Re: [Haskell-cafe] Compiling arbitrary Haskell code

2013-10-11 Thread Jason Dagit
On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 1:30 PM, Christopher Done chrisd...@gmail.comwrote:

 Is there a definitive list of things in GHC that are unsafe to
 _compile_ if I were to take an arbitrary module and compile it?

 E.g. off the top of my head, things that might be dangerous:

 * TemplateHaskell/QuasiQuotes -- obviously
 * Are rules safe?
 * #includes — I presume there's some security risk with including any old
 * FFI -- speaks for itself

It really depends on the security properties you want to maintain. That
should inform your policy. For example, denial of service vs. leaking
information (like password db) vs. allowing yourself to become part of a
botnet. There are lots of things to consider here.

For example, lambdabot has always disallowed IO and thus needs to disallow
unsafeCoerce/unsafePerformIO/unsafeInterleaveIO and anything else that
introduces a backdoor in the type system. I think the list you have above
is a good start, but wouldn't be complete for lambdabot.

 I'm interested in the idea of compiling Haskell code on,
 for core, rule firings, maybe even Th expansion, etc. When sandboxing
 code that I'm running, it's really easy if I whitelist what code is
 available (parsing with HSE, whitelisting imports, extensions). The
 problem of infinite loops or too much allocation is fairly
 straight-forwardly solved by similar techniques applied in mueval.

What type of sandboxing do you plan to use and what limitations does it
have? For example, chroot jails can be defeated.

 SafeHaskell helps a lot here, but suppose that I want to also allow
 TemplateHaskell, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving and stuff like that,
 because a lot of real code uses those. They only seem to be restricted
 to prevent cheeky messing with APIs in ways the authors of the APIs
 didn't want -- but that shouldn't necessarily be a security—in terms
 of my system—problem, should it? Ideally I'd very strictly whitelist
 which modules are allowed to be used (e.g. a version of TH that
 doesn't have runIO), and extensions, and then compile any code that
 uses them.

GND can be used to cause a segfault. I don't know if it can be used to
cause a more serious exploit, but I would be concerned that it can. Then
again, if you're already allowing TH or arbitrary IO then those are
probably much easier places to attack so it may not matter.

 I'd rather not have to setup a VM just to compile Haskell code safely.
 I'm willing to put some time in to investigate it, but if there's
 already previous work done for this, I'd appreciate any links.

I don't know how well it's documented, but lambdabot has a long history of
restricting the Haskell it accepts to make it safe. Other things to look
at, google native client (to see how they approach sandboxing), and geordi
the C++ IRC bot.

In the native client case they do fancy tricks with segment registers (to
control where the sandboxed process can write to memory) and intercepting
system calls in the outer part of the process. They have the case where
they do everything in one process in one address space. You could imagine
porting the GHC RTS to run in native client (didn't someone start on that?)
and then using that to sandbox all your Haskell evaluation.

 At the end of the day, there's always just supporting a subset of
 Haskell using SafeHaskell. I'm just curious about the more general
 case, for use-cases similar to my own.

I think SafeHaskell is a reasonable starting place, but I don't think it
gives you a really strong guarantee yet. Everything that is inferred safe
probably is (I don't know of any exploits with that part of SafeHaskell).
In practice, you'll probably also want to use some trusted packages, but
that requires that none of the stuff your trust is exploitable.

I hope that helps,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell Logo Macbook Decal

2013-10-01 Thread Jason Dagit
On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 3:50 PM, Kyle Hanson wrote:

 I ordered mine!

 Does anyone know if there is any place where I could order pre-made
 Haskell t-shirt that benefits too?

I don't know where, but I just wanted to say thank you to both you and Ryan
and everyone else who buys one. Setting something up like this is great!
And we definitely want to encourage it. So if you do find a place to order
shirts (maybe cafepress?) please let us know.

You might also like to know that can now accept donations

Gershom announced it at the recent Haskell Implementors Workshop and we're
still working on getting the word out to a wider audience. In the future, would like to use donations to buy dedicated development time
for key bits of Haskell infrastructure. I think we'll have more to say
about that in a week or two (work in progress).

Thanks for your support!
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Richard Bird and the fast nub function

2013-09-29 Thread Jason Dagit
On Sun, Sep 29, 2013 at 1:40 PM, Henning Thielemann wrote:

 In Richard Bird's Functional Pearls in Algorithm Design there is chapter
 10 Removing duplicates which is about a fast and sorting variant of
 'nub'. After reading the introduction of the chapter I answered mentally
 Set.toAscList . Set.fromList - next chapter please. However after the
 introduction eight pages follow that develop an efficient algorithm for the
 problem. I suspected there might be the additional difficulty of not using
 the standard Set type, however on page 70 the common Set API is imported.
 In the final remarks of the chapter Bird writes: A nagging doubt remains
 that there might be a much simpler solution to such a simply stated
 problem. But so far I have not been able to find one. Now I am lost. Can
 someone tell me, how the task differs from what Set.toAscList .
 Set.fromList does?

I've been puzzling over this too. The most convincing answer I've come up
with (and it's not very convincing) is that he presented the development
because he aims to teach the process and the skill, not because it lead to
a particularly efficient implementation in this case.

In fact, when folks were talking about improving `nub` on here a few months
ago I finally got around to benchmarking it and found that it wasn't all
that efficient compared to the other proposals. I don't think I have the
numbers anymore. It wasn't terrible but it wasn't amazing either.

So yeah, I don't know what to make of that chapter :(

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Poll plea: State of GUI graphics libraries in Haskell

2013-09-27 Thread Jason Dagit
On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 8:32 PM, Conal Elliott wrote:

 I'm polling to see whether there are will and expertise to reboot graphics
 and GUIs work in Haskell. I miss working on functional graphics and GUIs in
 Haskell, as I've been blocked for several years (eight?) due to the absence
 of low-level foundation libraries having the following properties:

 * cross-platform,
 * easily buildable,
 * GHCi-friendly, and
 * OpenGL-compatible.

GLFW-b satisfies all of these. There are two caveats: a) to use it with
GHCi you'll need to use ghc 7.8 (when it comes out in a week or two); b)
it's really only providing an OpenGL context and none of the other
traditional GUI things like widgets and font rendering.

As far as GHCi compatibility is concerned, the problem there isn't with
GLFW or the Haskell bindings. GHCi has been toxic to these sorts of
libraries for a long time due to some bugs and limitations. In GHC 7.8,
there is a change to use the system wide linker by default and that removes
one hurdle. The next hurdle is to make GHCi work better with libraries that
use thread local storage that is pinned to the process's original thread.
You can often workaround this limitation with -fghci-no-sandbox.

 The last several times I tried Gtk2hs, I was unable to compile it on my
 Mac. Years ago when I was able to compile, the GUIs looked and interacted
 like a Linux app, which made them awkward and upleasant to use. wxHaskell
 (whose API and visual appearance I prefered) has for years been
 incompatible with GHCi, in that the second time I open a top-level window,
 the host process (GHCi) dies abruptly. Since my GUI  graphics programs are
 often one-liners, and I tend to experiment a lot, using a full compilation
 greatly thwarts my flow. For many years, I've thought that the situation
 would eventually improve, since I'm far from the only person who wants GUIs
 or graphics from Haskell.

wxHaskell + GHCi is likely affected by some of the things I mention above.
You should give it another try when 7.8 lands.

I hope that helps,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] definition of the term combinator

2013-08-23 Thread Jason Dagit
On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 9:09 PM, damodar kulkarni kdamodar2...@gmail.comwrote:

 The word combinator is used several times in the Haskell community. e.g.
 parser combinator, combinator library etc.

 Is it exactly the same term that is used in the combinatory logic ?
 A combinator is a higher-order function that uses *only function
 application* and earlier defined combinators to define a result from its
 arguments. [1]

 It seems, the term combinator as in, say, parser combinator, doesn't
 have much to do with the *only function application* requirement of the
 combinatory logic, per se.

 If the above observation holds, is the term combinator as used in the
 Haskell community, properly defined?

 In other words:

 Where can I find a formal and precise definition of the term combinator,
 as a term used by the Haskell community to describe something?

Good question. I believe this article addresses the points you raise:
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Alternative name for return

2013-08-14 Thread Jason Dagit
On Wed, Aug 14, 2013 at 7:54 PM, Simon Peyton-Jones

 |  Indeed, I wished the 0-ary case would be more alike to the unary and
 |  binary case, cf.
 | return f0
 | f1 $ a1
 | f2 $ a1 * a2
 |  What is needed is a nice syntax for idiom brackets.

 Indeed.  I'm quite open to adding idiom brackets to GHC, if everyone can
 agree on their syntax, and someone would like to offer a patch.

 Something like
 (| f a1 a2 |)

The last time I suggested this (on IRC), the first question someone asked
was: How should nested uses of applicative work with idiom brackets? I
think this question actually comes in two flavors:

  * Can you nest the brackets themselves?
  * How deeply do you traverse the expression to insert the applicative

Also, if anyone wants to look at prior art first, Idris supports
applicative brackets.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why GHC is written in Happy and not a monadic parser library?

2013-08-03 Thread Jason Dagit
On Sat, Aug 3, 2013 at 3:36 AM, Malcolm Wallace wrote:

 On 3 Aug 2013, at 02:20, Jason Dagit wrote:

 Is there any specific reason why GHC is written in a parser GENERATOR
 (Happy) and not in MONADIC PARSER COMBINATOR (like parsec)?

 Is Happy faster / handles better errors / hase some great features or
 anything else?

 One reason is that  it predates monadic parser libraries.

 I'm not entirely sure this is true.  I reckon the development of applicative 
 parser combinators (used in the implementation of the nhc12 compiler, way 
 back in 1995 or so), is roughly contemporaneous with the development of 
 Happy, and its use inside ghc.  (I found a release note from Sept 1997 that 
 said ghc had just converted its interface-file parser to use Happy.)  
 Certainly table-driven parsers in non-functional languages go back a lot 
 further, and functional combinator-based parsing was then the relative 

Interesting. I know the happy source has copyright dates starting in
1991, so I figured it was developed to help write ghc. Perhaps they
were using it for source parsing before they adopted it for
interface-file parsing in 1997?

 As to why ghc switched to Happy, the literature of the time suggests that 
 generated table-driven parsers were faster than combinator-based parsers.  
 I'm not sure I have ever seen any performance figures to back that up 
 however.  And with the general improvement in performance of idiomatic 
 Haskell over the last twenty years, I'd be interested to see a modern 

Another con of using parsec that I forgot to mention in my previous
email is that with Parsec you need to be explicit about backtracking
(use of try). Reasoning about the correct places to put try is not
always easy and parsec doesn't help you with the task. In my
experience, this is the main bug that people run into when using


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why GHC is written in Happy and not a monadic parser library?

2013-08-02 Thread Jason Dagit
On Fri, Aug 2, 2013 at 5:49 PM, wrote:
 Is there any specific reason why GHC is written in a parser GENERATOR
 (Happy) and not in MONADIC PARSER COMBINATOR (like parsec)?

 Is Happy faster / handles better errors / hase some great features or
 anything else?

One reason is that  it predates monadic parser libraries.

Pros of parser generators:
  + Static analysis of the grammar (shift/reduce conflicts, debuggers, etc)
  + More succinct definition of grammar / semantic actions (easier to
formally reason about the language)
  + Efficient parser generation
  + attribute grammars

Monadic parsers are not amenable to static analysis in the same ways.
Applicative parsers hypothetically do not have this limitation, but
none of the applicative parsers provide static analysis.

I would expect parsec to be slower than happy (although I haven't
benchmarked it).

The place where monadic parsers shine is when you don't know the
formal grammar or you can't have one.

Personally, I prefer parser generators although I think monadic
parsers have their time and place. Parsec is a wonderful replacement
to writing a recursive descent parser.

Lately, I've been modernizing the happy source code and making it so
that it better integrates with cabal. I hope this will help improve
the image of happy.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ordNub

2013-07-15 Thread Jason Dagit
On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 4:20 AM, Niklas Hambüchen wrote:
 tldr: nub is abnormally slow, we shouldn't use it, but we do.

 As you might know, Data.List.nub is O(n²). (*)

 As you might not know, almost *all* practical Haskell projects use it,
 and that in places where an Ord instance is given, e.g. happy, Xmonad,
 ghc-mod, Agda, darcs, QuickCheck, yesod, shake, Cabal, haddock, and 600
 more (see

 I've taken the Ord-based O(n * log n) implementation from yi using a Set:

   ordNub :: (Ord a) = [a] - [a]
   ordNub l = go empty l
   go _ [] = []
   go s (x:xs) = if x `member` s then go s xs
 else x : go (insert x s) xs

 and put benchmarks on
 (compare `nub` vs `ordNub`).

Richard Bird has a book, Pearls of Functional Algorithm Design that
is meant to teach a form of deriving algorithms from the properties we
ask of them. In this book, he gives a possible derivation of ordNub,
simply called nub in the book, following the methodology he is
teaching. He notes in the text that this derivation feels more
complicated than it ought.

Here is his version:

I just sent you a pull request to add that one and S.toList .
S.fromList that was suggested in this thread. I don't think those two
implementations are faster than the others but it's nice to have them
for completeness.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] OS X ghci problem

2013-07-13 Thread Jason Dagit
On Sat, Jul 13, 2013 at 4:39 PM, Mark Lentczner wrote:
 Bizarre - this just happened to me today, too. Anyone? Did you figure out a
 work around? For the record, I'm trying to bring Euterpea up.

After some digging, experimenting, asking around, and head scratching
my best guesses are:

  * GHCi's custom linker isn't doing the right thing (some versions of
llvm/clang gave crashes like this and it was a linker bug for them,
you can find reports on sites like StackOverflow).
  * We need to feed .m files to clang instead of ghc/gcc
  * GHCi needs to be built with Cocoa in mind (is it already?)
  * Some rts component of objective-c is not properly initialized (ARC
vs. -fobjc-gc vs. -fnext-step, etc)

 My system is OS X 10.8.4, and I'm running HP 2013.2, so 7.6.3. And

What version of the xcode command line tools do you have? Anything
older than 4.6.2 might have had the linker bugs I mention. On the
other hand, I've tried with the latest version installed and it didn't
help (probably because ghci doesn't use it).

In terms of experimentation, you can hand desugar the objective-c code
in the GLFW init and when I do that I get segfaults. Also, the address
mentioned in the objective-c exception has a suspicious value, which
would further implicate the linker. Add to that, it works for a
compile program (which uses the system linker, IIRC).

Basically, I'm pretty sure it's GHCi's linker to blame here but I
don't have a smoking gun.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] OS X ghci problem

2013-07-13 Thread Jason Dagit
On Sat, Jul 13, 2013 at 5:32 PM, Anthony Cowley wrote:
 On Jul 13, 2013, at 8:04 PM, Jason Dagit wrote:

 On Sat, Jul 13, 2013 at 4:39 PM, Mark Lentczner wrote:
 Bizarre - this just happened to me today, too. Anyone? Did you figure out a
 work around? For the record, I'm trying to bring Euterpea up.

