[Haskell-cafe] For Project Euler #24 you don't need to generate all the lexicographic permutations Spoiler

2011-05-08 Thread caseyh
For Project Euler #24 you don't need to generate all the lexicographic  
permutations by Knuth's method or any other.

You're only looking for the millionth lexicographic permutation of  

Problem 24

A permutation is an ordered arrangement of objects. For example, 3124  
is one possible permutation of the digits 1, 2, 3 and 4. If all of the  
permutations are listed numerically or alphabetically, we call it  
lexicographic order. The lexicographic permutations of 0, 1 and 2 are:

012   021   102   120   201   210

What is the millionth lexicographic permutation of the digits 0, 1, 2,  
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9?




Plan of attack:

-- The xs are different numbers
-- 0x represents 9! = 362880 permutations/numbers
-- 1x represents 9! = 362880 permutations/numbers
-- 2x represents 9! = 362880 permutations/numbers

-- 20 represents 8! = 40320
-- 21 represents 8! = 40320

-- 23 represents 8! = 40320
-- 24 represents 8! = 40320
-- 25 represents 8! = 40320
-- 26 represents 8! = 40320
-- 27 represents 8! = 40320




-- lexOrder 0123456789 100 

lexOrder digits left s
| len == 0  = s ++ digits
| quot  0  rem == 0  = lexOrder (digits\\(show  
(digits!!(quot-1  rem (s ++ [(digits!!(quot-1))])
| quot == 0  rem == 0 = lexOrder (digits\\(show (digits!!len)))  
  rem (s ++ [(digits!!len)])
| rem == 0  = lexOrder (digits\\(show  
(digits!!(quot+1  rem (s ++ [(digits!!(quot+1))])
| otherwise = lexOrder (digits\\(show  
(digits!!(quotrem (s ++ [(digits!!(quot))])

len = (length digits) - 1
facLen = factorial len
(quot,rem) = quotRem left facLen

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Division: Is there a way to simultaneously find the quotient and remainder?

2011-05-06 Thread caseyh


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] For Project Euler #1 isn't it more efficient to generate just the numbers you need? Spoiler

2011-05-06 Thread caseyh

-- Instead of this
-- sumMultiples3or5 s = sum [x | x - [3..s-1], x `mod` 3 == 0 || x  
`mod` 5 == 0]

-- Isn't this faster

sumMultiples3or5 s = sum ([x | x - [3,6..s-1]] `merge` [x | x -  

merge xs [] = xs
merge [] ys = ys
merge txs@(x:xs) tys@(y:ys)
| x  y = x : xs `merge` tys
| x  y = y : txs `merge` ys
| otherwise = x : xs `merge` ys

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Computational Semantics w/ Functional Programming, Jan van Eijck and Christina Unger, 2010. It's in #Haskell. :)

2011-04-30 Thread caseyh

This may have already been mentioned but it is worth mentioning n times:
Computational Semantics w/ Functional Programming, Jan van Eijck and  
Christina Unger, 2010. It's in #Haskell. :)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] want to start a page of Haskell examples to go with Skiena's book The Algorithm Design Manual and also tie in Bird's equational reasoning for functional programming; ...

2011-04-30 Thread caseyh
I want to start a page of Haskell examples to go with Skiena's book  
The Algorithm Design Manual and also tie in Bird's equational  
reasoning for functional programming; where is a good place for such  

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] -- Extension for Pearls of Functional Algorithm Design by Richard Bird, 2010, page 25 #Haskell -- Extension for Pearls of Functional Algorithm Design by Richard Bird, -- 2010, page

2011-04-28 Thread caseyh
-- Extension for Pearls of Functional Algorithm Design by Richard  
Bird, 2010, page 25 #Haskell

-- O(log|X|+log|Y|+log|Z|) performance

-- Question: is there a way to get the type signature as the following:
-- smallest :: (Ord a) = Int - [Array Int a] - a

module SelectionProblem where

import Data.Array
import Data.List

-- Works on 2 finite ordered disjoint sets represented as sorted arrays.
smallest :: (Ord a) = Int - (Array Int a, Array Int a) - a
smallest k (xa,ya) =
search k (xa,ya) (0,m+1) (0,n+1)
(0,m) = bounds xa
(0,n) = bounds ya

