWhy should my developers use

(but probably all with better wordings)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Sillyness in the standard libs.

2007-11-29 Thread Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH

On Nov 29, 2007, at 12:12 , Arthur van Leeuwen wrote:

Going through Rational is the right solution, though. My hackish
detour was to use fromIntegral . toInteger . fromEnum

?? fromEnum produces an Int, which is an Integral such as  
fromIntegral requires; why is toInteger needed?

Yes, that would be good! Note that both the docs for DiffTime and  
EpochTime state that
they contain seconds, and both are somewhat unclear as to whether  
they contain any

higher precision than whole seconds.

(a) Whether EpochTime contains higher precision than seconds is  
(b) Use of a non-Integral type for EpochTime does not necessarily  
mean it has higher resolution than seconds.

(Blame POSIX for both of these.  Haskell's System.POSIX must deal, as  
must any other POSIX-compliant library.)

brandon s. allbery [solaris,freebsd,perl,pugs,haskell] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
system administrator [openafs,heimdal,too many hats] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon universityKF8NH

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Progress indications

2007-11-29 Thread Bit Connor
Lazy evaluation can sometimes be helpful here. I once wrote a
raytracer that computed the resulting image using a pure function that
returned a list of the RGB colors of the pixels: [(Word8, Word8,

When plotting the pixels to the screen in the IO monad, the value of
each pixel would be computed on demand, and so the image was shown
progressively as the calculations were performed.

I was new to haskell when I made this program and when I ran the
program for this first time I was expecting to experience a long pause
and then a display of the final image. I was very surprised to see
progressive rendering!

On Nov 29, 2007 12:03 AM, Andrew Coppin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In a normal programming language, you might write something like this:

   for x = 1 to 100
 print x
 ...do slow complex stuff...
   next x

 In Haskell, you're more likely to write something like

   result k = filter my_weird_condition $ map strange_conversion $
 unfoldr ...

 That means that when you try to process the result, lots of processing
 happens, and your program just appears to lock up until a result is
 produced. So, like, how do you make it so that some kind of progress
 information is output while it's working? (Aside from dunking everything
 into the IO monad and ruining all your beautiful abstractions.) There
 doesn't seem to be a clean solution to this one...

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] fast Array operations: foldl, drop

2007-11-29 Thread Bryan O'Sullivan

Henning Thielemann wrote:

I thought operations like foldl' and drop must be very fast on arrays
(especially UArray) with appropriate pointer tricks,

These kinds of functions are only much use on one-dimensional arrays, 
which look sufficiently list-like that the ideas translate fairly 
cleanly.  For higher dimensions, there are enough options in terms of 
traversal direction and what exactly e.g. a fold should fold over 
(single elements? lower-dimensional slices?) that a sensible API doesn't 
exactly leap out.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Sillyness in the standard libs.

2007-11-29 Thread Evan Laforge
 Let's ignore System.Time since it's obsoleted by Data.Time.

While you're updating the Data.Time docs, could you mention the above
in System.Time?  I recently looked at both and used System.Time
because Data.Time looked too complicated.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A tale of Project Euler

2007-11-29 Thread Andrew Coppin

Daniel Fischer wrote:
One thing: since You check the array bounds, the system needn't check them 
again, use unsafeWrite and unsafeRead. And use Int for the index, that would 
be MUCH faster.

I can't find the functions you're talking about. I have however changed 
the index type. (Make little or no noticable speed difference. But then, 
it's already pretty damn fast in the first place...)

Another thing: you can stop sieving when p*p  size, another speedup

Saves a few hundred milliseconds.

Fifth thing: better use an STUArray, don't drag IO in if it's not necessary.

I don't understand the ST monad.

The obvious downside of course is that you must know how big
to make the array at the start of your program, and you must compute the
entire array before you can use any of it. Both limitations not precent
in the lazy recursive list implementation...

The size of the array can easily be estimated by the prime number theorem,

Probably. But it doesn't compare to the elegance and simplicity of being 
able to generate an arbitrary number of primes on an as-needed basis.

Keep enjoying Project Euler,

Well, I don't know about enjoy - generally I just find it quite 
frustrating. It's kind of addictive trying to increase your score 
though... (Anybody here reached 100% yet?)

I find that a lot of the problems don't seem to involve much math. 
(E.g., here is some data, process it into a list of integers, find the 
highest one. Where is the deep mathematics in that?) A few of them do, 
but a lot are simply to do with prime numbers, and as far as I'm away, 
it is impossible to know anything about prime numbers. In other words, 
you must compute them all the hard way.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Waiting for thread to finish

2007-11-29 Thread Andrew Coppin

Bryan O'Sullivan wrote:
But wait, there's more!  If you're using the threaded RTS, you often 
need to know how many threads you can run concurrently, for example to 
explicitly split up a compute-bound task.  This value is exposed at 
runtime by the numCapabilities variable in the GHC.Conc module.


This variable is new in GHC 6.8.1 (thanks, Simon!), so don't try to 
use it with an older release.

Hmm... I was *sure* this was exposed in Control.Concurrent already... 
but, apparently, no. It seems you can only get at it from GHC.Conc. 
That's kind of a pitty... oh well! ;-)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Waiting for thread to finish

2007-11-29 Thread Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH

On Nov 29, 2007, at 13:38 , Andrew Coppin wrote:

Bryan O'Sullivan wrote:
But wait, there's more!  If you're using the threaded RTS, you  
often need to know how many threads you can run concurrently, for  
example to explicitly split up a compute-bound task.  This value  
is exposed at runtime by the numCapabilities variable in the  
GHC.Conc module.


This variable is new in GHC 6.8.1 (thanks, Simon!), so don't try  
to use it with an older release.

Hmm... I was *sure* this was exposed in Control.Concurrent  
already... but, apparently, no. It seems you can only get at it  
from GHC.Conc. That's kind of a pitty... oh well! ;-)

It's internal implementation foo; why would it be part of an  
interface intended to be reasonably portable?

brandon s. allbery [solaris,freebsd,perl,pugs,haskell] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
system administrator [openafs,heimdal,too many hats] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon universityKF8NH

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] New slogan for haskell.org

2007-11-29 Thread Andrew Coppin

Dan Weston wrote:
  [...] and facilitates borrow-from-the-future techniques where 
useful with infinite data structures or recursive algorithms.

And this, gentlemen, is just one of the reasons why Haskell gets 
labelled as scary.

It's very hard to explain what this enigmatic riddle-like statement 
actually *means* without a very long exposition. (Heck, *I* haven't 
worked out how to borrow from the future yet...)

[The other reason, of course, is that Haskell's syntax isn't C / C++ / 
Java / VB... which suits me just fine! ;-) ]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A tale of Project Euler

2007-11-29 Thread Sebastian Sylvan
On Nov 29, 2007 6:43 PM, Andrew Coppin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Daniel Fischer wrote:
  One thing: since You check the array bounds, the system needn't check them
  again, use unsafeWrite and unsafeRead. And use Int for the index, that would
  be MUCH faster.

 I can't find the functions you're talking about. I have however changed
 the index type. (Make little or no noticable speed difference. But then,
 it's already pretty damn fast in the first place...)

  Another thing: you can stop sieving when p*p  size, another speedup

 Saves a few hundred milliseconds.

  Fifth thing: better use an STUArray, don't drag IO in if it's not necessary.

 I don't understand the ST monad.

There's not a whole lot to understand if you just want to use it
(though it's all very cool from a theoretical standpoint too). Here
are my minor changes to your program.

import Data.Array.ST
import Control.Monad.ST

calc_primes :: [Word64]
calc_primes = runST ( do
   grid - newArray (2,size) True
   seive 2 grid )
   seive :: Word64 - STUArray s Word64 Bool - ST s [Word64]
   seive p g = do
 mapM_ (\n - writeArray g n False) [p, 2*p .. size]
 mp' - next (p+1) g
 case mp' of
   Nothing - return [p]
   Just p' - do
 ps - seive p' g
 return (p:ps)

   next :: Word64 - STUArray s Word64 Bool - ST s (Maybe Word64)
   next p g = do
 if p == size
   then return Nothing
   else do
 t - readArray g p
 if t
   then return (Just p)
   else next (p+1) g

The benefit should be obvious: No pesky IO type, so you can use it in
your pure code. You just need to give a type signature somewhere to
show the type system that you're using STUArray, but the rest just
uses the same type class as you already used for the IOUArrays.