 After some digging, experimenting, asking around, and head scratching
 my best guesses are:

  * GHCi's custom linker isn't doing the right thing (some versions of
 llvm/clang gave crashes like this and it was a linker bug for them,
 you can find reports on sites like StackOverflow).
  * We need to feed .m files to clang instead of ghc/gcc
  * GHCi needs to be built with Cocoa in mind (is it already?)
  * Some rts component of objective-c is not properly initialized (ARC
 vs. -fobjc-gc vs. -fnext-step, etc)

 My system is OS X 10.8.4, and I'm running HP 2013.2, so 7.6.3. And

 In terms of experimentation, you can hand desugar the objective-c code
 in the GLFW init and when I do that I get segfaults. Also, the address
 mentioned in the objective-c exception has a suspicious value, which
 would further implicate the linker. Add to that, it works for a
 compile program (which uses the system linker, IIRC).

 Basically, I'm pretty sure it's GHCi's linker to blame here but I
 don't have a smoking gun.


 I thought I'd had some success desugaring the Objective-C code, but I never 
 went the whole way, so perhaps I just didn't get to the segfault. What I do 
 for GLFW is use a dylib, then you don't rely on GHCi's static-ish linker. The 
 only wrinkle is figuring out where you want the dylib. I think homebrew will 
 put one in /usr/local/lib, which works out nicely, but they don't have GLFW 3 
 yet. Another option is to build the dylib yourself from the GLFW source 
 bundled with the GLFW-b package, then tell cabal where to find it.

Thanks. It hadn't occurred to me that the previous packaging had
better success precisely because it built a dylib first.

 It's worth the trouble, as having a GHCi-based workflow for graphics work is 
 wonderful. A fancy Setup.hs that works out installation paths could generate 
 the dylib, and I thought such code existed in the past. Was some problem 
 found with that approach?

Yes, I wrote the Setup.hs/Makefile in the previous GLFW-b version that
built glfw as a dylib. The problem is that Hackage no longer accepts
that packaging because it doesn't like the extra-lib-dirs. Working
around the (somewhat) arbitrary constraints that cabal/hackage imposes
is rather annoying. There is no trust me, this package works option.
It just assumes that a relative path in extra-lib-dirs can never work
and rejects the package upload :(


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] OS X ghci problem

2013-07-13 Thread Jason Dagit
On Sat, Jul 13, 2013 at 6:44 PM, Carter Schonwald wrote:
 has anyone tried using ghci HEAD? If the problem is linker based... perhaps
 ghci that uses the system Dylinker might resolve it?

If someone gets brave and tries this I'd love to hear if it works.
Although, that's too new for something we hope most people can use.
I'm already feeling sheepish about requiring a minimum of 7.2.1 on OSX
(that was the first version that knew what to do with .m files).


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Netwire bouncing ball

2013-07-10 Thread Jason Dagit
On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 2:15 PM, Just wrote:

 I'm trying to get a grasp of netwire by implementing a bouncing ball
 simulation and I'm failing.
 The ball starts from the ground with a given velocity and when hitting the
 ground the wire inhibits successfully. Now I'm kinda stuck.

I've never used netwire (although I've used yampa and
recative-banana), so I can't give you help with the code, but maybe I
can help with the concepts.

I think I see what is wrong. You need to keep applying forces to the
ball. Right now, the code says, once the ball falls below a certain
point, stop applying the force (eg., clamp the output of the
integral). Instead, you could apply an upward force at the point of
impact. You can get this from newton's third law (equal and opposite
reaction). The easiest way to see a bounce would be to simply negate
the velocity when you detect a collision with the ground. A more
accurate way might involve some calculations to figure out the
impulse, but then you'll need more things like the mass of the ball.

I hope that helps,

 How can I make the ball bounce?

 Here is the code:

 {-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}

 module Main where

 import Control.Wire
 import Prelude hiding ((.), id)
 import Control.Concurrent

 type Pos = Double
 type Vel = Double
 type ObjState = (Pos, Vel)

 testApp :: Pos - Vel - WireP () ObjState
 testApp p0 v0 = proc _ - do
 v - integral_ v0 - -9.81
 p - integral1_ p0 - v
 when (= 0) - p
 returnA - (p, v)

 main :: IO ()
 main = loop' (testApp 0 30) clockSession
 loop' w' session' = do
 threadDelay 100
 (mx, w, session) - stepSessionP w' session' ()
 case mx of
 Left ex - putStrLn (Inhibited:  ++ show ex)
 Right x - putStrLn (Produced:  ++ show x)
 loop' w session

 Thanks in advance!

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why isn't hsc2hs functionality provided by ghc?

2013-06-04 Thread Jason Dagit
On Tue, Jun 4, 2013 at 8:45 PM, John Lato wrote:
 On Wed, Jun 5, 2013 at 10:15 AM, Ivan Lazar Miljenovic wrote:

 On 5 June 2013 12:02, silly wrote:
  I was wondering today, why hasn't hsc2hs been merged with ghc so that
  it would be possible to add a
  {-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
  at the top of a source file and then load it with ghci or compile it,
  without the intermediate step of calling hsc2hs? This would be exactly
  like the CPP extension. I don't have to call cpp manually. All I have
  to do is to add {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} and then ghc will take care of
  the rest. This would also mean that there would be no need to have a
  separate file extension. Surely I must not be the first person to have
  that thought, so there must be a good reason why this hasn't happen
  yet, but what is it?

 Isn't this done automatically when you have files with the .hsc extension?

 cabal handles this transparently, but not ghc.  It's frustrating when you
 want to develop a project with ghci.

 I don't think it's a good idea to merge hsc2hs syntax into Haskell files.
 In particular, it's often useful to inspect the intermediate .hs file
 produced by hsc2hs during development or debugging.  Also it would
 complicate ghc's parser, etc...

 My preferred solution would be to have ghc/ghci automatically run hsc2hs
 (support c2hs also?) when necessary.  But so long as it's handled
 automatically, I wouldn't be particularly bothered by the implementation.

How about having a `ghci` command for cabal? Or does the automatic
requirement really need to be part of ghc to work the way you want?

(BTW, cabal-dev does have a `ghci` command, but I haven't tested to
see if it does the hsc - hs conversion.)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Array, Vector, Bytestring

2013-06-03 Thread Jason Dagit
On Mon, Jun 3, 2013 at 7:45 PM, Clark Gaebel wrote:
 How is this a problem?

 If you're representing text, use 'text'.
 If you're representing a string of bytes, use 'bytestring'.
 If you want an array of values, think c++ and use 'vector'.
 If you want to mutate arrays, first, make sure you do. You probably don't.
 If you're sure, use MVector.

 Don't use String, except to interface with legacy code. You probably want
 Don't use Array. Anything it can be used for, can be done with 'vector'.

You have to build multidimensional accessors for vector yourself.
Array supports them out of the box. I still prefer vector, but it's
only fair to note that multidimensional data is a weak spot of vector.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [ Google Summer of Code 2013] Approved Projects

2013-05-29 Thread Jason Dagit
On Wed, May 29, 2013 at 10:47 AM, Carter Schonwald wrote:
 indeed, i'm the principal mentor for this project, though as mentioned
 Ian-Woo will hopefully be helping out too.

 I'm going to *help* focus the project on being a tool thats not focused on
 QT, though if something nice can be worked out in that direction, great!

Are you folks aware of the work on this topic by Tristan Ravitch?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Parallel ghc --make

2013-05-15 Thread Jason Dagit
On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 6:36 PM, Clark Gaebel wrote:
 It's also useful to note that the disk cache might do a surprisingly good
 job at caching those .hi files for you. That, and a lot of people (like me!)
 use SSDs, where the parallel compilation takes the vast majority of time.

 I'd be really excited to see parallel ghc --make.

 By the way, totally unrelated, but why does cabal support -j when cabal-dev

It helps to understand that they are made by different people and
cabal-dev is just a wrapper around cabal. Out of curiosity I just
tried 'cabal-dev install -j' and as far as I can tell right now it
does support -j. Perhaps you need to install newer versions of cabal
or cabal-dev?

$ cabal-dev --version
cabal-dev 0.9.1
built with Cabal 1.16.0


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ghci: Difference in garbage collection etc. between REPL and function

2013-05-08 Thread Jason Dagit
On Wed, May 8, 2013 at 6:54 PM, Niklas Hambüchen wrote:
 I have an annoying bug in a C binding that can be triggered like this:

 handle - open ...

 prep - makePreparedStatement handle INSERT ...


 runStatement prep

 close handle

 If I run these steps one by one in ghci, garbage ends up in my handle as

 However, if I let main = do ... this whole block in order to pack it
 in a test case, it does not happen, neither in ghci nor ghc.

 What might be the special magic in ghci's REPL that allows me to trigger
 my bug so easily there?

One thing to investigate: Thread Local Storage

By default ghci puts each action you run into a thread and executes
it. If the underlying C code stores something (or accesses it) from
thread local storage, then you will run into issues like this.

Try starting ghci with -fno-ghci-sandbox. If the bad behavior goes
away there, try running each step of your test case inside a forkIO
from ghc with the threaded RTS. If the problem disappears in ghci but
shows up with forkIO, then it's a pretty good indicator that it's
related to the way the C code uses thread local storage.

I hope that helps,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ghci: Difference in garbage collection etc. between REPL and function

2013-05-08 Thread Jason Dagit
On Wed, May 8, 2013 at 8:12 PM, Jason Dagit wrote:
 On Wed, May 8, 2013 at 6:54 PM, Niklas Hambüchen wrote:
 I have an annoying bug in a C binding that can be triggered like this:

 handle - open ...

 prep - makePreparedStatement handle INSERT ...


 runStatement prep

 close handle

 If I run these steps one by one in ghci, garbage ends up in my handle as

 However, if I let main = do ... this whole block in order to pack it
 in a test case, it does not happen, neither in ghci nor ghc.

 What might be the special magic in ghci's REPL that allows me to trigger
 my bug so easily there?

 One thing to investigate: Thread Local Storage

 By default ghci puts each action you run into a thread and executes
 it. If the underlying C code stores something (or accesses it) from
 thread local storage, then you will run into issues like this.

My point was meant to be, it's something to try but I have no idea if
it's going to be the issue here.

The caveat I forgot to add is: I've never seen the thread local
storage issue affect GC. In particular, ghc might be running a
finalizer in the case of individual actions because it doesn't know
you are about to use the handle?

Now that I think about it more, I suspect that is more likely to be the case.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] GPGPU

2013-05-04 Thread Jason Dagit
On Sat, May 4, 2013 at 3:00 AM, Christopher Howard wrote:
 Has anybody on the list been playing around with OpenCL at all? I'm just
 starting to look into it - need to get a newer Radeon card, I think -
 but I'm strongly interested in GPGPU programming.

This is about as far as I've made it:


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] GPGPU

2013-05-04 Thread Jason Dagit
On Sat, May 4, 2013 at 11:54 AM, Anthony Cowley wrote:
 I wrote this some time ago.

 I know that soon after I wrote that, it worked with both OpenCL and gloss
 from hackage, but there may be some bitrot at this point.

Some of the links in the blog seem to be broken as well. For instance,
the link to the animation screen shot.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] GPGPU

2013-05-04 Thread Jason Dagit
On Sat, May 4, 2013 at 2:16 PM, Anthony Cowley wrote:

 Thanks to the nudge from Jason, the bitrot has now been scraped off.
 The post is prettier, the code all works again, and the screenshot has
 been restored.

Nice! That's a very cool demo.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Compiled program using OpenGL fails to trigger GPU switch on Mac, but works in GHCi

2013-03-17 Thread Jason Dagit
On Sat, Mar 16, 2013 at 6:53 PM, Jesper Särnesjö wrote:

To be clear, I think this isn't really an OpenGL problem, but rather
 one related to FFI or event handling. If anyone could explain to me,
 in general, how and why a call to a foreign function returning IO ()
 might cause different behavior in Haskell than in C, that might help
 me track down the problem.

I haven't finished reading your other email, but I can suggest a possible
answer to this query.

Lots of the native GUI libraries attached thread local storage to the
process's initial thread. In GHCi expressions are not evaluated in that
thread (in the default setup). One thing that may be worth investigating is
the difference between ghci behavior when you start with and without

The release notes for 7.0.1 said this about that flag:
There is a new -fno-ghci-sandbox flag, which stops GHCi running
computations in a separate thread. In particular, this is useful for GLUT
on OS X, which only works if being run on the main thread.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Maintaining lambdabot

2013-03-15 Thread Jason Dagit
On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 11:19 AM, Gwern Branwen wrote:

 On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 1:35 PM, Jan Stolarek
  Gwern, and what do you think about James' fork of lambdabot? It seems
 that there was a lot of work
  put into it and that this is indeed a good starting point to continue

 I haven't looked at the diffs; if as he says the security around the
 evaluation has been weakened, that's a deal-breaker until it's fixed.
 lambdabot can't be insecure since it will be run in a public IRC.

I absolutely agree. There are sandboxing things we can do around the
lambdabot instance, but Haskell has a lot of opportunities for statically
disallowing questionable things. I would like to start our defense there
and add layers around that.

My real reason for reviving this thread: Can I get a status update, please?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Maintaining lambdabot

2013-03-15 Thread Jason Dagit
On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 9:19 AM, James Cook wrote:

 On Mar 14, 2013, at 11:08 PM, Jason Dagit wrote:

  My real reason for reviving this thread: Can I get a status update,

 Sure.  I don't have as much time as I'd like these days for open-source
 projects, but with Jan's help the code has been cleaned up quite a bit in
 general, and a lot of old bit-rot has been fixed.  I have not specifically
 addressed security yet, but it's not as dire a situation as I think it
 sounded from my earlier remarks.

 Basically, security is currently a bit DIY.  If there are any holes,
 they are probably quite subtle because there are very, very few moving
 parts on lambdabot's side.  mueval and Safe Haskell are used to enforce
 resource limitations and type-safety, respectively, but -fpackage-trust is
 not (yet) turned on.  So all packages installed on the system are available
 for the interpreted code (if imported using a command such as @let import
 Foo.Bar), as long as Safe Haskell permits.  This is the main potential
 security hole - the system may have modules installed and marked
 Trustworthy that the administrator has not explicitly decided whether to
 trust, and which are not, in fact, as safe as the author asserts.
  Currently, lambdabot trusts such packages.  My intention is to add some
 commands (available only to lambdabot admins) or maybe a static
 configuration option for managing a list of packages to explicitly trust,
 with all others being untrusted.

 And of course, for a production system an OS-enforced sandbox is a great
 idea no matter how secure you believe the code do be.

 Aside from that caveat, I think that the code could be put on hackage
 today and I'd have few, if any, reservations about it.

I haven't been following the thread closely. Is there also a github? If so,
where? Some of us figured out a bug fix for the quotes plugin and I'll send
a pull request if I get a chance.