-- Removed some of the indexitis at the cost of calling another function.
search :: (Ord a) = Int - (Array Int a, Array Int a) - (Int,Int) -  
(Int,Int) - a

search k (xa,ya) (lx,rx) (ly,ry)
| lx == rx  = ya ! (k+ly)
| ly == ry  = xa ! (k+lx)
| otherwise = case (xa ! mx  ya ! my) of
~~(True)- smallest2h k (xa,ya)  
~~(False)   - smallest2h k (ya,xa)  

~~mx = (lx+rx) `div` 2
~~my = (ly+ry) `div` 2

-- Here the sorted arrays are in order by their middle elements.
-- Only cutting the leading or trailing array by half.

-- Here xa is the first array and ya the second array by their middle  

smallest2h :: (Ord a) = Int - (Array Int a, Array Int a) -  
((Int,Int,Int),(Int,Int,Int)) - a

smallest2h k (xa,ya) ((lx,mx,rx),(ly,my,ry)) =
case (k=mx-lx+my-ly) of
~~(True)- search k (xa,ya) (lx,rx) (ly,my)
~~(False)   - search (k-(mx-lx)-1) (xa,ya) (mx+1,rx) (ly,ry)


-- Works on 3 finite ordered disjoint sets represented as sorted arrays.

smallest3 :: (Ord a) = Int - (Array Int a, Array Int a, Array Int a) - a
smallest3 k (xa,ya,za) =
-- On each recursive call the order of the arrays can switch.
search3 k (xa,ya,za) (0,bx+1) (0,by+1) (0,bz+1)
(0,bx) = bounds xa
(0,by) = bounds ya
(0,bz) = bounds za

-- Removed some of the indexitis at the cost of calling another function.
search3 :: (Ord a) = Int - (Array Int a, Array Int a, Array Int a) -
(Int,Int) - (Int,Int) - (Int,Int) - a
search3 k (xa,ya,za) (lx,rx) (ly,ry) (lz,rz)
| lx == rx  ly == ry  = za ! (k+lz)
| ly == ry  lz == rz  = xa ! (k+lx)
| lx == rx  lz == rz  = ya ! (k+ly)

| lx == rx  = search k (ya,za) (ly,ry) (lz,rz)
| ly == ry  = search k (xa,za) (lx,rx) (lz,rz)
| lz == rz  = search k (xa,ya) (lx,rx) (ly,ry)

| otherwise = case (xa ! mx  ya ! my, xa ! mx  za ! mz, ya ! my  
 za ! mz) of
~~(True, True, True)- smallest3h k (xa,ya,za)  
((lx,mx,rx),(ly,my,ry),(lz,mz,rz)) -- abc
~~(True, True, False)   - smallest3h k (xa,za,ya)  
((lx,mx,rx),(lz,mz,rz),(ly,my,ry)) -- acb
~~(False, True, True)   - smallest3h k (ya,xa,za)  
((ly,my,ry),(lx,mx,rx),(lz,mz,rz)) -- bac
~~(False, False, True)  - smallest3h k (ya,za,xa)  
((ly,my,ry),(lz,mz,rz),(lx,mx,rx)) -- bca
~~(True, False, False)  - smallest3h k (za,xa,ya)  
((lz,mz,rz),(lx,mx,rx),(ly,my,ry)) -- cab
~~(False, False, False) - smallest3h k (za,ya,xa)  
((lz,mz,rz),(ly,my,ry),(lx,mx,rx)) -- cba

~~mx = (lx+rx) `div` 2
~~my = (ly+ry) `div` 2
~~mz = (lz+rz) `div` 2

-- Here the sorted arrays are in order by their middle elements.
-- Only cutting the leading or trailing array by half.

