[Haskell-cafe] Is Repa suitable for boxed arrays?...

2012-06-03 Thread Stuart Hungerford

I have a newb-ish question about Haskell 2D arrays.

I need to construct a 2D array of a Haskell  data type (boxed ?)
where each array entry value depends on values earlier in the same
array (i.e. for entries in previous row/column indexes).

Repa (V3.1.4.2) looks very powerful and flexible but it's still not
clear to me that it will work with arbitrary values as I haven't been
able to get any of the Wiki tutorial array creation examples to work
(this is with Haskell platform 2012.2 pre-release for OS/X).

I can see I could also construct my own 2D array data structure from
Data.Vector instances. Are there any other approaches for general 2D
arrays I should be looking at?



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Need inputs for a Haskell awareness presentation

2012-06-03 Thread Johan Holmquist
Maybe too late but here it is:

I was given a similar opportunity recently, but with only developers
in the audience (no managers), so I focused on coding examples and
functional programming in general rather than Haskell in particular
(although all code examples were Haskell).

One thing I tried to do was crushing the myth (?) that functional
programming is more difficult than imperative by showing an example of
typical imperative code and it's functional mate. I was afraid this
would not fly well because the particular code example was the
fibonacci sequence (it was the shortest most to the point example I
could think of then)[1]. To my surprise it was fairly well received
and I believe the point got through.

Other more real world code examples where shown (counting word
frequencies in a text file etc), introducing folding and mapping and
the ever useful list.

If I was to do this again, given the experience, I would try focus
more on the types of functions, to show how much can be learned about
a function's behaviour by just lookup at it's type. I feel this got
lost in my presentation due to me utilising type reconstruction to
show how writing code in a staticaly typed FPL like Haskell resembles
coding in scripting languages (succintness) but with the compiler
helping spot many errors.

Time is the obvious enemy when introducing an imperative audience to
FP. Code is mostly uninteresting for an audience who do not understand
it, so you may need to explain HOF:s, algebraic data types,  currying
(for Haskell) and maybe point free style, the ring operator etc. This
can easily steal the whole time slot if you are not careful.

I agree that using GHCI is very good, but I think you should be
careful if using emacs' ghci integration so the audience do not
believe interaction is only possible through emacs.

Best wishes!

[1] Showing both the memoized zipWith version and the non-memoized and
incredibly inefficient version, explaining the difference.

2012/6/2 C K Kashyap ckkash...@gmail.com:
 Thank you all very much,

 I am sitting now and collating all your responses. I'll revert with
 questions if I may have.

 Indeed, it may be better to have this kind of collateral ready for future

 I am going to put my stuff on github  considering markdown + pandoc.


 On Sat, Jun 2, 2012 at 3:06 AM, Claus Reinke claus.rei...@talk21.com

 I have the opportunity to make a presentation to folks (developers and
 managers) in my organization about Haskell - and why it's important - and
 why it's the only way forward.

 Haskell is important, but not the only way forward. Also, there have been
 other great languages, with limited impact - incorporating great ideas is
 no guarantee for takeup. If you want to be convincing, you need to be

 1. Any thoughts around the outline of the presentation - target audience
 being seasoned imperative programmers who love and live at the pinnacle
 object oriented bliss.

 If you approach this from the Haskell side (what is Haskell good at),
 you might get some people curious, but you won't connect their interest
 to their daily work. You don't want to give them a show, you want to
 inspire them to want to try coding in that language.

 If you really want to understand what is good about Haskell, stop using
 it for a while, and work in something like Javascript (or whatever your
 audience is comfortable with, but for me Javascript was an eye opener).

 You won't believe how basic the issues are that conventional coders
 are struggling with until you realize that you do not have them in

 If you have felt that pain, have understood that you can't make those
 issues go away by saying that wouldn't be an issue in Haskell, then
 you can understand that their struggles and issues are real.

