Re: [Haskell-cafe] Backward compatibility

2013-05-03 Thread Guy

Ertugrul Söylemez wrote:

Often demanded changes that may or may not happen in the future:

   * base: Make Functor a superclass of Monad.  One of the two most
 commonly demanded change to the base library.  Will break lots and
 lots of code.  Reason:  Would greatly simplify a lot of code.

   * base: Fix the numeric type classes.  The other most commonly
 demanded change.  Will break lots and lots of code, including most
 of the base library.  Reason:  Would make numeric code much more
 sensible and algebraic.

That's what I thought of when I saw the original complaint - GHC is too backwards compatible! There's far too much 
boilerplate because of the Functor = Applicative = Monad mess. Float/Double being Enums is ridiculous. None of this 
gets fixed because of the fear that new GHC won't compile old code.

Perhaps we need some system for maintainers to vote on whether they consider the value of a breaking change to be worth 
the effort of fixing their packages to work with it. In my own code, I usually find that this effort is minor, and I'm 
more than happy to do it in return for a better language/library.

PS The proposal to fix Functor = Applicative = Monad has patches attached for GHC and base, but the backwards 
compatibility bogeyman always seems to trump something that will break a lot of code.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Backward compatibility

2013-05-03 Thread Guy

David Thomas wrote:

I'd also like to see these two.  It occurs to me there may be language tweak 
that could reduce breakage and add some
convenience in both cases.  It would not surprise me at all if this has been 
thought of, examined, and discarded, but I
don't have time to dig so I'll just lay it out quickly, and if it has been 
discussed before someone will probably know

The idea is to allow definitions of superclass operations in subclass 
instances.  If there are such definitions, it's
treated as if there were instances defined for each class (potentially a source 
translation, even).  I think default
definitions of superclass operations in the subclass would be used last (that 
is, only for the automatic instance of the
superclass, and only if the superclass didn't have a default for that).

This should allow existing instances of Num to just work (and I think Monad 
too, with some care).  It would also mean if
you're making something that's a Monad or a Num you could just lay out the one 
instance in all one place, reducing a bit
of boilerplate.  At the same time, you'd have the flexibility to just use the 
superclasses where you just want pieces.

I'm surprised that the various superclass proposals haven't got more attention, seeing as it would allow for this kind 
of class hierarchy clean-up without breaking lots of code.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why were datatype contexts removed instead of fixing them?

2013-04-26 Thread Guy

Dan Doel wrote:

I don't really think they're worth saving in general, though. I haven't missed 
them, at least.

Maybe you haven't :-) My code is cluttered with redundant type contexts - I can't think of a similar redundancy in any 
other language.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type Constraints on Data Constructors

2011-06-09 Thread Guy
Can this be extended to records, without redundant repetition?

data Baz f a = Baz {baz :: Foo f = f a, baz2 :: Foo f = f a}

The type constraint for baz2 adds no information, as it's the same f as baz, 
but I can't leave it out.

- Original Message -
 From: Daniel Schüssler
 Cc: Guy
 Sent: Thursday, 9 June 2011, 2:06
 Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type Constraints on Data Constructors
 you might be thinking of this type?
 {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
 class Foo f where
     foo :: a - f a
 data Baz f a = Baz (forall f. Foo f = f a) 
 instance Foo (Baz f) where
      foo a = Baz (foo a)
 Maybe the difference between Bar and Baz ist best explained by writing it 
 an explicit class dictionary for Foo:
 {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-} 
 data FooDict f = FooDict { 
         foo :: forall a. a - f a 
 data Bar f a = Bar (FooDict f) (f a) 
 data Baz f a = Baz (FooDict f - f a) 
 fooDict_Baz :: FooDict (Baz f)
 fooDict_Baz = FooDict (\a - Baz (\d - foo d a)) 
 -- fooDict_Bar :: FooDict (Bar f)
 -- fooDict_Bar = FooDict (\a - Bar ? ?) 
 -- Doesn't work - you'd have to create a 'FooDict f' and a 
 'f a' out of just 
 an 'a'

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type Constraints on Data Constructors

2011-06-09 Thread Guy
Malcolm Wallace malcolm.wallace at writes:

 The class context on the data constructor buys you nothing extra in terms of
expressivity in the language. 
 All it does is force you to repeat the context on every function that uses the
datatype.  For this reason, the
 language committee has decided that the feature will be removed in the next
revision of Haskell.

Why not infer class contexts from type or data constructors, instead of ignoring

Having to repeatedly state redundant type information is not a desirable state
of affairs.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Type Constraints on Data Constructors

2011-06-08 Thread Guy

{- continuing discussion from beginners@ -}

I have code such as

class Foo f where
foo :: a - f a

data Bar f a = Foo f = Bar {bar :: f a}

instance Foo (Bar f) where
foo a = Bar $ foo a

GHC insists that I put Foo f = on the instance declaration, even though the 
constructor for Bar implies this.

Is there any reason why GHC cannot infer this constraint from the Bar constructor? One issue raised in the beginners 
thread is that

undefined :: Bar f a
is not Foo f, but as undefined cannot be evaluated, this would not appear to be 
a problem.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Comment Syntax

2011-06-07 Thread Guy

On 06/06/2011 22:14, Evan Laforge wrote:

Back to Haskell: I agree, the choice of the comment delimiter was not the
best in light of the possibility to define operators containing it as a
substring. But changing it to have --| start a comment too might break
too much code (and eliminating -- as a comment starter would certainly
break far too much code).

