[Haskell-cafe] Re: I'm stuck in my thought experiment

2007-08-21 Thread Al Falloon

Levi Stephen wrote:

Al Falloon wrote:
This code seems to indicate that you want to be able to extend the 
widget types without changing this source file. This is a good goal, 
but it may not be worth the extra complexity.

Ideally, I'd like Widgets to be added through hs-plugins or similar. That
is a ideal goal though, not a necessity.

Also, this looks a lot like the Composite pattern from OO. A rule of 
thumb that I use is: if I would do this with inheritance in OO, I 
probably want a variant in FP. Since Composite depends on the 
inheritance of the composite object type, I would probably look to use 
a  single data type with multiple constructors for the different 
compisites like the Widget type above.

Interesting. I've been curious how OO concepts can map to FP, as most specs
(consider stuff like DOM) seem to be written with OO implementaitons in 

This is a very interesting discussion that could be its own text book 
(or flame war) as far as I can tell, the only answer everyone agrres on 
is it depends. After that it gets a little hairy.

For me, I find that the best method is to just come at the problem fresh 
using an FP approach, and don't worry about 'mapping' the concepts.

If I wanted to develop the widgets themselves separately from the 
layout, I would probably do something like this:

class Widget a where
render :: a - Html
bbox :: a - Size

type Layout = forall a. Widget a = Widget a
| Rows Spacing [Layout]
| Columns Spacing [Layout]
| Grid Spacing [[Layout]]

type Page = Page String Layout

renderLayout :: Layout - Html

renderPage :: Page - Html

I'm unsure this gives what I'm after. I'm trying to have layouts consist 
of Widgets (e.g., header images, common menu), and as pages also consist 
of Widgets it seems like they can be modelled using a common 

Well if you want to abstract over the layout too, you can just add

instance Widget Layout where
render = renderLayout
bbox = ...

But just because you can, doesn't mean you should. I don't know the full 
details of your design, but what do you gain by allowing the layout to 
intermingle with the widgets? Is worth the extra complexity?

If you treat layout as just another widget then it becomes harder to 
answer specific questions about the page layout because you have less 
information in your tree.

So you want some sort of wildcard element that can be substituted in
later? Maybe I am misunderstanding your requirement, but if thats the
behavior you want, you should check out the term-level evaluators for
lambda calculus for inspiration on substitution, but I expect your
requirement may be simpler than that.

I'm thinking a BlankWidget or ReplacableWidget is a fairly simple 
option. They could be named for the case of multiple replacements, and 
have a method similar to

-- src   -   replacements- result
replaceWidgets :: Widget - [(String,Widget)] - Widget

which replaces all ReplacableWidgets in the source Widget with those 

Would you happen to have some links on the evaluators for lambda 
calculus you talk about? I'm not as familiar as I should be with lambda 

They are surprisingly hard to find! It must be one of those things that 
is so ingrained that no-one thinks to write it down. Anyway, the closest 
I could find to what I meant is the Interpretive Haskell programmer 
heading in The evolution of a Haskell programmer 

However, now that I look at your example again, I may have been too 
quick to answer with LC evaluator! because your language only has 
substitution and not abstraction (defining functions) so you don't have 
much of the complexity to contend with.

The obvious implementation of replaceWidgets will probably work fine for 

It might be simple to have a PlaceHolderWidget. Then insertions of 
the child page

content happens at each of those widgets.

This just gets trickier if I start considering multiple extension 
points for child
pages and what happens when the layout/parent page changes. This is 
why I'm

thinking I may be going along a bad path here.

Exactly. With multiple substitutions you get into issues of naming, so 
thats why looking at lambda calculus evaluators would be the right 
inspiration, but I think it may be more complicated than you need. The 
zipper approach might be easier.

I think I will try and investigate both approaches. I'm after the 
process here, rather than the end result

Good luck.

You can learn a lot just by lurking on the cafe and reading some of the 
better blogs. The papers are also good reading, I have a rule of 2 if 
I have heard the title come up twice, I read it.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: I'm stuck in my thought experiment

2007-08-21 Thread Levi Stephen

If I wanted to develop the widgets themselves separately from the 
layout, I would probably do something like this:

class Widget a where
render :: a - Html
bbox :: a - Size

type Layout = forall a. Widget a = Widget a
| Rows Spacing [Layout]
| Columns Spacing [Layout]
| Grid Spacing [[Layout]]

type Page = Page String Layout

renderLayout :: Layout - Html

renderPage :: Page - Html

I'm unsure this gives what I'm after. I'm trying to have layouts 
consist of Widgets (e.g., header images, common menu), and as pages 
also consist of Widgets it seems like they can be modelled using a 
common type/construct.

