Re: [Haskell-cafe] Problems with Language.Haskell.Interpreter and errors

2009-09-30 Thread Martin Hofmann
Thanks a lot.

 You ought to be able to add a Control.Monad.CatchIO.catch clause to  
 your interpreter to catch this kind of errors, if you want. 

I forgot to mention that this didn't work for me either.

 Thanks for the report!

You are welcome. If you come up with a work around or a fix, I would appreciate 
if you let me know.



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Market Place for Haskell development teams?

2009-09-30 Thread Ketil Malde
Curt Sampson writes:

 Java is part of the Java platform, that brought OS independence and
 interoperability at the right time. .Download-execution on the client
 was also a reason for the initial success of Java in the Internet era.

 This may be somewhat anecdotal evidence, but I disagree with both
 of your statements here. I've rarely known anybody to use Java
 cross-platform in a non-trival way, barring a few major GUI-centric
 projects such as Eclipse. (I've far more cross-platform use of Haskell
 than Java myself.) And I know of nobody who did anything serious with
 download-execution of Java.

Well I (dis)agree with you both :-)

I think these things - running Java programs in the browser, and
cross-platformness - were very important in making Java popular, even if
they ended up being, at best, peripheral uses of the language.  Still,
they served to hype the language to an industry that had just gotten
used to object orientation, and thus clearing the path for Java's
adoption as a successor to C++ (where it was and is quite successful).

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Problem with result-type context restrictions in typeclasses.

2009-09-30 Thread Miguel Mitrofanov

class Cls c where
   type Ret c :: (Bar *) = * -- or a better name
   foo :: c - Ret c

which isn't legal Haskell.

OK, that's exactly the same thing I've met when developing 
compose-trans. I needed guarantees that something is a Monad.

My way of doing that was to make Bar (Monad in my case) a datatype.

Suppose you Bar class is something like

class Bar c where
toBar :: String - c
changeBar :: c - Int - c
fromBar :: c - c - [Float]

Declare something like

data BarD c =
{toBarD :: String - c,
 changeBarD :: c - Int - c,
 fromBarD :: c - c - [Float]}

I've did it some other way, using the Monad specifics, but essentially 
it was the same.

Then you can write a default BarD this way:

barDInst :: Bar c = BarD c
barDInst =
{toBarD = toBar,
 changeBarD = changeBar,
 fromBarD = fromBar}

Do not (!) export BarD constructor, so the only BarD one would be able 
to produce would be the default one. It simplifies you interface.

Now, your Cls looks like that:

class Cls c where
type Ret c
barRet :: BarD (Ret c)
foo :: c - Ret c

If somebody is using your class, she can't be sure that Ret c is of 
class Bar, but she would have sort of an instance anyway: she would 
just use toBarD barRet instead of toBar, and so on. If somebody is 
trying to make some c an instance of Cls - the only thing she can do 
is to make some d an instance of Bar and write

instance Cls MyCoolInstance where
type Ret MyCoolInstance = MyCoolRetType
barRet = barDInst
foo c = ...

It's higly possible, however, that you'd have to deal with Ambiguous 
type variable's.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Problem with result-type context restrictions in typeclasses.

2009-09-30 Thread Ryan Ingram
You can require the associated type to have a particular instance, like

class (Bar (Ret c)) = Cls c where
   type Ret c
   foo :: c - Ret c

Another option is to use existential types:

data HasBar = forall a. Bar a = HasBar a

class Cls c where
foo :: c - HasBar

You then have to wrap the result of foo by HasBar; then you can get the
instance back out by case-matching on HasBar.  This is basically the same as
Miguel's solution of returning a dictionary, except the dictionary is
implicitly held in the existential instead of explicit.

  -- ryan

On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 10:25 PM, DNM wrote:

 Dan, thanks again for the response.

 I changed my code to use type families to let each Cls instance (actually a
 more complicated instance in my code) determine which Bar instance type it
 will return, but this didn't seem to work.  The problem is that the client
 of the typeclass instance methds ('useThisStuff', which calls on 'toNum'
 'foo' in the contrived example) expects some guarantee that (Ret c) is
 to be an instance of Bar.  The actual client code I'm using complains when
 it sees that the associated type doesn't guarantee that an instance of the
 appropriate class is instantiated.  I don't see any way to guarantee this
 without adding a context restriction in the class-level definition of Ret
 something like:

 class Cls c where
   type Ret c :: (Bar *) = * -- or a better name
   foo :: c - Ret c

 which isn't legal Haskell.  What I want to say is define Ret c however you
 want, but make sure it is an instance of Bar in the *class-level
 of Ret c*, so that any client of 'Cls' will know that Ret c will be

 Maybe I'm missing some subtlety of type families...

 Any suggestions?


 Daniel Peebles wrote:
  In your class, you have:
  class Cls c where
 foo :: (Bar b) = c - b
  There's an implicit forall for b, meaning that the caller of the
  method gets to choose what it wants for b (as long as it's an instance
  of Bar). For you to be able to write such a method you'd need to write
  functions that can return any instance of Bar. One solution to this is
  to turn on the GHC extension -XTypeFamilies, and then modify your code
  as follows:
  class Cls c where
 type Ret c :: * -- or a better name
 foo :: c - Ret c
  instance Cls G where
 type Ret G = FU
 foo = fuu
  That should work (although I haven't tested it).
  What type families do in this case is allow you to write not only
  methods associated with typeclasses, but type functions associated
  with them too. In this case you can think of Ret as a function that
  takes a type (G in the instance above) and returns another type (FU).
  Each instance can define new mappings for Ret.
  Hope this helps!
  On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 10:48 PM, DNM wrote:
  Correction by the author:
  It seems that ghc doesn't like the fact that I am saying 'foo' must
  return a class 'b' of typeclass 'Bar', while providing a function that
  returns a concrete data instance of 'Bar' (viz., FU or FI) later on
  when I implement 'foo' in each type classes.
  Should read:
  It seems that ghc doesn't like the fact that I am saying 'foo' must
  return something of TYPE 'b' implementing typeclass 'Bar', while
  a function that returns a concrete data instance of 'Bar' (viz., FU or
  later on when I implement 'foo' in each type classes.
  On Sep 29, 10:43 pm, DNM wrote:
  N.B. I'm a newbie to Haskell, and this problem is a bit complex, so
  bear with me.
  I'm using typeclasses to implement a sort of common interface for all
  things -- call them things of type 'Cls' -- that can be expected to
  implement a set of functions -- an 'interface' in OOP-speak.  (Yes,
  yes, I'm aware that typeclasses are subtly different and far superior,
  but my Haskell-ese is still a bit rudimentary.)
  Essentially, I want to have a typeclass that expects its instances to
  have an accessor function that results in something that is an
  instance of another typeclass whose instances can perform some
  operation.   The ghc type-checker doesn't seem to like my code,
  though, and I can't seem to figure out why.
  To make it concrete, I've typed up some dummy typeclasses and a dummy
  function that uses their instances to illustrate what I mean, as well
  as the form of the ghc(i) error.
  class Cls c where
  foo :: (Bar b) = c - b
  class Bar b where
  toNum :: b - Int
  -- | One implementation of Cls
  data D = D {fu :: FU}
  data FU = FU {num :: Int}
  instance Cls D where
  foo = fu
  instance Bar FU  where
  toNum f = (num f) + 47
  -- | Another implementation of Cls
  data E = E {fi :: FI}
  data FI = FI {nuum :: Int}
  instance Cls E where
  foo = fi
  instance Bar FI where
  toNum f = (nuum f) + 100
  -- | Yet another (this one 

Re: [Haskell-cafe] I read somewhere that for 90% of a wide class of computing problems, you only need 10% of the source code in Haskell, that you would in an imperative language.

2009-09-30 Thread Andrew Coppin

Casey Hawthorne wrote:

I read somewhere that for 90% of a wide class of computing problems,
you only need 10% of the source code in Haskell, that you would in an
imperative language.

If this is true, it needs to be pushed.

And if by changing a few lines of source code one can develop a whole
family of similar applications, that needs to be pushed, also.


As one C++ expert I know is fond of telling me, Haskell will only 
become popular when obscure mathematics becomes popular.

You can argue about whether or not this is true. Myself I think we just 
need to start documenting things more clearly. (E.g., Mr C++ apparently 
spent half an hour trying to figure out why an expression wouldn't 
parse. Turns out you have to write negative numbers in brackets. Which 
isn't hard, but you have to already know this.)

I might also point out that 90% of all desktop computers run Windows, 
and yet every single C library binding on Hackage fails to compile on 
Windows. That really needs to be fixed. (Not to mention some of the 
standard I/O functions doing slightly strange things because GHC is 
calling POSIX compatibility functions rather than native I/O functions. 
For example, doesDirectoryExist C:\\ = False.)

The lack of a big shiny whizzy-looking IDE probably stops quite a few 
people too. (I gather the Leksah guys are working on that one.)

Lack of a good way to write native-looking Windows GUI applications - or 
indeed any GUI applications without requiring a stack of DLLs - probably 
doesn't help either.

None of these look fundamentally insumountable to me.

(Mr C++ argues that homo sapiens fundamentally think in an imperative 
way, and therefore functional programming in general will never be 
popular. We shall see...)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] [Haskell-beginners] Better way to retrieve data strucures from sql-db?

2009-09-30 Thread Paolo Losi
Hi Roman,

   Template Haskell should be the preferred way to
cope with these boilerplate code problems.

Template Haskell:

Note: I'm a beginner myself so please wait for a more informed response.


2009/9/28 Roman Naumann
 The following function converts the data read from an sql database to a
 player data structure.

 toPlayer    :: [SqlValue] - Player
 toPlayer sx = Player {
                 plID       = fromSql (sx!!0),
                 plAccount  = fromSql (sx!!1),
                 plForename = fromSql (sx!!2),
                 plSurename = fromSql (sx!!3),
                 plPos_x    = fromSql (sx!!4),
                 plPos_y    = fromSql (sx!!5)

 It appears to me, that I have to write this boilerplate code every time I
 introduce a new data structure that has to be read from the sql database.
 Can you think of a way to automate this?

 Thanks for your replies,
 Roman Naumann
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] I read somewhere that for 90% of a wide class of computing problems, you only need 10% of the source code in Haskell, that you would in an imperative language.

2009-09-30 Thread Deniz Dogan
2009/9/30 Andrew Coppin
 (Mr C++ argues that homo sapiens fundamentally think in an imperative way,
 and therefore functional programming in general will never be popular.

Sounds more like Mr C++ fundamentally thinks in an imperative way
because that's what he is used to.

I recently started working with C# and struggled for way too long with
for/foreach loops to do things that in Haskell could be expressed
using only folding, mapping and filtering. When I realised that those
ideas actually exist in System.Linq I suddenly started liking the
language a bit more.

txtCommaSeparatedNames.Text.Split(',').Select(x = x.Trim()).Where(x
= x.Length  0).Select(x = Convert.ToInt32(x)).ToList();

Ah, the joy of FP.

Deniz Dogan
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] I read somewhere that for 90% of a wide class of computing problems, you only need 10% of the source code in Haskell, that you would in an imperative language.

2009-09-30 Thread Peter Verswyvelen
Yep, LINQ makes C# more enjoyable :-)  Scala and haXe also look nice, a bit
of a mix between OCaml/F#, C#/Java and Haskell.
Besides the fact that hacking in Haskell is a great deal of fun, the main
reason I see for learning Haskell: it makes you a better programmer.  After
a couple of years of playing with Haskell, I can now solve problems that I
couldn't before. It's of course hard to tell if Haskell is the reason here,
or just experience, but I feel it really is Haskell (actually, functional
programming). Haskell made me see the world in a different way (and if I see
Oleg's and co's code, I still have an infinitely long road ahead.

The main reason why you should not learn Haskell: it's a bit of a drug;
after you learned Haskell, programming in an industrial strength language
suddenly feels like a waste of time, time better spent learning more

On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 10:26 AM, Deniz Dogan

 2009/9/30 Andrew Coppin
  (Mr C++ argues that homo sapiens fundamentally think in an imperative
  and therefore functional programming in general will never be popular.

 Sounds more like Mr C++ fundamentally thinks in an imperative way
 because that's what he is used to.

 I recently started working with C# and struggled for way too long with
 for/foreach loops to do things that in Haskell could be expressed
 using only folding, mapping and filtering. When I realised that those
 ideas actually exist in System.Linq I suddenly started liking the
 language a bit more.

 txtCommaSeparatedNames.Text.Split(',').Select(x = x.Trim()).Where(x
 = x.Length  0).Select(x = Convert.ToInt32(x)).ToList();

 Ah, the joy of FP.

 Deniz Dogan
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type synonyms vs standard types

2009-09-30 Thread Olex P
True. But anyway newtype creates a new type which is not what I'm looking
for. In this case instead of passing a string myAttrName user should pass
constructor as well. And the next step of such simplification will be a
smart constructor attrName? :) And that's all just to show user of that
function what kind of parameters function expects! :-D

On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 5:47 AM, wren ng thornton wrote:

 Olex P wrote:

 This idea with new level of abstraction is good but in some cases it can
 make things overcomplicated / less efficient. Does that mean leave simple
 built-in types as is?

 That's what newtypes are for. A newtype is like a type alias, except that
 it is type checked. All newtype wrappering/unwrappering is compiled away so
 the representations are the same. The only performance difference is (==
 should be) that there can be overhead for strange ways of providing
 typeclass instances.[1]

 [1] By strange ways of providing typeclass instances I mean things like

classPeano p where ...

data Z   = Z
newtype  S n = S n
instance Peano Zwhere ...
instance Peano n = Peano (S n) where ...

 instead of a straightforward

data ZorS   = Z | S Peano
instance Peano ZorS where ...

 Because of the newtype, the representation of (S n) is the same as the
 representation of Z, thus all peano numbers are the same size. However, we
 still need to keep that info around somewhere, and consequently the size of
 the (Peano n) dictionary is linear in n (because it needs a pointer to the
 (Peano (n-1)) dictionary, and so on until (Peano Z)).

