Re: [Haskell-cafe] lhs2TeX: automatic line wrap within code blocks?

2012-04-05 Thread Dominique Devriese

The easiest solution is probably to use multi-line string literals and
line-wrap manually:

cyphertext = rlkmlj, zlnift ekblvke pqc elvm if pzlp gblrk, akrlomk zk zle \
  lfpiriglpke pzlp, if pzk flpojlb rcojmk cs knkfpm, morz qcobe ak pzk rcfeorp \
  cs nkjriftkpcjiu, bklnkm pzk ljdv ofekj gjkpkfmk cs jlimift jkrjoipm lfe \


Op 4 april 2012 20:14 heeft david.mihola het
volgende geschreven:

 I am currently using lhs2TeX for the first time and have encountered a
 problem which I am unable to solve myself: Some code lines are too long to
 fit into a single line of the output (PDF) file and thus go off the right
 edge of the page.

 Consider the following example:



 %include polycode.fmt
 %options ghci

 Our encrypted message:

 cyphertext = rlkmlj, zlnift ekblvke pqc elvm if pzlp gblrk, akrlomk zk zle
 lfpiriglpke pzlp, if pzk flpojlb rcojmk cs knkfpm, morz qcobe ak pzk rcfeorp
 cs nkjriftkpcjiu, bklnkm pzk ljdv ofekj gjkpkfmk cs jlimift jkrjoipm lfe

 Our decryption function:

 decrypt = id

 The original message was:

 \eval{decrypt cyphertext}



 Converting this to .tex with lhs2TeX and to .pdf with pdflatex produces a
 PDF in which both instances of the cyphertext go off the right edge of the

 Is there any way to tell lhs2TeX to allow/force line wrap within code blocks
 and eval-statements?

 Thank you very much for any help!


 P.S.: I have only found one prior discussion of my question
 but to my understanding no real answer came out of that.

 View this message in context:
 Sent from the Haskell - Haskell-Cafe mailing list archive at

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] lhs2TeX: automatic line wrap within code blocks?

2012-04-05 Thread David Mihola

thank you very much for your reply!

Yes, that would work for the code-blocks, but I'd still prefer
automatic line wrapping like in this example:

Also this does not solve the case of multi line results in eval-statements.

But still, thanks again - and as my deadline draws nearer (this is
homework in a security lecture) I may use your solution and also
decrypt the text first and then copy the decrypted text into the
source file (to get rid of the eval-statement).


Am 5. April 2012 08:01 schrieb Dominique Devriese

 The easiest solution is probably to use multi-line string literals and
 line-wrap manually:

 cyphertext = rlkmlj, zlnift ekblvke pqc elvm if pzlp gblrk, akrlomk zk zle \
  lfpiriglpke pzlp, if pzk flpojlb rcojmk cs knkfpm, morz qcobe ak pzk rcfeorp 
  cs nkjriftkpcjiu, bklnkm pzk ljdv ofekj gjkpkfmk cs jlimift jkrjoipm lfe \


 Op 4 april 2012 20:14 heeft david.mihola het
 volgende geschreven:

 I am currently using lhs2TeX for the first time and have encountered a
 problem which I am unable to solve myself: Some code lines are too long to
 fit into a single line of the output (PDF) file and thus go off the right
 edge of the page.

 Consider the following example:



 %include polycode.fmt
 %options ghci

 Our encrypted message:

 cyphertext = rlkmlj, zlnift ekblvke pqc elvm if pzlp gblrk, akrlomk zk zle
 lfpiriglpke pzlp, if pzk flpojlb rcojmk cs knkfpm, morz qcobe ak pzk rcfeorp
 cs nkjriftkpcjiu, bklnkm pzk ljdv ofekj gjkpkfmk cs jlimift jkrjoipm lfe

 Our decryption function:

 decrypt = id

 The original message was:

 \eval{decrypt cyphertext}



 Converting this to .tex with lhs2TeX and to .pdf with pdflatex produces a
 PDF in which both instances of the cyphertext go off the right edge of the

 Is there any way to tell lhs2TeX to allow/force line wrap within code blocks
 and eval-statements?

 Thank you very much for any help!


 P.S.: I have only found one prior discussion of my question
 but to my understanding no real answer came out of that.

 View this message in context:
 Sent from the Haskell - Haskell-Cafe mailing list archive at

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Yesod 1.0 Release Candidate

2012-04-05 Thread Michael Snoyman
Hi everyone,

I'd like to announce the availability of the Yesod 1.0 release
candidate. The code is available on Hackage now, so you should be able
to install with a simple `cabal update  cabal install yesod` to get
up-and-running. If you've been installing from Github or Yackage,
you'll probably have the smoothest ride by wiping out your ~/.ghc and
~/.cabal/packages/cabal-src folders, and disabling Yackage as a remote
repo in ~/.cabal/config.

We're setting a release date of next Monday, April 9. That's when
we'll be posting an official release announcement and releasing a new
version of yesod-platform. At this point, the code is well tested and
usable (in fact, it *is* in production use on multiple sites), but we
wanted to give everyone one last chance to hammer away at the code.