Thanks for the update,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Maintaining lambdabot

2013-03-15 Thread Jason Dagit
On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 3:30 PM, James Cook wrote:

 On Mar 15, 2013, at 2:45 PM, Jason Dagit wrote:

  I haven't been following the thread closely. Is there also a github? If
 so, where? Some of us figured out a bug fix for the quotes plugin and I'll
 send a pull request if I get a chance.

 Yep, there is[1].  I'm not sure what the specific bug is that you are
 referring to, but it's possible it doesn't exist anymore - a large part of
 the quotes plugin has been rewritten (actually outsourced to a fortune-mod
 clone written in Haskell called misfortune).  If it still does, then of
 course I'd be happy to accept a fix :)



I believe the bug is still there. The type for the quote db is:
type Key= P.ByteString
type Quotes = M.Map Key [P.ByteString]

Which leaves the possibility that a key exists but there are no quotes.
This is problematic for the current version of random. I glanced at your
new version and it wasn't clear to me if it's still a problem (I suspect it
is). One bandaid for this is to change the lines below:

In both cases Just qs could be changed to Just qs@(_:_) and then empty
lists would fall through to the default case.

The other fix is to prune out degenerate entries (where key maps to the
empty list). I believe that would be fixed in the serialization function:
moduleSerialize = Just mapListPackedSerial

Changing that to something like:
moduleSerialize = Just mapListPackedSerialSansEmpties
  mapListPackedSerialSansEmpties = mapListPackedSerial { serialize =
(serialize mapListPackedSerial) . Map.filter (not.null) }

Perhaps that should be added to the Serial module as an alternative to

I haven't tested any of the above code (or even tried to compile it).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Maintaining lambdabot

2013-03-15 Thread Jason Dagit
On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 4:31 PM, Jason Dagit wrote:

 On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 3:30 PM, James Cook wrote:

 On Mar 15, 2013, at 2:45 PM, Jason Dagit wrote:

  I haven't been following the thread closely. Is there also a github? If
 so, where? Some of us figured out a bug fix for the quotes plugin and I'll
 send a pull request if I get a chance.

 Yep, there is[1].  I'm not sure what the specific bug is that you are
 referring to, but it's possible it doesn't exist anymore - a large part of
 the quotes plugin has been rewritten (actually outsourced to a fortune-mod
 clone written in Haskell called misfortune).  If it still does, then of
 course I'd be happy to accept a fix :)



 I believe the bug is still there. The type for the quote db is:
 type Key= P.ByteString
 type Quotes = M.Map Key [P.ByteString]

 Which leaves the possibility that a key exists but there are no quotes.
 This is problematic for the current version of random. I glanced at your
 new version and it wasn't clear to me if it's still a problem (I suspect it
 is). One bandaid for this is to change the lines below:

 In both cases Just qs could be changed to Just qs@(_:_) and then
 empty lists would fall through to the default case.

 The other fix is to prune out degenerate entries (where key maps to the
 empty list). I believe that would be fixed in the serialization function:
 moduleSerialize = Just mapListPackedSerial

 Changing that to something like:
 moduleSerialize = Just mapListPackedSerialSansEmpties
   mapListPackedSerialSansEmpties = mapListPackedSerial { serialize =
 (serialize mapListPackedSerial) . Map.filter (not.null) }

 Perhaps that should be added to the Serial module as an alternative to

 I haven't tested any of the above code (or even tried to compile it).

I was going to start making these changes and I noticed that it doesn't
currently build with ghc 7.4.1 w/Haskell Platform:

Do you know if the constraints on:

Need to be what they are? Could we relax them without breaking anything?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Open-source projects for beginning Haskell students?

2013-03-11 Thread Jason Dagit
On Mon, Mar 11, 2013 at 8:48 AM, Brent Yorgey byor...@seas.upenn.eduwrote:

 Hi everyone,

 I am currently teaching a half-credit introductory Haskell class for
 undergraduates.  This is the third time I've taught it.  Both of the
 previous times, for their final project I gave them the option of
 contributing to an open-source project; a couple groups/individuals
 took me up on it and I think it ended up being a modest success.

 So I'd like to do it again this time around, and am looking for
 particular projects I can suggest to them.  Do you have an open-source
 project with a few well-specified tasks that a relative beginner (see
 below) could reasonably make a contribution towards in the space of
 about four weeks? I'm aware that most tasks don't fit that profile,
 but even complex projects usually have a few simple-ish tasks that
 haven't yet been done just because no one has gotten around to it

 If you have any such projects, I'd love to hear about it!  Just send
 me a paragraph or so describing your project and explaining what
 task(s) you could use help with --- something that I could put on the
 course website for students to look at.

Myself and several of my friends would find it useful to have a plotting
library that we can use from ghci to quickly/easily visualize data.
Especially if that data is part of a simulation we are toying with.
Therefore, this proposal is for: A gnuplot-, matlab- or plotinum-like
plotting API (that uses diagrams as the backend?). The things to emphasize:
  * Easy to install: No gtk2hs requirement. Preferably just pure haskell
code and similar for any dependencies. Must be cross platform.
  * Frontend: graphs should be easy to construct; customizability is not as
  * Backend: options for generating static images are nice, but for the use
case we have in mind also being able to render in a window from ghci is
very valuable. (this could imply something as purely rendering to
JuicyPixels and I could write the rendering code)

 * What I would hope from you is a willingness to exchange email and/or
   chat with the student(s) over the course of the project, to give
   them a bit of guidance/mentoring.  I am certainly willing to help on
   that front, but of course I probably don't know much about your
   particular project.

I am willing/able to take on the mentoring aspect :)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Open-source projects for beginning Haskell students?

2013-03-11 Thread Jason Dagit
On Mon, Mar 11, 2013 at 1:09 PM, Brent Yorgey byor...@seas.upenn.eduwrote:

 On Mon, Mar 11, 2013 at 11:50:38AM -0700, Ben wrote:
  On Mar 11, 2013, at 11:26 AM, Jason Dagit wrote:
   Myself and several of my friends would find it useful to have a
 plotting library that we can use from ghci to quickly/easily visualize
 data. Especially if that data is part of a simulation we are toying with.
 Therefore, this proposal is for: A gnuplot-, matlab- or plotinum-like
 plotting API (that uses diagrams as the backend?). The things to emphasize:
 * Easy to install: No gtk2hs requirement. Preferably just pure
 haskell code and similar for any dependencies. Must be cross platform.
 * Frontend: graphs should be easy to construct; customizability is
 not as important
 * Backend: options for generating static images are nice, but for
 the use case we have in mind also being able to render in a window from
 ghci is very valuable. (this could imply something as purely rendering to
 JuicyPixels and I could write the rendering code)
   * What I would hope from you is a willingness to exchange email and/or
 chat with the student(s) over the course of the project, to give
 them a bit of guidance/mentoring.  I am certainly willing to help on
 that front, but of course I probably don't know much about your
 particular project.
   I am willing/able to take on the mentoring aspect :)
  i second this, but with a different emphasis.  i would like a
 ggplot2-type DSL for generating graphs, for data analysis and exploration.
  i agree with :
  * it would be great to have no gtk2hs / cairo requirement.  (i guess
 this means text rendering in the diagrams-svg backend needs to be solved.)
  i guess in the near-term, this is less important to me -- having a proper
 plotting DSL at all is an important start.
  * frontend : graphs should be easy to construct, but having some
 flexibility is important.  the application here is being able to explore
 statistical data, with slicing, grouping, highlighting, faceting, etc.
  * backend : static images are enough for me, interactive is a plus.
  most importantly : it should be fast enough to work pleasantly with large
 datasets.  ggplot2 is pretty awesome but kills my machine, routinely.

 Not to throw cold water on these ideas (which sound fantastic!), but
 the scope of this sounds more like a GSoC project than something a
 beginner could accomplish in 10-15 hours in the space of a few weeks.
 I'm looking not for project ideas but for small, concrete
 contributions they could make to existing open source projects.

Good point. Perhaps the project I mentioned could be broken up into
suitable tasks? For example, if the students just worked on the frontend
portion it would still be useful as a starting point for others.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Galois is hiring!

2013-03-01 Thread Jason Dagit
Galois is hiring!  We're looking for functional programmers, formal methods 
practitioners, and project leads, with a variety of positions open at all 
professional experience levels.  For more information on the job openings and 
Galois in general, see:

I've written before about what makes Galois a great organization to be a part 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Maintaining lambdabot

2013-02-19 Thread Jason Dagit
On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 3:01 PM, James Cook wrote:

 On Feb 19, 2013, at 2:36 PM, Jan Stolarek wrote:

  Anyway, how would you feel about changes that I would like to make:
  - move all modules into Lambdabot. namespace
  - remove unlambda, brainfuck and show from the repo. They are on
 hackage, no need to keep them
  here - these packages aren't even used in the build process.
  - cleanup scripts
  - add package versions to cabal file

 I have no objections to any of these, though I would recommend as Gwern
 hinted that if related packages are to be removed that they should also be
 given new homes - I believe that the lambdabot source is currently the main
 home of these packages.

Random thought, feel free to ignore it: Would it make sense to split
lambdabot up into core and contrib like is done with xmonad? Contrib could
contain the sillier things like bf, unlambda, show, etc and would have a
lower bar for contributors. Core would be the standard things and the
essential things.

It seems that people don't really contribute new plugins these days but it
would be great if they did. For example, having a plugin for liquid types
would be super spiffy. Also, any plugin that helps people to reason about
other code (like vacuum).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Maintaining lambdabot

2013-02-18 Thread Jason Dagit
On Sun, Feb 17, 2013 at 8:53 PM, Cale Gibbard wrote:

 On 17 February 2013 18:03, Jan Stolarek wrote:
  This changes would be quite invasive and code wouldn't be compatible
 with the lambdabot repo on So before I start making any of them I would like to hear
 from the community if such
  changes in the source code of lambdabot would be  considered helpful and

 I say go for it! I'll be quite happy to start running your new code in
 #haskell as soon as we get GHC 7.6 installed on Jason's Linode
 account. :)

My name is Jason and I endorse this message :)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: Haskell bindings for the igraph C library

2013-01-22 Thread Jason Dagit
On Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 3:20 PM, George Giorgidze giorgi...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi Jason,

  How does this compare with fgl?

 A couple of months ago, I was working on a project where I had to do
 some graph analysis. I encountered two problems with the fgl library:

Thanks. That's helpful. I originally asked simply because I wanted to know
when I would choose fgl vs. igraph. Your response answered that pretty well.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] An assembly DSL example.

2012-12-19 Thread Jason Dagit
On Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 8:08 AM, Tom Hawkins wrote:

 A few folks have asked me about building EDSLs in Haskell for assembly
 programming, so I've posted an example of the approach we have had success
 using at BAE Systems.

 It's a bit rough, so if anyone's motivated to polish it up, by all means.

Thanks. It was nice to read. I was reminded of The Monad Reader Issue 6
as it explains how to tie the knot when creating labels:

The Russell uses an assembly language DSL as a motivating example and
explains how either Haskell98 or mdo can be used to tie the knot, with mdo
giving a nicer implementation. The result allows labels to be defined where
they are used instead of requiring the user to instantiate them and then
associate them with a place in the program. This provides a nice
abstraction for building your assembler macros.

For example, in your code we see:

testProgram :: Asm ()
testProgram = do
  begin - label
  loop  - label
  begin -: do
i1 10 20
i3 5
  loop -: do
goto loop


The corresponding code using the TMR trick might look like this (I've
removed the nested indentation):

testProgram :: Asm ()
testProgram = mdo
  begin - label
  i1 10 20
  i3 5
  loop  - label
  goto loop


Other examples demonstrate that labels can be referenced before the line
that creates them due to the way mdo works.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Haskell] ANN: Haskell bindings for the igraph C library

2012-12-16 Thread Jason Dagit
On Sun, Dec 16, 2012 at 9:53 AM, Nils Schweinsberg wrote:

 Hi Haskellers, dear igraph community,

 I am pleased to announce the release of our (inofficial) Haskell bindings
 to the igraph C library. igraph is a powerfull library for creating and
 manipulating directed, undirected and weighted graphs. Our package offers a
 complete coverage of all functions on structural properties of graphs.

How does this compare with fgl?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to start with GHC development?

2012-12-11 Thread Jason Dagit
On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 6:10 AM, Eric Rochester wrote:

 I'm in the same boat, with just a little less reading. :)

 It seems to be that if we want to encourage participation in GHC
 development, the first step is to lower the barrier of entry.

 One way to do that would be to have a page (wiki, perhaps) that has a
 reading list for learning about GHC. I'd guess that there are a lot of
 people like Janek and myself who want to contribute, even a little, and
 just aren't sure about where to start. We're happy to do our homework, but
 we need some assignments, so to speak.

The GHC developers have created a list to help with this, look at the easy
bugs and tasks:

 Another idea is to have a list of open tasks grouped by how difficult they
 will be and how much knowledge of Haskell and GHC will be required.

They already thought of this and did it :)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Best approach to avoid dependency hells

2012-12-05 Thread Jason Dagit
On Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 10:52 AM, Ivan Perez ivanperezdoming...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hello everyone,

 I've spent the last couple of days fighting my way around a dependency
 hell with my own libraries and packages.

 If I install them package by package (by hand), I'm very likely to hit
 one of these conflicts that I'm talking about. A simple example of
 something that did happen:
 - Package A depends on bytestring, and is compatible with both 0.9.* and
 - Package B depends on ghc, which I installed using the package
 manager and which depends on bytestring 0.9.2
 - Package B depends on package A.

 I do not want to add to the cabal files that B depends on bytestring
 0.9.*, because it's not true, or that A depends on bytstring 0.9,
 because it's also not true.

 I would like to the best approach to 1) avoid these situations and 2)
 fix them when they happen.

 Regarding (2), Is there any way to automatically rebuild all the
 broken packages?
 Regarding (1), I thought about using cabal-dev, but I think I'll just
 have the same problem, won't I? After all, I started from a clean
 fresh ghc installation and I just installed what I needed to make my
 program run.

Let's say you are working in a directory foo that contains a cabal file for
package foo. When you type 'cabal-dev install', cabal-dev looks at
foo.cabal in the current directory, it uses it to calculate constraints and
then installs the dependencies locally that satisfy those constraints. It
also has an install-deps command if you just want to install the deps but
not build/install foo. Additionally, if you want to use locally modified
versions of the dependencies use 'cabal add-source path to dep' from the
foo directory to add your locally modified package to foo's index so that
subsequent cabal-dev operations can find it and install it.

Basically, don't install the deps by hand. Let cabal-dev figure out the
mutually compatible versions and install that *locally* to where you're
building foo.

As for the problem of recursively rebuilding the deps, I think 'cab' [1]
solves this but I haven't tried it.


 I also thought about adding process, bytestring and other global
 packages to the list of constraints in ~/.cabal/config. Would this be
 a good approach, or will it lead to bigger headaches in the future
 (for instance, in the form of programs that just cannot be installed
 at all)?

