Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell maximum stack depth

2008-02-06 Thread Adrian Hey

Neil Mitchell wrote:


If you mean an example of coding style and choice of stack vs. heap,
I already have..

I'm at a loss as why you want a strict version of take. It's clearly
not for performance, as it performs slower. I'd say both the gobbler
programs have a bug, namely that they are not sufficiently lazy.

I have already partially scanned the list looking for the first
element that satisfies some condition, using a tail recursive search.

If such an element is found I want to split the list at that point.

If such an element is not found the entire list has been scanned without
using any extra stack or heap (other than that used by the list itself
and the condition test).

I could build the reversed list accumulator on the heap as I did the
search, but I don't because this will be completely wasted effort in the
case where such an element is not found. So instead I just use an
unboxed Int to count how far I get and have the search return this
and the unsearched suffix (in the case where a matching element is

But the lifetimes of the list prefix and suffix from this point on are
completely unrelated so I don't want the prefix thunk to be hanging on
to the unknown sized suffix. As I already know that the list has been
evaluated at least up to the point that it gets chopped off, I choose
to use a strict (eager) take.

As an aside, my version of this function would be:

neilGobbler :: Int - [x] - [x]
neilGobbler n xs = length res `seq` res
where res = take n xs

I have no idea if it takes the heap or the stack, or if it performs
faster or slower. If you still have whatever test you used on the
gobbler, perhaps you could tell us.

My guess is it will use O(1) stack and burn O(n) heap (in addition that
actually used by the result), so assymptotic complexity wise same as
heapGobbler, but probably higher constant factors with ghc due to lazy
building of take thunks and subsequent reduction and indirection costs.

If you mean an example of it biting with lazy code, this is discussed
so often you'd be spoiled for choice if you search the mailing list
archives. Here's a good one..

This example actually shows the problem twice. In one case it's solvable
by using foldl' instead of foldl.

Which reduces the memory from O(n) to O(1).

Are you sure about that? Using foldl' here eliminates one of the two
possible sources of stack overflow, but it doesn't eliminate a space
leak. It's O(n) either way. Using strict Map insertion will eliminate
a space leak (in this case) and also a possible source stack overflow.

Surely thats a good thing,

Would be if it was true :-)

and the code before had a space leak. Space leak is bad, therefore
telling people about it is good.

There are plenty of space leaks that won't cause stack overflows, and
plenty of stack overflows that aren't caused by space leaks (see above
for one example).

Again I have to say that even if true, I think this is a pretty lame
justification for the current implementation. The *default* behaviour of
any useful program should surely be to make best effort to carry on
working (and in due course deliver an answer or whatever), even if
there is unexpectedly high stack use for some reason (that may or may
not be a bug).

I think its sensible to let people set their own stack bound (which is

I have no objection to people bounding their stack if that's their
choice. I can't imagine why anybody who stopped to think about this
would actually want this feature, but it's free world.

What I object to is it being bounded by default to something other
than overall program memory limit. I know that I could probably
achieve this effect myself with +RTS options, but I also want to be
able to write libraries that other people are going to use safely
without having to add a appropriate warning in the documentation
to the effect that some parts use O(n) stack space deliberately, by

But of course this all assumes that underlying implementation is
sufficiently robust to make unbounded stacks safe (at least as safe as
any other unbounded data structure). Unfortunately it seems this isn't
the case at present if what various folk have told me is true.

but that clearly just from taking an informal poll of
respondants to this thread, the current default should indeed be the
default. You seem to be the only person clamouring for an unlimited

Yes, this is strange. Same thing happened in the global variables
debate despite it being obvious to any thinking person that I was
correct. Denial of the reality of some very simple examples of the
problem was typical of that debate too.


Adrian Hey

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: bimap 0.2

2008-02-06 Thread Christian Maeder
Stuart Cook wrote:
  We've called it injective maps. Does surjectivity make sense a all?
 In my mind, surjectivity is the property that each key in the
 right-hand map is a value in the left-hand map (and vice-versa). This

Still, injectivity (one-to-one) is the only interesting property. The
inverse (on the range) is then injective, too.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] background question about IO monad

2008-02-06 Thread Tillmann Rendel

Uwe Hollerbach wrote:

lispUTCTime [] = doIOAction (getClockTime) toS allErrs
  where toS val = String (calendarTimeToString (toUTCTime val))

here you use liftIO (hidden in doIOAction) to use an IO action 
(getClockTime) inside of a different monad wich contains IO at it's 
base. so your custom SchemeInterpreterMonad (however it's called) is 
basically just an extended IO monad.

lispUTCTime [IntNumber n] =
  return (String (calendarTimeToString (toUTCTime (TOD n 0

here you use a pure computation to produce the result string, but then 
you use return to put it in the monad, too. since IO lives at the base 
of your custom monad, return will put the String into IO, too.

you can't take the IO String out of the IO monad, but you can put the 
pure String in the IO monad using return.

But after that, it sure seems to me as if I've taken data out of the
IO monad... haven't I? Given that the second alternative never entered
doIOAction and that after both are done I have a string of characters,
prettily formatted to indicate a time, that's what it feels like to
this unwashed C programmer.

As explained above, the second alternative uses return instead of 
doIOAction to enter the monad.

From a Haskell programmers point of view, you don't have a pure string 
of characters, but you have a monadic action producing such a string in 
both cases. That is fine, since your program is inside a REPL anyway, 
and the very next thing you want to do is to print the computed value, 
wich is another IO action. but from the point of view of the Scheme 
programmer using your interpreter, there is no special IO monad around, 
since the whole Scheme interpreter lives in IO and IO is available to 
him everywhere.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell maximum stack depth

2008-02-06 Thread Neil Mitchell

 I have already partially scanned the list looking for the first
 element that satisfies some condition, using a tail recursive search.

 If such an element is found I want to split the list at that point.

span/break? I really can't believe the memory overhead of span is that
terrible, you are only duplicating the (:)'s and its only one

  As an aside, my version of this function would be:
  neilGobbler :: Int - [x] - [x]
  neilGobbler n xs = length res `seq` res
  where res = take n xs
 My guess is it will use O(1) stack and burn O(n) heap (in addition that
 actually used by the result), so assymptotic complexity wise same as
 heapGobbler, but probably higher constant factors with ghc due to lazy
 building of take thunks and subsequent reduction and indirection costs.

Sure? Guessing constant factors related to strictness and laziness is
incredibly hard! My guess based on gut feeling is that the program
will take less time, and use half the memory. But given my initial
comment, that guess is not very reliable.

 Yes, this is strange. Same thing happened in the global variables
 debate despite it being obvious to any thinking person that I was
 correct. Denial of the reality of some very simple examples of the
 problem was typical of that debate too.

The particular world I live in is special, but I like it :-)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] background question about IO monad

2008-02-06 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Uwe,

Wednesday, February 6, 2008, 7:44:27 AM, you wrote:

 But after that, it sure seems to me as if I've taken data out of the
 IO monad...

this means that you can't use results of IO actions in pure functions.
your code works in some transformed version of IO monad, so you don't
escaped it

if we call pure functions as functions and non-pure ones as
procedures, the rule is functions can't call procedures, but all
other activity is possible. in your do_action you calls procedure (to
format current time) and call a function (to format given time).
do_action is procedure (because it works in transformed IO monad), so
you don't break any rules

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Inverting a Monad

2008-02-06 Thread Bas van Dijk

Is there a way to 'invert' an arbitrary Monad?

By 'inverting' I mean to turn success into failure and failure into
success. Here are some specific inversions of the Maybe and List

invM :: Maybe a - Maybe ()
invM Nothing  = Just ()
invM (Just _) = Nothing

invL :: [] a - [] ()
invL []= [()]
invL (_:_) = []

How can I define this for an arbitrary Monad m?

More specifically, I would like to define:

inv :: (Monad m, M.MonadPlus m, ???) = m a - m ()
inv m = if m failsthen return ()
if m succeeds then fail

The following obviously doesn't work:

inv m = (m  mzero) `mplus` return ()

because it will always return ().

There's also a 'inversion' for natural numbers:

invN :: Int - Int
invN 0 = 1
invN n = 0

but how can I define that without pattern matching, so only using
arithmetic operations, +, -, *, ^, ...?

The reason I ask this is that I'm writing a parser combinator library
to understand parser a bit better. And I would like to define the

notFollowedBy :: P t m a - P t m ()

'notFollowedBy p' fails when p succeeds and returns () when p fails.

I will share the code when it's a bit more polished.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Inverting a Monad

2008-02-06 Thread Felipe Lessa
On Feb 6, 2008 9:39 AM, Miguel Mitrofanov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  How can I define this for an arbitrary Monad m?

 Such as Identity?

An arbirtrary monad can't be inverted, however there's Error and
ErrorT that provide throwing and catching abilities. I guess your
parser is a monad transformer, so *maybe* the solution is to require
MonadError from the inner monad.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Inverting a Monad

2008-02-06 Thread Bas van Dijk
On Feb 6, 2008 12:39 PM, Miguel Mitrofanov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  invM :: Maybe a - Maybe ()
  invM Nothing  = Just ()
  invM (Just _) = Nothing
  invL :: [] a - [] ()
  invL []= [()]
  invL (_:_) = []
  How can I define this for an arbitrary Monad m?

 Such as Identity?

Well in:

inv :: (Monad m, ...) = m a - m ()
inv m = ...

I don't mind that there are more constraints on 'm' than just Monad
maybe a MonadPlus constraint or others are needed.

(I was even thinking about a MonadTimes class as in:

class MonadPlus m = MonadTimes m where
mone :: m ()
mtimes :: m a - m a - m a


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Inverting a Monad

2008-02-06 Thread Bas van Dijk
On Feb 6, 2008 12:50 PM, Miguel Mitrofanov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 class Monad m = MonadInv m where inv :: m a - m ()

 With this constraint you certainly can have your inv.

Yes indeed. But I was kind of hoping that I could use standard Haskell
classes without adding my own.

(BTW I would like to know of other possible applications of 'inv'
besides my parser. So yell if you find one please)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] classes for data structures

2008-02-06 Thread Matthew Pocock

I've been working a lot with maps, sets and lists. While the process of 
getting things out of them is abstracted by foldable, traversable and 
friends, the process of building one up is not. Would it be possible to have 
something like:

class Buildable b where
  empty :: b a --makes an empty b with elements of type a
  insert :: a - b a - b a --inserts the new element into the buildable

I'm not particularly wedded to the names. It's just that it would be very 
convenient sometimes to collect data items into e.g. a list or a set, without 
pushing in some klunky foralled insert function.

I see that this is realted to MonadPlus, but the space of possible container 
classes is wider than that of monads e.g. set.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Inverting a Monad

2008-02-06 Thread Miguel Mitrofanov

invM :: Maybe a - Maybe ()
invM Nothing  = Just ()
invM (Just _) = Nothing

invL :: [] a - [] ()
invL []= [()]
invL (_:_) = []

How can I define this for an arbitrary Monad m?

Such as Identity?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Inverting a Monad

2008-02-06 Thread Miguel Mitrofanov

Such as Identity?

Well in:

inv :: (Monad m, ...) = m a - m ()
inv m = ...

I don't mind that there are more constraints on 'm' than just Monad

class Monad m = MonadInv m where inv :: m a - m ()

With this constraint you certainly can have your inv.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Inverting a Monad

2008-02-06 Thread Bas van Dijk
On Feb 6, 2008 12:45 PM, Felipe Lessa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I guess your parser is a monad transformer, so *maybe* the solution is to 
 MonadError from the inner monad.

Indeed my parser 'P t m a' is a monad transformer. I will try out
requiring 'm' to have a 'MonadError' constraint and see how far I come
with that.

I'll let you know.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Inverting a Monad

2008-02-06 Thread Luke Palmer
On Feb 6, 2008 11:32 AM, Bas van Dijk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The following obviously doesn't work:

 inv m = (m  mzero) `mplus` return ()

 because it will always return ().