 If you respect that, you can take one of their problems/source bases,
 and translate it to Haskell. That step tells them (and you!) that Haskell
 is adequate for their problem domains (which won't always be the
 case - no point showing them a wonderful language that they won't
 be able to apply).

 The next step is to go through some of those pain points in that code
 and show how to get rid of them in the Haskell version. Instead of
 presenting ready-made solutions, show them how to work with code
 they understand, much more confidently than they would be used to.

 Go slowly, and focus on their daily pain points (which they probably
 have stopped feeling because they can't do anything against them).
 Explain why you are confident in your modifications, compare against
 the obstacles that their current language would throw up against such
 modifications. Some examples:

 - types can replace basic documentation and documentation lookup

 - no need to test things that the type system can check, not in test
   and not in the prelude of every function definition; you still need
   but those can focus on interesting aspects; 

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re-exports of resourcet in conduit

2012-06-03 Thread Michael Snoyman
The easiest thing to do is just build your code with cabal, which will
ensure you're using consistent versions. (Similar questions came up
twice recently on Stack Overflow[1][2].) Wiping our your ~/.ghc and
installing from scratch should work also, but it's like using a
tactical nuke instead of a scalpel.

As for checking versions of dependencies, try `ghc-pkg describe conduit`.



On Sun, Jun 3, 2012 at 3:01 AM, Myles C. Maxfield
myles.maxfi...@gmail.com wrote:
 It could be. Do you know how I can check which versions of packages other
 packages have built against with Cabal? Will it help if I remove all the
 relevant packages and then re-install only a single version?


 On Saturday, June 2, 2012, Antoine Latter wrote:

 Is it possible that you are puuling in two different versions of the
 package that defines the MonadThrow class?

 That is, package a was built against version 1, but package b was built
 against version 2? This would make GHC think the type-class were

 This is just a guess - I have not tried what you are trying.

 On Jun 2, 2012 6:35 PM, Myles C. Maxfield myles.maxfi...@gmail.com

 To: Michael Snoyman
 CC: haskell-cafe

 I'm having a problem working with the conduit library, and was hoping
 you could help me out.

 Data.Conduit re-exports ResourceT, MonadResource, and MonadThrow (but
 not ExceptionT) from Control.Monad.Trans.Resource. I have a conduit
 which operates on a monad in the MonadThrow class. I am trying to
 figure out which MonadThrow class this should be (the
 Data.Conduit.MonadThrow class, or the
 Montrol.Monad.Trans.Resource.MonadThrow class, since apparently GHC
 doesn't recognize them as the same, even though one is just a
 re-export of the other).

 If a user of this conduit wants to chain this conduit up with
 something like sourceFile, the underlying monad has to be a member of
 Data.Conduit.MonadResource and whatever MonadThrow class I chose to
 use. I would like to be able to use an existing instance to lift the
 class of the inner monad to the class of the entire monad stack (so I
 don't have to tell the user of my conduit that they have to define
 their own instances), and the only rule that I can find that does that
 is the following from Data.Conduit:

 Data.Conduit.MonadThrow m = Data.Conduit.MonadThrow
 (Data.Conduit.ResourceT m)

 However, GHC doesn't seem to think that
 Control.Monad.Trans.Resource.ExceptionT is an instance of

    No instance for (Data.Conduit.MonadThrow (ExceptionT IO))
      arising from a use of `.'

 Control.Monad.Trans.Resource has a similar instance:

 Control.Monad.Trans.Resource.MonadThrow m =
 (Control.Monad.Trans.Resource.ResourceT m)

 but because sourceFile operates in the Data.Conduit.MonadResource
 class, and Control.Monad.Trans.Resource.ResourceT isn't a member of
 that class (it's only a member of
 Control.Monad.Trans.Resource.MonadResource), that doesn't help:

    No instance for (Data.Conduit.MonadResource
                       (Control.Monad.Trans.Resource.ResourceT (ExceptionT
      arising from a use of `.'