-- Here xa is the first array, ya the second array, and za the third  
array by their middle elements.

smallest3h :: (Ord a) = Int - (Array Int a, Array Int a, Array Int a) -
((Int,Int,Int),(Int,Int,Int),(Int,Int,Int)) - a
smallest3h k (xa,ya,za) ((lx,mx,rx),(ly,my,ry),(lz,mz,rz)) =
case (k=mx-lx+my-ly+mz-lz) of
~~(True)- search3 k (xa,ya,za) (lx,rx) (ly,ry) (lz,mz)
~~(False)   - search3 (k-(mx-lx)-1) (xa,ya,za) (mx+1,rx) (ly,ry) (lz,rz)


-- To convert a list into an array indexed from 0.
xa = listArray (0, length xs - 1) xs
ya = listArray (0, length ys - 1) ys
za = listArray (0, length zs - 1) zs

xs = [0,17..90]
ys = [1,13..69]
zs = [7,24..91]

ua = listArray (0, length us - 1) us
va = listArray (0, length vs - 1) vs
wa = listArray (0, length ws - 1) ws

us = [0,17..100]
vs = [101,121..200]
ws = [201,221..300]

-- *SelectionProblem sort (xs++ys++zs)
-- [0,1,7,13,17,24,25,34,37,41,49,51,58,61,68,75,85]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] -- Extension for Pearls of Functional Algorithm Design by Richard Bird, 2010, page 25 #Haskell

2011-04-25 Thread caseyh

-- Extension for Pearls of Functional Algorithm Design by Richard Bird,
-- 2010, page 25 #Haskell

-- This version assumes 3 disjoint ordered sets represented as lists.
-- So either: xy XOR xy
-- Since it uses lists it is no faster than the divide and conquer approach.

-- I might try to convert this version to sorted arrays for
-- O(log|X|+log|Y|+log|Z|) performance
-- If I can figure out how to do it without suffering from indexitis.

smallest3'' :: Ord a = Int - ([a], [a], [a]) - a

smallest3'' k ([],[],ts) = ts !! k
smallest3'' k (zs,[],[]) = zs !! k
smallest3'' k ([],ws,[]) = ws !! k

smallest3'' k ([],ws,ts) = smallest'' k (ws,ts)
smallest3'' k (zs,[],ts) = smallest'' k (zs,ts)
smallest3'' k (zs,ws,[]) = smallest'' k (zs,ws)

smallest3'' k (zs,ws,ts) =
case (ab, bc, ac) of
~~(True, True, True)- smallest3h'' k  
((zs,p,ys),(ws,q),(ts,o,rs)) -- abc
~~(True, False, True)   - smallest3h'' k  
((zs,p,ys),(ts,o),(ws,q,us)) -- acb
~~(False, True, True)   - smallest3h'' k  
((ws,q,vs),(zs,p),(ts,o,rs)) -- bac
~~(False, True, False)  - smallest3h'' k  
((ws,q,vs),(ts,o),(zs,p,xs)) -- bca
~~(True, False, False)  - smallest3h'' k  
((ts,o,ss),(zs,p),(ws,q,us)) -- cab
~~(False, False, False) - smallest3h'' k  
((ts,o,ss),(ws,q),(zs,p,xs)) -- cba

~~p = (length zs) `div` 2
~~q = (length ws) `div` 2
~~o = (length ts) `div` 2

~~(xs, a : ys)  = splitAt p zs
~~(us, b : vs)  = splitAt q ws
~~(rs, c : ss)  = splitAt o ts

~~smallest3h'' k ((zs,p,ys),(ws,q),(ts,o,rs)) =
case (k=p+q+o) of
~~(True)- smallest3'' k (zs,ws,rs)
~~(False)   - smallest3'' (k-p-1) (ys,ws,ts)

smallest'' :: Ord a = Int - ([a], [a]) - a
smallest'' k ([],ws) = ws !! k
smallest'' k (zs,[]) = zs !! k
smallest'' k (zs,ws) =
case (ab, k=p+q) of
~~(True, True)  - smallest'' k (zs,us)
~~(True, False) - smallest''(k-p-1) (ys,ws)
~~(False, True) - smallest'' k (xs,ws)
~~(False, False)- smallest''(k-q-1) (zs,vs)
~~p = (length zs) `div` 2
~~q = (length ws) `div` 2
~~(xs, a : ys)  = splitAt p zs
~~(us, b : vs)  = splitAt q ws

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Errata for Pearls of Functional Algorithm Design by Richard Bird, 2010, page 25 #Haskell

2011-04-19 Thread caseyh

-- Errata for Pearls of Functional Algorithm Design by Richard Bird,
-- 2010, page 25 #Haskell

-- I don't like this solution it suffers from indexitis which
-- Bird talks about in the chapter on Sudoku.
-- I can see why lists are liked, they avoid indexitis at
-- the cost of chopping and concatenating them.