One of the goals with this release is to try to start pushing Haskell
and Yesod to the masses (i.e., we're going to fail to avoid success at
all costs). We're going to be trying to demonstrate the advantages
Haskell provides over other solutions out there. I think this is the
kind of effort that we can all work on together as a community. If
anyone's interested in helping out with promoting, please be in touch.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell integration with C/C++ (GSOC)

2012-04-05 Thread Evan Laforge
I love the idea of easier to use FFI, but isn't the haskell FFI
intentionally very low level, and intended to be used with tools?

In that light, maybe it would be easier to extend hsc2hs with fancier
macros and the ability to generate wrappers to directly call C++
methods and construct C++ objects.  E.g. you could write

  obj - #new Thing, arg, arg

and it would generate

extern C newThing(int arg, int arg) { return new Thing(arg, arg); }

I guess then you need it to be able to automatically insert 'foreign'
declarations, and convert between types, and at that point you're
already halfway to something like SWIG or green card.  Or c2hs, not
that I know anything about that.  Anyway, maybe you can add C++
support to an existing preprocessor instead of putting it directly
into ghc.

One reason I like hsc2hs is the control it gives me.  That said, I
have a lot of pretty standard boilerplate Storable instances,
withCString, etc.  And a file of trivial extern C wrappers to bridge
from C++.  There's a lot of room for automation in there.

On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 10:53 PM, Sutherland, Julian wrote:
 Hey Guys,

 I'm Julian, I am reaching the end of my second year as a JMC (Joint
 Mathematics and Computer science) Student at Imperial College London
 and I'd like to apply to GSOC for a project involving Haskell and I just
 wanted to run my idea past the community.

 I've already talked about this on the haskell-soc IRC channel (I go by the
 pseudonym julek).

 What I would like to do is to improve the integration of C/C++ with Haskell,
 particularly in calling Haskell from C/C++.

 Currently ghc is able to generate stubs to export functions whose arguments
 are simple types such as CInts into C/C++.
 The stub generated is always in an extern C clause due to the fact that
 ghc does not as yet implement the C++
 calling conventions as defined in the The Haskell 98 Foreign Function
 Interface 1.0 (

 So a first step would be to implement this calling convention to bring it up
 to speed with the above referenced report.
 This shouldn't be too hard and mostly involves implementing C++ name
 mangling conventions.

 Next, I would like to extend the stub generation so as to be able to deal
 with more complex types.

 The type systems in C++ and Haskell have many analogous syntaxes that can be
 easily exploited to provide strong compatibility and interoperability
 between the two languages.

 For example a simple type such as:

 data Foo = A | B

 Could be implemented as an enum in C/C++:

 enum Foo {A, B};

 More advanced types that take arguments such as:

 data Tree = Node Left Right | Leaf

 Could be converted to a struct in C/C++:

 struct Tree {
     struct Tree* left;
     struct Tree* right;

 Types that have functions that act on them such as:

 data IntContainer = IntContainer Int

 getInt :: IntContainer - Int
 getInt (IntContainer a) = a

 could have these functions automatically converted to C/C++:

 struct IntContainer {
     int a;

 extern int getInt_hs(IntContainer a);

 This also opens up the possibility of exploiting C/C++ name mangling
 conventions, to allow the _hs postfix I'm suggesting here to be eliminated.

 Haskell classes:

 class Arithmetic a where
     (+) :: a - a - a
     (*) :: a - a - a
     (-) :: a - a - a
     (/) :: a - a - a

 could be implemented using C++ functions with virtual members:

 class Monad {
        virtual Monad add(Monad a, Monad b);
        virtual Monad mult(Monad a, Monad b)
        virtual Monad neg(Monad a, Monad b);
        virtual Monad div(Monad a, Monad b);

 All types of single/multiple instancing (i.e. either directly or through
 requirements of instances)
 would be implemented using single/multiple inheritance.

 Obviously, this example is rather contrived due to the conversion of the
 function names.
 The fact that the rules that govern function naming in Haskell are much more
 than those of C/C++ might cause compatibility issues.

 This can be worked around by implementing a similar syntax to that currently
 used for function imports by the FFI.
     foreign export ccall bind = :: CInt - CInt

 Similar to:
     foreign import ccall f func :: CInt - CInt

 The latter is the current syntax for imports.

 The name given for the export would be checked for legality in the namespace
 of the target language.

 Alternatively this could be done in an automated manner using some naming
 conventions as well as operator polymorphism, but this would probably
 sacrifice ease of use.