 On the other hand, with the straightforward version, the size of (n ::
 ZorS) is linear in n, but the size of the (Peano ZorS) dictionary is

 Live well,
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] I read somewhere that for 90% of a wide class of computing problems, you only need 10% of the source code in Haskell, that you would in an imperative language.

2009-09-30 Thread Andrew Coppin

Deniz Dogan wrote:

2009/9/30 Andrew Coppin

(Mr C++ argues that homo sapiens fundamentally think in an imperative way,
and therefore functional programming in general will never be popular.

Sounds more like Mr C++ fundamentally thinks in an imperative way
because that's what he is used to.

Entirely plausible, yes.

Consider, for a moment, the task of counting how many elements there are 
in a linked list. The imperative way:

  Initialise counter to zero. Start at the beginning of the list. If 
we have reached the end of the list, return the counter. Otherwise, 
increase the counter by one and fetch the next list node.

The FP way:

  The size of an empty list is zero. The size of a nonempty list is 
one plus the sum of the suffix of the list.

It does read kind of like a riddle. It's not even immediately obvious 
that this is the entire definition. (Unless you already happen to be a 
maths nerd, like myself.)

The first one reads like a list of instructions explaining HOW to count 
the list size. The second reads more like a definition of WHAT the list 
size is. It doesn't immediately look like there's even a way to execute 
this. (They don't call it declarative programming for nothing...)

I note in passing that, even in English, the FP version is shorter. ;-)

I think if you wanted to count the size of a tree, it seems a lot more 
natural though:

  If this is a leaf node, return one. Otherwise: Initialise counter to 
zero. Count size of left subtree and add to counter. Count size of right 
subtree and add to counter. Return counter.
  The size of a leaf node is one. The size of a branch node is the sum 
of the sizes of the two subtrees.

Arguably most people are probably more accustomed to thinking in terms 
of do this, do that, do the other (think about, e.g., a cooking recipy 
or a task list) then they are to defining task goals as self-referential 

On the other hand, from what I've experienced, computer programming is 
already a task that some people get, and others simply don't. Maybe in 
another forty years, all programming will be functional programming, and 
anybody who doesn't get recursion just won't become a programmer? Who 

Ah, the joy of FP.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] convert a list of booleans into Word*

2009-09-30 Thread Paul . Brauner

I haven't found a function in hackage or in the standard library that
takes a list of booleans (or a list of 0s and 1s, or a tuple of booleans
or 0s and 1s) and outputs a Word8 or Word32.

I have written one which seems very inefficient :

toWord8 :: [Bool] - Word8
toWord8 bs = go 0 0 bs
  where go n r [] = r
go n r (b:bs) = go (n+1) (if b then setBit r n else clearBit r n) bs

Is there a better way to do this out there ?

(If it helps, i'm writting a toy compression algorithm, which outputs
binary as lists of booleans, and I'd like to output that in a file).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] convert a list of booleans into Word*

2009-09-30 Thread Andrew Coppin wrote:

(If it helps, i'm writting a toy compression algorithm, which outputs
binary as lists of booleans, and I'd like to output that in a file).

By a strange coincidence, I did the self same thing a while back.

There is Data.Binary which supports efficient reading and writing of 
binary data. However, sadly it does not support bit alignment, only 
whole byte alignment. I did put together a library to fix this, but I 
don't have the source code any more. Maybe I should finish it and put it 
on Hackage...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] I read somewhere that for 90% of a wide class of computing problems, you only need 10% of the source code in Haskell, that you would in an imperative language.

2009-09-30 Thread Salvatore Insalaco
On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 9:32 AM, Andrew Coppin wrote:
 I might also point out that 90% of all desktop computers run Windows, and
 yet every single C library binding on Hackage fails to compile on Windows.
 That really needs to be fixed. (Not to mention some of the standard I/O
 functions doing slightly strange things because GHC is calling POSIX
 compatibility functions rather than native I/O functions. For example,
 doesDirectoryExist C:\\ = False.)

This is a problem of C / Posix, not a problem of Haskell. Haskell C
bindings compile on Windows without issues IF the corrisponding
library is available. It is compiling the (usually posix) C library in
Windows the real issue.

Anyway, on Windows Vista, cmd.exe:

GHCi, version 6.10.4:  :? for help
Prelude :m System.Directory
Prelude System.Directory doesDirectoryExist C:\\

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] convert a list of booleans into Word*

2009-09-30 Thread Roel van Dijk
I wrote a few variants for fun. Probably equally inefficient. I
suggest you look at Data.Binary as Andrew suggested.

-- Your original function, but with a more generic type signature.
encodeBits :: Bits n = [Bool] - n
encodeBits bs = go 0 0 bs
  go n r [] = r
  go n r (b:bs) = go (n+1) (if b then setBit r n else clearBit r n) bs

-- Combine the flags with their index and then set bits when appropriate.
encodeBits2 :: Bits n = [Bool] - n
encodeBits2 = foldr (\(n, b) x - setBitIf b x n) 0 . zip [0..]
  setBitIf False x _ = x
  setBitIf True  x n = setBit x n

-- Shift the result left while constructing and only toggle the first bit.
encodeBits3 :: Bits n = [Bool] - n
encodeBits3 bs = foldr (\b x - setBitIf b (x `shiftL` 1)) 0 bs
  setBitIf False x = x
  setBitIf True  x = setBit x 0
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Any working example of using genericserialize?

2009-09-30 Thread Dimitry Golubovsky

I am trying to use the genericserialize package
( but cannot get
things working.

buildList (sexpSerialize [1, 2, 3])


(1 2 3)

as it might be expected, I cannot deserialize it back:

*Main (withList sexpDeserialize $ buildList (sexpSerialize [1, 2,
3])) :: Maybe [Integer]


*Main (withList sexpDeserialize $ buildList (sexpSerialize [1, 2,
3])) :: Maybe [Int]

while I would expect at least one of these cases result in Just [1, 2, 3]

What am I missing?


Dimitry Golubovsky

Anywhere on the Web
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] i am missing something really trivial with parsec

2009-09-30 Thread Brent Yorgey
On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 12:54:21AM -0700, Anatoly Yakovenko wrote:
 number = do { num - natural
 ; return $ num
 main = do
txt - hGetContents stdin
print $ parse number stdin txt
 why doesn't that work?

Could you be a little more specific?  What are you expecting to
happen, and what happens instead/what error message do you get?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] convert a list of booleans into Word*

2009-09-30 Thread Aai
Here's another approach for Bool lists with msb leftmost:

bitsToInt :: [Bool] - Integer
bitsToInt = foldr((.(flip shiftL 1)).(+)) 0. map (fromIntegral.fromEnum)

Hallo, je schreef op 30-09-09 11:18:

 I haven't found a function in hackage or in the standard library that
 takes a list of booleans (or a list of 0s and 1s, or a tuple of booleans
 or 0s and 1s) and outputs a Word8 or Word32.

 I have written one which seems very inefficient :

 toWord8 :: [Bool] - Word8
 toWord8 bs = go 0 0 bs
   where go n r [] = r
 go n r (b:bs) = go (n+1) (if b then setBit r n else clearBit r n) bs

 Is there a better way to do this out there ?

 (If it helps, i'm writting a toy compression algorithm, which outputs
 binary as lists of booleans, and I'd like to output that in a file).

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Met vriendelijke groet,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] convert a list of booleans into Word*

2009-09-30 Thread Aai
Sorry, msb rigthmost

 Here's another approach for Bool lists with msb leftmost:

 bitsToInt :: [Bool] - Integer
 bitsToInt = foldr((.(flip shiftL 1)).(+)) 0. map (fromIntegral.fromEnum)

 Hallo, je schreef op 30-09-09 11:18:

 I haven't found a function in hackage or in the standard library that
 takes a list of booleans (or a list of 0s and 1s, or a tuple of booleans
 or 0s and 1s) and outputs a Word8 or Word32.

 I have written one which seems very inefficient :

 toWord8 :: [Bool] - Word8
 toWord8 bs = go 0 0 bs
   where go n r [] = r
 go n r (b:bs) = go (n+1) (if b then setBit r n else clearBit r n) bs

 Is there a better way to do this out there ?

 (If it helps, i'm writting a toy compression algorithm, which outputs
 binary as lists of booleans, and I'd like to output that in a file).

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list


Met vriendelijke groet,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] suggestion for hslogger

2009-09-30 Thread Duncan Coutts
On Tue, 2009-09-29 at 14:31 -0400, Sean McLaughlin wrote:
   I have a program that does a lot of unicode manipulation.  I'd like
 to use hslogger to log various operations.
 However, since hslogger uses System.IO.putX, the unicode comes out
 mangled.  I hacked the source to
 use System.IO.UTF8 instead, but it would be nice if that was an option
 so I don't have to rehack the code
 whenever there is a new release.  

Note that this will Just Worktm in ghc-6.12. By default the System.IO
functions will use the locale encoding and convert to/from the Unicode
String type.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Fwd: [Haskell-cafe] Market Place for Haskell development teams?

2009-09-30 Thread Alberto G. Corona

2009/9/29 Curt Sampson

 On 2009-09-29 13:18 +0200 (Tue), Alberto G. Corona  wrote:

  Java is part of the Java platform, that brought OS independence and
  interoperability at the right time. .Download-execution on the client
  was also a reason for the initial success of Java in the Internet era.

 I was a die-hard Java hacker from 1999 until some undetermined time in
 the early-to-mid-2000s. (I abandoned it more or less completely sometime
 around late 2005, if I recall correctly.)

 This may be somewhat anecdotal evidence, but I disagree with both
 of your statements here.

Of course, I´m not talking about real advantages of Java or any PL. I told
about the reasons that people used at the time to introduce the language in
the mainstream, either is desirable this for haskell or not. I think it is.
 Nobody consider the runtime download of Java code important nowadays. Not
even the cross-platform features. but it was marketeed at his time as such.

  Rubi and Python came with libraries targeted to Rapid development of
  Internet applications.

 No, neither originally came with that.

Rubi and Pyton came into existencie without their internet libraries, but
they would´nt be popular without them. Although I conffess I don´t know the
history in detail.

  What is the vehicle that haskell can use to enter the mainstream?.

 That may be the wrong question. Avoid success at all costs still
 rings true to me. A year or so ago I seemed like one of the few on
 the haskell-libraries list voting in favour of fixing API problems in
 libraries, rather than etching in stone those problems in the name of
 backwards compatibility so that we could become more popular.

Said above. We have different goals.

 Do you really want, in 2020, to look back at the 2010 revision of the
 Haskell standard and think, we entrenched things that for a decade
 everybody agreed was dumb?

I see no problem in haskell having both. experimental and fixed versions.
Haskell 2020 for you and me and haskell 2010   for my commercial code. Both
woukd ve maintained and enriched by far more people.

 I can tell you, even when you're a Java enthusiast, there's nothing
 more depressing than looking at java.util.Date and thinking, That
 should have been immutable, but it's going to be mutable for the rest of
 eternity. We will never fix that.

 But let's try this again:

  What is the vehicle that haskell can use to enter the mainstream?.

 Become more stupid.

 Is that a better answer? I'm not just a geek; I do marketing too (this
 is what happens when you start your own company), and if you asked me,
 using the utmost of my technical knowledge and marketing skills, to make
 Haskell popular, this is what I'd recommend.

 Become more stupid may mean give exactly what the people want that
transaltes to be more stable, give libraries, platforms etc. That is not a
extra effor. that will come naturally as more people use the language. some
people is naturally more abstract. some are more practical.

 (I suppose it's a sign of my professionalism that to do this would
 nearly break my heart, but if you wanted me to tell you the best way to
 do this, and I couldn't tell you to get lost, that's what I'd say.)

  Many people will play with Haskell in the spare time, and many of them
  will be permitted to develop some non critical applications at work.
  But that is all.

 Hm. So I suppose that this options trading system I'm working on, which
 is the sole way our business makes money and is entirely written in
 Haskell, doesn't actually exist.


  I think that all the current niches are filled, but new niches  are

 Haskell already has a good niche. In fact, a brilliant one. We have
 a whole bunch of academics doing truly wonderful stuff (imagine the
 world without monads!--thank you Philip Wadler (and Eugenio Moggi))
 that the rest of us (relatively) dumb idiots can use to make our lives
 better. We've got several very good implementations of the language,
 one of which is a truly shit-hot compiler[1]. And we can use that to do
 commercial applications quite comfortably[2].

 Right. ;)

 My personal opinion is, yes, let's let Haskell stick to the niche where
 it's great, but it changes so fast that it's scary to everybody else. To
 echo Paul Graham, I'm extremely happy to see my competition use Java.

 [1] Like that's so important. Ruby's standard implementation to this day
 is an interpreter that implements all the popular extensions and has a
 reasonably decent FFI. In Haskell-land, we call that Hugs. It's only
 because we have GHC as well that we can look down on Hugs; in the Ruby
 (and Python, and PHP) worlds, they're saying that interpreters are just
 fine for all sorts of enterprise applications.

 [2] (Warning: self-promotion):

  Financial applications are an example of higher level programming
  where tasks usually 

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Any working example of using genericserialize?

2009-09-30 Thread Jason Dagit
On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 3:37 AM, Dimitry Golubovsky golubov...@gmail.comwrote:


 I am trying to use the genericserialize package
 ( but cannot get
 things working.

 buildList (sexpSerialize [1, 2, 3])


 (1 2 3)

 as it might be expected, I cannot deserialize it back:

 *Main (withList sexpDeserialize $ buildList (sexpSerialize [1, 2,
 3])) :: Maybe [Integer]


 *Main (withList sexpDeserialize $ buildList (sexpSerialize [1, 2,
 3])) :: Maybe [Int]

 while I would expect at least one of these cases result in Just [1, 2, 3]

 What am I missing?