-- One of the advantages of functional programming is supposed to be  
less bookkeeping.

smallest :: (Ord a) = Int - (Array Int a, Array Int a) - a
smallest k (xa,ya) =
search k (0,m+1) (0,n+1)
(0,m) = bounds xa
(0,n) = bounds ya

search k (lx,rx) (ly,ry)
| lx == rx = ya ! (k+ly)
| ly == ry = xa ! (k+lx)
| otherwise = case (xa ! mx  ya ! my, k = mx-lx+my-ly) of
~~(True, True) - search k (lx,rx) (ly,my)
~~(True, False) - search (k-(mx-lx)-1)  
(mx+1,rx) (ly,ry)

~~(False, True) - search k (lx,mx) (ly,ry)
~~(False, False)- search (k-(my-ly)-1)  
(lx,rx) (my+1,ry)

~~mx = (lx+rx) `div` 2
~~my = (ly+ry) `div` 2

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Adjoint Folds and Unfolds Or: Scything through the Thicket of Morphisms

2011-04-19 Thread caseyh

Just tripped over this:

Adjoint Folds and Unfolds
Or: Scything through the Thicket of Morphisms

Folds and unfolds are at the heart of the algebra of programming. They
allow the cognoscenti to derive and manipulate programs rigorously...
Ralf Hinze

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2010, Volume 6120, Mathematics of
Program Construction, Pages 195-228

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Denotational semantics for the lay man.

2011-01-17 Thread caseyh

You probably want to bring up other forms of semantics.

Axiomatic semantics:
Makes no distinction between a phrase's meaning and the logical  
formulas that describe it; its meaning is exactly what can be proven  
about it in some logic.

Operational semantics:
The execution of the language is described directly (rather than by  

Operational semantics loosely corresponds to interpretation.
Can be defined via syntactic transformations on phrases of the  
language itself.

Denotational semantics:
each phrase in the language is translated into a denotation, i.e. a  
phrase in some other language. Denotational semantics loosely  
corresponds to compilation, although the target language is  
usually a mathematical formalism rather than another computer language.

Above from Wikipedia.

Quoting David Sankel cam...@gmail.com:

Hello All,

I've recently had the opportunity to explain in prose what denotational
semantics are to a person unfamiliar with it. I was trying to get across the
concept of distilling the essence out of some problem domain. I wasn't able
to get the idea across so I'm looking for some simple ways to explain it.

Does anyone know of a way to explain what's the meaning and objective of
distilling the essence without introducing more jargon. One thing that
comes to mind is how Newton's equations for gravity were a distillation of
the essence of the way things fall.

Thanks in advance,


David Sankel
Sankel Software

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Guy Steele's Praise For Haskell @ Strange Loop Keynote

2011-01-16 Thread caseyh

Quoting Brandon S Allbery KF8NH allb...@ece.cmu.edu:

Hash: SHA1

On 1/15/11 18:15 , Warren Henning wrote:

MATLAB, LabVIEW, Fortran, Java, C, and non-OO C++/random subsets of
C++ rule scientific programming. Unit testing is rare and sporadic. In
dragging scientists halfway to something new, the exotic, powerful
things in Haskell will have to be left behind, just as Java only has a
tiny fraction of what Smalltalk has had since the '80s.

That seems clear to me, anyway.

Scipy seems to be doing a decent job of throwing that into question.

Throwing which part into question?

- --
brandon s. allbery [linux,solaris,freebsd,perl]  allb...@kf8nh.com
system administrator  [openafs,heimdal,too many hats]  allb...@ece.cmu.edu
electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon university  KF8NH
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (Darwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] H98, OOHaskell - getting started with objects in Haskell

2011-01-16 Thread caseyh
If you want to use an OO approach: try thinking of a sparse array of  
objects (previous and current generations) where each object knows  
its coordinates by being linked into a sparse array data structure.

