Re: [Haskell-cafe] Laziness enhances composability: an example

2009-07-10 Thread Simon Richard Clarkstone

Thomas Davie wrote:

On 9 Jul 2009, at 14:55, Cristiano Paris wrote:
I'm wondering what a good example of why laziness enhances 
composability would be.

I'm specifically looking for something that can't implemented in 
Python with iterators (at least not elegantly), but can actually be 
implemented in Haskell.

Pretty much anything that uses tying the knot is very difficult to 
implement in a non-lazy language without a lot of indirection.

I disagree; mutation can work rather well instead.

One application I work on has to parse input containing items with 
forward and backward references using keys into a graph of objects, a 
classic tying-the-knot problem.  However, we are not using a lazy 
language, so have only one procedure to create or look up the object 
corresponding to an item, by key.  Parsing references to an item will 
just store the returned address, but parsing the definition of an item 
will mutate the object to fill in the data.  The effect is that all the 
references end up as pointers to the right objects, and the objects for 
undefined items end up keeping their default values (caught by later 

Situations like that make either mutation or laziness very handy, and if 
one cannot imagine the tying the knot technique then mutation looks 
like the only good way.  No wonder people don't get pure FP! ;-)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Sometimes I wish there was a global variable

2009-03-22 Thread Simon Richard Clarkstone
Ok, replying to the list this time.  Darn Thunderbird not reading my 
mind again.

Rafael Cunha de Almeida wrote:

Maurí­cio wrote:

In one module, you can write:

giveMeFunctions = do {
newIORef ...
newIORef ...
newIORef ...
let f1 = ...
let f2 = ...
return (f1,f2)

and in the main:

(keyboardMouse,display) - giveMeFunctions

Doing it like that I could have all the definitions in one module, but
it doesn't solve another important problem: keyboardMouse and display
functions have to have as many parameters as there are IORefs.

I don't think so.  I think M means the two functions are closures 
capturing all the IORefs, i.e. they know which IORefs they refer to.  In 
OO terms, the two functions together are the two methods of an object 
that contains the IORefs as fields, and you needn't pass those IORefs 
in.  Note that calling giveMeFunctions twice will get you two distinct 
objects, not the same one twice.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] foldl vs foldl'

2008-11-09 Thread Simon Richard Clarkstone

Bas van Dijk wrote:

On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 12:43 AM, Bas van Dijk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

2008/11/5 Daryoush Mehrtash [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Are there cases (function or list) where the result of foldl (or foldr)would
be different that foldl' (or foldr')?

Maybe this wiki article I wrote some time ago will answer your question:'

Oops that link should be:

I have an idea for the foldl diagram.  If you rotate the RHS 90deg 
clockwise, it slopes the same way as the original list, but the 'f's are 
still rotated sideways to signify which their inputs are.  That makes 
the relationship between imperative accumulator loops and foldl a bit 
clearer to me, as well as the relationship between the list and the 
recursion structure.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: is there a way to pretty print a module?

2008-11-02 Thread Simon Richard Clarkstone

Anatoly Yakovenko wrote:

is there a way to pretty print a module?

module Main where
import Language.Haskell.TH
main = do
 print $ pprint Main

haskell-src should be able to do that.

I think haskell-src requires you to read the module at run time.  I
want to embed the contents of the module in my program.  Basically a
program that can print itself.

This is rather like the idea of a quine; a program the prints itself out 
without referring directly to its own source code.  The usual Haskell 
quine is:

putStrLn$(\s-s++show s)putStrLn$(\\s-s++show s)

If merely returning the source code is enough then you can do:

(\s-s++show s)(\\s-s++show s)

It could be more elegant if \ weren't both lambda and string escape.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [] vs [()]

2008-10-11 Thread Simon Richard Clarkstone

Sam Danielson wrote:

The [] constructor takes no arguments and is like Nothing in the Maybe
type. The list : (cons) infix constructor takes two arguments, an
element of type a and a list of type a, to construct a new list. Compare
to Maybe.

data []a = []  | a : [a]
data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a

Another way of saying [()] is


which, comparing with the Maybe type, is similar to saying

Just ()

but Just only takes one argument where (:) takes two.

Both List and Maybe are containers that have a null constructor, namely
[] and Nothing. ():[] contains () similar to how Just () contains
(). You can make your own list type and put () in it as follows.

Or, in Monad terms:

[()] and Just () are both return () in their respective Monads.
[] and Nothing are both mzero in their respective MonadsPluses. 
(Both are also fail in their respective Monads, but I find fail's 
presence in Monad a bit inelegant, though handy.)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Shooting your self in the foot with Haskell

2008-10-11 Thread Simon Richard Clarkstone

John Van Enk wrote:
On Sun, Oct 5, 2008 at 11:21 PM, John Van Enk [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Sun, Oct 5, 2008 at 6:22 PM, Simon Richard Clarkstone

BTW, these could go on the wiki.

I'll see about putting them there. :)

This needs to be cleaned up a little (lots of dups, though they are all 

You missed my one, though I think the ballistics algebra one is better.