Adding these constraints will come back to bite you. That's been my

 Also, is there any way to detect potential dependency hells without
 having to install a package? (Some tool that will analyse the
 dependency information (statically) and determine more strict or
 incorrect upper and lower bounds for the dependencies of a package.)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is it possible to have constant-space JSON decoding?

2012-12-04 Thread Jason Dagit
On Tue, Dec 4, 2012 at 9:37 PM, Johan Tibell wrote:

 Hi Oleg,

 On Tue, Dec 4, 2012 at 9:13 PM, wrote:
  I am doing, for several months, constant-space processing of large XML
  files using iteratees. The file contains many XML elements (which are
  a bit complex than a number). An element can be processed
  independently. After the parser finished with one element, and dumped
  the related data, the processing of the next element starts anew, so
  to speak. No significant state is accumulated for the overall parsing
  sans the counters of processed and bad elements, for statistics. XML
  is somewhat like JSON, only more complex: an XML parser has to deal
  with namespaces, parsed entities, CDATA sections and the other
  interesting stuff. Therefore, I'm quite sure there should not be
  fundamental problems in constant-space parsing of JSON.
  BTW, the parser itself is described there

 It certainly is possible (using a SAX style parser). What you can't
 have (I think) is a function:

 decode :: FromJSON a = ByteString - Maybe a

 and constant-memory parsing at the same time. The return type here
 says that we will return Nothing if parsing fails. We can only do so
 after looking at the whole input (otherwise how would we know if it's

I thought it was possible to get around this with lazy patterns such
Wadler's force function [1]?

(untested code)

force y =
  let Just x = y
  in Just x

lazyDecode :: FromJSON a = ByteString - Maybe a
lazyDecode = force . decode

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] computation over containers, greatly simplified notation.

2012-11-30 Thread Jason Dagit
You might find this paper an interesting read:

On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 4:43 PM, Takayuki Muranushi muranu...@gmail.comwrote:

 Dear everyone,

 After a number of attempts [1] I'm starting to think that my initial
 approach was ill-directed.

 After all, Functor, Applicative, Zip are three different classes.
 Functors are type constructors where you can map unary functions over them.
 Applicatives are those with map-over of zero-ary functions (pure,) unary
 functions, binary functions, ternary functions, ... etc.
 Zip are those with unary, binary, ternary ... mapover, but not zero-ary

 Repa Arrays and Vectors belong to Zip because there's no trivial unique
 way to implement pure.

 What the customer really needed [2] seems to be the following series of

 forLiftZ1 :: Zip f = f a - (a - b) - f b

 forLiftZ2 :: Zip f = f a - f b - (a - b - c) - f c

 forLiftZ3 :: Zip f = f a - f b - f c - (a - b - c - d) - f d

 Now I'm trying if it's possible to implement the series in a single shot
 [3] .

 I'm reporting my progress for anyone who might be still thinking for me.
 Thank you!!


 2012/11/29 Takayuki Muranushi

 Dear all,

 I came up with an idea to greatly simplify some kinds of array
 computations. It should work well with many kinds of arrays. Is this new?

 These few days, I've been trying to rewrite a hydrodynamic simulation
 code that used Data.Vector (~250 lines), to Repa [1] . It seemed promising,
 but soon I realized that I needed to use and Repa.zipWith almost
 everywhere. I need careful thinking to transform every lines (that used
 vector's indexing) to Repa's point-free stile. Is there any better ways?

 Then I realized that I was the author of Paraiso [2], a DSL for stencil
 computation. One of its feature is to write down array computation just as
 if it were scalar computation.

 Basically what I need is ZipList-like Applicative instances for vectors
 and Repa arrays. Why not they support ZipVector? Because 'pure' of zipList
 was an infinite list and you can't do infinite vectors. Then I came up with
 this idea.

 the wrapper W does several things: it represents the 'pure,' homogeneous
 array in a space-efficient manner, and also serves as a newtype-wrapper of
 Num (and possibly Fractional, Floating...) instances.

 Questions are: is this technology new? or promising? doomed?
 It seems to me like a free-Applicative, like the free-Monad theory. Are
 they related?
 The function 'backend' helps to mix in the non-zip-like computations. How
 can we remove the 'undefined' in the 'backend?'
 Some of Repa computations are Monads. W needs to be a monad transformer
 to incooperate this.

 Also I'm grateful to past cafe discussion on existing Zippable
 implementations [3][4] .


 The Hakubi Center for Advanced Research, Kyoto University

 The Hakubi Center for Advanced Research, Kyoto University

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Can a GC delay TCP connection formation?

2012-11-27 Thread Jason Dagit
On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 11:02 AM, Jeff Shaw wrote:

 Hello Timothy and others,
 One of my clients hosts their HTTP clients in an Amazon cloud, so even
 when they turn on persistent HTTP connections, they use many connections.
 Usually they only end up sending one HTTP request per TCP connection. My
 specific problem is that they want a response in 120 ms or so, and at times
 they are unable to complete a TCP connection in that amount of time. I'm
 looking at on the order of 100 TCP connections per second, and on the order
 of 1000 HTTP requests per second (other clients do benefit from persistent
 HTTP connections).

 Once each minute, a thread of my program updates a global state, stored in
 an IORef, and updated with atomicModifyIORef', based on query results via
 HDBC-obdc. The query results are strict, and atomicModifyIORef' should
 receive the updated state already evaluated. I reduced the amount of time
 that query took from tens of seconds to just a couple, and for some reason
 that reduced the proportion of TCP timeouts drastically. The approximate
 before and after TCP timeout proportions are 15% and 5%. I'm not sure why
 this reduction in timeouts resulted from the query time improving, but this
 discovery has me on the task of removing all database code from the main
 program and into a cron job. My best guess is that HDBC-odbc somehow
 disrupts other communications while it waits for the DB server to respond.

Have you read section 8.4.2 of the ghc user guide?

Based on that I would check the FFI imports in your database library. In
the best case (-threaded, 'safe', and thread-safe odbc), I think you'll
find that N of these can run concurrently, but here your number of requests
is likely to be much greater than N (where N is the number of threads the
RTS created with +RTS -N).

I'm not sure how to solve your problem, but perhaps this information can
help you pinpoint the problem.

Good luck,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Can a GC delay TCP connection formation?

2012-11-27 Thread Jason Dagit
On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 11:17 AM, Jason Dagit wrote:

 On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 11:02 AM, Jeff Shaw wrote:

 Hello Timothy and others,
 One of my clients hosts their HTTP clients in an Amazon cloud, so even
 when they turn on persistent HTTP connections, they use many connections.
 Usually they only end up sending one HTTP request per TCP connection. My
 specific problem is that they want a response in 120 ms or so, and at times
 they are unable to complete a TCP connection in that amount of time. I'm
 looking at on the order of 100 TCP connections per second, and on the order
 of 1000 HTTP requests per second (other clients do benefit from persistent
 HTTP connections).

 Once each minute, a thread of my program updates a global state, stored
 in an IORef, and updated with atomicModifyIORef', based on query results
 via HDBC-obdc. The query results are strict, and atomicModifyIORef' should
 receive the updated state already evaluated. I reduced the amount of time
 that query took from tens of seconds to just a couple, and for some reason
 that reduced the proportion of TCP timeouts drastically. The approximate
 before and after TCP timeout proportions are 15% and 5%. I'm not sure why
 this reduction in timeouts resulted from the query time improving, but this
 discovery has me on the task of removing all database code from the main
 program and into a cron job. My best guess is that HDBC-odbc somehow
 disrupts other communications while it waits for the DB server to respond.

 Have you read section 8.4.2 of the ghc user guide?

Ahem, I meant *8.2.4*.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] committee: Call for nominations

2012-11-09 Thread Jason Dagit
Just a reminder to nominate yourself if you're interested. If you've been
thinking about it but haven't contacted us yet then please just do it and
contact us today!


On Fri, Nov 2, 2012 at 11:28 AM, Jason Dagit wrote:

 Dear Haskellers,

 The second year of the committee is drawing to a close and
 it is therefore time to seek replacements for those members whose term
 is expiring.

 This year one member has a term ending, Ganesh Sittampalam. Ganesh has
 been an excellent contributor and the rest of the committee would like to
 thank him for his excellent service.

 To nominate yourself, please send an e-mail to committee at by
 30 November 2012. As usual, retiring members are eligible to
 re-nominate themselves.

 Please feel free to include any information about yourself that you think
 will help us to make a decision.

 Being a member of the committee does not require a significant amount
 of time, but committee members should aim to be responsive
 during discussions when the committee is called upon to make a decision.

 More details about the committee's roles and responsibilities are on

 If you have any questions about the process, please feel free to e-mail us
 at committee at or to contact one of us individually.


 On behalf of the committee

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ANN: OpenGL packages update

2012-11-04 Thread Jason Dagit
The updates include:
  * All of the newtypes in OpenGLRaw have been changed to type aliases
(credit to Trevor Elliott and Mike Ledger)
  * OpenGLRaw's TypesInternal module has gone away
  * NVidia path rendering extensions have been added by ozelis on github

This release changes OpenGLRaw to use type aliases instead of newtype
wrappers for the GLfoo types, such as GLenum/GLfloat/GLdouble. Using
newtypes had the following downsides:

  * The CPP macros to make these definitions are borrowed verbatim from GHC
sources and required updates with new GHC releases in order to stay
compatible. Although, it hasn't been a problem yet, it's conceivable this
will conflict with supporting different versions of GHC at some point.
  * Optimization rules have to be written against these newtypes and
forgetting them can lead to significant performance degradation or extra
verbosity for people using the bindings.
  * You have to reach pretty deep into GHC to make it possible for the
newtypes to work in the unboxed vectors provided by the vector package.
This is again, another missed opportunity for high performance code.

You can find the source and bug trackers for these packages here:

Feedback, pull requests, and bug reports are always welcome!

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Security] Put on https

2012-11-02 Thread Jason Dagit
Thanks Iavor et al.

I agree. I'll see what we can do. We have budget for this so hopefully it
will be a simple matter of finding people to implement the change.


On Fri, Nov 2, 2012 at 10:34 AM, Iavor Diatchki iavor.diatc...@gmail.comwrote:


 I think that getting a certificate is a good idea.  I think this could
 probably be arranged by the committee, which even has a
 budget for things like that, I believe.  I'm cc-ing Jason, who's on
 the committee and might have more input on what's the best way to proceed.

 Thanks for bringing this up!

 On Fri, Nov 2, 2012 at 5:14 AM, Ramana Kumar

 Who is the webmaster for Presumably they will be required
 in the process of installing the certificate.

 As far as obtaining goes, one can obtain a free certificate from StartSSL
 - see
 There are other CAs, but if nobody has any strong preferences, I
 recommend going with them.

 On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 8:52 PM, Niklas Hambüchen wrote:

 So how do we go forward about getting the SSL certificate and installing

 On 29/10/12 01:06, Patrick Mylund Nielsen wrote:
  Sure. No matter what's done in Cabal, the clients for everything else
  will still be mainly browsers.
  On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 12:59 AM, Niklas Hambüchen wrote:
  No matter what we do with cabal, it would be great if I could soon
  my browser at *anyway*.
  On 28/10/12 23:55, Patrick Mylund Nielsen wrote:
   Of course, as long as Cabal itself is distributed through this
   https-enabled site, you have the same PKI-backed security as just
   any major website. This model has problems, yes, but it's good
   and it's easy to use. If you really want to improve it (without
   impacting usability), have Google/the browser vendors pin the
   cert for
   On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 12:45 AM, Patrick Mylund Nielsen wrote:
   PGP tends to present many usability issues, and in this case
   would make more sense/provide a clearer win if there were
   different, semi-untrusted hackage mirrors. Just enable HTTPS
   have Cabal validate the server certificate against a CA pool
  of one.
   PKI/trusting obscure certificate authorities in Egypt and
 Syria is
   the biggest concern here, not somebody MITMing your initial
   installation (which in a lot of cases happens through
 apt-get or
   yum, anyway.)
   On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 12:34 AM, Changaco
   On Sun, 28 Oct 2012 17:07:24 -0400 Patrick Hurst wrote:
How do you get a copy of cabal while making sure that
   hasn't MITMed you and replaced the PGP key?
   Ultimately it is a DNS problem. To establish a secure
  you'd have to get the
   certificate from the DNS, but that
   technology is not ready yet, so all you can do is check
  the key
   as many sources as possible like Michael Walker said.
   On Sun, 28 Oct 2012 17:46:06 -0400 Patrick Hurst wrote:
So why not use HTTPS?
   Because it doesn't solve the problem.
   Haskell-Cafe mailing list mailto:
   Haskell-Cafe mailing list
  Haskell-Cafe mailing list

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] committee: Call for nominations

2012-11-02 Thread Jason Dagit
Dear Haskellers,

The second year of the committee is drawing to a close and
it is therefore time to seek replacements for those members whose term
is expiring.

This year one member has a term ending, Ganesh Sittampalam. Ganesh has been
an excellent contributor and the rest of the committee would like to thank
him for his excellent service.

To nominate yourself, please send an e-mail to committee at by
30 November 2012. As usual, retiring members are eligible to
re-nominate themselves.

Please feel free to include any information about yourself that you think
will help us to make a decision.

Being a member of the committee does not require a significant amount
of time, but committee members should aim to be responsive
during discussions when the committee is called upon to make a decision.

More details about the committee's roles and responsibilities are on

If you have any questions about the process, please feel free to e-mail us
at committee at or to contact one of us individually.


On behalf of the committee
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] OpenGL library will not load into GHCi 7.6.1 on Win7 x86-64

2012-10-09 Thread Jason Dagit
On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 1:55 PM, Dan Haraj wrote:

 This is a regression of some sort since the library operates fine within
 GHCi for previous versions of GHC. I don't know whether it is a problem
 with GHCi, the OpenGL library, or some third party. This is the error
 encountered when a module that uses OpenGL tries to load:

 Prelude Main main
 Loading package OpenGLRaw- ... linking ... ghc.exe: unable to load
 package `OpenGLRaw-'
 Prelude Main :q
 Leaving GHCi.
 interactive: C:\...\OpenGLRaw-\ghc-7.6.1\HSOpenGLRaw-
 unknown symbol `__imp_wglGetProcAddress'

 I have very little of an idea of what's going on here. It would be rather
 painful to debug this myself so any insight is appreciated.

I don't know the solution or the culprit, but normally that symbol is
defined in opengl32.lib/dll and the OpenGLRaw cabal file mentions it as an
extra library.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Galois is hiring!

2012-06-25 Thread Jason Dagit
We're looking for functional programmers, formal methods practitioners, 
and project leads, interested in either short term or permanent 
employment.  For more information, see:

Why Galois? At Galois, we believe in seeking out and solving important 
problems to make the world a better place.  This philosophy runs through 
everything we do. From internal interactions on an individual level to 
the interesting technical challenges we take on to the way we orient to 
the external world.

