Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monadic bind with associated types + PHOAS?

2008-11-19 Thread Wouter Swierstra

Hi Ryan,

On 19 Nov 2008, at 04:39, Ryan Ingram wrote:
In HOAS, a lambda expression in the target language is represented  
by a function in the source language:

data ExpE t where
  ApE :: ExpE (a - b) - ExpE a - ExpE b
  LamE :: (ExpE a - ExpE b) - ExpE (a - b)

But without a way to inspect the function inside LamE, you can't get
back to the source code.  You end up adding special constructors for
Primitive or Variable to let you do something with the resultant
structure, which leads to the expression language containing unsafe
constructors which need to be hidden.

There's a perfectly legitimate way to incorporate free variables in  
your expression data type, without sacrificing type safety. You just  
need to parametrise your expression type by the context:

 data Exp g t where
   App :: Exp g (a - b) - Exp g a - Exp g b
   Lam :: (Exp g a - Exp g b) - Exp g (a - b)
   Var :: Var g a - Exp g a

 data Var g a where
   Top :: Var (a,g) a
   Pop :: Var a g - Var a (b, g)

I wouldn't call this unsafe (or at least no more unsafe than HOAS).  
Note that in particular Exp Empty a correspond to closed terms,  
where Empty denotes the empty type.

Secondly, you can always turn a HOAS Exp into non-HOAS expression.  
Essentially, you map applications to applications, etc. The only  
interesting case deal with lambda abstractions - there you need to  
generate a fresh variable name, apply the function to the fresh  
variable, and continue traversing the resulting expression. You might  
be interested in a tutorial Andres Loeh, Conor McBride, and I wrote  
about implementing a dependently typed lambda calculus:

The quote function in Figure 7 gives the code.

Does anyone think this is a direction worth pursuing?

I'm not convinced yet. The problem is that there's no best way to  
handle binding. HOAS is great for some things (you don't have to write  
substitution), but annoying for others (optimisations or showing  
code). From your message, I couldn't understand why you want to use  
monads/do-notation to handle binding. Care to elaborate?

All the best,


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monadic bind with associated types + PHOAS?

2008-11-19 Thread Ryan Ingram
On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 1:04 AM, Wouter Swierstra [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm not convinced yet. The problem is that there's no best way to handle
 binding. HOAS is great for some things (you don't have to write
 substitution), but annoying for others (optimisations or showing code).

PHOAS solves showing code quite nicely, in my opinion.  I haven't
tried to write a real optimizer using it yet.  It's probably better to
convert to a better intermediate representation and then back when
you're done.

The nice thing about HOAS, in my opinion, is not that it's a good
representation of a language; rather it is that the syntax for
*writing* it in your code is much nicer than the explicit variable
references needed otherwise, because you have lifted part of the
syntax into the host language.

 From your message, I couldn't understand why you want to use 
 to handle binding. Care to elaborate?

Sure; I guess I should explain the motivation a bit.

I really like the syntax for do-notation.  And I really like how great
Haskell is as writing embedded languages, a lot of which comes from
the programmable semicolon that monadic bind gives you.

But there's no equivalent programmable variable bind, or
programmable function application; both are generalizations of
do-notation that would be useful for embedded languages.

So I have been thinking about what makes variable binding special.
What is it that we get from a variable bind? How can we create a
structure that allows one to program  control the results of the
binding values to variables?

This has many uses in embedded languages:
1) We can observe sharing; solving this in DSLs in Haskell usually
leads to really ugly syntax.
2) We can write interpretation functions that can examine all possible
execution paths; this is basically introspection on functions.  This
lets us do whole program optimization or other transformations on the
result of the monadic code.

(2) is usually solved via arrows, although arr makes a true solution
quite difficult.  I don't know of an elegant solution for (1) at all.

Do you have any ideas along these lines?

  -- ryan
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Monadic bind with associated types + PHOAS?

2008-11-18 Thread Ryan Ingram
This is an idea that has been bouncing around in my head for a while,
having to do with embedded languages.

A few of the talks at CUFP this year mentioned using Haskell to embed
a DSL that gets compiled into the output of the program; the hydraulic
engine talk embedded the code for the real-time safety computation in
the trucks, and one of the finance talks embedded a language for
designing Excel spreadsheets.