I like that you have to put a space in for haddock comments.

I originally posted because I found that --| stood out much more clearly as a 
structured comment than -- |.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Comment Syntax

2011-06-07 Thread Guy

On 07/06/2011 10:45, Ivan Lazar Miljenovic wrote:

On 7 June 2011 17:41,  wrote:

On 06/06/2011 22:14, Evan Laforge wrote:

Back to Haskell: I agree, the choice of the comment delimiter was not the
best in light of the possibility to define operators containing it as a
substring. But changing it to have --| start a comment too might break
too much code (and eliminating -- as a comment starter would certainly
break far too much code).

I like that you have to put a space in for haddock comments.

I originally posted because I found that --| stood out much more clearly as
a structured comment than -- |.

How does a missing space character make that stand out any more? :/

(Admittedly, I rely more on emacs using a different colour for Haddock
comments than non-Haddock comments.)

Try it without emacs :-)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Comment Syntax

2011-06-07 Thread Guy

On 07/06/2011 10:55, Ivan Lazar Miljenovic wrote:

On 7 June 2011 17:50,  wrote:

On 07/06/2011 10:45, Ivan Lazar Miljenovic wrote:

On 7 June 2011 17:41, Guyguytsalmave...@yahoo.comwrote:

I originally posted because I found that --| stood out much more clearly
a structured comment than -- |.

How does a missing space character make that stand out any more? :/

(Admittedly, I rely more on emacs using a different colour for Haddock
comments than non-Haddock comments.)

Try it without emacs :-)

I've also read un-highlighted Haskell code; I don't see --| standing
out any more than -- | does.  My guess is that you just get used to

Another argument against special-casing --|: what happens if you
want to use a _different_ documentation generator (I don't know why
you would, but someone might) than Haddock, which uses a different
markup identifier?

Out of interest, is there any other language where the comment delimiter is 
invalid if immediately followed by a symbol?

Haskell seems to be parsing -- as if it was an operator (hence other legal lexemes could mean something else). Other 
languages say stop parsing here, so the comment delimiter can be followed by anything. (I could, of course, be 
completely wrong there.)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Comment Syntax

2011-06-07 Thread Guy

On 07/06/2011 10:55, Ivan Lazar Miljenovic wrote:

Another argument against special-casing --|: what happens if you
want to use a _different_ documentation generator (I don't know why
you would, but someone might) than Haddock, which uses a different
markup identifier?

We can declare new operators - why not new comment delimiters? That way Haddock could define --| and --^, other 
generators could declare whatever they wanted.

The downside of this is that Haddock would have to be imported into every file 
which uses the markup.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Comment Syntax

2011-06-03 Thread Guy

-- followed by a symbol does not start a comment, thus for example, haddock 
declarations must begin with -- |, and not --|.

What might --| mean, if not a comment? It doesn't seem possible to define it as 
an operator.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Comment Syntax

2011-06-03 Thread Guy

On 03/06/2011 12:01, Malcolm Wallace wrote:

I believe the motivating example that persuaded the Language Committee to allow 
these symbols was
which is not of course used anywhere in the standard libraries, but is an 
extremely nice symbol to have available in user code.

Seeing as no library actually defines such a symbol, is it worth forcing an extra space into comments? --| and --^ would 
be an extremely nice symbols for haddock comments.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Comment Syntax

2011-06-03 Thread Guy

On 03/06/2011 12:26, Ivan Lazar Miljenovic wrote:

On 3 June 2011 19:19,  wrote:

On 03/06/2011 12:01, Malcolm Wallace wrote:

I believe the motivating example that persuaded the Language Committee to
allow these symbols was
which is not of course used anywhere in the standard libraries, but is an
extremely nice symbol to have available in user code.

Seeing as no library actually defines such a symbol, is it worth forcing an
extra space into comments? --| and --^ would be an extremely nice symbols
for haddock comments.

We already have to forms of comments: -- and {- -}; why do we need another two?

Think of it this way: the -- defines the comment, and then we use
the | or ^ to indicate to _haddock_ to interpret this differently.
  I don't think we need to special-case symbols starting with -- just
to avoid having to put a space in to delimit the comment indicator and
the markup indicator.

I wasn't proposing additional comment symbols; I'm proposing that anything 
beginning with -- is a comment.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: converting capital letters into small letters

2002-07-26 Thread that jefu guy

On Thu, 2002-07-25 at 19:07, Andrew J Bromage wrote:
 G'day all.
 On Fri, Jul 26, 2002 at 01:27:48AM +, Karen Y wrote:
  1. How would I convert capital letters into small letters?
  2. How would I remove vowels from a string?
 As you've probably found out, these are very hard problems.

 Glossing over that concern, current implementations don't support the
 relevant UnicodePrims fully, so to do it properly you'll probably need
 to parse the case folding files yourself.  See:
 Vowels are even harder because I don't think the Unicode standard even
 defines what a vowel is.  Removing vowel _marks_ should be
 straightforward once you expand combining characters, but that doesn't
 help with the general case.  Frankly, I don't like your chances.

Shouldn't the solution also take care of languages without upper casing?
Clearly the translation problem is easy enough with such languages (
id will work just fine), but determining (from context?) that the
string is in such a language is more than a bit difficult (especially
given that numeric codes can correspond to most everything).  

Vowels are much more difficult - even  given that the language is
recognizable, what would happen with languages such as Chinese or Arabic
which (I believe) have nothing that even resembles a vowel? 

Of course, Chinese is a whole problem by itself. 

jeff putnam -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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