Re: [Haskell-cafe] plugins fails on a simple example

2013-09-17 Thread Petr Pudlák
Any ideas what could be causing the problem? I could try creating a 
patch, but I have no clue where to start.

  Best regards,

Dne 09/16/2013 11:12 PM, Jeremy Shaw napsal(a):

plugins probably needs to be patched[1]. I'll happily apply such a patch.

- jeremy
[1] or rewritten from the ground up

On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 2:49 AM, Petr Pudlák wrote:


I'm playing with “plugins”, trying to evaluate a simple expression:

|import  Control.Monad
import  System.Eval.Haskell

main  =do
 let  fExpr =1 + 2 :: Int
 r - eval_ fExpr [Prelude] [] [] []
 ::IO  (Either  [String] (Maybe  Int))
 case  rof
 Right  (Just  f)  -do
 print $ f
 Left  err - putStrLn $Error:  ++ unlines err
 _ - putStrLn $Unknown error.|

However, it fails with

on the commandline: Warning:
 -fglasgow-exts is deprecated: Use individual extensions instead|

Am I doing something wrong? How can I turn off the flag?

I'm using GHC 7.6.3.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] plugins fails on a simple example

2013-09-16 Thread Petr Pudlák


I'm playing with plugins, trying to evaluate a simple expression:

|import  Control.Monad
import  System.Eval.Haskell

main  =do
let  fExpr =1 + 2 :: Int
r - eval_ fExpr [Prelude] [] [] []
::IO  (Either  [String] (Maybe  Int))
case  rof
Right  (Just  f)  -do
print $ f
Left  err - putStrLn $Error:  ++ unlines err
_ - putStrLn $Unknown error.|

However, it fails with

on the commandline: Warning:
-fglasgow-exts is deprecated: Use individual extensions instead|

Am I doing something wrong? How can I turn off the flag?

I'm using GHC 7.6.3.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] a little parsec enhancement

2013-09-09 Thread Petr Pudlák
I'd appreciate exporting adding such aliases for creating and running 
ParsecT the 3.1.x way.


Dne 09/06/2013 10:56 PM, Antoine Latter napsal(a):
The exported `mkPT` is equivalent to the old 'ParsecT' data 
constructor from parsec 3.0.x.

I wouldn't mind exporting a similar alias for the new 'ParsecT' 
constructor from 3.1.x.

On Fri, Sep 6, 2013 at 2:21 PM, Petr Pudlák wrote:

Dne 09/05/2013 01:38 PM, Roman Cheplyaka napsal(a):

* Petr Pudlák
[2013-09-05 11:18:25+0200]

Unfortunately |ParsecT| constructor isn't exported so I'm
not able to
implement it outside /parsec/.

No, but there's an 'mkPT' function which is equivalent to the

(Although I, too, wish the ParsecT constructor were exposed.)


Yes, I tried to use `mkPT`, but the result looked very complicated
and I wasn't quite sure if it'll be working correctly in all
cases. Implementing the same thing with the `ParsecT` constructor
is simple and comprehensible.

  Best regards,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] a little parsec enhancement

2013-09-06 Thread Petr Pudlák

Dne 09/05/2013 01:38 PM, Roman Cheplyaka napsal(a):

* Petr Pudlák [2013-09-05 11:18:25+0200]

Unfortunately |ParsecT| constructor isn't exported so I'm not able to
implement it outside /parsec/.

No, but there's an 'mkPT' function which is equivalent to the ParsecT

(Although I, too, wish the ParsecT constructor were exposed.)

Yes, I tried to use `mkPT`, but the result looked very complicated and I 
wasn't quite sure if it'll be working correctly in all cases. 
Implementing the same thing with the `ParsecT` constructor is simple and 

  Best regards,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] a little parsec enhancement

2013-09-05 Thread Petr Pudlák


when thinking about this SO question, I couldn't find a 
combinator that allows a parser to /optionally/ fail without consuming 
input, or consume input and return its value. So I'm suggesting such a 

|-- | @emptyIf p@ parses @p@ and if its return value is @Nothing@, pretends
-- that an error has occured with no input consumed.
-- If @p@ fails and consumes some input, so does @emptyIf p@. Combine with
-- 'try' if this is undesirable.

emptyIf  :: (Stream  s m t) =ParsecT  s u m (Maybe  a) -ParsecT  s u m a
emptyIf  p =ParsecT  $ \s cok  cerr eok eerr -
let  cok' (Just  x) s e = cok x s e
cok'Nothing   _ e = eerr e
eok' (Just  x) s e = eok x s e
eok'Nothing   _ e = eerr e
in  unParser p s cok' cerr eok' eerr|

With this function, the answer to the SO question becomes really easy:

|rcomb  :: (Stream  s m t) =ParsecT  s u m a -ParsecT  s u m b -ParsecT  s u 
m b
rcomb  p q = emptyIf $ runMaybeT (opt p * opt q)
opt =MaybeT  . optional-- optional from Control.Applicative!|

Whenever |p| or |q| fails without consuming input, then |rcomb p q| 
fails without consuming input.

Unfortunately |ParsecT| constructor isn't exported so I'm not able to 
implement it outside /parsec/. (Perhaps it would make sense to export 
|ParsecT| in some module such as |Text.Parsec.Internal|?) Therefore I'm 
suggesting to add such a function to /parsec/ (darcs patch included). 
Perhaps change the name, I couldn't think of anything better.

Best regards,

1 patch for repository

Thu Sep  5 11:12:47 CEST 2013  Petr Pudlak
  * Add 'emptyIf' which allows a parser to optinally fail without consuming any 

New patches:

[Add 'emptyIf' which allows a parser to optinally fail without consuming any 
Petr Pudlak**20130905091247
 Ignore-this: 59b93c660fe860acd9a5fff887f7678f
] {
hunk ./Text/Parsec/Prim.hs 38
 , parserPlus
 , (?)
 , (|)
+, emptyIf
 , label
 , labels
 , lookAhead
hunk ./Text/Parsec/Prim.hs 455
 p' = ParsecT $ \s cok cerr eok eerr -
  unParser p s eok cerr eok eerr
+-- | @emptyIf p@ parses @p@ and if its return value is @Nothing@, pretends
+-- that an error has occured with no input consumed.
+-- If @p@ fails and consumes some input, so does @emptyIf p@. Combine with
+-- 'try' if this is undesirable.
+emptyIf :: (Stream s m t) = ParsecT s u m (Maybe a) - ParsecT s u m a
+emptyIf p = ParsecT $ \s cok  cerr eok eerr -
+let cok' (Just x) s e = cok x s e
+cok' Nothing  _ e = eerr e
+eok' (Just x) s e = eok x s e
+eok' Nothing  _ e = eerr e
+in unParser p s cok' cerr eok' eerr
 -- | The parser @token showTok posFromTok testTok@ accepts a token @t@
 -- with result @x@ when the function @testTok t@ returns @'Just' x@. The
 -- source position of the @t@ should be returned by @posFromTok t@ and