I'm not sure.  I've never seen this library before, but I noticed this:
withList sexpDeserialize $ 12 :: Maybe Int
withList sexpDeserialize $ (12) :: Maybe [Int]
Just [12]

So it would seem that the sexpDeserialize is not handling the spaces in the
input.  But, I don't think that's the real problem, look at this:
withList sexpDeserialize $ \1 2 3\ :: Maybe String
Just 1 2 3

withList sexpDeserialize $ (\1 2 3\) :: Maybe String

withList sexpDeserialize $ (\1 2 3\) :: Maybe [String]
Just [1 2 3]

So, it seems that the parens are making it into a list.

But, this fails also:
withList sexpDeserialize $ (\1\ \2\ \3\) :: Maybe [String]

Seems like using withList is wrong or the deserializer is simply buggy.  It
certainly doesn't work the way I would expect SExp reading to work.  I also
notice from reading the source on hackage that there may not be any tests
for this package and it is a 0.1 release.  I'd contact the author, as it
seems there is a deficiency in the documentation or a bug in the

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] I read somewhere that for 90% of a wide class of computing problems, you only need 10% of the source code in Haskell, that you would in an imperative language.

2009-09-30 Thread Jochem Berndsen
Deniz Dogan wrote:
 2009/9/30 Andrew Coppin
 (Mr C++ argues that homo sapiens fundamentally think in an imperative way,
 and therefore functional programming in general will never be popular.
 Sounds more like Mr C++ fundamentally thinks in an imperative way
 because that's what he is used to.

This may or may not be true. It would be interesting to see some
research on this. Without that, I think we cannot decide either way.
Cheers, Jochem

Jochem Berndsen | | joc...@牛在田里.com
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Market Place for Haskell development teams?

2009-09-30 Thread John A. De Goes

The cross-platform features have been extremely important to the  
success of Java, because they have greatly expanded the number of  
libraries available to developers.

On Haskell Cafe, not a week goes by that Windows (and sometimes Mac)  
developers don't complain about not being able to use some Hackage  
library because of cross-platform issues. The actual number of people  
encountering these issues is orders of magnitude larger than the  
number of posts you see here. These issues impede the growth of  
Haskell significantly.

Moreover, the importance of cross-platform libraries on the Java  
platform is evinced by the fact that developers of major native  
libraries _always_ make their libraries cross-platform (Jogl,  
jmonkeyengine, swt, etc.). They wouldn't go to this trouble if it  
weren't something the community was demanding.

From a risk management perspective, a manager really likes the  
ability to seamlessly move across platforms and architectures without  
recompilation. 32 - 64? No problem. Linux - BSD? Sure, why not? Yes,  
I'm sure even Amazon, Yahoo, and Google make these kinds of  


John A. De Goes
N-Brain, Inc.
The Evolution of Collaboration|877-376-2724 x 101

On Sep 30, 2009, at 5:28 AM, Alberto G. Corona wrote:

Nobody consider the runtime download of Java code important  
nowadays. Not even the cross-platform features. but it was marketeed  
at his time as such.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Any generic serializer to String? was: Any working example of using genericserialize?

2009-09-30 Thread Dimitry Golubovsky

On 9/30/09, Jason Dagit wrote:


 Seems like using withList is wrong or the deserializer is simply buggy.  It
 certainly doesn't work the way I would expect SExp reading to work.  I also
 notice from reading the source on hackage that there may not be any tests
 for this package and it is a 0.1 release.  I'd contact the author, as it
 seems there is a deficiency in the documentation or a bug in the

Thanks Jason for trying this. The genericserialize package is probably
not finished yet.

What else exists that could be used to serialize in generic way (i.
e., anything that is an instance of Data and Typeable) into a string?
It does not need to be very efficient as structures to be serialized
are not huge (but may be pretty complex), and serialization is a part
of an utility not to be used frequently. It only needs to just work.

One thing I thought of was to serialize to JSON (there is a generic
serializer in one of packages although I did not test it other way)
which has higher overhead than S-expressions though.

Any other thoughts?


Dimitry Golubovsky

Anywhere on the Web
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] convert a list of booleans into Word*

2009-09-30 Thread Paul . Brauner
Thanks for the answers. I already had a look at Binary but, as said
above, it doesn't support bit manipulation, only bytes.

On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 11:18:03AM +0200, wrote:
 I haven't found a function in hackage or in the standard library that
 takes a list of booleans (or a list of 0s and 1s, or a tuple of booleans
 or 0s and 1s) and outputs a Word8 or Word32.
 I have written one which seems very inefficient :
 toWord8 :: [Bool] - Word8
 toWord8 bs = go 0 0 bs
   where go n r [] = r
 go n r (b:bs) = go (n+1) (if b then setBit r n else clearBit r n) bs
 Is there a better way to do this out there ?
 (If it helps, i'm writting a toy compression algorithm, which outputs
 binary as lists of booleans, and I'd like to output that in a file).
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] I read somewhere that for 90% of a wide class of computing problems, you only need 10% of the source code in Haskell, that you would in an imperative language.

2009-09-30 Thread Peter Verswyvelen
I really doubt people tend to think in either way. It's not even sure our
thinking can be modeled with computing no?
On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 1:58 PM, Jochem Berndsen wrote:

 Deniz Dogan wrote:
  2009/9/30 Andrew Coppin
  (Mr C++ argues that homo sapiens fundamentally think in an imperative
  and therefore functional programming in general will never be popular.
  Sounds more like Mr C++ fundamentally thinks in an imperative way
  because that's what he is used to.

 This may or may not be true. It would be interesting to see some
 research on this. Without that, I think we cannot decide either way.
 Cheers, Jochem

 Jochem Berndsen | | 
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Fwd: [Haskell-cafe] suggestion for hslogger

2009-09-30 Thread John Goerzen
If you want to send me a patch that makes it an option (not mandatory),
I would be happy to apply it.

-- John

Antoine Latter wrote:
 Forwarding on to the maintainer, in case he's not on the list.
 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Sean McLaughlin
 Date: Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 1:31 PM
 Subject: [Haskell-cafe] suggestion for hslogger
   I have a program that does a lot of unicode manipulation.  I'd like
 to use hslogger to log various operations.
 However, since hslogger uses System.IO.putX, the unicode comes out
 mangled.  I hacked the source to
 use System.IO.UTF8 instead, but it would be nice if that was an option
 so I don't have to rehack the code
 whenever there is a new release.
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] convert a list of booleans into Word*

2009-09-30 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Paul,

Wednesday, September 30, 2009, 1:18:03 PM, you wrote:

 I haven't found a function in hackage or in the standard library that
 takes a list of booleans (or a list of 0s and 1s, or a tuple of booleans
 or 0s and 1s) and outputs a Word8 or Word32.

sum . zipWith (*) (map (2^) [0..])

Best regards,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] convert a list of booleans into Word*

2009-09-30 Thread Jochem Berndsen
Bulat Ziganshin wrote:
 Hello Paul,

 Wednesday, September 30, 2009, 1:18:03 PM, you wrote:

 I haven't found a function in hackage or in the standard library that
 takes a list of booleans (or a list of 0s and 1s, or a tuple of booleans
 or 0s and 1s) and outputs a Word8 or Word32.

 sum . zipWith (*) (map (2^) [0..])

I'd turn this into
 sum . zipWith (*) (iterate (2*) 1)
, but it's probably not very important.

Regards, Jochem
Jochem Berndsen | | joc...@牛在田里.com
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] convert a list of booleans into Word*

2009-09-30 Thread Eugene Kirpichov
...Or let's fuse it.
sum . zipWith ((*).(2^)) [0..]

2009/9/30 Jochem Berndsen
 Bulat Ziganshin wrote:
 Hello Paul,

 Wednesday, September 30, 2009, 1:18:03 PM, you wrote:

 I haven't found a function in hackage or in the standard library that
 takes a list of booleans (or a list of 0s and 1s, or a tuple of booleans
 or 0s and 1s) and outputs a Word8 or Word32.

 sum . zipWith (*) (map (2^) [0..])

 I'd turn this into
 sum . zipWith (*) (iterate (2*) 1)
 , but it's probably not very important.

 Regards, Jochem
 Jochem Berndsen | | joc...@牛在田里.com
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Eugene Kirpichov
Web IR developer,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Any generic serializer to String? was: Any working example of using genericserialize?

2009-09-30 Thread Max Bolingbroke
FWIW, writing your own is not hard. I wrote a serializer for GHC using
Data in less than 150 (simple) LOC. It produces [Word8], but producing
strings instead would be easy. You can check out the code here:


2009/9/30 Dimitry Golubovsky

 On 9/30/09, Jason Dagit wrote:


 Seems like using withList is wrong or the deserializer is simply buggy.  It
 certainly doesn't work the way I would expect SExp reading to work.  I also
 notice from reading the source on hackage that there may not be any tests
 for this package and it is a 0.1 release.  I'd contact the author, as it
 seems there is a deficiency in the documentation or a bug in the

 Thanks Jason for trying this. The genericserialize package is probably
 not finished yet.

 What else exists that could be used to serialize in generic way (i.
 e., anything that is an instance of Data and Typeable) into a string?
 It does not need to be very efficient as structures to be serialized
 are not huge (but may be pretty complex), and serialization is a part
 of an utility not to be used frequently. It only needs to just work.

 One thing I thought of was to serialize to JSON (there is a generic
 serializer in one of packages although I did not test it other way)
 which has higher overhead than S-expressions though.

 Any other thoughts?


 Dimitry Golubovsky

 Anywhere on the Web
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Problem with result-type context restrictions in typeclasses.

2009-09-30 Thread Alexander Dunlap
I think

instance Bar (Ret c) = Foo c where

will do what you are asking.


On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 10:25 PM, DNM wrote:

 Dan, thanks again for the response.

 I changed my code to use type families to let each Cls instance (actually a
 more complicated instance in my code) determine which Bar instance type it
 will return, but this didn't seem to work.  The problem is that the client
 of the typeclass instance methds ('useThisStuff', which calls on 'toNum' and
 'foo' in the contrived example) expects some guarantee that (Ret c) is going
 to be an instance of Bar.  The actual client code I'm using complains when
 it sees that the associated type doesn't guarantee that an instance of the
 appropriate class is instantiated.  I don't see any way to guarantee this
 without adding a context restriction in the class-level definition of Ret c,
 something like:

 class Cls c where
   type Ret c :: (Bar *) = * -- or a better name
   foo :: c - Ret c

 which isn't legal Haskell.  What I want to say is define Ret c however you
 want, but make sure it is an instance of Bar in the *class-level definition
 of Ret c*, so that any client of 'Cls' will know that Ret c will be

 Maybe I'm missing some subtlety of type families...

 Any suggestions?


 Daniel Peebles wrote:

 In your class, you have:

 class Cls c where
    foo :: (Bar b) = c - b

 There's an implicit forall for b, meaning that the caller of the
 method gets to choose what it wants for b (as long as it's an instance
 of Bar). For you to be able to write such a method you'd need to write
 functions that can return any instance of Bar. One solution to this is
 to turn on the GHC extension -XTypeFamilies, and then modify your code
 as follows:

 class Cls c where
    type Ret c :: * -- or a better name
    foo :: c - Ret c

 instance Cls G where
    type Ret G = FU
    foo = fuu

 That should work (although I haven't tested it).

 What type families do in this case is allow you to write not only
 methods associated with typeclasses, but type functions associated
 with them too. In this case you can think of Ret as a function that
 takes a type (G in the instance above) and returns another type (FU).
 Each instance can define new mappings for Ret.

 Hope this helps!

 On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 10:48 PM, DNM wrote:
 Correction by the author:

 It seems that ghc doesn't like the fact that I am saying 'foo' must
 return a class 'b' of typeclass 'Bar', while providing a function that
 returns a concrete data instance of 'Bar' (viz., FU or FI) later on
 when I implement 'foo' in each type classes.

 Should read:

 It seems that ghc doesn't like the fact that I am saying 'foo' must
 return something of TYPE 'b' implementing typeclass 'Bar', while
 a function that returns a concrete data instance of 'Bar' (viz., FU or
 later on when I implement 'foo' in each type classes.

 On Sep 29, 10:43 pm, DNM wrote:
 N.B. I'm a newbie to Haskell, and this problem is a bit complex, so
 bear with me.

 I'm using typeclasses to implement a sort of common interface for all
 things -- call them things of type 'Cls' -- that can be expected to
 implement a set of functions -- an 'interface' in OOP-speak.  (Yes,
 yes, I'm aware that typeclasses are subtly different and far superior,
 but my Haskell-ese is still a bit rudimentary.)

 Essentially, I want to have a typeclass that expects its instances to
 have an accessor function that results in something that is an
 instance of another typeclass whose instances can perform some
 operation.   The ghc type-checker doesn't seem to like my code,
 though, and I can't seem to figure out why.

 To make it concrete, I've typed up some dummy typeclasses and a dummy
 function that uses their instances to illustrate what I mean, as well
 as the form of the ghc(i) error.

 class Cls c where
     foo :: (Bar b) = c - b

 class Bar b where
     toNum :: b - Int

 -- | One implementation of Cls
 data D = D {fu :: FU}
 data FU = FU {num :: Int}

 instance Cls D where
     foo = fu
 instance Bar FU  where
     toNum f = (num f) + 47

 -- | Another implementation of Cls
 data E = E {fi :: FI}
 data FI = FI {nuum :: Int}

 instance Cls E where
     foo = fi
 instance Bar FI where
     toNum f = (nuum f) + 100

 -- | Yet another (this one re-uses FI)
 data F = F {fii :: FI}

 instance Cls F where
     foo = fii

 -- | And one last one, just to stress that
 --   I really need to implement multiple
 --  instances of Cls.
 data G = G {fuu :: FU}

 instance Cls G where
     foo = fuu

 -- | Good. Now, the function 'useThisStuff' need
 --   not know anything about it's payload
 --   other than that it its args are Cls's
 --   (hence they are foo'able things that
 --   can be used to construct an Int answer).
 useThisStuff :: (Cls x, Cls y) = x - y - Int
 useThisStuff x y =
     (toNum $ foo x) + (toNum $ foo y)

[Haskell-cafe] New OpenGL package: efficient way to convert datatypes?

2009-09-30 Thread Peter Verswyvelen
The newest package seems to require using GLdouble/GLfloat.