 It should be noted that neither module defines anything like the

 MonadResource m = MonadResource (ExceptionT m)

 It seems like the underlying problem here is that:
 1) I am required to use the Control.Monad.Trans.Resource.ExceptionT
 class, because Data.Conduit doesn't re-export it
 2) I am required to use the Data.Conduit.MonadResource class, because
 sourceFile and others require it
 3) There doesn't seem to be an existing instance that bridges between the

 This seems like a fundamental flaw with re-exporting; it can only work
 if you re-export every single last thing from the original module.
 This doesn't seem tenable because the orignal module might not be
 under your control, so its author can add new symbols whenever he/she
 wants to.

 I see two solutions to this problem:
 1) Re-export Control.Monad.Trans.Resource.ExceptionT in Data.Conduit.
 This will work until someone adds something to the resourcet package
 and someone wants to use the new addition and Data.Conduit.ResourceT
 in the same stack
 2) Don't re-export anything in Data.Conduit; make sourceFile and
 others explicitly depend on types in another module, but this might
 break compatibility with existing programs if they use fully-qualified
 symbol names.
 3) Make anyone who wants to use a monad stack in MonadThrow and
 MonadResource define their own instances. This is probably no good
 because it means that many different modules will implement the same
 instance in potentially many different ways.

 I feel like option 2) is probably the best solution here. I'm
 perfectly happy to issue a pull 

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Most Important GHC extensions to learn/use?

2012-06-03 Thread Gábor Lehel
On Fri, Jun 1, 2012 at 4:37 PM, James Cook mo...@deepbondi.net wrote:
 On Jun 1, 2012, at 6:11 AM, Gábor Lehel wrote:

 On Fri, Jun 1, 2012 at 6:29 AM, wren ng thornton w...@freegeek.org wrote:

    TypeFamilies (aka TFs)
        These are really nifty and they're all the rage these days. In
        a formal sense they're equivalent to fundeps, but in practice
        they're weaker than fundeps.

 Is that still true? The reason used to be that we didn't have
 superclass equalities, but we do have them now since 7.2. The only
 drawbacks I know of relative to FDs are that it's sometimes more
 typing, not supported by GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, and doesn't allow
 OverlappingInstances (ick).

 In addition to other things mentioned today in the Fundeps and overlapping 
 instances thread, type families have no way of defining injective type 
 functions where the range includes already-existing types.

 For example, if you define:

 type family Succ a

 there is no way (that I've found) to define it in such a way that the 
 compiler can see that Succ a ~ Succ b = a ~ b.

 The equivalent in MPTCs+FDs would be:

 class Succ a b | a - b, b - a

class (S a ~ b, P b ~ a) = Succ a b where
type S a
type P b

(Succ a c, Succ b c)
(S a ~ c, P c ~ a, S b ~ c, P c ~ b)
(P c ~ a, P c ~ b)
(a ~ P c, P c ~ b)
(a ~ b)

 There is more discussion of this particular weakness at 
 http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/6018 .

 Also, there are less-common usages of fundeps that may be translatable to 
 type families but not easily, when there are complex interrelationships 
 between type variables.  For example, type-level binary operations will 
 sometimes have fundeps such as a b - c, a c - b, b c - a - that is to 
 say, any two determines the third.

Like above:

class (FD1 a b ~ c, FD2 b c ~ a, FD3 c a ~ b) = BinOp a b c where
type FD1 a b
type FD2 b c
type FD3 c a

You can mechanically translate MPTCs with FDs into MPTCs with ATs and
superclass equalities in this way, and your fingers will get a lot of
exercise. But that's the basis for the claim that TFs with superclass
equalities are no less powerful than FDs. It's true that this doesn't
always allow you to express everything as just plain top-level type
families, but then, neither do FDs :).

@wren, did you have some other examples in mind?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is Repa suitable for boxed arrays?...