 Finally polymorphic Haskell functions/types can be implemented in C++ using

 I would like to extend ghc to implement enhanced C/C++ stub generation using
 the methods described above as well as to generate Haskell stubs which
 describe the Haskell CType equivalents of the Haskell types defined,
 functions for conversion between the two and function 

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell integration with C/C++ (GSOC)

2012-04-05 Thread Brandon Allbery
On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 01:53, Sutherland, Julian wrote:

 data Tree = Node Left Right | Leaf

 Could be converted to a struct in C/C++:

 struct Tree {
 struct Tree* left;
 struct Tree* right;

Shouldn't this actually be a tagged union?  Not that they exist as such in
C/C++, but are easy enough to emulate (minus the extra type checking that
real tagged unions such as even Pascal gives you):

struct Tree {
  enum {Node, Leaf} tag;
  /* possibly tag sanity checking macros defined here */
  union {
struct {
  struct Tree *tree_Node_left;
#  define tree_left(tree) (tree-tag == Leaf ? _hsc_abort(tree:
Node.left of Leaf) : tree-_tree_Node.tree_Node_left)
#  define tree_left(tree) tree-_tree_Node.tree_Node_left
  struct Tree *tree_Node_right;
#  define tree_right(tree) (tree-tag == Leaf ? _hsc_abort(tree:
Node.right of Leaf) : tree-_tree_Node.tree_Node_right)
#  define tree_right(tree) tree-_tree_Node.tree_Node_right
} _tree_Node;
/* strictly we can collapse out the union here because Leaf has no
data */
  } _tree_data;

Similarly several of your other examples could use a bit more thought.

brandon s allbery
wandering unix systems administrator (available) (412) 475-9364 vm/sms
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Fail-back monad

2012-04-05 Thread oleg

 I thoutgh on the use or ErrorT or something similar but the fact is
 that i need many bacPoints, not just one. That is, The user can go
 many pages back in the navigation pressing many times te back

The approach in the previous message extends to an arbitrary,
statically unknown number of checkpoints. If we run the following
simple code

 test1 = loop  1
  loop acc n = inquire (Enter string  ++ show n) = check acc n
  check acc n   = liftIO . putStrLn $ You have entered:  ++ acc
  check acc n str = loop (acc ++ str) (n+1)

 test1r = runContT test1 return

we can do the following:

*BackT test1r
Enter string 1
Enter string 2
Enter string 3
Enter string 4
Enter string 5
Enter string 4
Enter string 3
Enter string 2
Enter string 3
Enter string 4
Enter string 5
Enter string 4
Enter string 5

You have entered: s1x1x2y3

I decided to go back after the fourth string, but you should feel free
to go forth.

The ContT approach is very flexible: we can not only go back, or go
back more. We can go all the way back. We can go back to the point
where certain condition was true, like when the value of the certain
named field was entered or certain value was computed.

Here is the complete code. For a change, it uses IO exceptions rather
than ErrorT.

 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}

 module BackT where  

 import Control.Monad.Trans
 import Control.Monad.Cont
 import Control.Exception
 import Data.Typeable
 import Prelude hiding (catch)

 data RestartMe = RestartMe deriving (Show, Typeable)
 instance Exception RestartMe

 -- Make a `restartable' exception 
 -- (restartable from the beginning, that is)
 -- We redo the computation once we catch the exception RestartMe
 -- Other exceptions propagate up as usual.

 type BackT r m a = ContT r m a
 abort e = ContT(\k - e)

 -- Send a prompt, receive a reply. If it is back, go to the
 -- previous checkpoint.
 type Prompt = String
 inquire :: Prompt - BackT r IO String
 inquire prompt = ContT loop
  loop k = exchange = checkpoint k
  exchange = do
 putStrLn prompt
 r - getLine
 if r == back then throw RestartMe
else return r
  checkpoint k r = k r `catch` (\RestartMe - loop k)

 -- Go to the previous checkpoint
 goBack :: BackT r m a
 goBack = abort (throw RestartMe)

 test1 = loop  1
  loop acc n = inquire (Enter string  ++ show n) = check acc n
  check acc n  = liftIO . putStrLn $ You have entered:  ++ acc
  check acc n str = loop (acc ++ str) (n+1)

 test1r = runContT test1 return

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell integration with C/C++ (GSOC)

2012-04-05 Thread Holger Siegel

Am 05.04.2012 um 08:42 schrieb Brandon Allbery:

 On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 01:53, Sutherland, Julian wrote:
 data Tree = Node Left Right | Leaf
 Could be converted to a struct in C/C++:
 struct Tree {
 struct Tree* left;
 struct Tree* right;
 Shouldn't this actually be a tagged union?  Not that they exist as such in 
 C/C++, but are easy enough to emulate (minus the extra type checking that 
 real tagged unions such as even Pascal gives you):

Not necessarily. The above type is equivalent to

  type Tree = Maybe (Left, Right)

(modulo strictness, of course) and the C/C++ convention is to represent Nothing 
by a NULL pointer.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell integration with C/C++ (GSOC)

2012-04-05 Thread Brandon Allbery
On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 03:21, Holger Siegel wrote:

 Am 05.04.2012 um 08:42 schrieb Brandon Allbery:
  On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 01:53, Sutherland, Julian wrote:
  data Tree = Node Left Right | Leaf
  Could be converted to a struct in C/C++:
  struct Tree {
  struct Tree* left;
  struct Tree* right;
  Shouldn't this actually be a tagged union?  Not that they exist as such
 in C/C++, but are easy enough to emulate (minus the extra type checking
 that real tagged unions such as even Pascal gives you):

 Not necessarily. The above type is equivalent to

  type Tree = Maybe (Left, Right)

But that is not the type being translated.  (Also, I would still consider
translating Maybe as something other than a NULL pointer, just to enable
sanity checking.)

brandon s allbery
wandering unix systems administrator (available) (412) 475-9364 vm/sms
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Fail-back monad

2012-04-05 Thread Stephen Tetley
There is also recent work by Aaron Turon and Olin Shivers - Modular
Rollback through Control Logging

Note that as well as the paper on Olin Shivers's site there is a more
recent monadic presentation on Aaron Turon's site with Conor

On 28 March 2012 18:11, Stephen Tetley wrote:
 Maybe this is a version of William Harrison's DebugT monad with
 rollback, listed in his periodic table of effects?

 I've never seen a definition of the monad itself...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] thread killed

2012-04-05 Thread Gregory Collins
+haskell-cafe, oops

On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 11:04 AM, Gregory Collins g...@gregorycollins.netwrote:

 On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 10:09 PM, tsuraan wrote:

  It's hard to rule Snap timeouts out; try building snap-core with the
  -fdebug flag and running your app with DEBUG=1, you'll get a spew of
  debugging output from Snap on stderr.

 Heh, that was quite a spew.  I normally get the exceptions tens of MB
 into files that are hundreds of MB, and I sometimes don't get them at
 all, so printing out the entire request body was a bit slow :)  After
 commenting out some of the more talkative debug statements, I got the
 exception to happen, and it looks generally like this:

 I think I might know what your problem is. You're accepting file uploads
 using handleMultipart, yes? Snap kills uploads that are going too slow,
 otherwise you would be vulnerable to slowloris ( DoS attacks. What's probably happening
 here is that you're doing slow work inside the Iteratee IO a handler you
 pass to that function, which makes Snap think the client is trickling bytes
 to you. If that's the case, either finish the iteratee more quickly and do
 the slow work back in the Snap handler (preferable), or disable the minimum
 upload rate guard (although that's not recommended on a server talking to
 the public internet.)

 Gregory Collins

Gregory Collins
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] thread killed

2012-04-05 Thread Michael Snoyman
On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 12:05 PM, Gregory Collins wrote:
 +haskell-cafe, oops

 On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 11:04 AM, Gregory Collins

 On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 10:09 PM, tsuraan wrote:

  It's hard to rule Snap timeouts out; try building snap-core with the
  -fdebug flag and running your app with DEBUG=1, you'll get a spew
  debugging output from Snap on stderr.

 Heh, that was quite a spew.  I normally get the exceptions tens of MB
 into files that are hundreds of MB, and I sometimes don't get them at
 all, so printing out the entire request body was a bit slow :)  After
 commenting out some of the more talkative debug statements, I got the
 exception to happen, and it looks generally like this:

 I think I might know what your problem is. You're accepting file uploads
 using handleMultipart, yes? Snap kills uploads that are going too slow,
 otherwise you would be vulnerable to slowloris
 ( DoS attacks. What's probably happening here
 is that you're doing slow work inside the Iteratee IO a handler you pass
 to that function, which makes Snap think the client is trickling bytes to
 you. If that's the case, either finish the iteratee more quickly and do the
 slow work back in the Snap handler (preferable), or disable the minimum
 upload rate guard (although that's not recommended on a server talking to
 the public internet.)

Wouldn't it make more sense to pause the timeout handler when running
user code? That's what we do in Warp.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell integration with C/C++ (GSOC)

2012-04-05 Thread Anthony Cowley
On Thursday, April 5, 2012 at 1:53 AM, Sutherland, Julian wrote:
 Hey Guys,
 I'm Julian, I am reaching the end of my second year as a JMC (Joint 
 Mathematics and Computer science) Student at Imperial College London
 and I'd like to apply to GSOC for a project involving Haskell and I just 
 wanted to run my idea past the community.

 I found an example of such a bug, which I will test further before reporting 
 It seems to be the opposite of the following bug:
 i.e. the stdout buffer isn't always correctly flushed when calling C/C++ in a 
 program whose main is written in Haskell.
 For example, when running the code:
 module Main where
 import Foreign.C.Types
 import System.IO
 foreign import ccall inc c_inc :: CInt - CInt
 main :: IO ()
 main = do
 putStr Enter n:  
 -- hFlush stdout
 s -getLine
 putStrLn . show . c_inc . read $ s
 int inc(int i) __attribute__ ((const));
 int inc(int i)
 return i + 1;
 Built with
 gcc -c -o inc.o inc.c
 ghc --make -main-is Main main.hs inc.o -o test
 rm *.hi *.o
 The output comes out as:
 [julek@cryptid inc]$ ./test 
 Enter n: 3
 But when the  hFlush stdout line is commented back in, the output is:
 [julek@cryptid inc]$ ./test 
 Enter n: 2
 which is correct, but the extra line shouldn't be necessary.
 I am currently using ghc 7.4.1 which is the newest version, so this is a 
 current bug.