[Fix haddock module links.
Bjorn Buckwalter**20130821095713
 Ignore-this: 304217ec8b73f59edcd96dd13aca67af
[TAG 3.1.3
Antoine Latter**20120612020909
 Ignore-this: 7100375a3e4853c09f1ea993ae32eed7
Patch bundle hash:
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Performance of delete-and-return-last-element

2013-09-05 Thread Petr Pudlák

Dne 09/01/2013 09:13 PM, Harald Bögeholz napsal(a):

Am 31.08.13 14:35, schrieb Petr Pudlák:

One solution would be to fold over a specific semigroup instead of a
recursive function:

|import  Data.Semigroup
import  Data.Foldable(foldMap)
import  Data.Maybe(maybeToList)

data  Darle  a =Darle  {getInit  :: [a],getLast  ::a  }
   deriving  Show
instance  Semigroup  (Darle  a)where
 ~(Darle  xs1 l1)  ~(Darle  xs2 l2) =Darle  (xs1 ++ [l1] ++ xs2) l2

darle  :: [a] -Darle  a
darle  = foldr1 () . map (Darle  [])|

It's somewhat more verbose, but the core idea is clearly expressed in
the one line that defines ||, and IMHO it better shows /what/ are we
doing rather than /how/. It's sufficiently lazy so that you can do
something like |head . getInit $ darle [1..]|.

I am wondering why you put the Semigroup instance there and what the
other imports are for. Doesn't this work just as well?
Sorry, the two other imports are redundant, I forgot to erase them when 
playing with various ideas.

The Semigroup instance of course isn't necessary for this particular 
purpose. But having it (1) signals that the operation satisfies some 
laws (associativity) and (2) allows the structure to be reused anywhere 
where a Semigroup is required.

For example, we can wrap it into `Option` to get a monoid, and perhaps 
use it in `foldMap`. This way we extend the functionality to empty 

darle :: Foldable f = f a - Maybe (Darle a)
darle = getOption . foldMap (Option . Just . Darle [])

  Best regards,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Performance of delete-and-return-last-element

2013-08-31 Thread Petr Pudlák
One solution would be to fold over a specific semigroup instead of a 
recursive function:

|import  Data.Semigroup
import  Data.Foldable(foldMap)
import  Data.Maybe(maybeToList)

data  Darle  a =Darle  {getInit  :: [a],getLast  ::a  }
  deriving  Show
instance  Semigroup  (Darle  a)where
~(Darle  xs1 l1)  ~(Darle  xs2 l2) =Darle  (xs1 ++ [l1] ++ xs2) l2

darle  :: [a] -Darle  a
darle  = foldr1 () . map (Darle  [])|

It's somewhat more verbose, but the core idea is clearly expressed in 
the one line that defines ||, and IMHO it better shows /what/ are we 
doing rather than /how/. It's sufficiently lazy so that you can do 
something like |head . getInit $ darle [1..]|.

Best regards,

Dne 08/30/2013 08:18 PM, Lucas Paul napsal(a):

Suppose I need to get an element from a data structure, and also
modify the data structure. For example, I might need to get and delete
the last element of a list:

darle xs = ((last xs), (rmlast xs)) where
   rmlast [_] = []
   rmlast (y:ys) = y:(rmlast ys)

There are probably other and better ways to write rmlast, but I want
to focus on the fact that darle here, for lack of a better name off
the top of my head, appears to traverse the list twice. Once to get
the element, and once to remove it to produce a new list. This seems
bad. Especially for large data structures, I don't want to be
traversing twice to do what ought to be one operation. To fix it, I
might be tempted to write something like:

darle' [a] = (a, [])
darle' (x:xs) = let (a, ys) = darle' xs in (a, (x:ys))

But this version has lost its elegance. It was also kind of harder to
come up with, and for more complex data structures (like the binary
search tree) the simpler expression is really desirable. Can a really
smart compiler transform/optimize the first definition into something
that traverses the data structure only once? Can GHC?

- Lucas

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] monoids induced by Applicative/Alternative/Monad/MonadPlus?

2013-08-22 Thread Petr Pudlák
Or, if there are no such definitions, where would be a good place to add 


Dne 08/20/2013 06:55 PM, Petr Pudlák napsal(a):

Dear Haskellers,

are these monoids defined somewhere?

|import  Control.Applicative
import  Data.Monoid

newtype  AppMonoid  m a =AppMonoid  (m  a)
instance  (Monoid  a,Applicative  m) =Monoid  (AppMonoid  m a)where
 mempty =AppMonoid  $ pure mempty
 mappend (AppMonoid  x) (AppMonoid  y) =AppMonoid  $ mappend $ x * y
-- With the () monoid for `a` this becames the monoid of effects.

newtype  AltMonoid  m a =AltMonoid  (m  a)
instance  Alternative  m =Monoid  (AltMonoid  m a)where
 mempty =AltMonoid  empty
 mappend (AltMonoid  x) (AltMonoid  y) =AltMonoid  $ x | y|

(and similarly for Monad/MonadPlus, until they become subclasses of 

Best regards,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] monoids induced by Applicative/Alternative/Monad/MonadPlus?

2013-08-20 Thread Petr Pudlák
Dear Haskellers,

are these monoids defined somewhere?

import Control.Applicativeimport Data.Monoid
newtype AppMonoid m a = AppMonoid (m a)instance (Monoid a, Applicative
m) = Monoid (AppMonoid m a) where
mempty = AppMonoid $ pure mempty
mappend (AppMonoid x) (AppMonoid y) = AppMonoid $ mappend $ x
* y-- With the () monoid for `a` this becames the monoid of effects.
newtype AltMonoid m a = AltMonoid (m a)instance Alternative m =
Monoid (AltMonoid m a) where
mempty = AltMonoid empty
mappend (AltMonoid x) (AltMonoid y) = AltMonoid $ x | y

(and similarly for Monad/MonadPlus, until they become subclasses of

Best regards,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] using network+conduit+tls for a client application?