2012-06-03 Thread Ben Lippmeier

On 03/06/2012, at 18:10 , Stuart Hungerford wrote:

 I need to construct a 2D array of a Haskell  data type (boxed ?)
 where each array entry value depends on values earlier in the same
 array (i.e. for entries in previous row/column indexes).

It should work. Use the V type-index for boxed arrays [1], so your array type 
will be something like (Array V DIM2 Float)

If you can't figure it out then send me a small list program showing what you 
want to do.

 Repa (V3.1.4.2) looks very powerful and flexible but it's still not
 clear to me that it will work with arbitrary values as I haven't been
 able to get any of the Wiki tutorial array creation examples to work
 (this is with Haskell platform 2012.2 pre-release for OS/X).

The wiki tutorial is old. It was written for the Repa 2 series, but Repa 3 is 
different. However I just (just) submitted a paper on Repa 3 to Haskell 
Symposium, which might help [2]

[2] http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~benl/papers/guiding/guiding-Haskell2012-sub.pdf


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] An attempt at an EDSL for platform independent 3D animation

2012-06-03 Thread C K Kashyap
Hi All,

I've written a Haskell program that allows you to describe dance
movements and it spits out javascript that does animation on an HTML 5
canvas (that's the platform independent bit).


Please do check it out and let me know what you think - all you'd need is
Haskell platform. It's really preliminary at this point - The only
animation that I've built using it is walk - this makes a matchstick man
walk (you have to stretch your imagination a bit).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Announce: Haskell Platform 2012.2.0.0

2012-06-03 Thread Mark Lentczner
We're pleased to announce the next release of Haskell Platform:
a single, standard Haskell distribution for everyone.

Download Haskell Platform 2012.2.0.0:


The specification, along with installers (including Windows,
Macintosh, and Unix installers for a full Haskell environment) are

Notable version changes with this release:

ghc   7.4.1
cabal 1.14   cabal-install 0.14
mtl   2.1.1  transformers
alex  3.0.1

full package and version list:

Thanks to:
Joachim Breitner, George Colpitts, Duncan Coutts, Jason Dagit,
Chris Dornan, Yitzchak Gale, Mikhail Glushenkov, Andres Löh,
Gábor Páli, Jens Petersen, Don Stewart, David Terei,
Johan Tibell,  Mark Wright
for their efforts and help in putting together this release.

-- The Platform Infrastructure Team
   Mark Lentczner, release manager

The Haskell Platform is a single, standard Haskell distribution for
every system, in the form of a blessed library and tool suite for
Haskell distilled from the thousands of libraries on Hackage, along
with installers for a wide variety of systems. It saves developers
work picking and choosing the best Haskell libraries and tools to use
for a task.

When you install the Haskell Platform, you get the latest stable
compiler, an expanded set of core libraries, additional development
tools, and cabal-install – so you can download anything else you need
from Hackage.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Announce: Haskell Platform 2012.2.0.0

2012-06-03 Thread Sean Leather
On Sun, Jun 3, 2012 at 6:24 PM, Mark Lentczner wrote:

 We're pleased to announce the next release of Haskell Platform:
 a single, standard Haskell distribution for everyone.

Awesome! Congratulations!

Download Haskell Platform 2012.2.0.0:


It's a relatively minor thing, but I noticed that the above URL redirects to


which is incidentally considered a different URL from


by Google's +1 service. Perhaps not surprisingly,
http://haskell.org/platform redirects to the latter, single-/ Hackage URL.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re-exports of resourcet in conduit

2012-06-03 Thread Myles C. Maxfield
Yep, that was my problem. Thanks so much!

GHC is smart enough to realize that Data.Conduit.ResourceT is the same
as Control.Monad.Trans.Resource.ResourceT. Yay!


On Sun, Jun 3, 2012 at 2:00 AM, Michael Snoyman mich...@snoyman.com wrote:
 The easiest thing to do is just build your code with cabal, which will
 ensure you're using consistent versions. (Similar questions came up
 twice recently on Stack Overflow[1][2].) Wiping our your ~/.ghc and
 installing from scratch should work also, but it's like using a
 tactical nuke instead of a scalpel.