I think this is a consequence of line buffering rather than a bug. If you write 
your own increment function in Haskell, you get the same behavior. If you 
`hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering` before your `putStr` call, you should get 
the behavior you wanted. I've seen similar issues with programs written in many 
languages; it's just one of those gotchas to be aware of when dealing with 
console UI.

As to the rest of your proposal, when you started out talking about calling 
Haskell from C or C++, I hoped you would focus on the pain of linking the final 
executable. This seems to me a more fundamental -- and addressable -- stumbling 
block than the richness of interaction with C++. As things stand, it is quite a 
hassle to use a Haskell library of any complexity called from C. Improved 
interaction with C++ could indeed be valuable, but, unless something has 
changed recently, work is still needed to improve the more basic C - Haskell 
FFI story.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] I Need a Better Functional Language!

2012-04-05 Thread Grigory Sarnitskiy
Hello! I've just realized that Haskell is no good for working with functions!

First, what are 'functions' we are interested at? It can't be the usual 
set-theoretic definition, since it is not constructive. The constructive 
definition should imply functions that can be constructed, computed. Thus these 
are computable functions that should be of our concern. But computable 
functions in essence are just a synonym for programs.

One could expect from a language that bears 'functional' as its characteristic 
to be able to do everything imaginable with functions. However, the only thing 
Haskell can do with functions is to apply them to arguments and to feed them as 
arguments, run in parallel (run and concatenate programs).

Obviously, that's not all of the imaginable possibilities. One also can rewrite 
programs. And write programs that rewrite programs. And write programs that 
rewrite programs that rewrite the first programs and so on. But there is no 
such possibility in Haskell, except for introducing a DSL.

So now I wonder, what are the languages that are functional in the sense above? 
With a reasonable syntax and semantics, thus no assembler. I guess Lisp might 
be of this kind, but I'm not sure. In addition, I'm not a fan of parentheses. 
What else? Pure? Mathematica? Maxima?

Note, that the reflectivity is important.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] I Need a Better Functional Language!

2012-04-05 Thread Vo Minh Thu
Le 5 avril 2012 16:14, Grigory Sarnitskiy a écrit :
 Hello! I've just realized that Haskell is no good for working with functions!

 First, what are 'functions' we are interested at? It can't be the usual 
 set-theoretic definition, since it is not constructive. The constructive 
 definition should imply functions that can be constructed, computed. Thus 
 these are computable functions that should be of our concern. But computable 
 functions in essence are just a synonym for programs.

 One could expect from a language that bears 'functional' as its 
 characteristic to be able to do everything imaginable with functions. 
 However, the only thing Haskell can do with functions is to apply them to 
 arguments and to feed them as arguments, run in parallel (run and concatenate 

 Obviously, that's not all of the imaginable possibilities. One also can 
 rewrite programs. And write programs that rewrite programs. And write 
 programs that rewrite programs that rewrite the first programs and so on. But 
 there is no such possibility in Haskell, except for introducing a DSL.

 So now I wonder, what are the languages that are functional in the sense 
 above? With a reasonable syntax and semantics, thus no assembler. I guess 
 Lisp might be of this kind, but I'm not sure. In addition, I'm not a fan of 
 parentheses. What else? Pure? Mathematica? Maxima?


You might be interested in


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is this a correct explanation of FRP?

2012-04-05 Thread Paul Liu
On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 4:30 AM, Ertugrul Söylemez wrote:
 Paul Liu wrote:

  This isn't switching.  It's selection.  If fullTime decides to be
  productive, then alterTime acts like fullTime.  Otherwise it acts
  like halfTime.  If both inhibit, then alterTime inhibits.  This
  allows for a much more algebraic description of reactive systems.

 AFRP can do this through ArrowChoice. Maybe you can explain the
 concept of inhibition in more detail?

 I fail to grasp why this is making switches obsolete. The idea of
 switch is to completely abandoning the old state. See the broken
 pendulum example.

 Some of this can be done through ArrowChoice.  The difference is
 comparable to why server parts form a monoid in Happstack.  You don't
 have to decide when a server part reaches a request.  You let the server
 part decide itself.  In other words ArrowChoice forces you to deal with
 events in the application itself:

    -- Library code:
    x = x'
    y = y'

    -- Application code:
    proc inp - do
        r - request - ()
        if p r
          then x - inp
          else y - inp

 Signal inhibition allows the component wires themselves to deal with the
 events and you as the higher level programmer to just stick the wires

    -- Library code:
    x = proc inp - do requireReq - (); x' - inp
    y = y'

    -- Application code:
    x | y

I'm curious as to how this plays out with the usual arrow
compositions. How does x *** y behave when x inhibits? what about z

This cannot replace switching though, since the structure of your
arrows cannot change dynamically, while with switches it can.

