Re: [Haskell-cafe] type class constraints headache

2010-03-03 Thread Rahul Kapoor
 methods :: (Eq a) = [(String, a)]
 methods =
   [ (method1, undefined )
   , (method2, undefined)

 enumerateMethodNames :: [String]
 enumerateMethodNames = map fst methods

The above does not compile because the source does not have
enough information for GHC to determine what actual types to use
for methods since undefined can stand in as values for any
type. The program will compile if you use actual values instead
of undefined or supply an explicit type signature.

for example:

enumerateMethodNames = map fst (methods :: [(String, String)])
methods :: [(String, SomeEqType)]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] type class constraints headache

2010-03-03 Thread Rahul Kapoor
I am trying to understand the mechanism behind --
 why does the first example compile and what constraints does
 enumerateMethodNames add on a (which it does not inspect)?

enumerateMethodNames does not add on any constraints. If you
don't actually use methods GHC does not care what it's type is
but the moment you use it some place the compiler needs to infer
it's type which it is unable to do in your case because
the undefineds can be of any type.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Using Cabal during development

2010-02-09 Thread Rahul Kapoor
 Okay, but have you ever felt the need to make in the same project a library
 and an executable which depends on this library (even just like me, for
 testing purpose)? How would you do it?

Specifying the modules under test in other-modules section for the executable
does the trick for me. I can email you a suitable elided cabal file
for one of my projects
if you want.

Also another really helpful thing for testing is adding a .ghci file
in your project
I usually check in the .ghci with my source. Standard commands that I define
in .ghci usually include :test to run the Test Suite. I also use .ghci
set up the correct
source paths and to start up with the test module loaded. So
recompiles are usually
just as simple as :reload.

I still run the complete cabal configure -ftest  cabal configure
build  ./dist//test
before commits.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Using Cabal during development

2010-02-09 Thread Rahul Kapoor
 Then how does the 'Executable' section of your .cabal look like? That's what
 I can't get working.

Suitably elided.

Executable test
  hs-source-dirs:   src, tests
  other-modules:Text.Yaml.Yay, Text.Yaml.Yay.Syck
  main-is:  Main.hs
  build-depends:base, HsSyck, syb
 if flag(test)
build-depends:  QuickCheck = 2.1   2.2,
test-framework-quickcheck2 = 0.2   0.3,
test-framework = 0.2   0.3
buildable:  False

  Hs-Source-Dirs:   src
  Exposed-Modules:  Text.Yaml.Yay, Text.Yaml.Yay.Syck
Text.Yaml.Yay.Syck.Encoder, Text.Yaml.Yay.Syck.Decoder
  Build-Depends:base, HsSyck, syb
  if flag(test)
-- Faster builds
-- Optimized builds
  if flag(nolib)
buildable:  False
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Stack ADT?

2010-02-05 Thread Rahul Kapoor
 What's going on here? I'm not even calling function POP.
 *Data.Stack let s2 = pop s1
 *Data.Stack top s2
 *** Exception: Stack.hs:8:0-28: Non-exhaustive patterns in function pop

Haskell being a non strict language, does not evaluate pop s1 when you define
let s2 = pop s1.
but when you try to use s2 by evaluating top s2 pop s1 needs to be evaluated
leading to the error in pop, since the definition of pop, does not
deal with the case when
the Stack is empty (Stack []).

 pop (Stack (_:xs)) = Stack xs
 top (Stack (x:_)) = x
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Determining application directory

2010-01-27 Thread Rahul Kapoor
 So, is there a way to get an application
 directory path under Windows? I remember that there is a way to do this
 using WinAPI, but how to do this Haskell?

The System.Directory module has some methods to get specific
directory names in an OS agnostic manner.

The closest method that matches what you want
is getAppUserDataDirectory which uses the windows API function
SHGetFolderPath to get the folder for well known name. IIRC
Windows supports a notion of Constant special item's and if
getAppUserDataDirectory does not do what you want you can call
SHGetFolderPath using the CSIDL you are interested in.  The code
to do so should be identical to the source
for getAppUserDataDirectory

CSIDL'a are listed here [1]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Windows emulator for testing purposes

2010-01-18 Thread Rahul Kapoor
 Do you have any recommendations for a free/open source solution that would 
let me emulate a Windows
environment for testing purposes?

Sun's Virtual Box? -

You would still need a Windows license though.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What's going on here?

2010-01-16 Thread Rahul Kapoor
*Main dropFirst [3 4 5 6]
List members are separated by commas.

Space in Haskell denotes function application. Hence the error message:
Hence t
 No instance for (Num (t - t1 - t2 - Int))
   arising from the literal `3' at interactive:1:11-17
 Possible fix:
   add an instance declaration for (Num (t - t1 - t2 - Int))
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Generating random enums

2009-05-02 Thread Rahul Kapoor
 OK, I think what you're saying is to work with (random) integers and use
 fromEnum and toEnum to get corresponding DayOfWeek. But I get this when I
 try to use toEnum:

 *Main toEnum 2

ghci does not know what type of enum you want to create from the number 2.
Try: toEnum 2 :: DayOfWeek

That said, I would expect toEnum 2 to give an error like: 'Ambiguous
type variable `a''. So I am not sure why your error message says:
'** Exception: Prelude.Enum.().toEnum: bad argument'
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Enum to String, and back?

