Re: [Haskell-cafe] how to force hackage to use ghc 6.12.3

2011-05-13 Thread Michal Konečný
On Monday 09 May 2011 12:09:22 Ross Paterson wrote:
 That will stop users from building it with ghc 7.0, but I'm afraid the
 build client only uses the latest version, so these won't be fixed
 until ghc 7.2 is released.

Daniel, Ross,

Thank you for your help. I decided to add base  4.3 to stop users trying to 
compile it with ghc 7.* and provided links to haddock documentation hosted 
elsewhere for the time being.

|o| Michal Konecny
|o|office: (+42) (0)121 204 3462 
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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ANN: AERN-Real-Double-2011.1

2011-05-13 Thread Michal Konečný
Dear all,

I am pleased to announce the first release of 
(a large part of) a newly designed AERN.
AERN (approximating exact real numbers) is a set of 
Haskell libraries providing arbitrary precision interval arithmetic, 
polynomial arithmetic and distributed lazy exact real computation.

Anyone is welcome to join in the development 
of AERN via .

This release contains the following features:

* Type classes for rounded arithmetic and rounded interval arithmetic 
  with explicit control of rounding direction 
  and the possibility to increase the rounding precision 
  arbitrarily for types that support it.
  For example, type classes for types with rounded addition,
  multiplication, exponentiation etc.

* Over 150 QuickCheck properties for these type classes, 
  such as associativity of multiplication modulo rounding.

* Interval arithmetic using Double endpoints, rounded 
  outwards or inwards.  Outwards rounding allows to safely 
  approximate exact real arithmetic while a combination 
  of both outwards and inwards rounding allows one 
  to safely approximate exact interval arithmetic. 
  Inverted intervals with Kaucher arithmetic are also supported.
* For most of the type classes there are also in-place
  versions that act in the ST monad on mutable variables
  containing numbers or intervals.  This facilitates
  some explicit memory allocation optimisation, especially
  for data on the C heap.

The best starting point for experimenting with these
features are the demo programs included in the bundle
and the documentation for the AERN-Real-Double

(The HackageDB page does not have Haddock documentation
because AERN fails to build with ghc 7.0.* due to a compiler bug.)

The following features are planned for future releases:

* Interval arithmetic with MPFR arbitrary precision endpoints.

* Polynomial interval arithmetic with an optimised C core

* Distributed exact real and geometric computation with lazy
  query-driven communication.

For those familiar with the old AERN design, the main changes
in the new design are: 

* use of many smaller type classes instead of few large ones

* use of associated types instead of multi-parameter type classes

* a much more systematic approach to representing the numerical
  order on real numbers and the information refinement 
  (ie the inverse set inclusion) order on intervals

* ability to specify different effort indicator types for each
  type of operation and each numerical type instead of Int.
  (For example, Double has () as its effort indicator for almost 
   all operations while MPFR will have Precision 
   as the effort indicator type.)

* a more systematic approach to specifying QuickCheck properties
  and applying them to form test suites

* a unified implementation of interval elementary operations (only sqrt and exp
  at the moment) that is efficient when applied to Double intervals 
  as well as polynomial intervals

* new support for in-place rounded numerical operations

The current development team will be grateful for any feedback and suggestions.

Best regards,
|o| Michal Konecny
|o|office: (+42) (0)121 204 3462 
|o| PGP key

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] how to force hackage to use ghc 6.12.3

2011-05-09 Thread Michal Konečný

I have been releasing packages on hackage that do not build with ghc 7.0.* due 
to  a bug that will be fixed in ghc 7.2.1.   (One of the packages is
I was hoping hackage will try also ghc 6.12.3 but it does not.  Is there some 
way I can change the cabal file to help hackage to compile it with 6.12.3 and 
generate haddock?  The package requires base = 4 so I cannot try base  4.

|-| Dr. Michal Konecny, Computer Science, Aston University 
|-| Room MB212D | Tel +44 121 204 3462 | Fax +44 121 204 3681
|-| OpenPGP key

|o| Michal Konecny
|o|office: (+42) (0)121 204 3462 
|o| PGP key

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ghc7 bug? associated type + implicit parameters

2011-04-14 Thread Michal Konečný

I have stumbled across some strange behaviour in ghc7.

