[Haskell-cafe] Re: Announcement: Beta of Leksah IDE available

2009-04-02 Thread Simon Marlow

David Waern wrote:

2009/4/2 Duncan Coutts duncan.cou...@worc.ox.ac.uk:

On Wed, 2009-04-01 at 22:13 +0200, David Waern wrote:

2009/4/1 jutaro j...@arcor.de:

I guess you mean the dialog which should help leksah to find sources
for installed packages. It needs this so you can go to all the definitions
in the base packages ... This is very handy if it works. Look to the manual
for details.

Maybe could add support to Cabal for installing sources? Should be
very useful to have in general.


Jutaru, perhaps a nice Hackathon project? :-)

I think there's some design work to do there.  See the discussion on the 
GHC ticket: http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/2630.

In short: just keeping the source code around isn't enough.  You need some 
metadata in order to make sense of the source code - for example, you can't 
feed the source code to the GHC API without knowing which additional flags 
need to be passed, and those come from the .cabal file.  Also you probably 
want to stash the results of the 'cabal configure' step so that you can get 
a view of the source code that is consistent with the version(s?) you 
compiled.  We need to think about about backwards and 
forwards-compatibility of whatever metadata format is used.

And then you'll need Cabal APIs to extract the metadata.  So we need to 
think about what APIs make sense, and the best way to do that is to think 
about what tool(s) you want to write and use that to drive the API design.

Perhaps all this is going a bit too far.  Maybe we want to just stash the 
source code and accept that there are some things that you just can't do 
with it.  However, I imagine that pretty soon people will want to feed the 
source code into the GHC API, and at that point we have to tackle the build 
metadata issues.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Announcement: Beta of Leksah IDE available

2009-04-01 Thread Benjamin L . Russell
Your logo, a lowercase lambda merged with an inverted version of the
same sharing a single spine, loosely resembles an uppercase 'H', and
could possibly serve as a Haskell logo.  It is simple, can represent
simultaneously both lambda and Haskell, and can easily be enlarged
or reduced without loss of legibility.  Why didn't you submit it in
the Haskell Logo Competition?

The next time this competition comes around, if you don't mind, please
submit this logo as an entry!

-- Benjamin L. Russell
Benjamin L. Russell  /   DekuDekuplex at Yahoo dot com
Translator/Interpreter / Mobile:  +011 81 80-3603-6725
Furuike ya, kawazu tobikomu mizu no oto. 
-- Matsuo Basho^ 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Announcement: Beta of Leksah IDE available

2009-04-01 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Wed, 1 Apr 2009, Benjamin L.Russell wrote:

Your logo, a lowercase lambda merged with an inverted version of the
same sharing a single spine, loosely resembles an uppercase 'H', and
could possibly serve as a Haskell logo.  It is simple, can represent
simultaneously both lambda and Haskell, and can easily be enlarged
or reduced without loss of legibility.  Why didn't you submit it in
the Haskell Logo Competition?

Because it is already the Leksah logo? :-)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Announcement: Beta of Leksah IDE available

2009-03-31 Thread Achim Schneider
J__rgen Nicklisch-Franken j...@arcor.de wrote:

 So I please the members of the community to pause for a moment and try
 out Leksah with a benevolent attitude.

I did (the previous version, tbh), and couldn't find anything to
seriously bicker about... a few problems regarding metadata generation,
but that was dealt with as soon as I RTFM'ed. Ah, yes, you shouldn't be
able to close the toolbar by pressing on one of its buttons that
incidentally looks just like the one to close a file.

Completition already rocks, the interface is nicely configurable
(although I resorted to editing config and session files instead of
using gui commands[1]), project management worked out fine (after I
figured out that I had to manually configure leksah to pass --user to
cabal), all in all it's an impressive piece of code that radiates later
uberness instead of lacking features. Last, but not least, it's _fast_,
_way_ more zappy than eclipse. As far as basic IDE features are
concerned, it's also complete.

The one thing that keeps me from switching to it, right now, is the
editor not being a vi. While gtksourceview might be, in theory,
a usable editor, my muscle memory tells me otherwise. It'd be like
switching to autoconf for C development instead of just copying over my
beloved OMakefile.

Providing refactoring support would make it irresistible... maybe it's
time to add a plugin layer, so that things like vacuum or a wrapper
around hp2ps can register themselves with leksah, without giving up
their identity as stand-alone projects. Plugability is the one feature
that made eclipse big, and it won't hurt leksah, either.

[1] I utterly failed to figure out how to do stuff[2], seriously.
Eclipse has a really nice dragdrop interface with visual feedback
to rearrange stuff, but I'm not the kind of guy who drops a program
for lacking such bellswhistles.
[2] Stuff being rearranging divisions such that it's first split
horizontally, the console/type view etc. taking up the bottom part
and the upper part being split vertically into source view/module
browser. I just can't stand wrapped lines on the console. Somehow,
I think it should be the default arrangement.

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