How about:

  inv m = do
success - (m  return True) `mplus` return False
if success then mzero else return ()

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Inverting a Monad

2008-02-06 Thread Felipe Lessa
On Feb 6, 2008 10:04 AM, Luke Palmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How about:

   inv m = do
 success - (m  return True) `mplus` return False
 if success then mzero else return ()

Prelude Control.Monad inv []
Prelude Control.Monad inv [10]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: weird ghci behavior with gadts and existentials

2008-02-06 Thread ChrisK

Let me add:

 data ExpGADT t where
 ExpInt :: Int - ExpGADT Int
 ExpChar :: Char - ExpGADT Char

Which type do you think 'unHide' and 'wierd' should have:

 unHide h = case h of
  Hidden (_,e) - e

 wierd = unHide  (Hidden (TyInt,ExpInt 3))


unHide :: HiddenTypeExp - ExpGADT t-- Choice 1: Polymorphic t

unHide :: HiddenTypeExp - ExpGADT Int  -- Choice 2: Monomorphic Int

Note that TypeGADT/TyInt are irrelevant to unHide and wierd.

Clearly the first choice to unHide violates the encapsulation of 't'.
Clearly I cannot choose the 2nd choice, since it might be an ExpChar.
So unHide is impossible to write.

Chris Casinghino wrote:

Hi all,

I've been playing a bit with gadts and existentials lately, and I
have an example where I don't quite understand the behavior of
ghc.  The expression in question typechecks sometimes in some
versions of ghc, depending on where you write it, and not in
other versions.  Some other people I've asked report not getting
any errors, even when using apparently one of the same versions
of ghc I checked.

If I create a file which contains:

data TypeGADT t where
TyInt :: TypeGADT Int

data ExpGADT t where
ExpInt :: Int - ExpGADT Int

data HiddenTypeExp =  forall t . Hidden (TypeGADT t, ExpGADT t)

weird = case Hidden (TyInt, ExpInt 3) of Hidden (TyInt, e) - e

I am able to :load it into ghci just fine (with -fglasgow-exts)
with version 6.8.2.  However, if I then copy the line:

let weird2 = case Hidden (TyInt, ExpInt 3) of Hidden (TyInt, e) - e

into ghci, I get a type error.  In the HEAD version 6.9, I get a
type error on the definition of weird right away when I :load
the file.  The type error goes away if I add the line

weird :: ExpGADT Int

before the definition of weird.

The type error in question is this:

Inferred type is less polymorphic than expected
  Quantified type variable `t' escapes
When checking an existential match that binds
e :: ExpGADT t
The pattern(s) have type(s): HiddenTypeExp
The body has type: ExpGADT t
In a case alternative: Hidden (TyInt, e) - e
In the expression:
case Hidden (TyInt, ExpInt 3) of Hidden (TyInt, e) - e

So, several questions.

1) Why the discrepancy in behavior between :loading the file and
copying in the definition in 6.8.2.  It seems like, one way or the
other, this should be consistent.

2) Several other people report not getting any errors at all, even
people with ghc 6.8.2, one of the versions I tested.  What's the
right behavior?  My guess would be that this should cause no
type error, even without the type annotation.  The GADT pattern
match against TyInt in the case statement should refine the
existential type variable t to Int, so no existential type
variables are escaping.  Is that right?

3) Is there a bug here?  Are there two bugs (one, the typing error,
two, the difference between ghc and ghci)?  Or, do I just not
understand what is going on?

Sorry for the length of this email!

--Chris Casinghino

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Linear algebra

2008-02-06 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Thu, 31 Jan 2008, Denis Bueno wrote:

 On Thu, Jan 31, 2008 at 7:11 PM, Jon Harrop [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Has anyone written anything on the use of FP (e.g. point free style) in 
   algebra problems?

 I'm not sure how relevant this is to you, but John Backus wrote
 foundationally on it and related topics.

 Can Programming Be Liberated from the von Neumann Style?

 It's an excellent read, regardless.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Inverting a Monad

2008-02-06 Thread Bas van Dijk
On Feb 6, 2008 1:49 PM, Lutz Donnerhacke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  inv m = if m == mzero then return () else mzero `asTypeOf` m


 :t inv
inv :: (MonadPlus m, Eq (m ())) = m () - m ()

The 'Eq' constraint on 'm ()' is a bit problemetic I think in case 'm'
is a function like a 'State'.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] lazy evaluation

2008-02-06 Thread Peter Padawitz
Can anybody give me a simple explanation why the second definition of a 
palindrome checker does not terminate, although the first one does?

pal :: Eq a = [a] - Bool
pal s = b where (b,r) = eqrev s r []

eqrev :: Eq a = [a] - [a] - [a] - (Bool,[a])
eqrev (x:s1) ~(y:s2) acc = (x==yb,r) where (b,r) = eqrev s1 s2 (x:acc)
eqrev _ _ acc  = (True,acc)

pal :: Eq a = [a] - Bool
pal s = b where (b,r) = eqrev' s r

eqrev' :: Eq a = [a] - [a] - (Bool,[a])
eqrev' (x:s1) ~(y:s2) = (x==yb,r++[y]) where (b,r) = eqrev' s1 s2
eqrev' _ _   = (True,[])

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] lazy evaluation

2008-02-06 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Wed, 6 Feb 2008, Peter Padawitz wrote:

 Can anybody give me a simple explanation why the second definition of a
 palindrome checker does not terminate, although the first one does?

Just another question, what about
   x == reverse x
 ? - You can still optimize for avoiding duplicate equality tests.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] classes for data structures

2008-02-06 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Wed, 6 Feb 2008, Matthew Pocock wrote:


 I've been working a lot with maps, sets and lists. While the process of
 getting things out of them is abstracted by foldable, traversable and
 friends, the process of building one up is not. Would it be possible to have
 something like:

 class Buildable b where
   empty :: b a --makes an empty b with elements of type a
   insert :: a - b a - b a --inserts the new element into the buildable

How can this interface be used both for lists and maps? I'm afraid it is
difficult to find an interface that fits the needs of many different data
structures. Maybe at least a generalized 'unfoldr' is possible.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] fmap vs. liftM

2008-02-06 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Tue, 5 Feb 2008, Felipe Lessa wrote:

 On Feb 5, 2008 6:06 PM, Dan Weston [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Can you do this with a GHC rule? Something like:
  {-# RULES
 join_dot_fmap_return/id  forall x . join (fmap return x) = x

 I guess this would make use of the rule (otherwise the transformation
 would change the code's semantic) but would not enforce that the rule
 itself is valid (which is undecidable).

I have already thought about (ab)using GHC rules for forcing programmers
to take care. :-) That is, if the rule would be stated as above, then
programmers _have_ to ensure that the law is satisfied, and the optimizer
will penalize violations of the rules with non-working code.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Signature for non-empty filter

2008-02-06 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Tue, 5 Feb 2008, Bulat Ziganshin wrote:

 Hello Henning,

 Tuesday, February 5, 2008, 6:01:27 PM, you wrote:

  Is Haskell's type system including extensions strong enough for describing
  a function, that does not always return a trivial value? E.g.
 (filter (\x - x==1  x==2))

 such things may be detected by (too) smart compiler, but in general
 it's undecidable: filter (if LifeHasMeaning then const True else odd) ;)

As I said, if the programmer could specify an input on the type level for
which the output is non-trivial, then this would solve the problem.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] classes for data structures

2008-02-06 Thread Denis Bueno
On Feb 6, 2008 9:00 AM, Henning Thielemann
 On Wed, 6 Feb 2008, Matthew Pocock wrote:
  class Buildable b where
empty :: b a --makes an empty b with elements of type a
insert :: a - b a - b a --inserts the new element into the buildable

 How can this interface be used both for lists and maps? [...]

One solution is to change the class slightly:

class Buildable t x where
  empty :: t
  insert :: x - t - t

instance Buildable (Map k a) (k, a) where
empty = Map.empty
insert = uncurry Map.insert

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] fmap vs. liftM

2008-02-06 Thread Felipe Lessa
On Feb 6, 2008 11:50 AM, Henning Thielemann
 That is, if the rule would be stated as above, then
 programmers _have_ to ensure that the law is satisfied, and the optimizer
 will penalize violations of the rules with non-working code.

Be careful. For much less (blowing up when stack  8MiB) we already
had 42 messages =).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Inverting a Monad

2008-02-06 Thread Bas van Dijk
On Feb 6, 2008 12:51 PM, Bas van Dijk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I will try out requiring 'm' to have a 'MonadError' constraint and see how 
 far I come
 with that.

I'm now trying to define 'inv' using 'catchError` but I can't get it to work.

The following obviously doesn't work:

import Control.Monad.Error

inv :: MonadError e m = m a - m ()
inv m = (m  fail ) `catchError` \_ - (return ())

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] Signature for non-empty filter

2008-02-06 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Henning,

Wednesday, February 6, 2008, 5:09:56 PM, you wrote:

  Is Haskell's type system including extensions strong enough for describing
  a function, that does not always return a trivial value? E.g.
 (filter (\x - x==1  x==2))

 such things may be detected by (too) smart compiler, but in general
 it's undecidable: filter (if LifeHasMeaning then const True else odd) ;)

 As I said, if the programmer could specify an input on the type level for
 which the output is non-trivial, then this would solve the problem.

it's another question: you can describe trivial values using type
system, but can't prohibit them using it - it's impossible because you
can't check for arbitrary algorithm whether it will be finally stopped

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] classes for data structures

2008-02-06 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Wed, 6 Feb 2008, Denis Bueno wrote:

 On Feb 6, 2008 9:00 AM, Henning Thielemann
  On Wed, 6 Feb 2008, Matthew Pocock wrote:
   class Buildable b where
 empty :: b a --makes an empty b with elements of type a
 insert :: a - b a - b a --inserts the new element into the buildable
  How can this interface be used both for lists and maps? [...]

 One solution is to change the class slightly:

 class Buildable t x where
   empty :: t
   insert :: x - t - t

 instance Buildable (Map k a) (k, a) where
 empty = Map.empty
 insert = uncurry Map.insert

ok, maybe with functional dependency t - x
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] lazy evaluation

2008-02-06 Thread Josef Svenningsson
On Feb 6, 2008 3:06 PM, Miguel Mitrofanov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 6 Feb 2008, at 16:32, Peter Padawitz wrote:

  Can anybody give me a simple explanation why the second definition
  of a palindrome checker does not terminate, although the first one
  pal :: Eq a = [a] - Bool
  pal s = b where (b,r) = eqrev s r []
  eqrev :: Eq a = [a] - [a] - [a] - (Bool,[a])
  eqrev (x:s1) ~(y:s2) acc = (x==yb,r) where (b,r) = eqrev s1 s2
  eqrev _ _ acc  = (True,acc)

 I.eqrev  (_|_) acc = (True, acc)
 II.a. eqrev 1 (_|_)  = ('1' == (_|_)  b, r) where (b,r) = eqrev
  (_|_) 1
By (I), (b,r) = (True, 1), so eqrev 1 (_|_)  = ((_|_),1)
 II.b. eqrev 1 1  = ('1' == '1'  b, r) where (b,r) = eqrev 
(b,r) = (True,1), so eqrev 1 1  = (True,1)

 Therefore, the least fixed point of \r - eqrev 1 r  is 1 and
 the answer is True.

  pal :: Eq a = [a] - Bool
  pal s = b where (b,r) = eqrev' s r
  eqrev' :: Eq a = [a] - [a] - (Bool,[a])
  eqrev' (x:s1) ~(y:s2) = (x==yb,r++[y]) where (b,r) = eqrev' s1 s2
  eqrev' _ _   = (True,[])

 I.  eqrev'  (_|_) = (True,[])
 II.a. eqrev' 1 (_|_) = ('1' == (_|_)  b, r ++ [(_|_)]) where (b,r)
 = eqrev'  (_|_)
By (I), (b,r) = (True,[]), so eqrev' 1 (_|_) = ((_|_),[(_|_)])
 II.b. eqrev' 1 [(_|_)] = ('1' == (_|_)  b, r ++ [(_|_)]) where
 (b,r) = eqrev'  []
(b,r) = (True,[]), so eqrev' 1 [(_|_)] = ((_|_),[(_|_)])
 Therefore, the least fixed point of \r - eqrev' 1 r is [(_|_)] and
 the answer is (_|_). No wonder it hangs.