Well if you want to abstract over the layout too, you can just add

instance Widget Layout where
render = renderLayout
bbox = ...

But just because you can, doesn't mean you should. I don't know the full 
details of your design, but what do you gain by allowing the layout to 
intermingle with the widgets? Is worth the extra complexity?

If you treat layout as just another widget then it becomes harder to 
answer specific questions about the page layout because you have less 
information in your tree.

Layout might not actually be the right term. Page template might be better.

What I'm trying to gain is best described with an example.

* I have a template with a header image, and footer text.
* I create another template defined as the previous, but with a menu bar down
  the left.
* I create a page based on the previous with some text.

The gain comes from when I want to change the header image, or add a 
Login/Register box on all pages, I only edit the first template.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: I'm stuck in my thought experiment

2007-08-20 Thread Levi Stephen

Al Falloon wrote:

Maybe I am misunderstanding your requirements, but it seems to me that 
the simplest solution would be best in this case:

data Widget = BlogWidget [Article]
| TextWidget String
| MenuWiget Menu
| Rows Spacing [Widget]
| Columns Spacing [Widget]

You can also add a type parameter if you want to be able to carry around 
extra metadata about pages, or you could even parameterize the Article 
and Menu types if you want to be able to extend them separately or if 
you want to ensure your layout algorithms don't depend on widget 
contents by keeping their type abstract.

Thanks for pointing out a simple solution. Over thinking this is something
I'm worried about :)

This code seems to indicate that you want to be able to extend the 
widget types without changing this source file. This is a good goal, but 
it may not be worth the extra complexity.

Ideally, I'd like Widgets to be added through hs-plugins or similar. That
is a ideal goal though, not a necessity.

Also, this looks a lot like the Composite pattern from OO. A rule of 
thumb that I use is: if I would do this with inheritance in OO, I 
probably want a variant in FP. Since Composite depends on the 
inheritance of the composite object type, I would probably look to use a 
 single data type with multiple constructors for the different 
compisites like the Widget type above.

Interesting. I've been curious how OO concepts can map to FP, as most specs
(consider stuff like DOM) seem to be written with OO implementaitons in mind.

If I wanted to develop the widgets themselves separately from the 
layout, I would probably do something like this:

class Widget a where
render :: a - Html
bbox :: a - Size

type Layout = forall a. Widget a = Widget a
| Rows Spacing [Layout]
| Columns Spacing [Layout]
| Grid Spacing [[Layout]]

type Page = Page String Layout

renderLayout :: Layout - Html

renderPage :: Page - Html

I'm unsure this gives what I'm after. I'm trying to have layouts consist of 
Widgets (e.g., header images, common menu), and as pages also consist of Widgets 
it seems like they can be modelled using a common type/construct.

The issue becomes, given a parent page and the customized content for 
the child page,

what is the best way to insert the customized content at the right point?

Might a tree like structure be useful? But, how do you work out where 
in the tree
child content gets added? Store a traversal with each sub tree of 
child page content

that basically says 'insert here'?

This is probably a good use for a zipper (a kind of functional 
iterator). http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Haskell/Zippers that way you can 
pass around a value that means right here, and its clear where the 
substitution will happen.

I was wondering with zippers were appropriate, or if I just had them in mind
becuase I'd read so much about them lately :)

 So you want some sort of wildcard element that can be substituted in
 later? Maybe I am misunderstanding your requirement, but if thats the
 behavior you want, you should check out the term-level evaluators for
 lambda calculus for inspiration on substitution, but I expect your
 requirement may be simpler than that.

I'm thinking a BlankWidget or ReplacableWidget is a fairly simple option. They 
could be named for the case of multiple replacements, and have a method similar to

-- src   -   replacements- result
replaceWidgets :: Widget - [(String,Widget)] - Widget

which replaces all ReplacableWidgets in the source Widget with those specified.

Would you happen to have some links on the evaluators for lambda calculus you 
talk about? I'm not as familiar as I should be with lambda calculus

It might be simple to have a PlaceHolderWidget. Then insertions of the 
child page

content happens at each of those widgets.

This just gets trickier if I start considering multiple extension 
points for child
pages and what happens when the layout/parent page changes. This is 
why I'm

thinking I may be going along a bad path here.