2013-07-29 Thread Petr Pudlák

Dear Haskellers,

I wanted to write a small TLS application (connecting to IMAP over TLS) 
and it seemed natural to use conduit for that. I found the 
network-conduit-tls package, but then I realized it's meant only for 
server applications. Is there something similar for client applications?

  Thank you,
  Petr Pudlak

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Why isn't ArrowChoice a parent of of ArrowApply?

2013-06-20 Thread Petr Pudlák

In Control.Arrow we have:

   |leftApp  ::ArrowApply  a = a b c - a (Either  b d) (Either  c d)|

   Any instance of |ArrowApply| can be made into an instance of
   |ArrowChoice| by defining |left = leftApp|.

So why isn't |ArrowChoice| a parent of |ArrowApply|?

Best regards,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] mapFst and mapSnd

2013-05-28 Thread Petr Pudlák

Dne 28.5.2013 10:54, Dominique Devriese napsal(a):

Hi all,

I often find myself needing the following definitions:

   mapPair :: (a - b) - (c - d) - (a,c) - (b,d)
   mapPair f g (x,y) = (f x, g y)

   mapFst :: (a - b) - (a,c) - (b,c)
   mapFst f = mapPair f id

   mapSnd :: (b - c) - (a,b) - (a,c)
   mapSnd = mapPair id

But they seem missing from the prelude and Hoogle or Hayoo only turn
up versions of them in packages like scion or fgl.  Has anyone else
felt the need for these functions?  Am I missing some generalisation
of them perhaps?
Apart from Arrows, there is also package bifunctors that defines this 
functionality for (,), Either and a few others:

Petr Pudlak

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Generalizing unionWithKey, unionWith, ...

2013-05-28 Thread Petr Pudlák

Dne 28.5.2013 12:32, Johannes Waldmann napsal(a):

Jose A. Lopes jose.lopes at writes:

 unionWith :: Ord k = (a - b - c) - Map k a - Map
 k b - Map k c

what should be the result of

unionWith undefined (M.singleton False 42) (M.singleton True bar)  ?

Perhaps the generalized signature should be instead:

unionWith :: Ord k = (Maybe a - Maybe b - c) - Map k a - Map k b - 
Map k c

(The function would always get at least one `Just`.)
But this functionality can be achieved using `map`s and the current 


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Set monad

2013-05-13 Thread Petr Pudlák

On 04/12/2013 12:49 PM, wrote:

One problem with such monad implementations is efficiency. Let's define

 step :: (MonadPlus m) =  Int -  m Int
 step i = choose [i, i + 1]

 -- repeated application of step on 0:
 stepN :: (Monad m) =  Int -  m (S.Set Int)
 stepN = runSet . f
 f 0 = return 0
 f n = f (n-1)= step

Then `stepN`'s time complexity is exponential in its argument. This is
because `ContT` reorders the chain of computations to right-associative,
which is correct, but changes the time complexity in this unfortunate way.
If we used Set directly, constructing a left-associative chain, it produces
the result immediately:

The example is excellent. And yet, the efficient genuine Set monad is

BTW, a simpler example to see the problem with the original CPS monad is to
 choose [1,1]  choose [1,1]choose [1,1]  return 1

and observe exponential behavior. But your example is much more

Enclosed is the efficient genuine Set monad. I wrote it in direct
style (it seems to be faster, anyway). The key is to use the optimized
choose function when we can.

{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}

module SetMonadOpt where

import qualified Data.Set as S
import Control.Monad

data SetMonad a where
 SMOrd :: Ord a =  S.Set a -  SetMonad a
 SMAny :: [a] -  SetMonad a

instance Monad SetMonad where
 return x = SMAny [x]

 m= f = collect . map f $ toList m

toList :: SetMonad a -  [a]
toList (SMOrd x) = S.toList x
toList (SMAny x) = x

collect :: [SetMonad a] -  SetMonad a
collect []  = SMAny []
collect [x] = x
collect ((SMOrd x):t) = case collect t of
  SMOrd y -  SMOrd (S.union x y)
  SMAny y -  SMOrd (S.union x (S.fromList y))
collect ((SMAny x):t) = case collect t of
  SMOrd y -  SMOrd (S.union y (S.fromList x))
  SMAny y -  SMAny (x ++ y)

runSet :: Ord a =  SetMonad a -  S.Set a
runSet (SMOrd x) = x
runSet (SMAny x) = S.fromList x

instance MonadPlus SetMonad where
 mzero = SMAny []
 mplus (SMAny x) (SMAny y) = SMAny (x ++ y)
 mplus (SMAny x) (SMOrd y) = SMOrd (S.union y (S.fromList x))
 mplus (SMOrd x) (SMAny y) = SMOrd (S.union x (S.fromList y))
 mplus (SMOrd x) (SMOrd y) = SMOrd (S.union x y)

choose :: MonadPlus m =  [a] -  m a
choose = msum . map return

test1 = runSet (do
   n1- choose [1..5]
   n2- choose [1..5]
   let n = n1 + n2
   guard $ n  7
   return n)
-- fromList [2,3,4,5,6]

-- Values to choose from might be higher-order or actions
test1' = runSet (do
   n1- choose . map return $ [1..5]
   n2- choose . map return $ [1..5]
   n- liftM2 (+) n1 n2
   guard $ n  7
   return n)
-- fromList [2,3,4,5,6]

test2 = runSet (do
   i- choose [1..10]
   j- choose [1..10]
   k- choose [1..10]
   guard $ i*i + j*j == k * k
   return (i,j,k))
-- fromList [(3,4,5),(4,3,5),(6,8,10),(8,6,10)]

test3 = runSet (do
   i- choose [1..10]
   j- choose [1..10]
   k- choose [1..10]
   guard $ i*i + j*j == k * k
   return k)
-- fromList [5,10]

-- Test by Petr Pudlak

-- First, general, unoptimal case
step :: (MonadPlus m) =  Int -  m Int
step i = choose [i, i + 1]

-- repeated application of step on 0:
stepN :: Int -  S.Set Int
stepN = runSet . f
   f 0 = return 0
   f n = f (n-1)= step

-- it works, but clearly exponential
*SetMonad  stepN 14
fromList [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14]
(0.09 secs, 31465384 bytes)
*SetMonad  stepN 15
fromList [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15]
(0.18 secs, 62421208 bytes)
*SetMonad  stepN 16
fromList [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16]
(0.35 secs, 124876704 bytes)

-- And now the optimization
chooseOrd :: Ord a =  [a] -  SetMonad a
chooseOrd x = SMOrd (S.fromList x)

stepOpt :: Int -  SetMonad Int
stepOpt i = chooseOrd [i, i + 1]

-- repeated application of step on 0:
stepNOpt :: Int -  S.Set Int
stepNOpt = runSet . f
   f 0 = return 0
   f n = f (n-1)= stepOpt

stepNOpt 14
fromList [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14]
(0.00 secs, 515792 bytes)
stepNOpt 15
fromList [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15]
(0.00 secs, 515680 bytes)
stepNOpt 16
fromList [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16]
(0.00 secs, 515656 bytes)

stepNOpt 30
(0.00 secs, 1068856 bytes)

Oleg, thanks a lot for this example, and sorry for my late reply. I 
really like the idea and I'm hoping to a similar concept soon for a 
monad representing probability computations.