This proof also shows us where the problem lies and how to fix it. It
turns out to be really easy: change 'r++[y]' to 'r++[x]' and the
program works.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Data.Ord and Heaps

2008-02-06 Thread apfelmus

Roberto Zunino wrote:

I'd really like to write

  class (forall a . Ord p a) = OrdPolicy p where

but I guess that's (currently) not possible.

Actually, it seems that something like this can be achieved, at some price.

  data O a where O :: Ord a = O a

  data O1 p where O1:: (forall a . Ord a = O (p a)) - O1 p

Ah, very nice :)

First, I change the statement ;-) to

  class (forall a . Ord a = Ord p a) = OrdPolicy p

since I guess this is what you really want.

Right, modulo the fact that I also forgot the parenthesis

  class (forall a . Ord a = Ord (p a)) = OrdPolicy p

So, the intention is to automatically have the instance

  instance (OrdPolicy p, Ord a) = Ord (p a) where

which can be obtained from your GADT proof

compare = case ordAll of
 O1 o - case o of
(O :: O (p a)) - compare

This instance declaration is a bit problematic because it contains only 
type variables. Fortunately, the phantom type approach doesn't have this 

  data OrdBy p a = OrdBy { unOrdBy :: a }

  data O a where O :: Ord a = O a

  class OrdPolicy p where-- simplified O1
 ordAll :: Ord a = O (OrdBy p a)

  instance (Ord a, OrdPolicy p) = Ord (OrdBy p a) where
 compare = case ordAll of { (O :: O (OrdBy p a)) - compare }

By making the dictionary in  O  explicit, we can even make this Haskell98!

  class OrdPolicy p where
 compare' :: Ord a = OrdBy p a - OrdBy p a - Ordering

  instance (Ord a, OrdPolicy p) = Ord (OrdBy p a) where
 compare = compare'

On second thought, being polymorphic in  a  is probably too restrictive: 
the only usable  OrdPolicy  besides the identity is  Reverse  :) After 
all, there aren't so many useful functions with type

  compare' :: forall a. (a - a - Ordering) - (a - a - Ordering)

So, other custom orderings usually depend on the type  a . Did you have 
any specific examples in mind, Stephan? At the moment, I can only think 
of ordering  Maybe a  such that  Nothing  is either the largest or the 
smallest element

  on f g x y = g x `f` g y

  data Up
  instance Ord a = Ord (OrdBy Up (Maybe a)) where
 compare = f `on` unOrdBy
   f Nothing  Nothing  = EQ
   f xNothing  = LT
   f Nothing  y= GT
   f (Just x) (Just y) = compare x y

  data Down
  instance Ord a = Ord (OrdBy Down (Maybe a)) where
 compare = f `on` unOrdBy
   f Nothing  Nothing  = EQ
   f xNothing  = GT
   f Nothing  y= LT
   f (Just x) (Just y) = compare x y

But I think that those two orderings merit special data types like

  data Raised  a = Bottom | Raise a   deriving (Eq, Ord)
  data Lowered a = Lower a | Top  deriving (Eq, Ord)

instead of

  type Raised  a = OrdBy Down (Maybe a)
  type Lowered a = OrdBy Up   (Maybe a)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] Signature for non-empty filter

2008-02-06 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Wed, 6 Feb 2008, Bulat Ziganshin wrote:

 Hello Henning,

 Wednesday, February 6, 2008, 5:09:56 PM, you wrote:

   Is Haskell's type system including extensions strong enough for 
   a function, that does not always return a trivial value? E.g.
  (filter (\x - x==1  x==2))
  such things may be detected by (too) smart compiler, but in general
  it's undecidable: filter (if LifeHasMeaning then const True else odd) ;)

  As I said, if the programmer could specify an input on the type level for
  which the output is non-trivial, then this would solve the problem.

 it's another question: you can describe trivial values using type
 system, but can't prohibit them using it - it's impossible because you
 can't check for arbitrary algorithm whether it will be finally stopped

I could consider the function buggy, if it does not terminate on the given
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] classes for data structures

2008-02-06 Thread Jules Bean

Matthew Pocock wrote:


I've been working a lot with maps, sets and lists. While the process of 
getting things out of them is abstracted by foldable, traversable and 
friends, the process of building one up is not. Would it be possible to have 
something like:

class Buildable b where
  empty :: b a --makes an empty b with elements of type a
  insert :: a - b a - b a --inserts the new element into the buildable

Another approach uses :

singleton :: a - b a

and then just

mappend :: b a - b a - b a

i.e. make b a into a Monoid.

singleton = pure = return, if there happens to be a Monad/Applicative 
instance around.

And indeed there *will* be a Monad, if there is a sensible way of 
defining concat :: b (b a) - b a, which there probably is.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] classes for data structures

2008-02-06 Thread Denis Bueno
On Feb 6, 2008 9:40 AM, Henning Thielemann

 On Wed, 6 Feb 2008, Denis Bueno wrote:

  On Feb 6, 2008 9:00 AM, Henning Thielemann
   On Wed, 6 Feb 2008, Matthew Pocock wrote:
class Buildable b where
  empty :: b a --makes an empty b with elements of type a
  insert :: a - b a - b a --inserts the new element into the buildable
   How can this interface be used both for lists and maps? [...]
  One solution is to change the class slightly:
  class Buildable t x where
empty :: t
insert :: x - t - t
  instance Buildable (Map k a) (k, a) where
  empty = Map.empty
  insert = uncurry Map.insert

 ok, maybe with functional dependency t - x

I'm not sure about that.  It's often convenient to have two instances,
one like the one I gave above, and others involving something that
embeds a key-value pair:

type SomethingWithKV k a = KV {getKV :: (k, a)}
instance Buildable (Map k a) (SomethingWithKV k a) where
  empty = Map.empty
  insert s m = uncurry Map.insert (getKV s) m

I have done this before -- it's very convenient, and I think makes the
code that uses empty and insert more robust, and easier to read.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] classes for data structures

2008-02-06 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Wed, 6 Feb 2008, Denis Bueno wrote:

 On Feb 6, 2008 9:40 AM, Henning Thielemann

  ok, maybe with functional dependency t - x

 I'm not sure about that.  It's often convenient to have two instances,
 one like the one I gave above, and others involving something that
 embeds a key-value pair:

 type SomethingWithKV k a = KV {getKV :: (k, a)}
 instance Buildable (Map k a) (SomethingWithKV k a) where
   empty = Map.empty
   insert s m = uncurry Map.insert (getKV s) m

 I have done this before -- it's very convenient, and I think makes the
 code that uses empty and insert more robust, and easier to read.

But why do you want to have the special type SomethingWithKV, but not
MapSomething ?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] classes for data structures

2008-02-06 Thread Denis Bueno
On Feb 6, 2008 10:36 AM, Henning Thielemann
  type SomethingWithKV k a = KV {getKV :: (k, a)}
  instance Buildable (Map k a) (SomethingWithKV k a) where
empty = Map.empty
insert s m = uncurry Map.insert (getKV s) m
  I have done this before -- it's very convenient, and I think makes the
  code that uses empty and insert more robust, and easier to read.

 But why do you want to have the special type SomethingWithKV, but not
 MapSomething ?

Do you mean a map that maps SomethingWithKV to whatever, instead of k to v?

My point is that if you add the functional dependency, you can't write
instances for types which wrap what you're really interested in.  You
have to manually unwrap those types everywhere they interact with a
map.  This is tedious and error-prone.  Being able to write such
instances is useful, I think, though not always clearer in all cases.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Data.Ord and Heaps (Was: Why functional programming matters)

2008-02-06 Thread apfelmus

Stephan Friedrichs wrote:

I'm sorry it took me so long to respond!

No worries :)

In conclusion: the ordering policy stuff should not be part of 
Data.Heap, this is a job for Data.Ord.
This sounds really useful. How about you propose 
this to the base-package maintainers? :)

What, me? :D

Where? :)

Proposals for the base package go to  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  . A 
proposal is a darcs patch + a deadline. Unfortunately, ghc 6.8.* isn't 
yet available on Macports, I'd have to install 6.6.1 again on my wiped 
disk to get a haskell compiler and darcs.

I'm currently leaning towards code like

   data OrdBy p a = OrdBy { unOrdBy :: a }

   instance Eq a = Eq (OrdBy p a) where
  (==) = (==) `on` unOrdBy

   data Reverse
   type Reversed a = OrdBy Reverse a

   instance Ord a = Ord (OrdBy Reverse a) where
  compare = flip $ comparing unOrdBy

and probably another example for custom orderings. Do you now a good one?

I'm not so happy about the names. In particular, I don't like  unOrdBy , 
too much cAmelCase. Any other ideas? Maybe

   data Rearrange p a = Rearrange { unRearrange :: a }
   data ReOrd p a   = ReOrd   { unReOrd :: a }

But I guess it can't be helped and it's not too bad either.

The class constraint

  Ord (OrdBy p a) =

will be common in user code, but it's a bit bulky for my taste. However, 
its main problem is that it's not Haskell98 :( A multi-parameter class 
(just like in the original heap-0.1)

  class OrdPolicy p a where ...
  instance OrdPolicy p a = Ord (OrdBy p a) where ...

is shorter but not H98 either. The name could be a mot juste, too.

  class Rearranged p a where ...
  class Ord' p a where ...
  class OrdBy p a where ... -- clashes with the name of the type


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] classes for data structures

2008-02-06 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Wed, 6 Feb 2008, Denis Bueno wrote:

 On Feb 6, 2008 10:36 AM, Henning Thielemann
   type SomethingWithKV k a = KV {getKV :: (k, a)}
   instance Buildable (Map k a) (SomethingWithKV k a) where
 empty = Map.empty
 insert s m = uncurry Map.insert (getKV s) m
   I have done this before -- it's very convenient, and I think makes the
   code that uses empty and insert more robust, and easier to read.
  But why do you want to have the special type SomethingWithKV, but not
  MapSomething ?

 Do you mean a map that maps SomethingWithKV to whatever, instead of k to v?

I mean a Map that is specialised for storing SomethingWithKV instead of
plain pairs. (If I imagine a Map as a list of pairs that is optimized for
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Mutable arrays

2008-02-06 Thread Jeff φ
On Feb 6, 2008 1:18 AM, Jonathan Cast [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   On 5 Feb 2008, at 10:14 PM, Jeff φ wrote:

 On Feb 5, 2008 4:58 PM, Chaddaï Fouché [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  2008/2/5, Jeff φ [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   This is interesting.  I've been programming in Concurrent Clean for a
Instead of monads, Clean supports unique types for mutable arrays and
   In Clean, I can write code that iterates through a mutable array by
   converting it to a lazy list.  This is convenient because I can use
  all the
   nice list processing functions that are available.
  You could absolutely write something like that in Haskell, but as some
  have pointed out, this is probably _not a Good Idea_, even though it
  works in your particular case, the array could be modified between the
  time you get the lazy list and the time you actually read it... And
  there's no way to insure it's not happening in Haskell, and I strongly
  doubt there is in Concurrent Clean, could you confirm ?
  Concurrent Clean can handle this in a safe way.  Here's a code snippet
 for normalize_2D_ary from ArrayTest.icl:

 uToList_2D :: *(a u:(b c)) - (.[c],*(a u:(b c))) | Array a (b c)  Array
 b c
 map_in_place_2d_arr :: (a - a) *(b *(c a)) - *(b *(c a)) | Array b (c a)
  Array c a
 normalize_2D_ary :: *(a *(b c)) - *(a *(b c)) | Array a (b c)  Array b c
  / c  Ord c
 normalize_2D_ary ary =
 let (lst,ary2) = uToList_2D ary
 max_elem = foldl1 max lst
 in  map_in_place_2d_arr (\ x - x / max_elem) ary2
 uToList_2D takes a unique array, ary, and returns a tuple containing a
 list of the array elements and a new array, ary2.  uToList_2D does not
 modify ary, but Clean's type system forces any function that accesses a
 unique array to thread the array through and return a new array.  Under
 the hood the new array actually uses the same memory storage as the
 original array.  So, it is effecient.  Threading the array serializes access
 insuring the array won't be modified until the list is complete.