And here are the modifications to use the unsafe reads and writes (42%
speedup for me):

import Data.Array.Base

size = 101 :: Word64

calc_primes :: [Word64]
calc_primes = runST ( do
   grid - newArray (2,size) True
   seive 2 grid )
   seive :: Word64 - STUArray s Word64 Bool - ST s [Word64]
   seive p g = do
 mapM_ (\n - unsafeWrite g (fromIntegral n) False) [p, 2*p .. size]
 mp' - next (p+1) g
 case mp' of
   Nothing - return [p]
   Just p' - do
 ps - seive p' g
 return (p:ps)

   next :: Word64 - STUArray s Word64 Bool - ST s (Maybe Word64)
   next p g = do
 if p == size
   then return Nothing
   else do
 t - unsafeRead g (fromIntegral p)
 if t
   then return (Just p)
   else next (p+1) g

Sebastian Sylvan
UIN: 44640862
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] New slogan for haskell.org

2007-11-29 Thread jerzy . karczmarczuk

Andrew Coppin writes:

Dan Weston wrote:

  [...] and facilitates borrow-from-the-future techniques where useful
with infinite data structures or recursive algorithms.

And this, gentlemen, is just one of the reasons why Haskell gets labelled
as scary.

It's very hard to explain what this enigmatic riddle-like statement
actually *means* without a very long exposition. (Heck, *I* haven't worked
out how to borrow from the future yet...)

Scary - schmary...

If you want to be afraid of, say, Santa Claus, that's OK, you are a free
man. But, perhaps before saying that you haven't worked out something,
*try* to work it out.

Read something about Richard Bird's circular programs. A nice Web article
(Lloyd Allison) is here:


A really complicated application by Janis Voigtländer


will probably kill you, so don't. But The Web is full of articles. You can
even read one or two of my own productions.

I - sorry for shameless auto-ad - cited this paper *twice*, once it was
after *your* similar statement...


It is called The Most Unreliable Technique in the World to Compute PI,
and it has been written explicitly for fun and instruction. That's
a possible answer to your dilemma.

Another one shows something even worse than borrowing from the future,
namely going backwards in time, applied to the Automatic Differentiation
in Reverse Mode.


And, please, avoid saying that something is scary or difficult, unless
you are really sure.

Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] doing builds using cygwin on Windows ....help

2007-11-29 Thread Galchin Vasili

 I have suceeded in doing a build on top of cygwin. However, after
editing some of the cygwin bashrc files, teh darcs path and haddock path
still don't show up when I do a echo $PATH. I am now reading
 The PATH environment variable is used by Cygwin applications as a list of
directories to search for executable files to run. This environment variable
is converted from Windows format (e.g. C:\WinNT\system32;C:\WinNT) to UNIX
format (e.g., /WinNT/system32:/WinNT) when a Cygwin process first starts.
Set it so that it contains at least the x:\cygwin\bin directory where 
x:\cygwin is the root of your cygwin installation if you wish to use
cygwin tools outside of bash.
 .. however, I don't see in which file PATH can be set. Any help? I really
want to get my Haskell build environment set up and cranking away.

Kind regards, Vasya
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Hit a wall with the type system

2007-11-29 Thread Dan Piponi
On Nov 28, 2007 9:20 PM, Chris Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I intend to naively treat each function as being from the reals to the
 reals, and then take advantage of the fact (which is proven by the type
 system in the code I posted) that when the derivative is evaluated at
 integer inputs for functions defined using only ring operations, the
 result is an integer (and similarly for rationals and field operations).

I must be missing the point of something. What's wrong with

 diff f x = let AD y dy = f (AD x 1) in dy


In ghci we get

*Main :t diff (\x - 2*x) (2::Int)
diff (\x - 2*x) (2::Int) :: Int
*Main :t diff (\x - 2*x) (2::Float)
diff (\x - 2*x) (2::Float) :: Float

I've used almost exactly that line of code myself a few times.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: New slogan for haskell.org

2007-11-29 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Thu, 29 Nov 2007, Simon Marlow wrote:

 What I'd *really* like to see is a bunch of links on the front page leading
 to pages that describe the main differences between Haskell and some other
 language (C, Python, Java, C#, F#, ...).  The easiest way to grasp what
 Haskell is all about is by reference to a known baseline, and programmers
 tend to have different baselines.  e.g. the C page might start with
 Haskell is a functional language, whereas the Python page might start
 with Haskell is statically typed.

Python page could start with: You like 'map', 'filter', 'for x in ...'
and lambda's in Python? Then you will like to learn where Python has
borrowed these features.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: New slogan for haskell.org

2007-11-29 Thread jerzy . karczmarczuk
Henning Thielemann writes: 

Python page could start with: You like 'map', 'filter', 'for x in ...'
and lambda's in Python? Then you will like to learn where Python has

Henning, Python *may not* start in such a way. Those functionals are
being obsoletised by Guido Van Rossum. for remains, obviously, but,
please, don't try to convince anybody that Haskell was the first language
with iterators... 

Jerzy Karczmarczuk 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Re: Hit a wall with the type system

2007-11-29 Thread Chris Smith
Dan Piponi wrote:
 I must be missing the point of something. What's wrong with
  diff f x = let AD y dy = f (AD x 1) in dy
 In ghci we get
 *Main :t diff (\x - 2*x) (2::Int)
 diff (\x - 2*x) (2::Int) :: Int
 *Main :t diff (\x - 2*x) (2::Float)
 diff (\x - 2*x) (2::Float) :: Float
 I've used almost exactly that line of code myself a few times.

Yep, that does what I want.  Thank you (and Stefan, and ghci's :t) for 
pointing it out.  If this were a practical thing, I'd certainly decide 
that's the best option and move on.  But since this is me trying to 
figure out the Right Answer (tm), that still doesn't look like it.  
(Though I suspect if there were a Right Answer, it would have been 
pointed out by now.)

From my perspective, what's wrong with it what Stefan mentioned when he 
suggested it: it breaks abstraction.  Even if I don't expose the type AD 
(i.e., it's an implementation detail and the user of a library shouldn't 
care that it even exists), the inferred type signature for diff depends 
on it.

  Prelude AD :t diff
  diff :: forall a t. (Num a) = (AD.AD a - AD.AD t) - a - t

But what's AD?  If it's exported, then at least it will show up in 
Haddock with a list of its instances, so the type is merely misleading.  
but if it's not exported, then the type is just plain not useful.

So I want the parameter to be more restricted.  No one is going to write 
a function that *only* works on AD types.  Instead, the parameter to 
diff ought to be required to be polymorphic.  The rank n type does that, 
but it loses the ability to get the most general possible result type.

Chris Smith

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell and DB : giving up

2007-11-29 Thread Andrew Coppin

Ketil Malde wrote:

I think this is the problem, not the solution.  There is a lot of DB
libraries, just like there are a multitude of XML libraries, several
collections, etc.  Too many libraries are written as research projects
or by grad students, and left to rot after release.  The fragmentation
also means that few libraries see any extensive testing - I was a bit
surprised that apparently none of the XML libraries can handle files
larger than a few megabytes, for instance.

You're probably right that one of them would work, but especially new
users will have no way of knowing which one.  Only after the user 
has given up do people post similar experiences.

This is getting better, of course - hackage will grow usage
and activity statistics and perhaps ratings, the wiki will be extended
with recommendations, more people will get involved in development.
But at the moment, this is a problem.

This is one of the more frustrating aspects of Haskell. It's not that 
nobody has written DB bindings - they most certainly have. It's not that 
nobody has written compression or cryptography bindings - they have. 
It's that there is a small zoo of them, and it's really hard to pick out 
which ones are the good ones. I really hope this does improve in time. 
(And I really wish I could do something positive to make this happen...)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] fast Array operations: foldl, drop

2007-11-29 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Thu, 29 Nov 2007, Bryan O'Sullivan wrote:

 Henning Thielemann wrote:
  I thought operations like foldl' and drop must be very fast on arrays
  (especially UArray) with appropriate pointer tricks,

 These kinds of functions are only much use on one-dimensional arrays,
 which look sufficiently list-like that the ideas translate fairly
 cleanly.  For higher dimensions, there are enough options in terms of
 traversal direction and what exactly e.g. a fold should fold over
 (single elements? lower-dimensional slices?) that a sensible API doesn't
 exactly leap out.