The following compiles fine with ghc 6.12.3:

{-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}

module Test where

class C t where
type TF t
ttt :: TF t - t

b :: (C t, ?x :: TF t) = t
b = ttt ?x 

but ghc7 says:

Could not deduce (?x::TF t)
  arising from a use of implicit parameter `?x'
from the context (C t, ?x::TF t)
  bound by the type signature for b :: (C t, ?x::TF t) = t
  at Test.hs:13:1-10
In the first argument of `ttt', namely `?x'
In the expression: ttt ?x
In an equation for `b': b = ttt ?x

Moreover, when I comment out the type declaration for b, it compiles and the 
inferred type for b is identical to the one in the above program:

*Test :t b
b :: (C t, ?x::TF t) = t

It feels to me like a bug but I am not entirely confident.  Any ideas?

|o| Michal Konecny
|o|office: (+42) (0)121 204 3462 
|o| PGP key

|o| Michal Konecny
|o|office: (+42) (0)121 204 3462 
|o| PGP key

|o| Michal Konecny
|o|office: (+42) (0)121 204 3462 
|o| PGP key

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: hmpfr-0.3.2 (requires integer-simple, supports mpfr 3.0.0)

2011-03-04 Thread Michal Konečný
Hi Dan,

On Friday 04 Mar 2011 21:59:12 Daniel Peebles wrote:
 I'm adding Ed to the conversation as he's very interested in this topic,

I do apologise - I was meant to post the previous email back to haskell-cafe 
but by mistake it went only to you.  I hope you do not mind that I am taking 
the discussion back to the cafe.  I attach my email so that other readers of 
the cafe can see it.

 The experts were right about it being impossible to work with GHC's
 GMP – until recently. foreign import c calls are indeed going to call GC
 when you don't want it, but when they split integer-gmp out of GHC's own
 RTS, Duncan Coutts (one of those experts) added the foreign import prim
 construct so that he could do exactly what you want, and operate on GMP
 integers with GHC-allocated memory without worrying about temporary
 storage blowing up while you aren't looking.

 So in general, I'd lean more towards replacing all your ccall bindings to
 MPFR with cmm bindings. It does require some GHC internals knowledge but
 is fairly mechanical, and would solve all the problems, without requiring
 a rewrite of GMP (that would be slower anyway). 

 Ed is actually going to get started on a fairly simple binding to a subset
 of MPFR for one of his projects, using the CMM approach based on the
 structure of my natural-gmp package
 (, which is itself based heavily on
 integer-gmp, but reworked to work fine from cabal rather than depending on
 GHC's build process). Once he is done with that, you might want to refer
 to his implementation to make your more complete MPFR binding work with
 integer-gmp (and thus make no speed sacrifices).

If this is the best approach, I would welcome help with this as I will not 
have much time to work on it until the summer due to teaching commitments and 
the need to publish work done earlier.

 I would also like a gmp-compatible replacement, but it's going to
 necessarily be slower and would prefer to be able to have fast
 computations over floating-point numbers AND integers/naturals.

Eek, I made a mistake, I apologise again - the proposal I was quoting in the 
announcement is not what I had in mind.  I was meant to refer to a mention by 
igloo at the very end of

which is a very different proposal from the one I linked to and the one you 
seem to refer to here. 

I was not at all thinking of writing a gmp compatible replacement.  I was 
thinking of taking gmp sources and mechanically modify the exported names and 
modify integer-gmp to use those modified names.  Thus there would be no 
difference in the speed of Integer as it would still use an exact clone of the 
original gmp in exactly the same way as now but not interfere with what the 
usual gmp code does via other libraries.

Please correct me if I this approach is not feasible or if there is some 
advantage in using cmm over this proposal that I am missing.

|o| Michal Konecny
|o|office: (+42) (0)121 204 3462 
|o| PGP key
Hello Dan,

Thank your for your suggestions.  

I implemented the dependency on integer-simple because I need hmpfr to work in 
the short term.  In the long term, I would like to adopt a better approach.  
At the moment I do not know enough about ghc internals to be able to determine 
the approach, so I welcome your pointers.  I know that Aleš, who knows more 
about the ghc internals, has tried various things but could not make hmpfr 
work with the current integer-gmp.