2009-04-15 Thread Rahul Kapoor
On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 3:13 PM, michael rice wrote:
 Using Show it is possible to establish a relationship between an enum type
 and a String type to display it.
 Can one as easily establish a reverse relationship, i.e., convert a String
 type like Red back to its corresponding Color type?

Make it an instance of the Read type class.

That will allow you to write -

read Red :: Color
= Red

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Remote control of firefox through Haskell?

2008-07-15 Thread Rahul Kapoor
Selenium ( might do what you want.
The bindings were announced on this list a little while ago

On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 3:12 PM, Jefferson Heard
 Is there a library out there that will allow me to remote-control the
 firefox or mozilla browsers, e.g. change the current page, open a new

 I try to take things like a crow; war and chaos don't always ruin a
 picnic, they just mean you have to be careful what you swallow.

 -- Jessica Edwards
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] where to put handy functions?

2007-08-09 Thread Rahul Kapoor
On 8/9/07, Chad Scherrer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is there process for submitting functions for consideration for
 inclusion into future versions of the standard libraries? For example,
 I'd like to see this in Data.List:

I imagine including it in std lib takes a while. Would it be a good
idea to include it in MissingH
in the mean time?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Using HList Records

2007-08-08 Thread Rahul Kapoor
Using The Darcs version of HList (, I
can do simple things with (H)lists just fine, so

--angus =  Key 42
-- .*. Name Angus
-- .*. Cow
-- .*. Price 75.5
-- .*. HNil

--main = putStrLn (show angus)

works, On the other hand examples from the HList paper for extensible
records like

--key   = firstLabel FootNMouth key
--name  = nextLabel  keyname
--breed = nextLabel  name   breed
--price = nextLabel  breed  price

do not compile with errors

--Main.hs:15:8-17: Not in scope: `firstLabel'
--Main.hs:16:8-16: Not in scope: `nextLabel'

A quick show ghc-pkg describe HList shows that

--exposed-modules: HList
--hidden-modules: Label4 CommonMain Variant GhcSyntax GhcRecord
--Record HZip TIC TIP HTypeIndexed HOccurs HArray GhcExperiments
--HListPrelude TypeEqBoolGeneric TypeEqGeneric1 TypeCastGeneric1

So the question is do I need to play around with the cabal file to
expose the right stuff? Or has the syntax changed?

I get errors running ./setup haddock (configure, build, install, are
fine).  Are the HList api docs available anywhere online?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Type without a data constructor?

2007-08-06 Thread Rahul Kapoor
Most examples for defining algebraic types include data constructors like so:

data Tree a = Tip | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a)

I by mistake defined a type which did not specify a data constructor :

data SearchCondition = Term Bool | SearchCondition :||: (Term Bool)
data Term a = Constant a

sc :: SearchCondition
sc = Term True

is ok, but

sc :: SearchCondition
sc = Constant True

is not (though this is what I intended to capture!).

So the question is what are types with no constructors good for? A
simple example would be appreciated.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Type without a data constructor?

2007-08-06 Thread Rahul Kapoor
 Constructors and names of data types live in separate namespaces.

The above fact was the cause of all my confusion. It just slipped out
of my mind.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] combinators for a simple grammar

2007-08-06 Thread Rahul Kapoor
I am having problems coming up with nice combinators for a simple
DSEL. The abstract syntax is simply given by the types:

data SearchCondition = SearchCondition BoolTerm | OpOr SearchCondition  BoolTerm

data BoolTerm = BoolTerm BoolFactor | OpAnd BoolTerm BoolFactor

data BoolFactor = Constant Bool

My current combinators are

(.||.) :: SearchCondition - BoolTerm - SearchCondition
(.||.) sc term = OpOr sc term

(..) :: BoolTerm - BoolFactor - BoolTerm
(..) term fact = OpAnd term fact

which allow you to write expression of the form

factTrue = Constant True
termTrue = BoolTerm factTrue
scTrue = SearchCondition termTrue

sc = scTrue .||. termTrue .||. termTrue .. factTrue

I am wondering it it is possible to define combinators to hide the
structure of the grammar from the user to some extent, so that the
user can simply write things like

sc = True .||.True .||. True .. False


sc = const True .||. const True .||. const True .. const  False

That is the user does not have to worry about the distinction between
terms and factors (which exists solely for precedence in this case).

Or is it a better idea to just remove the precedence rules from the
types and move it the part of the code that evaluates the expressions?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] problems installing Takusen-0.6

2007-07-28 Thread Rahul Kapoor
I am having problems installing Takusen-0.6 (ghc 6.6.1 on FreeBSD)

The configure and build works fine. running ./setup install fails with:

Installing: /usr/local/lib/Takusen-0.6/ghc-6.6.1  /usr/local/bin Takusen-0.6...
setup: Error: Could not find module: Database.Oracle.Enumerator with
any suffix: [hi]

I only have sqlite3 installed (no Oracle or Postgres).

I followed the usual steps for the install
ghc --make -o setup Setup.hs
./setup configure
./setup build
./setup install

Any Ideas?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list