 I'm confused --- does uToList_2D return the head of the list before or
 after it finishes reading the array?  If before, then I don't see how the
 type system prevents me from modifying the array before I finish examining
 the list, as you claim.  If after, then the list isn't truly lazy.

uToList_2D can return the head of the list before it finishes reading the
array.  I could modify the code so that it is ambiguous whether the array is
modified before the list processing is finished.

normalize_2D_ary ary =
let (lst,ary2) = uToList_2D ary
max_elem = foldl1 max lst
 in  map_in_place_2d_arr (\ x - x / max_elem) ary  // I changed ary2 to

However, the type system will generate an error with this code because
ary is no longer unique because it is referenced in two expressions.  Clean
produces this error message:

Uniqueness error [ArrayTest.icl,55,normalize_2D_ary]: ary demanded
attribute cannot be offered by shared object

I should mention that a problem with the code I've shown is that it is very
sensitive to the order in which the expression graph is evaluated.  Simple
changes can cause lst to become strict and the program to run out of heap.
By the way, Clean has it's share of rough edges.  The reason I'm hanging out
on Haskell-Cafe is because I'm trying to get away from those rough edges.
But, I am missing Clean's uniqueness types.  I'm starting to see Haskell's
unsafe functions as a blunt work around that could be fixed elegantly and
safely by implementing uniqueness types.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Mutable arrays

2008-02-06 Thread Don Stewart
On Feb 6, 2008 1:18 AM, Jonathan Cast [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  On 5 Feb 2008, at 10:14 PM, Jeff I* wrote:
On Feb 5, 2008 4:58 PM, ChaddaA- FouchA(c)
  2008/2/5, Jeff I* [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   This is interesting.  I've been programming in Concurrent Clean
  for a while.
Instead of monads, Clean supports unique types for mutable arrays
  and IO.
   In Clean, I can write code that iterates through a mutable array
   converting it to a lazy list.  This is convenient because I can
  use all the
   nice list processing functions that are available.
  You could absolutely write something like that in Haskell, but as
  have pointed out, this is probably _not a Good Idea_, even though it
  works in your particular case, the array could be modified between
  time you get the lazy list and the time you actually read it... And
  there's no way to insure it's not happening in Haskell, and I
  doubt there is in Concurrent Clean, could you confirm ?
Concurrent Clean can handle this in a safe way.  Here's a code snippet
for normalize_2D_ary from ArrayTest.icl:

uToList_2D :: *(a u:(b c)) - (.[c],*(a u:(b c))) | Array a (b c) 
Array b c
map_in_place_2d_arr :: (a - a) *(b *(c a)) - *(b *(c a)) | Array b
(c a)  Array c a
normalize_2D_ary :: *(a *(b c)) - *(a *(b c)) | Array a (b c)  Array
b c  / c  Ord c
normalize_2D_ary ary =
let (lst,ary2) = uToList_2D ary
max_elem = foldl1 max lst
in  map_in_place_2d_arr (\ x - x / max_elem) ary2
uToList_2D takes a unique array, ary, and returns a tuple containing a
list of the array elements and a new array, ary2.  uToList_2D does
not modify ary, but Clean's type system forces any function that
accesses a unique array to thread the array through and return a new
array.  Under the hood the new array actually uses the same memory
storage as the original array.  So, it is effecient.  Threading the
array serializes access insuring the array won't be modified until
the list is complete.
  I'm confused --- does uToList_2D return the head of the list before or
  after it finishes reading the array?  If before, then I don't see how
  the type system prevents me from modifying the array before I finish
  examining the list, as you claim.  If after, then the list isn't truly

uToList_2D can return the head of the list before it finishes reading the
array.  I could modify the code so that it is ambiguous whether the array
is modified before the list processing is finished.

normalize_2D_ary ary =
let (lst,ary2) = uToList_2D ary
max_elem = foldl1 max lst
 in  map_in_place_2d_arr (\ x - x / max_elem) ary  // I changed ary2
to ary

However, the type system will generate an error with this code because
ary is no longer unique because it is referenced in two expressions. 
Clean produces this error message:

Uniqueness error [ArrayTest.icl,55,normalize_2D_ary]: ary demanded
attribute cannot be offered by shared object

I should mention that a problem with the code I've shown is that it is
very sensitive to the order in which the expression graph is evaluated. 
Simple changes can cause lst to become strict and the program to run out
of heap.
By the way, Clean has it's share of rough edges.  The reason I'm hanging
out on Haskell-Cafe is because I'm trying to get away from those rough
edges.  But, I am missing Clean's uniqueness types.  I'm starting to
see Haskell's unsafe functions as a blunt work around that could be fixed
elegantly and safely by implementing uniqueness types.

That's a reasonable critique : its hard to enforce uniqueness, in the
type system in Haskell, -- I'd be interesting to see approaches that
avoid extending the compiler.

-- Don
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Mutable arrays

2008-02-06 Thread Peter Verswyvelen
 That's a reasonable critique : its hard to enforce uniqueness, in the
 type system in Haskell, -- I'd be interesting to see approaches that
 avoid extending the compiler.

Isn't the compiler already modified in a way to deal with the RealWorld
type that is used in the IO monad? Surely the RealWorld is unique...

Peter Verswyvelen

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Mutable arrays

2008-02-06 Thread Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH

On Feb 6, 2008, at 12:12 , Peter Verswyvelen wrote:

That's a reasonable critique : its hard to enforce uniqueness, in the
type system in Haskell, -- I'd be interesting to see approaches that
avoid extending the compiler.

Isn't the compiler already modified in a way to deal with the  

type that is used in the IO monad? Surely the RealWorld is unique...

You might want to look at the definition of unsafePerformIO before  
asserting that.

brandon s. allbery [solaris,freebsd,perl,pugs,haskell] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
system administrator [openafs,heimdal,too many hats] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon universityKF8NH

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Mutable arrays

2008-02-06 Thread Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH

On Feb 6, 2008, at 12:23 , Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:

You might want to look at the definition of unsafePerformIO before  
asserting that.

On second thought I think I haven't had enough sleep to claim  
anything of the sort with any confidence.

brandon s. allbery [solaris,freebsd,perl,pugs,haskell] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
system administrator [openafs,heimdal,too many hats] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon universityKF8NH

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Mutable arrays

2008-02-06 Thread Neil Mitchell

 Isn't the compiler already modified in a way to deal with the RealWorld
 type that is used in the IO monad? Surely the RealWorld is unique...

No. The monad and the primitive operations ensure it is unique, the IO
monad is abstracted away properly, and it all works neatly so you
can't violate the uniqueness. However, the realWorld thing is not
actually unique, for example unsafeInterleaveIO and unsafePerformIO
violate this.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Mutable arrays

2008-02-06 Thread Peter Verswyvelen
Yeah, I also believed that, but then I'm confused:

Don Stewart wrote:
 That's a reasonable critique : its hard to enforce uniqueness, in the type
system in Haskell, -- I'd be interesting to see approaches that avoid
extending the compiler.

Neil Mitchell wrote:
 No. The monad and the primitive operations ensure it is unique, the IO
 monad is abstracted away properly, and it all works neatly so you
 can't violate the uniqueness. 

So monads *do* enforce uniqueness... So what is the difference between
Haskell's monad approach and Clean's uniqueness typing? I always thought
these were just two different ways to tackle the same problem, and I had the
feeling Haskell's approach was actually more general.


 -Original Message-
 From: Neil Mitchell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2008 6:25 PM
 To: Peter Verswyvelen
 Cc: Don Stewart; Jeff φ;
 Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Mutable arrays
  Isn't the compiler already modified in a way to deal with the
  type that is used in the IO monad? Surely the RealWorld is unique...
 No. The monad and the primitive operations ensure it is unique, the IO
 monad is abstracted away properly, and it all works neatly so you
 can't violate the uniqueness. However, the realWorld thing is not
 actually unique, for example unsafeInterleaveIO and unsafePerformIO
 violate this.
 No virus found in this incoming message.
 Checked by AVG Free Edition.
 Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.19.20/1261 - Release Date:
 2/5/2008 8:57 PM

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Implementing fixed-sized vectors (using datatype algebra?)

2008-02-06 Thread Alfonso Acosta
On Feb 6, 2008 4:32 AM, Bjorn Buckwalter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well, could you elaborate a little on joining efforts? The effort I
 was planning to invest in my package consists mainly of creating a
 .cabal file plus some logistics to get tarballs to where they have to

 I understand that you (and Wolfgang) are creating a library of type
 level decimals for the purpose of constraining vector (list?) lengths.
 After that I haven't been paying attention fully to the thread. Is the
 goal to create a general-purpose library for type-level programming
 and my module would fit into that grander scheme?

Yes,the idea is to create a Cabal-ready wide-scope type-level
programming library, joining the operations implemented in the
different type-level libraries which are around. The goal (or at least
mine) is to provide a common reusable type-level library which saves
constantly reinventing the wheel.

I'll provide an initial implementation (just including naturals in
decimal representation) soon. Wolfgang suggested adding booleans at a
later point too if I recall properly.

Any useful type-level operation should have a place in the library.

 Or did you have something else in mind with joining efforts? E.g. help
 reviewing your code or writing new code?

This would certainly help too.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Extensible records: Static duck typing

2008-02-06 Thread Tim Chevalier
[redirecting to haskell-cafe]
On 2/6/08, Barney Hilken [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is what I was trying to do with the wiki page. I stopped because
 the only other contributor decided he could no longer contribute, and
 I felt I was talking to myself. If we want to be rational about the
 design, we need real examples to demonstrate what is genuinely useful,
 and I don't have that many of them.

It's obvious that records are a language feature that people besides
just you care about. And so everybody would benefit from your effort
if you chose to continue adding more examples to the wiki page.

Records clearly seem to be an important issue if so many people have
replied to your thread, and your comment expressing frustration at
arbitrary decisions getting made about design seems to suggest you
have some passion about the issue. On the other hand, if you can't
think of real examples offhand, and no one else can either, maybe it's
not that important... (Examples don't have to be very complicated to
be useful, by the way. Simpler is better.)


Tim Chevalier * * Often in error, never in doubt
If pots couldn't call kettles black, there'd be a lot less talking
going on.  -- Larissa Ranbom
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Mutable arrays

2008-02-06 Thread Jeff φ
On 2/6/08, Peter Verswyvelen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yeah, I also believed that, but then I'm confused:

 So monads *do* enforce uniqueness... So what is the difference between
 Haskell's monad approach and Clean's uniqueness typing? I always thought
 these were just two different ways to tackle the same problem, and I had
 feeling Haskell's approach was actually more general.

IO and mutable array monads could be implemented on top of Clean's unique
arrays and world objects.  So, I'd argue that Clean is at least as general
as Haskell.

On the other hand, I've posted two similar problems to this list. In Haskell
I want to . . .

1) turn a mutable array into a lazy list
2) turn the contents of a file into a lazy list

The responses I've received are typically:

1) Use unsafeFreeze / unsafeThaw
2) Use hGetContents. (which uses unsafePeformIO under the hood.)
3) Don't use a lazy list.  Rewrite the code to break the data up into
smaller chunks and process the chunks in a loop.

I have solved both of these problems in Clean using a lazy list without
resorting to unsafe operations.  So, it seems to me that uniqueness types
are more general than monads.

By the way, I'm not good enough to use unsafe functions.  My code would
crash for sure.  :-)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Inverting a Monad

2008-02-06 Thread Tillmann Rendel

Bas van Dijk wrote:

The following obviously doesn't work:

import Control.Monad.Error

inv :: MonadError e m = m a - m ()
inv m = (m  fail ) `catchError` \_ - (return ())

What about this?

inv :: MonadError e m = m a - m ()
inv m = join $ (m  return mzero) `catchError` \_ - return (return ())

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] classes for data structures

2008-02-06 Thread Wolfgang Jeltsch
Am Mittwoch, 6. Februar 2008 16:12 schrieb Jules Bean:
 And indeed there *will* be a Monad, if there is a sensible way of
 defining concat :: b (b a) - b a, which there probably is.