Quoting gutti philipp.guttenb...@gmx.net:

On Fri, 14 Jan 2011 12:36:22 -0800 (PST)
Wolfgang Jeltsch-2 [via Haskell]
ml-node+3341886-976283800-146...@n5.nabble.com wrote:

Is this really ideal for OO? I thought that in a cellular automaton,
all cells have to change synchronously. In addition, cells have to
access the old states of their neighbours to compute their new
states. So you would have to heavily synchronize the objects.

In this light, I?d say that the distributed OO approach isn?t very
practical. A global control of the whole system might be better.

Note that I?m by no way an expert in cellular automata. I?m just
thinking of the game of life. :-)

Best wishes,

Hi Wolfgang,

I don't yet have experience with cellular automata either. What u say
seems plausible, but then the life game might have been coded that way,
because most OO language don't offer concurrent objects and the
distributed OO approach (seems to be a very recent concept).

Looking at life u probably could save time, if u only would evaluate
code on cells, where the neighbors have changed status. So rather than
triggering them all centrally and each checks its neighbours, we could
use the concept:

- let the active ones trigger the neighbours  so pass on activity

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Monad Syntax

2010-12-13 Thread caseyh


A Neighborhood of Infinity

Monday, August 07, 2006
You Could Have Invented Monads! (And Maybe You Already Have.)


The following part:

let x = 7
y - Writer (x+1,inc\n)
z - Writer (2*y,double\n)
Writer (z-1,dec\n)

The notation is very suggestive. When we write y - ... it's as if we  
can pretend that the expression on the right hand side is just x+1 and  
that the side-effect just looks after itself.

Why pretend?
Couldn't the syntax be:

let x = 7
y - x+1, Writer (inc\n)
z - 2*y, Writer (double\n)
z-1, Writer (dec\n)

Or some other delimiter than the comma?

I'm thinking this syntax might be easier to understand. :)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Hood on Hackage is an interesting way to see intermediate data structures.

2010-11-15 Thread caseyh

Hood on Hackage is an interesting way to see intermediate data structures.

{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}

-- Fold Behaviour Observed

module Folding where

-- See Hood on Hackage
import Observe
import Data.List

n = 10::Int
fr = foldr (observe Add (+)) 0 [1..n]
fl = foldl (observe Add (+)) 0 [1..n]
frr = foldr (observe Add (+)) 0 (reverse [1..n])
flr = foldl (observe Add (+)) 0 (reverse [1..n])

fro = printO fr
flo = printO fl
frro = printO frr
flro = printO flr

fl' = foldl' (observe Add (+)) 0 [1..n]
flr' = foldl' (observe Add (+)) 0 (reverse [1..n])

flo' = printO fl'
flro' = printO flr'

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] If Python now has a good email library; how challenging is it to call Python from Haskell?

2010-10-27 Thread caseyh


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Is it possible to easily connect Haskell to JavaScript/JavaFX in the browser and use a browser as a Windows GUI? :)

2010-10-20 Thread caseyh
Is it possible to easily connect Haskell to JavaScript/JavaFX in the  
browser and use a browser as a Windows GUI? :)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Haskell Front Page Ideas

2010-10-17 Thread caseyh
How about a bullet list of Haskell's features (maybe pros  cons)  
might be better; followed by a list of a few other languages and their  

As Jon Bentley has said, design is usually trade-offs but when you  
can come up with something that is a mutual benefit; so much the  
better. :)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] I'm still having challenges to get a Haskell GUI to work under Windows 7

2010-10-07 Thread caseyh
I'm still having challenges to get a Haskell GUI to work under Windows  
7; even after various instructions on the web.

e.g. Haskell Platform 2010.2.0.0, wxWidgets-2.9.1, wxHaskell

Similar challenges with GTK+ and gtk2hs.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Is there a more recent paper or article than Can GUI Programming Be Liberated From The IO Monad

2010-10-07 Thread caseyh
Is there a more recent paper or article than Can GUI Programming Be  
Liberated From The IO Monad?  :)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] I still cannot seem to get a GUI working under Windows.