ISTR that the point of the original list was originally to show that, 
though you can screw up with C, with every other language you can screw 
up in far more complicated and inscrutable ways.  Ballistics algebra is 
indeed a way to screw up that is not possible in C.

(Darnit Thunderbird, why don't you DWIM when I hit reply or reply-all?)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Shooting your self in the foot with Haskell

2008-10-05 Thread Simon Richard Clarkstone

John Van Enk wrote:

You shoot the gun, but the bullet gets trapped in the IO monad.

The community points you at the paper Bang-bang-patterns: expressing 
lethal weaponry in the Haskell typesystem.  Your head explodes.

BTW, these could go on the wiki.

-XIncomprehensibleTypes  Equivalent to all of:
-fallow-inconvinient-types, -XOmnipotentInstances, -XFunkyFunctors,
-XSuperTuringTypes, -XErraticTypeClasses, -XCoAntiRetroHyperArrows
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Haskell-Cafe Digest, Vol 61, Issue 49

2008-09-28 Thread Simon Richard Clarkstone

Mark Snyder wrote:

whoops!  wow, wrong message to reply to... please disregard the previous.

~Mark Snyder

[Snip entire digest]

Ouch.  When apologising for quoting the entire digest, quoting your 
entire previous message doesn't really help the situation :-).



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [m..n] question

2008-09-28 Thread Simon Richard Clarkstone

Jonathan Cast wrote:

On Sat, 2008-09-27 at 02:09 +0100, Simon Richard Clarkstone wrote:

Darn, I sent this as personal mail the first time.

Evan Laforge wrote:

In Haskell,
The sequence enumFromTo e1 e3 is the list [e1,e1+1,e1+2,...e3].
 The list is empty if e1  e3.

I like it, since it means that things like [n .. n + length m - 1]
work as expected when m is [].  Or say 'map (array!) [bsearch x ..
bsearch y - 1]'.

Tangent:  Of course, I would prefer the range be half-open, which is a
pretty consistent standard in the rest of the world.  I've had a
number of off by one errors from this, and from Array.bounds.  I guess
it's too late to fix those, though, even if there were agreement that
they need to be fixed.

It causes problems with types that have an upper bound.  You can't
express Haskell's [False .. True] as a half-open range for example.

[False .. ] works great, though, whether ranges are closed or half-open.

You get problems though if you want to tell a function about a range, 
passing in a low and a high by some means, and it is expecting a 
half-open range, but you want to tell it [False..].  For example, 
creating a new array.

BTW, why isn't [..] the notation for the entirety of a Bounded type?


This mailing list is odd; thunderbird defaults to replying to sender 
rather than to the whole list.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [m..n] question

2008-09-26 Thread Simon Richard Clarkstone

Darn, I sent this as personal mail the first time.

Evan Laforge wrote:

In Haskell,
The sequence enumFromTo e1 e3 is the list [e1,e1+1,e1+2,...e3].
 The list is empty if e1  e3.

I like it, since it means that things like [n .. n + length m - 1]
work as expected when m is [].  Or say 'map (array!) [bsearch x ..
bsearch y - 1]'.

Tangent:  Of course, I would prefer the range be half-open, which is a
pretty consistent standard in the rest of the world.  I've had a
number of off by one errors from this, and from Array.bounds.  I guess
it's too late to fix those, though, even if there were agreement that
they need to be fixed.

It causes problems with types that have an upper bound.  You can't
express Haskell's [False .. True] as a half-open range for example.


One solution would be a new syntax for half-open ranges distinct from
that for closed ranges, or maybe a couple of operators.  Sketching
without a compiler:

lo . hi = takeWhile ( hi) [lo ..]

data EnumStart a = a : a

(lo : mid) : hi = takeWhile ( hi) [lo, mid ..]

So you can do things like (0 . 10) or (0 : 2 : 10)

Or one could use the same operator for both, if one defined something like:

class OpenEnum bot top where
  (.) :: bot - top - [top]
instance (Enum e) = OpenEnum e e where
  lo . hi = takeWhile ( hi) [lo ..]
instance (Enum e) = OpenEnum (EnumStart a) a ...
  (lo : mid) . hi = takeWhile ( hi) [lo, mid ..]

A better choice of line noise for the operator could still be made though.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] message passing style in Monad

2008-09-14 Thread Simon Richard Clarkstone

jinjing wrote:

I found that as I can do

by redefine . to be

  a . f = f a
  infixl 9 .

This looks rather like ($), but backwards.  I believe the F# name for 
this operator is (|), which is also a legal name for it in Haskell. 
Odd, since (|) alone isn't legal.  Calling it (.) will confuse the heck 
out of anyone who maintains your code though, and make any transfer of 
code between your projects and other people's liable to introduce bugs.

I can also do

  readFile readme.markdown . lines . length

by making

  a . b = a .liftM b
  infixl 9 .

Kinda annoying, but the option is there.

Now that looks more interesting.  Another name for it is (=^), since 
it is like (=) but lifts its right argument.  I know the Fudgets 
library uses ^ in operators for a similar lifting meaning.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list