Not with sets.  “concat” on Set would have type

Ord a = Set (Set a) - Set a

instead of

Set (Set a) - Set a.

Best wishes,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Mutable arrays

2008-02-06 Thread Don Stewart
On 2/6/08, Peter Verswyvelen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Yeah, I also believed that, but then I'm confused:
  So monads *do* enforce uniqueness... So what is the difference between
  Haskell's monad approach and Clean's uniqueness typing? I always thought
  these were just two different ways to tackle the same problem, and I had
  feeling Haskell's approach was actually more general.

IO and mutable array monads could be implemented on top of Clean's unique
arrays and world objects.  So, I'd argue that Clean is at least as general
as Haskell.

On the other hand, I've posted two similar problems to this list. In
Haskell I want to . . .

1) turn a mutable array into a lazy list
2) turn the contents of a file into a lazy list

The responses I've received are typically:

1) Use unsafeFreeze / unsafeThaw
2) Use hGetContents. (which uses unsafePeformIO under the hood.)
3) Don't use a lazy list.  Rewrite the code to break the data up into
smaller chunks and process the chunks in a loop.

I have solved both of these problems in Clean using a lazy list without
resorting to unsafe operations.  So, it seems to me that uniqueness types
are more general than monads.

They solve a specific issue in the type system that goes statically
unchecked. Monads are a separate issue (and kind of a non-sequitor

Uniquness doesn't give you more than the IO monad.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Mutable arrays

2008-02-06 Thread Chaddaï Fouché
2008/2/6, Jeff φ [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I have solved both of these problems in Clean using a lazy list without
 resorting to unsafe operations.  So, it seems to me that uniqueness types
 are more general than monads.

 Are you aware that your code in Clean has some issues, like the lst
not being so lazy if you operate on ary2 before you operate on lst (it
is completely put in memory in this case) ? You've effectively created
a big uncertainty on the space taken by your function. Is this ok with
you ? The monadic fold (like I and some others proposed) guarantee you
a constant amount of memory consumed and is perfectly safe too, is the
Clean solution really so much better ?

Jonathan Cast :
 I'm confused --- does uToList_2D return the head of the list before or after 
 it finishes reading
 the array?  If before, then I don't see how the type system prevents me from 
 modifying the
 array before I finish examining the list, as you claim.  If after, then the 
 list isn't truly lazy.

What happens here is that the array can't be modified without
evaluating ary2 and ary2 can't be evaluated without completely
evaluating the list before, so you effectively get the list lazily as
long as you don't touch ary2 before touching the list, and you can't
damage the list by modifying the array (because in this case, lst
would be completely evaluated in the first place). You can do the same
in Haskell in fact, but you'll need to discipline yourself to evaluate
the witness before modifying the array.

So uniqueness here seems to have an advantage over monads, still, the
monads look much cleaner (sic) than Clean code with all those unique
value passing around...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Mutable arrays

2008-02-06 Thread Peter Verswyvelen
I see. Unfortunately I did not spent enough time playing with Clean, and I'm
still learning Haskell, so I can't give any feedback on your questions J


Now from the little time I've spent in the company of Clean, I must say
there's another advantage of uniqueness typing: it is very easy to
understand. While monads are a tiny bit more demanding! But monads give such
a mental satisfaction once you see the light  ;-) 


So you say uniqueness typing might be more general. Can one make list monads
and all the other funky Haskell monads with Clean's uniqueness typing then? 




From: Jeff φ [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: woensdag 6 februari 2008 20:21
To: Peter Verswyvelen; Neil Mitchell; Don Stewart
Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Mutable arrays



On 2/6/08, Peter Verswyvelen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Yeah, I also believed that, but then I'm confused:

So monads *do* enforce uniqueness... So what is the difference between
Haskell's monad approach and Clean's uniqueness typing? I always thought
these were just two different ways to tackle the same problem, and I had the
feeling Haskell's approach was actually more general.


IO and mutable array monads could be implemented on top of Clean's unique
arrays and world objects.  So, I'd argue that Clean is at least as general
as Haskell. 


On the other hand, I've posted two similar problems to this list. In Haskell
I want to . . .


1) turn a mutable array into a lazy list 

2) turn the contents of a file into a lazy list


The responses I've received are typically:


1) Use unsafeFreeze / unsafeThaw

2) Use hGetContents. (which uses unsafePeformIO under the hood.)

3) Don't use a lazy list.  Rewrite the code to break the data up into
smaller chunks and process the chunks in a loop.


I have solved both of these problems in Clean using a lazy list without
resorting to unsafe operations.  So, it seems to me that uniqueness types
are more general than monads.


By the way, I'm not good enough to use unsafe functions.  My code would
crash for sure.  :-)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Mutable arrays

2008-02-06 Thread Andrew Butterfield

Peter Verswyvelen wrote:

So monads *do* enforce uniqueness... So what is the difference between
Haskell's monad approach and Clean's uniqueness typing? I always thought
these were just two different ways to tackle the same problem, and I had the
feeling Haskell's approach was actually more general.

Yes (1), and no (2).

! Long pedantic post follows


They are two different ways to tackle the same problem: how to have
I/O in a pure functional language when I/O neccessarily requires the
world state to be destructively updated (e.g. we can't copy the entire
filesystem, or the (truly) global internet state).

The solution is based on the following observation: imagine we
a have a large datastructure  (e.g. big tree) and a function that
updates it, then, *in general*, pure functional semantics requires the 
implementation to return a copy of its argument with the update applied, 
leaving the original argumment intact.

However, if in a given program, we know that the old value of the
big structure is never referenced once the function is applied,
then we can *implement* the function application under the hood
as a true destructive update, without breaking the pure referential
semantics of the language.

Such a use of a structure in a program is said to single-threaded.

For example, the program
   f (g (h bigThing))
makes single-threaded use of bigThing, so *in this program*,
we could implement f, g and h using destructive update without altering 
the outcome as predicted by a copy semantics.

However, the program
  (bigThing,h bigThing)
does not have a single-threaded use of bigThing, so h *must* be 
implemented using copying, because we have access to both values.

The upshot of all of this is that a program that restricts itself
to single-threaded use of a (large) structure can use a desctructive
implementation, so if we can ensure that our patterns of I/O access
are single-threaded, then we can:
  - implement I/O as we must, i.e with destructive update
  - yet still maintain the illusion that our program is pure (copying).

What's the catch? Well, in general, the question of wether or not
a given structure's use is single-threaded, is undecidable. So what
we have are two (partial) solutions: Clean's uniqueness types, and
Haskell's monads.

Let us assume that the entire I/O state is captured by
a variable world :: World

Invent-and-Verify: Clean allows you to write a program that
explicity mentions world, and the uses the type-system to check
that accesses to world are single-threaded. Essentially the
destructive functions have type annotations that insist
their World arguments and results are singly-threaded (a.k.a. unique).

So program
  writefile a.dat Text A (writefile b.dat Text B world)
typechecks, but program
  (world,writefile b.dat Text B world)

Because of undecidability, the type-checker is not totally accurate,
but behaves conservatively, so may report a program as ill-typed,
even if it is actually single-threaded, but will always spot
a program that is truly bad - not single-threaded.

Correctness-by-Construction: Haskell approaches the problem by hiding
the world inside an abstract data-type called a monad. Haskell programs
do not mention the world explicitly at all. The monad, with its return, 
bind and basic monadic I/O operations is setup so that the hidden world

state is always accessed in a single-threaded fashion,so the underlying
implementation is free to use desctructive update.

So we can write a monadic form of the first program above, as
   do writefile b.dat Text B
  writefile a.dat Text A
We cannot begin to express the second (ill-typed) program at all !


Leaving aside the fact that the monad concept is more general than just
I/O (Maybe monad, List monad, etc..),
we can state categorically that as far as I/O is concerned, that Clean's
uniqueness type approach is more general than Haskell's monads, i.e.:

- any Haskell monad-IO program can be re-written as a correctly typed
  Clean IO program (simply implement the IO monad as a state monad
  over a state world :: World).
- not all Clean IO programs can be directly written in monadic style.

The issue has to do with the fact that the IO monad over-sequences
IO actions, because the monad encapsulates the entire world in one

(see slides 37/38 of 

So if we have two functions, one,  f1 :: IO (), reading from file and writing to f1.out, and the other, f2 :: IO ()  reading 
from and writing to f2.out, we must decide as programmers

what order to use - either do{ f1 ; f2 }   or do { f2; f1 }.
If we generalise to f1 .. fn, we have to sequence these,
which is why the function in Haskell of type [IO a] - IO [a], is called

In Clean, we not only have explicit access to the world, but
we can partition it. Simplifying somewhat, we could open up
pairs of file-handle (,f1.out), 

Re[3]: [Haskell-cafe] Signature for non-empty filter

2008-02-06 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Henning,

Wednesday, February 6, 2008, 6:09:28 PM, you wrote:

 it's another question: you can describe trivial values using type
 system, but can't prohibit them using it - it's impossible because you
 can't check for arbitrary algorithm whether it will be finally stopped

 I could consider the function buggy, if it does not terminate on the given

it's impossible to check for *arbitrary* function call whether it will be
terminated. seems that you don't have formal CS education? :)

so one can develop set of functions that are guaranteed to be
terminated or guaranteed to be non-trivial. but it's impossible to
check for arbitrary function whether it's trivial and even whether it
will terminate for particular data

this means that answer to original question - one can ensure that
argument for filter is non-terminating function only if these
functions are written using some special notation which doesn't allow
to write arbitrary turing-complete algorithms

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Mutable arrays

2008-02-06 Thread Andrew Butterfield

Peter Verswyvelen wrote:

So you say uniqueness typing might be more general… Can one make list 
monads and all the other funky Haskell monads with Clean’s uniqueness 
typing then?

As my long post pointed out - as far IO is concerned, Clean is more 
general than Haskell (less over-sequencing).

However in a general setting, monads are very general, much more so
than Clean's I/O uniqueness types. Monads capture a fundamental pattern
of sequential side-effecting computation in a pure referentially 
transparent way - IO is just a specific instance of this.

Having said that, it's worth noting that list and maybe monads can
be introduced in Clean, but these would have nothing to do with the
I/O infrastructure in that language.


Andrew Butterfield Tel: +353-1-896-2517 Fax: +353-1-677-2204
Foundations and Methods Research Group Director.
Department of Computer Science, Room F.13, O'Reilly Institute,
Trinity College, University of Dublin, Ireland.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why is this so inefficient?