I did not file a bug because there was a similar ghc ticket open for quite 
some time (#601) and it has been closed when it became possible to use 
integer-simple instead of integer-gmp.  That is why I felt that the best 
solution to the problem at present is to use integer-simple.

I am not an expert but based on what I read experts say on the topic I 
concluded that it is close-to-impossible to make ghc+integer-gmp work with 
libraries such as mpfr that heavily use gmp.

Of the suggested solutions we are aware of, the one that seems to me and Aleš 
most promising is to create a clone of gmp that differs from the original only 
in the names of all exported symbols and distribute it as a part of ghc to be 
dynamically linked with all executables produced by ghc.  The clone could be 
produced using a script to allow easy updates with new versions of gmp.  I 
would be interested whether someone has been trying or has plans to try to 
implement this approach.  The reason why I like this approach than writing cmm 
wrappers around MPFR and prim importing them is that it is more maintainable 
and also opens the way for other libraries that depend on gmp to work with 


On Friday 04 Mar 2011 20:27:10 you wrote:
 According to Duncan Coutts (whom I asked about this issue in #ghc), the
 solution here is to use 

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: hmpfr-0.3.2 (requires integer-simple, supports mpfr 3.0.0)

2011-03-04 Thread Michal Konečný
On Friday 04 Mar 2011 21:06:45 Edward Kmett wrote:
 I'd be more than willing to tackle flipping things over to use foreign
 prims, so that I have something I can build on top without requiring the
 contortions to get a ghc build with integer-simple. 
 Dan has a cabal buildable library with foreign prims to use as a model.
 Is the google code repository up to date?

Hi Ed,

Yes, it is up to date.  Moreover, I am not planning to do any development on 
it in the next few weeks.  I would be very happy if you would experiment with 
the foreign prims in hmpfr.

|o| Michal Konecny
|o|office: (+42) (0)121 204 3462 
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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell IDE

2011-03-03 Thread Michal Konečný
On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 9:05 AM, Hauschild, Klaus (EXT) wrote:
 whats your Haskell IDE of choise? Currently I use leksah. Is the EclipseFP
 Plugin for Eclipse a real alternative?

I use EclipseFP 2.0.2 on a few fairly large projects and am overall very happy 
with it despite a few flaws, eg:

- it currently signals an error in source code files with non-latin-1 unicode 
- it does not build projects that include C files
- I find it fairly slow on very large projects as it continuously rebuilds 
them as you type, but it is not as slow as this kind of approach may seem to 

I especially appreciate:
- how well it highlights compiler errors 
- the outline of a module

I do not use code completion beyond the generic Alt-/, so I do not have an 
opinion on how well this is supported in eclipsefp.

|o| Michal Konecny
|o|office: (+42) (0)121 204 3462 
|o| PGP key

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ANN: hmpfr-0.3.2 (requires integer-simple, supports mpfr 3.0.0)

2011-03-03 Thread Michal Konečný
Dear all,

I am pleased to announce hmpfr-0.3.2, a new version of Aleš Bizjak's bindings 
to the MPFR arbitrary precision floating point arithmetic library.  The 
changes in this version are quite small but significant:

- support for MPFR 3.0.0 as well as MPFR 2.4.*
- dependency on integer-simple instead of integer-gmp

The latter is most significant because unfortunately it makes it rather more 
difficult to install hmpfr.   Currently almost all binary distributions of ghc 
have integer-gmp compiled in to provide the Integer type via the standard GMP 
library.  Also haskell platform 2010.2.0.0 assumes that ghc has been compiled 
with integer-gmp although it makes no specific use of it.  Instructions on how 
to compile ghc and haskell platform with integer-simple instead of integer-gmp 
are on:

The rationale for this change is the fact that despite much effort hmpfr is 
very unreliable on ghc that includes integer-gmp due to ghc deallocating GMP 
data that was allocated by MPFR at unpredictable times.

Aleš and I hope that hmpfr can return to using integer-gmp once the proposal

to replace gmp with a modified gmp in ghc is implemented and made the default.

Best regards,
|o| Michal Konecny
|o|office: (+42) (0)121 204 3462 
|o| PGP key

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