That's unfortunately true. However, for my application (signal processing)
I need mostly one-dimensional arrays and they should support fast
foldl', slice, build.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] fast Array operations: foldl, drop

2007-11-29 Thread Andrew Coppin

Jules Bean wrote:
As far as I'm aware, our arrays don't support any kind of zero-copy 
slicing, which is what your 'drop' trick amounts to.

Zero-copy slicing would seem like an obviously nice thing to have for 
IArrays, though, I agree. For various different kinds of slices 
including projections.

ByteString supports zero-copy substring, but it's based on ForeignPtr 
not UArray.

This is one of the many things I am often tempted to try to implement 

In general, the IArray and MArray interfaces seem to be lacking a huge 
number of functions which logically *should* be quite possible on an 
array, they just aren't implemented. Maybe one day I'll sit down and 
make a serious attempt to catelogue and implement them all...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: New slogan for haskell.org

2007-11-29 Thread Andrew Coppin

Henning Thielemann wrote:

When I want to judge a programming language I like to see a gallery, a
collection of beautiful programs. This shows me
 1. what are the problems, the language developers want to tackle
(does general purpose for the developers mean web, XML and data base
processing or computationally intensive numerical stuff)
 2. how do they solve them, i.e. what are the special features of the
language and how do they help solving the problem, what style of
programming does the language support.

Well-said that man...

Now, the question becomes what examples demonstrate the things that 
Haskell is good at?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: New slogan for haskell.org

2007-11-29 Thread Yitzchak Gale
lemming wrote:
 Python page could start with: You like 'map', 'filter', 'for x in ...'
 and lambda's in Python? Then you will like to learn where Python has

What about iterators - lazy lists - and generators - lazy
function definitions. And list comprehensions, both lazy
and strict. And zip. And the itertools module - containing
analogues for lazy ++, [n..], cycle, dropWhile, groupBy, zipWith,
takeWhile, etc. All inspired by Haskell.

Jerzy Karczmarczuk wrote:
 Henning, Python *may not* start in such a way. Those functionals are
 being obsoletised by Guido Van Rossum. for remains,

All of them are remaining. Guido's effort to deprecate
them brought down a storm of protest. Folds, known as reduce
in Python, are on their way out, though. They scared
people (not Pythonic).

 please, don't try to convince anybody that Haskell was the first language
 with iterators...

Python's iterators are not the same as iterators in C
and other older languages. They are lazy lists. The reason
they named them iterators is not to scare people.

Haskell was not the first to have lazy lists, but Haskell
was an important part of the inspiration for introducing
them into Python.

Guido was forced to do something - someone had written
a new Python interpreter, called Stackless Python,
in which every Python function was a Scheme-like continuation.
People found this very, very scary. So Guido stopped
it by introducing laziness, which could be made much
less scary.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Working out which library to use (was: Haskell and DB)

2007-11-29 Thread Don Stewart
 Ketil Malde wrote:
 I think this is the problem, not the solution.  There is a lot of DB
 libraries, just like there are a multitude of XML libraries, several
 collections, etc.  Too many libraries are written as research projects
 or by grad students, and left to rot after release.  The fragmentation
 also means that few libraries see any extensive testing - I was a bit
 surprised that apparently none of the XML libraries can handle files
 larger than a few megabytes, for instance.
 You're probably right that one of them would work, but especially new
 users will have no way of knowing which one.  Only after the user 
 has given up do people post similar experiences.
 This is getting better, of course - hackage will grow usage
 and activity statistics and perhaps ratings, the wiki will be extended
 with recommendations, more people will get involved in development.
 But at the moment, this is a problem.
 This is one of the more frustrating aspects of Haskell. It's not that 
 nobody has written DB bindings - they most certainly have. It's not that 
 nobody has written compression or cryptography bindings - they have. 
 It's that there is a small zoo of them, and it's really hard to pick out 
 which ones are the good ones. I really hope this does improve in time. 
 (And I really wish I could do something positive to make this happen...)

We have the start on a solution for how to pick the good ones.

* Go to Hackage
* Click on the 'experimental search interface'
* Click on 'advanced search':
* Type the name of the library you're interested in, into the 
required-by field.

We'll consider which binary IO library is most popular, from:

* binary
* NewBinary
* safecopy

The search engine returns the results:

* binary, is used by 12 other packages:

bencode, Etherbunny,GrowlNotify, harchive
hmp3, hpaste, HPDF, infinity
safecopy, tar, torrent, htar

* NewBinary, is used by 4 other packages:

ASN1, Crypto, GrowlNotify, Hmpf

* safecopy, is used by 0 packages.

So choose Data.Binary if you trust the wisdom of the crowd.

So as a crude heuristic for measuring what the masses are saying, this
seems reasonable.

-- Don
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A tale of Project Euler

2007-11-29 Thread Andrew Coppin

Sebastian Sylvan wrote:

On Nov 29, 2007 6:43 PM, Andrew Coppin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I don't understand the ST monad.

There's not a whole lot to understand if you just want to use it
(though it's all very cool from a theoretical standpoint too).

From what I can tell, it's not definable without using strange language 
extensions. (I don't really like using things where it's unclear why it 

Here are my minor changes to your program.

import Data.Array.ST
import Control.Monad.ST

calc_primes :: [Word64]
calc_primes = runST ( do
   grid - newArray (2,size) True
   seive 2 grid )
   seive :: Word64 - STUArray s Word64 Bool - ST s [Word64]
   seive p g = do
 mapM_ (\n - writeArray g n False) [p, 2*p .. size]
 mp' - next (p+1) g
 case mp' of
   Nothing - return [p]
   Just p' - do
 ps - seive p' g
 return (p:ps)

   next :: Word64 - STUArray s Word64 Bool - ST s (Maybe Word64)
   next p g = do
 if p == size
   then return Nothing
   else do
 t - readArray g p
 if t
   then return (Just p)
   else next (p+1) g

The benefit should be obvious: No pesky IO type, so you can use it in
your pure code. You just need to give a type signature somewhere to
show the type system that you're using STUArray, but the rest just
uses the same type class as you already used for the IOUArrays.

How do you avoid accidentally recomputing the list multiple times?

And here are the modifications to use the unsafe reads and writes (42%
speedup for me):

import Data.Array.Base

size = 101 :: Word64

calc_primes :: [Word64]
calc_primes = runST ( do
   grid - newArray (2,size) True
   seive 2 grid )
   seive :: Word64 - STUArray s Word64 Bool - ST s [Word64]
   seive p g = do
 mapM_ (\n - unsafeWrite g (fromIntegral n) False) [p, 2*p .. size]
 mp' - next (p+1) g
 case mp' of
   Nothing - return [p]
   Just p' - do
 ps - seive p' g
 return (p:ps)

   next :: Word64 - STUArray s Word64 Bool - ST s (Maybe Word64)
   next p g = do
 if p == size
   then return Nothing
   else do
 t - unsafeRead g (fromIntegral p)
 if t
   then return (Just p)
   else next (p+1) g


I don't see Data.Array.Base documented anywhere. (How did you know it 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A tale of Project Euler

2007-11-29 Thread Daniel Fischer
Am Donnerstag, 29. November 2007 19:43 schrieb Andrew Coppin:
 Daniel Fischer wrote:
  One thing: since You check the array bounds, the system needn't check
  them again, use unsafeWrite and unsafeRead. And use Int for the index,
  that would be MUCH faster.

 I can't find the functions you're talking about.

As Sebastian already said, they're in Data.Array.Base, sorry, should've 
mentioned that.

 I have however changed
 the index type. (Make little or no noticable speed difference. But then,
 it's already pretty damn fast in the first place...)

But it can be considerably faster. On my 5 yo 1200MHz thing, I can sieve up to 
10 million in less than half a second:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/Documents/haskell/move time ./Sieve2 1000

sys 0m0.000s

And that's even faster than any sieve in C that I managed to write.
(Okay, I don't know how to use bitsets in C, that might beat Haskell)
  Another thing: you can stop sieving when p*p  size, another speedup

 Saves a few hundred milliseconds.

Which is pretty much for a programme running below 1 second.

  Fifth thing: better use an STUArray, don't drag IO in if it's not

 I don't understand the ST monad.