  With best regards,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Hackage checking maintainership of packages

2013-05-07 Thread Petr Pudlák
Some further ideas:

- Make the periodic maintainership reminders optional. Every developer
would be able to choose if (s)he wishes to receive them or not. I believe
many would choose to receive them.

- Maintain the last date the maintainership has been verified - either by
an upload of a new version or by explicitly by the author (like by
answering a reminder). This way, visitors would have a clear indication
what could they expect, regardless of the reminders.

- Add some estimate based on the packages that depend on this one. For
example, take the maximum of these dates for all packages depending on this
one maintained by the same author. It's very likely that if the same person
actively develops something that is based on a package, (s)he will care
about the package too, even if it hasn't been updated for a while. This
would solve perfect stable packages like deepseq.

- Alternatively, reminders could be human-triggered, instead of being sent
automatically. If the date is older than some bound (like those 3 months),
there could be a button like query maintainership. If a visitor presses
it, Hackage would send the reminder to the author (if it hasn't sent one
recently, of course). This way, the reminder would be sent only for
packages that somebody is actually interested in.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Hackage checking maintainership of packages

2013-05-06 Thread Petr Pudlák
2013/5/6 Tillmann Rendel

 Petr Pudlák wrote:

  -- Forwarded message --
 From: *Niklas Hambüchen*
 Date: 2013/5/4
 I would even be happy with newhackage sending every package
 maintainer a
 quarterly question Would you still call your project X 'maintained'?
 for each package they maintain; Hackage could really give us better
 indications concerning this.

 This sounds to me like a very good idea. It could be as simple as If
 you consider yourself to be the maintainer of package X please just hit
 reply and send. If Hackage doesn't get an answer, it'd just would
 display some red text like This package seems to be unmaintained since

 I like the idea of displaying additional info about the status of package
 development, but I don't like the idea of annoying hard-working package
 maintainers with emails about their perfect packages that actually didn't
 need any updates since ages ago.

I understand, but replying to an email with an empty body or clicking on a
link once in a few months doesn't seem to be an issue for me. And if
somebody is very busy and doesn't update the package, it's more fair to
signal from the start that (s)he doesn't want to maintain the package.

Personally it happened to me perhaps several times that I used a promising
package and discovered later that's it's not being maintained. I'd say that
the amount of time required to confirm if authors maintain their packages
is negligible compared to the amount of time people lose this way.

Just out of curiosity, do you have some examples of such packages, that are
being maintained, but not updated since they're near perfect? I'd like to
know if this is a real issue. It seems to me

 So what about this: Hackage could try to automatically collect and display
 information about the development status of packages that allow potential
 users to *guess* whether the package is maintained or not. Currently,
 potential users have to collect this information themselves.

 Here are some examples I have in mind:

  * Fetch the timestamp of the latest commit from the HEAD repo
  * Fetch the number of open issues from the issue tracker
  * Display reverse dependencies on the main hackage page
  * Show the timestamp of the last Hackage upload of the uploader


Those are good ideas. Some suggestions:

I think we already have the timestamp of each upload, this already gives
some information. Perhaps we could add a very simple feature saying how
long ago that was and adding a warning color (like yellow if more than a
year and red if more than two years).

Reverse dependencies would certainly help a lot, but it works only for
libraries, not for programs. (Although it's less likely that someone would
search hackage for programs.)

The problem with issue trackers is that (a) many packages don't have one,
(b) there are many different issue trackers.

Best regards,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Hackage checking maintainership of packages

2013-05-05 Thread Petr Pudlák

on another thread there was a suggestion which perhaps went unnoticed by

-- Forwarded message --
 From: Niklas Hambüchen
 Date: 2013/5/4
 I would even be happy with newhackage sending every package maintainer a
 quarterly question Would you still call your project X 'maintained'?
 for each package they maintain; Hackage could really give us better
 indications concerning this.

This sounds to me like a very good idea. It could be as simple as If you
consider yourself to be the maintainer of package X please just hit reply
and send. If Hackage doesn't get an answer, it'd just would display some
red text like This package seems to be unmaintained since D.M.Y.

Best regards,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Hackage checking maintainership of packages

2013-05-05 Thread Petr Pudlák
I'd say:
- If a package has UNMAINTAINED (perhaps also DEPRECATED?) somewhere in its
title/description, don't do anything.
- Otherwise if the package hasn't been updated for past 3 months, send a
quarterly reminder (including the information under what conditions the
reminder is sent).

2013/5/5 Doug Burke

 On May 5, 2013 7:25 AM, Petr Pudlák wrote:
  on another thread there was a suggestion which perhaps went unnoticed by
  -- Forwarded message --
  From: Niklas Hambüchen
  Date: 2013/5/4
  I would even be happy with newhackage sending every package maintainer a
  quarterly question Would you still call your project X 'maintained'?
  for each package they maintain; Hackage could really give us better
  indications concerning this.
  This sounds to me like a very good idea. It could be as simple as If
 you consider yourself to be the maintainer of package X please just hit
 reply and send. If Hackage doesn't get an answer, it'd just would display
 some red text like This package seems to be unmaintained since D.M.Y.
  Best regards,

 For those packages that give a repository, a query could be done
 automatically to see when it was last updated. It's not the same thing as
 'being maintained', but is less annoying for those people with many
 packages on hackage.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Markdown extension for Haddock as a GSoC project

2013-05-02 Thread Petr Pudlák

It seems that during the recent suggestions about what markup to choose
(Markdown, Creole, Asciidoc, etc.), we've forgotten about one of the goals
that seem very important to me for Haskell: the ability to write *math
formulas*. I have experienced on StackExchange that just adding MathJAX to
Markdown leads to many surprising errors that can be fixed only by strange

Personally I'd incline to choose some existing, well-established markup
language with formal specification that supports math (hopefully there is
one). Extending Haddock with new features and a syntax for math formulas
would certainly require to design such a specification, which isn't easy,
and using an existing one would simplify the process a lot. Also I believe
that newcomers to Haskell would definitely appreciate working with an
existing markup language (and I'm sure not only them) instead of having to
learn Haddock's syntax.