2010-09-29 Thread caseyh

I still cannot seem to get a GUI working under Windows.

For Haskell GUI's is Ubuntu easier to setup.

If so, we're losing people if Haskell GUI's are so hard to get working  
under Windows.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] When I change the cabal file to say preference: base = 4

2010-09-29 Thread caseyh

When I change the cabal file to say
preference: base = 4
I still get, you are using base 3.0 which is deprecated.
When I change the overall cabal profile, the error message still comes up.
It seems like some other part of the install process is controlling  
the base version, besides the *.cabal and cabal profile file.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Why can't libraries/frameworks like wxHaskell/gtk2hs/... be used with newer versions of ghc/wxWidgets/GTK+/... ?

2010-09-27 Thread caseyh
Why can't libraries/frameworks like wxHaskell/gtk2hs/... be used with  
newer versions of ghc/wxWidgets/GTK+/... ?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Does Hackage have a connection to some SFT package (Significant FFT coefficients) ...

2010-08-06 Thread caseyh
Does Hackage have a connection to some SFT package (Significant FFT  
coefficients) and/or can one get the SFT from FFTW without generating  
all the coefficients?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How does one get off haskell?

2010-06-24 Thread caseyh

Quoting Andrew Coppin andrewcop...@btinternet.com:

Serguey Zefirov wrote:

I should suggest code generation from Haskell to C#/Java and PHP.

Like Barrelfish, Atom, HJScript and many others EDSLs out there.

You will save yourself time, you will enjoy Haskell. Probably, you
will have problems with management because your programs will appear
there in their completeness very suddently. ;

I would imagine a bigger problem is that machine-generated C# is  
probably incomprehensible to humans. ;-)

Most machine-generated code is probably incomprehensible to humans. :)

What one wants is a translator back and forth, if one could understand  
the machine-generated code.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] In other words is there a good place to post stuff like the following?

2010-06-23 Thread caseyh
-- Algorithms From: Selected Papers on Design of Algorithms, Donald  
Knuth, 2010

-- Chapter 10 Addition Machines
-- Haskell version by Casey Hawthorne

-- Note this is only a skeleton of the chapter,
-- so as to wet your interest to buy the book.

-- Addition Machine

-- The only operations allowed are the following:
-- read x
-- x - y
-- x - x + y
-- x - x - y
-- if x = y
-- write x

-- Can all functional versions be tail recursive?


-- Modulus

-- Assuming without loss of generality x=0 and y0,
-- since one can use various identities for other cases.

-- Performs floor(x/y) subtractions.
modulusNaive x y
| x = y= modulusNaive (x-y) y
| otherwise = x

-- Can we do better?
-- Uses a doubling procedure to subtract larger multiplies of y.
-- Bounded by O(log(x/y))^2
modulusByDoubling x y
| x = y= helper y y
| otherwise = x
helper w z
| x  z = helper z z+z
| otherwise = modulusByDoubling (x-w) y

-- Can we do better?
-- Want bounded by O(log(x/y)).
-- Addition Machine, so cannot divide by 2.
-- Implicitly use the Fibonacci representation of floor(x/y)
-- instead of its the binary representation.
-- F0 = 0; F1 = 1; Fn = F(n-1) + F(n-2), n =2
-- Every nonnegative integer n can be uniquely represented in the form
-- n = F(m1) + F(m2) + ... + F(mt), m1  m2  ...  mt  0
-- where t = 0 and m  m' means that m - m' = 2
-- If n  0 this representation can be found by choosing m1 such that
-- F(m1) = n  F(m1+1)

-- Furthermore Fibonacci numbers grow exponentially,
-- about 69% as fast as powers of 2.
-- They have been used as power-of-2 analogs in a variety of algorithms.

modulusFib x y
| x = y= helper x y y
| otherwise = x
helper x y z
| x  z = helper x z y+z
| otherwise = helper2 x y z

helper2 x y z
| x = y= helper2 (x-y) y z
| y  z = helper2 x (z-y) y
| otherwise = x

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] In other words is there a good place to post stuff like the following?