 As for checking versions of dependencies, try `ghc-pkg describe conduit`.



 On Sun, Jun 3, 2012 at 3:01 AM, Myles C. Maxfield
 myles.maxfi...@gmail.com wrote:
 It could be. Do you know how I can check which versions of packages other
 packages have built against with Cabal? Will it help if I remove all the
 relevant packages and then re-install only a single version?


 On Saturday, June 2, 2012, Antoine Latter wrote:

 Is it possible that you are puuling in two different versions of the
 package that defines the MonadThrow class?

 That is, package a was built against version 1, but package b was built
 against version 2? This would make GHC think the type-class were

 This is just a guess - I have not tried what you are trying.

 On Jun 2, 2012 6:35 PM, Myles C. Maxfield myles.maxfi...@gmail.com

 To: Michael Snoyman
 CC: haskell-cafe

 I'm having a problem working with the conduit library, and was hoping
 you could help me out.

 Data.Conduit re-exports ResourceT, MonadResource, and MonadThrow (but
 not ExceptionT) from Control.Monad.Trans.Resource. I have a conduit
 which operates on a monad in the MonadThrow class. I am trying to
 figure out which MonadThrow class this should be (the
 Data.Conduit.MonadThrow class, or the
 Montrol.Monad.Trans.Resource.MonadThrow class, since apparently GHC
 doesn't recognize them as the same, even though one is just a
 re-export of the other).

 If a user of this conduit wants to chain this conduit up with
 something like sourceFile, the underlying monad has to be a member of
 Data.Conduit.MonadResource and whatever MonadThrow class I chose to
 use. I would like to be able to use an existing instance to lift the
 class of the inner monad to the class of the entire monad stack (so I
 don't have to tell the user of my conduit that they have to define
 their own instances), and the only rule that I can find that does that
 is the following from Data.Conduit:

 Data.Conduit.MonadThrow m = Data.Conduit.MonadThrow
 (Data.Conduit.ResourceT m)

 However, GHC doesn't seem to think that
 Control.Monad.Trans.Resource.ExceptionT is an instance of

    No instance for (Data.Conduit.MonadThrow (ExceptionT IO))
      arising from a use of `.'

 Control.Monad.Trans.Resource has a similar instance:

 Control.Monad.Trans.Resource.MonadThrow m =
 (Control.Monad.Trans.Resource.ResourceT m)

 but because sourceFile operates in the Data.Conduit.MonadResource
 class, and Control.Monad.Trans.Resource.ResourceT isn't a member of
 that class (it's only a member of
 Control.Monad.Trans.Resource.MonadResource), that doesn't help:

    No instance for (Data.Conduit.MonadResource
                       (Control.Monad.Trans.Resource.ResourceT (ExceptionT
      arising from a use of `.'

 It should be noted that neither module defines anything like the

 MonadResource m = MonadResource (ExceptionT m)

 It seems like the underlying problem here is that:
 1) I am required to use the Control.Monad.Trans.Resource.ExceptionT
 class, because Data.Conduit doesn't re-export it
 2) I am required to use the Data.Conduit.MonadResource class, because
 sourceFile and others require it
 3) There doesn't seem to be an existing instance that bridges between the

 This seems like a fundamental flaw with re-exporting; it can only work
 if you re-export every single last thing from the original module.
 This doesn't seem tenable because the orignal module might not be
 under your control, so its author can add new symbols whenever he/she
 wants to.