We hire the best people, we help them to better understand their own 
passions, and then together we take on important problems.  It just so 
happens that we have skilled software engineers with a passion for 
functional programming who take on challenges in crypto, critical 
systems, secure networking, and so on.

For me, the very compelling reasons to work at Galois are: a strong 
cultural emphasis on freedom to choose your roles within the 
organization including seeking external funding to work on whatever you 
want; strong commitment to open source, and; a cultural emphasis on 
functional programming and formal methods.

What a organization believes has a deep and profound impact on how you 
spend your time at the organization, who the organization attracts, and 
what impact the organization will have in the world. We have no shortage 
of interesting problems to tackle in our quest to make the world a 
better place.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Heads up: importing the Cabal issue tracker to github next week

2012-05-22 Thread Jason Dagit
Thank you.  I was trying to register an account on the trac today to file a
bug report but the account registration seems to be broken.  I'll wait to
file my bug till I can use github's much nicer tracker.


On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 8:45 PM, Bryan O'Sullivan b...@serpentine.comwrote:

 I am planning on doing this early next week, probably in two phases.

 As part of the import process, github will generate a *lot* of
 notification emails. I'm afraid there is nothing I can do to stem the tide,
 as github does not provide a mechanism to suppress these. If you have a
 github account, and you have filed bugs against Cabal in Trac, please brace

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] hackage hackage accounts

2012-05-15 Thread Jason Dagit
On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 12:11 PM, Dmitry Malikov malikov@gmail.comwrote:

 Good day.

 Recently, in irc://#haskell you can see very often replicas of people, who
 are tired of waiting their hackage accounts.
 After next release of any package from hackagebot, some depressed people
 definitely comes out and starts telling to everybody how hard life is
 without having hackage account.

Thank you for pointing this out. I didn't realize that it's hard to get a
hackage account right now. I'm not sure what I can directly do, but I'll
try some things (like contacting Ross, seeing about having a backup contact
or automation). I think the right solution is that everyone can get a
hackage account.


 11:15 * hackagebot shakespeare - A toolkit for making compile-time
 interpolated templates**
 11:15 | I'm still waiting for my Hackage account...
 15:12 * hackagebot hspec-discover 0.0.0 - Automatically discover and run
 Hspec tests**package/hspec-discover-0.0.0
 15:13 | Still haven't got my hackage account

 And so on and so on.

 Yes, you can tolerate, that a lot of people considered in the order of
 things for asking lambdabot in public window every day, every hour.
 Yes, you can tolerate, that every five minutes some another notification
 from hackagebot will be be appeared, or maybe two or even three in a time.
 But how can you tolerate, that adding to all that stuff there is a
 permanent disturbances from the people, who can't submit their packages to
 hackage because they have no hackage account (frankly speaking, I'm also do
 not have one, but I've send 5 letters to Ross)?

 Previously, #haskell's log was really like something readable and
 interesting. But now it's a robot-like speeches with 2 bots, minimal
 slightly mixed with something really meaningfull.

 This raises some questions:
 1) Did anyone successfully get their hackage account in last 2 months?
 Because it's really strange to see some still don't have my hackage
 account-message and another Ross answer in HC.
 2) You should give hackage account for all of ther requiring people or
 remove hackagebot from #haskell.
 3) Could I finally have my hackage account in the amount of all others,

 Dmitry Malikov

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list**mailman/listinfo/haskell-cafe

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] New in haskell for old-timers?

2012-03-30 Thread Jason Dagit
On Fri, Mar 30, 2012 at 1:05 PM, Mats Rauhala wrote:
 On 11:57 Fri 30 Mar     , Brandon Allbery wrote:

 The legible C thing is probably jhc ( ).
  It's GHC's *illegible* registerized C that is being phased out; the
 slightly-more-legible ANSI C mode used for porting is staying, though.

 Oh wow, I thought jhc was discontinued, but just checked the
 repositories and mailing lists and it's alive and well. No idea where I
 got the idea that it was discontinued. Going a little bit on tangent
 here, but if I understood correctly, jhc is meant to do more
 optimization. How does this compare to for example ghc?

Both are optimizing compilers, but jhc is intended (by the author) to
try different things that ghc. If ghc does it one way, jhc will try to
explore other aspects of the design space.  The last time this came
up, I think someone said that jhc uses GRIN for optimizations:

GHC tries to optimize by rewriting and also by conventional means.
Both try to specialize away uses of type classes, but as I understand
it jhc is far more aggressive, or maybe even has a different run-time

Anyway, back to the original topic, some of the big items that I would
mention to your friend include:
  * cabal/cabal-dev
  * hackage (and some of the better known libraries,
  * Type Families
  * Haskell 2010 is the current rev of the language standard


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Google Summer of Code idea of project application

2012-03-19 Thread Jason Dagit
On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 9:12 PM, Chris Smith wrote:
 On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 7:52 PM, Richard O'Keefe wrote:
 As just one example, a recent thread concerned implementing
 lock-free containers.  I don't expect converting one of those
 to OCaml to be easy...

 If you translate to core first, then the only missing bit is the
 atomic compare-and-swap primop that these structures will depend on.
 Maybe that exists in OCaml, or maybe not... I wouldn't know.  If not,
 it would be perfectly okay to refuse to translate the atomic
 compare-and-swap primop that lockless data structures will use.  That
 said, though, there are literally *hundreds* of GHC primops for tiny
 little things like comparing different sized integers and so forth,
 that would need to be implemented all on top of the interesting
 task of doing language translation.  That should be kept in mind when
 estimating the task.

 If, however, you want to make it possible for someone to
 write code in a sublanguage of Haskell that is acceptable
 to a Haskell compiler and convert just *that* to OCaml, you
 might be able to produce something useful much quicker.

 I'm quite sure, actually, that implementing a usable sublanguage of
 Haskell in this way would be a much larger project even than
 translating core.  A usable sublanguage of Haskell would need a
 parser, which could be a summer project all on its own if done well
 with attention to errors and a sizeable test suite.  It would need an
 implementation of lazy evaluation, which can be quite tricky to get
 right in a thread-safe and efficient way.  It would need type checking
 and type inference that's just different enough from OCaml that you'd
 probably have to write a new HM+extensions type checker and inference
 engine on your own, and *that* could again be far more than a summer
 project on its own, if you plan to build something of production
 quality.  It would need a whole host of little picky features that
 involve various kinds of desugarings that represent man-decades worth
 of work just on their own.

 After a bit of thought, I'm pretty confident that the only reasonable
 way to approach this project is to let an existing compiler tackle the
 task of converting from Haskell proper to a smaller language that's
 more reasonable to think about (despite the problems with lots of
 primops... at least those are fairly mechanical).  Not because of all
 the advanced language features or libraries, but just because
 re-implementing the whole front end of a compiler for even a limited
 but useful subset of Haskell is a ludicrously ambitious and risky
 project for GSoC.

One can get a prototype up and running with a relatively low amount
of effort by translating either GHC's core or stg. While core isn't
fully strict, it is a much easier input language than Haskell.  Stg is
even lower level and easier to translate to imperative machines. I've
read two papers where translators were built on or in GHC using this
approach in a period that I would assume to be similar to what GSoC

In the case of the JVM, performance was an issue and may not be with
CLR.  The JVM lacking tailcalls and having a GC tuned to the wrong use
patterns made optimization hard. I guess the way closures/thunks are
implemented on the JVM side can be problematic for GC too; making it
easy to run out of permgen space.

After reading some papers and talking to the relevant folks a bit, I
think the hardest part of translating Haskell to the JVM is building
the RTS support. I assume the same will be true, but with different
details, in the case of .NET/CLR.

Both of the projects I'm thinking of just worked on Haskell 98, but to
be good for real programs you want to support lots of RTS features.
Once you've solved the RTS problems well enough to get people's
attention the hurdle becomes the semantics of the FFI. You'll want to
be compatible with the other VM languages.

To mirror the critiques of others on this thread, I too have concerns
about the community impact of the proposed translator. I'd also like
to see this proposal written against an existing FOSS project. For
example, if the proposal was to dust off LambdaVM
(, update it to ghc HEAD
and make reasonable progress on the implementation that seems much
more useful to me.

With that said, actually finishing a Haskell - .NET or Haskell - JVM
implementation to the point of usable seems to be a PhD worth of work,
not a single summer of work even if F# or Scala is the target

I could also imagine the proposal being tweaked to talk about some
improvement in the internals of GHC that make targeting JVM/CLR
easier, although I don't personally know enough about GHC internals to
suggest anything.

I hope that helps,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [haskell-cafe] Question about 64bit target on Windows platform

2012-03-04 Thread Jason Dagit
I don't know if timeline has been established, but my understanding is
that there is a need for this and that the right people are aware of
it and looking into it.

The GHC trac has a ticket for this:

On Sun, Mar 4, 2012 at 9:59 PM, C K Kashyap wrote:
 Hi All,
 Can someone please let me know if there is a 64bit target on Windows on the
 horizon for GHC?
 I am trying to push for changing the current implementation in my
 organization in C++ to Haskell - Our primary targets are Windows and Mac.
 Not being able to generate 64bit DLL's on Windows would be a big bottleneck.

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell showcase in 5 minutes

2012-02-27 Thread Jason Dagit
On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 7:18 AM, Arnaud Bailly wrote:
 Hello Cafe,

 I will be (re)presenting Haskell in a Batlle Language event Wednesday
 evening: A fun and interactive contest where various programming language
 champions try to attract as much followers as possible in 5 minutes.

 Having successfully experimented the power of live coding in a recent
 Haskell introduction for the Paris Scala User Group, I would like to do the
 same but given the time frame I need a simpler example than the music
 synthesizer program.

 So I would like to tap in the collective wisdom looking for some concise,
 eye-opening, mind-shaking and if possible fun example of what one can
 achieve in Haskell. Things that sprung to my mind are rather dull: prime
 factors, fibonacci numbers.

Poke around Oleg's website.  If you think people would be wowed by
type hacks then you can find examples where:
  * he encodes the law of excluded middle using Haskell types (plus
type classes) (
  * he shows a way to encode arbitrary values in types and then
recover them again

He has more than just type hacks, check out his Haskell section:

I hope that helps,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] FFI: Overhead of foreign unsafe imports

2012-02-26 Thread Jason Dagit
On Sun, Feb 26, 2012 at 10:36 AM, Yves Parès wrote:
 When I was using C code from Python, the overhead put on calling C code by
 Python was significant.
 To simplify, say I have on C-side two procedures f and g, I do all the stuff
 to call them in a row from Python, well I'm better off factorizing: adding
 on C side a wrapper h procedure that calls them both, and then call h from
 Python, because then I will have half as much overhead:

 Instead of SwitchToC - call f - SwitchToPython - SwitchToC - call g -
 the factorization leads to SwitchToC - call f - call g - SwitchToPython,
 which gives the same result yet is different performance-wise because each
 switching has a cost.

 This is painful, because if another time I have to call f and j (another
 function), then I have to make another wrapper.

 In Haskell world, now, given that my functions f and g would have been
 imported using unsafe:

 foreign import unsafe f f :: Thing - Foo - IO ()
 foreign import unsafe g g :: Stuff - Bar - IO ()
 foreign import unsafe h h :: Thing - Foo - Stuff - Bar - IO ()

 doStuff = f x y  g z w
 doStuff = h x y z w
 equivalent, or is there an overhead (e.g. due to IO monad, or due to the way
 the FFI does the calls) when compiled (if need be with optimizations) with

I would expect the second doStuff to be more efficient, but you
shouldn't care what I expect! To check what is going on you can use a
tool like ghc-core (available on hackage) to see what code GHC is
generating. To see the difference in performance you can use a micro
benchmark tool like criterion (also on hackage) to quantify
performance differences.

Once you have a conclusion based on some good evidence, please report
back here :)

I hope that helps,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Poll: Have you heard of or used GHC External Core?

2012-02-13 Thread Jason Dagit
On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 12:08 PM, James Fisher wrote:
 Hi all:

 I'm conducting a poll on to assess the community importance
 of GHC External Core.  Here's the link:

Is this the same or different than what you get with the -fext-core command?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Poll: Have you heard of or used GHC External Core?

2012-02-13 Thread Jason Dagit
On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 1:24 PM, James Fisher wrote:
 On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 9:01 PM, Jason Dagit wrote:

 Is this the same or different than what you get with the -fext-core

 The very same.

In that case, I'll fill out the survey, but let me explain how I've use it:

I was part of a (currently dormant) effort to translate Haskell to
Isabelle/HOLCF.  We found it easiest to let GHC do much of the front
end compilation so that we really only had to work with System Fc.
That led us to using the output with -fext-core when translating to
Isabelle. I would like to pick the project up again in the future (we
lost our isabelle experts and need to find more). If ext-core was not
available we could probably make due with ghc-api.  Ideally we would
be able to translate Haskell directly but there are even more
technical challenges there and using ext-core seemed like a good
intermediate step to prove that the idea could work.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Hackage 2 maintainership

2012-02-13 Thread Jason Dagit
On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 3:44 PM, Ben Gamari wrote:
 Hey all,

 Those of you who follow the Haskell subreddit no doubt saw today's post
 regarding the status of Hackage 2. As has been said many times in the
 past, the primary blocker at this point to the adoption of Hackage 2
 appears to be the lack of an administrator.

 It seems to me this is a poor reason for this effort to be held
 up. Having taken a bit of time to consider, I would be willing to put in
 some effort to get things moving and would be willing to maintain the Hackage 2.0 instance going forward if necessary.

You've just made my day :)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Loading a texture in OpenGL

2012-02-06 Thread Jason Dagit
On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 12:00 PM, Clark Gaebel wrote:
 Using the OpenGL package on Hackage, how do I load a texture from an array?

The answer will depend on a few things:
  * Which OpenGL package you use, for example OpenGL vs. OpenGLRaw
  * What type of 'array' you use.

In the case of the OpenGL package you need to create a PixelData value
and pass that on.  You can find example code here:

 In the red book[1], I see their code using glGenTextures and glBindTexture,
 but I can't find these in the documentation. Are there different functions I
 should be calling?

Yes. As you've noticed the API of the OpenGL package sometimes
(often?) differs from that of the C OpenGL api.  If that's what you're
more familiar with then take a look at OpenGLRaw.  Here is how to do
the same thing as the previous two links but using OpenGLRaw:

Instead of using Arrays as defined by Haskell98, I would recommend
using something else like Data.Vector. The standard arrays must be
converted to something else to work with OpenGL. Data.Vector on the
other hand allows direct access to the pinned pointer and is thus
suitable for use with OpenGL as is.

Have you seen JuicyPixels? The version on hackage uses arrays, but the
version in github uses vector. I'd recommend using the version from
github. It's faster and it will be easier to pass the data to OpenGL:

Good luck!

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ANN: Updated OpenGL libraries

2012-02-05 Thread Jason Dagit

I'm pleased to anounce a minor bug fix release of the OpenGL
libraries.  This release was prompted by issues and warnings when
compiling with ghc-7.4.1.