  Best regards,

2013/5/2 Mateusz Kowalczyk

 Hash: SHA1

 On 02/05/13 06:57, Ben wrote:
  sorry, i was only trying to make a helpful suggestion!
  just to clarify: i'm not championing asciitext (or any other
  format) -- i only heard about it recently in a comment on
   i checked it out and it sounded cool, so i thought it'd be a
  helpful pointer to whomever is working on new haddock -- they are
  of course welcome to ignore it.  totally understand that overmuch
  debate is not helpful (though i'm not sure it's fair to call it
  bikeshedding, since it is a primary feature of the proposed
  best, ben
  On Apr 27, 2013, at 2:02 PM, Bryan O'Sullivan wrote:
  On Sat, Apr 27, 2013 at 1:47 PM, Ben wrote:
  asciidoc has been mentioned a few times in comments, i think it's
  worth looking at.
  This is the problem I was afraid of: for every markup syntax
  under the sun, someone will come along to champion it.
  The choice of one or N syntaxes is ultimately up to the
  discretion of the student, guided by their mentor. It is in our
  collective interest to avoid prolonging a bikeshed discussion on
  this, as a long inconclusive discussion risks dissuading any
  sensible student or mentor from wanting to pursue the project in
  the first place.
  ___ Haskell-Cafe
  mailing list
 These two posts are exactly why I believe that extending Haddock
 itself would be of more benefit than simply adding a Markdown
 extension to it: with addition to core features, integrating any of
 the N syntaxes that people want suddenly becomes the question of just
 writing reader and writer modules for Pandoc instead of a full project
 on marshalling yet another markup as an extension directly to Haddock.

 - --
 Mateusz K.
 Version: GnuPG v2.0.19 (GNU/Linux)


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Diving into the records swamp (possible GSoC project)

2013-04-26 Thread Petr Pudlák
Hi Adam,

very nice idea. As the others, I'm curious why you chose to implement SORF
in favor of the other ideas?

I just read the SORF proposal, and I'm a bit concerned about what error
messages would GHC issue when someone would type incorrect code involving
such records. Currently Haskell's error messages already pose a barrier for
newcomers (like No instance for (Num (a - a))), and if records are
converted into those very complicated `Has` instances, type errors would be
probably undecipherable even for moderate skilled Haskell users.
Considering that records are a basic feature of Haskell and something that
 people with OOP background are familiar with, this could result in a
feature that would without doubts deter many (if not most) newcomers. So do
you think it would be possible to implement it in such a way that users get
sensible type error messages?

  Best regards,

2013/4/26 Adam Gundry


 I am hoping to do a GSoC project this year working on GHC, and have been
 pointed in the direction of the records issue (in particular, the desire
 to overload field names). This has been discussed on-and-off for years,
 and while there are lots of ideas [1], little has been implemented in
 GHC itself.

 The plan would be to implement a solution to the narrow issue of
 overloaded field names, along the lines of Simon PJ's SORF proposal (on
 the wiki). This would provide a basis for experimentation with
 first-class record types. While there are still design issues to
 resolve, the broad plan is clear and I'm confident it can be implemented
 in a summer and without overly restricting future record system designs.

 Does this sound like a reasonable strategy? I'd appreciate comments and
 criticism, although arguing about the details of the design should
 perhaps wait.

 (A little about me: I'm a PhD student working on type inference for
 Haskell and dependent types, with about four years' Haskell experience
 including work on big type-system related projects. I am familiar with
 the theory behind GHC, but I haven't worked on the code before.)


 Adam Gundry


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monad Transformer Space Leak

2013-04-23 Thread Petr Pudlák
I tested it on GHC 6.12.1, which wasn't affected by the recent ackermann
bug, but still it leaks memory.

Petr Pudlak

2013/4/22 Clark Gaebel

 I don't have a copy of GHC HEAD handy, and don't have the time to set up
 the ecosystem myself to test this one bug.

 Would someone else with a copy lying around mind testing it out for me?

   - Clark

 On Monday, April 22, 2013, Joachim Breitner wrote:


 Am Montag, den 22.04.2013, 16:44 -0400 schrieb Clark Gaebel:
  More interestingly, the problem goes away if I enable profiling.
  That's kind of worrisome.

 this part sounds similar than the recently discussed problem with the
 ackermann function ( –
 maybe your code is only allocating stacks and nothing else? In that case
 you can try with GHC HEAD and see if the problem is fixed.


 Joachim nomeata Breitner
 Debian Developer | ICQ# 74513189 | GPG-Keyid: 4743206C
   JID: |

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] a library for abstract algebra?

2013-04-18 Thread Petr Pudlák

is there a Haskell library for defining and working with algebraic
structures such as groups, rings, fields, finite fields, vector spaces or
modules? I found only several vector-related libraries, but they were all
only over the field of real numbers (Double) and defined only vector
spaces, not other algebraic structures.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: rematch, an library for composable assertions with human readable failure messages

2013-04-16 Thread Petr Pudlák
Hi tom,

I had problems installing version on GHC  7.4.1:

Resolving dependencies...

Downloading rematch-

Configuring rematch-

Building rematch-

Preprocessing library rematch-

[1 of 4] Compiling Control.Rematch.Formatting (
 Control/Rematch/Formatting.hs, dist/build/Control/Rematch/Formatting.o )

[2 of 4] Compiling Control.Rematch.Run ( Control/Rematch/Run.hs,
 dist/build/Control/Rematch/Run.o )

[3 of 4] Compiling Control.Rematch  ( Control/Rematch.hs,
 dist/build/Control/Rematch.o )

[4 of 4] Compiling Control.Rematch.QuickCheck (
 Control/Rematch/QuickCheck.hs, dist/build/Control/Rematch/QuickCheck.o )


`exhaustive' is not a (visible) method of class `Testable'

Failed to install rematch-

cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:

rematch- failed during the building phase. The exception was:

ExitFailure 1

I installed v without problems.

  Best regards,

2013/4/16 Tom Crayford

 I kept on running into this thing where I was calling error in quickcheck
 to get good error messages about the things I was comparing. In Java land,
 this stuff is handled by Hamcrest: a library for composable assertions with
 good error messages. This library is basically a port of hamcrest's core
 api, but I've been very pleased with how it turned out.

 I've been using this in tests for production code for a month or so now,
 and I'm very pleased with it.