2008-02-06 Thread Bertram Felgenhauer
Jefferson Heard wrote:
 I thought this was fairly straightforward, but where the marked line
 finishes in 0.31 seconds on my machine, the actual transpose takes
 more than 5 minutes.  I know it must be possible to read data in

 dataFromFile :: String - IO (M.Map String [S.ByteString])
 dataFromFile filename = do
 f - S.readFile filename
 print . length . map (S.split ',' $!) . S.lines $ f
  -- finishes in 0.31 seconds

The S.split applications will never be evaluated - the list that you produce
is full of thunks of the form (S.split ',' $! some bytestring) The $! will
only take effect if those thunks are forced, and length doesn't do that. Try

print . sum . map (length . S.split ',') . S.lines $ f

instead, to force S.split to produce a result. (In fact, S.split is strict
in its second argument, so the $! shouldn't have any effect on the running
time at all. I didn't measure that though.)

 return . transposeCSV . map (S.split ',' $!) . S.lines $ f  --
 this takes 5 minutes and 6 seconds


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re[3]: [Haskell-cafe] Signature for non-empty filter

2008-02-06 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Wed, 6 Feb 2008, Bulat Ziganshin wrote:

 Hello Henning,

 Wednesday, February 6, 2008, 6:09:28 PM, you wrote:

  it's another question: you can describe trivial values using type
  system, but can't prohibit them using it - it's impossible because you
  can't check for arbitrary algorithm whether it will be finally stopped

  I could consider the function buggy, if it does not terminate on the given

 it's impossible to check for *arbitrary* function call whether it will be
 terminated. seems that you don't have formal CS education? :)

 so one can develop set of functions that are guaranteed to be
 terminated or guaranteed to be non-trivial. but it's impossible to
 check for arbitrary function whether it's trivial and even whether it
 will terminate for particular data

If the type checker does not terminate because the checked function does
not terminate on the example input, then the function does not pass the
type check and as a compromise this would be ok.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Signature for non-empty filter

2008-02-06 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Tue, 5 Feb 2008, Dan Licata wrote:

 [CC'ed to the agda mailing list as well]

 On Feb05, Henning Thielemann wrote:
  Is Haskell's type system including extensions strong enough for describing
  a function, that does not always return a trivial value? E.g.
 (filter (\x - x==1  x==2))
will always compute an empty list. Using an appropriate signature for
  the function it shall be rejected at compile time, because it is probably
  a mistake - probably (filter (\x - x==1 || x==2) xs) was meant. I assume
  that the type must contain somehow an example input for which the function
  value is non-trivial. If Haskell's type system is not strong enough, what
  about dependently typed languages like Cayenne or Epigram? (I know,
  theorem provers have no problem with such types.)
  Haskell-Cafe mailing list

 You can definitely do this with dependent types.  Here's a way to do it
 in Agda 2:

Thanks for your detailed answer! I don't fully understand the Agda code,
but I record that there is another system which allows such kind of types.
Now, 'filter' was a particular example where the type constraint can be
reformulated as constraint on the element test 'f'.  However there might
be a composed function like
  stupidFilter = filter odd . map (2*)
 I assume that Agda lets me forbid such functions by properly designed
types, too.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Inverting a Monad

2008-02-06 Thread Bas van Dijk
On Feb 6, 2008 8:27 PM, Tillmann Rendel
 What about this?

 inv :: MonadError e m = m a - m ()
 inv m = join $ (m  return mzero) `catchError` \_ - return (return ())

Beautiful! That's the one I'm looking for!

I was already defining a 'MonadInvert' class and a bunch of instances
like below but this is a much more flexible solution.

-- | A Monad that supports inversion.
-- Turning success into failure and failure into success.
class Monad m = MonadInvert m where
-- | @invert m@ fails when @m@ is successfull (returns a value)
-- and returns @()@ when @m@ fails .
invert :: m a - m ()

instance MonadInvert Maybe where
invert Nothing  = Just ()
invert (Just _) = Nothing

instance MonadInvert [] where
invert []= [()]
invert (_:_) = []

instance E.Error e = MonadInvert (Either e) where
invert (Left _)  = Right ()
invert (Right _) = Left E.noMsg

instance (E.Error e, MonadInvert m) = MonadInvert (E.ErrorT e m) where
invert = T.lift . invert . E.runErrorT

instance MonadInvert m = MonadInvert (S.StateT st m) where
invert m = S.StateT $ \s - (invert $ S.runStateT m s) = \u -
return (u, s)



Thanks very much.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Signature for non-empty filter

2008-02-06 Thread Matthew Pocock
On Wednesday 06 February 2008, Henning Thielemann wrote:

 If the type checker does not terminate because the checked function does
 not terminate on the example input, then the function does not pass the
 type check and as a compromise this would be ok.

Can't fault this logic. The problem is that you may have to wait quite a long 
time to discover this non-termination.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Mutable arrays

2008-02-06 Thread Stefan O'Rear
On Wed, Feb 06, 2008 at 08:57:43PM +, Andrew Butterfield wrote:
 In Clean, we not only have explicit access to the world, but
 we can partition it. Simplifying somewhat, we could open up
 pairs of file-handle (,f1.out), (,f2,out) ... (,fn.out),
 which does have to be done sequentially, since each file opening modifies 
 the (global) filesystem. However, once this is done,
 we could, in principle, execute the fn in any order,
 and indeed in such a way that the implementation could choose to
 do them in parallel - this potential for (admittedly limited)
 deterministic parallel execution of I/O actions is possible with
 uniqueness types, but not epxressible in the monadic world as
 currently formulated.

What if f1.out is a symlink to f2.out?  I don't think Clean satisfies
the evaluation order independance that is so treasured here.


Description: Digital signature
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Mutable arrays

2008-02-06 Thread Jeff φ
On 2/6/08, Chaddaï Fouché [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 2008/2/6, Jeff φ [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  I have solved both of these problems in Clean using a lazy list without
  resorting to unsafe operations.  So, it seems to me that uniqueness
  are more general than monads.

 Are you aware that your code in Clean has some issues, like the lst
 not being so lazy if you operate on ary2 before you operate on lst (it
 is completely put in memory in this case) ? You've effectively created
 a big uncertainty on the space taken by your function. Is this ok with
 you ?

Yes, I'm aware of this.  In a previous post, I wrote, I should mention
that a problem with the code I've shown is that it is very sensitive to the
order in which the expression graph is evaluated.  Simple changes can cause
lst to become strict and the program to run out of heap.  However, I think
your description of this issue is much more succinct than mine.

I'm not sure, but I _think_ this problem can be solved using Clean's strict
let-before notation.

normalize_2D_ary ary =
#  (lst,ary) = uToList_2D ary
#! max_elem = foldl1 max lst // max_elem is strict -- lst is consumed.
=  map_in_place_2d_arr (\ x - x / max_elem) ary

  The monadic fold (like I and some others proposed) guarantee you
 a constant amount of memory consumed and is perfectly safe too, is the
 Clean solution really so much better ?

I'm looking forward to spending a few free hours this weekend playing
with the monadic fold code.  I've written a lot of image processing code in
Clean that treats images as lists of RGBA tuples.  It's a very
useful abstraction.  But, I've spent more time than I care to admit
fixing unexpected stack and heap overflows that were caused by seemingly
unrelated code change.  I hope to find other abstractions that aren't so

Peter Verswyvelen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Now from the little time I've spent in the company of Clean, I must say
 there's another advantage of uniqueness typing: it is very easy to
 understand. While monads are a tiny bit more demanding! But monads give such
 a mental satisfaction once you see the light  ;-)

For me, the light is a faint distant flicker.  I hope to see it clearer

At the risk of starting a flame war, being labeled a troll, having Godwin's
law invoked, and suffering a life time ban from Haskell-Cafe, I'd like to
broach another subject.  I noticed that GHC implements mutable arrays in the
IO monad.  This seems odd to me.  Arrays aren't related to IO.  Are there
obstacles to mixing code that uses IO monads and array monads that are most
easily worked around by sticking mutable arrays into the IO monad?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Signature for non-empty filter

2008-02-06 Thread Wolfgang Jeltsch
Am Mittwoch, 6. Februar 2008 18:39 schrieb Bulat Ziganshin:

 this means that answer to original question - one can ensure that
 argument for filter is non-terminating function only if these
 functions are written using some special notation which doesn't allow
 to write arbitrary turing-complete algorithms

And this is exactly what Agda, Epigram, Coq, etc. do.  Note however that those 
systems are not very restrictive.  It’s possible, for example, to define 
Ackermann’s function in Agda:

 module Ackermann where

 data Nat : Set where

 O  : Nat

 ↑_ : Nat - Nat

 ackermann : Nat - Nat - Nat
 ackermann Om= ↑ m
 ackermann (↑ n) O= ackermann n (↑ O)
 ackermann (↑ n) (↑ m) = ackermann n (ackermann (↑ n) m)

Best wishes,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Inverting a Monad

2008-02-06 Thread ajb

G'day all.

On Feb 6, 2008 12:45 PM, Felipe Lessa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I guess your parser is a monad transformer, so *maybe* the solution  
 is to require MonadError from the inner monad.

Quoting Bas van Dijk [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Indeed my parser 'P t m a' is a monad transformer. I will try out
requiring 'm' to have a 'MonadError' constraint and see how far I come
with that.

I've occasionally found this useful:

class (Monad m) = MonadNegate m where
mtrue :: m ()
mfalse :: m ()
mnot :: m a - m ()

mtrue = return ()
mfalse = fail False

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Mutable arrays

2008-02-06 Thread Daniel Fischer
Am Mittwoch, 6. Februar 2008 23:31 schrieb Jeff φ:

 At the risk of starting a flame war, being labeled a troll, having Godwin's
 law invoked, and suffering a life time ban from Haskell-Cafe, I'd like to
 broach another subject.  I noticed that GHC implements mutable arrays in
 the IO monad.  This seems odd to me.  Arrays aren't related to IO.  Are
 there obstacles to mixing code that uses IO monads and array monads that
 are most easily worked around by sticking mutable arrays into the IO monad?

IO(U)Arrays are only one variant of mutable Array, there are also ST(U)Arrays, 
which are often preferred.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Signature for non-empty filter

2008-02-06 Thread Dan Licata
On Feb06, Henning Thielemann wrote:
 On Tue, 5 Feb 2008, Dan Licata wrote:
  On Feb05, Henning Thielemann wrote:
   Is Haskell's type system including extensions strong enough for describing
   a function, that does not always return a trivial value? E.g.
  (filter (\x - x==1  x==2))
 will always compute an empty list. Using an appropriate signature for
   the function it shall be rejected at compile time, because it is probably
   a mistake - probably (filter (\x - x==1 || x==2) xs) was meant. I assume
   that the type must contain somehow an example input for which the function
   value is non-trivial. If Haskell's type system is not strong enough, what
   about dependently typed languages like Cayenne or Epigram? (I know,
   theorem provers have no problem with such types.)
   Haskell-Cafe mailing list
  You can definitely do this with dependent types.  Here's a way to do it
  in Agda 2:
 Thanks for your detailed answer! I don't fully understand the Agda code,
 but I record that there is another system which allows such kind of types.
 Now, 'filter' was a particular example where the type constraint can be
 reformulated as constraint on the element test 'f'.  However there might
 be a composed function like
   stupidFilter = filter odd . map (2*)
  I assume that Agda lets me forbid such functions by properly designed
 types, too.

I think what you want to say now is not just 

  (filter f l) is type correct when there is some argument on which f
  returns true


  (filter f l) is type correct when there is some *element of l* on
  which f returns true

Here is one way to say this with dependent types:

  data SatBy {A : Set} : (A - Bool) - List A - Set where
Here  : {f : A - Bool} {x : A} {xs : List A} - Check (f x) - SatBy f (x 
:: xs)
There : {f : A - Bool} {x : A} {xs : List A} - SatBy f xs - SatBy f (x 
:: xs)

  fancyfilter2 : {A : Set} (f : A - Bool) (l : List A) - SatBy f l - List A
  fancyfilter2 f l _ = stdfilter f l

The idea is that SatBy f l proves that there is some element of l on
which (f x) is true.  'Here' says that this is true if (f x) is true on
the head of the list; 'There' says that this is true of (x :: xs) if
it's true of xs.

Of course, now to call fancyfilter2, you need to prove this property of
your f and your l.  You won't be able to do this for 'odd' and 'map (2*)
x', but you would be able to do this for, e.g., 'even' and 'map (2*) xs
where xs is non-nil'.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Signature for non-empty filter

2008-02-06 Thread Neil Mitchell

 I think what you want to say now is not just

   (filter f l) is type correct when there is some argument on which f
   returns true


   (filter f l) is type correct when there is some *element of l* on
   which f returns true

or in Haskell:

filterNonEmpty f x = assert (not $ null res) res
where res = filter f x

If you give that definition to the Catch tool
( it will try and prove
each call is safe. For certain examples, Catch will do the job very
well - for example if your filter is something structural like isJust
or null.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] parsec3 pre-release [attempt 2]

2008-02-06 Thread Bas van Dijk
Probably a weird idea but could this be useful?

class (Monad m) = Stream s m t | s - t where
uncons :: s - m (m (t,s))

for example:

instance (Monad m) = Stream [t] m t where
uncons [] = return $ fail uncons []
uncons (t:ts) = return $ return (t,ts)

One small advantage is that Streams can have custom error messages
when there's no input.

Also, using 'uncons' could be as simple as: 'join . uncons'.


On Feb 2, 2008 6:15 AM, Derek Elkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 [Now with 100% more correct darcs get URLs.]

 I'm currently getting Paolo Martini's Google Summer of Code project, an
 updated version of Parsec, into a releasable state, and I will be
 maintaining it for at least a while.