Nor do I. Just use it (and be prepared to use scoped type variables).

  The obvious downside of course is that you must know how big
  to make the array at the start of your program, and you must compute the
  entire array before you can use any of it. Both limitations not precent
  in the lazy recursive list implementation...
  The size of the array can easily be estimated by the prime number

 Probably. But it doesn't compare to the elegance and simplicity of being
 able to generate an arbitrary number of primes on an as-needed basis.

True. But when speed matters, you have to bite the bullet.
And if you don't know up to which bound you need the primes, but know it's a 
not too low bound, you can sieve the first part in an array and then go on 
using a list, that's what I do.

  Keep enjoying Project Euler,

 Well, I don't know about enjoy - generally I just find it quite
 frustrating. It's kind of addictive trying to increase your score
 though... (Anybody here reached 100% yet?)

int-e (Bertram Felgenhauer, I believe), well he has not yet solved last 
week's, so currently he's at 99%, and there were a couple of others but they 
didn't persevere.

 I find that a lot of the problems don't seem to involve much math.
 (E.g., here is some data, process it into a list of integers, find the
 highest one. Where is the deep mathematics in that?) A few of them do,
 but a lot are simply to do with prime numbers, and as far as I'm away,
 it is impossible to know anything about prime numbers. In other words,
 you must compute them all the hard way.

Some of the problems require little math, but more programming techniques. 
Others require a good grip of maths to find an efficient algorithm. Really 
deep maths can't be required, the site is not meant for professional 
mathematicians but for laypeople with mathematical interest.
The aim is to make brute force unattractive (brute forcing times from 5 hours 
upwards), while a mathematical insight will often give the solution in a few 
Many problems require both, some maths to find a good algorithm, and some 
programming techniques to make it run really fast.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell and DB : giving up

2007-11-29 Thread Andrew Coppin

Duncan Coutts wrote:

Probably the best eventual solution for Windows is to build
infrastructure to make binary packages for Windows. People are working
on that.

Do you mean the problem has been noticed or do you actually mean code 
is being written and tested?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Progress indications

2007-11-29 Thread Andrew Coppin

Bit Connor wrote:

I was new to haskell when I made this program and when I ran the
program for this first time I was expecting to experience a long pause
and then a display of the final image. I was very surprised to see
progressive rendering!

Neat, isn't it? :-)

On the other hand, if you do something like sort a list, you cannot see 
the first element of the result until the entire unsorted list has been 
computed... which can take a heck of a long time, depending on what the 
computation is. And since it's all calls to map and filter et al., it's 
not immediately clear how to provide any feedback on how much longer 
there is to wait.

It seems unsafePerformIO is the way to go here.

(BTW, what's the difference between unsafePerformIO and unsafeInterleaveIO?)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Working out which library to use (was: Haskell and DB)

2007-11-29 Thread Neil Mitchell

 We have the start on a solution for how to pick the good ones.

 We'll consider which binary IO library is most popular, from:
 The search engine returns the results:

 * binary, is used by 12 other packages:

This only works with libraries that are lower-level, like binary,
which other libraries are likely to use. For libraries such as
HTML/XML parsing, its likely that the majority of users are
applications, which are under-represented on hackage. I don't know
what safecopy does, but I'm guessing its a wrapper around binary
providing some functionality, so it follows that more people probably
use the lower-level library than safecopy.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] New slogan for haskell.org

2007-11-29 Thread Andrew Coppin


Andrew Coppin writes:

Dan Weston wrote:
  [...] and facilitates borrow-from-the-future techniques where 
useful with infinite data structures or recursive algorithms.

And this, gentlemen, is just one of the reasons why Haskell gets 
labelled as scary.
It's very hard to explain what this enigmatic riddle-like statement 
actually *means* without a very long exposition. (Heck, *I* haven't 
worked out how to borrow from the future yet...)

Scary - schmary...
If you want to be afraid of, say, Santa Claus, that's OK, you are a free
man. But, perhaps before saying that you haven't worked out something,
*try* to work it out.

Oh, I didn't mean *I* am scared of Haskell - I think Haskell is great! 
:-D I meant that other people perceive it as scary. And infinite data 
structures and borrowing from the future are two examples of things 
that scare them.

And, relatedly, I said I hadn't worked out the latter yet. It doesn't 
scare me - I'm more curios than scared. ;-) I believe I did ask about 
it here once, but didn't get much of a clear answer.

Read something about Richard Bird's circular programs. A nice Web article
(Lloyd Allison) is here:
A really complicated application by Janis Voigtländer
will probably kill you, so don't. But The Web is full of articles. You 

even read one or two of my own productions.
I - sorry for shameless auto-ad - cited this paper *twice*, once it was
after *your* similar statement...
It is called The Most Unreliable Technique in the World to Compute PI,
and it has been written explicitly for fun and instruction. That's
a possible answer to your dilemma.
Another one shows something even worse than borrowing from the future,
namely going backwards in time, applied to the Automatic 

in Reverse Mode.

Should give me something interesting to read for a while...

And, please, avoid saying that something is scary or difficult, unless
you are really sure.

Like I said, I think you're just misunderstanding what I'm trying to 
say, that's all.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: New slogan for haskell.org

2007-11-29 Thread jerzy . karczmarczuk
Yitzchak Gale writes: 

Python's iterators are not the same as iterators in C
and other older languages. They are lazy lists. The reason
they named them iterators is not to scare people. 

Haskell was not the first to have lazy lists, but Haskell
was an important part of the inspiration for introducing
them into Python.

Actually, I would *sincerely* like to see some reference proving that. 

I cite Guido V.R., 2005:
About 12 years ago, Python aquired lambda, reduce(), filter() and
 map(), courtesy of (I believe) a Lisp hacker who missed them and
 submitted working patches.

Give to Caesar...: It was Amrit Prem; one history page on WP says that
no specific mention of any Lisp heritage is mentioned in the release
notes at the time, so all speculations are still possible... 


But, in fact, Python iterators - in general - are neither lazy nor lists.
No linking!
They are syntactic shortcuts to *objects* possessing the method 'next'.
So, there is no call by need, no updated thunks, etc. Calling them lazy
is an abuse of the language, although quite intuitive. I don't want to raise
a war about that... 

The laziness, meant as deferred procedure calls *CAN* be used in Python,
also in iterator context, through generators, that's true. But still there
are no update'able automatically thunks, no lazy data! If generators remind
me of something, it is co-routines. 

BTW. The BDFL Van Rossum never said anything about scaring. He said
plainly that folds are things he *hates* most. 

Guido was forced to do something - someone had written
a new Python interpreter, called Stackless Python,
in which every Python function was a Scheme-like continuation.
People found this very, very scary. So Guido stopped
it by introducing laziness, which could be made much
less scary.

Give to Caesar...
Someone, was Christian Tismer: 


and I am doubtful about the statement that people found it very, very scary. 
Simply they - usually - felt no *need* for another complication to learn,

you know, *some* people are lazy... But Stackless still exists, GVR
stopped nothing, and the Grant Olson's tutorial 


is really interesting, although perhaps, as usual, not for Andrew Coppin. 

People, stop using this damned word: scare in the context of *learning*

Jerzy Karczmarczuk 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Progress indications

2007-11-29 Thread Yitzchak Gale
Bit Connor wrote:
 computation is. And since it's all calls to map and filter et al., it's
 ...it's not immediately clear how to provide any feedback
 on how much longer there is to wait.

Andrew Coppin wrote:
 It seems unsafePerformIO is the way to go here.

I disagree. The unsafe... functions are called that
for a reason, and their use should be highly discouraged,
except in cases where there is absolutely no other
reasonable way. I don't believe that this is one
of those cases.

A better approach is to use pure monads. Instead of

f :: ... - a

write functions whose type is something like

f :: ... - MyMonad a

where MyMonad is defined in one and only
one place in your program. Or, better yet,
polymorphic things like

f :: Monad m = ... - m a
f :: MyMonadClass m = ... - m a

Then when you later need to add something
like progress indicators, you just add that
to the capabilities of your monad, and add
some updateProgress calls to your functions.
By using do notation wisely, you can
keep your abstractions just as clear as they
were, and cleanly separated from the progress logic.

Other things you may need to add later in
real-world programs are exception handling,
logging, trace, etc. All of these are easy if you
started out in a monad.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Progress indications

2007-11-29 Thread Thomas Hartman
but there's no risk using trace is there?