Paul Liu

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell integration with C/C++ (GSOC)

2012-04-05 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Anthony Cowley,
 I think this is a consequence of line buffering rather than a bug. If
 you write your own increment function in Haskell, you get the same
 behavior. If you `hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering` before your `putStr`
 call, you should get the behavior you wanted.

Though if you must do one or the other, I think hFlush makes as much

I think his perspective may be that the C stdio library appears to
recognize that a TTY read is an occasion to flush stdout.  If you
already know better, there are ways to solve this problem - flush,
change buffering, or use stderr instead of stdout.  If you weren't
expecting it, though, Haskell might by comparison seem a little
retarded.  Maybe it isn't a bug.

 As things stand, it is quite a hassle to use a Haskell library of
 any complexity called from C.

And Haskell is slightly handicapped in this application, if it still
doesn't support any good mechanism for top level mutable state
(Cf. )

I wonder if the fact that we recognize these problems but haven't
been super-motivated to solve them, suggests that there hasn't really
been that much call for stand alone Haskell libraries?  (The proposal
seems to say that C++ programmers could jump at this opportunity because
they've been wanting to use Haskell but were afraid of the IO Monad?)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] I Need a Better Functional Language!

2012-04-05 Thread Andrew Butterfield

On 5 Apr 2012, at 15:14, Grigory Sarnitskiy wrote:

 Hello! I've just realized that Haskell is no good for working with functions!
 Obviously, that's not all of the imaginable possibilities. One also can 
 rewrite programs. And write programs that rewrite programs. And write 
 programs that rewrite programs that rewrite the first programs and so on. But 
 there is no such possibility in Haskell, except for introducing a DSL.
 So now I wonder, what are the languages that are functional in the sense 
 above? With a reasonable syntax and semantics, thus no assembler. I guess 
 Lisp might be of this kind, but I'm not sure.

Probably - but the semantics is dreadful...

 Note, that the reflectivity is important.

Intel developed a reflective functional language/system called Forte that is 
the basic
of a lot of their formal hardware verification process...

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Andrew Butterfield Tel: +353-1-896-2517 Fax: +353-1-677-2204
Lero@TCD, Head of Foundations  Methods Research Group
Director of Teaching and Learning - Undergraduate,
School of Computer Science and Statistics,
Room G.39, O'Reilly Institute, Trinity College, University of Dublin

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] I Need a Better Functional Language!

2012-04-05 Thread Andrew Butterfield

Intel's Forte was the framework,

reFLect was the language :

Quoting that page:
reFLect is a functional programming language designed and implemented by a 
team at Intel Corporation's Strategic CAD Labs under the direction of Jim 
Grundy. The language is strongly typed and similar to ML, but provides certain 
reflection features intended for applications in industrial hardware design and 
verification. Like LISP, reFLect has quotation and antiquotation constructs 
that may be used to construct and decompose expressions in the language itself. 
Unlike LISP, these mechanisms are typed. The language also provides a primitive 
mechanism for pattern-matching, and in particular for defining functions over 
code by pattern-matching on the structure of reFLect expressions.

On 5 Apr 2012, at 15:14, Grigory Sarnitskiy wrote:

 Hello! I've just realized that Haskell is no good for working with functions!
 First, what are 'functions' we are interested at? It can't be the usual 
 set-theoretic definition, since it is not constructive. The constructive 
 definition should imply functions that can be constructed, computed. Thus 
 these are computable functions that should be of our concern. But computable 
 functions in essence are just a synonym for programs.
 One could expect from a language that bears 'functional' as its 
 characteristic to be able to do everything imaginable with functions. 
 However, the only thing Haskell can do with functions is to apply them to 
 arguments and to feed them as arguments, run in parallel (run and concatenate 
 Obviously, that's not all of the imaginable possibilities. One also can 
 rewrite programs. And write programs that rewrite programs. And write 
 programs that rewrite programs that rewrite the first programs and so on. But 
 there is no such possibility in Haskell, except for introducing a DSL.
 So now I wonder, what are the languages that are functional in the sense 
 above? With a reasonable syntax and semantics, thus no assembler. I guess 
 Lisp might be of this kind, but I'm not sure. In addition, I'm not a fan of 
 parentheses. What else? Pure? Mathematica? Maxima?
 Note, that the reflectivity is important.
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Andrew Butterfield Tel: +353-1-896-2517 Fax: +353-1-677-2204
Lero@TCD, Head of Foundations  Methods Research Group
Director of Teaching and Learning - Undergraduate,
School of Computer Science and Statistics,
Room G.39, O'Reilly Institute, Trinity College, University of Dublin

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] I Need a Better Functional Language!