What is the most efficient way to convert Double/Float to GLdouble/GLfloat?
I'm currently using realToFrac. But essentially the operation should be a
nop on my machine.

I haven't looked at the core code yet (on Windows, last time I checked, the
ghc-core util did not work, and without it, reading core is even harder)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] I read somewhere that for 90% of a wide classof computing problems, you only need 10% of the source code in Haskell, that you would in an imperative language.

2009-09-30 Thread Kalani Thielen
 As one C++ expert I know is fond of telling me, Haskell will only
 become popular when obscure mathematics becomes popular.

That might be true, but the calculus and even arithmetic were once considered 
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] I read somewhere that for 90% of a wide classof computing problems, you only need 10% of the source code in Haskell, that you would in an imperative language.

2009-09-30 Thread Peter Verswyvelen
Mmm, to the average student calculus is still very obscure ;-)
On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 3:56 PM, Kalani Thielen wrote:

   As one C++ expert I know is fond of telling me, Haskell will only
  become popular when obscure mathematics becomes popular.
 That might be true, but the calculus and even arithmetic were once
 considered obscure.

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] Any generic serializer to String? was: Any working example of using genericserialize?

2009-09-30 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Max,

Wednesday, September 30, 2009, 5:53:37 PM, you wrote:

afaik, SYB just provides gshow/gread functions what serialize any Data
instance to String

 FWIW, writing your own is not hard. I wrote a serializer for GHC using
 Data in less than 150 (simple) LOC. It produces [Word8], but producing
 strings instead would be easy. You can check out the code here:


 2009/9/30 Dimitry Golubovsky

 On 9/30/09, Jason Dagit wrote:


 Seems like using withList is wrong or the deserializer is simply buggy.  It
 certainly doesn't work the way I would expect SExp reading to work.  I also
 notice from reading the source on hackage that there may not be any tests
 for this package and it is a 0.1 release.  I'd contact the author, as it
 seems there is a deficiency in the documentation or a bug in the

 Thanks Jason for trying this. The genericserialize package is probably
 not finished yet.

 What else exists that could be used to serialize in generic way (i.
 e., anything that is an instance of Data and Typeable) into a string?
 It does not need to be very efficient as structures to be serialized
 are not huge (but may be pretty complex), and serialization is a part
 of an utility not to be used frequently. It only needs to just work.

 One thing I thought of was to serialize to JSON (there is a generic
 serializer in one of packages although I did not test it other way)
 which has higher overhead than S-expressions though.

 Any other thoughts?


 Dimitry Golubovsky

 Anywhere on the Web
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Best regards,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] Any generic serializer to String? was: Any working example of using genericserialize?

2009-09-30 Thread Dimitry Golubovsky

OK, gread/gshow seem to be like the basis primitives. If they work
properly, then it is what is needed.


On 9/30/09, Bulat Ziganshin wrote:
 Hello Max,

 Wednesday, September 30, 2009, 5:53:37 PM, you wrote:

 afaik, SYB just provides gshow/gread functions what serialize any Data
 instance to String

  FWIW, writing your own is not hard. I wrote a serializer for GHC using
  Data in less than 150 (simple) LOC. It produces [Word8], but producing
  strings instead would be easy. You can check out the code here:

Dimitry Golubovsky

Anywhere on the Web
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] convert a list of booleans into Word*

2009-09-30 Thread Aai
Very fast for long boolean lists by using a strict foldl and reversing
the input:

bsToInt :: [Bool] - Integer
bsToInt = foldl' ((.fromIntegral.fromEnum).(+).join(+)) 0. reverse

Try this:

(1) $ bsToInt $ take 10 $ cycle [True,True,False,True,True,False,True]

 bitsToInt :: [Bool] - Integer
 bitsToInt = foldr((.(flip shiftL 1)).(+)) 0. map (fromIntegral.fromEnum)


Met vriendelijke groet,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Fwd: frag game-compiling error

2009-09-30 Thread Gwern Branwen
On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 11:36 AM, selahaddin wrote:

 Lyndon Maydwell wrote:


 This would probably be the place to start.

 Ok,I managed to get past the error like this:

 newMatrix ColumnMajor [realToFrac r00,realToFrac r01,realToFrac
 r02,realToFrac r03,
                          realToFrac r10,realToFrac r11,realToFrac
 r12,realToFrac r13,
                          realToFrac r20,realToFrac r21,realToFrac
 r22,realToFrac r23,
                          realToFrac r30,realToFrac r31,realToFrac
 r32,realToFrac r33]

 So Quaternion.hs compiled fine,but now it gives error messages in another
 As far as I understand, this games code is incompatible with the new version
 of haskell opengl libraries.
 Am I right?

A style note: it looks to me like it'd be better to write 'newMatrix
columnMajor $ map realToFrac $ [r1...'

Did that get Frag compiling  working? If it did, perhaps you could
send in a patch to dons, who is the listed maintainer of frag.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: I read somewhere that for 90% of a wide class of computing problems, you only need 10% of the source code in Haskell, that you would in an imperative language.

2009-09-30 Thread Stefan Monnier
 I might also point out that 90% of all desktop computers run Windows, and
 yet every single C library binding on Hackage fails to compile on
 Windows.  That really needs to be fixed.

Luckily, this is being fixed ... by the Free Software movement.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] I read somewhere that for 90% of a wide class of computing problems, you only need 10% of the source code in Haskell, that you would in an imperative language.

2009-09-30 Thread Andrew Coppin

Peter Verswyvelen wrote:
I really doubt people tend to think in either way. It's not even sure 
our thinking can be modeled with computing no?

Well, try this: Go ask a random person how you add up a list of numbers. 
Most of them will say something about adding the first two together, 
adding the third to that total, and so forth. In other words, the step 
by step instructions. Very few of them will answer that the sum of an 
empty list is defined to be zero, and the sum of a non-empty list is 
defined to be the first number plus the sum of the list tail.

Then again, few non-programmers will set anything about creating a 
counter variable and initialising it to zero either; this is a 
programming artifact. (Humans don't think like this internally, but 
most programming languages conceptually require it.) Nobody has much 
difficulty with this, so maybe the only problem with Haskell is that 
everybody learns to program the other way first, before they get to 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] I read somewhere that for 90% of a wide class of computing problems, you only need 10% of the source code in Haskell, that you would in an imperative language.

2009-09-30 Thread David Leimbach
On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 12:32 AM, Andrew Coppin

 Casey Hawthorne wrote:

 I read somewhere that for 90% of a wide class of computing problems,
 you only need 10% of the source code in Haskell, that you would in an
 imperative language.

 If this is true, it needs to be pushed.

 And if by changing a few lines of source code one can develop a whole
 family of similar applications, that needs to be pushed, also.


 As one C++ expert I know is fond of telling me, Haskell will only become
 popular when obscure mathematics becomes popular.

 You can argue about whether or not this is true. Myself I think we just
 need to start documenting things more clearly. (E.g., Mr C++ apparently
 spent half an hour trying to figure out why an expression wouldn't parse.
 Turns out you have to write negative numbers in brackets. Which isn't hard,
 but you have to already know this.)

It's clear Haskell has become popular, and without the need for the obscure
math.  (though I have to admit, I find the math highly interesting, yet I'm
quite the novice)

 I might also point out that 90% of all desktop computers run Windows, and
 yet every single C library binding on Hackage fails to compile on Windows.
 That really needs to be fixed. (Not to mention some of the standard I/O
 functions doing slightly strange things because GHC is calling POSIX
 compatibility functions rather than native I/O functions. For example,
 doesDirectoryExist C:\\ = False.)


 The lack of a big shiny whizzy-looking IDE probably stops quite a few
 people too. (I gather the Leksah guys are working on that one.)

I personally have found 2 IDEs to be worth bothering with in my entire
life.  One is Visual Studio. The other is Borland's Turbo C++ 3.0 IDE for
DOS.  (I even coerced it to run on my 16MHz 286 geeze 16MHz was fast
back then :-) )

 Lack of a good way to write native-looking Windows GUI applications - or
 indeed any GUI applications without requiring a stack of DLLs - probably
 doesn't help either.

 None of these look fundamentally insumountable to me.

 (Mr C++ argues that homo sapiens fundamentally think in an imperative way,
 and therefore functional programming in general will never be popular. We
 shall see...)

I think that's a bunch of garbage :-).  People think algorithmically, or we
wouldn't design algorithms to deal with complexity.  Algorithms very often
have steps that are quite imperative, but many of the sub-pieces of a step
are clearly pure and functional.

Being able to see the difference in a set of instructions, and being able to
isolate them, can be quite a powerful way to break a problem down to a
manageable set of steps.

If it wasn't, Functional Programming would have died long ago, and it
clearly hasn't, and is gaining ground.  See F#, Erlang, O'Caml, and Haskell.
 I don't think you can argue with the quantitative data that is the user
base.  The number of people in #haskell on freenode, or the subscribers on

People are paying attention and trying it out.  Whether haskell will
completely fail to Avoid success at all costs or not is hard to say :-).
 In fact, Intel is porting their concurrent collections libraries to Haskell

How's that for an endorsement?  (It *was* just a C++ library).  Tell your
friend to stick that in their pipe and smoke it... then pass it to me! :-)


 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Market Place for Haskell development teams?

2009-09-30 Thread Robert Wills
fwiw I found it difficult getting a Haskell installation onto Windows.  
Packages that would 'cabal install' just fine on Linux were much more of 
a pain on Windows.  Eventually, I actually found it easiest to cross 
compile to Windows using wine:

wine HaskellPlatform-2009.2.0.2-setup.exe
wine cabal
wine cabal install yst

The resulting yst.exe seems to work fine on actual Windows machines.  
Quite cool I thought as I prefer to stay in Linux, but if you're 
starting from a Windows based development environment, Haskell does seem 


John A. De Goes wrote:

The cross-platform features have been extremely important to the 
success of Java, because they have greatly expanded the number of 
libraries available to developers.

On Haskell Cafe, not a week goes by that Windows (and sometimes Mac) 
developers don't complain about not being able to use some Hackage 
library because of cross-platform issues. The actual number of people 
encountering these issues is orders of magnitude larger than the 
number of posts you see here. These issues impede the growth of 
Haskell significantly.

Moreover, the importance of cross-platform libraries on the Java 
platform is evinced by the fact that developers of major native 
libraries _always_ make their libraries cross-platform (Jogl, 
jmonkeyengine, swt, etc.). They wouldn't go to this trouble if it 
weren't something the community was demanding.

From a risk management perspective, a manager really likes the ability 
to seamlessly move across platforms and architectures without 
recompilation. 32 - 64? No problem. Linux - BSD? Sure, why not? Yes, 
I'm sure even Amazon, Yahoo, and Google make these kinds of 


John A. De Goes
N-Brain, Inc.
The Evolution of Collaboration|877-376-2724 x 101

On Sep 30, 2009, at 5:28 AM, Alberto G. Corona wrote:

Nobody consider the runtime download of Java code important nowadays. 
Not even the cross-platform features. but it was marketeed at his 
time as such.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] New OpenGL package: efficient way to convert datatypes?

2009-09-30 Thread Roel van Dijk
If you are *really* sure that the runtime representation is the same
you could use usafeCoerce. You could use a small test function for
profiling, something like:

convertGLfloat :: GLfloat - Float
convertGLFloat = realToFrac
-- convertGLFloat = unsafeCoerce

and toggle between the two (assuming you won't get a segmentation fault).

Another option is to not convert at all but use the GL types
everywhere. Either explicitly or by exploiting polymorphism.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] I read somewhere that for 90% of a wide class of computing problems, you only need 10% of the source code in Haskell, that you would in an imperative language.

2009-09-30 Thread Peter Verswyvelen
Sure, but it doesn't mean that because someone uses an imperative way of
counting, that it means people's brains work imperatively all the way.
People tend to talk and communicate a lot in a declarative way no? For
example ask someone that doesn't know programming how he we would make a
paddleball game. I have no idea what that person would say, but I think it
would something like: I tell the computer that the paddle should move along
with the mouse; and when the ball bounces against the paddle, the ball
reverses direction; if the paddle misses the ball, it's game over. I don't
think anybody would say: each frame, the ball's position moves by a tiny
timestep; when the mouse is sampled, copy the mouse position to the paddle;

On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 4:43 PM, Andrew Coppin

 Peter Verswyvelen wrote:

 I really doubt people tend to think in either way. It's not even sure our
 thinking can be modeled with computing no?

 Well, try this: Go ask a random person how you add up a list of numbers.
 Most of them will say something about adding the first two together, adding
 the third to that total, and so forth. In other words, the step by step
 instructions. Very few of them will answer that the sum of an empty list is
 defined to be zero, and the sum of a non-empty list is defined to be the
 first number plus the sum of the list tail.

 Then again, few non-programmers will set anything about creating a counter
 variable and initialising it to zero either; this is a programming
 artifact. (Humans don't think like this internally, but most programming
 languages conceptually require it.) Nobody has much difficulty with this, so
 maybe the only problem with Haskell is that everybody learns to program the
 other way first, before they get to Haskell...

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] New OpenGL package: efficient way to convert datatypes?

2009-09-30 Thread Peter Verswyvelen
I don't want to use the GL types directly since the OpenGL renderer is not
exposes in the rest of the API.
I was hoping that realToFrac would be a nop in case it would be identical to
an unsafeCoerce.

I guess one could make rules for that, but this tickets makes me wander if
that really works:

On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 4:58 PM, Roel van Dijk vandijk.r...@gmail.comwrote:

 If you are *really* sure that the runtime representation is the same
 you could use usafeCoerce. You could use a small test function for
 profiling, something like:

 convertGLfloat :: GLfloat - Float
 convertGLFloat = realToFrac
 -- convertGLFloat = unsafeCoerce

 and toggle between the two (assuming you won't get a segmentation fault).

 Another option is to not convert at all but use the GL types
 everywhere. Either explicitly or by exploiting polymorphism.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] I read somewhere that for 90% of a wide class of computing problems, you only need 10% of the source code in Haskell, that you would in an imperative language.