 The unsafe... functions are called that
for a reason, and their use should be highly discouraged,
except in cases where there is absolutely no other
reasonable way. 

Yitzchak Gale [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
11/29/2007 05:01 PM

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Progress indications

Bit Connor wrote:
 computation is. And since it's all calls to map and filter et al., it's
 ...it's not immediately clear how to provide any feedback
 on how much longer there is to wait.

Andrew Coppin wrote:
 It seems unsafePerformIO is the way to go here.

I disagree. The unsafe... functions are called that
for a reason, and their use should be highly discouraged,
except in cases where there is absolutely no other
reasonable way. I don't believe that this is one
of those cases.

A better approach is to use pure monads. Instead of

f :: ... - a

write functions whose type is something like

f :: ... - MyMonad a

where MyMonad is defined in one and only
one place in your program. Or, better yet,
polymorphic things like

f :: Monad m = ... - m a
f :: MyMonadClass m = ... - m a

Then when you later need to add something
like progress indicators, you just add that
to the capabilities of your monad, and add
some updateProgress calls to your functions.
By using do notation wisely, you can
keep your abstractions just as clear as they
were, and cleanly separated from the progress logic.

Other things you may need to add later in
real-world programs are exception handling,
logging, trace, etc. All of these are easy if you
started out in a monad.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Working out which library to use

2007-11-29 Thread Andrew Coppin

Don Stewart wrote:

We have the start on a solution for how to pick the good ones.

* Go to Hackage
* Click on the 'experimental search interface'
* Click on 'advanced search':
* Type the name of the library you're interested in, into the 
required-by field.

So as a crude heuristic for measuring what the masses are saying, this
seems reasonable.

From where I'm sitting, the main problems with Haskell packages are thus:

1. For certain tasks, there are multiple possible packages, and it's not 
really clear which one to go for. Having more than one choice is good. 
(E.g., there's Gtk2hs and there's wxHaskell, and you pick the one you 
want based on personal preference.) Having *dozens* of different 
packages for the same task, some more complete than others, some more 
maintained than others, etc., is just confusing.

2. Most things on Hackage don't seem to want to work on Windows. 
(Evidently this is being worked on. Stream Fusion installed just fine 
with a little help from Duncan...)

3. It's not easy to tell from the package summary whether it does what 
you want. (It looks like this too is being worked on with automatic 
generation of Haddoc information, which should help. Assuming there's 
any Haddoc comments to display, that is...)

4. General package quality. Some are excellent, some aren't. Given time, 
hopefully the excellent ones will rise to the top, and the less good 
ones will improve or dissappear. So it looks like this one is just a 
question of time and effort. Hopefully this will also somewhat solve #1 

Just my opinion - others are welcomed to dissagree. ;-)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Re: Hit a wall with the type system

2007-11-29 Thread Dan Piponi

 So I want the parameter to be more restricted.  No one is going to write
 a function that *only* works on AD types.

But exporting AD doesn't force people to write functions that work on
AD types, people can write whatever functions they like. They're only
constrained if they want to pass the function into 'diff', at which
point it needs to work on AD.

When you specify that a function has type a - b, you're entering into
a bargain. You're saying that whatever object of type a you pass in,
you'll get a type b object back. a - b is a statement of that
contract. Now your automatic differentiation code can't differentiate
any old function. It can only differentiate functions built out of the
finite set of primitives you've implemented (and other polymorphic
enough functions). So you have quite a complex contract to write. You
want to say for any function you give me that is built out of these
functions (and other ...), and no others, I can give you back the
derivative. You need to say this somewhere otherwise it's like a
contract for a house purchase that doesn't bother to say where the
boundary line to the next house is (*). Luckily, there's a nice way to
express this. We can just say diff :: (AD a - AD a) - a - a. So AD
needs to be exported. It's an essential part of the language for
expressing your bargain, and I think it *is* the Right Answer, and an
elegant and compact way to express a difficult contract.

(*) I admit that I have bought a house like this, but it's not a good thing.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Working out which library to use

2007-11-29 Thread Neil Mitchell

 1. For certain tasks, there are multiple possible packages, and it's not
 really clear which one to go for. Having more than one choice is good.
 (E.g., there's Gtk2hs and there's wxHaskell, and you pick the one you
 want based on personal preference.) Having *dozens* of different
 packages for the same task, some more complete than others, some more
 maintained than others, etc., is just confusing.
 + points 3 and 4

This can be solved easily using blogs. If you use a package
successfully, blog about it. Write about how great it was, or what was
lacking. Say what problems you ran into. Perhaps write a slightly
tutorialish post saying what you used it for and a snippet of code. If
a few people do this, Google will do the rest with search results.

 2. Most things on Hackage don't seem to want to work on Windows.
 (Evidently this is being worked on. Stream Fusion installed just fine
 with a little help from Duncan...)

Windows, the unloved Haskell platform... Not much you can do about
this, short of breaking into peoples houses and reformatting their
hard drive. I know most authors would be happy to accept a patch
fixing whatever issue there is - so all it needs is more Windows
users. Perhaps a wiki page listing the common mistakes a Linux user
can make to render their package non-working on Windows?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Haskell interface file (.hi) format?

2007-11-29 Thread Rob Hoelz
Hello fellow Haskellers,

Does anyone know if/where I can find a specification for the .hi files
generated by GHC?  I ask because I want to write an omni-completion
plugin for Vim to make Haskell hacking a bit nicer.

Rob Hoelz
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Re: cabal-install

2007-11-29 Thread Ben Franksen
Duncan Coutts wrote:
 On Wed, 2007-11-28 at 21:00 +0100, Thomas Schilling wrote:
 On Wed, 2007-11-28 at 20:46 +0100, Ben Franksen wrote:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]: .../software/haskell  cd cabal
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]: .../haskell/cabal  runhaskell Setup.lhs configure
  Distribution/Simple/NHC.hs:77:1: lexical error at character 'i'
  Ben (feels like a real beta-tester now ;-)
 Well, Cabal cannot automatically compile itself with itself.
 No actually it can, that was just a bug (which I've just fixed). 

Ah, I wondered. If even 'the monster' (ghc) can build itself from earlier
versions it should be possible for cabal to pull the same trick.

 Ben is 
 indeed being a beta tester by using Cabal HEAD. I'd recommend the 1.2

I was using HEAD as per Don's suggestion for how to build cabal-install.
Now, re-reading this thread I see that you already mentioned that upgrading
on the 2.1 branch would have been enough.

Apropos beta-testing, cabal-1.3 seems to have introduced an incompatible API
change; for instance, it can't build MissingH any longer. This might be ok
by whatever versioning policy cabal uses, I didn't check; anyway:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]: ~  cabal install MissingH
Downloading 'MissingH-0.18.6'...
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( Setup.hs, dist/setup/Main.o )

Couldn't match expected type `(Either GenericPackageDescription
   against inferred type `PackageDescription'
In the first argument of `(confHook defaultUserHooks)', namely
In the expression:
  mydescrip = case os of
mingw32 - ...
_ - ...
in (confHook defaultUserHooks) mydescrip flags
In the definition of `customConfHook':
customConfHook descrip flags
 = let
 mydescrip = case ... of
   mingw32 - ...
   _ - ...
   in (confHook defaultUserHooks) mydescrip flags


Ok, let's try the 1.2 branch, might be a bit more on the safe side. (*builds
cabal-install with this version (hiding Cabal-1.3)...ok, installing,
ok, ... oh wait, this version gives me exactly the same error as
above ...thinking hard for a moment...). Ok, running again ./Setup
configure this time with -v3:

Dependency Cabal=1.2: using Cabal-1.3.1

O_o. I forgot that cabal ignores hidden/exposed status of packages (for good
reasons IIRC). How do I tell it to use the newly installed  Is
there a command line switch...(*stares at output of ./Setup
configure --help; schade, no with-cabal=VERSION option*), no. To hell with
it,I'll just add 1.3 to the cabal file and indeed it now says

Dependency Cabal=1.21.3: using Cabal-

One install of cabal-install later: same error with MissingH. So the package
was broken to begin with an it wasn't related to the cabal upgrade! G.

Not that it matters to me here at home (there is a debian package I can
use), but at work we are still using debian /old-stable/ which is just a
bit too outdated and anyway I don't have root access so I have to install
everything from source.