 Paolo's major additions are:
 * The Parser monad has been generalized into a Parser monad
 * The parsers have been generalized to work over a stream of any
   type, in particular, with bytestrings.

 I have made a few minor additions as well:
 * There is Haddock documentation for almost all functions
 * The Parser monad now has Applicative/Alternative instances

 Currently, I am looking for people to give it a go reporting any bugs in
 the library or documentation, troubles building it, or changes/features
 they would like.  I'm also interested in performance information.

 Most old Parsec code should be relatively easy but not trivial to port.
 There is a darcs repository on  If nothing comes up,
 I'll put a package on Hackage in about a week or so.

 To get the code:
 darcs get

 To build it, the standard cabal commands should work:

 Alternatively, you can use the cabal-install application:

 The documentation can be generated also via the normal cabal routine, or
 via cabal-install.

 The Text.Parsec modules should be preferred to the
 Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec modules.

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Signature for non-empty filter

2008-02-06 Thread Dan Licata
Let's be careful here: decidability is only relevant if you want to
*automatically* prove calls to filter correct.  It is certainly possible
to give a type system/specification logic for reasoning about all
functions written in a Turing-complete language (e.g., all Haskell
functions).  In such a type system/logic, you will be able to prove that
particular functions have particular results (e.g., that function f
over there maps 4 to true).  If you give filter the type/specification
that Henning wants, you may not be able to get a computer to
automatically validate all correct calls to filter, where correct
means that I can prove, in the specification logic, that the predicate
is satisfiable.  However, you can get a computer to validate some calls
to filter, and a human may be able to validate others by hand.

I.e., it's not necessary to restrict the class of functions you consider
if you're willing to give up on full automation.  So I disagree with the
only if below.  


On Feb06, Bulat Ziganshin wrote:
 Hello Henning,
 Wednesday, February 6, 2008, 6:09:28 PM, you wrote:
  it's another question: you can describe trivial values using type
  system, but can't prohibit them using it - it's impossible because you
  can't check for arbitrary algorithm whether it will be finally stopped
  I could consider the function buggy, if it does not terminate on the given
 it's impossible to check for *arbitrary* function call whether it will be
 terminated. seems that you don't have formal CS education? :)
 so one can develop set of functions that are guaranteed to be
 terminated or guaranteed to be non-trivial. but it's impossible to
 check for arbitrary function whether it's trivial and even whether it
 will terminate for particular data
 this means that answer to original question - one can ensure that
 argument for filter is non-terminating function only if these
 functions are written using some special notation which doesn't allow
 to write arbitrary turing-complete algorithms
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Mutable arrays

2008-02-06 Thread Jeff φ

 IO(U)Arrays are only one variant of mutable Array, there are also
 which are often preferred.

I should have worded my question better.  The MArray interface is
implemented in both the ST and IO monad.  A state monad seems like a logical
place for mutable arrays.  However, I don't understand the motivation for
implementing it in IO.  Were mutable arrays added to IO because it would be
difficult to write code that does both IO and manipulates arrays otherwise?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Implementing fixed-sized vectors (using datatype algebra?)

2008-02-06 Thread Bjorn Buckwalter
On Feb 6, 2008 1:03 PM, Alfonso Acosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Feb 6, 2008 4:32 AM, Bjorn Buckwalter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I understand that you (and Wolfgang) are creating a library of type
  level decimals for the purpose of constraining vector (list?) lengths.
  After that I haven't been paying attention fully to the thread. Is the
  goal to create a general-purpose library for type-level programming
  and my module would fit into that grander scheme?

 Yes,the idea is to create a Cabal-ready wide-scope type-level
 programming library, joining the operations implemented in the
 different type-level libraries which are around. The goal (or at least
 mine) is to provide a common reusable type-level library which saves
 constantly reinventing the wheel.

Ok. Is this what people want -- one big hold-all library with
everything, as opposed to smaller more specialized packages? I guess I
can see advantages (real or perceived) to both approaches.

The other library I use for type-level programming is HList. It has
type-level booleans already so you might what to take a look at it if
you're not already familiar with it. In fact, if you are serious about
creating the de facto(?) type-level programming library trying to get
Oleg involved would be very beneficial both in terms of innovation and

  Or did you have something else in mind with joining efforts? E.g. help
  reviewing your code or writing new code?

 This would certainly help too.

I'm sure it would. ;)  I didn't mean to imply that I have plenty of
spare time to invest in this but I'll certainly be paying attention
when you start releasing code.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Implementing fixed-sized vectors (using datatype algebra?)

2008-02-06 Thread Alfonso Acosta
On Feb 7, 2008 2:30 AM, Bjorn Buckwalter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ok. Is this what people want -- one big hold-all library with
 everything, as opposed to smaller more specialized packages? I guess I
 can see advantages (real or perceived) to both approaches.

Apart from Dockins' typenats library there are no other user-friendly
specific type-level libraries that know, so I cannot really tell if
people would prefer a hold-all library or a couple of more granular
specialized ones.

Right now is not hold-all at all (it is still vaporware actually :)),
so I think there's no reason to discuss that at this point. Let's see
what people think.

 The other library I use for type-level programming is HList. It has
 type-level booleans already so you might what to take a look at it if
 you're not already familiar with it.

Thanks I'll have a look at it.

  In fact, if you are serious about
 creating the de facto(?) type-level programming library trying to get
 Oleg involved would be very beneficial both in terms of innovation and

Sure. I've actually been exchanging mail with Oleg. He has given me
some useful suggestions and contributed with some code. He didn't
mention to what point he wanted to get involved though, but I'm sure
he will try to help.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Signature for non-empty filter

2008-02-06 Thread Jonathan Cast

On 6 Feb 2008, at 1:54 PM, Matthew Pocock wrote:

On Wednesday 06 February 2008, Henning Thielemann wrote:

If the type checker does not terminate because the checked  
function does
not terminate on the example input, then the function does not  
pass the

type check and as a compromise this would be ok.

Can't fault this logic. The problem is that you may have to wait  
quite a long

time to discover this non-termination.

I would second this --- letting the compiler go only to discover that  
it's been running for the last 3 hours because it's diverging seems  
like a wasted 3 hours.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Mutable arrays

2008-02-06 Thread Jonathan Cast

On 6 Feb 2008, at 11:56 AM, Chaddaï Fouché wrote:

2008/2/6, Jeff φ [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
I have solved both of these problems in Clean using a lazy list  
resorting to unsafe operations.  So, it seems to me that  
uniqueness types

are more general than monads.

 Are you aware that your code in Clean has some issues, like the lst
not being so lazy if you operate on ary2 before you operate on lst (it
is completely put in memory in this case) ? You've effectively created
a big uncertainty on the space taken by your function. Is this ok with
you ? The monadic fold (like I and some others proposed) guarantee you
a constant amount of memory consumed and is perfectly safe too, is the
Clean solution really so much better ?

Jonathan Cast :
I'm confused --- does uToList_2D return the head of the list  
before or after it finishes reading
the array?  If before, then I don't see how the type system  
prevents me from modifying the
array before I finish examining the list, as you claim.  If after,  
then the list isn't truly lazy.

What happens here is that the array can't be modified without
evaluating ary2 and ary2 can't be evaluated without completely
evaluating the list before,

I see.  I would agree that Clean's system is more powerful (and  
concomitantly more dangerous) in this case.

so you effectively get the list lazily as
long as you don't touch ary2 before touching the list, and you can't
damage the list by modifying the array (because in this case, lst
would be completely evaluated in the first place). You can do the same
in Haskell in fact, but you'll need to discipline yourself to evaluate
the witness before modifying the array.

So uniqueness here seems to have an advantage over monads,


still, the
monads look much cleaner (sic)

Some might argue this.

than Clean code with all those unique
value passing around...

The same thing could be implemented in Haskell, of course:

data MySafeArray a i e = MSA{
  touchThisFirst :: IORef (),
  realArray :: a i e
instance MArray a e IO = MArray (MySafeArray a) e IO where
  unsafeRead a i = do
x - readIORef $ touchThisFirst a
eval x
touchThisFirst a `writeIORef` ()
unsafeRead $ realArray a

Then your getContents looks like this:

getArrayElems a = do
  x - readIORef $ touchThisFirst a
  eval x
  ls - get elements unsafely
  touchThisFirst  a `writeIORef` deepSeq ls
  return ls

Ugly, but it can be encapsulated in a library somewhere.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Mutable arrays

2008-02-06 Thread Jonathan Cast

On 6 Feb 2008, at 5:17 PM, Jeff φ wrote:

IO(U)Arrays are only one variant of mutable Array, there are also ST 

which are often preferred.

I should have worded my question better.  The MArray interface is  
implemented in both the ST and IO monad.  A state monad seems like  
a logical place for mutable arrays.  However, I don't understand  
the motivation for implementing it in IO.  Were mutable arrays  
added to IO because it would be difficult to write code that does  
both IO and manipulates arrays otherwise?


As I understand it, the reasons are roughly as follows:

(a) The ST monad is a fairly clever hack, and is some years (4 or 5?)  
younger than IO.
(b) You can't have an ST-mutable array as a global variable, but you  
can do this with IO.  It's ugly, but some libraries are rumored to  
require it (see the discussion in 
(c) In particular, libraries that need to do I/O and/or FFI are  
rumored to be particularly in need of top-level mutable state, so  
it's natural to combine the two (or three).
(d) It's very difficult to combine monads.  Clean's uniqueness types / 
can/ be combined (as could arbitrary state monads).  In general, IMHO  
what you normally want when combining monads is their coproduct.  A  
general coproduct is quite ugly, but it simplifies nicely in  
particular cases.  Clean, by restricting the problem to combining  
uniqueness-type-based state monads, can combine monads more easily  
than Haskell can in the general case.  15 years ago, when these  
decisions were made, it seemed easier to have a single monad.
(e) To a certain extent, IO is the monad in Haskell for `everything  
other languages can do that we can't'.  That's just the nature of the  
beast; the name IO is simply taken from the most prominent example.   
So IO's mandate is to do everything C can do better.
(f) Some of use consider the IO monad (and mutable arrays in general)  
deprecated for precisely this reason; the rest seem to want C with a  
nicer syntax.  They use IO, we try to avoid it entirely.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] background question about IO monad

2008-02-06 Thread Uwe Hollerbach
Hi, all, thanks for the responses. I understand the distinction
between pure functions and impure functions/procedures/IO actions, it
just felt to me in the samples that I quoted that I was in fact
starting from basically the starting point, eventually getting to the
same endpoint (or at least a pair of endpoints that are not easily
distinguished from each other by looking just at code), and inbetween
one path was going through liftIO and the other not. But I guess it
comes down to the fact that, since I'm in a REPL, I'm wallowing in
impurity all the time (or something like that :-) )


On 2/6/08, Bulat Ziganshin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello Uwe,

 Wednesday, February 6, 2008, 7:44:27 AM, you wrote:

  But after that, it sure seems to me as if I've taken data out of the
  IO monad...

 this means that you can't use results of IO actions in pure functions.
 your code works in some transformed version of IO monad, so you don't
 escaped it

 if we call pure functions as functions and non-pure ones as
 procedures, the rule is functions can't call procedures, but all
 other activity is possible. in your do_action you calls procedure (to
 format current time) and call a function (to format given time).
 do_action is procedure (because it works in transformed IO monad), so
 you don't break any rules

 Best regards,
  Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] background question about IO monad

2008-02-06 Thread Jonathan Cast

On 6 Feb 2008, at 7:30 PM, Uwe Hollerbach wrote:

Hi, all, thanks for the responses. I understand the distinction
between pure functions and impure functions/procedures/IO actions,

Um, I'm not sure of that, given what you go on to say.

just felt to me in the samples that I quoted that I was in fact
starting from basically the starting point,

Not really.  The key difference to understand is that between  
difference between getCurrentTime and toUTCTime 42.  These are your  
`starting points' --- the rest is just pure code.

eventually getting to the
same endpoint (or at least a pair of endpoints that are not easily
distinguished from each other by looking just at code), and inbetween

Well, the in-between paths are pure (or can be) either way.  It's the  
starting point that needs liftIO or not.

one path was going through liftIO and the other not. But I guess it
comes down to the fact that, since I'm in a REPL, I'm wallowing in
impurity all the time (or something like that :-) )


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Inverting a Monad

2008-02-06 Thread David Menendez
On Feb 6, 2008 6:32 AM, Bas van Dijk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is there a way to 'invert' an arbitrary Monad?