2009-09-30 Thread Daniel Fischer
Am Mittwoch 30 September 2009 09:32:08 schrieb Andrew Coppin:
 I might also point out that 90% of all desktop computers run Windows,
 and yet every single C library binding on Hackage fails to compile on
 Windows. That really needs to be fixed.

Contribute your share, switch to Linux or BSD 8-)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Market Place for Haskell development teams?

2009-09-30 Thread Justin Bailey
On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 7:54 AM, Robert Wills wrote:
 fwiw I found it difficult getting a Haskell installation onto Windows.
  Packages that would 'cabal install' just fine on Linux were much more of a
 pain on Windows.  Eventually, I actually found it easiest to cross compile
 to Windows using wine:

The only time I have trouble with a Haskell library is when it
requires some foreign library that isn't Windows friendly. HSQL and yi
are two examples I remember from some time ago. However, many
libraries are just fine: HDBC, lhs2tex, hlint, for example.

The Haskell Platform has made this even simpler because I have a
compatible base that I know will work.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Fwd: frag game-compiling error

2009-09-30 Thread Don Stewart
 On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 11:36 AM, selahaddin wrote:
  Lyndon Maydwell wrote:
  This would probably be the place to start.
  Ok,I managed to get past the error like this:
  newMatrix ColumnMajor [realToFrac r00,realToFrac r01,realToFrac
  r02,realToFrac r03,
                           realToFrac r10,realToFrac r11,realToFrac
  r12,realToFrac r13,
                           realToFrac r20,realToFrac r21,realToFrac
  r22,realToFrac r23,
                           realToFrac r30,realToFrac r31,realToFrac
  r32,realToFrac r33]
  So Quaternion.hs compiled fine,but now it gives error messages in another
  As far as I understand, this games code is incompatible with the new version
  of haskell opengl libraries.
  Am I right?
 A style note: it looks to me like it'd be better to write 'newMatrix
 columnMajor $ map realToFrac $ [r1...'
 Did that get Frag compiling  working? If it did, perhaps you could
 send in a patch to dons, who is the listed maintainer of frag.

Please send patches!
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Splitting data and function declarations over multiple files

2009-09-30 Thread Peter Verswyvelen
I guess this is related to the expression problem.
Suppose I have a datatype

*data Actor = Ball ... | Paddle ... | Wall ...*

and a function

*move (Ball ...) = *
*move (Paddle ...) = *
*move (Wall ...) = *

in Haskell one must put *Actor* and *move* into a single file.

This is rather cumbersome if you work with multiple people or want to keep
the files small and readable.

Surely it is possible to use type classes, existentials, etc to split the
data type into multiple ones, but that's already advanced stuff in a sense.

But wouldn't it be possible to allow these to be put into multiple files,
and let the compiler merge them back into one? A bit like C#'s partial

in file Ball.hs:
*partial data Actor = Ball ...*
*move (Ball ...) =*

in Paddle.hs
*partial data Actor = Paddle ...*
*move (Paddle ...) =*

The compiler would then merge all partial data types and functions into one.

As far as no overlap exists in the pattern matches in move, so that the
order of the pattern matches does not matter at all, the partial trick
should be possible no?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Splitting data and function declarations over multiple files

2009-09-30 Thread Niklas Broberg
Hi Peter,

sounds to me you want to have a look at Open Data Types and Open
Functions by Andres Löh and Ralf Hinze:



On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 5:54 PM, Peter Verswyvelen wrote:
 I guess this is related to the expression problem.
 Suppose I have a datatype
 data Actor = Ball ... | Paddle ... | Wall ...
 and a function
 move (Ball ...) =
 move (Paddle ...) =
 move (Wall ...) =
 in Haskell one must put Actor and move into a single file.
 This is rather cumbersome if you work with multiple people or want to keep
 the files small and readable.
 Surely it is possible to use type classes, existentials, etc to split the
 data type into multiple ones, but that's already advanced stuff in a sense.
 But wouldn't it be possible to allow these to be put into multiple files,
 and let the compiler merge them back into one? A bit like C#'s partial
 in file Ball.hs:
 partial data Actor = Ball ...
 move (Ball ...) =
 in Paddle.hs
 partial data Actor = Paddle ...
 move (Paddle ...) =
 The compiler would then merge all partial data types and functions into one.
 As far as no overlap exists in the pattern matches in move, so that the
 order of the pattern matches does not matter at all, the partial trick
 should be possible no?

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Cal, Clojure, Groovy, Haskell, OCaml, etc.

2009-09-30 Thread namekuseijin
On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 11:50 PM, Hong Yang wrote:
 learn and use. In my humble opinion, Haskell has a lot of libraries, but
 most of them offer few examples of how to use the modules. In this regards,
 Perl is much much better.

The Perl call is spot on.  Specially because Haskell has been
incorporating so much syntatic sugar that it's almost looking Perlish
noise already:

import Data.Array.Diff
import Data.IArray

update :: (Char - [Int]) - DiffArray Int ModP - Char - DiffArray Int ModP
update lookup arr c = arr // (map calc . lookup $ c)
   calc i = (i, (arr ! i) + (arr ! (i-1)))

solve line sol = (foldl' (update lookup) iArray line) ! snd (bounds iArray)
   iArray = listArray (0, length sol) $ 1 : map (const 0) sol
   lookup c = map (+1) . findIndices (== c) $ sol

I've not been following Haskell too much and am completely lost when
reading code like that.  I understand (+1), : and ! but what the hell
are . and $ for?
And that weird monad symbol in the Haskell logo is not even used! =
Not quite the worst example of such line noise much of Haskell
idiomatic code uses nowadays, though.

Point is:  = . $ : ! `` and meaningful whitespace are all nice
shortcuts, but also hairy confusing...
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Cal, Clojure, Groovy, Haskell, OCaml, etc.

2009-09-30 Thread Michael Snoyman
On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 6:45 PM, namekuseijin namekusei...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 11:50 PM, Hong Yang wrote:
  learn and use. In my humble opinion, Haskell has a lot of libraries, but
  most of them offer few examples of how to use the modules. In this
  Perl is much much better.

 The Perl call is spot on.  Specially because Haskell has been
 incorporating so much syntatic sugar that it's almost looking Perlish
 noise already:

 import Data.Array.Diff
 import Data.IArray

 update :: (Char - [Int]) - DiffArray Int ModP - Char - DiffArray Int
 update lookup arr c = arr // (map calc . lookup $ c)
   calc i = (i, (arr ! i) + (arr ! (i-1)))

 solve line sol = (foldl' (update lookup) iArray line) ! snd (bounds iArray)
   iArray = listArray (0, length sol) $ 1 : map (const 0) sol
   lookup c = map (+1) . findIndices (== c) $ sol

 I've not been following Haskell too much and am completely lost when
 reading code like that.  I understand (+1), : and ! but what the hell
 are . and $ for?
 And that weird monad symbol in the Haskell logo is not even used! =
 Not quite the worst example of such line noise much of Haskell
 idiomatic code uses nowadays, though.

 Point is:  = . $ : ! `` and meaningful whitespace are all nice
 shortcuts, but also hairy confusing...

I overall agree with the sentiment (I avoid declaring operators at all
costs), but the example is a bad one. $, ., and = are all very basic to
Haskell, and should be picked up almost immediately. As far as becoming line
noise like Perl, well, I happen to like Perl :).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Splitting data and function declarations over multiple files

2009-09-30 Thread Ryan Ingram
On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 8:54 AM, Peter Verswyvelen bugf...@gmail.comwrote:

 I guess this is related to the expression problem.

Actually, this is exactly the expression problem :)

 Suppose I have a datatype

 *data Actor = Ball ... | Paddle ... | Wall ...*

 and a function

 *move (Ball ...) = *
 *move (Paddle ...) = *
 *move (Wall ...) = *

 in Haskell one must put *Actor* and *move* into a single file.

 This is rather cumbersome if you work with multiple people or want to keep
 the files small and readable.

 Surely it is possible to use type classes, existentials, etc to split the
 data type into multiple ones, but that's already advanced stuff in a sense.

Yes, and type classes are the current solution.  I think the most elegant
solution right now is provided by Data Types a la Carte; see

 But wouldn't it be possible to allow these to be put into multiple files,
 and let the compiler merge them back into one? A bit like C#'s partial

 in file Ball.hs:
 *partial data Actor = Ball ...*
 *move (Ball ...) =*

 in Paddle.hs
 *partial data Actor = Paddle ...*
 *move (Paddle ...) =*

 The compiler would then merge all partial data types and functions into

 As far as no overlap exists in the pattern matches in move, so that the
 order of the pattern matches does not matter at all, the partial trick
 should be possible no?

Yes, that's true.  There's some good reading about this proposal here:

  -- ryan
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Cal, Clojure, Groovy, Haskell, OCaml, etc.

2009-09-30 Thread Tom Tobin
On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 11:45 AM, namekuseijin wrote:
 I've not been following Haskell too much and am completely lost when
 reading code like that.  I understand (+1), : and ! but what the hell
 are . and $ for?

Function composition and lowest-precedence function application, respectively.

 And that weird monad symbol in the Haskell logo is not even used! =
 Not quite the worst example of such line noise much of Haskell
 idiomatic code uses nowadays, though.

That's the monadic bind operator.  As far as sugar, I think you've got
it backwards — the do syntax is sugar for = and friends.  :-)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Haskell for Physicists

2009-09-30 Thread edgar

I will give a seminar to physicists at USP (Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil) 
university and they asked me for a good title, something that can attract 
physicists. Anyone has some suggestions? (Will be
a seminar about the use of Haskell to substitute C or Fortran
in a lot of tasks, and how it can be used in some problems instead of 
Matlab, Mathematica, etc.)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell for Physicists

2009-09-30 Thread Alex Queiroz

On 9/30/09, wrote:

  I will give a seminar to physicists at USP (Universidade de São Paulo, 
 Brazil) university and they asked me for a good title, something that can 
 attract physicists. Anyone has some suggestions? (Will be
  a seminar about the use of Haskell to substitute C or Fortran
  in a lot of tasks, and how it can be used in some problems instead of
  Matlab, Mathematica, etc.)

Haskell for physicists ?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell for Physicists

2009-09-30 Thread Ted Nyman
Some ideas of highly variable quality:

Getting Functional with Physics
Bosons, Fermions, and Monads? Haskell for Physicists
Purer Programming for Physicists
Use Haskell for Physics, and Say 'C'-You-Later

- ted

On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 10:42 AM, wrote:


 I will give a seminar to physicists at USP (Universidade de São Paulo,
 Brazil) university and they asked me for a good title, something that can
 attract physicists. Anyone has some suggestions? (Will be
 a seminar about the use of Haskell to substitute C or Fortran
 in a lot of tasks, and how it can be used in some problems instead of
 Matlab, Mathematica, etc.)

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Fwd: Uniplate + strict fields = fail. Why?

2009-09-30 Thread Dmitry Astapov

I've been playing with generics in general (pardon the pun) and Uniplate in
particular, and found out that strict data fields somehow derail Uniplate.

=== code ===

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module Test where

import Data.Generics (Data(..),Typeable(..))
import Data.Generics.PlateData
import Data.ByteString
import Data.ByteString.Char8 as C

data Foo = Foo String deriving (Show, Data, Typeable)

tst1 = [ Foo a, Foo b ]
test1 = [ show x | Foo x - universeBi tst1 ]

-- *Test test1
-- [\a\,\b\]

data Bar = Bar ByteString deriving (Show, Data, Typeable)

tst2 = [ Bar (C.pack a), Bar (C.pack b) ]

test2 = [ show x | Bar x - universeBi tst2 ]

-- *Test test2
-- *** Exception: Prelude.undefined
=== end of code ===

First, I thought that instance of Data for ByteString is somehow deficient,
but this is not the case.

If you change definition of Foo to data Foo = Foo !String, you would get
the same error with Prelude.undefined.

Since all fields in ByteString constructors are strict, I have no joy trying
to use it with Uniplate.

Howere, my type-foo is not strong enough to understand what's wrong. Could
someone give me a hint?

ghc 6.10.4

Neil Mitchell is receiving a copy of this email

Dmitry Astapov
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] I read somewhere that for 90% of a wide classof computing problems, you only need 10% of the source code in Haskell, that you would in an imperative language.

2009-09-30 Thread Khudyakov Alexey
В сообщении от 30 сентября 2009 18:05:28 Peter Verswyvelen написал:

 On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 3:56 PM, Kalani Thielen wrote:
  That might be true, but the calculus and even arithmetic were once
  considered obscure.

 Mmm, to the average student calculus is still very obscure ;-)

Really? One professor said that it's possible to teach monkey to differentiate. 
In principle I agree with him (-;
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] I read somewhere that for 90% of a wide class of computing problems, you only need 10% of the source code in Haskell, that you would in an imperative language.

2009-09-30 Thread Khudyakov Alexey
В сообщении от 30 сентября 2009 15:58:40 Jochem Berndsen написал:
 Deniz Dogan wrote:
  2009/9/30 Andrew Coppin
  (Mr C++ argues that homo sapiens fundamentally think in an imperative
  way, and therefore functional programming in general will never be
  Sounds more like Mr C++ fundamentally thinks in an imperative way
  because that's what he is used to.
 This may or may not be true. It would be interesting to see some
 research on this. Without that, I think we cannot decide either way.
 Cheers, Jochem
One of my first impressiions with haskell was absence of impendance mismatch 
between my thoughts and my code. This is not nessesarily true for everyone 
because people has different ways of thinking I beleive.