Unpacking MissingH and looking at the Setup.hs I see that I can simply
replace it by a generic version, add unix dependency to the cabal file, and
all works well. So much for never again runhaskell Setup blabla ;-)

(I should add that for many packages cabal-install works perfectly well.)

Thanks again for your help!

PS: a 'cabal remove' would also be nice to have.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Re: Re: Hit a wall with the type system

2007-11-29 Thread Chris Smith
Hi Dan, thanks for answering.

Dan Piponi wrote:
 When you specify that a function has type a - b, you're entering into
 a bargain. You're saying that whatever object of type a you pass in,
 you'll get a type b object back. a - b is a statement of that

Sure, that much makes perfect sense, and we agree on it.

 Now your automatic differentiation code can't differentiate
 any old function. It can only differentiate functions built out of the
 finite set of primitives you've implemented (and other polymorphic
 enough functions).

Sure.  To be more specific, here's the contract I would really like.

1. You need to pass in a polymorphic function a - a, where a is, at 
*most*, restricted to being an instance of Floating.  This part I can 
already express via rank-N types.  For example, the diffFloating 
function in my original post enforces this part of the contract.

2. I can give you back the derivative, of any type b - b, so long as b 
is an instance of Num, and b can be generalized to the type a from 
condition 1.  It's that last part that I can't seem to express, without 
introducing this meaningless type called AD.

There need be no type called AD involved in this contract at all.  
Indeed, the only role that AD plays in this whole exercise is to be an 
artifact of the implementation I've chosen.  I could change my 
implementation; I could use Jerzy's implementation with a lazy infinite 
list of nth-order derivatives... or perhaps I could implement all the 
operations of Floating and its superclasses as data constructors, get 
back an expression tree, and launch Mathematica via unsafePerformIO to 
calculate its derivative symbolically, and then return a function that 
interprets the result.  And who knows what other implementations I can 
come up with?  In other words, the type AD is not actually related to 
the task at hand.


 Luckily, there's a nice way to
 express this. We can just say diff :: (AD a - AD a) - a - a. So AD
 needs to be exported. It's an essential part of the language for
 expressing your bargain, and I think it *is* the Right Answer, and an
 elegant and compact way to express a difficult contract.

Really?  If you really mean you think it's the right answer, then I'll 
have to back up and try to understand how.  It seems pretty clear to me 
that it breaks abstraction in a way that is really rather dangerous.

If you mean you think it's good enough, then yes, I pretty much have 
conluded it's at least the best that's going to happen; I'm just not 
entirely comfortable with it.

Chris Smith

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Haskell interface file (.hi) format?

2007-11-29 Thread Chris Smith
Rob Hoelz wrote:
 Does anyone know if/where I can find a specification for the .hi files
 generated by GHC?  I ask because I want to write an omni-completion
 plugin for Vim to make Haskell hacking a bit nicer.

I think it's pretty much considered unspecified; but there's code to 
read and write it in compiler/iface/BinIface.hs in any GHC source tree.

Chris Smith

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A tale of Project Euler

2007-11-29 Thread Stefan O'Rear
On Thu, Nov 29, 2007 at 09:10:16PM +, Andrew Coppin wrote:
 Sebastian Sylvan wrote:
 On Nov 29, 2007 6:43 PM, Andrew Coppin [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 I don't understand the ST monad.

 There's not a whole lot to understand if you just want to use it
 (though it's all very cool from a theoretical standpoint too).

 From what I can tell, it's not definable without using strange language 
 extensions. (I don't really like using things where it's unclear why it 

You can't implement IO in H98 either.  You just have to accept it as a

(As far as ST goes, runST is unsafePerformIO renamed.  The only tricky
bit is proving safety.)


Description: Digital signature
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: New slogan for haskell.org

2007-11-29 Thread Stefan O'Rear
On Thu, Nov 29, 2007 at 09:48:22AM +0100, apfelmus wrote:
 Well, I only remember that it took _me_ a page of C code :D Basically due 
 to a hand-coded intset and user interaction (no REPL for C, after all).

In my C programming, I've taken to using gdb as a REPL:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp$ vi foo.c
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp$ cat foo.c
int foo(int x) {
return x * x;

int main(){}
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp$ gcc foo.c
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp$ gdb -q ./a.out
Using host libthread_db library
(gdb) b main
Breakpoint 1 at 0x804835e
(gdb) run
Starting program: /tmp/a.out 
Failed to read a valid object file image from memory.

Breakpoint 1, 0x0804835e in main ()
(gdb) p foo(2)
$1 = 4
(gdb) p foo(10)
$2 = 100
(gdb) p foo(-1)
$3 = 1
(gdb) p foo(0)
$4 = 0
(gdb) p foo(2)+foo(4)
$5 = 20
(gdb) quit
The program is running.  Exit anyway? (y or n) y

Makes most debugging tasks much easier.


Description: Digital signature
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: New slogan for haskell.org

2007-11-29 Thread Stefan O'Rear
On Thu, Nov 29, 2007 at 12:40:00PM +, Simon Marlow wrote:
 What I'd *really* like to see is a bunch of links on the front page leading 
 to pages that describe the main differences between Haskell and some other 
 language (C, Python, Java, C#, F#, ...).  The easiest way to grasp what 
 Haskell is all about is by reference to a known baseline, and programmers 
 tend to have different baselines.  e.g. the C page might start with 
 Haskell is a functional language, whereas the Python page might start 
 with Haskell is statically typed.  I guess this is similar to Ian's 



Description: Digital signature
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A tale of Project Euler

2007-11-29 Thread Jan-Willem Maessen

On Nov 29, 2007, at 6:19 PM, Stefan O'Rear wrote:

On Thu, Nov 29, 2007 at 09:10:16PM +, Andrew Coppin wrote:

Sebastian Sylvan wrote:

On Nov 29, 2007 6:43 PM, Andrew Coppin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I don't understand the ST monad.

...[and ST uses language extensions Andrew doesn't understand.]

(As far as ST goes, runST is unsafePerformIO renamed.  The only tricky
bit is proving safety.)

To put it another way, runST is unsafePerformIO where somebody has  
already done the safety proof for you (so you know it's 100% safe).   
The strange extensions are simply a device to make the safety proof  
work.  Indeed, if you drop the extensions it can all be made to work  
(just say runST :: ST () a - a) but you lose the safety proof and  
it's equivalent to unsafePerformIO.


[The trick used in runST is one of my all-time favorite bits of type  
theory, and is what convinced me we wanted second-order types back  
before the first Haskell workshop.]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: New slogan for haskell.org

2007-11-29 Thread Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH

On Nov 29, 2007, at 16:57 , [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Yitzchak Gale writes:

Guido was forced to do something - someone had written
a new Python interpreter, called Stackless Python,
in which every Python function was a Scheme-like continuation.
People found this very, very scary. So Guido stopped
it by introducing laziness, which could be made much
less scary.

Give to Caesar...
Someone, was Christian Tismer:
spcpaper. htm
and I am doubtful about the statement that people found it very,  
very scary. Simply they - usually - felt no

The only person I've ever heard of who was in any sense scared of  
Stackless Python was GvR himself.

brandon s. allbery [solaris,freebsd,perl,pugs,haskell] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
system administrator [openafs,heimdal,too many hats] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon universityKF8NH

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: New slogan for haskell.org

2007-11-29 Thread Evan Laforge
  frees the programmer from writing superfluous type signatures is a
  weak (and dubious) advantage. I very often write superfluous type
  signatures first (to be sure I know what I'm asking my program to do)
  and only then let Haskell check it. Then I leave it in as good

 I agree with this.  Perhaps

 Type Inference: deduces types automatically, so you don't have to clutter
 up your code with type declarations.  You can still write type declarations
 for documentation purposes, and these will be automatically checked by the

I also write top-level signatures usually, but inference is still
really nice inside the function.  Things like let x = f y in ... + g
x + ... don't make you declare the type of 'x' and change the
declaration if 'f' changes return type.  You just have to change 'g',
not everyone in between 'f' and 'g'.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Optimizing cellular automata evaluation (round 2)

2007-11-29 Thread Justin Bailey
I posted awhile back asking for help improving my cellular automata
program. I am competing with a C program which evolves CAs using a
fairly simple genetic algorithm. The algorithm involves evaluating 100
rules on 100 CAs, 100 times. In C this takes about 1 second. In my
Haskell version, it takes about 20 minutes. That's an improvement from
my first attempts, which took 7 hours.