The following packages have been updated:
  * OpenGLRaw
  * OpenGL
  * GLURaw
  * GLUT

Thanks goes out to:
  * Corey O'Connor
  * mgajda (github id)
  * #haskell-game and #haskell on freenode

The changes include:
  * Removing a data type context
  * Exposing the GLfoo constructors from OpenGLRaw
  * Deriving Typeable instead of using the now deprecated mkTyCon
  * Added Eq constraint, necessary now that Num doesn't have an Eq constraint
  * Tighten constraints in cabal files
  * Conservative package version bump (X.Y.Z - X.(Y+1).0)

As usual, please submit pull requests and bug reports on github:

Thank you!

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Again, version conflicting problem with cabal-install

2012-02-03 Thread Jason Dagit
In my experience the diamond of death is typically because:
  * You install package A that uses C-0.1
  * Someone uploads C-0.2 to hackage
  * Later you 'cabal update', this does not rebuild A to use C-0.2,
even though it could.
  * You install package B that uses C, and cabal builds it with C-0.2
  * Now you want to build D that uses A and B, but A requires C-0.1
and B requires C-0.2, even though they could be rebuilt to use the
same C.

Typically, the constraints on A, B, and D would all accept the same
version of C.  Except that when they were compiled separately and C
changed between building A and B, then the compiled versions become
fixed on C-0.1 and C-0.2.

It's true that it won't solve it in all cases, but in my experience
using cabal-dev made the problem go away.

I hope that clarifies.


On Fri, Feb 3, 2012 at 7:33 AM, Magicloud Magiclouds wrote:
 Well, cabal-dev could not resolve the conflict of the diamond.
 Because the conflict is depending different version at the SAME

 On Fri, Feb 3, 2012 at 9:20 PM, Jason Dagit wrote:
 On Thu, Feb 2, 2012 at 9:54 PM, Magicloud Magiclouds wrote:
  As I recalled, ghc works in staticly link mode. So after one library
 is compiled, all its build dependencies are useless. Lost, changed,
 wheresoever, it does not matter.
  Then why the problem of version conflicting exists?

 I'm not sure, but for me this problem has gone away by using cabal-dev
 to build everything.



 And for G+, please use

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] C++ Parser?

2012-02-01 Thread Jason Dagit
On Wed, Feb 1, 2012 at 12:42 PM, Yin Wang wrote:
 I have written a C++ parser in Scheme, with a Parsec-style parser
 combinator library. It can parse a large portion of C++ and I use it
 to do structural comparison between ASTs. I made some macros so that
 the parser combinators look like the grammar itself.

 It's code is at:

 A demo of the parse tree based comparison tool is at:

 The bit of information I can tell you about parsing C++:

Thank you for the interesting response and example code (that I
haven't had a chance to look at yet).  How much support do you have
for templates?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] C++ Parser?

2012-01-24 Thread Jason Dagit
On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 2:06 AM, Christopher Brown wrote:

 I have stumbled across language-c on hackage and I was wondering if anyone is 
 aware if there exists a full C++ parser written in Haskell?

I don't think one exists.  I've heard it's quite difficult to get
template parsing working in an efficient manner.

My understanding is that real C++ compilers use the Edison Design
Group's parser:

For example, the Intel C++ compiler uses the edg front-end:

I thought even microsoft's compiler (which is surprisingly c++
compliant) uses it but I can't find details on google about that.

There is at least one open source project using it, rose, so it's not
unthinkingable to use it from Haskell:

Rose has had working haskell bindings in the past but they have bit
rotted a bit.  With rose you get support for much more than parsing
C++.  You also get C and Fortran parsers as well as a fair bit of
static analysis.  The downside is that rose is a big pile of C++
itself and is hard to compile on some platforms.

If you made a BSD3 licensed, fully functional, efficient C++ parser
that would be great.  If you made it so that it preserves comments and
the input well enough to do source to source transformations
(unparsing) that would be very useful.  I often wish I had rose
implemented in Haskell instead of C++.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] C++ Parser?

2012-01-24 Thread Jason Dagit
On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 6:54 AM, Christopher Brown wrote:
 Hi Everyone,

 Thanks for everyone's kind responses: very helpful so far!

 I fully appreciate and understand how difficult writing a C++ parser is. 
 However I may need one for our new Paraphrase project, where I may be 
 targeting C++ for writing a refactoring tool. Obviously I don't want to start 
 writing one myself, hence I was asking if anyone new about an already 
 existing implementation.

 Rose looks interesting, I'll check that out, thanks!

I did some more digging after sending my email.  I didn't learn about
GLR parser when I was in school, but that seems to be what the cool
compilers use these days.  Then I discovered that Happy supports GLR,
that is happy!

Next I found that GLR supposedly makes C++ parsing much easier than
LALR, The reason I wrote Elkhound is to be able to write a C++
parser. The parser is called Elsa, and is included in the distribution
below.  The elsa documentation should give you a flavor for what
needs to be done when making sense of C++:

NB: I don't think it's been seriously worked on since 2005 so I assume
it doesn't match the latest C++ spec.

The grammar that elsa parses is here, one warning is that it doesn't
reject all invalid programs (eg., it errs on the side of accepting too

I think the path of least resistance is pure rose without the haskell
support.  Having said that, I think the most fun direction would be
converting the elsa grammar to happy.  It's just that you'll have a
lot of work (read: testing, debugging, performance tuning, and then
adding vendor features) to do.  One side benefit is that you'll know
much more about the intricacies of C++ when you're done than if you
use someone else's parser.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] C++ Parser?

2012-01-24 Thread Jason Dagit
On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 8:40 AM, Christopher Brown wrote:
 Hi Jason,

 Thanks very much for you thoughtful response.

 I am intrigued about the Happy route: as I have never really used Happy 
 before, am I right in thinking I could take the .gr grammar, feed it into 
 Happy to generate a parser, or a template for a parser, and then go from 

That's the basic idea although the details will be harder than that.
Happy is a parser generator (like Bison, Yacc, and ANTLR).  Happy and
elsa will have very different syntax for their grammar definitions.
You could explore taking the elkhound source and instead of generating
C++ you could  generate the input for happy, if that makes sense.  A
translation by hand would probably be easiest.

I would highly recommend making a few toy parsers with Happy + Alex
(alex is like lex or flex) to get a feel for it before trying to use
the grammar from elsa.

A quick google search pointed me at these examples:


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] GLFW- is released

2012-01-21 Thread Jason Dagit
On Sat, Jan 21, 2012 at 4:32 AM, Paul Liu wrote:
 There is now a new GLFW package on hackage with version number


 4. There is an outstanding bug preventing GLFW programs to be invoked
 from GHCi on OS X. One has to compile before running GLFW programs.

Does it still happen with -fno-ghci-sandbox?  That fixes these sort of
bugs with GLFW-b (and other libraries).  If so, then the cause of the
problem is the use of thread local storage in the vendor APIs (OpenGL
on OSX is an example).

I hope that helps,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell Summers of Code retrospective (updated for 2011)

2012-01-16 Thread Jason Dagit
On Sat, Dec 10, 2011 at 6:57 PM, Gwern Branwen wrote:
 The Wheel turns, and months come and pass, leaving blog posts that
 fade into 404s; a wind rose in Mountain View, whispering of the coming

 Tonight I sat down and finally looked into the 2011 SoCs to see how
 they turned out and judge them according to my whimsically arbitrary
 and subjective standards:

 They turned out pretty much as I predicted - but then I *would* say
 that, wouldn't I?

As I've said before.  You clearly have a strong opinion about GSoC and
care about the projects that are accepted.  You should sign up as a
mentor next year, even if it's only to review proposals and provide
feedback.  Especially if you think half of the projects are doomed
each year.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to get Cabal to spit out a .a library suitable for linking into C/Objective-C

2012-01-16 Thread Jason Dagit
Did you figure out what you need to know?  If not, I would suggest
asking this same question but on StackOverflow (assuming you haven't
already asked there).


On Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 2:35 PM, David Pollak wrote:

 I'm trying to figure out how to get Cabal configured to compile and link my
 Haskell code such that the code can be part of C and/or Objective-C code
 such that all the Haskell dependencies are rolled into a .a file and can be
 linked by a normal C linker (e.g., ld).

 I've been
 and the associated linked, but I'm unable to find out the Cabal incantation
 to output a library that's linkable into my other code.  Any pointers or
 examples would be greatly appreciated.



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 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Code generation and optimisation for compiling Haskell

2012-01-12 Thread Jason Dagit
On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 9:25 AM, Steve Horne wrote:

 Also, what papers should I read? Am I on the right lines with the ones I've
 mentioned above?

Thomas Schilling gave you a good response with papers so I will give
you a different perspective on where to look.

Most of the Haskell implementations were written by academics studying
languages and compilers.  This is good but it also implies that the
implementors are likely to share biases and assumptions.  I know of
one Haskell compiler in particular that was written by someone who did
not know Haskell when starting the project.  The compiler was
developed to be different than GHC.  That person was John Meacham.  He
created JHC, a work in progress, so you might want to study his
compiler and implementation notes as they should provide a different
perspective on how to tackle Haskell implementation and optimization.

I hope that helps,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] OpenAL bindings?

2012-01-07 Thread Jason Dagit
On Sat, Jan 7, 2012 at 1:26 PM, Yitzchak Gale wrote:
 Jason Dagit wrote:
 Looks like the repo [1] for the OpenAL bindings that Sven Panne
 created [2] is no longer available. I assume this is a result of The
 Great Server Outage of 2011 [3].

 No, is not the community server.
 It is a separate server that seems to be located at Galois.

Ah yes, I always forget which servers are where.

 I see that the following darcs repositories are available on the
 community server:

 Hope this helps,

Thank you so much!  Someone (I guess that's me) should update the wiki.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] OpenAL bindings?

2012-01-06 Thread Jason Dagit

Looks like the repo [1] for the OpenAL bindings that Sven Panne
created [2] is no longer available. I assume this is a result of The
Great Server Outage of 2011 [3].  Do other bindings exist (I didn't
see any on hackage, google, or the wiki [4])?

I can import the source that is available on hackage into a github
repo and hack from there, but I wanted to ask first: Is the source of
this repo gone for good?

As a side note, I have plenty of other repos and things on my plate so
I'm not really interested in becoming the maintainer of this binding.
Any OpenAL experts interested in taking it over?  I know from
experience that Sven appears to be MIA in the Haskell community these




Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] If you'd design a Haskell-like language, what would you do different?

2011-12-23 Thread Jason Dagit
On Tue, Dec 20, 2011 at 3:10 PM, Chris Wong wrote:
 On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 10:53 AM, Matthew Farkas-Dyck wrote:
 With GHC 7.0.3:

 $ cat test.hs
 class ℝ a where {
  test :: a;

 (∈) :: Eq a = a - [a] - Bool;
 x ∈ (y:ys) = x == y || x ∈ ys;

 main = putStrLn Two of three ain't bad (^_~);
 $ runhaskell test.hs
 Two of three ain't bad (^_~)

 Why not expand it even further?

My experience with Agda makes me think that extending it further can
make it painful to program in.  Initially I thought that using unicode
symbols would just make input a bit slower and that editor support
could address that.  You know, like writing about math using latex.
My actual experience with Agda was different than that.

I was using Emacs and I found that I needed to make my font size very
large to see all the detail of the unicode symbols clearly enough to
distinguish between them fully.  The alternative was using the support
in emacs for displaying the codepoint, as a number, for any glyph I
wanted to distinguish.  Perhaps it's still just an issue of editor
support but it left a sour taste in my mouth.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] terminateProcess leaves zombie processes around

2011-12-07 Thread Jason Dagit
On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 7:19 AM, Brandon Allbery wrote:
 On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 06:47, Dan Rosén wrote:

 I'm using Haskell to run a lot of instances of an Automated Thorem Prover,
 eprover. I have pasted a smaller version of my program at It runs eprover sequentially on all input files,
 with a timeout of 100ms. Unfortunately, it leaves a lot of zombie processes
 around, probably due to the fact that terminateProcess fails to terminate
 them, even though eprover terminates on SIGTERM.

 They *do* terminate; a zombie is a dead process waiting for its parent to
 reap it with waitForProcess.  There's also some POSIX stuff you can do to
 have them auto-reaped, but doing that correctly and portably is somewhat

You can use a double fork to make this portable and not painful.  It's
just that you have to fork twice, which can be expensive in some

Explanation here:

Here is a Haskell example from xmonad:

If you're planning to send a SIGTERM later, then double forking may
make that harder as I think you'd have to communicate the PID up one

I hope that helps,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Quickcheck research

2011-11-23 Thread Jason Dagit
On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 9:42 AM, wren ng thornton wrote:
 On 11/22/11 6:09 AM, Macías López wrote:


 I'm a Master's student in Computer Science. I have to make a project
 involving some research, I'm very interested in Quickcheck and I wonder if
 there are some areas which need work or if there is some potential
 topic related to it.

 In particular I know that Erlang Quickcheck has been worked on a lot and
 has some features like state machines or C bindings which may be useful to
 the Haskell community.

 I would appreciate any directions.

 Something I think would be nice is to see full integration between
 SmallCheck and QuickCheck. In particular, I'd like to use SmallCheck to
 exhaustively search the small cases, and then use QuickCheck in a way that
 ensures that it only tests on things larger than the ones which have already
 been tested.

 One of the problems with mixing the two these days is that QuickCheck often
 wastes a lot of time checking things that SmallCheck will also test. While
 the goal may not seem very researchy, it actually gets at one of the main
 weaknesses of QuickCheck: namely, how to properly control generation of
 arbitrary values in order to ensure you're testing something helpful. It's
 too easy to design Arbitrary instances which only generate small values
 (e.g., half of all lists are the empty list) or which loop forever (because
 of trying to avoid the too-small problem), which makes me think that
 Arbitrary isn't the right set of abstractions for controlling coverage of
 the value space.

Especially in the case where you find a counter example it may help to
slightly mutate that input and see if cases near it fail or succeed.

On a similar line of reasoning, I've wondered if Perlin style noise
generation could be applied to get a sort of fuzzing effect.  This
would be more interesting for cases where writing instances of
arbitrary is hard to do but test cases do exist.  Apply some sort of
pseudo-random noise to your examples and see if your properties still
hold.  I could see this having applications in parsers.

As far as I can tell, no one has used Perlin noise on algebraic
structures.  It seems to have only been applied to real valued spaces.
 Imagine having a parse tree then applying noise to the structure of
the tree then unparsing the tree back to concrete syntax.  You're
making the structure noisy instead of just fussing the concrete syntax
directly (which should increase the frequency that you change the
shape/meaning instead of just changing the tokens in the parse tree).


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is SmallCheck maintained?

2011-11-17 Thread Jason Dagit
On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 9:54 AM, Roman Cheplyaka wrote:
 Hi Cafe,

 Does anyone currently work on Test.SmallCheck?

I recall this being an unfortunate problem from the first release.  As
I recall the author was interested in getting the concept out there
but had no motivation (or was it interest?) in keeping it alive as a

Sounds to me like you should plan on taking over if no one objects.