Exactly. With multiple substitutions you get into issues of naming, so 
thats why looking at lambda calculus evaluators would be the right 
inspiration, but I think it may be more complicated than you need. The 
zipper approach might be easier.

I think I will try and investigate both approaches. I'm after the process here, 
rather than the end result

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: I'm stuck in my thought experiment

2007-08-17 Thread Al Falloon

Levi Stephen wrote:


Apologies for a long post that may not be totally clear. I was thinking 
a problem and how the data might be represented in Haskell. I'm now 
stuck and

frustrated. Now, I'm not even sure whether I'm on the right track (I might
still be thinking too OO). Suggestions/ideas would be much appreciated.

I was imagining a drag and drop web page designer. There are a bunch of
Widgets (e.g., BlogWidget, TextWidget, MenuWidget, etc) that the user can
place on the page.

Along with these are layout/container widgets (e.g., ColumnLayoutWidget) 
that can contain

other widgets.

I'm looking at a data structure that would allow this to be represented 
in Haskell,

so I'm keeping in mind that these won't be written in code, but generated
on the fly somehow (e.g., from a database or file).

Maybe I am misunderstanding your requirements, but it seems to me that 
the simplest solution would be best in this case:

data Widget = BlogWidget [Article]
| TextWidget String
| MenuWiget Menu
| Rows Spacing [Widget]
| Columns Spacing [Widget]

You can also add a type parameter if you want to be able to carry around 
extra metadata about pages, or you could even parameterize the Article 
and Menu types if you want to be able to extend them separately or if 
you want to ensure your layout algorithms don't depend on widget 
contents by keeping their type abstract.

So, my thoughts were along the lines of something like:

class Widget a where
 render :: a - Html

-- A page has a title and a Widget.
-- I know this isn't valid Haskell, but I'm not sure how to specify what I
-- want here. (existential types?)
data Page = Page String Widget

data TextWidget = TextWidget String
instance Widget TextWidget 

-- An example layout widget
data ColumnLayoutWidget = ColumnLayoutWidget [Widget]
instance Widget ColumnLayoutWidget ...

So, entire pages might be represented something like:

Page Main (ColumnLayoutWidget [MenuWidget, TextWidget mainPageText])
Page About (ColumnLayoutWidget [MenuWidget, TextWidget aboutPageText])

This code seems to indicate that you want to be able to extend the 
widget types without changing this source file. This is a good goal, but 
it may not be worth the extra complexity.

Also, this looks a lot like the Composite pattern from OO. A rule of 
thumb that I use is: if I would do this with inheritance in OO, I 
probably want a variant in FP. Since Composite depends on the 
inheritance of the composite object type, I would probably look to use a 
 single data type with multiple constructors for the different 
compisites like the Widget type above.

If I wanted to develop the widgets themselves separately from the 
layout, I would probably do something like this:

class Widget a where
render :: a - Html
bbox :: a - Size

type Layout = forall a. Widget a = Widget a
| Rows Spacing [Layout]
| Columns Spacing [Layout]
| Grid Spacing [[Layout]]

type Page = Page String Layout

renderLayout :: Layout - Html

renderPage :: Page - Html

Where I get stuck, is I want to extract layout information into a parent 
This would allow global changes such as adding a header image to the 
above pages

to be done once only.

By making the layout type separate from the widgets themselves, it 
allows you to examine the layout and do any transformations you want 
without having to know anything about the widgets.

So I want to be able to have something like:

layout = Page Main (ColumnLayoutWidget [MenuWidget, ??? ])
mainPage = ChildPage layout [TextWidget mainPageText]
aboutPage = ChildPage layout [TextWidget aboutPageText]

So, each page is it's layout/parent page, with additional widgets 

So you want some sort of wildcard element that can be substituted in 
later? Maybe I am misunderstanding your requirement, but if thats the 
behavior you want, you should check out the term-level evaluators for 
lambda calculus for inspiration on substitution, but I expect your 
requirement may be simpler than that.

The issue becomes, given a parent page and the customized content for 
the child page,

what is the best way to insert the customized content at the right point?

Might a tree like structure be useful? But, how do you work out where in 
the tree
child content gets added? Store a traversal with each sub tree of child 
page content

that basically says 'insert here'?

This is probably a good use for a zipper (a kind of functional 
iterator). http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Haskell/Zippers that way you can 
pass around a value that means right here, and its clear where the 
substitution will happen.

Another good zipper war story is from xmonad: 

It might be simple to have a PlaceHolderWidget. Then insertions of the 
child page

content happens at each of those widgets.

This just gets trickier if I start considering multiple extension