All the time is spent in the function that evaluates one iteration of
a given CA. It examines each cell and its neighbors and, based on the
values found, updates the cell to be white or black. Here is the code,
followed by an explanation of what it's doing. I'm looking for any
suggestions on making this faster. Prettier helps too but not at the
expense of speed.


I represent the automata as an array of integers, where each bit
represents a cell. Automata 'wrap' around, so marching through the
array and determing the value of all neighbors is tricky around the
edges. My goal was to minimize conditionals as much as possible and to
avoid any modulo arithmetic. I wanted to use straightforward array

My implemention uses three functions: fill, fillS and fillE. Each
evalutaion of fill will determine the new values for cells represented
by the current array element. fill handles two conditions - when the
array element being examined is the last element or when it is not. It
calls fillS with appropriate arguments, the results of which become
the value for the integer in the current array position.

fillS then handles two conditions - when the neighborhood of the bit
being examined crosses to the next array element and when it does
not. When the neighborhood crosses to the next array element, fillE
is called. fillE finishes determining the values for the remaining
cells in the integer and returns, ending the current evaluation.

There are some other details in the code (for example firstRule) which
could be made faster and/or cleaner, but their contribution is far
outweighed by the fill function.

If there is one thing I'm happy about, its the memory performance of
this code. It runs in a constant 7 - 10MB of memory, even when I'm
doing 100 generations with 100 rules and 100 CAs. Each CA is evaluated
for 250 steps, which means every generation does 2.5M steps. That kind
of memory usage is pretty sweet.

Thanks in advance to those willing to take the time to look at this code!

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Hit a wall with the type system

2007-11-29 Thread Dan Weston
I must be missing something, because to me the contract seems to be much 
simpler to express (than the Functor + Isomorphism route you seem to me 
to be heading towards):

diff :: (Eq x,
 Dense x,
 Subtractible x,
 Subtractible y,
 Divisible y x yOverX) = (x - y) - x - yOverX

class Densea where addEpsilon :: a - a
class Subtractible a where takeAway   :: a - a - a
class Divisiblea b c | a b - c
 where divide :: a - b - c

Then diff is just:

diff f a = if dx == dx' then error Zero denom else dydx
  where a'   = addEpsilon  a
dx   = a'   `takeAway`   a
dx'  = a`takeAway`   a'
dy   = f a' `takeAway` f a
dydx = dy   `divide`   dx

With the instances:

instance Dense Double where addEpsilon x = x * 1.001 + 1.0e-10
instance Dense Intwhere addEpsilon x = x + 1

instance Subtractible Double where takeAway x y = x - y
instance Subtractible Intwhere takeAway x y = x - y

instance Divisible Double Double Double where divide x y = x / y
instance Divisible IntIntIntwhere divide x y = x `div` y

and throwing in {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-}, I get:

*Diff diff sin (0.0::Double)
*Diff diff (\x - x*7+5) (4::Int)

Dan Weston

Chris Smith wrote:

Hi Dan, thanks for answering.

Dan Piponi wrote:

When you specify that a function has type a - b, you're entering into
a bargain. You're saying that whatever object of type a you pass in,
you'll get a type b object back. a - b is a statement of that

Sure, that much makes perfect sense, and we agree on it.

Now your automatic differentiation code can't differentiate
any old function. It can only differentiate functions built out of the
finite set of primitives you've implemented (and other polymorphic
enough functions).

Sure.  To be more specific, here's the contract I would really like.

1. You need to pass in a polymorphic function a - a, where a is, at 
*most*, restricted to being an instance of Floating.  This part I can 
already express via rank-N types.  For example, the diffFloating 
function in my original post enforces this part of the contract.

2. I can give you back the derivative, of any type b - b, so long as b 
is an instance of Num, and b can be generalized to the type a from 
condition 1.  It's that last part that I can't seem to express, without 
introducing this meaningless type called AD.

There need be no type called AD involved in this contract at all.  
Indeed, the only role that AD plays in this whole exercise is to be an 
artifact of the implementation I've chosen.  I could change my 
implementation; I could use Jerzy's implementation with a lazy infinite 
list of nth-order derivatives... or perhaps I could implement all the 
operations of Floating and its superclasses as data constructors, get 
back an expression tree, and launch Mathematica via unsafePerformIO to 
calculate its derivative symbolically, and then return a function that 
interprets the result.  And who knows what other implementations I can 
come up with?  In other words, the type AD is not actually related to 
the task at hand.


Luckily, there's a nice way to
express this. We can just say diff :: (AD a - AD a) - a - a. So AD
needs to be exported. It's an essential part of the language for
expressing your bargain, and I think it *is* the Right Answer, and an
elegant and compact way to express a difficult contract.

Really?  If you really mean you think it's the right answer, then I'll 
have to back up and try to understand how.  It seems pretty clear to me 
that it breaks abstraction in a way that is really rather dangerous.

If you mean you think it's good enough, then yes, I pretty much have 
conluded it's at least the best that's going to happen; I'm just not 
entirely comfortable with it.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: New slogan for haskell.org

2007-11-29 Thread Ben Franksen
Thomas Davie wrote:
 There's no such check list of good stuff with the Haskell slogan,
 instead, we've got a list of buzzwords, as bad as company webpages
 preaching that they offer synergised solutions, but not actually
 telling anyone what they do.

I couldn't disagree more.

The words used in the 'Haskell slogan' may be technical jargon; however as
such they have a precisely defined meaning and actually characterize the
language fine. This is exactly the opposite of 'buzzwords', which usually
lack a clear and unambiguous definition (but are loved by marketing


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: New slogan for haskell.org

2007-11-29 Thread Ivan Miljenovic
Speaking of Stackless Python, its homepage (http://www.stackless.com/)
has a rather nice layout... maybe slightly less emphasis on the About
section, but there you've got the links, the info and the news all on
the one page.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Optimizing cellular automata evaluation (round 2)

2007-11-29 Thread Felipe Lessa
On Nov 29, 2007 10:31 PM, Justin Bailey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I represent the automata as an array of integers, where each bit
 represents a cell.

Why don't you use an UArray of Bools? They're implemented as bit
arrays internally, AFAIK (e.g. see
http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Shootout/Nsieve ). And then you
would get rid of a lot of shifts and masks in your code -- clearer and
faster, the Haskell Way (TM).

Well, I guess it would be faster, but I can't really tell. Could you
provide a main function implementing an use case for benchmark?

Good luck.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: New slogan for haskell.org

2007-11-29 Thread jerzy . karczmarczuk
Yitzchak Gale writes: 

Haskell was not the first to have lazy lists, but Haskell
was an important part of the inspiration for introducing
them into Python.

Jerzy Karczmarczuk wrote:

Actually, I would *sincerely* like to see some reference proving that.

The Python Library Reference, itertools (section 6.5 in Python 2.5):
This module implements a number of iterator building blocks inspired
by constructs from the Haskell and SML programming languages.
Each has been recast in a form suitable for Python.

Yitz, we will not quarrel, after all, we belong to the same Haskell
mafia, but don't forget that itertools have been introduced in the
version 2.3! It contained 'cycle', 'chain', 'dropwhile', etc. Here,
I willingly sacrifice a cow to Haskell gods. But we were speaking about
map and filter, and this is 1994... So, perhaps some concrete references
- if given - should be tested against the historical truth.
[Ohhh, my goodness... I realize that I am getting really old...] 


Give to Caesar...: It was Amrit Prem; one history page on WP says that
no specific mention of any Lisp heritage is mentioned in the release
notes at the time, so all speculations are still possible...

OK. (That is a quote from Wikipedia, yes?)

Yes. Partly. Indirectly. All speculations is mine. My source was here: 


Look, I am not arguing that this pseudo-laziness
is a central feature of Python, ... So I agree with others
who wrote that pointing out beautiful
Haskell-inspired or Haskell-like features in
a person's current favorite language might be
a good way to encourage that person to have a look
at Haskell.

That is perfectly alright, and I assure you that I did my best to
popularize the language in my local environment. However... 