Good luck,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A Mascot

2011-11-16 Thread Jason Dagit
You're quite the artist.  I wish I could make stuff like this.

Here are some more ideas (based on titles of papers about Haskell):
What about making the lamb wear a hair shirt?

Or maybe it could be lazy with class?


On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 2:49 PM, heathmatlock heathmatl...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 3:15 PM, Giovanni Tirloni 

 On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 7:06 PM, heathmatlock heathmatl...@gmail.comwrote:

 Some might picture a symphony or what looks like newspaper origami when
 they hear Da, and some might picture food when they hear Curry. I like Da
 because its simple and Da the lamb rolls smoothly off the tongue.
 Probably best to open a poll to and let everyone decide.

 Not trying to complicate things any further but perhaps it'd be better to
 have a contest on this, just like for the new logo.


 You're probably right, I guess someone can create a new poll like the
 previous one:

 I took Jerzy's suggestions into consideration and made the lamb skinnier,
 maybe it looks less like a penguin now.

 Thanks for the conversation so far, I'm glad there's interest in a mascot.

 Heath Matlock
 +1 256 274 4225

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Symbol collisions with -fhpc

2011-11-08 Thread Jason Dagit
On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 9:40 AM, Michael Orlitzky wrote:
 Does anyone know what causes these? This used to work, like, a month
 ago. It builds fine without the -fhpc.

What has changed in that time?  New Ghc?  New updates from your OS?
New code in your project?  Because it builds fine without -fhpc it
sounds like a ghc bug.

What version of ghc and on what OS?  Is this 64 bit or 32bit?

Basically, I think we need more information to be helpful.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] zlib build failure on recent GHC

2011-11-07 Thread Jason Dagit
On Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 8:17 AM, Johan Tibell wrote:
 On Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 7:53 AM, Ben Gamari wrote:

 With GHC 1ece7b27a11c6947f0ae3a11703e22b7065a6b6c zlib fails to build,
 apparently due to Safe Haskell (bug 5610 [1]). The error is specifically,

 $ cabal install zlib
 Resolving dependencies...
 Configuring zlib-
 Preprocessing library zlib-
 Building zlib-
 [1 of 5] Compiling Codec.Compression.Zlib.Stream (
 dist/build/Codec/Compression/Zlib/Stream.o )

    Unacceptable argument type in foreign declaration: CInt
    When checking declaration:
      foreign import ccall unsafe static zlib.h inflateInit2_
        :: StreamState - CInt - Ptr CChar - CInt - IO CInt

    Unacceptable argument type in foreign declaration: CInt
    When checking declaration:
      foreign import ccall unsafe static zlib.h inflateInit2_
        :: StreamState - CInt - Ptr CChar - CInt - IO CInt

    Unacceptable result type in foreign declaration: IO CInt
    Safe Haskell is on, all FFI imports must be in the IO monad
    When checking declaration:
      foreign import ccall unsafe static zlib.h inflateInit2_
        :: StreamState - CInt - Ptr CChar - CInt - IO CInt

 This is a little strange since,

  a) It's not clear why Safe Haskell is enabled
  b) The declarations in question seem to be valid

 Does this seem like a compiler issue to you?

 This is due to a change in how FFI imports and newtypes work. GHC was
 recently changed to not allow you to use newtypes in FFI imports unless the
 constructor of the newtype is in scope. This broke quite a few libraries. I
 have patched a few of them and I've sent a patch to the zlib maintainer.

This seems like a big change.  Where should I be watching to know
about this ahead of time?  I bet I have to fix some of my packages.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] howto best use emacs + tiling WM (Xmonad,DWM)

2011-11-04 Thread Jason Dagit
On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 8:55 AM, kaffeepause73 wrote:

 I'm using dwm which I really love (ev. consider switching to xmonad).

 However when I'm working with emacs (programming haskell) und dwm I feel,
 I'm not as effecient as I eventually could be. -- I can have the shell in
 one window (to execute the compiled program), but most work happens in emacs
 (in one screen only). And I have up to buffers in emacs which I find hard to
 switch between. Even on Xinerama this doesn't really change.

 When I create new frames for emacs with strg-x 5-2 then I'm sort getting
 closer to where I would like to be, but then I find myself having to windows
 on which I switch buffers and I get confused again.

 What I would like is to tab through the buffers, as I walk through the
 screens in dwm/xmonad and see the list of buffers as id do so. -- And can
 directly jump to a specific buffer via e.g. mod-4.

 I'm thinking that each buffer in emacs gets one frame and occupies one
 screen and xmonad than gets dynamically 20 or more screens (like tabs).

 If there is an good solution within emacs and the emacs mode than I'm of
 course also more than open for it.

 (my experience with emacs so far: -- only 10 buffers are listed in menue
                                             -- speedbar is very nice but
 works for files not for buffers
                                             -- using list all buffers is
 sort of cluncy as it uses half the screen (my screen splits horizontally

I think you'll get xmonad specific advice on this list:

I'm currently using vim + screen to do my hacking and I love it, but I
do wish vim had more IDE smarts at times.  Emacs + screen would work
equally well.  tmux instead of screen is another valid option (tmux is
better maintained but screen is more ubiquitous).

The default buffer manipulation in emacs is not great.  Take a look at
things like ido mode:

It's approximately 3 orders of magnitude better than the default way :)

Good luck!

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] blog software in Haskell?

2011-11-01 Thread Jason Dagit
On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 2:14 AM, Ketil Malde wrote:


 I just upgraded my server, and set up everything again.  Except
 wordpress, as 1) I'm not too fond of its user interface, and 2) it's a
 big pile of PHP, difficult to keep updated, and basically a disaster
 waiting to happen (and in fact, it was hacked at one point).

 Before I enable it again, is there any alternatives I should consider?
 Preferably written in Haskell, of course, but other suggestions welcome
 as well.

Not in Haskell, but it looks really promising (and it's driven by
version control), I give you Octopress:

It's basically jekyll + github.  Who knows, maybe you can use Hakyll
instead of jekyll.

Since you didn't ask for it, I'll include my $0.02 :)

I don't worry about my blog being written in Haskell because I don't
actually want to spend any time shaving yaks related to running my
blog.  I use blogspot.  It's not great but I pay $0/year and someone
else deals with the issues of keeping it secure, keeping it backed up,

If you find a cool solution, let us know.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Hackage feature request: E-mail author when a package breaks

2011-11-01 Thread Jason Dagit
On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 2:45 AM, Max Bolingbroke wrote:
 On 1 November 2011 09:00, Ketil Malde wrote:
 This is where it stranded the last time, IIRC.  That sentiment makes me
 a bit uneasy; so you are the official maintainer of a package on
 Hackage, but you do not want to hear about it when it fails to compile?

 Don't forget that some packages fail to compile on Hackage even though
 they work fine, because e.g. they depend on a third-party C library
 that is not installed, or depend on some other package that Hackage
 cannot build.

Exactly.  Building on hackage only means that it builds on hackage.
It doesn't actually mean the code works or fails to build on the
actual machines people use.

If we had a community run build farm with appropriate sandboxing and
people could test their builds there that would be amazing, but that's
not the same as checking the build on the hackage machine.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ANN: Haskell OpenGL package updates

2011-10-28 Thread Jason Dagit
Several months ago I announced my intent to take over maintainership
of the Haskell OpenGL bindings and associated packages.  Today I have
pushed new minor revisions to hackage.

I have updated the following packages:
  * OpenGL
  * OpenGLRaw
  * GLURaw
  * GLUT

The change log is very minor for each of these.  For my first release
as the new maintainer I opted to be very conservative about changes.
Consider this a bug fix release with updated metadata.

Please report bugs to either the Haskell OpenGL mailing list or the
appropriate issue tracker on the github page:

I would like to give a big thank you to the following individuals:
Sven Panne
Lars Corbjin
Dylan Simon
Alexey Karakulov
Balazs Komuves

If you contributed to this release by giving advice, filing a bug
report, sending a patch, or in some other way, and I've not listed
your name then I apologize for the omission.

Going forward I could use help with testing, development, and
documentation so if you're interested in OpenGL and Haskell let me
know and also keep your eyes out for calls for volunteers.

Thank you!

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: Haskell OpenGL package updates

2011-10-28 Thread Jason Dagit
On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 2:07 PM, Edward Kmett wrote:
 Thank you for taking ownership of HOpenGL!


 I would like to make a formal request for there to be some way to get access
 to either
 or that
 re-export the newtype wrappers it places around CDouble and CFloat.
 As things stand the only way to work with them is to pointlessly round-trip
 through rational or pray that GHC is smart enough to automatically convert
 once it sees through the newtype, which it isn't, potentially costing me
 orders of magnitude of performance in tight loops in exchange for
 implementation freedom the current OpenGL bindings do not use on any

Yes, it's a real problem.  I think there are a couple directions we
could move in (and some may not even be mutually exclusive).

Andy Gill created this workaround:
{-# RULES realToFrac/a-GLfloat realToFrac = \x - GLfloat (realToFrac x)
{-# RULES realToFrac/GLfloat-a realToFrac = \(GLfloat x) - realToFrac x

That one helps a lot for most people.

Someone made a libraries proposal that also helps the conversion
situation but I don't have the details handy at the moment.

If you read here, I'd like to get some MArray support in and I think
it's possible, although I haven't the idea I proposed yet:

Another thing we could do is find a different balance between newtypes
and the C types.

I'm totally onboard with exposing all of OpenGLRaw.  I think we just
need to sufficiently document the internal bits so that only people
who absolutely need them will use them.  That's how I see ByteString
and it seems to be working there.

Thanks for your suggestion (and your pull request on github, yay for
collaborative tools!).


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: diagrams 0.4

2011-10-24 Thread Jason Dagit
On Sun, Oct 23, 2011 at 11:47 AM, Brent Yorgey wrote:
 I am pleased to announce the release of version 0.4 of diagrams, a
 full-featured framework and embedded domain-specific language for
 declarative drawing.

 The last announcement was of the 0.1 release; there have been quite a
 few changes and improvements since then, including:

 -   A new website including a gallery of examples:

 -   A new comprehensive user manual with lots of illustrative

 -   New primitive shapes: rounded rectangles, wedges, and a new
    flexible API for generating polygons

 -   Cubic splines

 -   Basic text support

What do you use for text support?  I know at one point you were
interested in my freetype2 binding (which is still very raw and
immature), but you must be using gtk for font loading and rendering?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: OpenCL package

2011-10-21 Thread Jason Dagit
On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 12:34 PM, Martin Dybdal wrote:
 On 3 October 2011 12:56, Luis Cabellos wrote:
 Hello, all.
 I want to show you the OpenCL package. I have done this using Jeff Heard
 OpenCLRaw package, but I create a new one due the lack of updates of the
 # Where to get it
 * Hackage page (
 * Repository (
 * Bugs (
 * Examples (
 # Things:
 * I write it's high-level binding to OpenCL libraries, but only because I
 added more types to hide most of the alloc/free of the API, and hide the
 enums using c2hs enums.
 * The worst problem of the OpenCLRaw is the bad types it use, I learn to fix
 32/64 bits issues with c2hs, and test it on linux machines.
 * Tested on Linux + NVidia only.
 * Jason Dagit is helping with Windows, OSX testing in own fork, also the
 call-conv fork in github has changes to work on Windows
 Please, Consider it's on experimental status but it works, I need lots of
 feedbacks for detect posible errors,

 Hi everyone

 I just found this thread today, as I don't read Haskell-cafe that
 often (too bad, I know). I have been working on a set of OpenCL
 bindings for the last months myself, which I'm using to implement an
 OpenCL backend to the Data.Array.Accelerate library. The work is done
 at the HIPERFIT research center, Uni. Copenhagen.

 My bindings are even further from the naming conventions of the OpenCL
 library, but I really can't see the problem with that. People which
 are used to programming OpenCL from C/C++ might have to learn how the
 naming conventions of the Haskell library are, but they only need to
 do this once.

I think it's important to distinguish between being a new API and
being a faithful binding to an established API.  In reality it ends up
as a continuum because an exact one to one mapping is not possible
between idiomatic C and idiomatic Haskell.  If someone is renaming
things or changing the API when not strictly necessary then I would
say person is making a new API based on the the old API.  My desire is
to have a binding which is faithful to the C API and then letting
people build new abstractions on top of that.

 When the mapping between the old and the new naming
 conventions are learned, they will benefit from having a more clean
 interface for all future times. (No Haskell hacker should have a
 problem with a steep learning curve.)

I have to disagree here, based largely on my experience with learning
other Haskell bindings (for example OpenGL, which I knew from C).  If
I were to twist your words I could use this to say that we should make
Haskell hard to learn.  I doubt that's what you meant but it seems
dangerously close to me.

Probably we have very different goals.  You want to make a nice
OpenCL-based API for parallel programming and I want a binding that
matches the OpenCL api very closely, but not to the point of using Ptr
() in many places.

 It is somewhat troubling that we now have five different interfaces to
 OpenCL (that I know of), and I think we should join efforts and make
 one library that is as stable as possible. The five libraries are:

I agree that having so many implementations of the binding is odd.  I
wonder if it's because they cater to different needs.  In the case of
OpenCLRaw we could reasonably remove it from the list because it's
unmaintained and incomplete.

And yes, it would be nice to merge efforts.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: OpenCL package

2011-10-13 Thread Jason Dagit
On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 12:34 PM, Martin Dybdal wrote:
 On 3 October 2011 12:56, Luis Cabellos wrote:
 Hello, all.
 I want to show you the OpenCL package. I have done this using Jeff Heard
 OpenCLRaw package, but I create a new one due the lack of updates of the
 # Where to get it
 * Hackage page (
 * Repository (
 * Bugs (
 * Examples (
 # Things:
 * I write it's high-level binding to OpenCL libraries, but only because I
 added more types to hide most of the alloc/free of the API, and hide the
 enums using c2hs enums.
 * The worst problem of the OpenCLRaw is the bad types it use, I learn to fix
 32/64 bits issues with c2hs, and test it on linux machines.
 * Tested on Linux + NVidia only.
 * Jason Dagit is helping with Windows, OSX testing in own fork, also the
 call-conv fork in github has changes to work on Windows
 Please, Consider it's on experimental status but it works, I need lots of
 feedbacks for detect posible errors,

 Hi everyone

 I just found this thread today, as I don't read Haskell-cafe that
 often (too bad, I know). I have been working on a set of OpenCL
 bindings for the last months myself, which I'm using to implement an
 OpenCL backend to the Data.Array.Accelerate library. The work is done
 at the HIPERFIT research center, Uni. Copenhagen.

 My bindings are even further from the naming conventions of the OpenCL
 library, but I really can't see the problem with that. People which
 are used to programming OpenCL from C/C++ might have to learn how the
 naming conventions of the Haskell library are, but they only need to
 do this once. When the mapping between the old and the new naming
 conventions are learned, they will benefit from having a more clean
 interface for all future times. (No Haskell hacker should have a
 problem with a steep learning curve.)