 Running a matcher (in this example in an hunit test) looks like this:

 expect [1] (is [1])

  The core API is very simple:

  data Matcher a = Matcher {
 match :: a - Bool
   -- ^ A function that returns True if the matcher should pass, False if
 it should fail
   , description :: String
   -- ^ A description of the matcher (usually of its success conditions)
   , describeMismatch :: a - String
   -- ^ A description to be shown if the match fails.

 This means you can add/write your own matchers happily, which occasionally
 means you can write *very* nice test code (here's an example of using a
 custom matcher for checking the state of an issue in a hypothetical issue
 tracking app):

 expect latestIssue (hasState Resolved)

 -- I removed the supporting code to make this assertion actually run,
 -- this email is already pretty long.

 There are numerous matchers (and functions for creating matchers) in the
 rematch library, including some composition functions that provide good
 failure messages.

 There are some shims to hook rematch into the common haskell test
 frameworks (specifically hunit and quickcheck).

 The two libraries are up on hackage:

 The code is all up on github:

 I get rather frustrated when my tests give bad failure explanations, and
 using rematch goes a long way to fix that.

 Lastly, rematch is pretty isolated from test frameworks/etc, with a very
 small and easy to understand surface api. Hopefully it'll help with the
 thing I've seen in other languages (cough ruby cough) with every test
 framework reinventing this idea, and not all frameworks having all the
 matchers I want to use.

 Let me know if you have any feedback/thoughts


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: rematch, an library for composable assertions with human readable failure messages

2013-04-16 Thread Petr Pudlák
2013/4/16 Ross Paterson

 On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 10:17:48AM +0100, Tom Crayford wrote:
   The core API is very simple:
  data Matcher a = Matcher {
  match :: a - Bool
-- ^ A function that returns True if the matcher should pass, False if
  should fail
, description :: String
-- ^ A description of the matcher (usually of its success conditions)
, describeMismatch :: a - String
-- ^ A description to be shown if the match fails.

 How about combining match and describeMismatch as a single function
 of type a - Match?  Then you wouldn't need the precondition on

And this way we'd get `runMatch` right away in the data type:

data Matcher a = Matcher {
runMatch :: a - Match
  , description :: String
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Set monad

2013-04-11 Thread Petr Pudlák
One problem with such monad implementations is efficiency. Let's define

step :: (MonadPlus m) = Int - m Int
step i = choose [i, i + 1]

-- repeated application of step on 0:
stepN :: (Monad m) = Int - m (S.Set Int)
stepN = runSet . f
f 0 = return 0
f n = f (n-1) = step

Then `stepN`'s time complexity is exponential in its argument. This is
because `ContT` reorders the chain of computations to right-associative,
which is correct, but changes the time complexity in this unfortunate way.
If we used Set directly, constructing a left-associative chain, it produces
the result immediately:

step' :: Int - S.Set Int
step' i = S.fromList [i, i + 1]

stepN' :: Int - S.Set Int
stepN' 0 = S.singleton 0
stepN' n = stepN' (n - 1) `setBind` step'
setBind k f = S.foldl' (\s - S.union s . f) S.empty k

See also: Constructing efficient monad instances on `Set` (and other
containers with constraints) using the continuation monad

Best regards,
Petr Pudlak


 The question of Set monad comes up quite regularly, most recently at

 Indeed, we cannot make Data.Set.Set to be the instance of Monad type
 class -- not immediately, that it. That does not mean that there is no
 Set Monad, a non-determinism monad that returns the set of answers,
 rather than a list. I mean genuine *monad*, rather than a restricted,
 generalized, etc. monad.

 It is surprising that the question of the Set monad still comes up
 given how simple it is to implement it. Footnote 4 in the ICFP
 2009 paper on ``Purely Functional Lazy Non-deterministic Programming''
 described the idea, which is probably folklore. Just in case, here is
 the elaboration, a Set monad transformer.

 {-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}

 module SetMonad where

 import qualified Data.Set as S
 import Control.Monad.Cont

 -- Since ContT is a bona fide monad transformer, so is SetMonadT r.
 type SetMonadT r = ContT (S.Set r)

 -- These are the only two places the Ord constraint shows up

 instance (Ord r, Monad m) = MonadPlus (SetMonadT r m) where
 mzero = ContT $ \k - return S.empty
 mplus m1 m2 = ContT $ \k - liftM2 S.union (runContT m1 k) (runContT
 m2 k)

 runSet :: (Monad m, Ord r) = SetMonadT r m r - m (S.Set r)
 runSet m = runContT m (return . S.singleton)

 choose :: MonadPlus m = [a] - m a
 choose = msum . map return

 test1 = print = runSet (do
   n1 - choose [1..5]
   n2 - choose [1..5]
   let n = n1 + n2
   guard $ n  7
   return n)
 -- fromList [2,3,4,5,6]

 -- Values to choose from might be higher-order or actions
 test1' = print = runSet (do
   n1 - choose . map return $ [1..5]
   n2 - choose . map return $ [1..5]
   n  - liftM2 (+) n1 n2
   guard $ n  7
   return n)
 -- fromList [2,3,4,5,6]

 test2 = print = runSet (do
   i - choose [1..10]
   j - choose [1..10]
   k - choose [1..10]
   guard $ i*i + j*j == k * k
   return (i,j,k))
 -- fromList [(3,4,5),(4,3,5),(6,8,10),(8,6,10)]

 test3 = print = runSet (do
   i - choose [1..10]
   j - choose [1..10]
   k - choose [1..10]
   guard $ i*i + j*j == k * k
   return k)
 -- fromList [5,10]

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] GSoC Project Proposal: Markdown support for Haddock

2013-04-05 Thread Petr Pudlák

I also support the idea of having Markdown for Haddock. Using some well
established markup language would make Haddock much easier to adopt and use.

While I like the idea of allowing any markup language (let's say supported
by Pandoc) and freedom it gives to developers, it also has also drawbacks:
It makes contributing more difficult, if a project uses some wierd,
non-standard markup language.

Concerning math expressions, what about using Markdown with MathJAX, like does?

  Best regards,
  Petr Pudlak

2013/4/5 Andrew Butterfield

 I'm not proposing the LaTeX is used for hyperlinking the
 reference  -  hence my comment about nicely integrating

 Perhaps a \begin{haddock} ... \end{haddock} environment* ?