 I see two solutions to this problem:
 1) Re-export Control.Monad.Trans.Resource.ExceptionT in Data.Conduit.
 This will work until someone adds something to the resourcet package
 and someone wants to use the new addition and Data.Conduit.ResourceT
 in the same stack
 2) Don't re-export anything in Data.Conduit; make sourceFile and
 others explicitly depend on types in another module, but this might
 break compatibility with existing programs if they use fully-qualified
 symbol names.
 3) Make anyone who wants to use a monad stack in MonadThrow and

[Haskell-cafe] Announce: haskellifi-trayicon-0.0.1

2012-06-03 Thread Ivan Perez
Hi everyone,
 I wrote a small app that suggests default passwords for visible wifi
networks (currently only some Telefonica  Jazztel Wifis in Spain, but
could be extended). Not a big deal (less than 400 lines of code with
the GUI), but some people asked me to release it, so here it is.


THIS IS IMPORTANT. This program is not intended for hacker wannabes.
This is meant ONLY for network administrators. Use *only* with
permission of the wifi admin.

More often than not, network administrators have to deal with clients
or other administrators how know very little about wifi security. It
is not uncommon to find wifis with default passwords. This program
suggests passwords for the wifis it detects, and presents the
information in a visually attractive way (tray icon with popup menu)
so that your customers/collaborators fully understand HOW EASY IT IS

NOTE: at the present time, this only works with Telefonica Spain's
WPA2 default passwords (and maybe Jazztel's). If the default password
of your wifi can be automatically generated from open or publicly
visible parameters, feel free to write the algorithm in Haskell, send
it to me and I'll see if I can add it here.

Code, Installation, readme, and other instructions:

During execution, you should see an icon on your traybar or
notification area.  Left click will show a menu with the list of wifis
it can suggest a password for. Clicking on one will copy the suggested
password to the clipboard. Right click on the icon to clear the wifi
list or quit the program.

Feel free to send me bugs reports and suggestions.

Hope it helps somebody.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Announce: Haskell Platform 2012.2.0.0

2012-06-03 Thread Jens Petersen
Congratulations on the release!

Thank you for all the hard work and great to see it come
out in this timely manner. :-)

 It's a relatively minor thing, but I noticed that the above URL redirects to


 which is incidentally considered a different URL from


 by Google's +1 service. Perhaps not surprisingly,
 http://haskell.org/platform redirects to the latter, single-/ Hackage URL.

I can reproduce this with Chrome, but not Firefox.

Equally surprising to me is that the number of slashes
also seems to affect the CSS presentation of the website
in Chrome.

// seems to give the Summer theme,
whereas / gives the Winter one!

Kind of weird.  Anyway I agree it would be better to avoid
the superfluous slashes if possible.

I am going build HP 2012.2 for Fedora 18 soon but
the first proper build may be after ghc-7.4.2 is released.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Announce: Haskell Platform 2012.2.0.0

2012-06-03 Thread Chris Wong
On Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 1:16 PM, Jens Petersen
j...@community.haskell.org wrote:
 Congratulations on the release!
 Equally surprising to me is that the number of slashes
 also seems to affect the CSS presentation of the website
 in Chrome.

 // seems to give the Summer theme,
 whereas / gives the Winter one!

 Kind of weird.  Anyway I agree it would be better to avoid
 the superfluous slashes if possible.

Your browser might be caching the file. Try pressing Ctrl-F5 on the winter page.

 I am going build HP 2012.2 for Fedora 18 soon but
 the first proper build may be after ghc-7.4.2 is released.


 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Announce: Haskell Platform 2012.2.0.0

2012-06-03 Thread Chris Wong
On Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 1:16 PM, Jens Petersen
j...@community.haskell.org wrote:
 Congratulations on the release!
 Equally surprising to me is that the number of slashes
 also seems to affect the CSS presentation of the website
 in Chrome.

 // seems to give the Summer theme,
 whereas / gives the Winter one!

 Kind of weird.  Anyway I agree it would be better to avoid
 the superfluous slashes if possible.

Your browser might be caching the file. Try pressing Ctrl-F5 on the
winter page to force a reload.

 I am going build HP 2012.2 for Fedora 18 soon but
 the first proper build may be after ghc-7.4.2 is released.


 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list