P.S. And haskell doesn't have tendency to eat brain away like C++ does.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell for Physicists

2009-09-30 Thread Khudyakov Alexey
В сообщении от 30 сентября 2009 21:42:57 написал:
 I will give a seminar to physicists at USP (Universidade de São Paulo,
  Brazil) university and they asked me for a good title, something that can
  attract physicists. Anyone has some suggestions? (Will be a seminar about
  the use of Haskell to substitute C or Fortran
 in a lot of tasks, and how it can be used in some problems instead of
 Matlab, Mathematica, etc.)
What area of physics? They all face somewhat different problems from 

Could you publish your slides from seminar (if any) and even if they are in 
Spanish (nothing is impossible for man with a dictionary)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] convert a list of booleans into Word*

2009-09-30 Thread Eduard Sergeev

Bulat Ziganshin-2 wrote:
 sum . zipWith (*) (map (2^) [0..])

foldr1 $ \b - (+b) . (*2)

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell for Physicists

2009-09-30 Thread Jochem Berndsen
Khudyakov Alexey wrote:
 В сообщении от 30 сентября 2009 21:42:57 написал:

 I will give a seminar to physicists at USP (Universidade de São Paulo,
  Brazil) university and they asked me for a good title, something that can
  attract physicists. Anyone has some suggestions? (Will be a seminar about
  the use of Haskell to substitute C or Fortran
 in a lot of tasks, and how it can be used in some problems instead of
 Matlab, Mathematica, etc.)

 What area of physics? They all face somewhat different problems from 
 Could you publish your slides from seminar (if any) and even if they are in 
 Spanish (nothing is impossible for man with a dictionary)

And what if they're in Portuguese? ;)

Cheers, Jochem

Jochem Berndsen | | joc...@牛在田里.com
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell for Physicists

2009-09-30 Thread Khudyakov Alexey
В сообщении от Среда 30 сентября 2009 22:37:52 вы написали:
 Khudyakov Alexey wrote:
  В сообщении от 30 сентября 2009 21:42:57 написал:
  I will give a seminar to physicists at USP (Universidade de São Paulo,
   Brazil) university and they asked me for a good title, something that
  can attract physicists. Anyone has some suggestions? (Will be a seminar
  about the use of Haskell to substitute C or Fortran
  in a lot of tasks, and how it can be used in some problems instead of
  Matlab, Mathematica, etc.)
  What area of physics? They all face somewhat different problems from
  Could you publish your slides from seminar (if any) and even if they are
  in Spanish (nothing is impossible for man with a dictionary)
 And what if they're in Portuguese? ;)
Nothing is impossible for a man with another dictionary then. (Portuguese-
Russian if you don't mind :) 
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell for Physicists

2009-09-30 Thread Ted Nyman
reminds me of a well-known story, told to me some years back at cornell:
richard feynman was set to deliver a series of lectures in brazil, and he
spent a good deal of time learning spanish in preparation; that was until a
visting professor from brazil told him he might want to try portuguese

On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 11:44 AM, Khudyakov Alexey wrote:

 В сообщении от Среда 30 сентября 2009 22:37:52 вы написали:
  Khudyakov Alexey wrote:
   В сообщении от 30 сентября 2009 21:42:57 написал:
   I will give a seminar to physicists at USP (Universidade de São Paulo,
Brazil) university and they asked me for a good title, something that
   can attract physicists. Anyone has some suggestions? (Will be a
   about the use of Haskell to substitute C or Fortran
   in a lot of tasks, and how it can be used in some problems instead of
   Matlab, Mathematica, etc.)
   What area of physics? They all face somewhat different problems from
   Could you publish your slides from seminar (if any) and even if they
   in Spanish (nothing is impossible for man with a dictionary)
  And what if they're in Portuguese? ;)
 Nothing is impossible for a man with another dictionary then. (Portuguese-
 Russian if you don't mind :)
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell for Physicists

2009-09-30 Thread Jack Norton

Khudyakov Alexey wrote:

В сообщении от Среда 30 сентября 2009 22:25:14 вы написали:

Khudyakov Alexey wrote:

В сообщении от 30 сентября 2009 21:42:57 написал:


I will give a seminar to physicists at USP (Universidade de São Paulo,
 Brazil) university and they asked me for a good title, something that
can attract physicists. Anyone has some suggestions? (Will be a seminar
about the use of Haskell to substitute C or Fortran
in a lot of tasks, and how it can be used in some problems instead of
Matlab, Mathematica, etc.)

What area of physics? They all face somewhat different problems from

Could you publish your slides from seminar (if any) and even if they are
in Spanish (nothing is impossible for man with a dictionary)

I am also interested in seeing the slides (being a physicist myself).
Also, that'd be portuguese, not spanish, that would be spoken in
Brazil.  The dictionary comment still applies though :)

I suppose you aimed for cafe but missed. (:
Yep, sure did.  I just hit `reply' assuming haskell-cafe was in the 
reply-to.  I do that more often than not it seems.
Going back to the OP, what area of physics, and how on earth are you 
going to convert years of fortran users to haskell?
I mean, in particle physics (were I came from) it seems as though only 
recently have they moved from fortran to C++ (note: C was skipped).  
There are things written in python (like Athena) but, well..., they are 
unreliable crap (I do like python though).
In fact, when I was in undergraduate, not 4 years ago, a PhD student was 
writing his big QCD project in fortran from the ground up.  I'm not even 
familiar enough with fortran to attempt such a thing (I would have used 
C).  Case in point, I think there are some areas of physics that exist 
as a communal project (i.e. experimental particle physics) and because 
of this, you are limited to the tools and data used by your peers 
(Athena, Geant4, etc...).  It is really hard to introduce anything new.
So I guess my advice would be to avoid Haskell as a 'replacement' for 
anything to a physicist (including mathematica -- which I never liked 
myself).  They will immediately ignore you.  Approach it as a new tool, 
and focus on what it can do that software-x can't.

That was my take on it though, so it may be a bit incorrect and/or biased.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Splitting data and function declarations over multiple files

2009-09-30 Thread Luke Palmer
On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 9:54 AM, Peter Verswyvelen wrote:
 I guess this is related to the expression problem.
 Suppose I have a datatype
 data Actor = Ball ... | Paddle ... | Wall ...
 and a function
 move (Ball ...) =
 move (Paddle ...) =
 move (Wall ...) =
 in Haskell one must put Actor and move into a single file.
 This is rather cumbersome if you work with multiple people or want to keep
 the files small and readable.
 Surely it is possible to use type classes, existentials, etc to split the
 data type into multiple ones, but that's already advanced stuff in a sense.

You can do it without type classes and existentials.  The
functionality you want is already supported by Haskell, you just have
to let go of your syntactical expectations.  The trick is that you
should rewrite your data type not as an algebra (a set of
constructors), but as a coalgebra (a set of projections).

Let's say your two open functions are:

move :: Actor - Actor
isAlive :: Actor - Bool

This gives rise to the definition of an Actor type:

data Actor = Actor { move :: Actor, isAlive :: Bool }

And then the alternatives of your open data type are just values of type Actor:

ball :: Vector - Vector - Actor
ball pos vel = Actor {
move = ball (pos + vel) vel,
isAlive = True


This trick works well until you get to the encoding of functions that
pattern match on multiple Actors at the same time.  As far as I can
tell, that cannot be encoded in this style in any reasonable way.
Such functions must be rephrased in a coalgebraic style; i.e. instead
of asking about constructors, using projection functions it knows are

So for example instead of implementing collide by asking about
pairs, add functions which report a shape function and a normal, or
whatever your collide algorithm needs from shapes.

You would probably end up having to do this anyway even with your
proposed extension, because watch:

partial data Actor = Ball ...

collide (Ball ...) (Ball ...) = ...
collide (Ball ...) x = ...

We don't know about any other constructors, so the second line has to
contain a pattern-free x.  So you would have to use projection
functions to get any information about it, exactly as you would when
you're writing in the coalgebraic style.

So, Yes!  Haskell can do that!

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Fwd: [Haskell-cafe] I read somewhere that for 90% of a wide class of computing problems, you only need 10% of the source code in Haskell, that you would in an imperative language.

2009-09-30 Thread Alberto G. Corona
Again, i missed to forward the message to the list:

I experince also the drug effect. Evolutionary psychologists would say that,
because it was vital for our survival, since the stone age, we appreciate
any tool powerful enough to solve many problems while at the same time
remain simple. So whenever the utility versus learning.-using-,maintaining
 costs of a tool is low. then the tool is more appreciated and more pleasure
we experiencie by using it. That applies either to a sword, a horse, a car
or a programming language.
Haskell has an  execution strategy and a type system that cares for himself
about code consistency and a reasonable optimization,  It has only a few
keywords, and a intuitive syntax , But combining the security that gives the
first two factors and the flexibility of the other two, one can reach high
levels of abstraction maintaining a high degree of confidence in the
generated code, And such code can be applied to a wider variety of

For that matter I think that while other languages can borrow some features
of haskell, they will never have the power that can be achieved by having
them all. And most of them are deep in the core.

2009/9/30 Peter Verswyvelen

Yep, LINQ makes C# more enjoyable :-)  Scala and haXe also look nice, a bit
 of a mix between OCaml/F#, C#/Java and Haskell.
 Besides the fact that hacking in Haskell is a great deal of fun, the main
 reason I see for learning Haskell: it makes you a better programmer.  After
 a couple of years of playing with Haskell, I can now solve problems that I
 couldn't before. It's of course hard to tell if Haskell is the reason here,
 or just experience, but I feel it really is Haskell (actually, functional
 programming). Haskell made me see the world in a different way (and if I see
 Oleg's and co's code, I still have an infinitely long road ahead.

 The main reason why you should not learn Haskell: it's a bit of a drug;
 after you learned Haskell, programming in an industrial strength language
 suddenly feels like a waste of time, time better spent learning more

 On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 10:26 AM, Deniz Dogan

 2009/9/30 Andrew Coppin
  (Mr C++ argues that homo sapiens fundamentally think in an imperative
  and therefore functional programming in general will never be popular.

 Sounds more like Mr C++ fundamentally thinks in an imperative way
 because that's what he is used to.

 I recently started working with C# and struggled for way too long with
 for/foreach loops to do things that in Haskell could be expressed
 using only folding, mapping and filtering. When I realised that those
 ideas actually exist in System.Linq I suddenly started liking the
 language a bit more.

 txtCommaSeparatedNames.Text.Split(',').Select(x = x.Trim()).Where(x
 = x.Length  0).Select(x = Convert.ToInt32(x)).ToList();

 Ah, the joy of FP.

 Deniz Dogan
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Fwd: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell for Physicists

2009-09-30 Thread Alberto G. Corona
I´m a physicist, so I think they would be attracted by something like
Haskell: high level physics modelling  at  Fortran speeds

Haskell: mathematics beyond numerical calculus



 I will give a seminar to physicists at USP (Universidade de São Paulo,
 Brazil) university and they asked me for a good title, something that can
 attract physicists. Anyone has some suggestions? (Will be
 a seminar about the use of Haskell to substitute C or Fortran
 in a lot of tasks, and how it can be used in some problems instead of
 Matlab, Mathematica, etc.)

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Fwd: [Haskell-cafe] I read somewhere that for 90% of a wide class of computing problems, you only need 10% of the source code in Haskell, that you would in an imperative language.

2009-09-30 Thread Alberto G. Corona
I would say that pure knowledge is pure and functional. but human planning
and problem solving is imperative because implies sequencing of operations
based on this pure knowledge. haskell express both nicely.

2009/9/30 Andrew Coppin

 Peter Verswyvelen wrote:

 I really doubt people tend to think in either way. It's not even sure our
 thinking can be modeled with computing no?

 Well, try this: Go ask a random person how you add up a list of numbers.
 Most of them will say wsomething about adding the first two together, adding
 the third to that total, and so forth. In other words, the step by step
 instructions. Very few of them will answer that the sum of an empty list is
 defined to be zero, and the sum of a non-empty list is defined to be the
 first number plus the sum of the list tail.

 Then again, few non-programmers will set anything about creating a counter
 variable and initialising it to zero either; this is a programming
 artifact. (Humans don't think like this internally, but most programming
 languages conceptually require it.) Nobody has much difficulty with this, so
 maybe the only problem with Haskell is that everybody learns to program the
 other way first, before they get to Haskell...

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Fwd: [Haskell-cafe] Market Place for Haskell development teams?

2009-09-30 Thread Alberto G. Corona
forwarded to the list:


Rubi and Pyton came into existencie without their internet libraries, but
they would´nt be popular without them. Although I conffess I don´t know the
history in detail.

Academics is not mainstream.

2009/9/29 Curt Sampson

 On 2009-09-29 13:18 +0200 (Tue), Alberto G. Corona  wrote:

  Java is part of the Java platform, that brought OS independence and
  interoperability at the right time. .Download-execution on the client
  was also a reason for the initial success of Java in the Internet era.

 I was a die-hard Java hacker from 1999 until some undetermined time in
 the early-to-mid-2000s. (I abandoned it more or less completely sometime
 around late 2005, if I recall correctly.)

 This may be somewhat anecdotal evidence, but I disagree with both
 of your statements here.

Of course, I´m not talking about real advantages of Java or any PL. I told
about the reasons that people used at the time to introduce the language in
the mainstream, either is desirable this for haskell or not. I think it is.
 Nobody consider the runtime download of Java code important nowadays. Not
even the cross-platform features. but it was marketeed at his time as such.

  Rubi and Python came with libraries targeted to Rapid development of
  Internet applications.

 No, neither originally came with that.

Rubi and Pyton came into existencie without their internet libraries, but
they would´nt be popular without them. Although I conffess I don´t know the
history in detail.

  What is the vehicle that haskell can use to enter the mainstream?.

 That may be the wrong question. Avoid success at all costs still
 rings true to me. A year or so ago I seemed like one of the few on
 the haskell-libraries list voting in favour of fixing API problems in
 libraries, rather than etching in stone those problems in the name of
 backwards compatibility so that we could become more popular.

Said above. We have different goals.

 Do you really want, in 2020, to look back at the 2010 revision of the
 Haskell standard and think, we entrenched things that for a decade
 everybody agreed was dumb?

I see no problem in haskell having both. experimental and fixed versions.
Haskell 2020 for you and me and haskell 2010   for my commercial code. Both
woukd ve maintained and enriched by far more people.

 I can tell you, even when you're a Java enthusiast, there's nothing
 more depressing than looking at java.util.Date and thinking, That
 should have been immutable, but it's going to be mutable for the rest of
 eternity. We will never fix that.