There *IS* one danger with hypes. Several people deeply buried within
other programming niches, accuse in permanence the Functionalists of
being sectarian. I think that we should be modest and simple. Haskell
is as any other language. Just a *very good* language. As such, it
inspired others, and also, I think, it was inspired by others. Don't
underline the uniqueness of the language. Notice that thanks to
Haskell the DrScheme has now a lazy module. (Unless Eli Barzilay denies
it...) But that laziness can be found in Snobol unevaluated expressions
and Icon co-expressions, and these preceded Haskell. (Although I doubt
that they influenced Haskell...) Nevertheless I think that it
is psychologically convenient to underline that potential new users will
find *many* familiar, or at least venerable concepts, only represented

All the best. 

Jerzy Karczmarczuk 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] cabal under windows (was Re: Haskell-CafeDigest, Vol 51, Issue 180)

2007-11-29 Thread Tim Docker
Duncan Coutts wrote:

 Tim Docker wrote:
  Is it actually reasonable to expect any cabal packages that depend
  external c libraries and headers to build out of the box on windows?

  How can cabal find out where those files are, without requiring a 
  config file to be edited?
 It's usually worse than that. The most likely situation is that the C
 library and header files are not even installed. This is a big problem
 for all packages that wrap C libs.

I wonder if this could be addressed by discarding the desire to
run magically out of the box, but make the requirements

Currently the choices seem to be:

* Require the user to install these libs+headers 
just right (on the PATH or in certain MSYS
directories) so that they are found.

  * Edit the cabal package file to point to the

Perhaps a worthwhile addition to cabal would be for it to be able to
read a local config file, in which a user would specify where each
package should get the necessary headers and libs? You'd manually create
this file, maybe like:

package: SDL
include-dirs: c:\libs\SDL\include
lib-dirs: c:\libs\SDL\lib

package: curl
include-dirs: c:\dev\mycurl\include
lib-dirs: c:\dev\mycurl\lib

When building a package X, cabal would consult this file to work out
localised options for that package.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Progress indications

2007-11-29 Thread Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH

On Nov 29, 2007, at 17:13 , Thomas Hartman wrote:

but there's no risk using trace is there?

If you're doing any other I/O, you may be surprised by where the  
trace output shows up relative to it.

brandon s. allbery [solaris,freebsd,perl,pugs,haskell] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
system administrator [openafs,heimdal,too many hats] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon universityKF8NH

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Re: Re: Hit a wall with the type system

2007-11-29 Thread Dan Piponi

 I could change my implementation; I could use Jerzy's
 implementation...launch Mathematica...

But all of these could be implemented by introducing a different type
constructor called AD for each one. You could switch the
implementation of AD on the user and they wouldn't have to change a
line of their code. I've no doubt there's a real problem you're trying
to solve, but I'm trying to figure out what it is. Can you post an
example piece of code that would break if you exposed AD, and which
means you need to hide it? (I fully understand the idea of abstracting
over the algorithm, I'm just trying to pin down exactly why you need
the abstraction, and what breaks if you don't have it.)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell interface file (.hi) format?

2007-11-29 Thread Rob Hoelz
Claus Reinke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Does anyone know if/where I can find a specification for the .hi
  files generated by GHC?  I ask because I want to write an
  omni-completion plugin for Vim to make Haskell hacking a bit nicer.
 you might find it easier to use GHCi's :browse command
 $ ghc -e ':browse Control.Concurrent.MVar'
 modifyMVar :: MVar a - (a - IO (a, b)) - IO b
 modifyMVar_ :: MVar a - (a - IO a) - IO ()
 readMVar :: MVar a - IO a
 swapMVar :: MVar a - a - IO a
 withMVar :: MVar a - (a - IO b) - IO b
 data MVar a = GHC.IOBase.MVar (GHC.Prim.MVar# GHC.Prim.RealWorld
 a) addMVarFinalizer :: MVar a - IO () - IO ()
 isEmptyMVar :: MVar a - IO Bool
 newEmptyMVar :: IO (MVar a)
 newMVar :: a - IO (MVar a)
 putMVar :: MVar a - a - IO ()
 takeMVar :: MVar a - IO a
 tryPutMVar :: MVar a - a - IO Bool
 tryTakeMVar :: MVar a - IO (Maybe a)
 that is what the haskell mode plugins for vim use, for one
 of their completion modes, anyway;-)
 (actually, that completion is wrt to imported identifiers,
 so we simply do a ':browse *current_module'; another 
 completion mode is based on haddock indices, and then 
 there are the standard occurs-in-imported-source-files 
 and occurs-in-tags-file completions)

Wow!  Thanks for saving me a ton of work, everyone!
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell interface file (.hi) format?

2007-11-29 Thread Neil Mitchell

  Does anyone know if/where I can find a specification for the .hi files
  generated by GHC?  I ask because I want to write an omni-completion
  plugin for Vim to make Haskell hacking a bit nicer.

 you might find it easier to use GHCi's :browse command

Or you might want to try haddock with the --hoogle command. Similar
thing, slightly different format - depends what suits you.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] A tale of Project Euler

2007-11-29 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Andrew,

Friday, November 30, 2007, 12:10:16 AM, you wrote:

 I don't understand the ST monad.

  From what I can tell, it's not definable without using strange language
 extensions. (I don't really like using things where it's unclear why it

this extension used only to guarantee referential transparency, so you
don't need to understand it to use ST

if you still want, it's not that hard - rank-2 forall type used here
to guarantee that code executed by runST is compatible with *any*
return type which makes it impossible to return innards of this
computation and therefore forces your code to be referential

runST may be defined without rank-2 type. it doesn't change anything in
its low-level working (this rank-2 type is just empty value, like
RealWorld), but allows you to break referential transparency:

main = do a - runST (do a - newArray
 return a)
  x - runST (do x - readArray a
 return x)

low-level implementation of all ST-bound operations is just direct
call to equivalent IO operation:

newSTArray = unsafeIOtoST newIOArray
readSTArray = unsafeIOtoST readIOArray

where unsafeIOtoST - just code-less cast operation

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell and DB : giving up

2007-11-29 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Andrew,

Thursday, November 29, 2007, 11:51:32 PM, you wrote:

 This is one of the more frustrating aspects of Haskell. It's not that
 nobody has written DB bindings - they most certainly have. It's not that
 nobody has written compression or cryptography bindings - they have. 
 It's that there is a small zoo of them, and it's really hard to pick out
 which ones are the good ones. I really hope this does improve in time.
 (And I really wish I could do something positive to make this happen...)

when i come to using ftp/http in my program, i wrote binding to
wininet.dll in two days. this may be not reasonable for occasional
scriptiong but at least works for larger apps

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] A tale of Project Euler

2007-11-29 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Andrew,

Thursday, November 29, 2007, 9:43:48 PM, you wrote:

 Fifth thing: better use an STUArray, don't drag IO in if it's not necessary.

 I don't understand the ST monad.

it's just a subset of IO monad, with renamed operations

the subset is selected in the way that guarantees reference
transparency, i.e. compiler is able to do more checks that your
program is correct. so, instead of writing

main = do a - newArray
  writeArray a 1 3.14
  x - readArray a 1
  print x

you can write

main = do x - runST (do a - newArray
 writeArray a 1 3.14
 x - readArray a 1
 return x)
  print x

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] fast Array operations: foldl, drop

2007-11-29 Thread Ketil Malde
Bryan O'Sullivan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 For higher dimensions, there are enough options in terms of
 traversal direction and what exactly e.g. a fold should fold over
 (single elements? lower-dimensional slices?) that a sensible API
 doesn't exactly leap out.

How about a 'reduce' instead of 'foldl1'?  I think that if you require
a commutative operator, the order doesn't matter (except for
efficiency and possible rounding issues, I guess).

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Progress indications

2007-11-29 Thread Ketil Malde
Andrew Coppin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 (BTW, what's the difference between unsafePerformIO and unsafeInterleaveIO?)

 Prelude :m + System.IO.Unsafe
 Prelude System.IO.Unsafe :t unsafePerformIO
 unsafePerformIO :: IO a - a
 Prelude System.IO.Unsafe :t unsafeInterleaveIO
 unsafeInterleaveIO :: IO a - IO a

The former lets you cheat by pretending an IO action is a pure
function, the latter, which really should be called
'notQuiteAsUnsafeInterleaveIO', just makes a strict IO action lazier,
deferring it to when the result is demanded. 

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants
Haskell-Cafe mailing list