2012-04-05 Thread Dan Doel
On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 10:14 AM, Grigory Sarnitskiy wrote:
 First, what are 'functions' we are interested at? It can't be the usual 
 set-theoretic definition, since it is not constructive. The constructive 
 definition should imply functions that can be constructed, computed. Thus 
 these are computable functions that should be of our concern. But computable 
 functions in essence are just a synonym for programs.

This is a flawed premise. The point of working with functions is
abstraction, and that abstraction is given by extensional equality of

f = g  iff  forall x. f x = g x

So functions are not synonymous with programs or algorithms, they
correspond to an equivalence class of algorithms that produce the same
results from the same starting points. If you can access the source of
functions within the language, this abstraction has been broken.

And this abstraction is useful, because it allows you to switch freely
between programs that do the same thing without having to worry that
someone somewhere is relying on the particular algorithm or source.
This is the heart of optimization and refactoring and the like.

There are places for metaprogramming, or perhaps even a type of
algorithms that can be distinguished by means other than the functions
they compute. But to say that functions are that type is false, and
that functions should mean that is, I think, wrong headed.

-- Dan

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] I Need a Better Functional Language!

2012-04-05 Thread Paul R

Grigory So now I wonder, what are the languages that are functional in
Grigory the sense above? With a reasonable syntax and semantics, thus
Grigory no assembler. I guess Lisp might be of this kind, but I'm not
Grigory sure. In addition, I'm not a fan of parentheses. What else?
Grigory Pure? Mathematica? Maxima?

Indeed you want a *different* programming language. But it won't be
*better*, just different. Indeed, as soon as your program react to the
implementation of its functions, you will be in a land where you lose
a fundamental abstraction, so you won't be able to change implementation
anymore whithout changing callers as well.

I am curious what are interesting use-cases for that ? Symbolic
analysis ? self-compilers ?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] thread killed

2012-04-05 Thread tsuraan
 I think I might know what your problem is. You're accepting file uploads
 using handleMultipart, yes? Snap kills uploads that are going too slow,
 otherwise you would be vulnerable to slowloris
 ( DoS attacks. What's probably happening here
 is that you're doing slow work inside the Iteratee IO a handler you pass
 to that function, which makes Snap think the client is trickling bytes to
 you. If that's the case, either finish the iteratee more quickly and do the
 slow work back in the Snap handler (preferable), or disable the minimum
 upload rate guard (although that's not recommended on a server talking to
 the public internet.)

I tried adding a setMinimumUploadRate 0 to my handleMultipart and
doing the upload, and it's still getting killed.  The uploads are
pretty fast; a 150MB file takes around 10s.  I really don't think the
problem is with Snap, but pulling my code out of snap would be pretty
painful.  I have some pretty nasty crap going on with what I'm doing
anyhow, with threads communicating asynchronously, sockets being held
open between requests, that sort of horrid ugliness.  I'm going to try
to get rid of that, and then see if any bugs I had in there were
causing the problem.  Hopefully I'll be done with that by the end of
the weekend, and I'll either have the problem fixed, or have a
reasonable way to reproduce the errors.

Thanks for the idea, anyhow.  And, if setMinimumUploadRate 0 doesn't
actually disable the rate limiter, I'd be happy to try something more

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] thread killed

2012-04-05 Thread tsuraan
 I think I might know what your problem is. You're accepting file uploads
 using handleMultipart, yes? Snap kills uploads that are going too slow,
 otherwise you would be vulnerable to slowloris
 ( DoS attacks. What's probably happening here
 is that you're doing slow work inside the Iteratee IO a handler you pass
 to that function, which makes Snap think the client is trickling bytes to
 you. If that's the case, either finish the iteratee more quickly and do the
 slow work back in the Snap handler (preferable), or disable the minimum
 upload rate guard (although that's not recommended on a server talking to
 the public internet.)

Ok, so I butchered Snap by replacing all of snap-server's killThread
calls with putStrLn calls, and the putStrLn that is triggered by
Snap.Internal.Http.Server.SimpleBackend's runSession (line 163 in
snap-server seems to be the culprit.  Is that a rate limiter,
or is that something else?  Anyhow, I think there's a bug in there
somewhere.  I'll be poking at it a bit more, but that seems to be the
top-level source of the errors.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Google Summer of Code - Lock-free data structures

2012-04-05 Thread Ben
perhaps it is too late to suggest things for GSOC --

but stephen tetley on a different thread pointed at aaron turon's work, which 
there's a very interesting new concurrency framework he calls reagents which 
seems to give the best of all worlds : it is declarative and compositional like 
STM, but gives performance akin to hand-coded lock-free data structures.  he 
seems to have straddled the duality of isolation vs message-passing nicely, and 
can subsume things like actors and the join calculus.

he has a BSD licensed library in scala at

if someone doesn't want to pick this up for GSOC i might have a hand at 
implementing it myself.