 But let's try this again:

  What is the vehicle that haskell can use to enter the mainstream?.

 Become more stupid.

 Is that a better answer? I'm not just a geek; I do marketing too (this
 is what happens when you start your own company), and if you asked me,
 using the utmost of my technical knowledge and marketing skills, to make
 Haskell popular, this is what I'd recommend.

 Become more stupid may mean give exactly what the people want that
transaltes to be more stable, give libraries, platforms etc. That is not a
extra effor. that will come naturally as more people use the language. some
people is naturally more abstract. some are more practical.

 (I suppose it's a sign of my professionalism that to do this would
 nearly break my heart, but if you wanted me to tell you the best way to
 do this, and I couldn't tell you to get lost, that's what I'd say.)

  Many people will play with Haskell in the spare time, and many of them
  will be permitted to develop some non critical applications at work.
  But that is all.

 Hm. So I suppose that this options trading system I'm working on, which
 is the sole way our business makes money and is entirely written in
 Haskell, doesn't actually exist.


  I think that all the current niches are filled, but new niches  are

 Haskell already has a good niche. In fact, a brilliant one. We have
 a whole bunch of academics doing truly wonderful stuff (imagine the
 world without monads!--thank you Philip Wadler (and Eugenio Moggi))
 that the rest of us (relatively) dumb idiots can use to make our lives
 better. We've got several very good implementations of the language,
 one of which is a truly shit-hot compiler[1]. And we can use that to do
 commercial applications quite comfortably[2].

 Right. ;)

 My personal opinion is, yes, let's let Haskell stick to the niche where
 it's great, but it changes so fast that it's scary to everybody else. To
 echo Paul Graham, I'm extremely happy to see my competition use Java.

 [1] Like that's so important. Ruby's standard implementation to this day
 is an interpreter that implements all the popular extensions and has a
 reasonably decent FFI. In Haskell-land, we call that Hugs. It's only
 because we have GHC as well that we can look down on Hugs; in the Ruby
 (and Python, and PHP) worlds, they're saying that interpreters are just

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell for Physicists

2009-09-30 Thread Max Rabkin
On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 9:24 PM, Alberto G. Corona wrote:
 Haskell: mathematics beyond numerical calculus

I'd imagine most physicists know a fair bit of mathematics beyond
numerical calculus; what they might not know much about is
*computation* beyond numerical calculus.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Market Place for Haskell development teams?

2009-09-30 Thread Alberto G. Corona

   This reminds me of the whole agent thing -- pretty much dominated by
 Java (e.g., Jade, Jason, Jack) nowadays --, for which I would bet lots
 things are done more straigthforward using Haskell -- especially those parts
 the Java coders are usually proud of... Let's maybe speak of *second order

 As first order scalability would rather be a matter in space time load
 increased by repetitions, the concern of second order scalability would be
 more about a *fractal* expansion of concepts like a *closure* -- Haskell,
 already in a vivid exchange with interactive theorem proving (e.g. Coq
 adopts type classes from Haskell and dependent types vice versa) seems
 excellently prepared... :-)

Interesting. I´m working in something like second order scalability. Instead
of brute performance by  redundancy,  high speed networks and fast disks,
scalability can be achieved by looking at the properties of the data.

 I ever tended to say financial applications are especially prone to be
 boring -- the prototype of repetitive IT, even for strategy the stupid
 'traffic lights cockpits' or OLAP(!) ... But this problem is rather supply
 driven to me.

 For sure. This is supply driven. There are a lack of new ideas mainly
because the technology is low level and obsolete.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell for Physicists

2009-09-30 Thread Khudyakov Alexey
В сообщении от Среда 30 сентября 2009 23:08:02 вы написали:
 Yep, sure did.  I just hit `reply' assuming haskell-cafe was in the
 reply-to.  I do that more often than not it seems.
 Going back to the OP, what area of physics, and how on earth are you
 going to convert years of fortran users to haskell?
 I mean, in particle physics (were I came from) it seems as though only
 recently have they moved from fortran to C++ (note: C was skipped).
 There are things written in python (like Athena) but, well..., they are
 unreliable crap (I do like python though).
 In fact, when I was in undergraduate, not 4 years ago, a PhD student was
 writing his big QCD project in fortran from the ground up.  I'm not even
 familiar enough with fortran to attempt such a thing (I would have used
 C).  Case in point, I think there are some areas of physics that exist
 as a communal project (i.e. experimental particle physics) and because
 of this, you are limited to the tools and data used by your peers
 (Athena, Geant4, etc...).  It is really hard to introduce anything new.
 So I guess my advice would be to avoid Haskell as a 'replacement' for
 anything to a physicist (including mathematica -- which I never liked
 myself).  They will immediately ignore you.  Approach it as a new tool,
 and focus on what it can do that software-x can't.
I'm particle physicist too. And sometimes I think that it would be better if 
they stay with fortran. Object-disoriented which is done in C++ scares me. 
Random segfaults in ROOT, or even worse segfault loops...

It's possible to use safety as argument for haskell. Type safety, no 

As for existing code there are two strategies. 

First is to dump all code into Geneva lake. There are environmental concerns 
of course. And it's difficult to throw away tested code.

Second one - do not touch it and use haskell for small isolated tasks. It's 
easier to do this in smaller experiments. I use haskell to process 
experimental data with reasonable success. Code is much cleaner and easier to 
understand that C++ code.

In fact I just reworded your statement
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell for Physicists

2009-09-30 Thread Khudyakov Alexey
В сообщении от Среда 30 сентября 2009 23:29:32 Max Rabkin написал:
 On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 9:24 PM, Alberto G. Corona 
  Haskell: mathematics beyond numerical calculus
 I'd imagine most physicists know a fair bit of mathematics beyond
 numerical calculus; what they might not know much about is
 *computation* beyond numerical calculus.
Could you elaborate this. As physicist I don't quite get it.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Fwd: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell for Physicists

2009-09-30 Thread Casey Hawthorne
On Wed, 30 Sep 2009 21:24:11 +0200, you wrote:

I?m a physicist, so I think they would be attracted by something like

Haskell: high level physics modelling  at  Fortran speeds

Haskell: mathematics beyond numerical calculus

easier to make use of multi-core machines than threaded Fortran.

I suppose one could have a Haskell parser convert Fortran to monadal

Then, a parser to convert, hopefully, most of the resulting code to
pure code.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell for Physicists

2009-09-30 Thread Jack Norton

Khudyakov Alexey wrote:

В сообщении от Среда 30 сентября 2009 23:08:02 вы написали:

Yep, sure did.  I just hit `reply' assuming haskell-cafe was in the
reply-to.  I do that more often than not it seems.
Going back to the OP, what area of physics, and how on earth are you
going to convert years of fortran users to haskell?
I mean, in particle physics (were I came from) it seems as though only
recently have they moved from fortran to C++ (note: C was skipped).
There are things written in python (like Athena) but, well..., they are
unreliable crap (I do like python though).
In fact, when I was in undergraduate, not 4 years ago, a PhD student was
writing his big QCD project in fortran from the ground up.  I'm not even
familiar enough with fortran to attempt such a thing (I would have used
C).  Case in point, I think there are some areas of physics that exist
as a communal project (i.e. experimental particle physics) and because
of this, you are limited to the tools and data used by your peers
(Athena, Geant4, etc...).  It is really hard to introduce anything new.
So I guess my advice would be to avoid Haskell as a 'replacement' for
anything to a physicist (including mathematica -- which I never liked
myself).  They will immediately ignore you.  Approach it as a new tool,
and focus on what it can do that software-x can't.

I'm particle physicist too. And sometimes I think that it would be better if 
they stay with fortran. Object-disoriented which is done in C++ scares me. 
Random segfaults in ROOT, or even worse segfault loops...

It's possible to use safety as argument for haskell. Type safety, no 

As for existing code there are two strategies. 

First is to dump all code into Geneva lake. There are environmental concerns 
of course. And it's difficult to throw away tested code.

Second one - do not touch it and use haskell for small isolated tasks. It's 
easier to do this in smaller experiments. I use haskell to process 
experimental data with reasonable success. Code is much cleaner and easier to 
understand that C++ code.

In fact I just reworded your statement
Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Root has pissed me off more times than I can remember.  I've also done 
lots of Geant4 work (my thesis work actually), and that is a steaming 
pile of OO confusion.  Geant4 is getting close to 40MB of source, and it 
is still nothing more than a library of interfaces to interfaces to 
  to the CLHEP C++ library.  It is OOP gone mad.   Not to mention 
that if anyone asks for a feature implemented, it gets implemented.   
There are features in the geant4 library that I'm sure even geant4 
developers don't know about.
Functional programming should be the to-go tool in physics, but it 
isn't.  Somewhere down the road, someone thought OOP was the messiah and 
worthy of a fortran replacement.  I fail to see the logic in this.
If anything I would start by scolding the physicists in the room on 
their programming practices.  Then introduce Haskell as you wish.  If I 
were to give a talk about programming to physicists, the first words out 
of my mouth would probably be I'm embarrassed by you all.
Ok I'm done, I think you all get my point.  A comp-sci minor should be 
required for every physics major.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell for Physicists

2009-09-30 Thread Max Rabkin
I am *not* a physicist, but I imagine many physicists know at least
something of functional analysis, algebra, Lie algebras, etc.

However, when physicists write programs (this is my inference from the
widespread use of Fortran and the computational assignments given to
undergraduate students) they are almost exclusively numerical: very
often evaluating some integrals or integrating a system of
differential equations. Although Haskell can do these things, it's not
a place where Haskell really shines (compared to symbolic

Since I'm not a physicist, I can't give a good example, but think more
of the things Mathematica is good for, rather than Fortran or Matlab.
My impression is that Haskell's advantage over Mathematica is in its
generality: Mathematica is great if it has a builtin function to do
what you want, but it's not a very pleasant programming language.


On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 9:39 PM, Khudyakov Alexey wrote:
 В сообщении от Среда 30 сентября 2009 23:29:32 Max Rabkin написал:
 On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 9:24 PM, Alberto G. Corona
  Haskell: mathematics beyond numerical calculus

 I'd imagine most physicists know a fair bit of mathematics beyond
 numerical calculus; what they might not know much about is
 *computation* beyond numerical calculus.

 Could you elaborate this. As physicist I don't quite get it.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell for Physicists

2009-09-30 Thread edgar
Good ones! Specially the second, since I will show a real example where
I used Haskell to model a boson condensate. Thanks for the suggestions.


On Wed, 30/Sep/2009 at 10:52 -0700, Ted Nyman wrote:
 Some ideas of highly variable quality:
 Getting Functional with Physics
 Bosons, Fermions, and Monads? Haskell for Physicists
 Purer Programming for Physicists
 Use Haskell for Physics, and Say 'C'-You-Later
 - ted
 On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 10:42 AM, wrote:
  I will give a seminar to physicists at USP (Universidade de São Paulo,
  Brazil) university and they asked me for a good title, something that can
  attract physicists. Anyone has some suggestions? (Will be
  a seminar about the use of Haskell to substitute C or Fortran
  in a lot of tasks, and how it can be used in some problems instead of
  Matlab, Mathematica, etc.)
  Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell for Physicists

2009-09-30 Thread edgar
On Wed, 30/Sep/2009 at 22:27 +0200, Max Rabkin wrote:
 I am *not* a physicist, but I imagine many physicists know at least
 something of functional analysis, algebra, Lie algebras, etc.
 However, when physicists write programs (this is my inference from the
 widespread use of Fortran and the computational assignments given to
 undergraduate students) they are almost exclusively numerical: very
 often evaluating some integrals or integrating a system of
 differential equations. Although Haskell can do these things, it's not
 a place where Haskell really shines (compared to symbolic

Well, if you want to write all the code in Haskell, maybe this is true
(some parts an imperative code still is the most efficient, but nothing
that you can't do in C and use in Haskell via FFI). But in my case, Haskell 
really shined using as an interface to GSL/Lapack via the wonderful 
hmatrix lib.
 Since I'm not a physicist, I can't give a good example, but think more
 of the things Mathematica is good for, rather than Fortran or Matlab.
 My impression is that Haskell's advantage over Mathematica is in its
 generality: Mathematica is great if it has a builtin function to do
 what you want, but it's not a very pleasant programming language.

And speed is other advantage! The code that I wrote to solve a problem in 
bose condensation is dozen times fastest that the Mathematica equivalent, 
and much more clean and simple to expand or modify. 


 On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 9:39 PM, Khudyakov Alexey wrote:
  В сообщении от Среда 30 сентября 2009 23:29:32 Max Rabkin написал:
  On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 9:24 PM, Alberto G. Corona
   Haskell: mathematics beyond numerical calculus
  I'd imagine most physicists know a fair bit of mathematics beyond
  numerical calculus; what they might not know much about is
  *computation* beyond numerical calculus.
  Could you elaborate this. As physicist I don't quite get it.
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell for Physicists

2009-09-30 Thread edgar
On Wed, 30/Sep/2009 at 22:21 +0400, Khudyakov Alexey wrote:
 В сообщении от 30 сентября 2009 21:42:57 написал:
  I will give a seminar to physicists at USP (Universidade de São Paulo,
   Brazil) university and they asked me for a good title, something that can
   attract physicists. Anyone has some suggestions? (Will be a seminar about
   the use of Haskell to substitute C or Fortran
  in a lot of tasks, and how it can be used in some problems instead of
  Matlab, Mathematica, etc.)
 What area of physics? They all face somewhat different problems from 

I won't focus in a specific area, just a general exposition and maybe, 
if I have time, I'm going to show an example which I used to solve a 
problem in a simple  quantum mechanical model of a bose condensate. 
Most of the public will be formed by mathematical physicists.