 By 'inverting' I mean to turn success into failure and failure into
 success. Here are some specific inversions of the Maybe and List

 invM :: Maybe a - Maybe ()
 invM Nothing  = Just ()
 invM (Just _) = Nothing

 invL :: [] a - [] ()
 invL []= [()]
 invL (_:_) = []

 How can I define this for an arbitrary Monad m?

If you're doing any kind of backtracking or non-determinism, you might
consider the msplit operation defined in Backtracking, Interleaving,
and Terminating Monad Transformers

Essentially, this defines a class of monads with zero, plus, and a
split operation:

class (MonadPlus m) = MonadSplit m where
msplit :: m a - m (Maybe (a, m a))

Essentially, if 'm' returns no results, then 'msplit m' returns
Nothing, otherwise it returns Just (a, m'), where a is the first
result, and m' is a computation which produces the remaining results
(if any).

There is an obvious implementation for the list monad, but msplit can
also be defined for a monad transformer.

There are a bunch of useful operations using msplit, such as the soft cut,

ifte :: (MonadSplit m) = m a - (a - m b) - m b - m b
ifte p th el = msplit p = maybe el (\(a,m) - th a `mplus` (m = th))

'ifte p th el' is equivalent to 'p = th' if p returns any results,
and 'el' otherwise. Note that it is *not* the same as (p = th)
`mplus` el.

Here's your inverse operation:

mnot :: (MonadSplit m) = m a - m ()
mnot m = msplit m = maybe (return ()) mzero

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] background question about IO monad

2008-02-06 Thread Uwe Hollerbach
Well, you may well be right! Just think of me as a planarian at the opera... :-)

On 2/6/08, Jonathan Cast [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 6 Feb 2008, at 7:30 PM, Uwe Hollerbach wrote:

  Hi, all, thanks for the responses. I understand the distinction
  between pure functions and impure functions/procedures/IO actions,

 Um, I'm not sure of that, given what you go on to say.

  just felt to me in the samples that I quoted that I was in fact
  starting from basically the starting point,

 Not really.  The key difference to understand is that between
 difference between getCurrentTime and toUTCTime 42.  These are your
 `starting points' --- the rest is just pure code.

  eventually getting to the
  same endpoint (or at least a pair of endpoints that are not easily
  distinguished from each other by looking just at code), and inbetween

 Well, the in-between paths are pure (or can be) either way.  It's the
 starting point that needs liftIO or not.

  one path was going through liftIO and the other not. But I guess it
  comes down to the fact that, since I'm in a REPL, I'm wallowing in
  impurity all the time (or something like that :-) )


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Best practice for embedding files in a GHC-compiled tool?

2008-02-06 Thread Dave Bayer

What is the best way to embed an arbitrary file in a Haskell program?

I would like to use GHC to compile command-line tools to be used with  
OS X. I want the tool to be a single file, not a package or a  
directory, that makes no assumptions about what else is present. For  
example, it should be able to run as part of an OS X install disk.

I want this tool to be self reproducing in the sense that one of its  
options causes it to output its own documentation and source code. I  
want this data to be stored as a compressed file within the tool  
binary itself.

The distribution model I'm imagining here is where one writes a  
program anonymously, that isn't hosted anywhere but is passed from  
user to user because it is useful, and eventually reaches another user  
who wants to modify the code. Assume that intermediate users will care  
less about this, and will try to delete anything that they can. That  
rules out storing the data in a separate file. Think of the M.I.T.  
game Core Wars from the dawn of the computer age. I'm looking for a  
strategy here that will be evolutionarily successful in a fairly  
hostile environment.

In other words, I want to be able to write in Haskell, without losing  
the automatic distribution of source code enjoyed by interpreted  
languages. No one deletes the source code for a Perl script, because  
by doing so they're killing the program.

There must be some library I'm overlooking that would make this very  
easy. All I can think of is to use Template Haskell to read a  
compressed tar file into a Haskell variable. Is that what one does, or  
is there a better way?

Thanks in advance,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] FP and Quality

2008-02-06 Thread Benjamin L. Russell
How about the following papers on real-world Haskell
programming results:

- text follows immediately after this line -
Haskell vs. Ada vs. C++ vs. Awk vs. ... An Experiment
in Software Prototyping Productivity (1994), 
by Paul Hudak and Mark P. Jones:

Why Functional Programming Matters (1984), 
by John Hughes:

Why Haskell matters (date unknown) (Web page), 
originally by Sebastian Sylvan:
- text ends immediately before this line -

The following resource page may also be useful:

Haskell in industry:

The following site may also be useful:

Commercial Users of Functional Programming: Functional
Programming As a Means, Not an End:

Barring time constraints, I may post additional
findings later.

Benjamin L. Russell

--- PR Stanley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks, keep the tips coming. I like the ones about
 the type safety 
 and line counts.
 At 23:33 04/02/2008, you wrote:
 Good luck with this - I'd love to see the outcome.
 My experience is that FP tends to result in a lot
 less code, so if 
 there are x
 bugs per line of code, FP has less bugs per
 complete application.
 Talking about haskell, the typesystem dissalows
 whole classes of bugs. Things
 simply do not compile if you stitch the innards
 together in the wrong order
 (particuarly if you are agressive about using the
 most general types
 possible). Since this accounts for perhaps 90% of
 where I do things wrong in
 Java, I get a corresponding decrease in run-time
 bugs in haskell. However,
 this is somewhat compensated for by the effort
 needed to get haskell programs
 through the compiler in the first place - debug at
 compile or debug at
 runtime is the tradeoff here.
 FP is easier to verify mechanically than imperative
 programming - more of the
 logic is exposed directly. It's easier to do
 by-case proofs, even if they are
 by-hand rather than mechanical.
 However, all of this is annecdotal. Good luck
 collecting real stats, or
 peer-reviewed annecdotes. You may have luck looking
 at bug-fix times vs
 number of developers for equivalent FP and Java
 apps/libs. Worth a shot,
 given that the bug-trackers tend to be public. You
 could probably tie it back
 to the size of the 'fix' patches. Get some nice
 On Monday 04 February 2008, you wrote:
   Hi folks
   I'm thinking of writing a little essay arguing
 the case for the
   advantages of FP for producing quality software.
 Can the list
   recommend any papers/articles which I can use as
 sources of my
   argument? I have access to the IEEE database too
 although earlier I
   couldn't find anything on the subject.
   Thanks, Paul
   Haskell-Cafe mailing list
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] parsec3 pre-release [attempt 2]

2008-02-06 Thread Albert Y. C. Lai

Is it good or bad to add:

instance (MonadIO m) = MonadIO (ParsecT s u m)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] background question about IO monad

2008-02-06 Thread Uwe Hollerbach
All right, after a bit of dinner and some time to mess about, here's
another attempt to check my understanding: here is a simplified
version of the lisp-time example:

 module Main where
 import System.Time

 pure_fn :: Integer - String
 pure_fn n = calendarTimeToString (toUTCTime (TOD n 0))

 wicked_fn :: IO String
 wicked_fn = getClockTime = return . pure_fn . toI
   where toI (TOD n _) = n

 make_wicked :: String - IO String
 make_wicked str = return str

 -- use of pure_fn
 -- main = putStrLn (pure_fn 123000)

 -- use of wicked_fn
 -- main = wicked_fn = putStrLn

 -- use of make_wicked
 main = (make_wicked (pure_fn 1234567890)) = putStrLn

If I use the first of the three main alternatives, I'm calling a
pure function directly: it takes an integer, 123..., and produces a
string. If I pass the same integer to the pure function, I'll get the
same value, every time. This string is passed to putStrLn, an IO
action, in order that I may gaze upon it, but the string itself is not
thereby stuck in the IO monad.

If I use the second of the three main alternatives, I'm calling an
IO action: wicked_fn, which returns the current time formatted as UTC.
In principle, every time I call wicked_fn, I could get a different
answer. Because it's an IO action, I can't just pass it to putStrLn in
the same way I passed in the previous pure_fn value, but instead I
have to use the bind operator =.

If I use the third of the main alternatives, I am starting with a
pure function: it's that number formatted as UTC (it happens to come
to Fri Feb 13 of next year), but then I pass it through the
make_wicked function, which transmogrifies it into the IO monad.
Therefore, as in the above, I have to use = in order to get it to
work; putStrLn (make_wicked (pure_fn 123...)) doesn't work.

deep breath

OK, after all that, my original question, in terms of this example:
the IO monad is one-way is equivalent to saying there is no haskell
function that I could write that would take

 (make_wicked (pure_fn 123456))

and make it into something that could be used in the same way and the
same places as just plain

 (pure_fn 123456)


And, coming back to my scheme interpreter, this is at least somewhat
irrelevant, because, since I am in a REPL of my own devising, I'm
firmly in IO-monad-land, now and forever.


thanks, Uwe
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] background question about IO monad

2008-02-06 Thread Luke Palmer
On Feb 7, 2008 7:32 AM, Uwe Hollerbach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  pure_fn :: Integer - String
  pure_fn n = calendarTimeToString (toUTCTime (TOD n 0))
  make_wicked :: String - IO String
  make_wicked str = return str
  -- use of make_wicked
  main = (make_wicked (pure_fn 1234567890)) = putStrLn

 OK, after all that, my original question, in terms of this example:
 the IO monad is one-way is equivalent to saying there is no haskell
 function that I could write that would take

  (make_wicked (pure_fn 123456))

 and make it into something that could be used in the same way and the
 same places as just plain

  (pure_fn 123456)


Spot on!

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] problem with collection (container) class

2008-02-06 Thread Leandro Demarco Vedelago
Hi! I'm pretty (not to say very) new to haskell and i've to create a new
class named container that includes types that hold other values, more
specific, i have created this two types:

data Abb a b = Branch a b (Abb a b) (Abb a b) | Leaf
data ListAssoc a b = Node a b (ListAssoc a b) | Empty

and implemented some common functions (add, search, delete, empty,etc). So
when I was asked to create this new class I crashed against a big problem,
or at least for me. My first attempt was:

class Container c where
empty :: c

but when I had to implement add I tried

add :: c - a - b - c

although I was almost sure that it wouldn't work, so I realized that I had
to give Container not one but three parameters, the container and the types
of values that the container saved so I started searching and I found
similar cases, but the difference iis that in this cases the class was
defined as follows:

class Container c e | c-e where
empty :: c
insert :: c - e - c
member :: c - e - Bool

but my particular problem here is that the types I designed hold two values
of different type and these holds just one value. Besides I knew nothing
about functional dependency used in here and I keep knowing almost nothing
about them, but I tried something like this:

class Container c a b |c - a, c - b  where

empty :: c
add :: c - a - c
search :: c - a - Maybe b
del :: c - a - c
toListPair :: c - [(a,b)]

instance Container Abb a b where

empty = Leaf

add Leaf x y = Branch x y Leaf Leaf
add arb@(Branch ni nd ri rd) x y|x == ni = arb
|x  ni = Branch ni nd ri (add rd x y)
|otherwise = Branch ni nd (add ri x y) rd

search Leaf x  = Nothing
search (Branch ni nd ri rd) x|x == ni = Just nd
|x  ni = search rd x
|x  ni = search ri x

but when I try to load it in WinHugs I get the following error message:

- Instance is more general than a dependency allows
*** Instance : Container Abb a b
*** For class: Container a b c
*** Under dependency : a - b

and as I have stated above my knowledge about dependencies is almost null,
not to say null, so I don´t even have an idea where the error is. A
suggestion that I've received was to change the type of Abb for

data Abb (a,b) = Branch a b (Abb (a,b)) (Abb (a,b)) | Leaf

and declare container class with just two parameters like I found in all
pages I visited. I have not tried this yet, as I still have hope that what I
intend to do is possible.

Well if you have any suggestions I'd appreciate you send it to me and sorry
for bothering you and my english, but i'm spanish-speaker.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list