Re: [Haskell-cafe] Blocking IO FIFOs

2012-10-20 Thread Wilfried van Asten
Perhaps an interleaving solution as in process-conduit is still viable:

 - Check if one or both of the fifo's are still ready (Based on your
statement about the reading end receiving EOF hIsEOF should work
here). If both fifos are done the query is finished so break the loop.
 - Check if some output is available on oh. If so read some of it. Repeat.
 - Otherwise check if some output is available on eh. If so read some
of it. Repeat

I also see you don't do anything with the std_out and std_err pipes of
bash as given by runInteractiveProcess. These could also cause a
problem even when the FIFO's are working correctly. Replace these by
handles to the null file or let the output be dumped on the parent's
std_in and std_out (StdStream Inherit).

On Sat, Oct 20, 2012 at 4:00 PM, Jason Dusek wrote:
 For my application, it's important to be able to run multiple
 queries against the same Bash session. Waiting for Bash to shut
 down is thus not a viable way to finalize the response.

 Perhaps I can spawn two cats with their outputs connected to the
 FIFOs and wait for them to terminate.

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[Haskell-cafe] Fwd: hdbc parametrized select

2012-10-18 Thread Wilfried van Asten
This was not sent to the cafe since I used the wrong from address.

-- Forwarded message --
From: Asten, W.G.G. van (Wilfried, Student M-CSC)
Date: Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 12:27 PM
Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] hdbc parametrized select

To my knowledge you can combine execute and the fetch functions like this:

find conn id =
stmt - prepare conn SELECT * FROM table WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1
excute stmt [id]
row - fetchRow stmt

On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 10:51 AM, wrote:
 does hdbc have parametrized selects ?
 There is execute
 execute :: Statement - [SqlValue] - IO Integer
 and some other functions which get list of parameters but return IO Integer or
 IO ()
 and there is other couple of functions
 fetchRow :: Statement - IO (Maybe [SqlValue])
 which return values of select but do not get parameters

 How can i execute parametrized select with hdbc ?

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] HXT: how to get sibling element

2012-03-15 Thread Wilfried van Asten
I'm am not really familiar with XML parsing in Haskell, but I am
wondering why, if you have an xml file, you not simply name the
element after the type of contents:

  titleSome Story/title
  descriptionThis story about../description
  authorTom Smith/author

Alternatively you could use the class or some type attribute to
indicate the type.


Wilfried van Asten

2012/3/15 Никитин Лев
 Hello, haskellers.

 Suppose we have this xml doc (maybe, little stupid):

  spanSome story/span
  spanDescription/span: This story about...
  spanAuthor/span: Tom Smith

 In the end I whant to get list: [(Title, Some story), 
 (Description,This story about...), (Author, Tom Smith)],
 or, maybe this: Book  Some story [(description,This story about...), 
 (Author, Tom Smith)] (Book = Book String [(String, String)].

 First span is a special case then others and I undestand how to process it:


 import Text.XML.HXT.Core
 import Text.XML.HXT.Curl
 import Text.XML.HXT.HTTP

 pageURL = http://localhost/test.xml;

 main = do
    r - runX (configSysVars [withCanonicalize no, withValidate no, withTrace 
 0, withParseHTML no] 
              readDocument [withErrors no, withWarnings no, withHTTP []] 
              getChildren  isElem  hasName div  listA (getChildren 
  hasName span)  getTitle + getSections)
   putStrLn Статьи:
    mapM_ putStr $ map (\i - (fst i) ++ :  ++ (snd i) ++ | ) r

 getTitle = arr head  getChildren  getText  arr trim  arr 

 getSections = arr tail  unlistA  ((getChildren  getText  arr 
 trim)  (getChildren  getText  arr trim))

 ltrim [] = []
 ltrim (' ':x) = ltrim x
 ltrim ('\n':x) = ltrim x
 ltrim ('\r':x) = ltrim x
 ltrim ('\t':x) = ltrim x
 ltrim x = x

 rtrim = reverse . ltrim . reverse

 trim = ltrim . rtrim


 And I' get list:  [(Title, Some story), (Description,Description), 
 (Author, Author)]

 (Maybe, there is a better way to get this list?)

 But I cannot find a way to get text that followes some span.

 I suppose that I have to use function from  
 Data.Tree.NavigatableTree.XPathAxis, but I don't puzzle out how to do it.

 Please, help me.

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] HXT: how to get sibling element

2012-03-15 Thread Wilfried van Asten
ArrowNavigatableTree can also get a following sibling Axis:


2012/3/15 Никитин Лев
 Oh, yes!
 In this situation with so poor structured source I can try to use tagsoup. 
 (or I'll take a look at xml-conduit).

 Nevertheless  for better undestanding HXT it will be interesting to solve 
 this problem in HXT. Or is it impossible?

 15.03.2012, 20:08, Asten, W.G.G. van (Wilfried, Student B-TI)
 You might want to check out the xml-conduit package. It has preceding
 and following sibling Axis. I am not sure how the package works
 exactly, but it seems to be a good starting point.

 2012/3/15 Никитин Лев

  I absolutly agree with you but unfortunetly, it is not my xml file.
  It is extraction from html page of public web server. I cannot to change
  format of this html page.
  Sorry. I had to explain it  in first letter.

  But than what about to get sibling text (geting sibling is an separate
  interesting tasks with no matter for my contrete case).

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