On Mar 29, 2012, at 6:46 AM, Tim Harris (RESEARCH) wrote:

 Somewhat related to this...
 Next month we have a paper coming up at EuroSys about a middle-ground between 
 using STM and programming directly with CAS:
 This was done in the context of shared memory data structures in C/C++, 
 rather than Haskell. 
 It might be interesting to see how the results carry over to Haskell, e.g. 
 adding short forms of specialized transactions that interact correctly with 
 normal STM-Haskell transactions.
 In the paper we have some examples of using short specialized transactions 
 for the fast paths in data structures, while keeping the full STM available 
 as a fall-back for expressing the cases that cannot be implemented using 
 short transactions.
 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Heinrich Apfelmus
 Sent: 29 March 2012 13:30
 Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Google Summer of Code - Lock-free data structures
 Florian Hartwig wrote:
 Heinrich Apfelmus wrote:
 So while the two are related, CAS is a machine primitive that works 
 for a single operation and on a single word while STM is a software 
 abstraction that isolates sequences of operations on multiple memory 
 locations from each other.
 Is it possible to implement every data structure based on CAS in 
 terms of STM? What are the drawbacks? The other way round?
 I think so. Atomically reading and writing a single memory location 
 (which CAS does) is just a very simple transaction. But using a CAS 
 instruction should be more efficient, since STM has to maintain a 
 transaction log and commit transactions, which creates some overhead.
 Ah, I see. In that case, it may be worthwhile to implement the CAS 
 instruction in terms of STM as well and measure the performance difference 
 this makes for the final data structure. After all, STM is a lot more 
 compositional than CAS, so I'd like to know whether the loss of 
 expressiveness is worth the gain in performance.
 Best regards,
 Heinrich Apfelmus
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] I Need a Better Functional Language!

2012-04-05 Thread Tillmann Rendel

Paul R wrote:

I am curious what are interesting use-cases for that? Symbolic
analysis? self-compilers?

Optimization. For example, imagine the following definition of function 

  map f . map g = map (f . g)
  f . g = \x - f (g x)

In Haskell, we cannot write this, because we cannot pattern match on 
function calls.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Google Summer of Code - Lock-free data structures

2012-04-05 Thread Ben Gamari
Ben writes:

 perhaps it is too late to suggest things for GSOC --

 but stephen tetley on a different thread pointed at aaron turon's
 work, which there's a very interesting new concurrency framework he
 calls reagents which seems to give the best of all worlds : it is
 declarative and compositional like STM, but gives performance akin to
 hand-coded lock-free data structures.  he seems to have straddled the
 duality of isolation vs message-passing nicely, and can subsume things
 like actors and the join calculus.

 he has a BSD licensed library in scala at

 if someone doesn't want to pick this up for GSOC i might have a hand
 at implementing it myself.

Keep use in the loop if you do. I have a very nice application that has
been needing a nicer approach to concurrency than IORefs but
really can't afford STM.


- Ben

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] I Need a Better Functional Language!

2012-04-05 Thread KC
On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 11:59 AM, Tillmann Rendel wrote:

 Paul R wrote:

 I am curious what are interesting use-cases for that? Symbolic
 analysis? self-compilers?

 Optimization. For example, imagine the following definition of function

  map f . map g = map (f . g)
  f . g = \x - f (g x)

 In Haskell, we cannot write this, because we cannot pattern match on
 function calls.


 So, we're not talking about optimization as in Mathematical Programming
but optimization in language constructs.

You might want to take a look at MIN by Stephen Tse.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Google Summer of Code - Lock-free data structures

2012-04-05 Thread Ryan Newton
+1 -- the reagents model is interesting and it would be good to see a
Haskell implementation.

On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 3:05 PM, Ben Gamari wrote:

 Ben writes:

  perhaps it is too late to suggest things for GSOC --
  but stephen tetley on a different thread pointed at aaron turon's
  work, which there's a very interesting new concurrency framework he
  calls reagents which seems to give the best of all worlds : it is
  declarative and compositional like STM, but gives performance akin to
  hand-coded lock-free data structures.  he seems to have straddled the
  duality of isolation vs message-passing nicely, and can subsume things
  like actors and the join calculus.
  he has a BSD licensed library in scala at
  if someone doesn't want to pick this up for GSOC i might have a hand
  at implementing it myself.
 Keep use in the loop if you do. I have a very nice application that has
 been needing a nicer approach to concurrency than IORefs but
 really can't afford STM.


 - Ben

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] I Need a Better Functional Language!

2012-04-05 Thread Gábor Lehel
On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 8:59 PM, Tillmann Rendel wrote:
 Paul R wrote:

 I am curious what are interesting use-cases for that? Symbolic
 analysis? self-compilers?

 Optimization. For example, imagine the following definition of function

  map f . map g = map (f . g)
  f . g = \x - f (g x)

 In Haskell, we cannot write this, because we cannot pattern match on
 function calls.


On the one hand, yes we can, with RULES:

On the other hand, I've never used it, but this sounds a bit like Pure:

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Testing Concurrent Programs

2012-04-05 Thread satvik chauhan
How do you test concurrent programs in which you actually have to test over
all possible interleaving schedules by the scheduler . Is this possible to
do with quickcheck .

Thanks ,
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