 Could you publish your slides from seminar (if any) and even if they are in 
 Spanish (nothing is impossible for man with a dictionary)
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell for Physicists

2009-09-30 Thread edgar
On Wed, 30/Sep/2009 at 22:21 +0400, Khudyakov Alexey wrote:
 В сообщении от 30 сентября 2009 21:42:57 написал:
  I will give a seminar to physicists at USP (Universidade de São Paulo,
   Brazil) university and they asked me for a good title, something that can
   attract physicists. Anyone has some suggestions? (Will be a seminar about
   the use of Haskell to substitute C or Fortran
  in a lot of tasks, and how it can be used in some problems instead of
  Matlab, Mathematica, etc.)
 What area of physics? They all face somewhat different problems from 
 Could you publish your slides from seminar (if any) and even if they are in 
 Spanish (nothing is impossible for man with a dictionary)

Of course, no problem (and yes, will be in portuguese ;) 


 Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] I read somewhere that for 90% of a wide class of computing problems, you only need 10% of the source code in Haskell, that you would in an imperative language.

2009-09-30 Thread Sebastian Sylvan
On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 8:32 AM, Andrew Coppin

 (Mr C++ argues that homo sapiens fundamentally think in an imperative way,
 and therefore functional programming in general will never be popular. We
 shall see...)

You could use the same argument against, say, utensils. Being natural or
intuitive is a 100% irrelevant metric for any tool. What matters is if
it's effective or not.

Sebastian Sylvan
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Fwd: [Haskell-cafe] suggestion for hslogger

2009-09-30 Thread Duncan Coutts
On Wed, 2009-09-30 at 08:36 -0500, John Goerzen wrote:
 If you want to send me a patch that makes it an option (not mandatory),
 I would be happy to apply it.

When reviewing it do consider the new Unicode IO library.

One option is to do nothing and just wait.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Fwd: [Haskell-cafe] suggestion for hslogger

2009-09-30 Thread John Goerzen
Duncan Coutts wrote:
 On Wed, 2009-09-30 at 08:36 -0500, John Goerzen wrote:
 If you want to send me a patch that makes it an option (not mandatory),
 I would be happy to apply it.
 When reviewing it do consider the new Unicode IO library.
 One option is to do nothing and just wait.

That is probably the best.

-- John


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] river crossing puzzle

2009-09-30 Thread Eduard Sergeev

pat browne-2 wrote:
 Does anyone know where there are any Haskell implementations of the the
 River Crossing  puzzle (AKA Farmer/Fox/Goose/Grain).

Here is an implementation of the similar problem with good explanation (see
It isn't quite Farmer/Fox but it is rather generic.
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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] type class question

2009-09-30 Thread Henning Thielemann
Ben schrieb:
 dear haskellers --
 i'm trying this question again, in haskell-cafe.  i got some responses
 in haskell-beginners but am looking for more guidance.  also, i
 understand this functionality is encapsulated in the Workflow module
 in hackage, but i'd like to understand this myself.  this email is an
 (il)literate haskell file.
 suppose i have class of computations a - State s b.  for
 concreteness, let's say i'm writing a library of on-line statistical
 summary functions, like

I used functions of such type to describe causal processes. In order
make them an arrow, I had to hide the state s using existential

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] error on --++ bla bla bla

2009-09-30 Thread Hong Yang

I got an error if one of lines reads --++ bla bla bla where I tried to
comment, but -- ++ bla bla bla (notice the space after --) is OK.

Do you think this revealed a tiny bug in the GHC compiler (I am using
Windows Haskell Platform 2009.2.0.2)?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] error on --++ bla bla bla

2009-09-30 Thread Daniel Peebles
I don't think it's a bug. --++ is a valid operator, whereas --
introduces a comment.


Prelude let (--++) = (+) in 5 --++ 6

Hope this helps,

On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 7:52 PM, Hong Yang wrote:

 I got an error if one of lines reads --++ bla bla bla where I tried to
 comment, but -- ++ bla bla bla (notice the space after --) is OK.

 Do you think this revealed a tiny bug in the GHC compiler (I am using
 Windows Haskell Platform 2009.2.0.2)?



 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] convert a list of booleans into Word*

2009-09-30 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Wed, 30 Sep 2009, Jochem Berndsen wrote:

Bulat Ziganshin wrote:

Hello Paul,

Wednesday, September 30, 2009, 1:18:03 PM, you wrote:

I haven't found a function in hackage or in the standard library that
takes a list of booleans (or a list of 0s and 1s, or a tuple of booleans
or 0s and 1s) and outputs a Word8 or Word32.

sum . zipWith (*) (map (2^) [0..])

I'd turn this into

sum . zipWith (*) (iterate (2*) 1)

, but it's probably not very important.


sum . zipWith (*) (iterate (flip shiftL 1) 1) . map fromEnum

in order to make the bitset nature more explicit.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] error on --++ bla bla bla

2009-09-30 Thread Sebastian Sylvan
On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 12:52 AM, Hong Yang wrote:


 I got an error if one of lines reads --++ bla bla bla where I tried to
 comment, but -- ++ bla bla bla (notice the space after --) is OK.

 Do you think this revealed a tiny bug in the GHC compiler (I am using
 Windows Haskell Platform 2009.2.0.2)?

Line comments start with -- , not just --.

Sebastian Sylvan
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Cal, Clojure, Groovy, Haskell, OCaml, etc.

2009-09-30 Thread Curt Sampson
On 2009-09-29 13:28 -0700 (Tue), Don Stewart wrote:

 I'd welcome input on how to best present all this -- the Haskell
 Platform gives us a chance to package up the docs in a better format
 for consumption.

Part of the issue is that the Haskell libraries are so different in many
ways that there's a (relatively) large amount of background required to
be able to understand how things normally fit together.

One of the best resources I've seen for this is Brent Yorgey's article
The Typeclassopedia.

How we get from particular bits of design in random libraries back to an
understanding of why they were designed that way that would be informed
by something like the above, I'm not sure.

Including a design document with libraries that explains how and why
they were designed that way might be a big help.

Curt Sampson 90 7737 2974
   Functional programming in all senses of the word:
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Cal, Clojure, Groovy, Haskell, OCaml, etc.

2009-09-30 Thread Curt Sampson
On 2009-09-30 13:45 -0300 (Wed), namekuseijin wrote:

 The Perl call is spot on.  Specially because Haskell has been
 incorporating so much syntatic sugar that it's almost looking Perlish
 noise already: [examples deleted]

No, I disagree with your particular examples; they're bog-standard
Haskell that don't use any syntatic sugar (. and $ are just library
functions), and I find them perfectly fine to read. Note that nothing
in there is inconsistent or interpreted in any sort of exceptional way,
unlike many things that look like that in Perl.

It does take time to learn to read that sort of stuff, but once you've
got it, simplifying this sort of thing would only make it harder to
read, because it would be more verbose without saying anything more.
Haskell's concision is one of its most important strengths.

(Incidently, a good exercise for learning to understand stuff like that
might be to go thorugh it and convert it to use parens instead of $,
full application instead of ., and so on.)

Curt Sampson 90 7737 2974
   Functional programming in all senses of the word:
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Cal, Clojure, Groovy, Haskell, OCaml, etc.

2009-09-30 Thread Tony Morris
There is a significant difference between:

* A $ function without a type system
* A statically checked $ function
* A $ keyword without static checking

Curt Sampson wrote:
 On 2009-09-30 13:45 -0300 (Wed), namekuseijin wrote:

 The Perl call is spot on.  Specially because Haskell has been
 incorporating so much syntatic sugar that it's almost looking Perlish
 noise already: [examples deleted]

 No, I disagree with your particular examples; they're bog-standard
 Haskell that don't use any syntatic sugar (. and $ are just library
 functions), and I find them perfectly fine to read. Note that nothing
 in there is inconsistent or interpreted in any sort of exceptional way,
 unlike many things that look like that in Perl.

 It does take time to learn to read that sort of stuff, but once you've
 got it, simplifying this sort of thing would only make it harder to
 read, because it would be more verbose without saying anything more.
 Haskell's concision is one of its most important strengths.

 (Incidently, a good exercise for learning to understand stuff like that
 might be to go thorugh it and convert it to use parens instead of $,
 full application instead of ., and so on.)


Tony Morris

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Portability of libraries.

2009-09-30 Thread Curt Sampson
On 2009-09-30 07:16 -0600 (Wed), John A. De Goes wrote:

 The cross-platform features have been extremely important to the success 
 of Java

 Moreover, the importance of cross-platform libraries on the Java  
 platform is evinced by the fact that developers of major native  
 libraries _always_ make their libraries cross-platform

Hm. It is interesting to note, then, that Ruby, which has worse
cross-platform support than Haskell[1], is yet still quite popular,
orders of magnitude more so than Haskell.

So while that portability may have helped Java, it doesn't seem required
to become popular.

[1] I've ported a fair amount of both Ruby and Haskell code from Unix
to Windows, so I think I have a pretty good handle on the the relative
portability of both.

Curt Sampson 90 7737 2974
   Functional programming in all senses of the word:
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: combinatorial search with running bound

2009-09-30 Thread Chung-chieh Shan
I wish I had enough of your code to type-check my code and perhaps even
try running it!

Michael Mossey wrote in article in
 -- This is state used in the state monad.
 data SearchState = SearchState { -- running maximum:
  ssMaximum :: Int
  -- remember the full list of right boxes
  -- so we can initiate a new outer loop
, ssRights :: [Box]

 boxesSep2 :: [Box] - [Box] - Int
 boxesSep2 lefts rights =
 let ls = sortBy ((flip compare) `on` rightExtent) lefts
 rs = sortBy ((flip compare) `on` leftExtent) rights
 in fst $ runState (boxesSep2' ls rs) (SearchState minBound rs)

First, ssRights never changes, so it should not be kept inside the state
monad.  Also, ssMaximum is already stored in the state, so boxesSep2'
need not return it.

data SearchState = SearchState { ssMaximum :: Int }

boxesSep2 :: [Box] - [Box] - Int
boxesSep2 lefts rights =
let ls = sortBy ((flip compare) `on` rightExtent) lefts
rs = sortBy ((flip compare) `on` leftExtent) rights
in ssMaximum (execState (boxesSep2' ls rs) (SearchState minBound))

 boxesSep2' :: [Box] - [Box] - State SearchState Int
 -- Termination of algorithm:
 boxesSep2' [] _ = gets ssMaximum
 -- Initiate a new inner loop:
 boxesSep2' (l:ls) [] = do
   rights - gets ssRights
   boxesSep' ls rights

Instead, boxesSep2' can simply iterate through the left boxes.

boxesSep2' :: [Box] - [Box] - State SearchState ()
boxesSep2' ls rs = mapM_ (flip boxesSep2'' rs) ls

 -- Common case:
 boxesSep2' lss@(l:ls) (r:rs) = do
   -- In this way of writing the code, we distinguish between the
   -- left/right separation which is the sum of the extents, and the
   -- question of whether there is vertical overlap.
   let v = isVerticalOverlap l r
   sep = lrSeparation l r
   ss - get
   let max = ssMaximum ss
   if sep = max
 then boxesSep' ls (ssRights ss) --Here we prune (initiate new inner
 else do
   -- Update max is needed:
   when v (put ss { ssMaximum = sep })
   boxesSep' lss rs

The inner loop through the right boxes doesn't need to maintain the full
list of right boxes, because that list is already part of the closure
(flip boxesSep2'' rs) above.

boxesSep2'' :: Box - [Box] - State SearchState ()
boxesSep2'' l [] = return ()
boxesSep2'' l (r:rs) = do
  let v = isVerticalOverlap l r
  sep = lrSeparation l r
  max - gets ssMaximum
  when (sep  max) (do
when v (put (SearchState { ssMaximum = sep }))
boxesSep2'' l rs)

Personally, I think it's slightly clearer to drop the SearchState
constructor and use foldl and explicit state-passing instead of mapM_
and the state monad.  But that's less crucial than removing the full
rights list from the state.  (In the state, the full rights list is a
defunctionalized delimited continuation.)

 When you ask for a pair of boxes, How closely can they be brought together 
 without intersection? that provides a lower bound on the question How 
 closely can the groups be brought together? (I.e. for that pair of boxes, 
 bring them any closer and they intersect, so it is a lower bound.) The 
 maximum of all these lower bounds in the minimum needed separation.

I think I see.


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Computer Science is no more about computers
 than astronomy is about telescopes.
-Edsger Dijkstra

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Cal, Clojure, Groovy, Haskell, OCaml, etc.

2009-09-30 Thread Curt Sampson
On 2009-10-01 11:42 +1000 (Thu), Tony Morris wrote:

 There is a significant difference between:
 * A $ function without a type system
 * A statically checked $ function
 * A $ keyword without static checking

Sure, but I'm not not clear on the point you're trying to make, since we
all know which one of these that Haskell uses.

Curt Sampson 90 7737 2974
   Functional programming in all senses of the word:
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] I read somewhere that for 90% of a wide class of computing problems, you only need 10% of the source code in Haskell, that you would in an imperative language.

2009-09-30 Thread Felipe Lessa
On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 03:43:12PM +0100, Andrew Coppin wrote:
 Well, try this: Go ask a random person how you add up a list of
 numbers. Most of them will say something about adding the first two
 together, adding the third to that total, and so forth. In other
 words, the step by step instructions. Very few of them will answer
 that the sum of an empty list is defined to be zero, and the sum of
 a non-empty list is defined to be the first number plus the sum of
 the list tail.

Maybe they would say that you have to go adding each number to
the others, i.e. they're thinking with a fold.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] error on --++ bla bla bla

2009-09-30 Thread Hong Yang
But in my program, I did not define --++.

Also in GHCI,
Prelude :t (--++)
No in scope: '--++'
Prelude :t (+)
(+) :: (Num a) = a - a - a



On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 7:05 PM, Daniel Peebles pumpkin...@gmail.comwrote:

 I don't think it's a bug. --++ is a valid operator, whereas --
 introduces a comment.


 Prelude let (--++) = (+) in 5 --++ 6

 Hope this helps,

 On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 7:52 PM, Hong Yang wrote:
  I got an error if one of lines reads --++ bla bla bla where I tried to
  comment, but -- ++ bla bla bla (notice the space after --) is OK.
  Do you think this revealed a tiny bug in the GHC compiler (I am using
  Windows Haskell Platform 2009.2.0.2)?
  Haskell-Cafe mailing list

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