2010-06-23 Thread caseyh
-- Algorithms From: Selected Papers on Design of Algorithms, Donald  
Knuth, 2010

-- Chapter 10 Addition Machines
-- Haskell version by Casey Hawthorne

-- Note this is only a skeleton of the chapter,
-- so as to wet your interest to buy the book.

-- Addition Machine

-- The only operations allowed are the following:
-- read x
-- x - y
-- x - x + y
-- x - x - y
-- if x = y
-- write x

-- Can all functional versions be tail recursive?


-- Modulus

-- Assuming without loss of generality x=0 and y0,
-- since one can use various identities for other cases.

-- Performs floor(x/y) subtractions.
modulusNaive x y
| x = y= modulusNaive (x-y) y
| otherwise = x

-- Can we do better?
-- Uses a doubling procedure to subtract larger multiplies of y.
-- Bounded by O(log(x/y))^2
modulusByDoubling x y
| x = y= helper y y
| otherwise = x
helper w z
| x  z = helper z z+z
| otherwise = modulusByDoubling (x-w) y

-- Can we do better?
-- Want bounded by O(log(x/y)).
-- Addition Machine, so cannot divide by 2.
-- Implicitly use the Fibonacci representation of floor(x/y)
-- instead of its the binary representation.
-- F0 = 0; F1 = 1; Fn = F(n-1) + F(n-2), n =2
-- Every nonnegative integer n can be uniquely represented in the form
-- n = F(m1) + F(m2) + ... + F(mt), m1  m2  ...  mt  0
-- where t = 0 and m  m' means that m - m' = 2
-- If n  0 this representation can be found by choosing m1 such that
-- F(m1) = n  F(m1+1)

-- Furthermore Fibonacci numbers grow exponentially,
-- about 69% as fast as powers of 2.
-- They have been used as power-of-2 analogs in a variety of algorithms.

modulusFib x y
| x = y= helper x y y
| otherwise = x
helper x y z
| x  z = helper x z y+z
| otherwise = helper2 x y z

helper2 x y z
| x = y= helper2 (x-y) y z
| y  z = helper2 x (z-y) y
| otherwise = x

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] What is Haskell unsuitable for? Dis-functional programming!

2010-06-17 Thread caseyh


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] The functional-object style seems to be gaining momentum.

2010-06-17 Thread caseyh

The functional-object style seems to be gaining momentum.
Is there any way to convert monads into objects, so that beginners  
have an easier time with the syntax and thus we can attract more  
people to the language?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What is Haskell unsuitable for?

2010-06-17 Thread caseyh
If you want to use cool languages, you may have to get a cool job. I  
know: it's easy to say and harder to accomplish.

Most functional languages (e.g. Lisp, Haskell, ...) have a challenging  
time in industry since they require some savvy with multiple levels of  
higher abstractions and some savvy with mathematical ideas and some  
savvy with functional algorithms and data structures.

Also, your manager has probably come up through the technical ranks on  
his/her OOA/OOD/OOP skills and sees you as a young (or not) upstart  
trying to show off.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Math questions

2010-05-25 Thread caseyh

Quoting Mujtaba Boori mujtaba.bo...@gmail.com:

I am try to solve this equation

Define a higher order function  that tests whether two functions , both
defined on integers , coincide for all integers between 1 and 100

 how can I solve this ?
is there any thing in Haskell library to solve this kind ?

Mujtaba Ali Alboori

This sounds like homework.

In any case, won't your HOF take as input the two functions and the  
input range to check.

Then think about how you might compare the output of the two functions.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Books for advanced Haskell

2010-03-04 Thread caseyh

CBV = Call By Value, essentially strict evaluation
CBN = Call By Name
Call by Need = Call-by-need is a memoized version of call-by-name;  
essentially lazy evaluation

CBL = Maybe a new acronym for Call by Need.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] QOTM: It's a series of 3 TLAs designed to make people who know what they are feel more in-the-know than those who don't.

2010-03-04 Thread caseyh


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] If monads are single/linearly threaded, doesn't that reduce parallelism?

2010-02-09 Thread caseyh

Haskell-Cafe mailing list