 It is somewhat troubling that we now have five different interfaces to
 OpenCL (that I know of), and I think we should join efforts and make
 one library that is as stable as possible. The five libraries are:

  * OpenCL
  * OpenCLRaw
  * HsOpenCL
  * hopencl
  * The library presented by Benedict Gaster at AMD (yet to be released)

 My own library is available at and
 will be released on hackage very soon (next week probably). Please
 take a look at it. It is currently tested on x86_64 Linux with both
 the AMD x86/x86_64 bindings and NVIDIAs CUDA bindings. They will
 probably not work on Windows in their present state, and I don't have
 access to a Windows machine to test it on.

Windows uses stdcall instead of ccall.  If you get that right, your
bindings are likely to just work.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: OpenCL package

2011-10-04 Thread Jason Dagit
On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 12:54 AM, Luis Cabellos wrote:

 I understand your point. I didn't know the problems with cross module
 inlining that Haskell suffers. I learned the BSD3, I think is a good  and
 I'll change it on github and I'll put in the next release.

Oh cool.  Thanks!  I think that's for the best.  Someone sent me a
link to this offline:

Maybe the two implementations can be merged into one super implementation :)

 I use the pattern get[Type]Info - to get[Type][specificInfo] where
 specificInfo is the OpenCL name of an enumerate. I don't know if your
 proposal, I open a ticket on github to think about.

I see.  My experience with the OpenGL bindings is that it can still be
confusing for users of the library.  The reason is simple, there are
good docs for using the API from C and those docs tend to match the
official specification.  So people who are new to the Haskell bindings
will need some documentation that explains how to go from the C API to
the Haskell API.  Otherwise users will need to read the source code
directly to figure out where the function they need to call is
located.  Good haddocks help, but that's just one part of the
solution.  Being able to search for the function by name is also
useful, so that's why I proposed adding something on to the end of the
function name.  So that people using search in their browser on the
haddocks or using grep at the command line would find the function(s)
they are looking for and (hopefully) minimize time spent searching.

It's a shame because, if we had dependent types we could encode the C
API directly into Haskell.

Thanks and I'll probably look at it some more this weekend.  I have a
test program I'm working on but I would need to port it to your

Also, if you use the #fun macro from c2hs to create the foreign
imports you will need to use at least version 0.16.4 as previous
versions do not honor stdcall.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: hit a reimplementation of git storage in haskell.

2011-10-04 Thread Jason Dagit
On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 2:15 PM, Vincent Hanquez wrote:

 Any comments welcome,

Nice!  Have you looked at Petr Rockai's hashed-storage?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: OpenCL package

2011-10-03 Thread Jason Dagit
On Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 9:04 AM, Jason Dagit wrote:

 We could have a different version of the function for each return
 type, clGetDeviceInfo_FPConfig, clGetDeviceInfo_AddressBits, etc.
 It's a great naming convention but it has the property that someone
 searching the bindings or the bindings' haddocks for clGetDeviceInfo
 will find those functions.

I meant to say, It's NOT a great naming convention ...


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: OpenCL package

2011-10-03 Thread Jason Dagit
On Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 3:56 AM, Luis Cabellos wrote:
 Hello, all.
 I want to show you the OpenCL package. I have done this using Jeff Heard
 OpenCLRaw package, but I create a new one due the lack of updates of the
 # Where to get it
 * Hackage page (
 * Repository (
 * Bugs (
 * Examples (
 # Things:
 * I write it's high-level binding to OpenCL libraries, but only because I
 added more types to hide most of the alloc/free of the API, and hide the
 enums using c2hs enums.
 * The worst problem of the OpenCLRaw is the bad types it use, I learn to fix
 32/64 bits issues with c2hs, and test it on linux machines.
 * Tested on Linux + NVidia only.
 * Jason Dagit is helping with Windows, OSX testing in own fork, also the
 call-conv fork in github has changes to work on Windows

Your bindings are a higher quality than the the OpenCLRaw bindings and
you're doing good technical work, but I stopped using your bindings
for a couple reasons:
  * The main reason is that I'm not comfortable with the license
you're using.  The original code by Jeff Heard was BSD3 with an
additional copyright notice.  Your code is AGPL3.  The GPL is known to
cause problems with Haskell code due to cross module inlining.  I
don't know how the A in AGPL changes things.
  * Some of the exposed function names have been changed from the
original name in the OpenCL specification.  This is the same thing
that was done with the OpenGL bindings and it is very confusing for
people who come to the Haskell bindings from the official
documentation.  I realize that some of the API functions require some
bit of name mangling, but I think the current way is not the right
way.  For example with this function:

We could have a different version of the function for each return
type, clGetDeviceInfo_FPConfig, clGetDeviceInfo_AddressBits, etc.
It's a great naming convention but it has the property that someone
searching the bindings or the bindings' haddocks for clGetDeviceInfo
will find those functions.  I think this is better than naming it
clGetDeviceExtensions, which is not in the OpenCL specification.

I'd still be willing to test the changes you have, I just don't want
to contribute to your bindings due to the license.  I currently
thinking of starting my own bindings (Jeff's bindings contain too many
small bugs and if I'm going to change most lines of code then I might
as well start from scratch so that it can have a standard BSD3


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Can't link OpenCL on Windows

2011-09-12 Thread Jason Dagit

I'm trying to get the OpenCLRaw bindings to a point where I can use
them on windows.  I've forked the the OpenCLRaw repo on github so I
can make modifications as needed.  My branch is here:

I've been mostly working out of my FunPtr branch.

The issue I'm having is this:  I installed AMD's OpenCL SDK, converted
their Visual Studio specific .lib file to a file that gcc can handle
(.a file), but ghc can't seem to link with it.  I get undefined
symbols for everything I use in the OpenCL API.

I was able to build a trivial C program and link it using the .a
file that I generated and gcc from mingw (not from the Haskell
install).  I'm using the latest windows release of the Haskell

These are the steps I used for generating the .a file:

I used the commands in the example script (e.g., gendef and dlltool).
I've tried to use 32bit everything as much as possible, as I know that
GHC will want everything to be 32bit, so I don't think it's a 32bit
vs. 64bit issue.

Does anyone know if there is something different about invoking gcc
under ghc instead of the gcc that I get from mingw?

I've also played with the ghc command line (I used cabal-dev
--verbose=3 to inspect the command line) and I'm still unable to
massage it into a working state.

Any help would be appreciated!


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Can't link OpenCL on Windows

2011-09-12 Thread Jason Dagit
Mystery solved.

The OpenCLRaw bindings were set to use ccall but OpenCL uses stdcall.
I've updated my branch of the bindings.  Details on stackoverflow:


On Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 10:29 AM, Jason Dagit wrote:

 I'm trying to get the OpenCLRaw bindings to a point where I can use
 them on windows.  I've forked the the OpenCLRaw repo on github so I
 can make modifications as needed.  My branch is here:

 I've been mostly working out of my FunPtr branch.

 The issue I'm having is this:  I installed AMD's OpenCL SDK, converted
 their Visual Studio specific .lib file to a file that gcc can handle
 (.a file), but ghc can't seem to link with it.  I get undefined
 symbols for everything I use in the OpenCL API.

 I was able to build a trivial C program and link it using the .a
 file that I generated and gcc from mingw (not from the Haskell
 install).  I'm using the latest windows release of the Haskell

 These are the steps I used for generating the .a file:

 I used the commands in the example script (e.g., gendef and dlltool).
 I've tried to use 32bit everything as much as possible, as I know that
 GHC will want everything to be 32bit, so I don't think it's a 32bit
 vs. 64bit issue.

 Does anyone know if there is something different about invoking gcc
 under ghc instead of the gcc that I get from mingw?

 I've also played with the ghc command line (I used cabal-dev
 --verbose=3 to inspect the command line) and I'm still unable to
 massage it into a working state.

 Any help would be appreciated!


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: cabal-ghci 0.1

2011-09-09 Thread Jason Dagit
On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 11:06 PM, Etienne Laurin wrote:
 Hello fellow hackers.

 Here is a helpful package I wrote to ease the development of projects
 using cabal.

 It includes a :cabalset ghci command to set ghci options for your
 project, and a cabal-ghci executable to launch ghci with those

Is :cabalset custom per project or could I put the same things in my ~/.ghci?

Did you know that cabal-dev supports loading your project into ghci?

(I'm trying to understand how cabal-ghci is different than existing tools.)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: cabal-ghci 0.1

2011-09-09 Thread Jason Dagit
On Fri, Sep 9, 2011 at 2:44 PM, Etienne Laurin wrote:
 Here is a helpful package I wrote to ease the development of projects
 using cabal.

 Is :cabalset custom per project or could I put the same things in my ~/.ghci?

 Everytime I run :cabalset or cabal-ghci, it looks for a .cabal file in
 my current directory or any of its parents, it loads the cabal file
 and it generates a list of ghci options for that project.

 Did you know that cabal-dev supports loading your project into ghci?

 Yes :)

 Sadly, some of my test and build scripts don't yet work with cabal-dev.

It sounds like the two projects (cabal-ghci and cabal-dev) should get
merged.  It sounds like the cabal-ghci features would compliment the
other cabal-dev features.  Or maybe cabal should support plugins in
the way hledger and git supports them.  Food for thought.

Thanks for explaining the difference!


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Trouble with Haddock

2011-08-29 Thread Jason Dagit
On Sun, Aug 28, 2011 at 6:37 AM, anonymous wrote:
 First time using haddock.
 I'm unable to include code examples in the module header.
 Haddock fails with this error:
 haddock module header parse failed: Cannot parse header
 documentation paragraphs

 It's about 12 lines of code, which doesn't seem like much compared to other

 -- | describing module
 --  code
 --  ...
 --  code
 module Foo

 I tried @...@ code blocks, but that didn't work either.
 If I shorten the code to 3 lines or so, it will work.

You'll probably get better help if you include the failing example.
Just speaking for myself, I can't spot the problem from the example
you've included.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ping timeout

2011-08-25 Thread Jason Dagit
On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 2:39 PM, Greg Fitzgerald wrote:
 cabal update hangs.  ping times out.  But and
 hackage webpages are loading just fine.  What's going on?

Lots of servers turn off ICMP packet responses these days so ping
isn't as reliable as it once was for detecting when a server is

I'm not sure why cabal update would hang.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ping timeout

2011-08-25 Thread Jason Dagit
On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 9:20 PM, Ketil Malde wrote:
 Jason Dagit writes:

 On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 2:39 PM, Greg Fitzgerald wrote:
 cabal update hangs.  ping times out.  But and
 hackage webpages are loading just fine.  What's going on?

 Lots of servers turn off ICMP packet responses these days

 Because users don't really need error messages, that's privileged
 information for system administrators.

I think the reason it gets disabled is typically well intentioned.
Besides, if someone is trying to debug http protocol issues using
ICMP, they're taking an awfully indirect route.

 Looks like isn't one of them.

Good to know.

 It takes a while to complete with no visual feedback.  Perhaps the
 network is just slow?  Or perhaps the web pages are cached somewhere
 along the way?

All of those are plausible, but I heard one of the servers needed some
help restarting.  I don't know enough about the network topology and
setup (or what was wrong with the server) to understand why would
cause the behavior Greg was seeing.  I do know that several other
people were able to run 'cabal update' during that time.

The whole thing seems a bit odd to me, but should be behind us for now.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to make callCC more dynamic

2011-08-24 Thread Jason Dagit
On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 9:19 AM, bob zhang wrote:
 Hi, all
 I thought the right type for ContT should be
 newtype ContT m a = ContT {runContT :: forall r. (a- m r) - m r}
 other control operators
 shift :: Monad m = (forall r . (a- ContT m r) - ContT m r) - ContT m a
 reset :: Monad m = ContT m a - ContT m a
 callCC :: ((a- (forall r . ContT m r)) - ContT m a) - ContT m a

 unfortunately, I can not make callCC type check, and don't know how to
 do it.
 I managed to make shift, reset type check

Correct me if I'm wrong, but you're wanting to implement the delimited
form of continuations?

If so, you might take a look at this and the associated papers:


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Question about data

2011-08-19 Thread Jason Dagit
On Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 1:45 PM, Thomas DuBuisson wrote:
 This is not a valid data declaration.  You can't have a Float field
 without any constructor name and have it still of type

And the reason why it accepts 'data MathExpr = Float', is because data
constructors and types live in separate namespaces.  There is already
a type called Float in the Prelude, but there is no 'Float' data

(Just pointing this out in case it's not obvious!)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Compilation error in Chapter 5 of Real World Haskell

2011-08-18 Thread Jason Dagit
On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 10:37 AM, Paul Reiners wrote:
 I'm trying to do the following from Chapter 5 of Real World Haskell:

 Our choice of naming for the source file and function is deliberate. To
 create an executable, ghc expects a module named Main that contains a
 function named main. The main function is the one that will be called when
 we run the program once we've built it. 6 comments

 ghc -o simple Main.hs SimpleJSON.o


 When I do that, I get this error:

 C:\ch05ghc -o simple Main.hs SimpleJSON.o
 [2 of 2] Compiling Main ( Main.hs, Main.o )
 Linking simple.exe ...
 SimpleJSON.o:fake:(.data+0x0): multiple definition of
 .\SimpleJSON.o:fake:(.data+0x0): first defined here
 SimpleJSON.o:fake:(.text+0x54): multiple definition of
 .\SimpleJSON.o:fake:(.text+0x54): first defined here
 SimpleJSON.o:fake:(.data+0x4): multiple definition of
 .\SimpleJSON.o:fake:(.data+0x4): first defined here

 What's going wrong here?

It's hard to say without being able to compile your example locally.
Could you post the exact files Main.hs and SimpleJSON.hs that you are
using?  I scanned the linked page but it wasn't obvious to me what was
in your source files.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Please help me spot where space leak occur.

2011-07-27 Thread Jason Dagit
On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 1:54 AM, Olexander Kozlov wrote:
 Jason, thank you for your help. The hint for using -s option is very
 It is good to see people answering questions about Haskell here on

stackoverflow is another good place to ask.

 This is really matter. I hope I will be helpfull some day too :)
 As for the question I didn't mention in my psot that Fn can be of arbitrary

You could extend my solution pretty easily to work for arbitrary size.

 Now I have another question which I'm concerned with. I used foldl' (strict)
 in my implementation
 instead of just foldl (lazy). Does it mean that libraries are to be in two
 implementations one strict
 and another one lazy? Because there no way to affect strictness/lazyness of
 function without modifying
 its implementation. I' going to ask this question as a separate thread.

It doesn't come up that much.  It comes up here with your foldl, with
Chans, modifyIORef, modifySTRef, and a few things like that.  But most
of the time you want a lazy version until you spot a space leak.  Most
of the time the library creator notices and makes a strict version as
needed.  One of the nice things about Haskell is that you get a choice
between lazy and strict, and lazy by default is nice in many ways.
Space leaks like this are not usually show stoppers for experienced
Haskell folks.

Good luck!

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