One thing that often comes up is a desire to do a pass on the
resultant code to optimize it, but it's pretty difficult with the
standard monadic formulation because of embedded functions.  You can't
do introspection on functions in Haskell; they aren't elements of Eq
or Show.  This has caused, for example, some implementations of FRP to
switch to using arrows instead.  However, I find the arrow syntax
cumbersome and I feel it tends to obfuscate what is actually going on
in the code.

An earlier talk at ICFP mentioned using PHOAS instead of HOAS to
encode expressions.  In HOAS, a lambda expression in the target
language is represented by a function in the source language:

 data ExpE t where
ApE :: ExpE (a - b) - ExpE a - ExpE b
LamE :: (ExpE a - ExpE b) - ExpE (a - b)

But without a way to inspect the function inside LamE, you can't get
back to the source code.  You end up adding special constructors for
Primitive or Variable to let you do something with the resultant
structure, which leads to the expression language containing unsafe
constructors which need to be hidden.

PHOAS makes a small change to make many of these things possible
without compromising safety:

 data ExpP v t where
VarP :: v t - ExpP v t
ApP :: ExpP v (a - b) - ExpP v a - ExpP v b
LamP :: (v a - ExpP v b) - ExpP v (a - b)

 newtype Exp t = Exp (forall v. ExpP v t)

Now, by parametricity, if you are constructing an Exp t, the only
useful thing you can do with the variable passed to LamP is give it to
VarP.  This means the code using it is basically the same as the HOAS
code, except a couple of extra VarP constructors inserted, but you
gain the ability to inspect inside the lambda and extract the code it

An couple of examples, from a PHOAS test I wrote up:

1) An evaluator
 eval :: Exp t - t
 eval (Exp e) = evalP e

 newtype Prim a = Prim a
 evalP :: ExpP Prim t - t
 evalP (VarP (Prim a)) = a
 evalP (ApP e1 e2) = evalPrim e1 $ evalPrim e2
 evalP (LamP f) = evalPrim . f . VarP . Prim

2) using show to peek inside functions!

] -- implementation is an exercise for the reader
] -- you'll learn a lot! :)
] newtype Var a = Var String
] showExp :: ExpP Var a - ShowS

ghci let test = Exp $ Lam $ \a - Lam $ \b - Var a
ghci :t test
test :: Exp (t - t1 - t)
ghci print test
\x y - x

It seems to me this exact transformation could be useful to express
variable binding in embedded languages!

 type family Primitive m a
 type family BoundVar m a
 class PMonad m where
 preturn :: Primitive m a - m a
 pbind :: m a - (BoundVar m a - m b) - m b

Now, this strictly generalizes regular monads:

 newtype Wrap m a = Wrap (m a)
 unwrap (Wrap m) = m
 type instance Primitive (Wrap m) a = a
 type instance BoundVar (Wrap m) a = a
 instance Monad m = PMonad (Wrap m) where
 preturn x = WM (return x)
 pbind m f = WM (unwrap m = unwrap . f)

So, it seems like the do-notation should work on this type, although
you lose pattern matching ([x] - getArgs).  And you can use PHOAS
techniques to build up a structure that you can introspect and

Does anyone think this is a direction worth pursuing?  It seems to me
like a point where the current syntax of Haskell could mesh well with
the new type-system technology that we keep getting from GHC HQ.

  -- ryan
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Monadic bind with associated types + PHOAS?

2008-11-18 Thread oleg

Ryan Ingram wrote:
 One thing that often comes up is a desire to do a pass on the
 resultant code to optimize it, but it's pretty difficult with the
 standard monadic formulation because of embedded functions.  You can't
 do introspection on functions in Haskell; they aren't elements of Eq
 or Show.  This has caused, for example, some implementations of FRP to
 switch to using arrows instead.  However, I find the arrow syntax
 cumbersome and I feel it tends to obfuscate what is actually going on
 in the code.

 An earlier talk at ICFP mentioned using PHOAS instead of HOAS to
 encode expressions.  In HOAS, a lambda expression in the target
 language is represented by a function in the source language:

If one uses a tagless final representation, one benefits from the
conveniences of the higher-order abstract syntax and yet gains the
ability to show terms, count the number of constructors and even
partially evaluate them (i.e., optimize). For the example, please see
(in particular, see Semantics2 for the partial evaluator that does not
use GADT). We can easily add an interpreter that does a CPS transform,
thus letting us embed a CBV object language in a Haskell without
any use of monad or the change of syntax of the object language. We
can easily extend the language to add state (as we have done in the
OCaml part of the project).
Haskell-Cafe mailing list