 * This would only affect those using LaTeX/lhs - everyone else could
 haddock** as usual

 ** haddock = whatever markdow/up/sideways scheme you guys come up with...

 On 5 Apr 2013, at 16:22, Aleksey Khudyakov wrote:

  On 5 April 2013 12:20, Andrew Butterfield wrote:
  On 4 Apr 2013, at 22:53, Aleksey Khudyakov wrote:
  If we are going to change haddock syntax we should add ability to add
  math formulae to documentation. It's not currently possible and it
  documenting numeric code properly difficult.
  How about support for .lhs files?
  - both those with bird-tracks (which I don't use anymore)
and \begin{code}...\end{code} (which I do use).
  My .lhs files are also LaTeX sources - I guess some way to nicely
  haddock markup/down/whatever with LaTeX stuff would be needed
  I'm not sure that it would help. If we to use haddock markup it need to
  support math typesetting. And LaTeX IMHO isn't right tool for creating
  hyperlinked API reference
  Haskell-Cafe mailing list

 Andrew Butterfield Tel: +353-1-896-2517 Fax: +353-1-677-2204
 Lero@TCD, Head of Foundations  Methods Research Group
 Director of Teaching and Learning - Undergraduate,
 School of Computer Science and Statistics,
 Room G.39, O'Reilly Institute, Trinity College, University of Dublin

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Need some advice around lazy IO

2013-03-17 Thread Petr Pudlák
Hi Kashyap,

you could also use iteratees or conduits for a task like that. The beauty
of such libraries is that they can ensure that a resource is always
properly disposed of. See this simple example:
It prints the first line of each file given as an argument. After each line
is printed, the `fileConduit` pipe ensures that the handle is closed. It
also makes the program nicely composable.

Best regards,

import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Conduit
import Data.Conduit.List
import System.Environment
import System.IO

{- | Accept file paths on input, output opened file handle, and ensure that the
 - handle is always closed after its downstream pipe finishes whatever
work on it. -}
fileConduit :: MonadResource m = IOMode - Conduit FilePath m Handle
fileConduit mode = awaitForever process
process file = bracketP (openFile file mode) closeWithMsg yield
closeWithMsg h = do
putStrLn Closing file

hClose h

{- | Print the first line from each handle on input. Don't care about
the handle. -}
firstLine :: MonadIO m = Sink Handle m ()
firstLine = awaitForever (liftIO . (hGetLine = putStrLn))

main = do
args - getArgs

runResourceT $ sourceList args =$= fileConduit ReadMode $$ firstLine

2013/3/17 C K Kashyap


 I am working on an automation that periodically fetches bug data from our
 bug tracking system and creates static HTML reports. Things worked fine
 when the bugs were in the order of 200 or so. Now I am trying to run it
 against 3000 bugs and suddenly I see things like - too  many open handles,
 out of memory etc ...

 Here's the code snippet -

 It's a small snippet and I've put in the comments stating how I run into
 out of file handles or simply file not getting read due to lazy IO.

 I realize that putting ($!) using a trial/error approach is going to be
 futile. I'd appreciate some pointers into the tools I could use to get some
 idea of which expressions are building up huge thunks.


 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Are there any reasons against using ~ when matching one-constructor data types?

2013-03-13 Thread Petr Pudlák
Dear Haskellers,

   b) A related suggestion would be the addition of an

  irrefutable swap, (swap'?), defined as

   swap ~(a,b) = (b,a), and its addition to Prelude for

  the same reasons.

If I define a function that matches on a single-constructor data type, such
as (,), is there any reason against using ~? Like

  f (a,b) = ...

instead of

  f ~(a,b) = ...

? I've seen that not using ~ can lead to problems sometimes, but not the
other way around.

(Of course changing the semantics of existing functions such as `swap` is
problematic, my question targets the problem in general.)

Best regards,
Petr Pudlak
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] RFC: rewrite-with-location proposal

2013-02-25 Thread Petr Pudlák
2013/2/25 Michael Snoyman

 At that point, we've now made two changes to REWRITE rules:

 1. They can takes a new ALWAYS parameters.
 2. There's a new, special identifier currentLocation available.

 What would be the advantage is of that approach versus introducing a
 single new REWRITE_WITH_LOCATION pragma?

Just a remark: 'currentLocation' is not a function (it's a special keyword)
but behaves like one - it returns some kind of value. But it's not
referentially transparent - it returns a different value depending on where
it's used. This is something that I really don't expect from Haskell.  So
having it return `IO Location` seems therefore much better option. And if
someone really wants to get the location as a pure value, (s)he can simply
wrap it with `unsafePerformIO`, which signals code readers to be careful
with that part.

  Best regards,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] generalized, tail-recursive left fold that can finish tne computation prematurely

2013-02-18 Thread Petr Pudlák
Dear Haskellers,

while playing with folds and trying to implement `!!` by folding, I came to
the conclusion that:

- `foldr` is unsuitable because it counts the elements from the end, while
`!!` needs counting from the start (and it's not tail recursive).
- `foldl` is also unsuitable, because it always traverses the whole list.

I came up with the following tail-recursive generalization of `foldl` that
allows exiting the computation prematurely:

foldlE :: (a - c) - (a - b - Either c a) - Either c a - [b] - c
foldlE f g = fld
fld (Left c)  _ = c
fld (Right a) []= f a
fld (Right a) (x:xs)= fld (g a x) xs

`foldl` can be defined from it  as

foldl'' :: (a - b - a) - a - [b] - a
foldl'' f z = foldlE id ((Right .) . f) (Right z)

and `!!` as:

-- Checks for a negative index omitted for brevity.
index :: Int - [a] - a
index i = foldlE (error $ No such index) f (Right i)
f 0 x = Left x
f n _ = Right (n - 1)

Is something like that already available somewhere?

  Best regards,
  Petr Pudlak
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] generalized, tail-recursive left fold that can finish tne computation prematurely

2013-02-18 Thread Petr Pudlák
Dear Haskellers,

while playing with folds and trying to implement `!!` by folding, I came to
the conclusion that:

- `foldr` is unsuitable because it counts the elements from the end, while
`!!` needs counting from the start (and it's not tail recursive).
- `foldl` is also unsuitable, because it always traverses the whole list.

I came up with the following tail-recursive generalization of `foldl` that
allows exiting the computation prematurely:

foldlE :: (a - c) - (a - b - Either c a) - Either c a - [b] - c
foldlE f g = fld
fld (Left c)  _ = c
fld (Right a) []= f a
fld (Right a) (x:xs)= fld (g a x) xs

`foldl` can be defined from it  as

foldl'' :: (a - b - a) - a - [b] - a
foldl'' f z = foldlE id ((Right .) . f) (Right z)

and `!!` as:

-- Checks for a negative index omitted for brevity.
index :: Int - [a] - a
index i = foldlE (error $ No such index) f (Right i)
f 0 x = Left x
f n _ = Right (n - 1)

Is something like that already available somewhere?

  Best regards,
  Petr Pudlak
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] generalized, tail-recursive left fold that can finish tne computation prematurely

2013-02-18 Thread Petr Pudlák
Thanks Roman and Andres for the tip. I knew the trick with accumulating a
function, but I had never imagined it could work so efficiently. I thought
the problem with using foldr would be that the function would be neither
tail recursive nor efficient and so I hadn't even tried. Apparently that
was wrong. After your suggestion I checked its performance and how it
compiles to core and to my surprise GHC optimizes the whole thing into a
most-efficient tail recursive function!

  Best regards,

2013/2/18 Roman Cheplyaka

 * Petr Pudlįk [2013-02-18 17:10:26+0100]
  Dear Haskellers,
  while playing with folds and trying to implement `!!` by folding, I came
  the conclusion that:
  - `foldr` is unsuitable because it counts the elements from the end,
  `!!` needs counting from the start (and it's not tail recursive).
  - `foldl` is also unsuitable, because it always traverses the whole list.

 Every structurally-recursive function is definable through foldr,
 because foldr *is* the structural recursion (aka catamorphism) operation
 for lists.

 Here the trick is to make the accumulator a function. This way you can
 pass a value from left to right.

 Something like

   foldr (\x rest n - ...) id list 0

 I'll leave filling in the dots as an exercise.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] arrow notation

2013-02-12 Thread Petr Pudlák
2013/2/11 Ertugrul Söylemez

 Petr Pudlák wrote:

  class Arrow a = ArrowDelay a where
  delay :: a b c - a () (b - c)
  force :: Arrow a = a () (b - c) - a b c
  Perhaps it would be convenient to have ArrowDelay and the
  corresponding conversions included in the library so that defining and
  using Applicative instances for arrows would become more

 I appreciate the idea from a theoretical standpoint, but you don't
 actually have to define an ArrowDelay instance for the notation to work.
 The compiler can't check the laws anyway.

That's true. But I'm afraid that without the ArrowDelay constraint people
would think that every arrow forms an applicative functor and eventually
get into hard-to-trace problems with failing the applicative laws.

The compiler can't check the laws, so somebody else has to. Should it be
users of an arrow or its authors?

Without the constraint, the burden would be on the users: Before using the
applicative instance, check if the arrow is really an applicative functor.
That's something users of a library aren't supposed to do.

With the constraint, the burden would be on the authors of the arrow -
they'd have to define the instance and be responsible for satisfying the
laws. I feel this is more appropriate.

  Best regards,
  Petr Pudlak
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] arrow notation

2013-02-11 Thread Petr Pudlák
2013/2/11 Ertugrul Söylemez


## Applicative

 One of the main bottlenecks of arrows is the heavy tuple handling, but
 most (if not all) arrows form a family of applicative functors.  I
 noticed a huge speedup by moving from arrow style to applicative style
 where possible:

 liftA2 (+) (lmap f c) (fmap g d)

 is often much faster than:

 arr (uncurry (+)) . (c . arr f  arr g . d)

 Besides being more readable it sometimes improved the performance of my
 code by an order of magnitude.  So perhaps check to see if the category
 forms an applicative functor.  If it does, you can get along without
 Arrow entirely.

I've been reading *Idioms are oblivious, arrows are meticulous, monads are
promiscuous* recently, and if I understand it correctly, an arrow forms an
applicative functor if it's possible to define a delaying operation on it,
which separates the arrow's effect from its computation:

class Arrow a = ArrowDelay a where
delay :: a b c - a () (b - c)

-- Definable for any arrow:
force :: Arrow a = a () (b - c) - a b c
force af = (,) () ^ first af ^ uncurry ($)

and satisfying `force . delay = id = delay . force`.
While the implementation of Applicative can be defined without actually
using `delay`:

newtype ArrowApp a b c = ArrowApp (a b c)

instance Arrow a = Functor (ArrowApp a b) where
fmap f (ArrowApp a) = ArrowApp (a ^ f)
instance ArrowDelay a = Applicative (ArrowApp a b) where
pure x =
ArrowApp $ arr (const x)
(ArrowApp af) * (ArrowApp ax) =
ArrowApp $ (af  ax) ^ uncurry ($)

I believe it only satisfies the laws only if the arrow satisfies
delay/force laws.

Perhaps it would be convenient to have ArrowDelay and the corresponding
conversions included in the library so that defining and using Applicative
instances for arrows would become more straightforward.

  Best regards,
  Petr Pudlak
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] arrow notation

2013-02-10 Thread Petr Pudlák
2013/2/9 Conal Elliott

 On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 5:41 PM, Ross Paterson wrote:

 It's hard to imagine arrow notation without arr (or at least
 contravariance in the first argument of the arrow) because forming
 expressions using the local environment is so central to it.  That is,
 I can't imagine what things you are trying to write in that situation.

 What I have in mind is a small collection of methods including fst  snd
 (and similarly for sums) that could be defined via arr but could instead
 form the basis of translating restricted arrow notation for (pseudo-)arrows
 that don't support arr.

I also support this idea, I'd appreciate such a generalization.

As an example, where it would be useful: One of my students was working on
a (very nice) project where he used Haskell as a DSL for generating a FRP-like
javascript code.  The arrow notation without arr would be ideal for this
situation. He couldn't implement arr as it would require to translate an
arbitrary Haskell function to JS. So having a more general variant of
Arrow without arr and with a collection of methods sufficient for the
arrow notation would be quite helpful. (I wonder what methods would have to
be included in the collection.)

Best regards,
Petr Pudlak
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Control.Monad provisional?

2013-02-10 Thread Petr Pudlák
Dear Haskellers,

Looking at Control.Monad:
I see: Stability provisional. I checked some older versions and it's the
same. This feel somewhat unsettling - if Control.Monad is provisional, do
we have any stable packages at all?

  Best regards,
  Petr Pudlak
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] A list of Haskell-related quotes?

2013-02-06 Thread Petr Pudlák
  Dear haskellers,

over the time I've read many funny or inspiring quotes related to Haskell,
but I forgot them later. For example I vaguely remember:

- What I really like about Haskell: It's completely unlike PHP.
- To learn Haskell your brain will have to get seriously rewired.

Does anybody collect them or know about such a collection?

  Petr Pudlak
Haskell-Cafe mailing list